fags roun THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Saturday, April 17, 1915, RSHEVlLLEJBAZgTE-KEWS PUBLISHED BY ' Evening News Publishing Co. AEKEYILLE, N. O. W. A. BUdebrand. Wb. M. Brlcken. . , .Editor .General Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ashevllle and Biltnore On Week t .10 Three Months 1-15 Six Months ........ 2.50 Twelve Months .......... i. .. . 6.00 By Mall, n Advance Three Months .,$1.00 .. 2.00 .. 4.00 Six Months ... Twelve Months Any matter offered for publication that la not classified as news, giving notice or appealing or project where an admittance or other fee Is charged, Is advertising and will be accepted at regular rates only. The same applies to cards of thanks, obituary notices, political announcements and the like. .. ft fr.? I The Gazette-News Is a mem- H ber of The Associated Press. Its ? telegraph news Is therefore com- ft! plete and reliable. .. ft Entered at tin PostcfTtce in Ashevtll? as second-class matter. Saturday, April 17, 1915. COUNTY HEALTH WORK. The Oazptte-News believes that no one will deny the wisdom of haying a "whole time health olTleer" for the county, certainly no one with an un derstanding of what the health officer Is doing and trying to do,' and in one phase of his work at least it will be very easy to see what Is being aecom jilished. So far as the examination of si'hool children Is concerned, it Is n matter of facts and figures so many children in a. school found to be da. fectlve; so many treated; so many cured of defects. ' The Gazette-News believes it will not be long until every county in the state will employ the advice and services of a schpol health officer. And the county, taking a sordid view of it, may more than off sot the expense by the savings on the pauper list. In some cases, the health officer might do more for the defective child than the family physician, even where there is one. Mother has been aaviseu that Johnny has adenoids and miry intend to have them removed, but every time she thinks about how Johnny will suffer she decides to put !t off a few days or weeks. In some dis tricts many people do not take aden oids seriously, anyhow. They never used to have them or have them out, unless they threatened to cut oft the breathing. But suppose the mother gets a note from the teacher saying that Johnny can't keep up with chil dren of his age and that the health officer has found that he is a mental defective because f ' physical ailment. Right then the mother Is going to tau aettnn. raneclallv when teacher can point her to other children that were like Johnny and have been cureel As to another phase of the health officer's work that of Instructing the people generally in matters of health and sanitation, we may see few con creto results, yet we may be sure that they will come. It may be that com paratively little of what the health ffleer sows In this way falls on fertllo soil, but this may yield an hundred (old. CANADIAN WAR GRAFT. The accumulating evidence of war graft in Canada is not only shocking to our northern neighbors, but Is distressing to us, who have always believed in ths tradition of builnefs I nnrUu ft Olll Tdv Of MIMA I j - - ths Knows. Ths Dominion government has been investigating the charges of crookedness In connection with ths purchase of war supplies for the ex peditionary force, and parliamentary committees have dragged to light such scandalous facts as these: There wars raks-offs on great quan. UUSS OK irucu, wibjwv km"!!', boots, bicycles, field glasses, band ages, ate. And in many cimi these raks-offs were traced to man closely associated with government officials mad members of parliament. A drug clerk, earning $14 week. was found to bar mads a surplus profit of $1,000 on a small order for field dressings. HI employer was a member of parliament, and bad ob tained the order through political null. Ths clerk bad to return the money. For ths first lot of motor tracks bought. $1,000 avisos was paid tvsr and above the usual price. A Torofk- to (mt got it Motu tlrea and bi vr-ine revtaled similar Jrregulaltles. i innpftrtor of equipment arranged 11 rraft on every pair of blneou "4 privstu testified Vyi fmnlid thm were "like r." Mnriy tit them full to - w'fki wrar, Fy. era! deaths were due to the resulting exposure. Over 7,000 pairs wre dis carded by regimental boards. A Mont real merchant " knocked down" over 111,400 aa commission oh one shoe contract The horses bought for the army were so bad that Hundreds had to be sold off at auction at a loss of over 110,000. Many of the animals bought were over 20 years