THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Tuesday, February 16, 1913. PAGE TWO MM. TIGERS TO M mens HERE Basketball Games Between Ti gers and Locals Arranged for Thursday, Friday. GROSS FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS CONSTIPATED A sport event of unusual interest Is scheduled on the local calendar for this week, the games to be played be tureen the basketball teams of the local Y. M. C. A. and that of the Knoxvllle "Tigers." The visitors have been here before this season and man aged to get away with the decision in both the contests which they played with the association boys. The scores, however, were so close in both con testa that the home boys have not felt satisfied with their showing and have been extremely anxious to get another chance at the Tennesseeans. They fig uer that the team which they have to gether now is at least 60 per cent, stronger than the one which was de feated and feel as though the outcome of the games on Thursday and Frlday nlghta eg this week will show quite a difference from the scores that were registered In the previous encounters, la preparation for the coming con tests, the association team has been putting In some very strenuous prac tice and all the members are said to p hitting the basket with deadly ac curacy and the foul tossers are nearly perfect at getting the single points. As & preliminary to the game of Friday night. It ha practically been arranged for the slrls teams of the Asheville HJgn scnool and the Asheville school toe Girls to stage a contest. These two teams have met twice on the T. M. C. A. court and both games furnished : close scores with the High school vic torious In the two bouts. The Ashe Vill Bohool for Girls' team is very 1 confident of annexing the coming ex- Wbitlon and a game well worth seeing seems certain, as yet no preliminary tot Thursday night has been schedul- 1 ed but the manager of the Y. M. C. A. team Is negotiating with several team? to appear in a curtain raiser to the bUs; contest. . Beats are now on sale for the two F games and the advance sale indicates jthat a large attendnce will be present at th contests. NO MUTILATION IN BILL SAYS MARCUS ERW1N Look Mother! If tongue is Coated give "California Syrup of Figs." Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup or Figs", that this Is their ideal laxative because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels with out griping. . When cross, Irritable, feverish er breath is bad, stomach is sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach ache, diarrhoea. Indigestion, colic- remember, a good "inside cleansing" should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mother keep "California Svrun of Fige" handy: they know teasnoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. A'' your druggist for 50-cwit bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Beware of coun terfeits sold here, so don't be fooled Gt the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." .::,. Alleged Changes in Bill Will Be Discussed on Fri day Night. . f LENTEN SEiSQH lilt begin iiea HDNEY-MOON TB1P GAME TOSUDQEN STOP SUNDAY W. H. Woodby Arrested on Charges of Forgery Want ed at Spartanburg. lione;. moon trip came to .U'j liuiuiay when the a crty-D: cl? Penh:- ' . '.'D' Mirruw, which Is !-:. r. r." J!i'.' '.InirS'cal churchrs t.s Ah Wtu- J..lf ay, v.ili NiEtit' 111! tii.'; (,i i J ti.' moc'. solemn seabon iu the I hvi-: i im calendar, known as L?r.t. For; " tti liays, until lha season iihn 1 ejvi ' VHh the feast of the resurrection. trayers will be said daily n ranc ua ties throughout the Christian worlo and the hearts and minds of men and Women will be turned toward the suf : fering Jesus Christ, through whose vicarious atonement the world is v be brought back to fellowship with :. the Father. During the Lenten en.on there will be many fast days, and . throughout the entire period self-de-j ntal will be the dominant thought in ; tha minds of those, who .practice a .: strict observance. Catching the Insplr- ; anon ana conceiving it to be their nty, many followers of the lowly :; Nasartne obeorve once a year a period ; ( 40 days of self denial, fasting and prayer known as Lent. During that ! period which has been sanctified to I many by Its strict observance by Christian leaders for many years, I those who enter into the spirit of its keeping refrain from all unseemly levity and turn their attentions to v ward the things worth while thosj , things which Jesus taught and bade -.; Ifls disciples do until His coming 1 1 a sud- groom s ;un.s!.-d charged with forgery. . .M . Wood by, wanted at Spartan- -;. 10 fact.- a cnaigj of forgery was .i.urert iy ( hief V. N. Lomtnac of 't.a- force after he had . i. ',... .i: UiiU Uugry and started v.c'li.lii; tour. t, '.