- . sday, February 16, 1915. THT2 ASHEVILLE 0AZETTE-NITW3 PAGE NDIE TIf HOWE PAP l ... Id After the days business is over every one wants to read of the great happening in the world of today. Our News, Editorial, Society, Feature, Financial and Want Ad. Pages are read by all the Family. THE GAZETTE-NEWS IS THE HOME PAPER. AFTERNOON paper Classified Advertising Bates. 1 Insertion lo par word. 6 ? , 14 11 10 SO 4o lo lOo lie The reduced ratea are tor mseoutlve Insertions, terms ish. No advertisements taken (or ss than the cost of two lines, x words make a line. TELEPHONE 101 . Classified Advertisers May telephone- their Want ids. The Gazette-News will lot be responsible for more nan one Incorrect Insertion of my advertisement ordered for nore than one time. The Gazette-News reserves tie right to correctly classify 11 Want Ads. . Tho Gazette-News will not iccept phone or verbal orders o discontinue or change T. F. ("Till Forbid") advertisements, advertiser should retain re ceipts given by The Gazette News in. acknowledging pay ment for Want Ads, as no mis takes can b rectified ..without them. Read for Profit .- , Use for Results AUX REFERENCE DICTIONARY LIP THE A. B. C. COLUMN VCE IT PERMANENTLY NEAB UH PHONE OB IN SOME CON XIENT PLACE ABOUT THE USE. IT IS ESPECIALLY AH NGED FOR YOUR CONVEN JE. IN EVERY HOME IN THE re E VERY DAY IN THE YEAR, E SERVICES, AND ' ARTICLES RE OFl-TERED ARE NEEDED. UY LIBBY'S MILK THIS WEEK, I 3 cans 23c. Gibson's Grocery, 43 East College St. CARRIAGES AND AUTOS RE- paired. Wagons built to order. Forge work and horse-shoeing a cialty. Chaa, 1 Brown, 3 J North xington Ave. 293-26t -OB RENt-ttJVERAt WELL i located houses with hot' water heat, furnished and unfurnished. iW rental. Loriok and Boyd Realty J,, 18 South Pack Square. . Phone 146. l-26t rlET YOUR WATCHES AND . -- jewelry repaired by experts. M. Gelula & Co. on the Square, uarantee all their work. 289-26t SAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED by Gilmer Bowdeq. Work call ed for and returned promptly, t E. College St., 'phone 1817. 3-26t SELXj POTATOES Mo PER PX 90c per bushel, $2.10 per 2 bush- el sack. Henry J. Olive, Smith's Idge, 'phone 188 or 2181. " l-26t f EWEL RANGES AND STOVES I are the best We are closing out ' our stock at price. Blltmor lumblng and Heating Co., 85 Col ge street. f rVERY OF HIGH CLASS. CARE ! ful drivers with double teams. ' Extra good saddl horses. Brltt ebb Livery Co. Phone CO. 2-26t v rOODY AND SON. FBCSH V I Meats and Poultry. Best cuts ' 20 cents per lb. Call and see. 19 West Haywood St., 'phone 2404. 8-2t O BETTER FOOD PREPARED than is served at the Savoy Cafe. "Ask anybody." 3-2 6t PUBLIC SUPPLY STENO grapher. Copy work special rate. Mrs, Sd Dukes, 'phone 1868, Sou hern Land Auction Co .,18 South Pack Square. 2882(t QUICK SERVICE DRY CLEAN, lng Co. Dyeing, steam and French dry cleaning. Ladles' ork don by hand. 6 W. Pack square, over Central Cafe. Phone 835. 8-2t POCLTKY LX.(.K UH SALE ONE COCK, TWO cockerels, single comb R. I.. Reds. On pen Brown leghorns. Eggs from exhibition stock. Write for booklet and prices. B. P. Mean, 61 South French Broad, Asheville, N. C. , 4-P.t XR SALE TWELVE BE1UTTFUL barred rock cockerels. Brady Bros. strain from heavy . laying . hens. Price on application. C. L. Folmet. Phone J 088. ..... (.Fti "OR RALE THOROUGHBRED barred rock eggs for ' hatching, Thompson strain, II. 60. per setting. Phone 1580. - 4-P6t O YOU, WANT TO BUY OR BELL setting eggs or birds? If so write or see Edward S. West, Campobello Poultry Farm. 4-P6t . CI. n, I. REDS.. BEST PRIZE winning strains setting egirs and rockerels for sale. Dr. T. B. Craddock, 80 Arlington street. 4-Pt nr-viLLr rot'irnY and tet tonk efnorlntlon run help you and nrits to do so. Will you let us? Write or see Edward S. West, sec retary. 