old. One of them "had been rejected as too old at the time of the Boer war.' It is sad to have our Ideals shat tered by such scandals. We cannot help remembering the lofty and su perior virtue with which Canada re garded us, when the Taft reciprocity treaty was under consideration, and how the Dominion rose as one man to Kipling's challenge "It is your own soul that Is in peril this day.' We do not believe any longer that Cana da endangers her Immortal soul by doing business with us. LOCAL MUSICAL TALF.XT. It has always been known that this community possessed a large amount of individual musical talent, but as a revelation of Ashevllle's musical re sources among the general popula tion the cantata given last night by the High school chorus was nothing less than a surprise. It is probably true that the people of the United States are not musical in the sense that the Italians or the Germans are; but the musical capacity of the aver age boy or girl under the direction of an efficient director is very high was demonstrated last night. Super visor Cunningham deserves a great deal of credit for the work of the chorus, and Ashevllle has the satis faction of knowing that she has a large amount of material to draw from for musical performances in the future. The Greensboro News fears that when Kitchener gets ready to mako his great drive he will find the course badly bunkered. The bunkers arc perfectly apparent, of course, but he has the satisfaction of knowing that William "foozled" his approach. He Is probably counting on losing a stroke. The Mexicans would never have thought of fighting a battle at such place as Huisachlto, before the Euro pean war began. If they keep on they may achieve something abovt as bad as Przasnysz, but In choosing these battlefields they should eschew rhyme and take up blank verse. When Ono gets his jiu jitsu grip well fixed In Woo Ling's soft flesh. about the only control of himself Woo will have will be of the facial muscles and vocal organs. Carranza and Villa are taking les sons from Europe In making their war reports. Foth are beginning to win the same battles. Pulling the Davidson highway from the mud appears to have been about as excruciating as the extraction of a tooth. Were Mr. Huerta taken as accessory before or after the fact, or both, he might forget his professional ethics. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw says that government Is sex aristocracy. Rather "broken down" In places. The allied fleet at the Dardanelles has probably interned. Italy will now give a life-like Imita tion of "Preparedness." Japan ought to jump on somebody of her site. There stands Huerta like a "stons wall." Kftftft ft ft ltlt OUR DAILY BIRTH- DAY PARTY April IT. st ft ft ft ft ftftftftftftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft Earl Percy, who Is acting as official observer with the British expend! tlonary force, born S6 years ago to- dav. Rev. Charles If. Parkhurst. ths noted pastor of ths Vsdlson Hqusr Presbyterian Church, New York, horn at Farmlngham, Mass., Tl years ago today. Willis Van Dsranter, associate jus tire ( f the Supreme Court of ths United Mates, born at Marlon, Ind, it years ago today. rhsrlemange Tower, former United States ambassador to Russia and Oer many, born n Philadelphia, Tl years ago today. Wlllard Baulsbury, United States senator from Delaware born at Georgetown. Del.. It years ago today. Ian Hay, ths young Hootch novelist who Is fighting In ths British army born If years ago today. Hendrtk Christian Andersen, the Norwegiau American seulptor, who is promoting a plan for an "Internation al elty, a world center of communica tion," born at Bergtn, Norway, 41 years ago today, Clarence II. Mackay. tho well known New York capitalist born ill Vfdrs ago today, v Wllllnm R. Day, associate Justice of the duprems court of the United ta'ea, born at, Ravsnna, O.. It years ago today. Itav Htsnnard Baker, well known author and editor, born at Lansing, Mlrh., if) years ago today. Bed Time Tales By V Clara Ingram Judson. A Kite Ride. Once upon a time there was a tiny fairy who lived on ths top of a tele graph pole. you don't think fairies live there, yon say? The idea! Did you ever climb up to see? This fairy had lived there a long time so long that he never remem bered quite how he got there or wheiit he came from. He only knew he was there and that his job was to help the messages get around the poles. "A job," you ask ? Of course he had a job everybody In the world, even a fairy has work to do and the folks who tend to their jobs are the happy people! Now, this particular