, -1 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Saturday, April 10, 1915. PAGE THREE ATTENTIONS ASHEVILLE AND WEST ASHEVILLE PEOPLE! Do not wait UNTIL AFTER MAY 1ST to subscribe . to the Co-operative Auto Company's Stock. DO IT NOW. TICKET BONUS WILL BE WITHDRAWN AFTER MAY 1ST. Operate first car May 15th. Cen tral Bank, West Asheville Bank, Moale & Chiles, 27 Patton avenue, and our authorized solicitors will re ceive subscriptions. -:OTTO'::T,:MAIERv: ; ? ' ' President. GOOPEH SOCIETY HOLDS . INTERESTING TIL JITNEY BIIS" WILL BE STARTED ON 1Y 15 Hour Schedule Between Ashe , ville and Sulphur Springs ' Maintained at First. The ("Jltney bus" Is with us or at least will be soon enough to state that It Is a certainty that Asheville will have them. The newest Innova tions In the world or trade and com merce find their way to this city be fore they have been long established In the metropolitan centers , of the ODD FELLOWS CLOSE A TWO UTS' MEETING In the dock trial conducjed last night by the Cooper Literary society of the High school, the defense gained a notable victory In the case of Oren Roberts charged with . murder, the Jury bringing In a verdict of not guilty. The trial was largely attended and the arguments of counsel employ ed on each side proved very Interest ing. Much interest las added to the trial by the conflicting evidence of wit nesses In regard to circumstances of the alleged crime as well as in regard to the prisoner's reputation. Lawrence Noland for the state and Randall Harris for the defense de livered the only arguments made to the Jury. Roy Glenn assisted the pros ecution while Earle Stone was asso ciated with Mr. Harris in the defense. T. H. Franks of the faculty presided as Judge. John Lawrence was clerk and Roy Jordan acted as sheriff. Charles Bradford, Dale Beers, Hush White and Charles Fortune were the witnesses for the state; those "Intro duced by the defense were Wesley Bouterse, James Harris, Roy Shop and Frank Rice. lltIS JOHNSON U. S.TASSPORT Instructions Sent to U. S. Min ister in Cuba Not to Issue . Credentials for the ' Ex-Champion. I District Convention Has Suc cessful Session With Wea , verville Lodge. ' The sixteenth Besslon' of the nine teenth District convention of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows clos ed yesterday after a . two days meeting with Hamburg lodge No. 235 at Woaverviile. Many delegates from all sections of the district were In attendance and some .Of these In Ashe A Public Demonstration Is' Be ing Arranged for Jess Wil lard in New York Arrives Saturday. country. It has long been known here I villa- in the afternoon en route home that it was the question of but a very ! short time until the "busses" would ' be seen on the streets of the city. The Co-operative Auto company, ! recently organized by several prom liuent business men for the purpose of operating a line of "busses" be tween Asheville and Sulphur Springs nhnounces that by May 15, one of their cars will be running between the two designated points and that bf June 1, two more will have been 'added. At present, the cars are be ing built und the first one has been slated for delivery by May 16, when It will immediately be put into op eration. The "jitney busses" to be used here will be much 'the same in design as those now in use in most of the large cities, having a seating capacity of 2t) people, the passengers lilting along the sides with an aisle running down the center of the vehi cle. The company nnnounces that the cars used here will be operated on the "pay as, you enter" plan which will also be "a new innovation In Afihevllle transportation circles. The trip from here to Sulphur Springs covers five miles or a total of ten miles for the round trip. The cars are to be operated at first on an hour schedule, a car leaving this city each hour but after the service ha been Inaugurated for some time, a 20 mln- be Instituted. report a most successful and enjoy able convention. The - session began Thursday after noon with a short business meeting In the . new Odd Fellows' home. Last night State Grand Master W. F. Evans delivered an address on "Odd Fellow