4-rji READ FOR PROFIT Phone 3 OS HELP WANTED MALE, FEMALE WANTED YOUNG MAN OB WOM an to address letters and circulars every afternoon from 2 to 6 on , exchange for six months' scholar ship in first class Business college. : You can go to school in morning and work In afternoons and soon pay for It. Address W., care Gazette-News. .....'' P312-7t OFFICE EMPLOYMENT KARD ' ware Co., out of town, woman book-keeper, good salary. Any graduate A. B, C. out employ ment, please call; also can supply half-day office work, to young wo man while taking course; also de sire more new students enter this month. Call at Asheville Business College, North Pack square. J 07-7 1 REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FOR , SALE LOT : ON FULTON street, 61xll5fcet, with a,, good stable and partially burned house. $500.00 cash. F. M. Messier and son, Phone 682. . 2-3t FOR SALE ONE OR TWO "GOOD farms that I desire to sell at once. H, care Gaxette. 2-3t FOR SALE VERY CHOICE RESI dence lot, close In. This is the cream of city. $1,600 cash. B. B. care Gazette. , , 2-8t FOR . SALE MODERN 0 ROOM house, just off car line. Lot 60x150. $3,200 will buy this, worth $4,000. "X" care Gazette,- 2-3t FOR SALE 9 ROOM HOUSE, LOT 96x150. Charlotte street. $4,000. I will make good terms W. care Ga zette. ' 2-3t , WANTED BOARDERS WANTED BOARDERS BY NORTII crn family.,-, Hot, water heat. Call , IS. College Park place. Phone 7 a i. 2-26t HALCYON, 40 NORTH FRENCH Broad Ave. Steam heated. Single and family rooms. Half block from ;' Patton ' Ave. car line. Mrs. S. T. Willis, proprietress. Phone 498. ' . - 297-30t THE LYNHURST, FURNACE HEAT. Sd, can accommodate a few board ers looking for an Ideal place. For rates phone 1331. 286-J0t BOARDERS WANTED AT THE . Dixie, $4 to $6; rooms for light housekeeping, reasonable. Phone 1823. 289-26t FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT COMPLETELY FUR nished Noma for light housekeeping Apply 198 South French Broad o? phone 2zi0. 220-tf. FOR SALE GOOD CLEAN NEWS papers, 50 for 5 cento. Apply at Gazette-News office. tf GROCERIES. THE CASH GROCERY 14 HAY wood street. Tomatoes three cans for 25c. Potatoes 25o per peck. Phone 266. FRECKS GROCERY AT 8WANNA- noa hotel has an up-to-date and fresh stock of ' groceries, every thing sanitary. Auto Ullvtry. Phone 2678. 804-30t FURNISHED ROOMg FOR RENT FOR RENT TWO ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, modern conveni ences with or without board, no sick; In private family. Address Box 464, Eiltmore. . l-8t FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS In private family. Steam heat, and modern improvements, 25 Vance street 313-P-et FOR RENT TWO ROOMS FURN lshtd or unfurnished, all conven iences. Close In. Cheap. Phone 1730. $10-7t FOR RENT A I OK 6 ROOM apartment, close In, and on car line. . . ortlcos facing the square. O, D. Revell or A. B. Foy, Phone 82. end-tf. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED house . recently changed hand Walls, etc., worked over. Phone tm. 20 Clayton street. 310-201 HOUSES WANTED WANTED FIVE ROOM BUNOA" low close In. Must be reaaonsMe. Iiunsalnw rare Garette. Ill-P-lt HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR QUICK SALIC AT BARGAIN, 1 mule, 8 work horses and several bURRtrs. MUlard. Patton, Btllre lather Co., new stables, Collere and Valley. 141-tt I Our Want Ads I Phone BUILDING SUPPLIES W. II. ARTHUR, 22 SOUTH PACK square and 4 Market street, con tractor for tile and slate roofing and motal ceiling, cornice, skylight, and ventilating work. Hot air furnaces Installed and overhauled. General Job work done. Estimates furnished. Phone 2116. 304-30t GET OUR PRICES ON PIPE FIT ters,' and machinists' tools, wrench es, hammers, screw plates, etc. Most complete Una in Asheville. Asheville Supply nd Foundry Co., Eagle and Market streets. Phone 155. . 800-30t BUILD NOW MATERIAL CHEAP er than in years, and will surely advance with business improvement. Get "Direct from Mill to Job Prices." F. R. Seely & Co., 62 Pat ton avenue, 'Wholesale Lumber, Doors, Mouldings, etc. . 304-26t. $100.00 FREE PAINT TEST 100 per cent "pure paint, five years guar , antee, lead and linseed oil paint. Get my estimate free. M. E, King, con tractor, Phone 1042. . 