-.. U. is ivM to have represented i. 1 , n, it,r:e IraveliiiR men in :.: i . n' ; a a ivis'i-chant of this , .' :-t.:t ! i,i,ao t.e used.-' He gave ;;i.;tl i.;od oitlrrs to the men ... i.i . ;!! 1 hi in ilell pied to K. F. ..v. iiilimoro and . told his IJiij iki: lnV had n' sister living in ..1U1.V. lib iKiiso said to have se-n-5 the 1 iiuet cement of one of the .vi ihi,; men to n persona! check for i,iaait la the nanie of the local . The ban'.; to which the j taken fur payment in Spar- luiiburg to:e'hened to this city and foiind out that the man in whose rati'.c the check was written was re sponsible tu the amount of the check ami they the a felt 1111 further anxiety about rrMiing it. i'pon the receipt of the check here, it was at once determlneu to be a forgery and the Houth Carolina cltyj was communicated with. The endors- er of the check came to this city and in company with Chief Lomlnac started out on the trail of the alleged forger. The accused man had married at law Creek in the meantime and when discovered, was In the act of starting on his honeymoon. It will be remembered that after the bill for commission government had ratified at the second mass meet ing of citizens at the court house, those who formed certain changes in the bill suggested the calling of an other mass meeting before the bill should go the legislature for passage, But this meeting was never called, and the bill has now been passed by the legislature. In a letter In this morn ing's Asheville Citizen, Charles A, Webb said that he had been informed that two members of the original com mittee of 21, with the assistance of an Asheville lawyer, who was not a mem ber of the committee, practically re. wrote the entire bill before sending it to Raleigh. Marcus Erwln was asked this morn ing if he had read Mr. Webb's letter. "Yes, sir, I have read Hon. Chaa. A. Webb's letter In the morning paper in which by innuendo, he charges a vio lent assault and terrible mutilation of the commission form bill before send, ing same to Raleigh. "His charge that the bill was re written from start to finish Is abso lutely without foundation. Its evident purpose Is to create dissatisfaction and suspicion within the ranks of the sup porters of the bill. Mr. Webb's alarm sounded through the "Voice of the People" is not the first time this charge has been made. For several days past this whispered report of the secret assault on the bill has been in the mouths of some whose business it will be from now until the nlffht of election to work against com mission form of government in Asheville..:- Let Mr. Webb calm himself. The bill Is safe. Not one single principle or essential feature of commission form has been changed or eliminated from the bill as drafted by the com mittee and ratified by the last mass meeting. I have taken occasion to Investigate these rumors of the unwarranted emasculation and unauthorized changes In this bill and I know they are nothing more than political night mares, the emanations and vagaries of disordered political minds. "The original bill prepared by the committee and the bill as passed by the legislature, will be submitted to the meeting Friday night, and the public will then be able to say wheth er or not Mr. Webb's charges are true, or unfounded." Yesterday afternoon, the committee of 21 Issued a call for mass meeting to he held at the County court house, Fri day night at 8 o'clock. This meeting Is called for the purpose of organizing campaign for the adoption of the commission bin at the election on March 1. Judge Henry B. Stevens, who presided over the two previous mass meetings, will be chairman of Friday night's meeting. Committees for the campaign work; will be named, and ideas for presenting the merits of the bill will be discussed. In view of the question's now raised as to alleged changes made in the bill after Its rat ification, the mass meeting will proo- ablv hear both sides of this contro versy discussed. The meeting bids fair to be instructive as well as inter esting. 5 SENT TOTALING TWO YEARS Nettles and Roberts Make school attendance In Buncombe county com pulsory. ! Bills passed third reading as fol lows: Amend the Cherokee road law and create a road commission. Second Reading for Revenue BUL The House went into committee on the whole on the revenue bill to com plete the consideration by sections. The Mints amendment for section 67 was adopted that changes the tax proposed for newspapers circulation contests from $50 for weeklies to $10 and from $160 for dailies to $25. This amendment was adopted. The "house passed bills on final reading as follows: Presoribe the pay of Jurors in Swain county. Amend the law as to court steno grapher In Buncombe county. The Senate. Henry Jones Convicted of Re tailing and Robbing Jim Cosburn Other Cases. Henry Jones, colored, on charges of robbing Jim Cosburn of $16 last night, while the latter was In a drunken con