PAGE TWELVE THE ASmTTILLE GAZETTE jTEWS" gatuTflay, I,:iVr , COAL M.& W.INDIAN The kind that is substan . tial clean, pure carbon, and that Trill give niost perfect fuel satisfaction ; for stove; grate or range. Phones 129 and 130, Carolina Coal & Ice Company 50 Patton Ave, Drohmor Bldg. The Artistic Autopiano ( !. Is the delight of the cultured and refined. Come in and ex amine this excellent instrn-! ment. . . DUNHAM'S Music House The Home of High Grade Pianos. CHINA, GLASS, ENAM EL, TIN, ALUMINUM WARES Variety, Quality and Values. I. X. L. DEPT. STORE. , : 16 BROADWAY Phone 107. Langren Bids. 1 If It Is ELECTRIC FIXTURES you want for that new house you are building, we have them in all the latest designs, with prices from $2.50 up. Opp. P. 0. 64 Patton Ave. ; THE CALL CO. , 17 BILTMORE AVENTE. Sell3 For Cash and ...Sells For Less Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23-25 South Main Street Phone 887 NIXON'S THREE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 20 oz. rnn net weight sllc. i Hawaiian ninoni-ril, jmr ran 13,. No. 1 wnnoin grown Iri.ih potatoes. pit perk 33,. 4 pounds of ont menl, finality guar , arit.'ori, for 23C mi.TMOHi: DAIRY ritODt'CTS I lump MikIo llrcnil. . Miotic Ul) 70 thin loii'e fit. 1 r COKE . . 1 A iv' you 1rmifr'rl with C'linki' llll.l sn)t lllxillt i LV.i.'J Wliv nut use' CM 1. ; ' V.'i' rati s'ljt; ly ri;.: v 1'; -.' .-t1;n:(.,. , ''' . . . ' ' , S..ii. 111 o, (). Severe Head Pains Caused By Catarrh , Cured By Peruoa I Feel It a Duty to Mankind to Let All Know of My , Cure. Peruna Did It. - Mr. W. H. Chaney, , R. F. D. 2. Butherlln. Pittsylvania Co, Va, writes: Tor the past twelve months I have been a Bufterer from catarrh of the head. Since taking four 'bot tles of your Peruna I feel like a different person altogether. The se vere pains In my head have disap peared,' and my entire system has been greatly strengthened. "This Is my first testimonial to the curative qualities of any patent medicine. I feel It a duty to man kind to let them know of Peruna. In my estimation It Is the greatest medicine on earth for catarrh.' We have thousands of testimonials like Mr. Chaney s. Some of them were cured after years of suffering and disappointment In finding a remedy. Send for free copy of "His of Life." The Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. Those who object to liquid medi cines can now procure Peruna Tab lets. . IT HEMPHUJLJNSTITUTE Community Co-operation Sub ject Friday Addresses by Hipps, Lawsing, Adams. Exercises yesterday completed the program of the Farmers' institute and Folk Meeting at Hemphill church, and was observed as Community co-opera tion day. In the morning there were addresses by Prof. W. H. Hipps, coun ty superintendent of schools, and Dr. C. S. Adams of Decatur, 111.; A. L. Lawslng, farm demonstrator of the French Broad presbytery, made a talk In the afternoon. The Pleasant Grove singing class furnished music for the day's program. This institute, held under the aus pices of church and home department of the Presbyterian Mission board, began Wednesday night, March 3, with a lecture by Dr. Adams. The Rev. J. H. Gruver is the pastor at .Hemphill and agent of the Mission board. Part of the board's work is the holding of meetings In aJl of the communities within its field of op erations. These gatherings are based on the same idea found in the com munity service week movement be gun last fall in this state, namely, that the people need to meet togeth er often; not only for social inter course, but for the exchange of ideas and for instruction by teachers and leaders In religion, education, agricul ture, sanitation, cooking, home nurs ing of the sick, and in music Three days on the program were devoted to education. There were addresses by President Ne well of Weaver college, Prof. John C. Campbell of Asheville, Secretary of the Russell Sage founda tion, a missionary talk by Mrs. E. P. Childs of the Normal and Collegiate Institute, solo singing, Miss McDonald, class singing under the direction of J. M. Roberts, and readings by Miss Erickson of the Normal faculty. On Monday, Home day, there were talks by Mrs. LeFerre, J. S. Rhea, A. L. Iwslng and others on improve ments for rural homes. , Wednesday, Corn day, already re ferred to In these columns, E. D. Weav-r'and E. S. Millsapn made talks: , there was a musical program In the ! afternoon: ami at nlttht Miss Erlrkson , exhibited drawings, and A. U liwsiug I gave it stereoptlcun lecture on Palls- , tine. Health day program on Thursday In eluded talks by county health officer, Dr. D. E. S-'Vler, and by Dr. Craw ford. Miss McDonald, teacher of Do ' metitic Science at the Normal Instl jtute, discussed cooking for the sick !nrd home nursing, particularly in ty j phold cases, was the subject of a talk I by Miss Goold. I The exen-lws were well attended 1 ""'1 He instruction and entertainment afforded were much enjoyed by the people of Keetn's Creek Section, and by visitors from Ashevlllp, Wraver- jViiiP, .Marshall and Mars Hill. T RT MAJESTIC NEXT WEEK ' The management of the Majesti . has arranged lo get the Houthern UoMdmU Mimical Comedy company for next week, featuring the Dancing Donncl)H, tango, fox trot (and ran danrlii. nlsit lell and Edna Elliott In whirlwind darning and Argentine tun to t rich ilamlng. and 11 bevy of very fiivt' v go In. Kud to lm the liext singing mid tluni lug chorus on the circuit "r.e tnminy will present three clunAe ditilu the week opening with :lie farn r'rom Allisnyr a musical Still Isicp i.i,..dy, nod on Mednrsday tr second Mil w II be pre; n!d,"A lien- tir kui Himtii.nd. " . a1 lili r'rldny nn 1 Xndiriijiy her I'liuiive entitled "A ' !'-.-r lorm d Uw," H1so a musical 11. 1 e .iMiii'iiy. Tin (outhi.rn Hone I. n. I his. ) ml frool n t im t U sailing. ton ...Iter 1 lir inn .ipcon highly of ihfir l ilts, a'.tn their chiKxy wnnlruU" 1 Mud ., ..v , r coiiiclun. UT .LlGiillOTEl TONIGHT All Arrangements Completed for Spread Grand Chancel- lor Arrives Today. - Grand Chancellor James Q. Balrd of Charlotte will arrive here this after noon to participate in the two days' rally planned by the three local lodges of the Pythian order to be held here tonight and,' tomorrow afternoon. Upon his arrival here, the visiting grand- chancellor will be met by the chairman of the entertainment c6m mittee, Oscar White and the chancel lor commanders of the three lodges, Louis Lipinsky of Pisgah; W. H. Zim merman of Asheville and J. B. Cain of West Asheville. From the station, the party will , proceed to the Langren hotel where the visiting official will be entertained during his stay In the city. The banquet, held Jointly by the three local lodges of the Pythian or der, will be at the Langren hotel to night and will commence promptly at 7:30 o'clock. The banquet Is for Pythlans only and the principal ad dress will be made by Major Balrd, the visiting official. Judge Thomas A. Jones will act as toastmaster for the evening and representatives of each of the three lodges will respond to toasts as follows: Congressman James J. Britt for Pisgah lodge; A. Hall John ston for Asheville lodge and Hugh Miller for West Asheville lodge. J. C. Sales of Fletcher, district deputy will Introduce Grand Chancellor Balrd to the Pythlans in attendance at the ban quet. -A quartet composed of local Pythlans will sing several selections and Almond Jones will render a solo. Invitations have been extended to the members of the lodges at Canton, Fletcher and Black Mountain to be present at the banquet and the chan cellor commander of the Canton lodge, who was here yesterday, stated that the Canton lodge would be well repre sented at the spread tonight. Black Mountain and Fletcher are also ex pected to send large delegations and It is likely that t'-e will be over 200 Pythlans prcoent when tonight's festivities start. Everything that could be done to make the night s success has been arranged and those in charge announce an elaborate menu for the banquet. . Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Major Balrd will deliver his talk on Pythianlsm at the meeting held at the Y. M. C. A, auditorium. This meeting is open to the general public and not restricted to members of the order. At this meeting at the Y. M. C. A., Major Baird will deliver the address that he has given to a number of lodges throughout the state and which has been Instrumental in stirring up in creased activity among all the mem bers who have heard it. The visiting grand chancellor expects to leave for his home in Charlotte at 4:10 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. AVOID SPRING ILLS Purify and Build Vp the Blood With Hood's .Sarsaparllla. In the spring your blood needs cleansing and enriching. You feel poorly, and there Is more or less erup tion on your face and body. Your ap petite