Tuesday, February 16, 1915. THE ASHEVILLE GAZZTTE-NEWS PAGS 'ESVKT H 1 Go-Oosrati The 'Paintei Property Own The Property owner does not want Poor material used on his houses he knows it. The good Painter does not care to use poor Paint We eooperate with both by fur nishing you with Davis 1 00 per cent. Pure Paint made of Pure Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil. Ask the Painter "who knows " and see the high estimation in which Davis Paint is held by those who use it. Five car loads sold in Asheville and Western North Car olina since September 15th, 1914. "There's a Reason." ; -3; Good Painters furnished on short notice. "BRING US YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS" PHONE 239 21 BILTMORE AVE. KaBS&sa THE WEATHER "J R S o o a 5 K si n ii Asheville .., Atlanta . . Augusta . . . Boston . . . . Charleston . . Charlotte . . Chicago .... Jacksonville . . Key West Knoxvllle . . . . New, Orleans New! York . . .. Raleigh . . .. San Francisco . .. 35 .. 38 .. 64 46 .. 68 ..48 60 66 34 48 42 48 60 El 64 64 66 74 68 34 78 66 66 60 70 62 .14 .06 .40 .36 .22 .46 .00 .46 .62 .00 .00 .60 .60 .14 Savannah . . Tampa ... Washington Wilmington 68 62 44 66 72 78 64 72 .04 1.38 .64 '.80 Normals tor this date: Temperature 39 deg. Precipitation Jl'8 inch. Forecasts until 8 p. m. Wednesday for . Asheville and vicinity: Cloudy and colder tonight; Wednesday party clody. For North Carolina: Cloudy and colder tonight, possibly rain in east portion; Wednesday partly , cloudy, moderate northeast winds. ' General Conditions (Last 24 Hours). The storm that was over the Great Lakes Monday morning has moved rapidly eastward to the Atlantic and during the fast 24 hours it has caused rains in the Atlantic states. A disturb ance of considerable energy , which Is entering the Pacific states has been at tended by rain on the coast. An area of high pressure which overlies the Interior of the country has given fair weather over the Plains states and the central valleys. Tampa reports 1.38 Inches of rain. Cloudy and cold er weather la indicated for this vicin ity tonight and partly cloudy weather Wednesday. T. ft. TAYLOR, Observer. ECHOES STILL HEARD FROM THE COCKFIGHT Magistrate B. L. Lvda yesterday afternoon, fined R. L. Russia and T. R. Houston of Hendersonvllle $5 an J the costs each on charges of aiding and abetting In the cockfight, whi?h vas raided last week by Sheriff 13. .M. Mitchell and deputies, near Skyland. It was also announced yesterday af ternoon that Magistrate B. R. Craig of Skyland, had fined 20 men 25 cents and the costs each, on charges of aid ing and abetting by Magistrate Cr.iig are P. V. Sumner, H. A. Case, T. W. U. S. Department of Agriculture, 3 Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1915. Shaded area show, precipi tation of- .01 Inch or mora, -JStA. rprMtw ObWrmtkmt taken t I a. m.T 1Mb iBiidla time. Air prutare reduced to sea le?el. Isobar (continuous lines) pus through points of aualar pressure. .Isotherms (dotted lines) pus througn polou of equal temperature: .- ,L: , ,.r "? O clear; W psitircRrody; eiouari vjj run; vjt nww; iy munsauii, Arrows ur wiunaewioa, I .iw 5ZT SCSJ Surprise Party Nigh FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE: MAMS SAVE YOUR COUPONS A BIG NIGHT trZ, JEH jAl 153 33 3 Jb FRIDAY NIGHT Sumner, Frank Patton, J. B. Spain, Walter Birmingham, Vernon Presley, Thomas ClonU, C. A. West, Clyde Frady, Eaymond Case, Lorance Car land, Hugh Frady, L. W. West ur.d William Donohoe. The following drew fines on charges of witnessing the cockfight: Vrank Patton, P, V. Sumner, D. F. Rhodes, R. L. Garvin and R. L. Nettles. THEATERS. Edith Taliaferro In "Young Romance" At Galax Today. ThS keynote of "Young Romance" the noted play by William C. De MUle which the Jesse L. Lasky Fea picturized