fairy worked very faithfully and tended to the mes sages and everything just as he should. But one fine day he suddenly felt very tired and wished he could take a vacation- ypu know the feeing your self. The trouble was he couldn't take a vacation upon the telegraph polo "that was his regular place, not a va cation; and he didn't know how to get downl If he could only remember how he got there maybe that would tell him how to get down. He took an hour off from work and thought dili gently about It, but In vain he sim ply couldn't remember anything about it. ' , Just as he was feeling almost dis couraged about it, he noticed some boys down in a vacant lot near the telegraph pole. What could that strange object they had be? It was A DAILY LESSON IN HISTORY .April 17. ftftftftftRftftftftftftftKltftStftR 1815 One hundred years ago today The Allies decided to begin military operations against Na poleon early In June, by which time It was expected the Rus sian army would be able to reach the Upper Rhine to act as a reserve to the British and Prussian armies invading France from the East. 1840 Seventy-five years ago today Seventy-five buildings in King ston, upper Canada, were de stroyed by fire. The property loss was estimated at about $500,000. 1865 Fifty years ago today Cros by's opera House in Chicago, one of the largest and finest theatres of its day, was form ally opened. The building was destroyed by fire a few years later. 18D0 Twenty-five years ago today The British parliament, after a long and spirited discussion, voted 1500,000,000 for the equipment of volunteers. HENRY J. OLIVE FOR RUTOR. To the Members of Fraternal Orders: We know each other pretty well. I am a member of seven orders includ ing one ladles auxiliary. We promised each other that our obligations should not conflict with any civil or religi ous duties. In this election religious prejudice, party politics, personal friendship and fraternal brotherhood are eliminated. The only thing to be considered is business efficiency. You want a clear headed thinking man with progree. ive and constructive Ideas along ths line of municipal government to serve you as mayor. I am seeking that lace and ask your votes not because am a fraternal brother but because, would make a good mayor. Respect- ully, your candidate for mayor. HENRY J. OLIVE. Advt.lt GEORGE A. SIfUFORD For Police Judge. We. the undersigned. endorse for police Judge George A. Bhuford judge: S. FrtANK CHAPMAN W. B. NORTHUP T. J. PERKINSON D. ATKINS E. L. WINN W. E. RHUTORD APCH P. MONTEATH JOHN C. ORR F. W. THOMAS V. S. L.U8K THOMAS W. VARNON R. L. HAYES W. H. DANIEL W, T. DAVEY. It E. O. CHAMBER FOR OOMMI8- HIHMO.NKR OP PUBLIC SAFETY. In making my announcement a candidate for ths office of Oommlv sloner of Publlo Safety I fully realise ths responsibilities of ths office, and promise If eleotsd to give my full time to the discharge of the duties thsreof. For several years I havs been con nected with fhe Board of Trade and for the past twelve years have been President of tho Good Roads Asaocta. tion. I feel that these experiences in publlo affairs qualify mo to fill ths position I ask. very truly, B, G. CHAMBERS. Adr-7t Captahi n, Xj. FltapaUrW for Com- snUaionor of rtwg bamy. This Is to announoo to tho voters of AsTievUle that I am a sndldato for the of floe of Commissioner of Puhlls flafnty and bstng thoroughly familiar with tho duties or the office eaa fill the poeltioa in aa efficient and satis factory oiaDDer. R. U FITZPATRICK. -$t ANNOUNCEMENT. C. H. Bartlett aulortsea thsstato msnt that ho Is a candidate or Com missioner of Publlo Safety and asks the voters of the city for thslr nip port In ths coming primary. Adrt-10t apparently made of bits of wood and string and whits paper and it had a long tall of cloth, Ths fairy couldn't imagine what it was, so he listened carefully. A kite ths boys called it, but what was a kite? Just then one boy ran across ths lot and the strange looking kite darted from the ground and began sailing like a bird through ths air. The fairy watched it with delight Closer and closer towards the telegraph pole it sailed so close that it almost seemed as If it would catch in the wires. But It didn't! It sailed over safe, the long cloth tail dragging over the top of the pole. " And the fairy what do you suppose he did? Just as the tall passed over the pole, he remembered his much de sired vacation. Quick as a flash he seized hold of the cloth kite tall and called away from the pole, away from his job, out into the wide sunny spaoel . All afternoon ths kite and the fairy flew through