is not good, your sleep Is broken, and you are tire all the timo. You need Hood's Sarsaparllla. ' It Is the one safe and effective tonic that has stood the test of forty years. It makes the pure red blood that will make you feel better, look better, eat and sleep better. It Is the old stand ard tried and true all-the-year-rovnj medicine for the blood and the -vhole system. Ask any druggist for Hood's Sarsa parllla, and insist on having it. Noth- ng else acts like It, for nothing else has the same formula or Ingredients, and so there Is no real substitute. Get It today. I Y. SI. C. A. BOWLING SCORES Miller's team defeated Sugg's team three straight games In the duck pin tournament at the Y, M. C, A. last night. The scores follow: Totals nuttrlrk 83 92 87 271 Lowenbeln .. 98 89 110 297 Brock 84 103 110 297 Miller 110 95 86 290 Grand totals ..374 379 402 1165 James $7 91 88 268 Cameron 88 77 85 2S0 Hall 91 96 97 284 Siirk .. ,. ..... 82 89 92 263 Grand totals ..348 ,166 362 1065 Humbug. The word bumbu la of Irish od mean toft copper or wort bleu Spot Cash Specials A NEW ONE EACH WEEK March 8th to 13th Red Seal Electric Batteries 18c Each Brown Hardware Co. 21 Broadway. ' v Phone 87. 5-a dg&Erqthers MOTOR CAR We liaie received another rliipmeiil oi limine Cars Come in and see ' the DODGE. Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and SO Church St. i.J; POST CARD ALBUMS, SPECIAL PRICES Of course you keep the postcards you get of various places, pretty and picturesque bits of scenery or place where YOU have visited. 'Buy an Album at a bargain. Ask to see them today. ROGERS BOOK STORE S9 Patton Avenue . . Rogers Press - - St Pattern Atom - Phone SS4 ORDER ICE CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER Flavors: Tutti Frutti, Caramel, Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, Pineapple Sherbet. !. CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE Haywood St., Near P. O., Phones 110 & 111. HILL'S PEERLESS ALL PORK The Sausage with a Clean Reputation Ask Your Neighbor Florida Strawberries '. " Extra Fancy, Per Basket, Thirty-five Cents. Everything In Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 North Pack Square and City Market " FIRE SALE Until Entire Stock and Fixtures are Closed Out Special attention to those looking for go carts, push carts, doll carriages, velocipedes, tricycles, autos, wa gons, doll furniture, desks, chairs, tables, children' s roll abouts, trunks, Irish mails, at less than half price. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR 'S WORTH OF PIPES going at 25 per cent on the-dollar only at retail. Thou sands of other articles too numerous to mention. Every thing going. ' . ' BLOMBERG'S SPORTING GOODS, TOYS AND NOVELTIES , ON THE AVENUE. PHONE 456. CHOICE, TENDER LAMB ROAST Select IiOga of Lamb and Rolled Shoulder of Lamb for Roasting , ORDER EARLY STAR MARKET." "Phone 1917 "We are aucccaMful caterer to a variety of appetites." Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK, Owner. We give moving our special attention. vans and most iobim. tent men In city. Prompt baggage transfer service. Phone II. Patton Avenue. I" an we - LET US KNOW in Laundry Phones 70 and 2096 We I rom r,mr lanndry whHe. YOUR WANTS- FOB A FEW DATS ONXT Men's (10.00 Suits for 15.00 Men's $18.00 Suits for .. 1JJ0 Men's $15.00 Suits for 10.00 Men's $12.60 Suits for 8.00 GEORGE W. JENKINS, 10 Broadway 1 A GENTLE SPRING. .. Is just around the cprnfer, but ' Nichols Way Washing can be had TO DAY, and it is always the BEST. Phone 2000. Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. k 11 Penland St.. AsheviUe. . Street Car Schedule. In Effect Nov. 21, 1014. Zclllco and" Return 6:00. 6:15. :30 a. in. Riverside Park 6:15 and'everv IS minute until 11:00 p. m. Depot via. Southside AveniiK KrSn a. m. and every . 15 minutes until 1:15 p. m., then every 7)4 minutes until a: id -p. m., men every 15 minutes un til 11:00 p. nv t , Depot via. French Broad Avenue 6:00 a. hi. and every 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Manor 6:00 a. m. and everv IB u-.inutes until 11:00 p. m. Charlotte Street Trnnlnm (t-flft & m. and every 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. 