013 SIS TH2 ASHIVILLE GAZETTE -NITWS Saturday, April 17, 1315. Woman's News The Social World Edited hj Miss Waddell and Miss Brick en. ' Felknor-Potect. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Poteet, of Knox vllle, are a bride and groom of the week who are spending their honey moon at the Battery Park hotel. Re garding their marriage the Knox ville Sentinel says: The marriage of Mr. John P. Po teet, of thia city, and Miss Louise Pelknor, of Dandridge, was quietly solemnized Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Pelknor, at Dandridge. Only the near relatives and special friends were present to witness the marriage ceremony, ' which was followed by a reception to the small guest company. Mr. Poteet. is professor of English at the Knoxville high school. : He is a graduate of the University of Ten nessee of 1909, but is a native of North Carolina. He ws principal of a school at Dandridge and also taught at Kingston before assuming his present position. Miss Fellcnor belongs to a promi nent family of Dandridge and has friends In this .city by whom she will be accorded a hearty welcome as a bride. After a brief wedding trip Mr. Poteet and bride will be at home to friends on Fifth avenue. " S Bryson-Corye Engagement. An interesting social event planned for the twenty-seventh is the marri age of Miss Bryson, a niece of W. N. Cooper of Asheville, and Mr.' Crye of lienolr City, Tenn., which takes place in Murphy. Mr. Cooper will be among the Asheville guests attending the wedding. K '' Ward-Alexander Marriage. The following announcement h9 been received in the city: Mrs. Ifeyward Let announces the marriage of her daugh ter Mrs. Anna Ward ' '..- ' to ,,' '.'-'' , i Mr. Gale Hamilton Alexander on Wednesday the fourteenth of April one thousand nine hundred and fif teen i in the' City of Philadelphia. Wt$M Blanche Beacon- A KITCHEN BEAUTY SHELF. At Home nTter the first of, October hi hundred and thirty Kitten house Square. Mr. Alexander is formerly of Ashe ville. He is a son of Mrs. K'dly Alex ander and has many friends and rela tives here. Mr. Alexander was one of the most popular visitors at Kenll worth Inn some years apo and is well known socially in Asheville where his marriage will be learned of with great interest. fimal Ibniuvi -Hooper. Frtends of the contracting parties and friends of Judge and Mrs. Roun- tree, who spent last summer with rel , Don't give up trying to be pretty Just because yon hax to do your own house work, as you can keep hands and face in very good condition indeed if you will but yield to my persuasion and put up a beauty shelf in your kitchen. Probably you have heard of such an article of kitchen furniture, for I assure you that it has many earnest advocates. The best place for this shelf Is over the kitchen sink, but if this Is impossible, put the shelf anywhere, so long as it is within easy reaching distance. Once the shelf is nailed se curely to the wall, cover it with a plain piece of heavy white paper, and then, to make the tout ensemble ev erything It should be, tack on a pa per fringe. Now what shall -we put on this shelf? Not knowing what your needs are, I will have to rest content with telling you what I would put on this shelf, were it In my kitchen. To begin, I would certainly feel It necessary to keep the half of a fresh ly cut lemon among my beauty sup plies, as vegetables and fruits do stain ones hands, and lemon Juice is most effective In removing disfiguring marks if applied to the stained fin gers immediately after one's task of paring and cutting is finished. A tinv box of beauty food would come next on my list, as, after the dishes are washed, it Is a wise idea to rub a tiny bit. of cream into the hands, pre venting chaps. What next? Why, a 1 & : : Aar" v. m ft- N l t Stv carelessly uses kitchen soap, quentlv falling heir to red. cons rough manicure file, an orangewood stick I hands. This catastrophe may be for cleaning the nails and a pair nf avoided if a cake of mild toilet soap manicure scissors to use when they (reposes on the shelf, ready for Just become roughed or torn. And one! such an emergency, mustn't forget vaseline for burns, un- j This Is all I would require, but per less one prefers to keep a cupful of haps you can think of other aids to wet salt on ' hand. Frequently the j beauty. . If so, put them on your housewife