298-301 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE KILN DRYED KIND ling wood, Pissah Lumber conr pany, successors to English Lum ber Co. Telephone 321. 4-30t FOR SALE THREE SCHOLAK ships In first class business college good for 6 months in cither short hand or bookkeeping, will make a special low price, to deserving stu ; dent wanting to enter business col lege. Address P. O. box 818, Asheville, N. C, 312-P7t REBUILT TYPEWRITERS THAT look like new and write like new. Guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion. From $25.00 up, $5.00 oash and $5.00 per month. Remington Typewriter Co., 18 South Pack square. ' . 304-30t. FOB SALE $10,000 6 PER CENT first mortgage coupon bonds. Ad dress P. O. Box 364 City. 897-121 FOR WOOD AND KINDLING THAT burns $1.00 and $2.00 loads. Cail Phone 1371. M. R. Starnes. 291-261. FOR SALE CHEAP 3 EXCELLENT hotel sites In Old Fort, Box 337, 'Cnnton, N. C. 287-tf. CLEANING AND PRESSING BIG 400 PRESSING CLUB AND EM ploymt'nt bureau, corner Market nnd College streets. W. M. F, John son, Prop. Phone 2231. 4-26t. WANTED DRESS SUITS, TUXEDO suits and business suits for gentle men that need cleaning and press ing. No matter what the condition we can make them look all right and attractive and new and fresh. Spots removed. J. C. Wllbar, Phone 389. J. R. SARTOR, 24 EAGLE STREET, has tailored, altered, cleaned, and pressed for 6 years suits for Ashe ville's best families. Give me a trial. Phone 1461. 311-30t 3. ENGENE JONES VALfeT SEIt vlce. Suits to order. Repairing. 85 College street Phone 981. 808-30t CITIZENS PRESSING CLUB CLEAN lng, pressing and repairing. Work guaranteed, 48 Spruce street Phone 768. 292-26t WANTED MISCELLANFOUS WANTED FAnSI OF FROM 20 TO 160 acres. Good road connections. Give particulars and complete ' de scription In answer. B. care Oa zette. 2-3t WANTED BURNED-OUT MOTORS, generators and transformers to re pair. Charlotte Electrlo Repair Co., Charlotte, N. C ll-14t UMBRELLAS RE-COVERED, LOCK j and key work, trunks repaired and rebuilt, knives, scissors and saws sharpened. 3. M. Hearn & Co., 4 Battery Park Place, 'phone 448. DllUMlAklAU DRESSMAKING AT YOUR HOMES. Address Mrs. W. E. Lowd, General Delivery, Asheville, N. C. t-Prlt FTRST CLASS DRESSMAKER FROM New York, by the day, reasonable. 202 So. Wains street. Understands designing. 2-3 1 NlAlClw Notlos Is hereby given thai applica tion will be mad to the next General Assembly of this state to amend the charter of the Town of West Ashe ville as contained In Chapter 10, of the Private Laws of 1118, Extra Ses sion. ThU the list day of Deo 1914. A. I ERIOHT, Mayor. 177-IOt USE FOR SPECIAL BURGLARY INSURANCE, WE write all kinds of burglary Insur ance. Phone 682 and we will call and make you rates. F. Mi Mess ier and son. 2-6t BUNGALOW 5 ROOMS (NEW) Have made this a little gem, but have to sell, $3200. Can arrange good terms. -"Business." care Ga zette. . 2-3t TRY OUR MONTFORD BRAND ALL Pork Sausage. Montford Market. Phone 66. l-7t REED FARM SANITARIUM, FOR tuberculosis patients only. Under management of. two state registered nurses. Rates reasonable. Phone 2619. 313-7t. WANTED TO EXCHANGE HIGH grade piano, on. house or lot. Ad- drees 'TC." Gazette-Ne-vs. 308-7t QUICK SERVICE TRANSFER COM ., pany Trunks 25c, grips 15e. Bag gage transfer, furniture moving. Prompt service guaranteed. Auto mobiles for hire. Satterfield & Gas perman, owners; W. F. Farrow, manager. OtHce passenger depot Office phone 615. Residence phone 1841.' 304-26t PHONE1509, CHAS. L. SLUDER CO. We repair ranges, stoves and sew ing machines. Satisfaction guaran teed. 3-20t THE PRACTICAL NURSES BUREAU will furnish you a nurse day or night. Phone 1144. 801-30t FOR SALE ONE CHANDLER Price 7x11 Printing Press. Only used about one week. In perfect condition. If in need of a good press see Asheville Barbers Supply Co., Asheville, N. C, 23 Broadway. Telephone 432. 