A A THB ' GAZETTE-NEWS HAS THE) kSCOCIATED FRItSS SERVICE. IT IS IN EVERT :t RESPECT . COMPLETE!. :t - 4 i LAST EDITICU JPJU WEATHER .FORECAST: GEXEBALLY FAIR. . VOLUME XX. NO. Ld. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 10, 1915. ' PRICE FIVE CENTS ALLIED FLEETS MAKE PROGRESS Not Since Beginning of War Has the Situation Appeared More Favorable in Eyes of British. ASCENDENCY IN WEST IS CLAIMED BY ALLIES Petrograd Declares Two Ger man Reverses Mean Aban donment of German Of fensive in Poland. KM) TBI 10 SHIP MAY Nil E Head of National Railways Says Obregon Is Idolized by the Poor. The German Auxiliary Cruiser, Prinz Eitel Friedrich Has Arrived at New- . port News. VESSEL IN NEED OF REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES RULES GOVERNING Time Allowed$r Repairs Time of Departure Is ' gr - Kept Secret. t THE OF 1315 IS OVERfc Both Houses Adjourned Last Night at 11 O'clock One of the Busiest Sessions Held, London, March 10. As Eng- and sees it, not sinco the war began has the situation on both land and sea appeared more favorable to the allies than it does today. Confident opinions of this nature are finding con stant expression in London. Slowly but surely the allied warships are creeping toward Constantinople, the fall of which would open another road to Berlin. The retirement of the army of Field Marshal Von I linden burg in North Poland is said to be iminent by many British observers. In the west the allies are claiming; the ascendency all along the line, although there i:m; v-ori no florisirfx, jnP?rtl liiortts'wmie m tne eaiKans ana in Italy, according to British opiuion, the majority of the )eople are clamoring for inter vention on the side of the al lies. The ministerial crisis in Greece seems to have been bridged temporarily by the for mation of the new cabinet, but it remains to be seen whether the new premier will be able to control the chamber of depu ties. Though officially denied, the rumor persists that there is also a ministerial crisis in Bul garia. Paris officially confirms the news that the super-dread-naught Queen Elizabeth slip ped into the Dardanelles prop er Monday and is bombarding the Turkish forts, another one of which has been partly de molished. - Petrograd dispatches declare that the German failure to re duce the Russian fortress '6? Ossowetz, together with the Herman defeat at Grodno and Przeasnysz means the definite abandonment of the German of fensive in North Poland.' Tn central Poland the Rus sian and German attacks alter nate with . no . appreciable change. The same seems to be true in the Carpathians and on the western front. Paris, March 10.-rThe. oper-v ations of the allied fleet in the Dardanelles which were stop ped yesterday by unfavorable weather were resumed vigor ously in the afternoon, accord ing to an Athens dispatch to the Matin. The warships are reported to have made addit ional progress in the Narrows, silencing Turkish batteries on the heights of Rcnkui, the fire from which was proving trou blesome. In Trans-Caucasia. Tlflls. Trans-Cnuoasia, March I. by - strosTad and London, lurch 10. Turkish forces and, Kurda coneentrat 4 In tn district of Khol In norlh "rt Persia, ore iilowljr being forced j rttrsat southward. Th Husslsn IM a!ri1y bur tnken ponloll Cuntnued on Ij Vera Cruz, , March 10. The decla ration that General Obregon acted in good faith in his efforts to relieve, the sufferings of the poor in Mexico. City; is denial of the charges that he prevented the distribution of food furnished or the poor, andl other acts which were calculated to compli cate the situation, is the substance of a statement which is being prepared by Alberto J. Fanl, .head of the Na tional railways, for Charles A. Doug las, Carranza's Washington attorney who is here . It is understood that Has Aboard 326 Prisoners Taken From Merchantmen Which German Warship Had Sent Down. Washington, March 10. According to the doctrine laid down by the American government In other cases similar to that of the Prinz Eitel Friedrich the collector of customs must communicate.with the vessel and give the captain 24 hours In which to take on coal and provisions.'