Saturday, April 3, 1915. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE THREE I Majestic TODAY TONIGHT Cliff Watson And Ilia IN foo Many Pecks" New Songs, New Dances, New Novelties, F u nay Laugh Pi-oclucing Situa tions, Funny Comedians, Pretty Dancing Chorus, Attractive Wardrobe. A Real Feature Bill. Matinee 3:15, 10 and 20c Evening, 8:15-9:30, " 10, 20 and 30c. Princess -TODAY r (By Request) in The Caprices of Kitty Will Be Presented Again. If you missed it yester day, don't yiiss it today The Easter Event in "Movies." ADMISSION 5 & 10 Cents SAVE COAL By Using the Fuel Saving Progress Range Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 Blltmore Are. Let Us Know Your Wants Phone 202 Peerless Maids Elsie J H B BASEBALL 3 GAMES Big League Clubs Saturday, April 3 Athletics vs. Asheville Monday, April 5th Athletics vs. Cleveland (American Ass'n.) Tuesday, April 6th Cleveland (American Ass'n.) vs. Asheville ; OATES PARK Game Called at 3:30 ADMISSION 25 CENTS. SAGE TEft DARKENS TO Don't Stay Gray ! Here's an Old Time Recipe That Any body Can Apply: The use of Rage and Sulphur for restoring faded, Bray hair to Its nat ural color dates back to grandmother's time. She used it. to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and abundant. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appear ance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is musgy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at Htiy drug store for a 60 cent bottle of "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Com pound" you will get this famous old recipe which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and is splendid for dandruff, dry, feverish. Itchy scalp and falling hair. . A well known downtown druggist says It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. Tou simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two, It booomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and abundant. CLEAM-UP WEEK WILL BE WEEK OP f.PI 2fl Civic Betterment League Will Co-operate With City in Observing the Week. The executive committee of the Civic Betterment league met yester day at the Henerietta on Bilt more avenue and discussed many matters of importance which will be given further hearings at the regular monthly meeting of the association which will be held next Wednesday afternoon. Definite plans for the spring clean up days will be announced after the meeting of tho organization next Wednesday afternoon.. The city au- i thorities, it is announced will set aside the week of April 20 to 25 for a clean-up week and the betterment . league will co-operate with the city authorities in conducting the days ; devoted to sanitation. A report will be given to the meet I Ing announcing the completion of the I inspection of the drug stores of the icily. There were 15 drug stores In spected and of this . number, all but : four were found to be In fine condl : tion and the four that were not given , the excellent rating, were found to be ' in fair shape. Recommendations were made in regard to these places where ' the inspection was deficient and it is I thought that these suggestions will be (acted upon at once. The other in specting committees of the league have not yet completed their work . but it is understood that partial re i ports will be given at the meeting l Wednesday afternoon. Tho body of E. C. Cartzendafner, acred 78 years, who died Tuesday I night, will be held at tho undertaking establishment of Hare and company on Blltmore avenue, pending the ar rival of a nephew, Joseph House from ! Tuyiorstown, Ya., who will accom 1 pany the remains to the former home of the deceased at Frederlo, Md. Mr. CarUendafner had resided In Ashuville for the past eight years and while here made a great many friends by his kindly ways and re tiring disposition. He had been In good health until a short time ago. However, his condition was not re garded as serious and his end that night came quite unexpectedly. He retired last night shortly after 11 o'clock and his death occurred be tween that time and 7:30 o'clock yonterday when the body was discovered.