J I TEE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE -NET73 Tnesday, March 13 v PAGE TOUR uesi THE GRZETTE-NEWS PUBLISHED BY Evening News Publishing Oo. ASHEVILLE. V. C W. A Hildebrand.. Wm. M. Bricken.. Editor .General Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATKTJ Aabevllle and BUtmore One Week ......."' ? Three Month i " . 1.00 Six Months Twelve Montha BT MAIL. IN ADVANCE Three Months Six Montha ,. Twelve Months . 11.00 .1.00 ...4.00 can take cars of them, too, without any Inconvenience. Since December 1, our excess of exports over Imports has amounted to about $500,000,000, of which not more than $200,000,000 at the most. Is needed to cancel our own foreign obligations. The remain ing $300,000,000 will go a long way in the form of foreign loans and purchases of American securities now held abroad. Any matter oawe tor that is not classified as news, twin? notice or appealing or Wi"' an admittance or other fee la charged Is advertising and will be aoopted t regular ratea only. The eame PP"" to cards of thanJta. obituary nottoes. political announcements and the line. L 1. -...... a? at kkkkkx a m.. A.aata.WftVl !fl A meA- ber ot The Aaaoolated Pjesa. w ! there- at c it. Tinvra.un un, - - . . at for complete and reliable. ak at It at at at H at at e Entered at the Foatofflce In Asheville aa aecond-ciasa manor. Tale refuses to let Its new Bowl be used for a circus, permitting no dramatic performance leas dignified than Greek plays. The Yale authori ties are inconsistent. The old Greeks did not use their out door theaters for old Egyptian and Babylonian stuff that nobody but a few high brows understood; they put on Greek shows. It happens that the typical American show Is the circus. Yale Is guilty of priggish. un-American and undemocratic conduct. There is a movement on foot In Berlin to relieve the food scarcity by utilizing all available garden plots and vacant lots In Greater Berlin as truck farms, with special emphasis on the raising of potatoes. It does not detraot from our interest In the mat' ter to learn that the Idea is borrow ed from America, being nothing less than Governor Pingree's "potato patch plan" inaugurated in Detroit many years ago. Tuesday, March 16, 1915. more officers for the army England, in organizing her great 'rmv. la finding that she suffers from la lack of officers. It is the vsual light of a non-military nation when. Confronted by war, It is obliged (put a great volunteer force Into the field. It la the aaroe auncuity in; i we have always experienced In the tt..! RhLtML and a. difficulty for 'which our present military establish ment makes no adequate provision. President Lowell of Harvard unl ivemity has pointed out tho flefec ' .i.oriv- rnmmntlne on the need of la body of well trained of3:er3 to ' country with a email standing army, .m with them, armies can be recruited and drilled in a compara tively short time. Without them, the i mention of an efficient defensive force is almost Impossible." It la In her great body of thorough Jy trained officers that Germany to day finds her chief strength . She has even been able to lend large numbers of officers to Austria and Torltey is from the lack of good officers that Russia suffers most. It Is not hard to raise big snnles for the national defense In a crisis. And as the present war has proved, a few months, or In case of extreme need, only a few weeks, may suffUe to knock the rank and file Into rough shape for trench fighting. But officers are not so easily manufac tured. A large standing army means mili tarism, which this country will not and should not tolerate. But there Is no militarism or Jingoism in de veloping, in time of peace, a capable corps of oficers ready to take com mand In time of war. It Is along this line that our military growth should proceed, giving ua not a larger total number of men In the service, but a larger proportion of officers. atatatatitltatatatatatltatktttatatatit at-:- A DAILY LESSON IN HISTORY March 16. at waters, also, will benefit from new conditions of trade. The good aspects of Mepcury are be lieved to Incline to success through dealings In choice food stuffs, canned fruits and delicacies that please the palate. Immense sales will be made, it Is foretold, by southern merchants and manufacturers. Florida, the