-.If there are repairs to be made the respite may t.e longer, in mat case the naval imr T.opv ftpta Tnrlnroe contractor examines the damage to the j Areasurer "J els indorse- vessel and reports what he thinks j would be a reasonable time in which the repairs could be made-and the German ship would be given 24 hours additional time to leave. .. In the meantime the American gov ernment would l.erp secret the time of the vessel's departure in ordr that no unfair advantag mipht accrue to hostile vessels which might have gath- BOOM FOR MAX. GARDNER AS NEXT LT. GOVERNOR ment from the House and Senate Committee " of His Office. Eitel Friedrich arrived here today. the statement will be included in that j No 01i . claimed to know the object ' Newport News, Va., March 10 The German auxiliary cruiser. Prinz I erod to await for the German ship, omciais nere are oi trie opinion mat the presence of British and French which is to be delivered to the state department. Pan! asserts that Obregon is Idol ized by the poor of Mexico City and that the conditions created . were due not to him but to the opposition of j wealthy people whose Intention was j to bring Obregon and the constitution alist cause into disrepute. Panl is prepared to give details as to the quantity of food shipped to Mexico City; and how much was shipped out and by whom. He will make efforts to disprove charges that Obregon deliberately tried to drive the people to desperation. He will also submit an exact statement as to the amount of funds collected by Obregon, and the uses to which they were put. . 1 HI 1 III tin IITI ill I T Submarine U-20 Had Three Torpedo Tubes Members of the Crew Saved. London, March 10. The German submarine U-20 has been sent to the bottom of the sea, according to a statement issued by the' British ad miralty. The submarine, according to the admiralty announcement, was jammed by a British torpedo boat destroyer and went to the bottom. The members of the crew of the un derwater craft surrendered and were saved . of her visit, further that that she was In need of coal and supplies. She was also said to be in need of 're pairs and she may interne here until the end of the war, ''..' The Prinz Eitel Friedrich is said to have on board' 328 French and Russian prisoners of war. ..The ves sel last reported at Valparaiso, Chile. The prisoners on the cruiser Prinz Eitel Friedrich are members of the crews of the vessels which the war ship has sunk. The captain of the American schooner, William P. Frye, and his wife, were also said to vbe aboard. V ( . The Prinz Eitel Friedrich arrived off the Virginia Capes last night but did hot enter . Hampton Roads until this morning. One report that has not been con firmed says that the big steamer was chased into the mouth of the Che jflnalie.Bay b?; Jrltlh--rxi;srs, iHtie urrnHinpni' oi' ine -nn jaitei r rteu rlch consists of three 8-inch guns and ten 5-inch guns. The vessel has a crew of 350 men and 13 officers. Immediately after the German ves sel dropped anchor the revenue cut ter Onondaga went alongside.. Tho captain of the cutter is expected to make a full report to the collector of customs, Norman R, Hamilton. It Is believed that the cruiser will at tempt to get away before the time prescribed for Internement. While at sea the vessel was painted white on one side and black on the other. warship close., to the. Atlantic coast AWAIT ANSWER ''Jy' " "'''' ': ' CIlf MD ISSUE FOR S5WI SOLD C. A. Webb, Agent, Success ful Eidder-Premium of $616 and Accrued Interest. President Advised Unofficially; Carranza's Reply to U. S. ' Demands Probably Will Be Favorable. BELIEVED FORCE WILL NOT BE NECESSARY; (By W. T. Host.) Raleigh, March 10. Lieutenant, Governor Daughtridge dropped the C. A. Webb, agent for .Well. Roth and company of Cincinnati, was th? successful bidder today, when, at noon, the board of aldermen awarded the $50,000 funding bonds, recently ordered sold by the board, to cover the deficit in the city budget. Tho bid of Mr. Webb Was $616 premium, with ac crued interest. He also agreed to fur nish the bond forms free and thi i are Asheville. Conflicting