ship'' which was much enjoyed by the delegates. On the program also for Inst night was an exhibition tn Initia tory degree work by Hamburg lodge which, it is stated, was extremely in teresting. Yesterday there was a business meeting at which reports from all the lodges In the district were heard. The reports show gains In membership In almost every lodge, and the Interest taken In lodge work by members was reported as very encouraging. At 11 , o'clock A. Hall Johnston of the Blue Ridge lodge In Asheville delivered an address on "The Prlncl pies of Odd Fellowship," which re ceived much favorable comment by those present The next district meeting will be with Piney Mountain lodge, six miles from Weavervltle. TROUBLES OF THE DAY IN TIE POLICE COURT The following cases were called In Police court yesterday: The cases against R. A. Gilbert, In which he is charged with disorderly conduct, drunkenness -and carrying a concealed weapon, were continued. Continuances were taken In the cases of Bertha Shelton, colored, charged with assault and Carrie Smith, colored,, charged with larceny. The case against Walter O'Hara, Mrs. James Shield and Miss Mary O'Hara, arrested yesterday on charges of slander, on warrants sworn out by Mrs. Frank Wilbank, were continued for hearings until next Tuesday. Ed. Fowler and Walter Maxwell colored, were found not guilty of lar ceny. J. E. Simms, was taxed with' the costs on charges of assault. Blan Buckner and Less Ingle were found not guilty of retailing to J. F. Phillips. One "drunk" was up. 'SIM EXilD BY ; SECONO CflDRT MIL ,: 'Paris, April 10. Raymond Swobo flo, charged with espionage and ar lon In connection with the fire on the La Touraine was Interrogated Thursday before a second permanent court martial. Ilia preliminary ex amination consisted only of questions concerning the question of his Identi ty. . Swoboda protested vigorously kgalnst his arrest and declared he Was ready to face ahy charge that might be brought again him. He was taken to a military Jail. Rheumatism paint are Jangtnus if ne- fyected. If stopped, they cuen the risk of hi art affectioni. Tho (rightful paina, stiff Joints and swollen muscle are initially relieved by SLOAN'S LINIMENT fine for lumbo und sciatica. CW. H. Wantwonh, BiraUltiv. C.l. ' I wat aufferar from Acuta k kau m an im lor twalve yaar. A (Hand raoommanded Sloan) Liniment. I lot e bottla nd tba pain Uit M aoea m 1 applied tb I in Lm ant." At all daalart. Price tsi. Mb tl M Dr. art ISioan.tne. Mil 1 SLLouli TO BE SHORT 1UT.JM10 Cleveland, April 10. While ac cuuntnnts are working on books of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Coal com pany and other concerns of which James H.' Cassldy, former congress man, was receiver, his relatives and business-associates sought to solve the mystery of his disappearance Monday, after he had failed to give an account lug to the federal court as he had been ordered to do, Karl Frlebolln, the newly appointed receiver said there were Indications that Oiissidy's accounts as receiver for the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Coa! company would show a discrepancy of between $16,000 and 20,000. Cassldy was also receiver for the Standard Construction company and the Dexter Mining company. Mrs. Cassldy said she was confident that her husband had been taken 111 some where and that when located ho could give satisfactory accounts. FUNERAL SERVICES OVER J. L. GUY AT The funeral of Joseph L. Guy took place Tuesday, April 6, at 11 o'clock In Elmwood, Norfolk, Va, Rev. Sparks W. Melton, pastor of the Freemason St, Baptist church conducted the services, The pallbearers were W. L. Simpson, C. M. Cruiser, J. T. Whitehurst, J. M, Lawrence, L. W. Hall and C. E. MorrI sette. Mr. Guy had been a resident of Asheville since 1900. He was years old, was welfknown and highly regarded. His death which occurred In Norfolk, will come as a shock to his friends here as It was not genorall; known that he was 111. He Is survived by three sons, E. C, J. L. and O. W, Guy of Norfolk, and a daughter, Mrs. 8. I. VIck, and grand-daughter Miss Celia I Vick of Asheville. Financial NEW YORK COTTON. New York, April 10. Jotton fu tures opened firm: May 9.83 July 10.15 August .. .. 