Car olina and Georgia are under a away parttouforly favorable. Conditions continue to be favorable to the Investigation of psychic phe nomena and growth of interest is pre dicted. A period of widespread belief in ghosts and other spiritistic mani festations is foretold. This should be a fairly lucky day for those who seek positions and so licit financial support. Under this sway ancient lore held that things that are lost are likely to be found. It la a favorable time to advertise. Uranus gives warning of a wave of religious excitement in which not only orthodox faiths will gain converts but new cults will attract followers. The Increase of the blrthdate fore' shadowed by the stars will be appre clable in the United States as well as in foreign countries, but Americans will gain greatly in race type, the seers foretell. The death of an editor of national fame is prophesied. It will occur be fore the next full moon. Among the new vocations for wom en aerial navigation will furnish work peculiarly fitted to the peculiar talents of girls, astrologers declare. This work will not be dangerous, It is said, but It will be as distinctive as that of telephone operator. Persons whose blrthdate it is have the augury of a quiet year in which financial affairs will be reasonably for tunate. . Children born on this day are likely to have careers that are dovoid of many extreme changes. Their lives should be fairly happy and prosperous. at. Pa Kor St. Patrick's Day Those Green Ties are we've been expecting and you've been wanting, here. Came by yesterday 's express. You can treat yourself today to a beautiful cravat, just the right shade of green, cut from a rich, lustrous Bengaline silk that looks at least $1.00 and feels like it -for 50c 1 1 Patton Ave. Battery Fork Ban ASHEVILLE, N. C. Capital ....v . Surplus and Profits $100,000 ..$160,000 OFFICERS i James p. Bawyer, Chairman ot the Board, C Coxe, President. J. B. Rankin, rw. vaiBUlfaj O.Rankln,As.cMi;9 Erwln Binder, Vice-President. No Loans Are Made by This Bank to Any of Its Offii or Directors, v LEADING HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES LINES WORTH REMEMBERING. atatlieatati(llfcitilK! 1815 One hundred years ago to day William Frederick, prince of Orange, assumed the title of king of The Nether lands. (William I. as he is known In history, was the Sympathy is the safeguard of human soul against selfishness. THOMAS CARLYLE.. the Let Us Know -Tour Wants. Phone 203 Bed Time Tales Clara Ingram Judson. STOP THAT FROWN Eye strain, nerve strain and headaches relieved by glasses correctly made by ua. CHARLES H. HO.NESS Optometrist nnd Optician 54 Patton Ave. Opp. P. O. OUR CE-RITE TORIC LENSES ARE THE BEST. FIREPROOF ASHEVILLE, N. 0, great-grandfather of Quenn Wilhelmina, the present ruler of The Netherlands). 1840 Seventy-five years ago today Rear Admiral John A. Howell, : U. S. N., retired, was born in ' Steuben county, N. Y. Admir al Howell had an active career of more than 40. years in the navy and served with distinc tion in two wars. He is best known, however, as the inven tor of the Howell torpedo and the Howell disappearing gun carriage. 1863 Fifty years ago today Gen. Slocum of Gen. Sherman's army attacked the confederates under Gen. Hardee at Averas boro, N. C. On the same day Gen. Joseph E. Johnston transferred his headquarters to Fayetteville, an concentrated his troops at Bentonville. 1S90 Twenty-five years ago today A great strike of coal miner? was Inaugurated In the Eng. lish Midlands. at H ? t; at at as at p. g v a a OUR DAILY BIRTH DAY PARTY March 10. from a nearby tree. "Hi there, Tun my Graytail," he shouted, "its time you were up!This is a fine day and we must get busy." "I know it is a fine day," replied 'fiiiuny Graytail Dexidcs to Help the Spring. All day long a snow storm raged, One of the sputtery, flourishy, spring snow storms that begin and end so unexpectedly that no one can tell 1 Tlmmy Graytail, "old. Mr. Sun told much about them. me about it. and 1 was Just trvina to And all the day. Tinimy Graytail j find you to tell you it would be good. and Billy Robin hid in the safe shel-1 Hut what do you want us to net to ter of some barberry bushe. Tlmmy work at?" Graytail snugged down close ' to the "At the spring!" .replied Hilly Robin ground ana