Dispatches Con cerning Evacuation of Mex ico City One Says Za pata Has Control. . sai um mouon or. oenacor nougouu . There 'were-six bidders In all and might influence the German warship'at H o'clock last night and watching) each bid was accompanied with with I trt fnfn.na bera TTnw tTio Pfln? FHpl (Tipnm.h th. nnan nn. Qno.lr.. Ttrtwln I a. Certifier! rhack fnr tlftftft HfitV, VA rriednen may get mrougn tne close iy ,et hls savel fall and the 1915 general pa'.rniiefl waters is a suDject ot mucn speculation. The disposition of the prisoners of war on the German ship has raised anothrr question, They will possibly bo paroled. Officials here await Information be fore taking any action. Word of the arrival of the German vessel was com municated to the German embassy by the captain. The announcement was received with surprise as nothing had been heard , of the cruiser for many weeks. It was believed the vessel was somewhere off the South American coast. The only report that the cap- assembly was adjourned. Each house loafed 'all afternoon and evening waiting for the ratifica tion of bills. The house was first to exception of the bid of C. H. Coffin of Chicago, whose bid was $501 premium. with accrued interest and furnish bond forms free. The bond issue of $50,000 is to be of $1000 denomination, with interest ai T. Ynf n.nt on1 tn.n,.ct linu.nl. stop work. In the senate Governor spml.atinualy at a bank , New Yopk; Daughtridge was receiving his bit,'! designated by the City of Asheville, grandfather clock, the girl clerks' handsome brushes and the pages cuff buttons from the. senators. Norvell and Mayo made up, withdrew their letters, expugned all records and told T j 6 m . . songood and Mayer or Cincinnati, with Max Gardner, president pro tern of ... . - ' , , ' . due on March 1. 1945. The unsuccessful bidders were: J. Scroop Styles of Asheville, represent ing Terry, Briggs and company of To ledo, O., whose bid was 98 cents on the dollar, with accrued interest; Sea- the senate, received a . formidable The U-20 was built in 1918; had a displacement of 840 tona and a speed of 17 knots an hour on- the surface and 12 knots submerged. The U-20 had three torpedo tubes. SUBMARINES SINK THREE MORE BRITISH STE1MERS Three Underwater Craft Tor pedo Merchantmen With out Warning; The auxiliary cruiser Prinz Eitel Friedrich started out on her career as a warship from Tsing Tau. She was formerly a regular liner of the Hamburg-American line. The vessel reached Tsing Tau Just after the out break of the war, and the German marine authorities at once equipped her with naval guns and turned her Into an auxllary cruiser? The Prinz Eitel Friedrich sailed from Tsing Tau before the Japanese attacked that port. Early In Novem ber she was reported off the west coast of South America where for several months she was active tn pursuit of British and French ship ping. One of her exploits was the sinking early In December of the British steamer Charas off the coast of Chile. Japanese cruisers have been described a searching for the Prinz Eitel Friedrich persistently, but never . finding her. It is not known when she entered the south Atlantic waters. If she had . come . through the straits of Magellan the prevail ing censorship might have prevented mention of her. Desiring to avoid the strait, she might have come around Cape Horn. tain made was that he had put in atJbom t preaented Newport .ews....He gave no details .,.,, mi the aI,;l,a.-ke. '"a J ,, ..Vr if' -:th. 9t0od P cheered. Gardner r, Ylt hf r ? a,?t r n ,, Bt Raptured half the state In his Presen Prinz jfiitei Friedrioh there remains at , -Chatham targe xuiuive v; "". Bi,k hnrtclimelv for him and thol ' """ "l.""" waters cr mV 'Gernmrf warship KP? lwii(igome)y. -tor .. niyt ana tn801 .ti, . id w anr-Kvon tfIn,Wilfielm,r",";"3 . aw read by City Clerk h the auxiliary cruiser; the protected cruiser Dresden; and the cruiser Karl-sruhe. WITNESSES TELL OF IHilESCftPE Attendants at Mattewan Tell of Thaw's Escape From the Asylum. -"The primary, act received new touches but only for the exemption of a county! In the house nothing hap pened after 5 