10.26 October 10.54 December 10.73 January ....10.78 March 10.96 NEWS OF THE STATE CAPITAL (Continued From Page One). this case, and the young white de fendant was acquitted after a hard fight of two days. Kelly was Indicted for attempting to get the money on a check of $96.74 made out to James Murray. The bank's clerks testified that In writing the name of Murray, the forger failed to put the "a" In the word and the bank gave the alarm. It did not then arrest Kelley. He .was on his way south when overtaken. The bank teller Identified him. ' Thnmae C. Boushall, of Raleigh, has been chosen to represent the stu dent body on the occasion of Dr. Edward Kidder Graham's inaugura tion as president of the university, and will speak for the school. Laundry Phones 70 and 2096 A trial Is all we ask. W treat yonr laundry white. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago, April 10. Hogs, slow; re celpts 8,000. Bulk of sales 7.05 017.16 pigs R.708.76. Cattle, steady; receipts 100. Native steers 6.008.90; calves 6.25 8.75 Sheep, dull; receipts 200. Sheep 7.4008.40; lambs 7.80010.50. OHNSON HAD APPLIED FOR A PASSPORT Washington, April 10. Jack John son will not carry an American pass- port if he leaves Cuba for Europe Secretary Bryan said yesterday In structions had been sent to Minister Gonzales at Havana not to issue cre dentials. The minister had reported that Johnson had applied for a pass port. , Secretary Eryan said that the state department had acted without con sulting the department of justice be cause it was familiar with the case against Johnson and knew that he had left the United States after hav ing been convicted under the whitej slave law and while he was at liberty under $45,000 bail, pending a decision on his appeal. To Welcome Wlllard. New York, April 9. A public dem onstration has been arranged- here to welcome Jess Wlllard, the new heavyweight champion, on his arrival hero tomorrow night. A committee of men, prominent in the sporting world will meet Wlllard at the rail road station and escort him in a pa rade leading up Seventh avenue and Broadway to St. Nicholas club. There Wlllard will box four rounds with Jim Savage, his sparring partner. Next week he will begin a two weeks engagement with a local vaudeville theater. Federal District Attorney- Marshall said today that if films of the Wil- lard-Johnson fight were brought to New York from Havana, they would he detained until a judicial ruling was given on the question of admission of the films of the Ritchie-Welsh fight brought here recently from London. Collector of the Port Malone said that he would exclude the Wlllard Johnson fight films from entry. Full Measure of Style, Quality and Value in Spring's Newest Apparel FOR MEN AND WOMEN Garments of superior excellence- -the best values in town- ind with the easy part-payment plan to make it especially Inducing. There is genuine.economy in buyine your spring -lalt at the FARLEY & AEKTN store because the prices are, without doubt, the lowest for garments of highest quality and latest style. There is the added advantage of making partial payments in the easy way. This plan is a helpful and advantageous one, as it enables you to secure your complete Spring outfit NOW and to pay a little at a time. WE ARE NOW FEATURING 15. WOMEN'S SUITS $ that have no equal in beauty of style and excellence of quality . at this moderate prioe. The new smart suit models are shown in a full va riety of styles and you cannot find prettier or more sty lish suits at 15.00 anywhere in the city. Among them are such favorites as, the New Military Model the Tipperary, the short jacket style and the adaptations of Fifth Avenue creations, -made up of men's wear serge, the new black and white checks, poplins, gabar dines and all the fashionable fabrics in high favor and in the leading colors. Suits to please every particular taste. An Economy Special for This Week Women's $1.50 and $2.00 Waists These are charming models, typifying the latest effects in lingerie and Jap silks, sizes 34 to 46, everyone a beauty and a re markable value at the special price of...... Snappy Top-Notch Styles in these MEN'S SUITS at $15.00. 