A A A A v THB QAZETTE-NEW3 HAS THE iOCIATED PRJCB3 SERVICE. IT 18 IN EVERT It RESPECT COMPLETE, IS WEATHER FORECAST : GENERALLY PAIR. VOLUME XX. NO. 56. ASHEVIU,3,N. 0., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 17, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS a in. a i - mum DAMAGE BY AIR RAID UNKNOWN Attackers Declare Operations Resulted in Destruction of . Military Material and Defenders Deny. OPERATIONS HALTED IN THE CARPATHIANS Resumption of Activities by Allied Fleet at Dardanelles Reported Greece May Modify Policy. 1 London, April 17. The al i lies on one side and the Ger- mans on another today are taking an inventory of the in juries inflicted by the recent aerial opqrations with the us ual contradictory results. ,. The attackers claim that their as saults from the air resulted in the destruction of military transports and equipment but the defenders report that the only tangible effects of such operations were casualties to ivilians and slight damage to roperty. The people of England, be- g influenced by recent ex- ariences, are looking for petition of the aerial attacks Zeppelins or Taubes, but to noon no such attack had a reported. The weather conditions seem f be the chief cause of the 3ent halt of operations in t' s Carpathians. A corres- ident of the Associated ass with the Austrian for , reviewing the siaution, de res that the Russian offen e was checked after the in lers debouched on the plains the Hungarian side of Lup i pass and straightened out Austrian wedge which had l driven into the Russian near Uzsok pass. Tie us that the Russians suf- 1 fearful losses in making r supreme effort to gain Hungarian plains, the cas es having been particu ' heavy a'rftong the noble officers of crack regi s. any eent, British observ elieve that whatever else be retarding the Russians, cd streams and impassable ? are ample reason for the nt delay. th the news of resump f activities bv the allied in the Dardanelles comes j port from Greece which i the impression of a pos modifieation of the pros licy of Greece. Ish colonial officials issued an official report ng n victory" for the i Indian invading forces 'io Turks in Mezopota- ho western front pirns owing tliat Germany tici pate tho long pre--oneral offensive of the i ut actnal operations have relapsed into the f mid-winter quiet, i, April 17. Gorman dropped some bombs yesterday, ?0 miles uon. Tho first nt on Homo bay, east of ry and about 50 miles Ion. The aircraft rapidly loward Lon iiL'm a few minutes was reported over Canterbury, Faversham and Sittingbourne, It dropped bombs on each of the towns. This was the third German aeroplane attack during the last 36 hours oh the eastern counties of England. The two previous attacks were made at night by Zeppelins. The aerial onslaughts, how ever, were not limited to the Germans. A French offi cial report claims a successful air attack bombardment of the German imperial beadquar ters, in retaliation for the Zeppelin attack on Nancy. The German report says that the French airmen dropped bombs on several towns which were not protected by anti-air craft guns. London no longer considers itself immune from air attacks. The Zeppelins on recent raids at night have gone further from their strong Cuxhaven base than the distance between Cuxhaven and London. The aeroplane 30 miles from the capital and choosing its own course has brought a new con ception of the effective range of this type of machine. Nev ertheless the English public remains skeptical of the de structive powers of the air shins. ' i . r ITALY EXPECTS swEiin Believed Austria Will Act Quickly When Convinced of Italy's Intention to Intervene in War. PROSPECT CAUSING VERY LITTLE ALARM Turkish Emissary to Rome Convinced That Italy Will Continue to Maintain Neutrality, He Says. ELMS ROBBED; IS DEFENDANT Asheville Young Man Tries to Recover Stolen Money and J Is Charged With Blackmail CASE IS PUSHED BY TWO RALEIGH BARBERS Elias Unable to Get Hearing Today Great Indignation Because of the Action Against Him. T 1 OE Such Report Is Made by Ob regon on Celaya Battle; But State Department Awaits Details. CONDITIONS IN MEXICO CITY AGAIN SERIOUS Paris, April 17. The belief is be coming general In Rome that Austria contemplates a sudden attack on Italy as soon as the dual monarchy is con vinced of Italy's determination to in tervene In the war, according to Rome dispatch to the Matin. The prospect is said to be causing no alarm, however, because of the con centration of a large force of Italians on the Austrian frontier. Turk Confident. Rome. April 16, via Paris, April 17. "I am convinced that Italy will re main neutral," was a statement made to the Idea Nazionale by Carasso Ef fendi, member of the Turkish chamber of deputies, just before he left Rome, after completing his recent