FAGS TWELVE THE ASHEVILLS OAffifTfi-ffEWB Saturday, Karr 3 ' Coke and M.& W. Indian Coal Phone 129 and 180. Carolina Coal & Ice Company 60 Fatton Arc, Druhmor BIdg. SB NEVER LET SET GUT CHINA, GLASS, ENAM EL, TIN, ALUMINUM WARES Variety, Quality and Values. I. X. L. DEPT. STORE. 16 BROADWAY Phone 107. Langren Bids. Kept Her Locks Dark, Thick, Glossy, With Sage Tea, And Sulphur. When you darken 'your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing " this . mixture, though, at home Is mussy and trouble some. For 60 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use tonlo called "Weyth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautlfu lly darkened, glossy and luxuriant. You will also discov er dandruff is gone and hair has stop ped falling. Gray, faded hair, though no dis ! grace, is a sign of old age, and as we .all desire a youthful and attractive ' appearance, get busy at once with iWyeth's Sage and Sulphur and look years younger. J.L 'ill DIED LAST EYE1G Prominent Parmer Had Been HI for Some Time Fu .neral Sunday. I If It Is ELECTRIC FIXTURES you want for that new house you are building, we have them in all the latest designs, with prices from $2.50 up. JUDGE Flora ENDORSED BY CHEROKEE Opp. P. 0. 64 Patton Ave. Copies of the resolutions. Thursday at Murphy, by the members of the Cherokee County Bar associa tion, in behalf of Judge Frank Carter have been received in the city. At the meeting of the members of the association. Col. L, L. Wltherspoon presided and J. R. Mallonee acted as secretary. The resolutions follow: "Whereas, we the members of the Cherokee bar, have heard with regret that charges have been made reflect ing upon the moral Integrity of Hon orable Frank Carter, judge of the Nineteenth Judicial district; and ''Whereas, having full faith and confidence in the integrity and char acter of the said Hoonrable Frank Carter, it is hereby 'Resolved That we express our faith and confidence in the honesty, integrity, ability and upright charac ter of Judge Frank Carter. "Resolved, further, That we great ly appreciate the splendid services Judge Carter has rendered the peo ple of North Carolina since his elec tion to the bench. "U L. WTTHERSPOWT. ' "J. D. MALLONEE, "Chairman. "Secretary," The Itinera! services of J. Lowery Brown, aged 69 years, who died at his home near this city last evening, will be held Sunday morning at the Grace Methodist chapel in the New found section and Interment will fol low In the adjacent cemetery. The deceased was one of the most prom inent and successful farmers of this community and had been a resident of Buncombe county all his life. He was very prominent In aU plans for the betterment of the community in terests and served with honor In the Third orth Carolina regiment In the war between the states. Mr. Brown was affiliated with the Methodist church of which he was a very con sistent member. His death followed an extended illness and his condition has been such for some time past that no hopes were felt for his re covery. Although the announcement of his passing will not come as a great surprise, his death will be heard of with the keenest regret. Surviving the deceased are the wife, three sons, Frank, Charlie and Fred Brown, of Newfound; six daughters, Mrs. Robert Shook, Mrs. Bud Coffey, Mrs. Merrimon Glance, of Newfound; Mrs. Mollle Reeves, of Turkey Creek; Mrs. William Sluder and Mrs. Rob ert Spurting, , of Ashevllle; three brothers, T. Caney Brown and Wiley B. Brown, of Asheville, and C, C. Brown, of Weaverville; and two sis ter, Mrs. T. D. Ray, of Juno, and Mrs. Mahalie Cassada, of Leicester. THE CALL CO. 17 BILTMORE AVENCE. Sells For Cash and Sells For Less GET 1 OF HUMORS Hood's Snrsaparilla Is the Medicine to Tuke Makes Pure Blood. Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23-25 South Main Street Phone 887 NIXON'S THREE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 120 os. can net weight sliced Hawaiian pineapple, per can 13c JTo. 1 western grown Irish potatoes, per peck 23c 4 pounds of oat meal, quality guar anteed, for 25c BILTMORF, DAIRY PRODUCTS Home Made Bread. Dry, moist, scaly tetter, pimples, boils, and other eruptions come from I humors, which may be either in I herited. or acquired through defec tive digestion and assimilation. To treat these eruptions with dry ing medicines is dangerous. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the old reli able medicine, helps the system to discharge the humors, and improves the digestion and assimilation. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla from your druggist. It may be confidently re lied upon to do Its work. It purifies the blood, tones the stomach, and builds up the whole system. It goes to the roots of diseases, and Its bene ficial results are permanent. It sets things to rights in the system. Re member to ask for Hood's Sarsaparil la. because nothing else acts like it and nothing else can take its place. CITY SCHOOLS JOIN T We expert a new shipment of Reo 4 -cylinder Touring Cars to arrive about Wednesday Place your order now.. :' , Asheville Automobile Co. IS and 20 Church 6k , CUT PRICES Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoes for Men $6.60 Shoes now ............. .$4.48 $5.00 Shoes now J.98 GEO. W. JENKINS, 19 Broadway. WHITE AS THE BEAUTIFUL SNOW Is laundry work done the Nichols "Way. Modern Equipment; most expert help; purest soaps; per fect service. : r-Phone 2000 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. 11 Penland St., Asheville. EASTER PRAYER BOOKS, BIBLES, GIFT BOOKS And Dainty Message Easter Cards. See East Window. ROGERS BOOK STORE 39 Patton Avenue - I?gers Press - - 39 Patton Avenue - Phone 254. ORDER ICE CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER Flavors: .Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, Tnttl Prompt Delivery, Frutti and Caramel. CANDY KITCHEN .AND CLUB CAFE Haywood St., Near P. O.. Phones 110 & 111. s School Board Votes Funds- Lecture by Miss Gowan This Morning. FANCY . DUCKS, TURKEYS FOWLS HILL'S Ask Your Neighbor Phone 4Q M. &W Coal i Asheville Cod Ct North Pack 8quuii iMIMWWI 6:1B, Street Car Schedule. : In Effect Nov. 24, 1914. Zelllco and Return 6:00, 6:80 a. m. Riverside Park 6:16 and every 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Depot via, Southslde Avenue 6:80 a. m. and every 16 minutes until 1:16 p. m., then every 7 minutes until 3:46 p. m., then every 16 minutes un til 11:00 p. m. Depot via. French Broad Avenue 8:00 a. m. and every 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Manor 8:00 a. m. and every 18 minutes until 11:00 p. m. . Charlotte Street Terminus 6:00 a, m. and every 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m. 11:80 ear runs through; return leaves end of line 12:00. Patton Avenue 6:00 a. nv and ev ery 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m. East Street 6:00 a, m. and every 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m. - Grace via. Merrimon Avenue 6:00, 6:30 a. m.; then every 16 minutes un til 10:30 p. m.; then every 80 min utes until 11:00 p. m. Blltmore :16 a. m. and then every 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m., last car, Depot and West Asheville via. Southslde Avenue 6:30 a. m. and ev ery 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. -PAINT CP AND fjVEa. CAMPAIGN IS ok, GET BUSY, With the We have all the trlcka to tJ TRICK. Come and 6 MEtiliER-CIjATTOW pt. 22 Broadway. OU N The Store ol all Thau That