FA TffEASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NEWS Monday, April 5, 1C1S. SIR THOMAS UPTON AND LIEUTENANT COLONEL MITROYITCH, COMMANDER OF BELGRADE FOR HOME FA3E T1FICATIONS. GALAX TOMORROW Our Want Ads TELEPHONE 202 TELEPHONE 202 STORES FOR RENT BTJIXDraG SCTPLIES FARMS WANTED. WANTED 1 OR 2 FARMS, FAIRLY well situated, that ars well watered and soma timber. Price to be at tractive. Replies solicited from owners only, stating terms and de scription of farm. Thos., care Ga-sette-Newfc S8-tf. FOR RENT FINE BUSINESS ROOM GET OUR rRICES ON . PIPE FIT ten, and machinists tools, wrench es, hammers, acrsw plates, eta Most oomplets line In AshevlUe. AshevllU Supply and Foundry Co.. EagU and Market streets. Phone 166. t00-S0t In Morey building steam heatr- hot and cold water, toilet room and dry basement. Possession Imme diately. Dr. A. H. Moray, dentist. Hendersonvllle, N. C. I9-tff SONGS, MUSIC AND DANCING DEEl THE "ESSSESTTTlTriTTiir ,,L, , U ' " i ' S 4- a. - i in - , ir ' . , , - .. paramount Pictures Corporation Present Sunshine Molly Starring Lois Weber And Phillips Smalley A STIRRING DRAMA Of The Oil Field A Touch of Comedy Some Wonderful Fire Scenes Ami a Great Oast of Characters. ADMISSION 5 AND 10c THE WEATHER a a ' 2 5 g , tj5 a Ashevllle .. .. .. ..32 62 . .00 Atlanta . . 46 68 .00 Atlantic City .... ..34 52 .00 Augusta . . . . 40 62 .00 Birmingham .... ..46 62 .00 Boston . . 34 48 .00 Brownsville . . . ....60 74 .00 fhsrleston .. 42 68 .00 Charlotte ... 42 58 .00 Chicago .. .. , 50 56 .01 Denver ..i 34 68 .00 Calveston . .. GO 64 .00 Helena . . .32 64 .00 Jacksonville .. . ,..4g 62 .00 u fW WEATHER. BUREAU , Mon ApriTrT Bhaded area snows preclpt- j inV'Tv i 1 fjfai tatlon of .01 men or mors, j J 96vlA J iwmtloiM tekeast ts.'m'nthnerldlsBtlma Air preamr reduced to tea level, lsobtn (contlntrons lines) pta tbrouh points of "dSSuir presmrs. .IsoUisrms (dotted lloss) puttbrotisa polnU of eqiul temperstan: - . , lfll(tir , trf- BvitlQITlQ HAVE YOUR CrSp f iuTTAJkrP T 'SK MAJIEw, IF ' tMINJ H0ME H "Ae-BUT S r '1110; lnNE-.plLL.OW OP VA' L WHFN SUCr? :.eVr , i -J 1 I VV 3Sk.r .... . TTI f C i' r - r .-1 .Sir Thomas Lipion and his yachi load of trained nurses have arrived In Belgrade, Serbia. The photo graph shows the Irish knight and Lieutenant Colonel Mltrovltch, In command of the Serbian fortifications at Belgrade. Although the capital of Serbia i directly across the Save River from Austria, the enemy has been unable to take and hold. On the last Key West ....... 68 66 .00 Knoxvllle .. .. ....36 64 .00 Louisville .46 64 .01 Mobile ,...46 64 .00 Montgomery .. .. ..42 62 .00 New Orleans -. ....48 68 .00 New York .........36 50 .00 Oklahoma .. ... ..62 78 .00 Phoenix .. ,. .....68 86 .00 Portland, Ore. ......44 E8 .00 St. Louis .... ... . . . .50 62 .00 Salt Lake City 48 64 .02 San Francisco .. ..50 60 .00 Savannah . . 46 60 .00 Tampa ...... ...44 58 .00 Washington .. ... ..32 66 .00 Wilmington .. .. ..36 64 .00 Normals for this date: Tempera ture 61 degrees; precipitation .15 Inch. Forecasts until 8 p. m. Tuesday for Asheville and vicinity: Fair tonight and Tuesday, warmer tonight. For NoTth Carolina: Fair tonight S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER. BUREAU. KXPL.ANATORY NOTKS, Up FdthCY and Tuesday, warmer tonight, light to moderate variable winds. General Conditions Lost 24 Hours. There are two disturbances on this morning's weather chart; one over the Great Lakes and the other over the southern plateau section. Rain has occurred In the Ohio valley, the lake region, Utah, Nevada, Montana and Wyoming kwhlle In other sec tions the weather has been generally fair. Temperatures are higher in most sections and reezlng Is reported at only a few stations. Light frost formed In the southeastern states as far south as Tampa. Fair weather Is indicated for this vicinity tonight and Tuesday with warmer tonight. T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. Let Us Know Your Wants Phone 203 $ (Copyright, 1915, 1 ' ' : 1 . II Ml! 1 1 M:-i; Ww.:sv.L-- : v Hit V 1 i IKt Advertisements In the classified columns of The Gazette-News are a paying Investment for the advertiser. REMOVAL NOTICE. This Is to let my friends and customers know that I have moved my place of business from 24 to 18 Blltmore Ave., with a full line of mens clothing, shoes and furnishings. SAM FINES TEIN FOR BALE Desirable lot on car line, close in, good surroundings; terms to suit pur chaser. WESTERN CAROLINA REALTY CO. By J. W. Wolfe. 