o'clock except the ap pointment of committees. To attend inauguration of President Graham, or the state university; Speaker Bowie named Representatives Bynum,, Pe gram, Stacey, Battle, Nettles, Page, Allen, Hutchison, Hanes and Klttrell. To examine the accounts of the state treasurer and the insurance commis sioner, Grier, Laughlnghouse and Kali-cloth, Davidson county citizens gave Henry B. Yurner and Representative Leonard the fright of their lives yesterday when the folks back home showed up at tho general assembly and suggested trouble for Mr. Leonard's road bond bill of $300,000. Of course it is safe now and David son county must take good roads whether she wants them or not. Var- is.'aw vnrk March 10. Four wit-i ner was down here to attend the meet- nesses who saw the sensational flight ! Ing of the state prison board and of Harry K. Thaw from Matteawan : while talking over the business of that asylum testified at bin trial here to-j commission. Col. J. P. Kerr, private day in which he is charged with con- secretary to the governor, called him spiracy in connection' with his es- up and told him that the Leonard bill cape from the asylum. 'had been resurrected and tabled. Howard Barnum, the gatekeeper! Mr. Varner admitted that it was a at the asylum, who opened the gate i worse shock than blowing up the cap for the milkman, described how j ltol would have given him. Finally Thaw dashed through the gates and yesterday afternoon Varner breathed Jumped into an automobile which : normally. He was tola now ionari sped away In a cloud of dust. (-had lambasted the democrats for lg- On cross-examination the witness i norlng nini in me ni-nooi uuui u up- said that ho knew Thaw well and had , polntment in Davidson. a bid of $318.75 and accrued interest; Spitzer, Rorick and company of Tole do, and buy-thei;- own bond forms; C. N. Malone and company of Asheville, whose bid was" par. " Representatives of all the bidders were... present at the meeting and as wW opened and rank L. Conder. It was seen that Mr. Webb's bid was by far the best. J. Scroop Styles then naked the board to accept the bid made by Mr. Webb, as he thought it was the best. The awarding of the bond issue consumed only a few min utes and the board transacted no other business. , if! STAT UN London, March 10. German sub marines appeared early Tuesday mornlnr at three wldelr separated points .-on the , British ctast, and It Is stated officially, without giving warning to the crews, sank three .British merchant steamers. In one case, that of 'the steamer Tanglstan, which waa torpedoed oft Scarborough, , in . th .North . sea, thlrty-reven men of her crew or 18 are missing, only one man from the vessel was picked up.' The attack which sent the Tanglstan to the bot tom was made half Bn hour after midnight. At 6 o'clock In the (nornlng anoth er submarine mnK me steamer Blackwood off Hasting. In the English channel., while a third submarine nnk the steamer rHnotw Vlctorii off Liverpool at a quarter paat nine o'clock. I ' ' Ntwa of the latest (explolta of Ger man submarines cantt Just a the British publlo w congratulating themselves that the threatened Ger man aea blockade had been a fail ur. . i PROMINENT DB. FOUND GUILTY OF BUY Montgomery, Aln,, March 10. Dr. George Robert Norman, physician of Brookwood, Ala., was found guilty here today of the burglary of the state medical office and state medical exam ination papera It was testified In the criminal court that he had sub stituted a corrected chemistry exami nation paper, returning the original to an applicant for 1100. Kelly Adams, former negro Janitor, the physician's alleged accomplice waa found guilty Tuesday. ANOTHER ZEPPELIN TRIED OUT AT LAKE March 10.j-Th new; 7p- now on tnai ;over Berne rtelln tanra Is the nlntb, to leave j-nrn-rlchshafen since tb bglnnlnf of the war, ITALY TO ATTACK AUSTRIA Roma, March 10. Although It declares It considers such an agree ment Impossible the Idea Naslonale discusses the report that Germany has agreed with Italy that If Austria rsfuses Italy territorial concessions, no objections will bo offered by Ger many If Italy ' attacks her