PAGE EIGHT THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NET73 Saturday, March 13 , TUT FIRE Now Going On and Will Continue XJM Stock and Barrel M k MM(H)T ALE n .::;!; Our store was crowded to its capacity all day Saturday and Saturday night with eager customers and will be crowded each day of the ale on account of the wonderful bargains to be found here. We willije open daily from 9 a. m. to 6. p. m., except one hour (between 1 and 2 p. m.) at which time we must straighten the stock. " ; " r Sporting Goods Brass GoodsY Dollsr Carriages, at 9 fs TA fi TO) In ITT) VH !58IES TOY STORE 17 PATTON AVENUE : . 8335EflHB3& K COMING ATTRACTIONS. H Monday, March 15, Matinee , ? and Night, Coburn's Ureater . . Minstrels. H , K Tuesday, March 23, "Seven ?; R Keys to Bald pate." Hi ! ' If t KKKKRI! H H H r. j Coburn's (Jrcater Minstrels. ! With Coburn's Greater minstrels! next Monday matinee and night at I the Auditorium one of the feature j musical offering of the season is the I metropolitan singing four, the liescl tuartet in minstrelsy. There prob-! ably is nut a patron or lover of min- strelsv ami vocal music whose pref-J erpncc would not be quoted in favor nt this enjoyable form of musical en-; tertainment. Jester I.ueas. basso, whose powerful voice has been heard and enjoyed with this attraction In past seasons has been promoted to the position of interlocutef in the big new. first part production, in which capacity his pleasing personality, clean ennunciation and dramatic nbillty Invidualize him as master of ceremonies. William Church, counter tenor, with a splendid and powerful voice, having a range of E above high C. makes him a star soloist and top tenor feature. "Millie" is also th comedian of the quartet as well as fills it capably. Justin McCarthy, Celtic tenor lead, and soloist, and Jo seph liaguire, robust baritone so- lag GHJD& THCATRK CIRCUIT Monday, March 15, 1915 Matinee and Night Coburn's Greater MINSTRELS 30 PEOPLE 30 Everything New Thli Season Matinee: Children. 23c; Adults, 50r. Xlglit: Mk 7,'o and tl. ats AT AI.LIKOWS. iff ;f V V t ' I . . f 'lit" n elist has lost no time. In Act 1, the writer has not been long at work when there is a rattle at the lock of the door, and the. own er of the second key to Baldpate enters. ' Complications follow fast, and it develops that there are seven keys to Baldpate. Hermits, safes, robbers, reporters, graft, politicians, police, pis tols, blackmail, murder, love, ghosts we defy any man to remember one tenth of the details of the plot, for Mr. Cohan has. spared no pains to make his satire on the "best seller" a real satire.. , Arthur Marchmont anil Louis Joseph Vance in their palmiest days have nothing on this piece for melodrama. ' Yet the author has so skillfully introduced his laughs that the play never has a chance to get serious, and the audience is per plexed up to the last, not knowing whether .they are viewing a farce, a melodrama, or a satire. withstanding the presence of the wee vil in their fields, averaged a bale or more of cotton per acre. The agricul tural development work of the com panies Is carried on in co-operation with the United States government and the agricultural agents of the states and counties. . The services of the agricultural agents of the compa nies are free to all farmers along their lines wishing to avail themselves of their advice. The work heretofore done by the companies for the development of live stock, dairying and poultry raising along their lines has been consolidated with the general agricultural work under the direction of the Industrial and agricultural commissioner of the companies and plans have been adopt ed which It is believed will make all of the agricultural development work i of the companies even more efficient in the future than it has been in the past. I Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's liver Tablets Make the liver active, bowels reortilar. without pain or frripinfr, relieve lick headache and that bloated feeling iter eating, purify the blood and el ear the complexion. ILarge box, enough to last o month 25c CbiNO, 224 N 10th SU Philadelphia, Pa. GazetteNews "Want Ads" START THINGS They Start Sales and Profit) M.N.;iill AM) OWN Kit OF OOBVKX'S MIXSTREIS, AT Al'DITOKIVM MATINEE AND NIGHT, MONDAY, MAKCII 15, THE OTS' ADVICE Field Agents of Southern Rail way Advise With 100,000 Farmers Past Year. PRINCESS MONDAY- lolst and the latest addition to this pleasing specialty. The. solos, har-' mony numbers and comedy bits used this Reason by these singers demon strate their right to the title claimed for them, and no patron of Coburn's Minstrels will be disappointed In tho result of their combined efforts to pleune. The matinee prices will be 25 cents for rhlldren and 50 cents for adults. Night prices will be from GO cents to tl. Tickets are now selling at Allison's. Seven Kcjs to Iihliiito." "Seven Keys to Hold pate," George M. Cohan's mystery farce, which comes to the Auditorium for one per formance, Tuesday night, March 23, Is a play which amuxes, perplexes and entertains all at once. The pro logue acquaints us with Baldpate inn, a summer mountain resort. The time is dead of winter and the hotel is closed. The caretaker has a telegram from the owner announcing the ar rival of a friend who la to remain 21 hours. Knter the friend, William Hal lowell Magee, a popular novelist of the George Uarr McCutcheou type. He has come from New York to the lone Homest pot on earth, a summer hotel In winter, to write a 10.000-word novel in 24 hours, and thus win a wager of $5,000. The caretaker i stires him that he will not be dis turbed, for there's not a person with in miles and none can get In as there's only one key. The caretaker .then gives him the only key to Baldpate, and leaves him to his task. The cur tain goes down as the clock strikes midnight and the tap, tap of the type writer upstairs shows that the nov- Speclal to The Oazette-News. Washington, March IS. Substantial results are shown by the annual re port of the Agricultural agent of Southern Railway company and as sociated companies for the year 1914. During the year the field agents of the companies gave advice to a total of about 100.00.1 farmers. They received detailed reports from 3,512 farmers covering 83,466 acres in cotton, 24,237 acres In corn and 11,383 acres In mis cellaneous crops. The average yield of cotton per acre on fields cultivated in accordance with their advice was 1,255 pounds of seed cotton, as compared, with the average of 513 pounds per acre In fields where their advice was not followed. The average yield of corn per acre In fields grown In accordance with their advice was 50 4-6 bushels, as com pared with 18 2-5 bushels per acre in fields where their advice was not fol lowed. Equally good results wer ob tained with other crops. ' A striking feature of the report Is the good showing made In boll weevil territory where many farmers, not- "The Darling of the Screen" America's Sweetheart MARY PICICF0RD IN THE NOTED PLAY OF THEATRICAL LIFE ON THE STAGE THE DAINTY LITTLE ACTRESS WHO PLAYS THE PART OF DOLLY LANE IN MARGARET MAYO'S CHARMING ' ' DRAMA Behind the Scenes SO CLASSY SO PRETTY 30 CLEVER You Can't Afford to Miss It ADMISSION - 5c and 10c Brinqinq Up Father (Copyright, 1915, International News Service.) By Georqe McManus me. rHATj rsUI?" . r l CHECK Vi NIXED UP WITH Y f D5-k . I S I T &0f 1 OUTOFTHKT! j TO MCMOW JJ 'jl HB IH f X V ff ZN rTTSlf OZtf F0 ? ' E V" ' fl v---Tr--r, 5ouwth5t inpH pocET' r Jzgsf "23 w Yjfc 1 r if u " D " - i