10 N. Pack Sq. Phone 9T4. 4. NOTICE. By virtue of an order of the Supe rior Court of Buncombe County, N. C, made In a special proceeding entitled W. E. Shuford public administrator. C. T. A., against Julius Murphy and John Murphy, heirs at law and deav lsees of George Murphy, deceased, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, April the 26Ui, 1015. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door In Ashevllle, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction all the lands belonging to the estate of the late George Murphy, deceased, consisting of a house and lot on Hill street In Ashevllle, N. C, and described In the complaint In the above case. Terms of sale one-third cash on day of sale to pay costs and charges bal ance In three and six months, title re tained until the final payment of the purchase money. This the 24th day of March, ltlS, W. E. BHUFOKD. Commissioner. 3 9 -Mar 29; Apr 5, 12, 1. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Harriet Hall deceased, late of the county of Buncombe, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before March 19th, 1916 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery. All persons lndebtIand bounds as follows: ed to said estate win piease make pavment at once. This March 19th, 1911. B. U SUTTON. Administrator of Harriett Hall, de ceased. International News Service.) BUILD NOW MATERIALS CHEAP er than In years. Get "direct from mill to Job prices." Estimates cheerfully figured. Williams-Brow-nell Planing Mill Co., wholesale lumber, sash, doors, mouldings, Blltmore, N. C. 41-80t $100.00 FREE PAINT TEST 100 per cent pure paint, five years guar antee, lead and linseed oil paint. Get my estimate free. M., E. King, Contractor. Phone 1042. 27-30t HOUSES WANTED WANTED HOUSE OF 5 TO 7 rooms, good locality, near car line and school. Cash. Care Gaiette News, 38-tf NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Buncombe County. By virtue of the power of sale con cained In a certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Mrs. S. V. Sechrlst to the undersigned trustee, on the 23rd day of February, 1910, to secure the in debtedness therein ' mentioned, evl denced by a certain promissory note under seal, for $150, bearing even date with said deed of trust and to be due one year after date, default having been made In the payment of the principal and Interest of said indebted ness secured by said deed of trust, and power of sale therein contained having become operative, and application having been made by the holder of said note to the undersign ed trustee to sell the lands de scribed in said deed of trust for the satisfaction of said indebtedness, the undersigned will, on Monday, the 26th dny of April, A. D. 1915, at twelve o'clock, noon, or as soon thereafter as j said sale can be made, not later than three o'clock of said day, offer for sale at the court house door In the city of Ashevllle, In said County of Bun combe, State of North Carolina, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate, to wit: Those certain pieces, parcels or lots of lands situate, lying and being in the said County of Buncombe, State of North Carolina, on the west side of the French Broad river, near the west end of Gorman's bridge, and bounded and more particularly as follows: First Lot: Beginning at a stake In the south margin