form, with Edith Taliaferro as the star, is originality. It is a love story of today-not sich a love story as happens in every household or every book, but a romance altogether unique and interesting. The two leading characters of this story, which happily combines whim sica! elements and Incidents of ad venture, are Nellie Nolan and Tom Clancy. Nellie works at the' notions counter of a big department store, and Tom Is in the hardware (Separt- ment of the same establishment. But both of their souls are filled with ambitions and aspirations not to be drowned by even the routine of such existence. , Nellie .has saved a whole hundred dollars antl,fn a fit of June madness, decides to spend It all for one week of glorious pretense at a Maine summer resort, assuming the role of a lady of fashion and tasting for once the Joys of wealth. Tom Is impressed with the same newspaper story which has caught Nellie's eye and he goes to the same resort, pos ing aa a rich young man from New port. Edith Taliaferro appears aa Nellie, and Tom Forman as Tom. Other leading roles are assumed by Florence Dagmar, Violet Drew, Mrs. Lewis McCord, Frederick Wilson, Ernest Garcia, Marshall, Mackay, Harry de Vere, Parke Jones, Charles Wells, Miss Kellar, Miss Abril and Miss White. . U fu ; NIAGARA FALLS. A$ On Time the Meeoa of American Bride and Groom. Niagara Is the spectacular center ol the wboie great system of fresh wators Bowing toward the Gulf of St. Law rence. It was for a century the coun try's one great eight No visiting for eigner dreamed of missing It; no Amer ican In foreign parts would hav dared call himself an American unless be could tell how be bad seen bia land's greatest wonder toss It Iridescent spray on high. "See Niagara first" was tb unformrj ated maxim of those earlier days the writer himself, as a boy, heard a briskly patriotic lady refuse a trip abroad solely on the plea that she bad never seen Ma pirn Falls. There was something almost sacra mental In tb trip. Marriage, Indeed, was scarcely legal or binding unless the visit to the altar was Immediately supplemented by a trip to Niagara. Those were the days when the honeymoon was "what it used to bo." Over Niagara's gorge and rushing wa ters it hang benlgnantly, always at Its fuIL And in the corridors of th falls hotels th miserable unmarried forever bruised their feet upon byneoeal rice. The "funny columns" of tb news papers could not bars existed Without tae Niagara wedding trip. r ' 1 1 m I , 1 x t & i Br ttj U Vr $ J 1 -sS'.JK"' 1 f-zrfn iff Ml J 1(8 8 A ft -I WHS Ml ttlUM- n LJJZ 4. f .a.-tLw-. o MJrcfc j,fJiisj - - The S. S. Hasklnonge, first of the vessels chartered by the Amuricun Commission for Relief In Beleium ' f with a cargo of 253,000 bushels of wheat for the Belgians. K1 1 if i ill si s' ffr i1i .tn tf:'d&hOL-:tilk iGfjfr B SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE'S 1 wTfe Honase off YOU'VE READ THE BOOK NOW SEE THE PLAY A PARAMOUNT FEATURE ADMISSION 5c and 10c asXSV.l...Tr A i Wtin Dalawave Freduaea Iron. Ia colonial time and during tb ear ly year of notional life Dels wars wai of considerable relative Importance as a producer of Iron or for bloomeriei and furnaces, and with the disappear ance of th bloomarle Delaware's iron mining Industry ceo sod to exist, and no Iron ore. bas been produced la the state for many years. The principal mineral products of Delaware now art obtained from quarries, sand and gravel pits and springs of potable wa ter. An Impediment, "It looks as though my marrUge with Miss Mulllns would Lave to bf postponed." "Wont's toe matter, old fellow t" "She g"t married to young Dobaoo yesterday." GALAX Tomorrow CHARLES BLANEY'S "ACROSS THE PACIFIC A WONDERFUL FIVE-REEL SENSATIONAL DRAMA 5c and 1 Qc 99

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