mission for his government He said he had gain ed this impression after interviews with various Italian statesmen. "Until yesterday," he said, "this was a simple Impression, but now I consider It a certainty." On the Italian Frontier, Via Paris. Raleigh, Aprtl 17. Despite the de mand of Don Elias, of Asheville, that the chargesof blackmail brought against him by S. B. Equels and J. M. Mills, barbers, be heard this morn ing, Police Justice Harris continued the case until Monday morning. Mr. Ellas was twice robbed in February iof $40 but did not suspect the shoe i shiners in the shop until the sec ond robbery. Thursday he reported the case to the police and suggested a trap for catching the thieves. He and the chief marked some bills and a policeman "Mlowed the Asheville man to the shop, where . he was shaved. U Upon paying his bill he discover ed the robbery of $30 and reported to the police standing on the out side. The officer searched the shin ers, barbers and Elias, but found no money. Mills and Equels then became dls- Silliman Instructed to Ursre Carranza to Co-operate in Clearing the Railroad From Capital Washington April 17 Consul SIM man has cabled a summary of the Car ranza reports of a victory by General Obregon over the Villa forces at Cel aya. Rout of the Villa army witht the capture of 30 pieces of artillery and N PI I mM PLANS :. -. .-,;,, .V-. Go nor's Commissioners on 'X' ..... Revision of Judiciary Sys tem Meet Today to Ef fect Organization. THAW'S LAfflEB PLANS APPEAL -v 1 Matteawan Fugitive Surprised1 at Court Order Re-Com- I mitting Him to Asy t lumfor Insane. EXTRADITIONS ISSUED FOR TWO PRISONERS North Carolina Shows Great Gains in the Crop Yields and Per Capita Wealth State News. (By W. T. Bost). Raleigh, April 17. Governor Craig's commission for the revision of Judicial procedure was to hold Its first meeting here, organizej and map out the work wrlch the lawyers and WILL ASK FOR JURY TO PASS ON SANITY i The Court Apparently Regret That It Cannot Rid N. Y. j of Thaw by Sending : : ) Him to N. H. many prisoners is claimed. The state the one layman have before them. department is awaiting detailed re ports from both sldea before accept ing definitely the claims of either.- , Duval West, special representative of the state department reported In a telegram yesterday conditions in Mex ico City are becoming more serious owing to the lack of food stuffs and in terrupted communications. The state department has notified Consul Slllian who is at Very Cruz to urge the Carranza authorities to co operate in clearing the railroad from the clptal. , , The Carranza agency has made public a telegram from pleased and swore out a warrant fori quoting from Obrcgon's report of 36 DiacKmaii. The Asheville man de-! hours of f iEhtin at Celavau ObreKon April 17. Italy today has 1,200,000 was a busy, day and they could first line troops under arms, between attend. mandea trial but the barbers said it not SriniLLEBT AEROPLANI ATTACK Two German Aeroplanes Fly Over Amiens, France, and Drop Bombs. Amiens, France, April 17. Seven people were killed and eight were wounded by two German aeroplanes which flew over Amiens yesterday. The cathedral was apparently the target of the missiles dropped, but It was not damaged. The first aeroplane appeared at 6:45 a. m. and dropped five bomba The exploding projeutile was fatal to four women and two men and seven others were wounded, in cluding two soldiers who were guard ing the railroad station. The property damage was trlclal. The second air machine appeared at 5 o'clock p. m. and one of Its bombs demolished a house and decapitated a woman sitting In the parlour and In Jured another. CLOSE NEXT FRIDAY i Congressman Britt. Will De liver an Address at the Exercises. the ages of 20 and 28 years, perfectly armed and equipped, - General .Zepelll, Italian minister of war said that a miracle had been performed when Italy after maintaining for 20 years a military organization merely for the preservation of peace had created one of the most perfect war machines of the world, which he said to be superior proportionately to the German army at the beginning of the war. The eagerness of the soldiers on the frontier to begin fighting is said to be so great that officers are compelled to watch them closely to keep them In check. Men who are In positions to say authoritatively however, declare Italy still hopes to obtain territorial concessions from Austria and thus avoid a rupture with her allies. CHRIST! OWNS TO T MURDER Confesses He Helped to Dis pose of Warren's Body, Police Assert. Great Indignation Is expressed both announced a complete victory , over Villa,. Who he said, had attacked Wed nesday morning at 6 o'clock with 42 generals , and . 