- AGED IN SUCCUMBS T0 HEART TROUBLE J.J. FB SECISHIS HIGH POINT ENTERPRISE New Owners Will Install Addi- ' tional Machinery for Pub lication of the Paper. Special to The Gazette-News. High Point. April 8. The High Point Enterprise of this city changed hands Thursday. J. J. Farriss dis posing of his newspaper property to W. A. Hildebrand, E. B. Jeffress, J. P. Kawley and A. L. Stockton. The new owners of the paper have placed an order for another linotype typesetting machine together with new material and other supplies for the publication of a modern after noon newspaper. The new equipment is expected to arrive early next week when the paper will be moved to its new home in the Mellichamp or Rankin building on North Main street, the building which was erect ed especially for newspaper pur poses, having been leased for a term of years. It Is the purpose of the new own ers to publish an eight page six-col umn paper with complete news and telegraph service and to give High Point one of the best afternoon pa pers" in the state. Pending the arrival of the new machinery and Its Installation and the removal of the plant to its new home next week the paper .will be published from its present location GRSE IS HEARD HERE Thomas Burns, Umbrella Fix er, Tried for Robbing Hills boro and Elon Offices. Special to The Gazette-New?. Greensboro, April 3. Thomas Burns, a white man, was given hearing Thursday before United States Commissioner David H. Col lins on the charge of robbing the postoffice at Hillsboro and Elon col lege. He was arrested Wednesday night about 9:30 o'clock by Deputy Marshal Roger, upon a warant Issued by Postoffice Inspector Hongin, wnoUlal,y tno same as at the flrst trial." has been working on the case tor several days. The evidence against Burns was of a circumstantial na ture and he was released by Com missioner Collins following the hear ing yesterday, Mr. Collins declaring the evidence to be Insufficient to hold the man to federal court. Burns Is an umbrella fixer, , Is about f2 years of age, and stated at the hearing yesterday that he Is aJ native of Lexington, Ky. He has been traveling through sections of North and South Carolina, lately, and was. unfortunntely for himself, In every town where a poslofflce robbery has been committed lately either for a few days previous to the commission of the. deed or immediately following It. lie wan In Raleigh for several flays just prior to the rubbery at Durham some time ago; then came to Hills boro Just hefore' the poslofflce safe there was cracked; then proceeded to Meliane, where nn attempt was made almost Immediately to rob the postoffice safe: then came to Elon College the day hefore the office was robbed at that place. Kslic ot Old Sarsia. Shnstet, the old capital of Persia, i? one of Iran's wonder cities. Id thr dawn of Persia u civilization It took a lending part. On the bank of the on!) unviable river the country can boast the city gets Its name from the fnmout ruler, uapur, wbo built great Irrtgat lug dams and a noble bridge across tot Karon, now wTougly credited to the idmpttror Valerian. Sixteen hundred years bava left tbe great bridge, a quarter of a mile In length, with yawn tug gaps, bat the water of tbe rivet runs today tfirongb the channels and tunnels made to fertilise a land thai bad nut yet been overrun by tbe Arabic barbarians woo destroyed tbe col cure of ferala. London Mali Barley Water. Barley water la a safe and coortng' drink and la nutritious aa well. Put into a pitcher one large tahlespoonful of well washed pear barley, pour ovei It two qaarta of boiling water, covet and let atand ontll cold. Drain off the liquid, add one-b a if capful of augur and a little nutmeg. If liked tbe juice of a lemon la a pleasant addltloa Knew the Exact Amount. Da Faqoe It 1 could get eome one to Invest $1,000 In tbat schema of mine 1 could make eome money. Dawson Uow maco coaid yea make? Ue raqoa-Wny, 11,000,-Baltimore Bon, Perhaps. 