preidiit ally provided itiJy does not enter an alliance with the Triple Entente. The newspnper rails such an agree ment "fully" snd mj It would ineim ths betrayal e Italy. talked with him hundreds of times He had never seen Thaw In a bad temper. James Micky, the driver of the milk wagon In which Thaw escaped, ; but lie was beyond trouble. corroborated Barnum s testimony. Be fore entering the gates, he said, he i dorsement that the senate and house saw a tnxicab slow up In front of ! suh-llnance committees gave his otlice It was true that about half a dozen prominent Davlilsonlans were here and It is presumed that they were going to make trouble for Leonard, FORJPIM Commission Will Not Order Ry. Co's. to Build Sta tion Asked for. (By W. T. Bout). Raleigh, March 10. The corpora tion commission today dismissed Washington, March lO.-J-Devolop-ments in the Mexican situation awan- r ed General Carranza's answer to tho American- note demanding an - im provement of conditions In Mexico ' City. There were indications that. tne.v- reply might be favorable. ...j Conflicting dispatches -.. concerning . the evacuation of Mexico City caused ' doubts. Dispatches .from; .Vera-; Cru yesterday indicated that General Ob- , regon, Carranza commander, . was still in control. The Villa agency had a dispatch . from Juarez -that Obre- : gon hud evacuated, the city yesteraay and that his troops had been rcplaoea by Zapata forces. ' V ' There has been - no change Ini tha . naval orders by which the battleship Georgia and the armored:, crulxer Washington were sent to reinforca the smaller craft at A' era Ouz. Washington, March 10. Carranza's reply to the American note demand ing that move adequate protection be ; provided for foreigners in: the-terri- tory over which he . has .control is . awaited momentarily by " President Wllnon and his advisors. The presi dent has been - advised ' nnofticlally ' that the eply will probably be fav ora)tle. ' y...,. " "' In- the meantime ; precautionary " steps have been taken for safeguard ing American Interests. United States warships are hovering about the coast of Mexico to enforce, if necessary, compliance with the American de mands; and American citizens -In Mexico City have been warned to leave on account of the critical situ-; tion. There was a feeling of confidence among officials and diplomats tnai the use of force would not be neces sary. It is believed among officials that with the evacuation of the Mex-; iean capital by General Obregon, the Carranza commander and the occu pation of the city by Zapata forces. tho people there can count on tho latter to afford proper police pre-election and that the crisis will pass. Secretary Bryan announced last night than transportation facilities would be sought for as many as de sired to leave. Enrique C. Llorente, General VII-' la's Washington representative, re ceived a message saying Zapatista; forces occupied Mexico City yester-, day Immediately on the evacuation of Obregon's troops. Word came from American Consul Sllllman that a . personal Interview with General Carranza he had de livered the formal note from the Charlottes petition to require tne irnited stales government demanding Southern, Seaboard, Norfolk Southern an Improvement In conditions Tor and Piedmont Electric railways to foreigners In the territory under his the control. the hospital grounds. OF UUI1U a. UIIIOIl AIKr.,,. Ih. ..nlant. .k. Southern station now stands. to Carranza were not announced, Its' The controversy, now mure than tone impressed members of the dip ten years old. will lie partly settled by11""! corn that serious conse-i . . . ,v,fifl"ences would ensue If Carranza,! a further communion order that ; ftiJ(M, ,o ( dpman, Tn rn, l.n(l. tUn Qmithiifn on fl Soiihnr(l R1III-' a. i . . .. , .1 iuwvii .