98 c Stylish raits that appeal to nwa whs know what is newsat and beat and who appreciate big rata. These handsome suits possess all the qualities of high-class custom garments suits cut along the new lines and made of such dependable, all wool materials as serge, worsted, cat meres and other Spring fabrics; hand tailored by master workers and sure to give abso lute satisfaction in service. Every angle you look at these suits, you will not find a better line at 15.00 anywhere you go. Come in and look them over. Choose NOW and pay the easy way. -.:. MLEY & Ml 16 N. Pack Square 4f NEW YOItK STOCKS. New York, April 10. Rouyancy which marked yesterday's trading; on the stock market continued uninter rupted at the opening; today. Sub stantial gains were recorded In all the Important Issues. United States Steel was again a prominent feature, opening; with the sale of 15, 000 shares at 67' to 674, ag-alnst yester day's close of 67. Judge George A. Shuford - For Tollco Judge. AbSOLUTELV FIREPROOF Hone bat high-class factory mechanics employed. Our arpliei are cheaper and all work is Guaranteed, ENTERPRISE GARAGE J. R. Itnrnbouph, Oon. Mat. During; the time Judge Shuford was on the Superior Court bench he presided almost entirely In the East ern part of the state, and his friends feel that It Is only fitting and fair to the voters of Asheville to make pub lic some of the endorsements Riven him by many of the most prominent as well as ths most Impartial men of the state. We say with pleasure that Judge Shuford presided In Chowan county with treat satisfaction to our people and Is esteemed here as a moat ex cellent Judge. ( VM. J. LKATtT, Br. W. M. BOND. JULIAN WOOD, PUUDEN A- VAfOf, Attorneys. II. C. PRIVOTT, Clerk Superior Court. T. D. BRYSON, Register of Deeds. adv)lt s,KltltltllltHlsttSt;lstitK . 5 ADDITIONAL SOCIETY. K It ., s st It K H H K kt St s? ? H "Tour of World" a Success. A large jrowd enjoyed very much the "trip around the world," which was (flven by the IJhllathea class of Central Methodist church. Cars which were loaned for the occasion by Grove Purk inn. Southern Coal company and Asheville Automobile company carried crowds of people seeking adventure In the different countries shown, to splendid advantage at five different homes. America was seen first in the basement of the church which was beautifully decorated in the national colors. Combined with great effect with potted plants and flowers. Here was found many historical things of interest an Indian maid's part being played by Miss Opal Mill, also the puritan maid Priscilla, was well act ed by Miss Elizabeth Kimberly, and to give a modern touch to the whole Miss Thelma Smatr.ers acted splend idly the part of a suffragette. The part of Martha and George Wash ington was acted by Fred Seely, Joe and little Miss Margaret Barnhardt. Uncle Sam was represented by Mr. L. B. Rogers gave email souvenirs of flag pins to all the guests. Another striking feature of America was the goddess of liberty which port was carried out with great success by Miss Margaret Ware. The committee of this country which was headed by Mrs. F. L. Seely. From America, the cars carried the guests to Africa, which was found In darkness and very typical of such a country. Through the efforts of Mrs. George CoRton and committee this country was perhaps the greatest success of the evening, due partly to the unus ual range of Ideas. Mrs. Coston play ed the part of an African mother with her "babe" on her back, digging In the earth while her husband an African stood with his gun and made her work. Miss Smathers and Mr. Beam gave several vaudeville stunts which were quite popular. In a room covered with straw, Miss Florence Grey and Miss Vernon WIHIam served the favorite drink of the Af ricans. The witch doctor who not only played but looked his part, was Mr. C'oston who gave charms to the guests which were a source of dellgW to all. A string negro- band added much to the program In Africa. From Africa the guests were hurried to Ire land and Holland, both of which were