washes her hands hastily ; kitchen beauty shelf and use them as under the opened kitchen faucet anil occasion requires. entertain at the Country club for these two charming brides-elect. On Tuesday Mrs. Yed Seely will give a tea dance at the Grove Park Inn for l Miss Chapman and Miss Morrison. I On Friday evening Mrs. Samuel Forbes, Miss Chapman's aunt, will entertain for her at the Grove Park Inn with a dinner and on the Monday before the Chapman-Morse wedding Dr. and Mrs. Carl V. Reynolds will give a dance at their home in Edge- mont for Miss Chapman. On Tuesday the University of North Carolina, will be interested in the news of his ap proaching marriage. The following; the crypt of the church Monday af of Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas Haynes, the former formerly of this city and the little girl 'a niece of the groom. The bride was preceded by her maid of honor. Miss Corbett, her younger sister. The maid of honor wore a modish suit of a dellate pastelle shade with hat to match and earned roses. The bride entered on the arm of her brother-in-law, Thomas Ilaynes who gave her in marriage. The bridal party was met at the altar by Mr. Havnes, attended by his best man, Donald Ellas .of Asheville. Miss Cor bett was handsomely gowned In a traveling suit of one of the new spring shades of gray with hat to match and carried roses. Her hat was a graceful picture affair trimmed with roses. After the ceremony there was a wedding reception for the guest company and following the marriage the bridal couple left on an afternoon train for a wedding trip after which they will be at home to friends in Asheville. Dr. and Mrs. Francis E. Asbury, of Asheboro, are tho guests of George A; Shuford at No. 60 Orange street. Mr. and Mrs. Asbury were married this past week in' Geensboro, the former home of the bride h At the meeting held yesterday with Mrs. V. L. Stone of the History club, a most enjoyable program was given after , which a social half hour entertained those present. Officers elected yesterday were: President, Mrs. H. A. Dunham; vice president, VI im. 8. L. Baird: recording secre tarv. Mrs. W. R. Harris; corespond- ing secretary, Mrs. N. T. Robinson '. Tea for Miss Cansler. The tea given yesterday afternoon by Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Rush Swope at the rectory in Biltmore in honor of Miss Canler and Mr. Longhurst proved a thoroughly delightful af fair. The halls and living rooms were attractively decorated for the occa slon. Spring flowers, principally yel low. being used. The choir of AH Soul's church gave a charming mus leal program, Which was greatly en 1oyed by all present. Those assisting Dr. and Mrs. Swope were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waddeli, Mr. and Mrs, Allin McDonald, Mrs. Augustus Shep- ard. Miss Rita Rees. Kingsland Van Winkle and Lockwood Perry. S? Thee will be a meeting of the Rec tor's Aid society of Trinity parish in atlvea in Asheville and some time at evening April 27 Mrs. Rodney Rush the Manor, will be interested, in the j Swope will give a dinner at her following from a Wilmington ex- home In Blltmore for Miss Chap change: man's bridal party. At St. .Tames' Episcopal church at j -?; B:30 o'clock this afternoon the wed -1 Miss Hortense Jones, of Asheville. cling of Miss Touise Bates Smallhones, and Miss Margaret Grandy, of Nnr daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter i folk, Va., are expected today to visit Smallbones, and Dr. Joseph Ward Ward Hooper, of this city, formerly of Baltimore, will bo solemnized. Rev. Dr. W. H. Milton, rector of" St. James' will perform the ceremony. Following the ceremony a reception will be given at the Smallhones home, No. 415 South Third street. The ribbon children will be little Misses Louise Dick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dick, and 'Elizabeth J-ttevenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stevenson. The maid of honor .will be Miss Charlotte O'Neill and the best man Dr. Thomas Breeding, of Rocky Mount, formerly of this city. The bridesmaids will be Misses Marie Grainger, Almerla Stevenson, Virginia Taylor and Meta Rountree. Among those here from away to at tend the wedding are: Dr. Hooper's mother, Mrs. William Hooper, of Bal timore, Md., and Mrs. Ward and Miss Rernlce Ward, also of Baltimore. Following the