11:30 car runs through; return leaves end of line 12:00. . Patton Avenue 6:00 a. m. and av. ery 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. mst btreet 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Grace via. Merrtmon Avenue 6:00, 6:80 a. m.: then everv 15 minutes nn. til 10:30 p. m.; then every 30 min utes until 11:00 p. m. Blltmore :15 a. m. and then every 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m., last car. Depot and West Asheville via. Southside Avenue 6:30 a. m. and ev ery 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Sunday Schedule Differs in the Fol lowing Particulars: Car leaves Square for Manor 6:00 a. m., returning 6:16 a. m. Cars leave Square for ' Depot via. Southside avenue 6:00. 6:15. 6:30, 7:00, 7:10, 8:00 and 8:30 a. m. Cars leave Square for Depot via. French Broad avenue 6:15, 6:30, 6:45, 7:15, 7:45 and 8:16. - - Car for Depot leaves Square 8:45 a. m., both Southside and French Broad. First car leaves the Square for Charlotte street at fl-on a m nnil . ery 30 minutes until 8:30, next 8:46. first car leaves . the Square for Riverside 8:30, next 8:45. First car leaves the Square for West Asheville 6:16, 7:00; next 8:80. ( With the above exceptions. Sunday schedules commence at 9:00 a. m. and continue same as week days. On evenings when entertainments are In progress at the Auditorium the last trip on all lines will be from en tertainment, leaving Square at regu lar time and holding over at Audi torium, Car leaves- Square to meet No. 36, night train, 30 minutes before ache, ule or announced arrival Set Teeth $6.00 I X v i l, v Crowns MaJUUU $4.00 All work at reduced prices. 10. year Guarantee, Ideal Painless Dentists KB. Main St. Over Zagtert SHIRTS Made to Tour Individual Measure and Reqolrementa. Price $2.00 to $8.00 MKRcnANT TAILOR L ) Ottis Green Hdwc Co. ( t That's the aBB4er 111088 , coal thai TviUproe ; real worth as a47! less, dustless andsJ smokeless; altogS clinkerless. , 6 c- i Asheville Coal ct WEAVER, MttM(f J North Pack sSqutr TO AUTOMOBILE The fact ha. h.. j... the best treatment for th,' of Automobiles is THE i? TION OF OLD ENGUSHW PROOfT DUST PROOFS resulU most gratifying. Rm, Ladles', Home Journal foru MILLER-CLAYTON PADdtv, 22 Broadway. Olffi SOUTHEKT n&ILXm --Premier Carrier of the w Schedule Figures Publishei ut mation Only and Not Effective Sun., Dee. No. ARRIVES FAOM Eait(B Savannah, Jacksonville . h, 11 Washington, New y0rfc . mond 12 Chattanooga, St. Uu!"'io2 Cincinnati, Memphis ... ji?, 16 N. Y Philadelphia, i Wub ton ia... 18 Murphy, Waynesville ., 20 Murphy, WaynesvUle ..i ,, 21 Goldsboro, Raleigh .....i'i. 23 Waynesville 27 Charleston, Columbia '...Villi Cincinnati, Aiempms, Loubvlllt Louis, Chicago .lOilh 36 Washington, New York mil mond ......... t-u. 41 Columbia iVu, 102 Bristol, Knoxvllle and ChMu, B ....10:KP No. DEPARTS FOR EaatertT. 10 Savannah, Jacksonville ...4.1) t 11 Knoxvllle, Chattanooga, Memj Louisville, St Louis and ci ni" 1:11,1 12 Washington, New York and si mond j;iip 16 N. Y.t Philadelphia and Wul ton :lH 17 Waynesville, Murphy ...,t:Ut 10 Waynesville, Murphy ...l:!j 21 Waynesville ....t:lip 22 Raleigh, Goldsboro ...... l:(0u 27 Chicago, Cincinnati, ChatUnooi Memphis !:I0- 28 Columbia, Charleston . .10:1(1 l 36 Washington, Richmond and ' Yord i..:H t 42 Atlanta, Charleston .....7:0tii 101 Bristol, Knozvilln and Chattui ga 7:10 a: No. 41 receives connectkr at Hi dersonville from Lake Toiiwjj c Brevard. i No. 27 receives connection at Bt dersonville from Rosman and Brew Train 28 connects at HenderniT!. and Rosmun. Train 10 connects at Hendenont! for Brevard and Lake Toxaway. Through sleeping cars daily to w from New York, Philadelphia, B more, Washington, Charleiton, In sonvllle, Cincinnati, Chicago, Mi phis, St. Louis and Loulsvl!!. 1 Through chair cars Ooldaboro-A4 vllle trains os. 21 and tt. Dining car service trains Noa f and 28. I J. H. WOOD. Dlv. Pftaengr Ar ALEX. H. ACKER. j City Passenger and Ticket Art J. E. CARPENTEI JEWELER j Watches and Fine Jewet; Watch Repairng my Special, W Pack Savsra Our Garage is steam heated. No dan ger of your car freezing when you store with us. .. D. C. Shaw Motor & 52-60 Broadway. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF None but high-class factory mechanics employed. Oui applies are cheaper and all work is Guaranteed. . ENTERPRISE GARAGE ''' J. R. Ruraboufch, Gen. Mfrr Deitz Dash Lanterns We aro overstocked on this wagon lantern and going to pell n few to reduce stock FOR CCc EACH. Special price by dozen. i 11 W. Pad: Squro I WHY WORRY? TELEPHONE 202

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