8tr, I cam down from a long line t ancestors." "ladeedl Were many ot tbetn bsng tog on Itr Exchange. Try to do your dcty and yon at ones know what Is la you. iothe. ."On paper in the homo is worth a thousand on tho high way. ." THE GAZETTE-NEWS roes Into the horn. Its readers have confidence in It and In the ad vsrtlslni It prints, which la one rea son why advertising. In Us column brings ready results. to BE TRIED Bill District Attorney States That Freeport, N. Y., Woman Will Be Tried Again on May 10. AT PREVIOUS TRIAL THE JURY DISAGREED Counsel for Woman Says She Has Insisted on New Trial Witness Is Now in the South. - Mlnoola, N. Y., April 3. Mrs. Florence Conklin Carmen, wife of Dr. Eldwln Carmen of Freeport, Is to go on trial again charged with the murder of Mrs. Louise Bailey. Pis trlct Attorney Smith of Nassau coun ty has announced that the case would be called May 10. At the previous trial the Jury dis agreed. The district attortney tndl cated that he had discovered import ant new evidence but he refused to discuss the details. He said that Ce lia Coleman, an important witness at the first 'trial had been constantly watched by detectives and could be produced at any time. She is believed to be in the south. Frank Farrell, the tramp who tes tified to having seen a woman an' swering the description of Mrs. Car men running" away from the window through which Mrs. Paiiey was shot has disappeared but all the other witnesses for' the prosecution, the district attorney said, will be aval able. George M . Levy, Mrs. Carmen's counsel, paid "Mrs. Carmen has always insisted on a now trial and has asked me several times to make a formal de mand for one but I have never done so. We have no new evidence of im- j portance and tho defense will be vir- IS BURIED TODAY Representatives of King George and Many Distin guished People Present. London, April 3. In accordance with the request of Baron liothschlld he was buried yesterday at Wil lesden in the Jewish cemetery. There was a brief private service at the residence in Picadiliy. Only the fam ily and close friends wero In attend ance. Outside the house a crowd of perhaps 4,000 had guthered. The body was borne in a closed hearse and was followed by motors In which were the baron's two . suns, .Lionel Walter and Churles: his brother, Ieopold; his son-in-law, Captain Clive UalnenB; and his nephews, Evelyn and Anthony. As the funeral car passed the crowd bared heads. King George was repre sented by Iord Annaly and the queen mother, Alexandra by Earl Howe. others who attended the servers were Chancellor David Lloyd-George, A. J. Balfour, Lord Heading, Lord lloldane and others. milTS tUFFIML REPORT M THFiASHER S DEATH London. , April 8. While further reports from Ambassador Page and Consul General Skinner at I-ondon. concerning the death of Leon C Thrahor. the American. In the sink ing of the British steamer alalia by a German submarine- must bo re ceived before the Washington b"ov ernmer.i can determine what course to pursue, state department officials let It be known yeslerdsy there would ho no delay in arriving nt a decision when the official version of the Incident was In hand. 1 GEMINI RELAXES ON THE USE 1 WHEAT M FLOUR London. April i. Restriction on the use of wheat and Hour In Germany somewhat relaxed, according to a He u- ter dispatch. The Increasing consump. tlon of rye bread resulted In the u of an undus proportion of this grain rather than wheat. MURDERER EEOINS SENTENCE DAY rVFTER KILLING FIANCE Fsjrlnaw, Mich., April, 1. rtobert Hmllh was sentenced to llfs Impris onment today for the murder lats yesterday of Mrs, Urace Btelnhnusrr to whom hs wns to have been mnr rld Isst night. He was serving his sentence leas thsn 24 hours after the murder was done. BARON ROTHSCID chidates mmi TO ENTER THE RAGE G. S E. Powell, R. J. Sherrill, E. McDowell, L. E. Perry and C. H. Bartlett. The political pot continues to bub ble, with yesterday bubbles running clear over the top of the pot, for a large number of candidates were add ed to the contents of the pot yester day hence the unusual bubbling. George S. Powell, through the ad vertising columns of The Gazette- News, made the formal an nouncement of his candidacy for the office of mayor-commissioner. He Is the second man to enter the race for the position, Mayor J. K. Rankin hav ing entered several days-ago, being tho first candidate to formally enter the race for a nomination at the pri mary on, April 26. Mr. Powell is one of Asheville's best known citizens and has taken a prom inent part In the business circles of Asheville for many years. He was for a long time secretary of the board of trade and since leaving that position has been engaged in the sale of real estate and timber lands. He took a