reception Dr. .and Mrs. Hooper will leavo on their honey moon., the destination of which has not been announced. Upon their re turn hers they will reside at No. 415 South Third street The bridal party was entertained at a dance and dinner last evening at the . home of Judge and Mrs. George Roun tree, at Carolina Heights. T'or Mis Chapman. A series of delightful prenuptlal loclal affairs have been planned for Miss Helen Chapman which will oc r.upy a great part of the time between 'row and the evening nf her wed Miss Sallie Wright, No. 1617 Market street. Wilmington Dispatch. invitation has been issued Joseph James Lawton Invites you to be present at the marriage of his daughter Pauline to Archibald Lee Manning Wiggins Wednesday evening, April the twenty-eighth at half after eight o'clock First Baptist Church Hartsvllle, South Carolina. Corbett -Hnj-nes. The wedding of Miss Lu Rose Corbett and J. W. Haynes of Ashe ville was a brilliant society event of the week In Columbia. The wedding was an afternoon affair and took place on the afternoon of the four teenth at 5 o'clock at 1516 Marion Mrs. Thomas A. Jones Is out of th" street, the home or the brides mother citv. spending some time with friends. Mrs- Corbett. The occasion was fea st i tured by a large attendance of out of Mrs. Duff Merrick is expected back from Baltimore some time next week. S l Mr. and Mrs. C. Butler of Portland, Me., are In the city, guests at the Bat tery Park hotel. st Mr. and Mrs. William L. English of Brooklyn are here and are among the eastern contingent at the Battery Tark hotel. M Nortlmp-HaiTls Engagement. The following invitation has been received In the city: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Northop request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter. Florie Wright, to Mr. James Plnckney Harris I on Wednesday afternoon, the twenty- j eighth of April at half after ! five o'clock SL James Church, Wilmington, North Carolina. After the ceremony there will be a wedding reception at the home of the bride on Fifth street in Wilmington. Mr. Harris is the son of Wade Harris of Charlotte. X t Suffrage DIsrnsslon. An exceedingly interesting occasion is planned by the Pen and Plate club for their next meeting, which comes T PRAISE This Lady Was Very Nervous, on Account of Serious Wo manly Trouble. But Now She Praises Cardui Murrycross, Ala. The folloftar Is from Mrs. W. J. Daugherty, this place: "I will write a full statement of my condition before I had taken Cardut. I was very weak. I had not any nerve at all and could not stand any noise, and had female complaints. At last my doctor told me to try Cardui and I did so, and I can say, it sure has cured me sound and well, and am glad to tell anyone what it did for me, and It will help any suffering woman. I can't praise Cardui enough. I wish every woman would believe what I say and give Cardui a trial, and they will find my word to be true. Cardui ia all I take In the way of medicine. We always keep it in the house for my, benefit. , When I was told to try Cardui 1 did not think I would, but my friends kept on at me until I got one bottle, and it did me so, much good that I kept on taking it ' My back has got well, my. nerve is all right and my old tired feeling has gone, and I am stout and strong as a woman can be. I am glad to say It was Cardui that I can praise for my health." Your druggist sells Cardui. Try It OME REASONABLE Suggestions HOT WEATHER , IS COMING " BE PREPARED town guests, many coming from Charleston and friends of Mr. Haynes attending from Asheville. Father Murphey of the Koman Catholic church of Columbia officiated and the ceremony waB most impressive. ' The handsome home of the bride was thrown open and banked with flowers for the event. The drawing rooms were used for the occasion and were attractively decorated in a pro fusion of cut flowers, potted plants and greenery. The orchestra conceal ed behind palms sounded the proces sional wedding march at the appoint ed hour and the bridal party entered. First came two attractive little flow er girls dressed In dainty white lin gerie frocks, strewing flowers in the pathway of the hrfde. 'One of these jl'ttle tots, their ages being four and five years, was the smart daughter ternoon at 4 o clock. Falrcliild-Plnterman. A wedding that took place last Wednesday evening was that of Miss rfnnie Falrchild of West ABhevlllo and William Dtnterman of Mary land. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the pastor of tho First Methodist Eplsopal church 23 Grove street. Mr. and Mrs. Dlnter man will reside in West 'Asheville. . . Miss Eva Horner is visiting friends In New Tork. She has been for some time In Raleigh the guest of Miss Amy Winston. .'? Mrs. Vance Brown will be hostess this afternoon at the tea-dance to be, given at the Country club. The tea dances were discontinued last fall and are norf to be. held regularly. .., , This afternoon the qualifying round of the April tournament will be played off on the Country club course. The tournament may be entered by all members of the club, and will be played on the days mentioned as following: This afternoon: Qualifying round, mednl play. Eighteen N to qualify. Monday. April 19: First round, first and second eights, match play. Tues day, April 20: Semi-finals, match play, Wednesday, April 21: Finals, match play. There will be prizes of fered, one for the best qualifying net score, medal play, and one each to the winners of the first and second eights, match play. '' t Dr. S. Weetray Battle has recently received news from his daughter, Mrs. Mortimer Hancock and his son Bolknap Battle both of whom are in London. Mr. Battle Is well and is still pursuing his studies in London. Mrs. Hancock who aids in the Red Cross work has been delayed In Lon don on account of the closing of Brighton the school her small son at tends, because of an epidemic of measles; it Hubert Agar before his departure for his home in New York entertain ed with a beautiful dinner for the many friends he has made while in Asheville. The management of the Manor arranged an excellent menu. and the table decorations were exqul site, cherry blossoms being used in profusion. Those enjoying Mr. Agar's hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Barnard, Mrs. Bertram Bell, Mrs. Maurice DuPont, Miss Florence Flynn of New York, Miss Rita Rees, Miss Helen Chapman, Miss Charlotte Du Pont, Miss Therese Chapman, Miss Amy Collier, Miss May Bernard, Miss Marie Louise. Swope, George Morse of Vermont, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Moog of Boston, Mr. Fiah of New York, Ben Bernard, Mrs. Grayson of Stanford, Conn., Lockwood Perry, Mr. Wood ruff of Now York, J. J. McCloskey, Mr. Smith of Detroit, and Mr. Garrett or New York. Mr. Agar has returned to New York, but will visit Asheville next season. IStee! ADDITIONAL SOCIETY ON PAGE 2 ding. Miss Miriam Robson of Palem, on the third Thursday in May. To Mass., will entertain on Wednesday; this meeting the wives of the mem evenlng of next week with a dinner j hers will be invited for dinner and to at the Manor, where Miss Robson is 'participate .In a discussion of equal n guest, for Miss Chapman. On Thurs day evening Mrs. Junius O. Adams will give a dinner for Mlsi Chapman and Miss Morrison and on Saturday evening Mrs. Reubsn Robertson will THERE'S A TIME TO BUY AND REAP BEVEFTrS And this time Is, when somebody Is anxious to sell. For some time we have been ottering special values, by placing fresh bargain. In onr show window every morning. Monday copper an 1 br cigar-ash receptacle v:i he offered. A 1.S0 mine for 1.00, suffrage which will follow. Bingham Inspection. On May I, there will be Inspection at Binghsm school by Captain Rob Inson of the United States army. This is an annual event of import- once to which Interested visitors are mads welcome by Col. Bingham and the fsculty. , . Mr. Agar who has been a popular guest at Orovs Park Tnn left Tester day for New Roehells. Father Hall Is away err visit, UK r. T. Williams of New Tork and TC. K. Nevlus of Rochester are promi nent guests at the Battery . Park ho tel. At fhs Pattsry Parte hotel the fol lowing well selected musical program will bs given tomorrow evening-! 