the air over houses and yards and streets. An the wonderful things they saw gave the fairy pleas ant thoughts for days to corns. For the fairy went back to work of course. Yes, late in the afternoon the boys' mothers called them in. They reeled in their string in such a hurry that their kite got caught on the very telegraph pole where the fairy lived. Quick as a flash the fairy jumped off and went back to his job -a wise and happy fairy. STATEMENT OF THOS. J. RICK MAX, CANDIDATE FOR PO . V.. LICE JUSTICE. Now that tho official Ballot has been declared, the undersigned desires to make declaration of some of the prin ciples, on which he stands. Becoming advanced in life, I treas ure with pride the fact that I have al ways stood with the forces in favor of law, order and morality. Believing that intoxicating liquors, and the sale thereof, are now. and al ways have been an Injury to my fellow man, I heretofore Joined the people's movement, and helped canvass tho City of Ashevllle, and later the County of Buncombe, In wiping out the sae of intoxicating liquors, and yet I can do Justice to the man who differs with me on that-subject. I deeply sympa thise with, and pity the unfortunate man, who may be addicted to drink. I was in sympathy with, and helped all I could to bring about Commission Form of Government for Asheville, in the recent campaign. I was not and am not now, afraid of "Recall," for the Police Justice. I did think the salaries of the offi cers might havs been some less, than they were fixed, and frankly so stated, In public meeting, yet In that, I may have been mistaken, and I would have sought the office I do seek, !f the salary had been less. Under the law, the names of candi dates are arranged in alphabetical order. Look at the official ballot and see if you like the announced princi ples of THOS. J. HICKMAN. Adv-lt. FOR COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS, II. li. PARKER, CIVIL ENGINEER. Under the new form of city gov ernment ths Commissioner of Public Works has charge of all the city street work, the water works, sewers, parks, buildings, etc., and In most cities having commission government this position Is held by a civil en gineer. It soems to be as much taken for granted that this should be the case aa the county health otneer should be a physician. I have had eighteen years' experience in tho design and constructon of sewers, iter works, streot paving, parks, railways, hydro-eletrlo plants and town planning. I have had charge of public works in different localities having a total cost of over $600,000.00 and no one can say that a dollar of It has been wasted or grafted. VOTE) FOR ONE. Advt-lt Announcement. I herewith announce myself a can did ate for tho office of Commissioner of Publlo Works, in the approaching primary to be held in Ashevllle, April 11, lilt. If elected I expect to give my sa tire time to tho duties of ths office. (adv)-64-3t E. B. McDOWELL, FOR POLICE JUDGE. We. tho undersigned, take plaasurs In recommending to ths cltlsens and voters of Ashevllle tho namo of Mr. Allen T. Morrison, for the of floe ot Police Judgs, knowing that ho la thoroughly competent and unques tionably qualified In ovary respect to discharge tho dutloa of this publlt trust Signed: JOHN A. NICHOIA M. V. MOORE, ARCHIBALD NICHOLS, J. P. SAWYER. 4$-tf J. 0. Stikeleather For Commissioner of Pubilo Works, I announoo my candidacy for ths abovs office; if elected I agree to sur rendsr ray present business connec tions and give my time to tho duties of tho position. I lisvs never been a candidate bsforo nor held any pub llo office. (adv) J. O. 0TIKELBATHCR, ANNOUNCEMENT. It la announced that J, Fraxlsr Olsnn will bo a candidate for tho of loo of Polios Judie. Advt 41-tl ANNOUNCEMENT. W. P, Brown Is a candidate for tbt office of polios Judge. Advo. 44-tf. Accept Our Congratula tions If You Do Not Need Glasses. If you do need them, you win congratulate us on our ability to fit glasses correctly to your eyes. CHARLES H. H0NES3 Optometrist and Optician M Patton Ave. Op p. p. O. Don't fall to see "The Rose -Maiden.' Arden Notes. Mr. and Mra Beale, Miss Beale with Miss Maria Beale Fletcher re turned from Jacksonville, Fla., where they spent several months. Miss Elisabeth Curtis from the eastern part of the state is visiting Mra Justice. Miss Anna Dunlop has returned from her trip to Petersburg, Va. Mrs. Blake is spending a few days in Ashevllle. Mrs. George Haywood is expected home from New Tork on Sunday, af ter spending a few days here, she will go to Atlanta, Ga. Let Us Know Your Wants Phone S09 NOTICE The