winy Kooin stayed just (isltersely. near as he could he liked the com- "At the sorinc!" exclaimed Timmv pany. He was eo frightened by the Graytail in surprise, "what can wo storm that he didn't try to hunt for! do with the spring I'd like to know? tho shelter he had planned for him-! Anyway! I don't believe the spring is self in the tree. That's the way with as near as we thought it was. 1 be woods creatures as with people, you ; lieve It wnn nn!v tnolintr iih nil thp know. They plan so carefully Just j time." what they will do, then when some-j "Jt wasn't foollns me!" raid Tilly thing happens they are so surprised Robin, "not a bit of it! I've seen they don't do a single thing! That's 1 springs before, and I know what thev do. what this sprlnx wants is help- ASHEVILLE HIGH LOST TO WEAVER COLLEGE Local School Yesterday After noon Lost Second Baseball Game of Season. Grove Park Inn Has secured from New York an expert Hair Dres er, Marcel Waver And Manicurist, who is also pre. pared' to give all the latest scientific treatments ot the scalp and hair. To the ladies of Ashevule de siring: such services at the Inn, appointment can be made by telephoning 3000. THE BATTERY PARK HOTEL NEW XORK MANAGEMENT The Dansant (dally) 4:30 to 6 p. m.: dinner dances (4aHj) 6:30 to 11 p. m. Orchestral concerts Sunday, 9 to 11 p. m. by tit famous Rltt Carlton orchestra from steamer Vaterland, direcUoa ot Mr. H. Relmera. C. E. RAILING, Prop., Formerly Hotel Plaza. what makes this such a funny world. But the storm didn't last forever nothing does; you know! And usually the storms that begin the fiercest, stop the quickest. ers to encourages it!" Tinimy Graytail gasped, foolishness " bo began in "Rilly Robin, I'm ashamed ubout the I thought spring you had some DOMESTIC TROUBLES. The field of advertising Is con stantly broadening. The latest use of the printed word at display rates is revealed by a business man of Jersey vllle, HI., whose wife sued him for separate maintenance on the ground f extreme cruelty. The defendant, accustomed to communicating with the public through the advertising columns, immediately dictated his own story of his marital woes and sent the copy to the local newspapers to run In preferred position. Under tha eapHon, "The Story in a Nut- shall," ha sets forth these causea of domeatlo Infellcltyt Utter Ignorance on the part of h!s wife of the burden that buslneaa and family aftaira put en a busy man; Too much evil Influence on the part of the wifa'a relatives; Unbecoming conduct of an ill-advised daughter; Too much exercise of the wife's uncontrollable tongue; Too much 111 temper, too much Jealousy and too much Imagination. And then tha aggrieved husband proceeds with a prescription calcu lated to oura domeatlo broils and misunderstandings. Hera It Is: "Ona ounce of common aenaa. "Ona ounce of devotion for home. "One ounce ot ambition. "Mix wall, and Um dally." Tha only thing about thla remedy open to criticism la that It seems to be Intended only for tha wife. Maybe the husband, too, needs a prescrip tion. W would Ilka to see tha ona hla wlfa would wrlto for him. a at p. n at a. n a . a r. at Marquis of Xuffcrin and Avai Brit ish diplomat, whose wife was Mies Flora Dvis of New York, born 49 years ago today. Elsie Janis, popular actress, born in Columbus, O., 25 years ago today. Walker Whiteside, well known ac tor, born at Logansport, Ind., 48 years, ago today. Lillian Blauvelt, celebrated prima donna soprano, born In Brooklyn, 41 years ago today. Willis J. Abbot, well known Journ alist and author, born at New Haven, Conn., 62 years ago today. Percy Mackaye, son of the late Steel Mackaye and himself a well known dramatist, born in New York, 40 years ago today. Frank M"bss, New York lawyer. noted for his work as counsel for the Lexow committee, born at Cold Spring, N. Y., 65 years ago today. Thomas B. Dunn, representative In congress of the Thirty-eighth New York district, born at Providence, R. I., Si years ago today. Dr. Peter W. McReynolds, presi dent of Defiance colleire, DefianVe, - i . w., uom ai ivoKomo, ina., 4 3 years ago too ay. Clyde Milan, outfielder of the Washington American league base ball team, born at Unden, Tenn., 29 years ago today. Edward Waterman Gardner, for mer ametur billiard champion of America, bom at