30,000 men in three by officers. &d Onttin that a oungi armies: -"-S man of high character should -be : The state department's advices forced to defend himself In effort to from Irapuato said that the hostiti- caicn croons, umcers testiry that ties at Ceaya were still In progress there Is no element of blackmail, that j and that there was slight advantage r.iias askea no money, suggested no wrong doing on proprietors' part. Judge Harris Is son of Colonel lagan Harris, prosecuting attorney, but Mr. Ellas does not object to the tribunal. Governor Craig today ordered, up on the universal request of Edge combe county bar, Judge Frank Car ter to try the special term of court of two weeks, beginning May 17. The request was mad eby Senator Gilliam. Winston-Salem, April 17. S. P. Christy, who with three other persons is charged with the murder butt Aug ust of O. J. Warron, Inst night con- sent the supreme regent. ROYAL ARCANUM MEETS AT ROCKY MT. NEXT WEEK Special to The Gaiette-News. Wilmington, April 17. The pro gram has been completed for the annual meeting of the grand council of the Royal Arcanum which will be held at Kocky Mount Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Wil mington will be well represented at the meeting. ' The address of welcome will De made by Mayor L. P. Tlllery of Rocky Mount and S. M. Brlnsoti of N'ewbern, , will make the response. The meetings will be preslcdecd ever by Grand Regent Harvey B. Craven of Newborn, Uriah W. Tompkins of New York will repre- Speclal to The Oaxette-Newa, Marshall. April 17. The second an nun county comencement of this county will be held In Marshall, Friday April 23. The' object of this annual event at the close of the school year Is to call the people together from all parts of the county to enjoy the day at our county seat, and to lay plans for a larger and more eftVrlent work In our schools for the coming year. The grand parade will he held at 10 o'clock Friday morning led by the Mars Hill College band. Congressman J. J. Brltt will speak at 11 o'clock. Diplomas will be award, ed to the 7th grade graduates at 11 o'clock. A school exhibit and an edu cational rally will be held In the court house at t p. m. A recitation and dec lamation contest will be held at I o'clock p. m. A beautiful gold medal will be given to the winner in each contest. The Fnneh Broad bank and the CHlxena Bank of Marshall have shown Interest In the county commencement by giving the two modal, offered In the contests. The CIMiene bank will give the medal offered In the recitation contest and the French Broad bank will (It the on offered In the decla mation contest. . fesscd that he had participated In die. posing of Warren's body but denied that he had a hand In causing War ren's death, according to the police. Christy Is said to have declared that Warren's wife chloroformed him and that Warren's son-in-law, Clifford Stonestreet, then strangled him with a rope. Mrs. Warren and Htonestreet then pinned the body In a trunk, Chris ty Is reported as saying, and Christy obtained a wagon and hauled the body to a lonely spot on Muddy creek, where it was found several days later by fishermen. Stonestreet, his wife and Mrs. War ren will be given a preliminary hear ing next week. GERMAN SHELLS FALL ON Delcmont, flwllxerlsnd, Via Paris, April 17. -German shells fell on Swiss territory Tuesday for tho third time since the beginning of the war, &.v the newspaper Demoorale. 'X,f Ger mans were trying to destroy the kV.n.h nhumnllAii finll o t T'u.1lurhnil. sen hut th aim of the gunners was! Tribune dispatch from Ung nan ana in projucme. jeu in ins town of BeiirnevesaJn. An Investigation Is to be mart by th Hwls authorities. to the - Villa forces who had com pletely sourrounded the city and had cut communications behind the Car ranza army. 75, oonu CHICAGO 16,000 Carpenters, Demanding Increase of 5 Cents Hour, Are Locked Out. Chicago, April 17. Sixteen thou sand union carpenters striking for an Increase of five cents an hour In pay were today under the ban of a lockout order on the part of their employers. Painters, lathers, plasterers and sheet metal workers In slmllur circum stances and enough allied trade work ers brought th total beyond 76,000 of Idle men. The strike begun at 4:30 yesterday afternoon and at midnight the lockout order went into effect. Yesterday men woh wished to disre gard the strike order and return to work were told to take their griev ances to union ofllclals. When work ceased on the approx imately 40.000 or 411,000 unfinished buildings In Chicago contractors laid off all employes except a few retained for odd Jobs. Watchmen wer employed. The commission is composed of Chief Justice Walter Clark, Judge W. J . Adams of the Superior court, Ex Judge W. P. Bynum of Greensboro, Senator L. V. Bassett of Rocky Mount and Senator High G. Chatham qf Winston-Salem. The members do not know where they will have their headquarters or what will be the im mediate work done, but they will make the preliminaries tomorrow. It is understood in Raleigh that Judge Clark will be made chairman, though Carranza the organization has not been at tempted on paper. The governor has issued extradi tions for Robert Knuckley, alias I . Frank, alias Joe Kneckley, wanted In Henry county, Virginia, for malicious trespass, and for Samuel Isley, want ed in South Carolina for obtaining money and goods by glvjng fraudu lent checks. Knuckley Is now held In Draper and Isley in Lincolnton. Governor Craig has sent the papers to the proper authorities. In the office of the secretary of state, the Job P.