-iuw.w ...... -- - ip niiiTfR. i r wan inr.i-nsn. ntKcrmp(i ..,uui.. u(wt.F il.nti t.hinai fnf nnu' . .... . ; Treasurer Lacy is lucky in the in- " " conumnns, as intoieranie- ana can- a.c.wMB. . f i mi on arranzn m laae nieos neces-- The commission bases its ruling on; to corre,.t the situation. Incn-' Inaccessibility of the Keuboard am! fi)nry utterances of General Ohregon vesterdav and the criticism will doubt lefts stop since the legislature has Norfolk Southern tracks, the first were noted by the American govern- nuic now v.i.lulifh nf a rallA mill Iho1 . .. paused a statute covering the chief . ..,.., fPm ,h. r... : " . " ' ""' T' (rouble found In his office, a trouble - ' . . ,,,rp Kn"- jv--irj ... in, in mm i.ii.ittKvn. , the I Tf,p Mexican lied Cross hus ap P'y neiilpil tit the American Hfd Crnssi settles which a statute brought him. ' Tlu, coinmiHslon plso jne commuees .,.i i".ow between Plymouth, and manner in wnti-n inn umce utus uri-n mann . whirn lhe omce has beenlr0W "vlWf,pn " peiile.l tit the American Red . Cross. .T.d..a"lryJ h. . t. municipality tf Pay $1,400 for lUh,, trv)n)r p0pll1nc; of MexIP0Cl.y. elected the Durham, convention World In session hero following officers; Head counsel, E. K. Wise of Greensboro: head adviser, R. K. Grant of Hendersonvllle; banker, J. W. Fleet of Wilmington; clerk. J. H. Gordon of Concord; escort. Dr. Bonner of Morehead City; watch man, J. E. Gllmore of Lumberton; sentry L. E. Cunningham of Tar boro. jii tj. stood In the way of the Interest bear Ing balances on state funds. The Pe gram bill, one of the few that actually K-ltf In mnnev will ElVA tbn trpfljl March 10. Tho state r,y,, ln rnilect intorest Bnd of the Woodmen of the wn, , qu)te a neat Bum , the Htate besides what It saves. MaJ. W. A. Graham, commissioner of agriculture, will Issue a proclama tion I-'rlilay, March 12. In which ho will declare that tobacco warehouse men who decline to report their sales, an- lia'.'l" to a penalty of $25. ! The obi act made the punishment so much that nobody sued upon It and: : nobody tried ot enforce the law. l"n-j I der tb new law tho person reportlnu ! 'the delinquent warehouseman can cnl-i I lect the penalty. Mai. Graham niemul ; to report these violallorm anil to inaKitj irertnin the nlurn monthly ot the to-j I bacco sales. Trnvollnir Man Robbed. lights, which It had refused to pay. STEW DIGIi'S OWNER ENTERS FORMAL PROTEST Brietung Begins Action to Re cover Steamer Seized by French Admiralty. It appears that the famine Is rapidly; growing worse. Sir. Pryan said that; the state department would eo-oper-nte In the relief work as far as possU ble. N'ew Orleans. March 10. Cardinal Gibbon received a personal report of the. cond'tlons In Mexico as regards I the Ciithnllc church. It became known j today. -hm late yesterday ho received I In cnnfeveni-e Archbishop Morsy 1M Plo, bead of the church In the south- ern republic,, who recently arrived In . New Orleaii from Vera Croi Tho Cui-dlnnl would not dlsonss tho conference other than to say that h had lenmed thnt all the Csthollc cler ty hsd been Impvlwoned and that ths Htuntlon was deplorable, Special to The Gusette-Ncws, Rocky Mount, March 10. A year-old negro boy. John Hollows v. Paris, March in. H. .V. Itrletunr, of X v Voik, the otnr of tbo Atttft leun sicamer Ijo la, bs entered ........j . ..' I n 1 nr TiV TO MI7Pn tV Piclon of local Pidlcs , and he HH-SmAH GOVERNMENT i ITTT in ine 'jciu pim nmiuh, ana - , , . . ,i cording to hi. alleged confession, and i i th.r.l.M. I- ha euiiug U j the circumstantial evidence It Is be- Iterlln. March 10.-Kx-pproprla-, vars. president f tho A oe a n l lleved ho Is guilty of having rifled tlnn of all shocks ot barley In, excess i Marine Imic, to tlefei.d hw Interests the pockets of a traveling man In a I of one metric ton wso pounnsi Itethel hotel last week and having . GUSHES BETWEEN POLICE firasiTiis::, taken $41. Tha loser of the money was a traveling salesman, T. J. Wor tbam, from UaHlmoie, Md. ,u. i,...n ordered by tho Ilunderath. Tho Dsria formerly ifiottaen to in- There are certain exceptions, however Hamburg-Amerlcan line. She changed In grain held bv fanners snd by her registry and became mi American tho.s who desire to use U for seed. 4hlp all.r lbs outbreak ot tho war. lJubon, March 10, The liiiTseii price of bread Is relinsllle fr ti . violent clashes Setwern the police im t thit worker" In the naval r-t-n -. when thf) pniice fired their wepnr, into lbs ciud oundmg uifiiy. 1