of the main public road, 152 feet west of the southwest corner of Gorman's bridge, and runs thence with the southern margin of said road north 76 deg. west 147.6 feet to a stake in the forks of said road; thence crossing the branch south 82 deg 30 mln. west 89.1 feet to a stake In the road at an old stump; thence south 1' deg. 80 mln. east 345 feet to a stone corner In Wilford's line; thence with said line north 74 deg. SO mln. east 280 feet to a stake on the west side of the Southern Railway company's tracks In the edge of the bank; thence along the west side of said tracks north 8 deg. west 307.6 feet to the be ginning, containing about two acres, be the same more or less, and being a part of the lands bought by Mark W. Brown from Hugh LaBarbe by deed dated May 15th, 1906, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Buncombe, State of North Carolina, In book 146, page 62, of the records of deeds of the said county, and the same lot of land con veyed by the said Mark W. Brown and wife to the said S. V. Sechrlst. Second Tract: Known as the Berry Sams tract, and described by metes Beginning at a stake In the old road. W, F. Rogers' corner, about 2 feet northeast of leaning disck wiuow marked as a pointer, and runs thence with the old road and line of Julius Cauble north 73 deg. west 132 feet to a stake; thenco WANTED SALESMEN AGENTS GOOD MEN WANTED TO SELL fruit and ornamental trees. Light work. Good pay. Permanent Job. Write us today, Smith Bros., Dept. 124, Comcord, Ga. 38-P-30t DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING FIRST-CLASS work wanted. Specialty, hand em broidery and painting. Mrs. j. E. Rhodes. 286 College St. Phone 1616. 4-14t DRESS MAKING AND ALL KINDS of alterations. Mrs. Allen, 101 Cherry street . 28-21L north 86 deg. 80 mln. west 100 feet to a stake; thence leaving the road and with Smith's line, crossing a branch, south 198 feet to a stake; thence south 81 deg. east 278 feet to a stake in W. F. Rogers' line; thence with his line north 16 deg; west 198 feet, recrossing the branch, to the beginning, contain ing one and seven one hundredth acres, more or less, and being the same land and premises conveyed by R. E. Sams and Julia C. Sams, his wife, to B. R. Jones by deed dated January 10th, 1907, and registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Bun combe in book 148 on page 844 et seq. Third Tract: Known as the Be Christ Home Tract, and described by metes and bounds as follows: Begin ning at a stake In an old road, the N, W. corner of the Elberry Sams one acre lot, and runs with said old road S. 85 deg, W. 8 poles and 2 feet to a stake; thence N. 66 deg. W. 7 poles and 10 feet to a stake; thence leaving said road S. 20 deg. K..34 poles and 9 feet, to a stake, thence E. 3 poles 7 feet to a stake In B. R. Jones' line; thence N. with his line 30 poles to the beginning, containing one and seven eighths acres, more or less, and being the same land and premises conveyed by Pink Smith and Maggie Smith, his wife, to the said S. V. Sechrlst by deed dated January 29, .1907, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Buncombe County in book of deeds No. 151 on page 293 et seq. ' Said deed of trust under whloh said sale will be made bears date the 23 rd day of February, 1910, and Is regis tered in book No. 77 on page 133 of the records of mortgages and deeds of trust of the said County of Buncombe and reference is hereby made to said deed of trust for further terms and conditions thereof. j. This tho 18th day of March, 1915. HAYWOOD PARKER, Trustee. 