prominent part in the fight for the commission plan of government for this city, having served on the com mittee of 21, selected to draw up tho new commission plan charter. The office of commissioner of public works seems to have been the one most sought yesterday, for three men, through the advertising columns ot this paper, are making their an nouncements for the position. E. E. McDowell, R. J. Sherrill and I. E. Perry are now candidates for this office. Mr. Sherrill was formerly connected with the old Asheville street railways, before the various lines were consol idated end has had considerable ex perience along lines similar to the work of commissioner of public works, Mr. McDowell, a native of Asheville and a well known contractor and builder, is seeking the position of com missioner of public works. Mr. Mc Dowell is well known ' to hosts of friends and acquaintances in the city who will be pleased to learn of his entrance in the race. Mr. Perry is a well known railroad man having been connected with the Southern Railway company for many years. He is very popular with the railroad men who predict that he will make a strong race. Announcement is also made by City Tax Collector C. H, Bartlett that he is a candidate for the office of commis sioner of public safety. Mr. Bartlett has been Identified with the city gov crnment for many years, at one time serving as captain on the police force and is thoroughly familiar with the work. Dispatch States He Has Oc cupied Areretaro, 80 affiles From the Capital. Washington, April 3. Tho flrstdefl nite information concerning the loca tion of General Obrcgnn and his army since their evacuation of Mexico City to Zapato forces camo yesterday In ollicial dispatch from Carianza to his agency here, which announced that Oliregon had occupied (Jreretaro, 0 miles north of the capital, and was menacing the Villa advance. The- gunboat Machla.s was today or dered from New York to join the American tt'iuadron at Vera Cruz, The battleships Delaware and Georgia will soon come north for target practice. Brownsville, April ''. l.i'k f an aviator today delayed operations against Matunioros by a Villa aero plane recently brought to tho border. Villa nllicers paid an aviator was com ing from Monterey. Information has reached American army officers which indicates that op erations acnlnst Mntamoros will trob- ably be slow because of disrupted com munications with tho Interior. L ST GREENVILLE IS EIRE Extent of Damage Is Not Known Building ind Con tents Cost $30,000. Greenville, K. f! April 2 rlre late Inst tiiKht almost completely Kuliid the dlnlnu room and kitchen of tho Knslern Carolina Teachers Training school here. The fire originated In a kitchen flue and had gained great headway before It was discovered. No stimate of the loss, which Is covered by Insurance, hnben made. IUJclli Ili-port. KalelKh. April 3. Insurance Com missioner Young has received a report of the dttmiiK by ne to the Teachers' Training school at Greenville, The ex- lent of the loss Is not stated, students were notified not to return from Kastsr holidays until April 12 In order that the building mlsbt be re paired. The building cost 120,000 and the contents 11,000. W 0 Pi D received B GO mm Man, STYLE QUALITY PRICE AT THIS POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE - : I evening mii Hiii T E HERE MIGHT Fortune Has Joined the Squad and Will Come With the Team. Special to The Gazette-News. Spartanburg, S. C April 2. The Mountaineer baseball squad, 18 strong. leaves here tonight on the Carolina special for Asheville, where they are scheduled to appear against the Phil adelphia Athletics tomorrow. All the members of the squad are in good shape and show the results of their training at the local park. Pitcher Gary Fortune, who has been working out with the Falmer institute team at Pensacola, Fla., has reported ; to Manager Corbett and is in fine con-; dition after his stay in Florida. For- i tune had a fine season with the Insti tute team and looks for a good season ; with the Asheville team the coming j summer. Pitcher Atkinson was grant- ed a leave of absence for the day to make a flying trip to his home but will j report at Asheville tomorrow for duty. ! THIRD COMMENCEMENT Of Special to The