1 Spirit of Independence. Molsmsnn IAlleandro Btrsdella, riotow. l 'Rpring" anng, Hlldorh. I 4 Roleetlnn from "Madam Butterfly" Pneclnl. id TAmmtr Defense (T1se Prug. (-An den wrubllng" (Bong) oneg. Tw' A-Wlgcins ligatement. throughout the state of A. Good looking. Serviceable, Strong WILLOW BASKETS Every household should havs a CLOTHES HAMPER, a very convenient thing to have to hold all the soiled clothes. Three sixes, priced $2,75, $3.50, $4.50. Laundry Baskets '' The oval shape, with han dles on each end to bring In the clean clothes from off the line and from the laun dry. Three sissa, priced 80c, $1.05, $1.15. Housefumlshlnf Dep't . J. n. LAW, 15 Pstton Are. Q Private and class lessons In dancing given at Battery Park Hotel, TO THE SCHOOL CHIL DREN OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA: Not Over 21 Years of Age, The Wachovia Bank & Trust Company, Asheville, N. C. Offers Prizes for Correct Solutions to the Following Problems: . SUGAR CORN For best results this should be planted when the soil warms up welL Ono quart to . 200 hilla. "We can supply the Golden Bantam, Black Mexican, , Country Gentleman, Sto well's Evergreen and the Early and Late Mam moth. Grant's Pharmacy Landreth's Garden Seeds. PROBLEM 1 What sum earning 4 per cent per annum, compounded quarterly, must be deposited with Wa chovia Bank & Trust Company at your birth and each year thereafter to amount to $20,000.00 when you ar rive at the age of 21? PROBLEM 2 If you save $500.00 a year and Improve it at 4 per cent per annum, compounded quarterly, how much would you have at the end of 21 years! PROBLEM t What must be paid for a bond maturing In 10 years with 4 per cent Interest, payable semi-an nually, to pay the purchaser 8 per cent? For the first correct solution re ceived to all of the, three problems, $5.00; and for those received there after, $3. 60. For a correct solution to any one of the problems, $0.(0. Work must be done by contestant with aid only of text books. Contest closes May list, ltlS. (Any answers received, postmarked after May list, 1115, will not be considered.) Advt IijJJES WORTH REMEMBERING, ' The noblest mind the best content ment has. -Edmund Gpense t!!. Field Co. II: T"Honi1 ' . MATCHLES3 OIL MOP (,.-.'. ; TMs fg the newest and best of oil mops. You can get A mop head for the frame and this saves ever so much hnd your floorwili at all times be clean and bright. 'Tho mops are' One Dollar Each, Yates & McGuire City Marks rboM ssi PORCH CHAIRS :- i All Kinds, Styles and Prices, PORCH ROCKERS :'.V ." :: $2.oo rp. ' PORCH SETTEES v $1.50 Up. PORCH SWINGS $3.00 Up. PORCH SHADES At Most Any Price You Wish to Pay. REFRIGERATORS $8.50 UP ICE BOXES $5.50 UP ALL RUGS AT SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES J. L. SMATHERS AND SONS Mammoth Furniture Store 15-17 Broadway FreeS It's Our Treat PEPSI COLA FREE Be SURE to Look'in CROWN Under Cork for Free Tickets. ': ": : ' ' ' '. s I Ask Your Dealer for Particulars r II" OUR SPECIAL HOLSTEIN MILK The most easily digested and nutritious liquid in the world.' lighly endorsed by leading physicians. v Prompt delivery. ANANDALE PURITY DAIRY 100 E. Walnut St. Phone 1141. Phone your "Wants" to 202 life; lift DANCING -j. Dally rlassne fJjiLx or private . in Y One-Step I N ' Hesitation naif and naif and all modern dances. Taught Mrs. J. Lee Collins Bwannsnoa-nerkeley Mnfel. Phone $3, Rea. Pltnne $71$. ClEA!HIP7iE makes the city sanitary and more healthful. The , "Hoover hour" makes yourhomeclean and does it easily, quickly and thor oughly by the systematic use of the HOOVER suCTfON Weeper Don't confute tlit llomtr with ordinary vacuum cleinenj there! a world of difference. The Hotvtr to be appreciated mutt be teen In operation. See how it combine! rwtrping, thakimf and suction. See how it doet work that other cleaners cannot. We will be glad to demon ttrate the Hnmtr in your own home. Or drop in our store and let ui explain and proT the sdrantagti of the llttvtr orer othera. Now made in four popularly priced tiica. Can You Spare 5 Minutes of Your Time? , - r We know that It will not re quire but a few minutes dem onstration to convince you that the Hoover Suction Sweeper Is a mechanically perfect labor saving device that Mils every requirement and Is eminently worthy of our endorsement and your careful consideration as a prospective user. After extensive Investigation and comparison of many sweepers and cleansra we de cided upon the Hoover as the one most efficient and practi cal. ' The ladles of Asheville are Invited to attend a demonstra tion of the Hoover Suction Sweeper April 16, IS and IT, during the formal opening of our new sales and exhibition room, lOt Patton Avenue. ASnEVILLE POWER & LIGHT CO. J,L. M, Wlgflns, whe Is a grsdusts ofj. 3LE

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