the Ashevllle city schools will take part in the home and school gardening movement is assured by the action of the school board last night which expressed its interest in the plan and appropriated $200 to aid In financing the work. This mornlner at 10 o'clock Miss Kthel Oowans, specialist in this work, from the bureau of education at Washington, gave a lecture at the Ma jestic theater explaining the details of carrying on gardening activities anions school children, and the management of the amusement house showed pic tures illustrating . various phases of this plan to beautify neglected spots of ground and to encourage an Industry that will help materially to reduce the cost of living. Mumper E. T. Hencry had invited those interested to be the guests of the Majestic; and the chil dren who have volunteered for the work, the city school teachers, mem bers of the school board and the Civic Betterment league, heard Miss Qow an's lecture. Those present were en- thusiostic over the lecture and the pic tures Illustrating the gardening- move ment in other cities. The Civic Betterment league and other organizations of Asheville are expected to contribute later on to the financial support of this new depart ment of school horticulture. Phone 698 170 Charlotte St. We Handle Pennsylvania Crude Oils (None Better) D. 0. Shaw Motor Co. 52-60 Broadway. AMERICAN GCNNFR WINS WORLD RECORD. J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER "Watches and Fine Jewelry. ."Watch Repairing a Specialty. No, 8 Pack Square. MONARCH King of Coals This is Jellico's ! best quality. It is always pure coal clean and good. Burn MONARCH and you have no regrets. Southern Cosl Co. rhone 7C0 10, N. Pack Sq. 'if - V- ) pi Beacon, N. T., March 10. Wli;!m ftuf, gun ' pointer on the battleship Texas, on furlough home here, has re cetved word from the navy department : that he set a new world record In big 1 gun markmunshlp off the Virginia I capes In target practW, He scored eight ptralght hits with a lt-inch gun 1 at a moving target 12 miles away. He receives a cash prize of $20 for this feat. L IT Grapefruit Are Cheap LARGE HEAVY FRUIT, FOUR FOR .... . . ..... .25c Everything in Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 North Pack Square and City Market FIRE SALE :AT SOOTHER XAnron Premier Carrier ot the Sm Schedule Figures Published u v - j " Mui uuaraiw. Effective Sun., Dek. u No. ARRIVES PROM EatV w Duvauiittii, dacKsonvuie , J u 11 Washington, New Tor',' mond .. j'ii 13 Chattanooga, St Louis'ioV Cincinnati, Memphis .w.Hs 15 N. Y., Philadelphia, C t mIOiHi 18 Murphy, Waynesville .. 20 Murphy, WaynesvUl .,ll(u 21 Goldsboro, Raleigh 22 WaynesvUl 27 Charleston, Columbia 28 Cincinnati, Memphis, Louln . Louis, Chicago 10:U t 85 Washington, New York and e, 1:11 1- 41 Columbia . .U;nt 102 Bristol, Knozvllle and Chatlu - - .4l:li pi Sunday Schedule Differs In the Fol lowing Particulars: Car leaves Square for Manor 6:00 a. m., returning 6:15 a. m. Cars leave Square for Depot via. Southslde avenue 6:00. 6:15, 6:80, 7:00, 7:80, 8:00 and 8:80 a. m. Cars leave Square for Depot via. French Broad avenue 6:15, 6:80, 6:46, 7:16, 7:46 and 8:16. Car for Depot leaves Square 8:45 a. m., both Southslde and French Broad. First car leaves the Square for Charlotte street at 6:00 a. m. and ev ery 80 minutes until 8:80, next 8:45. First car leaves the Square for Riverside 8:80, next 8:46. First car leaves the Square for West Ashevllle 6:16, 7:00; next 8:80. With the above exceptions. Sunday schedules commence at 9:00 a. m. and continue same as week days. T The current events class of the T. W. C. A. held a very Interesting ses sion last night at the Henrietta, led by Miss Krlckson of the faculty of the Normal and Colloglute