dition near the deport, drew a sen tence of one year on the roads, at a hearing in his case In Police court to day. Jones was also given one year on the roads on charges of retailing to Cosburn. Appeal bond was named at $400 in the first case and $200 in the second. . Other cases called today are as fol lows: ' :" . Will Isottl and James Swepson, col ored, each drew sentences of 30 days on charges of trespassing. The case against Norma Robinson, colored, charged with assault was con tinued, , Millard Wilkins, colored, was fined $2 and the costs on charges of disorderly conduct. Babe McOee, Colored, was given 60 days on charges of carrying a can celed weapon, With appeal bond fixed at $200. James Alexander, .colored, was taxed with one-half the costs on charges of violating an automobile law. Three "drunks ' were up. STATE ABGH0L1IST IKES Many farmers will be interested ta the following announcement sent out by and under the sanction of the commissioner of agriculture, W. A. Graham, being relative to a mat ter that Is of particular Importance to the agriculturists of tha state at this spring season of the year: The North Carolina state depart ment of agriculture will distribute to ail farmers of the state, liquid tnoc culatlng cultures' for all kinds of peas, beans, clovers, peanuts, alfalfa, ! vetches and so on, at fifty cents an New bills were introduced as fol-aere as against two dollars an acre. lows: ! ' Ichargod by th e leading commercial McLeaod Allow parties to a con-' companies that handle this material. tract to agree on a rate not exceeding Full directions for treating the) seed 8 per cent Interest. McRae Relative to depositions in civil actions. : " Cloud Authorize Polk county to Is sue a special tax. - Herbert Relative to the issuance of bonds for the Hiawassee railroad. Ward Facilitate Jury trials. Giles Relative to the construction of road across the Blue Ridge In Mc Dowell county. Hobgood For the dissolution of bankrupt corporations. It was stated by Senator Majette that the bill for voluntary land seg regation between the races as advo cated by tha State Farmer's Union would be Introduced Tuesday. Bills passed final reading as fol lows: Improve the public roads of Macon county. Extend the time for the organiza tion of the North State Railroad Co. Validate probates, deeds and cer tain other conveyances. Allow officers and witnesses full fees irK Halifax county" when dfend ants are sent to the roads. Validate certain Buncombe county probates and deeds. Repeal recorder's court law for Morganton. . ' go with each bottle, and all postage is prepaid by the department of ag riculture. . Only acre slz ebottles are distributed. Address all orders to he commis. sloner of agriculture and be sure to send payment with your order as we are not allowed to send out the ma terial before receiving the cost of manufacture whio hthe board of agri culture has placed at fifty cents an acre. Approved: W. A. GRAHAM, Commissioner of Agriculture. JAMES L. BURGESS, Agronomist and Botanist In Charge. This is to Assure All oar patrons) that their bua Ismss ha bee appreciated. Hay J915 be the most prosperous of all la our NEW YKAR, WISH. D. 0. Shaw Motor Co. 53-80 Broadway. Phone Z2, K If a "For Sale" Ad High TtnA s K a Market for Something You K st No Longer Need Test tha , t , Matter? It The only rom for conjecture it ' It in the matter lies in the article H t Itself the not-longer needed ar- H It tide which you may want to t It sell. V ' ' It at If It Is still useful still vain- It It able and something which peo- st pie do use, more or less con- It , t monly, then the "For Sale" ad It or ads WILL find your cash It H buyer for you! The Gazette-News It H is the home paper. st si " It sKKKttltltltttlttttKtlttttlt MUCH INTEREST IN INCOME TAX RUBBER FOUND IN ' COTTON WASTE BALES (Continued from Page 1.) , profession of tonsorlalists in North Carolina. Kittrell Amend the laws to public drunkennesa Wither8poon Amend the charter of Andrews, Cherokee county and extend the corporate limits, . Noland Regulate hunting In Hay wood county. Dean Authorise a special tax In Mason county. Roberts of Buncombe Amend the charter of the city of West Asheville. Nettles and Roberts Relative to the Children's Home in Asheville. New York, Feb. 16. The x-ray ex. amlnations of cotton cargoes of out going British ships, conducted by rep resentatives of the British government for several months to prevent ship ment of war contraband, revealed to day that bales of cotton waste con. signed aboard the White Star liner Cretio contained rubber. ' The Cretic Is due to sail today for Mediterranean ports. The consignee was given by officials of the line as a firm in Genoa, Italy. The consignor, they said, was A. B. Newman, of this city. Each of the 178 bales in the con signment contained about four pounds of rubber. The entire consignment was refused shipment, it was said at the Cretic's pier. British Cruiser Safe. Street Car Schedule. Montevideo, Urguay, Feb. 18. The British cruiser Carnarvon which took part in the Faulkland islands battle on in December arrived here today. Sensiblo. 