decorated In the national col ors of their country, Holland was made very picturesque by the use of paper Dutch figures and a color scheme of white and blue. The Dutch maids In their rostumes added much to the whole affair. To Mrs. Charlea M. Ilrltt find committee Is dus the success of Holland whl-h was, by the courtesy of Mr. and Mfs. D. L. Jack son given In their home. Net on the route was Japan which was a bower of beauty. Cherry blossoms and wis teria and a great many Japanese cu rios were displayed here. Tea was served In the dining room which was festooned with wisteria snd chrysan themums. The Olesha girt who was represented by Miss Virginia Dembll gave' the Japanese dance, which was an added feature to the whole. The Japanese love song by Mrs. E. M. Klein was much enjoyed. This com mittee was headed by Mrs. Joseph Metz In whose home It was given. Lastly the guests were carried to the "Land of Dreams," which was beau tifully shown at the residence of Mrs. Canle Brown on Montford ave nue. A color scheme of white and pink was effectively carried out with orchids and roses and softly colored lights. An attractive musical program was carried out here by Miss Alberta Lauer and Miss Sue Grlndstaff. A for tune teller In the person of Mrs. Hes ter was a popular feature . of the evening. Delightful punch was served throughout the sojourn In the land of dreams. 'The committee Is much in debted to Grove Park Inn, Southern Coal company, Asheville Automobile company and Stradley and Luther, Palais Royal. It A called general meeting of the Woman's society of the First Pres byterian church will be held Mon day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. In the church house. Dr. U. F. Campbell will meet with the society and mat ters of great Interest and Importance will be voted upon. A full attendance Is requested. if . Sirs. Jjorke Craig Eenterialn-. Special to The Gazette-News. Raleigh, April 10. Mrs. Locke Craig's bridge tea to Mrs. M. V, Moore of Asheville, who Is the guest of Miss May Jones, secretary to Gov ernor Ivocke Craig, was the ' social event of a week. Mrs. Craig gave the bridge party yesterday afternoon at the mansion and seventy guests were at the game of auction bridge. Besides Mrs. Moore, the house guests of Miss Amy Winston, Miss McCarty of Atlanta and Miss Eva Horner of Asheville. were among those who were received from abroad by Mrs. Craig. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Crnlg was hostess to Miss Winston's visit ors. The event was a bridge luncheon which was sttended by Misses Win ston. McCarty and Horner, Miss Gray, of Carthage and six of Raleigh's de llghtful young women. Misses Mary Grimes Cowpor, Kate Hale Silver, Elizabeth Jones, Netsy John Hay wood, Ann McKlmmon and Bottle Russ. Miss May Jones, hostess of Mri Moore gave a bridge luncheon Thurs day afternoon to Mrs. Moore, whose visit In Raleigh hum been marked by dnlly tributes from her friends. Van Bur en Bo stick for Commissioner of Public Works ' i t 9 S 1 I 1 It: Citizens Endorse Candidacy of Mr. Bostick and Commend Him to the Favorable Consideration of the People of the . City of Asheville in Primary April 26. ; We, the undersigned citizens and qualified voters, take! j ; pleasure in endorsing Van Buren Bostick for Commissioner 1 of Public Works and earnestly commend Lim to the citizens and taxpayers of the City of Asheville, knowing that he is a ' young man of experience in the line of work which the du- ties of this office require, of high moral character, energetic,' ' and having those qualities necessary for the successful ad ! ; ministration of public affairs: , . Dr. W. L. Dunn E. C. Sawyer Bernard Elias Walter C. Britt E. W. Orovo J. W. Hayne.s F. L. Seely J. M. Hearn & Co. E. C. Merrill Wm. Burckel Julian A. Woodcock W. H. Zimmerman D. S. Elias E. C. Green A. C. Brandl S. L. Forbes J. Mc F. Williams J. J. Nichols Dr. Chas. S. Jordan Sol Evans Dr. C. D. W. Colby J. W. Sluder Phone Your Wants to 202. T AWNINGS AND TENTS, (WE MAKE THEM) Just what you want in size, style and color. Asheville Harness 33 Biltmore Ave, J. 'I.. I

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