T Friiay. February 28, 191ft. THI ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-HEWS PAG2 SSVEI .A. OUR TON! MEETING GMT Come to the Mass Meeting at the Co mission Government Bill Discussed. The object of this meet is NOT to oppose the Principles of Commission Government, but to discuss the Objectionable Features of the Proposed Bill. COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS. grams she THEATERS. ,lmn;e of Program at Majestlo Today. Two Fools There Were," a musical Srmody, Is the bill offered today at the jlajestlc by the Joe Jackson musical jomedy company. The entire bill Is cw, every song number being new ovelties, singing and dancing nuni- jleaslng. The bill Is full of many nny situations, ana me pioi is a lomplicated one throughout. Jon lackson will again appear during each rformance and give a talk on the Majestic TODAY TONIGHT JOE JACKSON And His BASE BALL GIRLS . IN AN ENTIRE CHANGE OP PROGRAM "Two Fools There Were" NEW SONGS, DANCES, NOVELTIES, SPECIALTIES. JOE JACKSON In a New Baseball Line of "Dope" For the Fans EVERYTHING NEW Matinee. 8:1510 and 20 cent. Nights, 7:15 and tiSO 10c, 20c, 10c. f ai -A HOWLING -SCREAMING SCREECHING . RIB-TICKLING Keystone Comedy , . (2 PART,'.. A RIOT OP LAUGHS 5c and 10c coming season in the big league, and judging from the large and apprecia tive audiences that have heard Joe during the first two bills presented the theater will no doubt be crowded again at the new change of program today. GILMORE Mary Pickford at The Princess Today Mary Pickford, "Amerlca'B sweet heart," will be seen today at the Princess theater In the pretty cos tume romantic drama - "Mistress Nell.M This Paramount feature pro duced by the Famous Players Feature Film company, is considered the best that Miss Pickford has yet appeared in, and the supporting cast of char acters are all stars, including mag nificent stage settings, beautiful flickerlesa photography, and each scene in selected interior and exte rior settings. 'There will be a special arranged musical program by the Princess orchestra. I Princess TOMORROW 1 j I .1 Rene ot Old ri SbnRUx. tbe old capital of Persia, i, one of Iran's wonder cities. In th' dawn ot Persian civilization It took leading part. On tbe bank of the onu navigable river tbe country can boast the city Beta tt name from the famour ruler. Sbapnr. who built great Irrlgiit tag dam and noble bridge across tb. Karon, now wrongly credited to to. ttmpttror Valeria a Slitettft bandret yean Dave left tbe great bridge, quarter of a mile Id length, with yawn tag gaps, bat tbe water of the rlvei run today throngb the channels and tonuels made to fertlltM land that bad out yet been overran by the Arab! barbarians wbo destroyed tbe culture ot Persia London Mail. Barley Water, Barley water la a safe and cooling drtok and la ontrltiouB as welt Pat into a pitcher one large tablespoonfni ot well waabed pearl barley, poor ove It two qnarta of boiling water, cover and let stand until cold. Drain off tbe Squid, add one-ball capful of sugar and a HtUe nutmeg. If liked the Juice ot a lemon Is a pleasant addition. Knew the Exact Amount Da raqneU I cotud get soma one to invest fl.ouu in that schema el bum I run id mate some money Dawson Uom in oca cooid yon maker Da aqua-Why, f Baltimore Han. Perhaoa. "dir. I cam down from a long tine ot anceatora. "IrlmAi Were many ot them bang Ins on It r Exchange. Try to do your dctj and yea at oaca anew wbat u in yoo-uoeua. NOT SINCERE, JOHNSON. SATS f . ft i h t:.v jn' WILL NOT DELAY REOOM) TRIAL OF MRS. CARMAN. fcj rrrf 4 NQIVIDUR BLWUG mwmm into Arrangements Being Made at Y. M. C. A. for Tourna ment to Begin Soon. age in the state telegraph league race which just closed and th cap tain of the T.-M. C. A. team in that league. Hoffman has held the In dividual championship of the associa tion for the past several years but a number of entrants are expected to try to wrest his honors from him. It is thought that from 12 to 15 bowlers will enter the race for the coveted title and some very good games can be looked for on the alleys when the howlers start the contest. iu Appropriate. "What's tliat very thin girl's name?" "I.pna." "It ought to be 'Leanest? London rel'Ti-nph And Undortakes to Tell It. The old fashioned fool who didn't know a thing now has a son who knows it nil. ClnHnnnti Enquirer. PHONE TOUR WANTS TO 202. JAMES GIXMORE President ot the Federal Baseball League. New York, Feb. 26. "If Mr. Gil- more, the president of the Federal league, waa sincere In his announced willingness to end the baseball war by assuming a policy of "live and let live" we might consider it," said President Ban Johnson. "But to me Mr. Gilmore's statement lacks the ring of truth." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears US ' Signature of If you expect to advertise that real estate "sometime," advertise It NOW. Beek business employment In a business, way "the want ad way" if you are really In earnest In your work quest. ft f It ' ' 11 ltiA'f ,J! Plans are being made for an lndl- j vidual ten pin tournament at the Y. M. C. A. which will very likely start, within a week. The members of the: association desirous of entering the ! contest for the individual champion-1 ship of the organization have been ' requested to leave their names with the secretary and as soon as enough have announced their Intention of competing, the contests wm start. It is very likely that there will be 30 games bowled in series of three games each, which will make the contest last ten nights. This individual con test was not staged last year but trie year before was won by David Hoff man, tho holder of the hlgtiest aver- Bxetento Medicine Co. Your Exelen to Quinine Pomade fsono hair grower which will do what you claim it will do. It sure made my hair mow very fast and cleaned the dandruff and topped my hair from falling; in week using it I am Bending you my photograph. You will see how long my hair is now. WILLIE GRAY. NO MORE EllftHYHAIR M'JM'IWli,1 f ' AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Write lor particulars today Don't be fooled by Using some fake prep aration which claims to straighten your hair, Kinky hair cannot be made straightl you are just fooling yourself by using it. You have to have hair before you can straighten it. Nowthia J Exelento Quinine Pomadm is a Hair Grower which feeds the scalp and roots of the hair and makes the hair grow very fast and you soon can see the results by using several times. It ia s wonderful Hair Grower. It cleans dan" draff and stops Falling Hair at once. It leaves ha rail, stubborn, nappy looking hair soft and silky, and you can fix up your hah the way yon want K. We give money back if it don't do the way we claim. Try a box. Price 25c by mail, oa receipt of stamps or coin. ' I EXELEMTO MEDICINE CO.. AtUata.C J Phone your "Wants" to 202 MBS. FLOREXCE'' CARMAX. Freeport, I I., Feb. 26. "While District Attorney Lewis J. Smith re fused to make any statement on the case it has been indicated that Mrs. Florence C. Carman, wife of Dr. Ed win Carman soon will be placed on trial again for the murder of Mrs. William Bailey, who was mysteriously shot while conversing with Dr. Car man In his office. The Jury disagreed at Mrs. Carman's first trial, standing ten for conviction and two for acquittal. IliwultOllS. "I want to take a flyer." "Stoi-k or aeroplane?' Baltlnion-American. Wisdom. One of tbe main functions of wisdom Is to take tbe conceit out of knowledge Excbflncc JOINT LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE INVESTIGATES PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONS. Hcimw WffiaaMaasi isw iwiwr miM.mmmmmimmmmidm. Jp! tm vm-r y mm -.--- i TtiP I ill n i i ii iiiw PR INCESS THEATRE TODAY SPECIAL FEATURE AMERICA'S SWEETHEART: IAk Y PICKFORD In the Beautiful Romantic Dramatic FEATURE "MIS TRESS NELL" (IN 5 PARTS) Admission 10c and 20c MUSICAL PROGRAM March "A La. Carte" Holzmann Overture "Orpheus" Offenbach "Love's Greeting" Elgar Grand Selection "Lo, Travlata". . . Verdi Popular Numbers: (a) "Cows May Coma, Cows Mny Go, But the Bull Goes on Forever" Von Tllaer (b) "Geraldine Walt" Lodge (c) "Bayslde Fox Trot" Jesse Wlnna "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2" ...Liszt Concert Walt "Elaine" Baxter Suite "Sigurd Jorsalfar" Grieg Itag 'That's a Plenty". Lew Pollack, . And Othr Popular Numbers, I'ndcr Plrcttlon ot O. IL DeaL GALAX-Tomorrow NEW YORK'S JOINT LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE. Left to right -standing: Assemblyman Burt, Counsel William Huyward. Ansemhlyman MsQulstlon, As semblyman Donohue, Aaxtmblyman Klncald, and Assemblyman Knight. Below, left to right: . Senator Mills, Senator Lawson, Assemblyman Malar, Sanator Thompson, chairman; Senator Foley and Senator Cromwell. These are th members of the specially appointed committee of the New York state legislature who, are Inwstlira'lng the two public rvlr commissions In New York s'a'e In rennrd to their efficiency In dealing with the pub la service corporations of the state. Th commlttw l now tnvratia-MIni- the commission for the First Dlntrlct (New York City) at a aerlea of btarlng It la couductms at lha New York City Hall. 1 12th BIG EPISODE THE MASTER KEY itVaJOHN FLKM1NG WILSON Myst&np and Komanc&i DL)N'T MISS IT! IT'S 5c and 10c GREAT!