'V- "Willie," said the teacher, 'describe to me the route you would take If you were going to Europe." "Yessum," responded the youngster a little doubtfully. "I would go to New York and then and theu" "Well, Willla," Interposed the teach er aa tbe boy paused, "what would you do thenr "Why; I would go on a steamer," re plied Willie after another moment's thought "and leave tbe rest to the captain." Philadelphia Telegraph. I! t H st FURTHER NAVAL ACTION, at H H H London, Feb. 16. In a state- H H ment to the house of commons H H today Winston Spencer Churchill st t said there would be further ac- It H tlon by the allies to prevent lm- It H portation of food supplies to It t Germany. S H It ltftl!tKltltllltltlttltlt In Effect Nov. 24. 1914. Zelllco and Return 6:00, t:H, (:S0 a. m. Riverside Park 6:15 and every 18 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Depot via. Sonthslde Avenue ffsgo a. m. and every 15 minutes until 1:15 p. m then every 1 minutes until 45 p. m., then every 15 minutes un til 11:00 p. m. Depot via. French Bioad Avenue 00 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Manor 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Charlotte Street Terminus 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 11:00 m, 11:80 car runs through; return leaves end of line 12:00. Patton Avenue 6:00 a. m. and ev ery 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. East Street 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Grace via. Merrlmon Avenue 6:00, 6:S0 a. m.; then every 15 minutes un- , til 10:30 p. m.; then every 80 mln- , utes until 11:00 p. m. Biltmore :15 a. m. and then every 1 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m, last car. Depot and west AshevUie, via. Southslde Avenue 6:30 a. m. and ev ery 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. .'.( 1 1-! J. FROM FilAILIN JAIL Prisoner Charged With Shoot ing Dep. Marshall Slaugh ter Tires of Confinement. Revenue Officer J. A. Galloway brlnr information from Franklin, N. C, of tha asoaps from Jail there last Tuesday night of Harcey Sheppard, dharged with ' shooting Deputy Mar shall R. B. Slaughter, early In last November, in a Franklin barber shop Bheppard has never been tried on this Indictment. He plead guilty to other charges against him, and was sentenced to the roada On account of the prisoner's alleged 111 health tha road sentence was not executed at one, and while In th Macon county Jail h planned and carried out a successful scapa It Is said that Bheppard tied his blankets to. rther, finding no Are escape, and us Ing them as a rope, descended from the second floor to the ground. There pears to be some mystery connect -i with Pheppards taking French iav or nia place or confinement. It 11 reported that th Jailer gave out t irirormauoit. soon after Ms prison . r aopartur. that Sheppard had on a squirrel hunt. r, daughter was under treatment ' a rihynician in Franklin for a 1 wks until h was abl to ra ti hi home here, where he i 1nd to hi bed and i tin r :owly. MER lUKEil IMPROVED IN HEALTH The report received in this city some time ago that Robert Conway. pitcher with the Mountaineers part of last season, was a sufferer from tuberculosis, has proven to be with-; out foundation. As whs reported Con way went to the White Mountains for his health but the doctors there diag nosed his trouble ns simply a case of overwork and all he needed was suf ficient rest. Conway was recently ad mitted to the bar In Cincinnati, O., his home city, and the strenuous pre paration for his examination to prac tice law proved too severe a strain on his constitution with the result of his relaxation. Conway Is now In Florida and In a recent letter to Man ager Jack Corbett of the local base ball club announced himself as feel ing particularly fit again and stated his Intention of returning to his home In a short time to resume his law career. The friends of the ex-Mountaineer will learn with great pleasure of his present condition. ALL HIORS CI WIT There ar many things learned from experience and observation that the older generation should Impress upon th younger. Amgng them Is the fact that scofula and otv.r humors, which produce ecu ma, bolls, pimples and other eruptlona can be most success fully treated wl'h Hood's 8arsaparllla. This great medicine Is a peculiar combination of remarkably cKecttvt blood-purifying and health-giving roots, barks and herbs, which ar gathered especially for It. Hood's barnaparllla has stood the tt et forty yeara Get a bottle today now from your nearest drug store. Always keep it on The Gazette-News' Big Bargain