3-3t. WE ARE NOW , PREPARED TO take care of your Typewriter Repair Work. Have your old Underwood repaired by factory trained mechan ics. Underwood Typewriter Co., Phone 1100. 286-26' FOR RENT TYPEWRITERS RENT A TYPEWRITER AND LET the rent apply on the purchase of a machine. Machines In first class - condition. Sent anywhere. Terms $2.60 and $3.00 per month. Rom ington Typewriter Co., 18 South , Pack square. 204-30t RENT AN UNDERWOOD THEN let the rental apply to the purchase price of "The Machine . You Will Eventually Buy." Underwood Type writer Company. Phone 1100. 2S6-2 FARMS FOR SALE Foil S71LE 80 ACRE FARM, LO" cated below Hominy section, three miles from Hominy, station, on Yf.ndcrbllt highway to Pisgah for est, 20 acres good bottom land, 60 acres under cultivation, 36 acres woodland, 8 room residence and good barn. This Is a bargain. Act quick. Can exchange for good city property. Address J. L. Martin, phnnn 914. 4-3t PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS TYPEWRITING, COPYING, AD. dressing, circulars; a!ao some regu lar work. Miss Harriett Payseur, 04 American National Bank Build In. 90-2Bt NOTICE, To Mrs. W. J. Herron. W. H. Westall, J. D. Haynes, E. D. Carter. Mary and fcaran, B. Llndsey, Ortie o. ttoiiar, Mrs. M. A. McDowell, k 4, wnuney, w . ti. urea, Mrs. E. tl. Dunham, T. L. Isaac, J. L,. Owens and all other persons Inter ested In the report of the oity engin eer filed in the ofllce of the city clerk of the city of Asheville, assessing the cost of constructing a certain sewer line against you which sewer line runs Gaston street In said city. You will take notice that said report has been filed according to law, and that the mayor and Doam of aldermen of said city at their meeting, to be held 26th day of February. 1915, will eon elder said report and take such action as they may deem proper. Any oh Jectlon to the above report must be made In writing under oath and filed with the city clerk at least two days prior to above date. This Jan. 80. 1915. F. L. CONDER, City CTer. .103-llt NOTICE, Having qualified as the adminis tratrix of the estate of William B, Grant late of the county of Bun-comb,-thl Is to notify all persons who are Indebted to said estate to pay said debts to me at once. All persons having uccnunts against the said William B. Grant will prrsent the mme to me at my residence, 114 Ilartlett street, Ashevlllo, N. C, on or bofore January 19, 1916, or this no tice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. MB3. NORA GRANT, Administratrix. RESULTS LOST AND FOUND LOST SMALL CROSS WITH G D. C. initials and 1914. Return to this office for liberal reward. 2-3t LOST FROM OUR OFFICE MARY land Casualty Record register. Re ward If returned to us. Waddell, Coxe and Co. 312-3t UNFURNISHED HOUSES . FOR RENT FOR RENT HALF OF STORE 35 B lit more Avenue. Also good base ment Apply to Edwin McKay,' 33 Biltmore Avenue. , 294-tt BOARD WANTED WANTED BOARD, BY YOUNG lady who is attending school. Rate must be reasonable; reference fur nished. Address C, care of The Gazette-News. 312-P7t. SITUATIONS WANTED Special Rates for situations wanted 20 words 1 time free; additional in sertions 10 cents each insertion. POSITION WANTED BY BUTLER, cook or general houseman. 30 years experience. Best references. Ad dress "Cook", this office. 4-3t. TRUSTEE'S SALE. State of North Carolina, Buncombe county. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust ex ecuted by A. R. Bradley and wife, A. N. Bradley, to the undersigned trustee, to secure the Indebtedness therein mentioned, evidnced by a crtain note of even date with said deed of trust, default having been made In the payment of the principal and interest of said Indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust, and the power of, sale therein contained hav ing become operative, and application having been made by the holder of said note to the undersigned trustee to cell the land and personal property described in said deed of trust for the satisfaction of said Indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will, on Saturday, the 6th day of March, A. D., 1915, at 12 o'clock, M. or as soon there after as said sale can be made, not later than 3 o'clock p. m., of said day, offer for sale at the court house door in the city of Asheville, in said county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate and personal property, to wit: First: One certain tract of land sit uate in the said county of Buncombe, state of North. Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. R. Lovelace, W. T. Bradley and others, described as fol lows, viz: Beginning on a chestnut oak near the top of the mountain In W. T. Bradley's line and runs thence south 68 deg. east 91 poles to a stake on the bank of a branch; thence up said branch 66 deg, east 5 poles to a stake; thence north 12 deg. east 10 poles to a stake; thence north 3 deg. west 8 poles to a stake In the said J. R. Lovelace's line; thence with his line north 7 deg. east 6 poles and 9 links to a stake; thence north 22 deg. east 6 poles to a stake at the ford of the branch; thence north 10 deg. east 17 poles to a. dogwood; thence south 63 deg. west 10 poles to a chestnut on top ' of the ridge; thence north 64 deg. west SIM poles to a hickory; thence south 48 deg. west 37 poles to the beginning, containing 15 acres more or less, and being the same lnnd and premises conveyed to the said A. R. Bradley, by L. M. Revls and wife, Daisy E. Itcvls, by deed dated November 13tb, 1911, nnd registered In book 177 at page 316 of the records, of deeds of the said county of Buncombe. And also one steam grist mill and one ten horse power engine and boiler and all fixtures and appurtenencea thereunton belonging, the same being situated on the lapd of L. D. Ma ney, In the said eunfy of Buncombo North Carolina, and being the same grist mill, engine and boiler and fix tures bought by the said A. R. Bradley from the said L. D. Maney. Also one Jersey cow, seven years old, color yellow, five head of cattle one and two years old, color red, six head of hogs, Being the tame cow, cattle and hogs described In said deed- of trust, to which said deed of trust reference Is hereby made for further description of said property and for the terms and provisions thereof and the powers of the under signed trustee thereunder, which said deed of trust bears date May 2 3rd, 1911, and Is duly registered In book 88 on page 809 et eq. of the records of mortgages and deeds of trust on the said county of Buncombe, N. C. This tho 2nd day of February, A. D., 1918. . W. R. SIltTFORD. Trustee. Feb. 1-9-18-23 Maroh !.' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Desirable 7-room residence with sleeping porch, lot t0xl40, close In, $3680.00. $1000 cash, balance lit per month, WESTERN CAROLINA REALTY CO., 9. W. Wolfe, Sccy. Tress. Pboao 074. 10 N. Pack Sq. '',". LAND SALE. By virtue Of the power of sale con tained In a deed of trust, executed on the 6th day of September, 1913, by C. H. Racey, to Wachovia Bank & Trust company. Trustee, to secure the In debtedness therein described to Jake M. Chiles, which said deed of trust Is duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Buncombe County, North Carolina, in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 93, pageil3, default having been made In the payment of both principal and interest having- been made in the payment of both principal and interest on the note secured by said deed of trust and upon applica tion and demand of the holder of said note, the undersigned trustee will .on Saturday, the 13tlt day of March, 1015, at 1 o'clock, noon, offer for sale, at public auction, at the court house door in the city of Asheville, said county and state, to the highest bid der, for cash, the following piece, par cel or lot of land, lying and being In E. W. Grove Park West of Charlotte street, in the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and State of North Caro lina, and more