83-Mar 22, 29; ApT 5, 12, 19. NOTICE. North Carolina, Superior Court Buncombe County, Term 19 . D. Boone vs. Summons by Publication. W. A. Boone. The defendant above named will take notice, that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Su perior Court of Buncombe County, North Carolina, for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony and the defend ant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the term of Superior Court of said county to be held on the 2nd Monday after the first Monday In March, 1915, at the Court House of said County In Ashe vllle, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action or the plaintiff will to the Court for the re lief demanded In said complaint. This March 27, 1918. R. 8. McCALL, Att'y. JOHN H. CATHEY, Clerk Superior Court ot Buncombe County. N. C. 39-Mar. 2 9-Apr. 6-12-11. By Georae McManus MISS EMMA BKOCKWAY AU8TIW furnishes music in and out of town 1 for dances, receptions, eta. Plana' only, piano and drums, or orchestra. 102 Blltmore avenue. Phone 1698. ! 14-2 Ot. ! BARBER SHOPS. FOR BARBER PHONE Bailey. 210.. a. h. 40-tf GUARANTEE BARBER SHOP IN hotel over Plsgah Cafe, Patton ave-1 nue, managed by German specialist' la open. Halrcutting 26 cents. Children's halrcutting 20 cents. Pre fer good class of people only. 24-26t NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Buncombe County, , By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust ex- , ecuted by Mrs. S. V. Sechrlst to the undersigned trustee, on the 4th day of September, 1906, to secure the indebt edness therein mentioned, evidenced by two certain promissory notes, un der seal, for $200 each, bearing even date with said deed of trust, one to be due one year after date and the other two years after date, default having been made In the payment of the prin cipal and Interest of the said Indebted ness secured by the said deed of trust, and the power of sale therein contain- ed having become operative, and ap plication having been made by the holder of said notes to the undersigned trustee to sell the land described In said deed of trust for the satisfaction of said Indebtedness, the undersigned trustee, will, on Monday, the 20tb day of April, A. D. 1915, at twelve o'clock noon, or as soon thereafter aa said sale can be made, not later than three -o'clock p. m. of said day, offer for sale at the corut house door In the olty of Ashevllle, In said County of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being In Leloeater1 township. Buncombe County, North, Carolina, on the west side of the French Broad river, near the west end of Gorman's bridge and bounded and' more particularly described aa fol lows: Beginning at a stake In the South margin of the main publlo road, 153 feet west of the southwest oorneri of Gorman's bridge, and runs thenoai with the southern margin of said road north 76 deg. west 147.6 feet to a stake! in the forks of said road; thence cross-! ing the branch south 32 deg. 20 mln. west 89.1 feet to a 8 take in the road at an old stump; thence south 1 deg. 30 mln. east 345 feet to a corner stone In Wilford's Hue; thence with said line north 74 deg. 80 mln. east 280 feet to a' stake on the west side of the Southern Railway Co. 'a tracks In the edge of the bank; thence along the west side of said tracks north t deg. west 307.6 feet to the beginning, containing about 2 acres, be the same more or lees, and , being a part of the land described In a ) certain deed of conveyance from Hugh ; LaBarbe to Mark W. Brown dated May leth, 1906, and registered In the office of the Register ot Deeds for Buncombe County In book 146 page B2 and being the same land conveyed to, the said S. V. Sechrlst by Mark W.J Brown and wife by deed bearing date , of 4th day of September, 1906, andj registered in book at page County of Buncombe. The said deed ot trust bear date of 4th day of September, 1906, and la duly registered In book No. 68 on page 99 of the records of mortgages and deeds of trust of the said County of Buncombe and reference Is . hereby made to tho same for further particu lars In regard to the terms thereof. This the 18th day of March, 1916. CANIE N. BROWN, Trustee. 83-Mar 22, 29, Apr 6, 12, 19. WHAT. A' FOOL VOZ NOT TO TAKE' TH PILLOW!

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