- Wyatt business filed a certificate of amendment to its charter putting $100,000 Into equal proportions of preferred and common stock. This is one of the best known business houses of Ra leigh. Insurance Commissioner James R. Young has returned from Chicago where he went a week ago to attend a meeting of the commissioners of the United States. Mr. Young says the subjects under discussion were purely routine and that nothing came out at the meet ing that possibly could Interest the people and the papers. He returned yesterday to a dask piled waist high with mail matter. Republicans Arc Pleased. The city campaign, which has been conducted with fair regard for Vie newspapers In the allotment of adver tising space, will end with the first primary April 19, but a second pri mary must be held to determine the winner. Rome of the Insurgent republicans NOW IDLE New York, April 17. -Harry Ken-' dall Thaw has been ordered back to the State hospital for the Criminal In sane at Matteawan by the appellate division of the New York Suprem court. .. '. . ' In an opinion concurred In by all the Justices, the court yesterday af firmed th edenial by Supreme Court' Justice Page pt a motion to return. Thaw to the Jurisdiction of the state of New Hampshire, whence he wa( extradited to stand trial for conspiring escape from the , Matteawan' asylum, and ruled that the original order com-1 mitting him to the institution was still valid. Plans are being formulated to take4 the case to. the state court of appeals. , A decision adverse to Thaw came a a great surprise to his counsel. The order carried with it the provision that Thaw could not be taken from I New York county until five days have 1 elapsed. . . . . . j .The writ of habeas corpus sworn!, out in Thaw's behalf after he was ac-. quitted of the charge of conspiracy, is finally returnable Monday. , At that! time counsel, will .present argument' urging that ithelr client be granted permission to have a Jury determine . his present mental condition. )..';.", 3 Should a decision , unfavorable tai Thaw be forthcoming by Wednesday the state will have the right to return him to Matteawan forthwith, provide. lng his counsel shall not have, obtain- . ed a stay of execution in the order . committing him to Matteawan, pend-' lng appeal. Thaw himself refused last night t , comment on the court's action. . ' The opinion of the appellate division' was written by Justices Hotchklss an'lj Scott. Justices McLaughlin, ClarkeJ and In graham concurred. The opin-j ion began by sketching the case ofj Thaw from the time Stanford WhitW' was killed until Thaw was extradited,! and went on to say that the motives which may have Influenced those whol obtained Thaw's return to thla state) have nothing to do with the case, and) that he may be discharged only when.) by due process of law he shall havej been ascertained to be sure. '1 All things considered, that part ofj the opinion written by Justice Scott! asserts the fact remains that Thaw i: now In this state and there Is valid! commitment against him for his res-i tralnt as a person of unsound mind. The opinion concluded as follows: "It may be that the state would be well rid of so troublesome a guest. had hoped to win a place on the land that in view of his acquittal It id commission, but they made no effort, j to be regretted that having once left It They are not disappointed and wince j he was brought back, but that It Is the democrats have been cnargea not a matter or Judicial consideration. The opening business session will be held Wednesday morning. There 111 be another In the afternoon and the oloslng session will be held Thursday morning. Wednesday after noon, following the business session, the Arcanlans will be taken for an automobile ride. A barbecue will be given Wednes day night In honor of the visitors. The toaatmaster will b J. B. Ram sey. Lieut, unv. is. Li. Daugntrtdg will respond to th toast. "Arcanum Viewed from the Outside." Dr. J. Howell Way will tell about "Ar canum on th Inside," Mr. II. B. Craven will discus th cardinal prin ciples, "Virtue, Mercy, Charity." Mr n V. Wlnutead will