Gazette-News. ! Salisbury, April 2. Yesterday was ; a great day for Rowan. It was tho 1 third annual county school commence- ; ment and far eclipsed the other efforts ' along tills line. Tim parade yesterday mCrning was so long that the two ends lapped and there must have been 5,000 . children in line. Two bands enlivened the march. There was rivalry among j the different schools for a prize for the best appearance and best march ing. Tills prize was won by Granite ; Quarry. After the parade the proces-1 sion disbanded for dinner and at 1 j o'clock different sections of the pro- ; gram were taken up at several places. At the community building tho annua! address and a splendid short tjlk it i w-, was delivered by Ir. Thomas Llngle. Here, too. the contest in reci tations by the girls was held. First and second In (his contest were won by Sophia Hall, of Steele, and Kh pceia Hurley, of China Glove, The declamation conusl hold In the court house resulted 111 liUV Monroe, of Franklin, winning first and l.ev! Trex. le- of Morgan, second prize. 01 IsPS OF HIE In acknowledging the receipt of a street man and bird's eye view of Asheville, the New York Underwrit ers' Acciicy writes to tho secretary of the board of trade as follows: "The Kcw York. Underwriter Auencv has been represented In . Ashevillo for nearly 40 years, during i which period it has been the prtvll-1 ege of the. members of our firm to! visit Ashevillo frequently, and we have never done so without being charmed with Its beauties and the magnificence of its environment. The data you have sent us contulns much valuable Information which we shall lake pi ensure, In preserving for ready reference. Yesterday morning H. F. Fpafford of Cold Water, Mich., who Is visiting Asheville for a while, walked Into! th hoard of trade rooms with The I Gu7,ette-Ncws of Wednesday after-' noon In his hsnds, and pointing out! the story "Ashevillo as It looked from Hcsuratcher In 1S50," said: "I want to buy one of those hand drawn! maps of Asheville." Mr. Hpsfford fsslvi.Ha nf Wh.t K.fR. m,. 4 wii . presented with a street msp and aj h"' K,mr Rlc' tn4 M,lUu bird's eye view of the city. 11 MEMBERS OF SHIPS CREW WERE LANDED Amsterdsy, April 8. Eleven men of the erew of, th Norweglsn bark which was torpedoed In ths Vorth sea by ths German submsrins U-J0. hsva been landed by ths steamer 1 Units at tha Hook, of Holland, . iastcr Togs "FROM TIP TO TOE" for Woman and Child Very Nicely English. This curious Bengali English was1 used to advertise a circus In India: "Some horse will make very good tricks. The klowu will come and talk with that horses therefore audience will laugh itself very much. The lady will walk on horses back and horse Is jumping very much also. One tman will make so tricks of trapeze audi ence will frnid himself very much. One Indy will make himself so bend, then everybody he will think, he is tbe rub ber lady. This is the very grand dis play. This is the very better gymnas tics. One man will walk on wire tight he is doing very nicely because be la professor of that" GALAX MONDAY- Paramount Pictures Corpora tion, by special arrangement with the Xew York Motion Pic-, ture Corporation Presents George Beban Tn THE By Thomas H, Incc and C. Gar dner Sullivan, produced by Tims. II. Iik'p. prodiuxT . of 'The Typhoon" $ "The Bargain'; "The Italian" ; Cui: P.eppo Donneiti. ...Geo. Beban Annette Anccllo. Clara Williams Annette's Father... J. F. Burke Brought Back by Request ADMISSION 5 & 10c egauwflfiEi Constipation . Biliousness-Headache -a)?. Chase's Liver Tablets MftlMtM llTarutlra, IwwcMmular. without Minor fT'P'n. Mllv nek hnulwh ftnii Ihot bloated fMjinc .tr tt1i.a. purity thlloudiiHlelrth oomplnioD. fjarflc box, enough Ic last (j month, l&c jitUMCm Ui N. lOU SC. fklLuUlpfcU, 1. NOW OPEN Willi Complete New Stork Freedmsn Suits for Men of Oood Taste, l. to 25. GEM CLOTHING STORE 6 Patton Avcnoav "1 1 TALAN SAVE THE BABY CHICK You can raise 95 of every healthy hatch of chicks il you keep them warm and dry and Feed Manna Rice Chick kd CONTAINS) NO CORN row at J. I, fam.i; co Ashevtlln, N. tt ThM liny CAP1UUJ rt iurnor to mium (f Copilbi, Cubilil w nietion,tii RtLIIVf la 1MIDV1 HUUH3 Mm d uml ith wt lftORVf!ilflr, SVS Iff 1 SrvorwM.

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