Nantucket, Mass.. o years ago today. Fatnek J. nnnnvnn frtrm ai mbIa. league club manager and now mim ed as manager of the Buffalo Interna tional inngue baseball team, born at Lawrence, Mass., 60 years ago today Uright and early the next morn-, Talking ing, old Mr. Sun looked down on the helpers! world Just as smiling and pleasant as sense!" ever he had. "Good morning every-; And Tlmmy Grnvtail turned ow.av. 1 body." he said by way of greeting, "Oh. I have sense alright," r'uld this is a fine day!" Hilly P.obin pleasantly. "That's why I Hear that! exclaimed Tlmmy; want to help the spring. If we woods Graytail, jumping up from his sleep creatures talked ahout spring, and and looking around, "the old sun says fans about pprlng, I'm sure the its going to be a fine day!" ! spring wou!d be encouraged lo stay." No "nswe'- j Timmy Graytail hesitated. "Sounds Aow, where Is that' friend of reasonable," he said at last "and I mine?" asked Tlmmy Graytail. "I do like the Id ,f hninin 0-i,, ope liilly Rubin wasn't hurt by that' "Good for you!" exclaimed Blliv d . storm. I wonder if I'd better Tinliln. 'a . hunt for him?" a.rl T'll shn, ,... .. But before he ' could wonder any made. ' P0 thev went off Intn the fnr. more, Billy Robin himself called . est determine,! n hin iv. co. Day By Day In New York Now Uruguay Is borrowing 1 10. 000.000 In this country, Switzerland is borrowing 111,000,000 and Italy Is rratiglng for a big ersdlt loan. These follow liberal loans to Great Britain, J ranre, Kusla and Canada, and ..ihr nations are standing In line ilduiurlng for mouey and credit. We atKRatKKKMKKat HOROSCOPE. Jt Tuesday, March 1, 1015. t 'The atara Incline, but do not t - compel." at ltaitatitatatltttltlitaiaia (Copyright, IMS, by tha McClura Newspaper Syndicate.) Astrologers read this as a fortunate day, since Neptune, the Bun and Mars are all In beneflc aspect. Aa none of tha planets rules strongly, however, the Influences are not so positive as li other connguatlons over which these stars dominate. It Is a fairly good rule for com merce and whatever concerns ship ping. Sea voysgti are subject to an aimpkloiis leading. There Is a sign that Indicates r- markahlo sueceim fur brewers an manufacturers of limited drinks of j every description. Ki llers of mineral j ' i (By O. O. Mflntyrc.) Special correspondent of the Gazette- News. New York, March 16. It looks like the New York police are going to have difficult time making a lot of peo ple believe that one of the?r detec tives did not urge the weak young an archists to place the bombs In the fashionable St. Patrick's cathedral. Commissioner Woods is greatly stirred by the growing belief In the charges that the bomb carriers. Ah arno and Carbons, were "framed-up" by a police plot. It Is always the alibi of the professional criminal that he is a victim of a "frame-up" but the present ease has some strange angles so far. No one la attempting to de fend them of being thoroughly bad. However, they state that the bomb plot was atlmulated and accelerated by Detective Amedeo Pollgnanl, who Joined thelr'forcea, gained their con fldence and auggested all of tha talk about killing Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie and others and creating a reign of terror. They are merely boys. It Is pointed out, and could be easily influenced. In any event the police are being rightly criticised for taking the extraordinary chance of al lowing the bomba to be lighted when so many lives were at stake. Newark sandwich men how to spend $33,000 in six months, was burled In In a game much more interesting than is lmlicnted by the score, the Asheville High school baseball team dropped its second gdme of the sea son yesterday when It was defeated Tit all by the Weaver college team by a disgust, 'score of 5 to 0. The game was play of you! ' ed through drizzling rain but drew a needing good attendance as It was the first game ot the college team and its sup porters turned out in full fcrce to watch the aggregation of Coach Bell perform. "Big LMck" Chambers suc ceeded in whiffing seven of the High school lads during his sojourn on the mound and his successor, Anderson, effectually blocked them off the count lng station. Morris, of the High school, kept tho college hitters guess Imr and succeeded in sending six of therrt to the bench via. the strike-out route, his pitching being easily the feature of the contest. The two teams struggled for five Innings without a run with tho High school assuming the offensive and threatening to score at any time. The scoring broke loose in the sixth when the college team amassed a total of four tallies on three errors, a walk and a single. Score by Innings: R II E Asheville High ... 