following is a copy of the Official Primary Ballot that will be used at the Pri mary Election on April 26 th, 1915: ' Candidates for nomination for Mayor and Commissioners of two other Departments, and J udge of the Police Court of the City of Asheville, North Carolina, at the Primary Elec tion. Place a cross in the square preceding the names of the parties you favor as candi dates for the res pective positions. Official Primary Ballot: can didates for nomination for Mayor and Commissioners, and .Judge of the Police Court of the City of Asheville. North Carolina, at the Primary Elec tion. FOR MAYOR (Vote for one.) Henry J. Olive. George S. Powell. J. E. Rankin, COMMISSIONER OF FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (Vote for one.) Charles W. Baird C. H. Bartlett E. C. Chambers B. L. Fitzpatrick Frank M. Lindsey D. Hiden Ramsey John E. Sugg FOR COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (Vote for one.) Van Buren Bostick E. E. Mcbowell Ernest IL Miller Harry L. Parker L. E, Perry R. J. Sherrill James 0. Stikeleather FOR JUDGE OF THE POLICE COURT (Voto for one.) W. P. Brown Philip 0. Cocke J. Frazier Glenn . W. W. Jones Allen T. Morrinon Thomas J. Rickman George A. Bhuford Garland A. Thomasson OFFICIAL BALLOT Attest: F. L. C0NDEU, City Clerk. Adv. I t Battery Park Bank ASKKVILLEr X.-CL , Capital $100,000 ' Surplus and Profits ,$165,000 . OFFICERS! - Jsmna: P. Sawyer, Chairman of the Board. T. C. Coze, President. J. Ev Rankin, Cashier. Erwln Erode, Vtce-PrsaMUot. & Rankin, Aast Cashier, No Loans Are Made by This Bank to Any of Its Officers or Directors. LEADING HOTELS AND MotmtainMeadowsInn Opens Thursday, April 15th FIREPROOF . Grove Park Inn Has secured from New York an expert Hair Dress er, Marcel Waver and Manicurist, who is also pre pared to give all the latest scientific treatments of the scalp and hair. To the ladies of Asheville de siring such services at the Inn, appointment can be made by telephoning 3000, THE BATTERY PARK HOTEL NEW YORK MANAGEMENT Entirely new interior-attractive, home-like chambers, single and ensulte with or without private bath. Lovely suites consisting of sitting room, ono or more cham bers and private baths. Excellent cuisine. High standard of service. Exceptional or chestra. Dally Tho Dansant. Dancing every evening. Sunday evening concert: music during meals. Tho right at mosphere. C. E. RAILING, Prop., Formerly Hotel Plaza. New York City, N. y. Swannanoa-Berkeley Hotel POPULAR PRICE American and European Plans HARRY L. LANGEL, Proprietor. CATAWBA Four blocks from square. Steam heat Private baths, On Merrlmon car Una. Corner Merrlmon aven us and Varcellua street. House remodel ed and newly furnished. ' Phone S1U. MBS. H. J. BCCHER, Prop. When Is Wsyncsrillo Stop at THE KENMORE HOTEL The Leading Commercial Hotel A, R. SPEARS, Prop, Free Sample Boom. OPEN THROUGHOUT THE TEAR HOTEL ENTELLA BBTSON CITY Rate tl per day. Bath room. Fret sample rooms. Livery In connection, W. W. WHEELETV F, E. FRY, Proprietors. CANTON, N. 0. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E, M. Oder, Prop. fltaam heated. Free sample rooma Eleotrle lights. Free baths. Hates J. ABSOLUTELY" FIREPROOF None but high-class factory mechanics employed, Out supplies are cheaper and all work is Guaranteed, ENTERPRISE OARAGE ' J. B. RnrobonKh. Gen. Mjtt. AlHil is ell w ask. We (HlHltnKnsiltHtiltltltltl(stltHltltPtlttltstltltcstltI IV THERE'S REAL TTftOENCY ABOUT SFT.TJNO THAT BE AS TU TATR, PIT BOMB OF T1CE aPIRIT OF IRUKNCV IJITO TOUR APS. Not any "psnlc phrassolog y" of course but make your ads sufficiently DESCRIPTIVE) and ADEQUATE to reslly INTEREST possible buyera That means not merely on publlcUoa of an sd even of a OOOD ad. It means persistency In advertising until the buyer IS foundl Try Ths OssMts-News Want Ada ftftfttftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftfttBtltftftftftftftKft BOARDING HOUSES ASHEVILLE, N. 0, HEIGHTS T7JW. RT JflUM Hendersonvtlle's Largest and Beat Ho tl Commercial, Tourist. The only steam heated hotel la the town. Hot and cold water. Private batha Largs Sample Room. ST. JOHN AND SON, Props. 1 HOTEL BREVARD Brevard. N. C. Under nw management. Ail con venlsncea. Special attention to trav eling men. Table eaoejlsnt. Bates II.Ov per day. Special rates by week or month. MRS. J. p. CLAYTON. Proprletoresa HOTEL REGAL MTKinr, NORTH CAROLINA. Hot and cold water. Telephone in ev r f room. Private baths. Steam heat Lanre sample rooms. Bates) It end II. 0 per oay. C I. Creaham, Lessee and Manager. Laundry Phones 70 and 2096 treat yonr lenndry whit. M R ft ft ft ft ft ft