particularly described and bounded as follows: V Beginning at a stake In the Western margin of Gertrude Place at the Northeast corner of lot No. 4 of Block A of the plat hereinafter referred to and runs thence with said margin of Gertrude Place North 32 deg. 26 min. East 120 feet to a stake in the same at the Southeast corner of lot No. 2 of said block and plat; thence with the southern line of said lot No. 2 North 85 deg. 37 min. West 213.7 feet to a stake In the Eastern margin of an alley at the Southwest corner of said lot No. 2; thence with said margin of said alley South 19 deg. 33 min. West 90 feet to a stake in the same at the Northwest corner of lot No, 4 of said block and plat; thence with the North em line of said lot No. 4 South 79 deg. 81 min. East 181.7 feet to the Begin ning, the same being lot No. 3 of block A of the plat of E. W. Grove Park West of Charlotte street, which is duly roistered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Buncombe county in book 154 at page 171, and being the same land and premises conveyed to Jake M. Chiles, agent, by deed of E, W. Grove and wife, which said deed is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Buncombe coun ty In book 158 at page 590. ThU sale and any deed or convey ance executed by the undersigned Trustee pursuant to this notice and sale thereunder will be made subject to all the restrictions, conditions and stipulations contained in or created by the aforesaid deed of E. W. Grove and wife to J. M. Chiles, which is hereby referred to for a full recital of said re strictions, as well also subject to the first lien and "charge against said land by virtue of the deed of trust executed by the said C. H. Racey to the under signed Trustee, to secure the surrfof Three Thousand Dollars, which said deed in trust is duly registered in the aforesaid office of register of deeds of Buncombe county, North Carolina, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds In Trust No. 93 at page 184, to which reference is hereby made for fuller particulars in that behalf. This the 9th day of February A. D., 11915. WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO., Trustee. By W. B. Williamson. Cashier. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust made by John R. Davis and wife, , Maud Davis, to the undersigned trustee, dat ed the 18th day of August, 1914, and duly registered In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe coun ty, N, C, .In book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 100 at page 60 to which reference Is hereby made, and default having been made in the pay ment of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale therein contained has become operative, said undersigned trustee, will on Saturday the 13th day of March, IslS, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina the following lands and premises, situate, lying and being In the city of Asheville, county of Bun. combe and State of North Carolina on the west side of Charlotte street and being the lands and premises con veyed to John R. Davis by Geo. 8. Powell by deed dated April 9th, 1906, and duly registered In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe coun ty, N. C, In book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 143, at page 110, et seq., to which reference la hereby made for metes and bounds. This February 6, 1918. J. 8. ADAMS, Trustee. Feb. 9-16-23 Mar 1. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor under the last will and tostnment of M. J Moss, deceased, late of the county of Buncombe, state of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons havliiy claims against the estate of said do- ceased to i Khllilt them to the under' signed at hl .li!ce In Asheville, N. C, on or befori t'le 12th day of January, 1916, or this notlca will be pleaded In liar of their recovery. All persons In debted to the estnte will please make Immediate settlement This the 12th day of January, 1911. T. E. BLACKr'TOOK. Executor of Estate of M, J, Moss, deceased. READ GAZETTE-NAV WANT ADS TODAY. FLUDD IN ITALY FOLLOWS QUAKE Rome, Feb. 16. In the wake of the recent destructive earthquake, Italy Is experiencing a new disaster in the form of floods. Everywhere heavy rains have sent the streams out of banks. In the low-lying quarters the people have been driven from their homes, or are held prisoners In tho upper stories. Troops are rendering aid to the Victims. Flood waters in the streets around St, Peter's have risen four feet and 11 , Inches. Several walls have collapsed but there has been no serioys damage. In Rome the TibtT river was 50 feet higher than normal and Is rising at the rate ' Of two l.iches per hour,, yesterday, however, tho weather showed signs of clearing. The Leonine City, as the Vatican Is called, is in the part flooded, but the water have not yet reached the apos tolic castle or St. Peter's. It . Is feared , that certain buildings will collapse. The road from' Rome to tho sea In which there are deposits of carbide of lime has been closed. Some of the deposits as the result of infiltration of the water of the Tiber have already exploded causing the collapse of build ings. Great anxiety is felt for the famous St. Angelo . Bridge, which was! built by the Emperor Madrlan. The1 water is already over the pillars and troops, engineers and firemen are en gaged in trying to save it. " Milo's bridge, built 100 years before Christ, Is Inundated. ' The water surrounds the imposing basilica of St. ' Paul's. The Sublicua bridge, the structure supposed to have been defended by Horatius and his two companions under water. Tho latter bridge Is the oldest In Rome, : having been erected in the year 639 B. C. The low-lying lands are flooded and the people are moving about in boats. So far no loss of life has been report ed. City News The third degree will be conferred by Pisgah lodge No. 32 Knights of Pythias, at tho meeting of the lodge tonight. George Pennell of this city was ad. mltted to the practice of law yester day, taking the oath at the afternoon session of Superior court. Financial NEW YORK STOCKS. New York, Feb. 16. The only pro-, nouiiced changes during the early stages of the stock market trading to-; day were in specialties. Pittsburgh Coal, preferred, advanced three points, : while Mexican Petroleum lost an ad- j dltional two points. There was fur ther selling of bonds for future de- livery. The Important shares showed i more steadiness during the first half1 hour. NEW YORK COTTON. New York, Feb. 16. Cotton fu- tures opened steady: March 8.4p April , 8.50 May 8.75 June . ... .... .... . ... .... 8.80 July ... S.95 August .... 9.03 September .... , 9.08 October .... , 9.19 November 9.25 December . .... .... .. 9.88 January .... 9.41 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago, Feb. 16. Hogs strong receipts 25,000; bulk of sales 8.70 9 6.85; pigs 5.60.0. Cattle, weak; receipts 1,000. Native steers 6. 7508.40; calves 7.00(310.50. Sheep, strong; receipts 6,000, Cheep1' 6.8507.10; lambs 7.25 8.15 . NOTICE, To A. U Turnbeil, W. H. Clark, M. E. Young, Charles H. Petrle, A. Pear son, J. T. Lowe, Ottls Green Clark, C. L. Montague, M. V. Gentry, U. 8. Miller, L. V. Morris, M. E. Morris aad all other persons Interested In the r port of the Jury flled In the ofrice of the City Clerk of the City or Asheville, assessing the cost of constructing a certain Storm sewer line against you which Btorm sewer line runs Flint street to Cumberland avenue. In said City, You will take notice that said report has been filed according to law, and that the Mayor and Board of Al dermen of said City at their meeting, to be held. th. tlth day of February, 1H, wilt consider said report and take such action as they may dem Proper. You are therefor to appear at sale' meeting and show cause. If any, why said report shall not be con firmed and the liens assessed as pro vided by law. This January 30, 1915. F. U CO.NDliR, City Clerk. 801-lr; 1 B