000 000 0000 4 E Weaver college . . . 000 004 lOx 6 6 2 Batteries: Asheville High, Morris, Allison and Roberts; Weaver college, Chambers, Anderson and Shannon. ! WIX8 FLORIDA TKNXIS TITLE. in a city hospital homeless and i MRS. WAI.LACH, OF NEWPORT, friendless. McCarty inherited the fortune from hla "Aunt Beoky" of Schodack. N. Y., July 30, 111 and quit his Job as sandwich man for a cheap restaurant, ' gathered together all of his comrades and led them up and down the "Great Soiled Way," feeding them rich food and rare wines. After six months he disappeared and a few days ago he returned to his old haunts broken in health and purse and was sent to a city hospital. ' "Cigarette" McCarty, who ahowed New Yorkers are alwaya Scornful of prudence. Rather than be called slow they rush to the other extreme. They abandon caution for recklessness. A little ovcrhaste and lack of cau tion In a party out for an evening's pleasure caused the death of a young married woman her head fairly crushed off in an apartment house elevator which, In the absence of the elevator boy, somebody tried to start How much of the name brand of x uberent over assurance constantly en dangers life and limb In the swiftly moving city! At tha ateerlng wheel of the automobile, on railways and trolley cars, In elevatore and amid speeding traffic lack of sober self- control Is forever plunging somebody Into need loss risks. DUDLEY 2i laobea NORMAN 2i laebae Annow COLLARS Ana nansnn Booth thinks It a mall wonder that the ranlne-eleana Ing urchin on tho cover of the Sat urday Eve.ilng Post recently had to use ao much soap and water In his labors. Writ beneath tha picture, h points out, la "Mora Than Two Million a Week." h7Sr.. Tom Powers, the cartoonlnl, has been entertaining hla friends alone Broadway recently with storlea of tht feata or hla pet lolard. No ona has ?ver seen a lolard er knowa what It Is but Powers declares he hsa a lolard fsrrn back of New noehelle arid that they aat hirricud and roost In wom bat trees. ., . .. ..... .. . t "'niv - -t v'U" ' ' 1 it' 1 i - A ' 4 lit,- if. . : Swannanoa-Berkeley Hotel POPULAR PRICE ' American and Bnropean Plans HARRY L. LANGEL, Proprietor. CATAWBA HEIGHTS Four blocka from square. Steam heat Private baths. On MerrtaN car Una. Corner Merrlmon avenue and Maroellua street. Houta rcmotir ad and newly furnished.' Phone 2143. MRS. H. J. BTJCHER, Prop. THE ST. JOHN Hendersonville's Largest and Best Ho tel Commercial, Tourist Tha only steam heated hotel in tha town. Hot and cold water. Private baths. Large Sample Room. ST. JOHN AND SON. Propa. HOTEL BREVARD Brevard, N. O. Under new management All con veniences. Special attention to trav eling men. Table excellent Ratea JJ.00 per day. Special ratea by week or month. MRS. J. E. CLAYTON. Proprietor!. HOTEL REGAL MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. Hot and cold water. Telephone in ev ery room. Private baths. Steam heat Largo aampla rooma. Ratea: $3 and $2.60 par day. C, I. Gresbam, Lessee and Manager. When In Waynes ville Stop al ' THE KENMORE HOTEL The Leading Commercial Hotd A. R. SPEARS, Prop. 'I Free Sample Room. OPEN THROUGHOUT THE TEAT. HOTEL ENTELLA BRYSON CITY , Ratea 13 per day. Bath room, ft" sample rooms. Livery in connect W. W. WHEELER F. E. FBI, Proprietors. CANTON, N. 0. . THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M. Geier, Prop. Steam heated. Free aampla rw Electrlo Ughta. Frea baths. Phone your "Wants" to 202 Palm Beach, March 16. Mr. Bar- ger Wallnch, of Newport, R. I., haa captured the women's alnglea tennla ehamplonHhlp of Florida from Mlsa Mary Snyder of Pittsburgh in straight sets. Mrs. Wallaeh'a 'accuracy In placing won her tha honors. SAVE COAL By Uaing the Fuel Saving Progress Ringe Beaumont Furniture Co. IT nilUnora Ave. Spend Less Time In the Kitchen THIS SUMMER zj COOK V1TH GAsfc: Have More Time For Out Door Pleasure AND RECREATION ija- I