institute. Various topics were discussed and the leader conducted the meeting in a very interesting manner to all present The Sunday afternoon vesper ser vices will be held as usual tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at tne associa tion building and the services will be In the form of a musical program. Mrs. Julia Hurdick end MIbs Daisy Smith will have charge of the pro. gram and a meeting of unusual inter est la promised to those wno attend. The decision to hold a meeting given over to music was reached some time ago by the office rs of the association as It was thought that such a pro gram would add to the variety of the regular Sunday afternoon services. All girls and women of the city are extended a very cordial invitation to be present at the musical period tomorrow afternoon. 1 Blomberg's Your Last Chance to Buy Bargains Special Bargains in Dolls All Goods Must Go. BLOMBERG'S SPORTING GOODS, TOYS AND NOVELTIES ON THE AVENUE. PHONE 456. On evenings when entertainments are In progress at the Auditorium the last trip on all lines will be from en. tertalnment, leaving Square at regu lar time and holding over at Audi torium. Car leaves Square to meet No. 36, night train, 80 minutes before ule or announced arrival 1 SAVE COAL By Using the Fuel Saving Progress Range Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 Blltmore Ave. No. DEPARTS FOR Eastern 10 Savannah, Jacksonville M4,it ix ii.noxviue, cnattanooga, Meat: Louisville, St Louis and Ck natl mi j, 12 Washington, New York tai Kt mond MSjj 16 N. T., Philadelphia and Wuh1: ton , CMp 17 Waynesville, Murphy ..:ii u 10 Waynesville, Murphy .1:!0 pj 21 Waynesville ...l:liu 22 Raleigh, Goldsboro ,..i;H K 27 Chicago, Cincinnati, Chatting Memphis .- ...l:ltu 28 Columbia, Charleston ..10:10 1' 86 Washington, Richmond and K Tord - .i.!:Hi 42 Atlanta, Charleston ..7:00 n 101 Bristol, Knoxville and Chittutc ga ....-. m . ... ...7:M it Spot Gash Specials A NEW. ONE EACH "WEEK March 15 to 20 Best Grade Rubber Heels 19c Pair. Brown Hardware Co. CHOICE FOWLS For Roasting and Stewing Also Broilers and Tender Tar Heel Turkeys STAR MARKET. Phone 1917 "We are successful caterers to a variety of appetites." Set Teeth $6.00 Crowns $4.00 AU work at reduced prices. 10- year Guarantee. Ideal Painless Dentists MS. Main St. Over Zagtet'a No, ,41 receives connecti itEr dersonvtlle from Lake Toxamri! Brevard. No. 27 receives connection at Es dersonvllle from Rosman and Bmtf Train 28 connects at Hendenoivt and Rosman. Train 10 connects at Hendenoni! for Brevard and Lake Toxaway. Through sleeping cars dally to from New York, Philadelphia, & more, ' Washington, Charleston, Jit eonvllle, Cincinnati, Chicago, Us phis, St. Louis and Loulsrlll. Through chair cars GoldgboroA vllle trains os. 21 and 22. Dining car service trains Not i and 28. J. H. WOOD. Dlv. Passengw il ALEX. H. ACKER, City Passenger and Ticket Ar SHIRTS Hade to Tour Individual Meu and Requlrementa ' Price $2.00 to $8.00 MERCHANT TAILOB Phone Your Wants to 202. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF None but high-class factory mechanics employed. Ou Bupplies are cheaper and all work is Guaranteed. i; .... ENTERPRISE GARAGE J. B. Rnraboujrh, Gen. Mgfr SAND AND CINDERS For Sale in Any Quantity. CITIZENS TRANSFER CO. 48 Patton Ave. . , Phone 25. PLAY BALL BOYS Laundry Phones 70 and 2096 LLwr A trial Is all we ask. We trrt yoar laundry white. LT I'tt Kis'UW iOUli WANTiSi We have a fine line of REACH'S HlOn GEAD GOODS and want you to look them over. BfJ Masks, Mitts, Gloves, Shoes, Uniforms, Shoo Ym etc. REACH'S GUIDE, 10 Cents. ( ) Ottis Green Hdvc Co. 11 W. Pack Squaro 26 Broadway. g. Phone 7.. .. j WIIY WORBY! TELEPHONE 202 Let rs Know Tour Wants. Phone 202 ... .