Offer No. 4 Family Household Southern Town Farm and Magazine Journal Ruralist Farm News $1.00 3 Months by mail outside Asheville $1.25 3 Months by Carrier in Asheville OUR PAPER AND YOUR CHOICE OF MAGAZINES We have made successful arrangements with publishers of magazines whereby we offer you a pick of any. one of the inclosed club offers of magazines, in connection with our own paper. . -f. We are anxious to have you take advantage of thia big bargain offer, which is absolutely the most liberal every of fered by a publication. Think of it, "Our own publication,", your choice of a club of three magazines, delivered to your address. We make this offer to everybody. If you are a subscriber to our paper at the present time, send money now and we will extend your subscription 3 months and give you advantage of this offer. If you have never had our paper, take advantage of thia offer, ou may have the magazines sent to your address, or, if you prefer, we can send them to different addresses; ju6t tell us. , Here is a chance to get your home paper and a 12 months' supply of popular magazines. Just look over, piok out the club you like best, and mail to this office with the money and we will do the rest. Do it today LOOK OVER THIS LIST CAREFULLY. The magazines are absolutely free for 12 month and no additional cost is added to sub scription price of our paper. CLUB NO, 30 CLUB HO. 31 : CLUB NO. 32 Family Magazine . Southern Ruralist Southern Ruralist Household Journal Town A Farm r arm News Farm New- Family Magazine . , Town & Farm Asheville Gazette-Newt, Jusheville, N. 0. 1 ' Enclosed find. . . . K . .on subscription. I am an old a new (erase one) subscriber. Bond club No. N&IX16. i t , - f ' t a., , s . f f City a i E. F. D. No. .. . . . .t. . . . . v.. State. n ..... ..... ......( Sunday Schedule Differs In tbe Fol lowing Particulars: Car leaves Square for Manor 6:00 a. m., returning 6:15 a. m. Cars leave Square for Depot via. Southslde avenue 6:00, 6:16, 6:80. Y:00, 7:80, 8:00 and 8:80 a. m. Cars leave Square for Depot via. French Broad avenue 6:15, 6:80, 6:45, 7:15, 7:45 and 8:15. . " . Car for Depot leaves flauara 85 a. m., botn Boutnsiae ana rrenon Broao. First car leaves the Square for Charlotte street at 6:00 a. m. and v ery 80 minutes until 8:80, next 8:45. First car leaves tha Square , for Riverside 8:80, next 8:46. First car leaves the Square for West Asheville 6:15, 7:00; next 8:80. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedules commence at 9:00 a. m. and continue same as week flay a On evenings when entertainments are in progress at the Auditorium the last trip on all lines will ba from an tertainment, leaving Square at regu lar time and holding over at Audi torium. Car leaves Square to meet No. 81 night train, 80 minutes before soasji ' ula or announced arrival ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the Booth Schedule Figures Published as Infor mation Only and Not Guaranteed. Effective Sun., Dee. 18, '14. No. ARRIVES FROM Eastern Tim t Savannah, Jacksonville . .2:10 p.m. 11 Washington, New York, Rich mond 2:40 p.m. 12 Chattanooga, St. Louis Xxutsvll1s, Cincinnati, Memphis ,...2:05 p.m. 15 N. Y., Philadelphia, Washing ton 10:80 a.m. IS Murphy, Waynesvilla ... ,6:10 p.m. 20 Murphy, Waynesvilla ..1:47 p.m. 21 Goldsboro. Raleigh .....8:00 p.m. 22 Waynesvllle 8:40 a.m. 27 Charleston, Columbia ...8:10 p.m. 28 Cincinnati, Memphis, Louisville, St. Lou la Chicago 10:20 am. 36 Washington, New York and Rioh mond ..................2:40 a.m. 41 Columbia .....11:16 am. 102 Bristol, Knoxvllls and Chattanoo ga ......,.10:66 p.m. No. DEPARTS FOR Eastern Time . 10, Savannah, Jacksonville .,4.10 p.m. 1 1 ' Knoxvllle, Chattanooga, Memphis. -Louisville, st. Louts and Cincin nati 2:66 p.m. 12 Washington, New York and Rich mond 2:26 p.m. 16 N. Y., Philadelphia and Washing ton ,.6:46 p.m. 17 Waynesvllle, Murphy ..,8:20 a.m. 49 Waynesvllle, Murphy ,.8:30 p.m. 21 Waynesvllle 8:16 p.m. 22 Raleigh, Goldsboro ,.: 60 am. 27 Chicago, Cincinnati, Chattanooga. Memphis ......8:10 p.m. 18 Columbia. Charleston ..10:20 am. 16 Washington, Richmond and New Yord .,..6:80 am. 42 Atlanta, Charleston .....7:00 am. 101 Bristol, Knoxvllle and Chattanoo ga ...............7:10 am. I No.' 41 receives connection at Hn-. dersonvtU from Lake Toxaway aad Brevard. ' " No. 27 reoalves connection at Hen ilersonvllle from Rosman and Drevasd. Train 28 connects at Henderson nila snd Rosman. Train 10 connects at Hendersonvlll for Brevard and Lake Toxawsy. Through sleeping cars dally to and from New York, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington. Charleston, Clncln mtl. rhtrago, Memphis, BU Louis nd Loulsvtlls. Through chair cars (Joldsbor-Aiha 'Ills trains os. 21 and 22. Dining car 'service trains Noa 87 und 28. J. H. WOOD. TMv. pnnirr Afnt. r ALEX. H. ACKER, K pty. Passer, fer anj Tlokct A i