Inllr mi 'Jr. ranum Her at Home." U. W. Washington, April 17. The Inter Tnmpklns on "A Message from the,"11 commerce commission has an Supreme council." Dr. R. L,. Allen ! nounced that It has concluded Its In n "In Union Ther Is fitrenath ." ! vesication Into th rates and prac- E. Bonlli of Wilmington T E Ulces of the telegraph and telephone !scurlty and with registering negroes the repub licans are pleased a plenty to have this as a reply to any future race issue In the city or-the county. The life timers among the republi cans are greany pieasen. une m ( these said yesterday that he had seen his party get tardy vindication. "It took nerve twenty and thirty years; ago to proclaim yourself a republl-, can." he said, "because we were soj much abused to the negro vote which . we could not he'p. Everybody knows .y the negro voted the republican, ticket and 1 see from Mr. H. C.I Beckwlth. a local attorney, that tne republican ticket Is the natural bal lot for the black man to cast because the negro Is the beneficiary of the party which gave him his freedom. "But your articles In the papers show how unfair and how hollow have been the charges against the republicans. Her is the negro who naturally votes th republican ticket being actually dragged from his on- led Into a All that we have to consider Is his right to be discharged from the law ful, outstanding commitment to Mat-' teawan, and it seems to me clear that he had no such right. Certainly, If we were to realise him from the res training effect of the commitment, w have no power to compel hi deporta tion, but must release him uncondi tionally, leaving It to him to . deter mine whether he will go or stay1." IS DESTROYED; USEE LOSS Henry E. Bonlli of to vot. the demo- j bushel, of Bon7, .I he" iC.ndWiUr5 i,tT Jcov.'ed i rZ Jc ticket. I verily believe h" -r..lmpl.me,, Bonltl Is the gTana secretary. .. ,, . ,' ,,. ,, 'now more democratic negroes than amount of Special to Th Gaselto-Newa. Brevard, April 17 The fine bant of R. H. Zachary, who lives .in North Brevard ha been destroyed by democratic; fire. Two fin muloa,' about . 1,500 corn,' some valuable farm la, and. . a considerable hay and fodder were also I always burned. The estimated loss l JO, 090 Klt.XKtttlstltKtK. t BlWlA.s n U.111L.E. ,Telegraph and Telephone company and th department, Inst year. It was ft Geneva, Swltierluhd, April 17. nBd m.A. further lnvettlsatlon j unnecessary. V pal nira It mraa tioulin nn th Inl. . nOW mor OfmncriU . v. - 1 . i rxnuhllrsn neirroes. .While ciflo complaints wer. settled and th.'knev, the democrat, would be glad with no In'urance. understanding between th American John Bunny III, New York, April 17. John Bunny, comedian of th screen, was thought to b at death's door yreterd.y of a complication of klilney and heart ail ments. II ha. been III for tbre week, at hi. horn In Brooklyn. Mr. Bunny Is II years old. ' . BY FRENCH WARSHIPS It vsr, northeast Hunger), say. "I H that tho Russian, ware vlotori- t ou. la great battle between R, BRIDGE DESTROYED ( the Hlry anil in vsnry or on- X dava. A German army of pick- It d men attacked1 th Russian. It marching on Bereg, say. the (lis- M. patch, and wa. repulsed aftor It thirty-two hour, of .ever fight- H lng. Th RusHlan. captured H Tarls. April 17. An tfllclal stale menl by the French ministry of ma- shot rlne I. a. follows; Yeetordsy morning a French hat tk-ahtp destroyed the railroad bridge hotween this dst and lure auaiitltU'. of amwi and am- It munition. It on th line which Join th region of , Monday. They expect. If they stand to have the negro vote, I did not ex- H is thought the fire wa of Incen pect to see It on such grand soele as' diary origin, as the first Intimation It is said to hav been sought m thla'sny of th family had of th trouble primary." I was when th flames were tn bum-i liie Tns Nearly Content. lng rapidly from th four oorni-r or. Th "Ins" are nearly content. Therh building. Th flames spread o can prove an alibi In th nfgro Teg., rapidly and furiously that it us 1tr1ng, Th sole f"ar of the admin- Impossible to aav anything. In t ration I. a broadside Monday , Judge B. F. Long who Is holding, morning too late to answer. j Superior court here this wi k lmov-i They sr contemplating aboubtilng things along pretty rap'dly. HI 1 1 aa worth of ammunition In on rulings are quick and decti.lv and h nd a discharge that come. one. noi coniiume mucn nine uiw.-um without warning. But for that they lng th maitf-r wiin me lawyer. i would be shl. to win vote. very day order to the herlff to bring h! th crimirv him any man caugnt spitting en i HHHtHHltltKIIHHHHXHX Hlfiyrla with th city et Balnt Jean J up In th first rc te win out In thejeaused c tjD.'Acr,- . Jwcond. . , 'baccoch floor er walls of th court hone 1 consternation among th i ewlng fratrn!t y.