Saturday, April 17, 1915. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE EEVTit Weelcs Social Events In Western North Carolina i ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft ter, who have been spending the wln 1 , 1 ter at Mrs. L. P. Walker's on Church ft. HENDERSONVILLE. ' .ft street, return this week to their home .ft . It on the Flat Rock drive, iftitKftftftftftftKftftftftftftftftft J. Mack Rhodes and P, F. Patton were in Greenville, S. C. Monday. i .Hendersonville, April 17. Mrs.Ers j klne Ehrenhaus and ,Miss Lillian ' Fletcher of Ashevllle motored to Hen ; dersonville on Monday. . Several automoblllsts motored to Ashevllle to see "A Pair of Sixes" on Tuesday. Among them were Mrs. C. W. Whitaker and daughter, Mrs. Harry Savage, Mrs. Henry King and Miss Delle Davis, who attended the mati nee. In the evening Messrs. Walter Smith, C. B. Moore and others went over. .. ; :'.-.. Mr. and Mrs. Rafe Cole and two .sons of Montrose, Cal., are the guests I of their slater, Mrs. T. R. Barrows. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft has been over to see him returning ft ft I home Monday. ft WAYNESVILLE. . ft . ' ' . Ex-Congressman and Mrs. James M. Gudger are expected In Henderson vllle Saturday on a visit to the lat ter's' sister, Mrs. L. M. Dodamead. They will bring their two grandchil dren, Katherlne Gudger Langley and John Langley, jr., who will remain with Mrs. Dodamead for about two months while Mr. and Mrs. Gudger and Mr. and Mrs. Langley are on their congressional party trip to the Hawaii Islands. , Mrs. Will Young Is visiting In Char leston, S. C. . Leonard Freeman and Miss Ruth Jones, of ' Route 2. Hendersonville, were married at the home of Rev. R. P. Corn Sunday, April 4. Rev. R. P. Corn officiated. . jv C. H. Gover is spending awhile in Montgomery, Aloe Mrs. A. M. Gover and Miss Gladys Gover have returned from a trip to Atlanta, Ga; ' . Miss Margaret You mans of Rlch , Imond, Va., is visiting her mother, Mrs. i IM. P. C. Youmans. . The "Silver Tea" given : by Mrs, Charles R. Whitaker for the benefit of I the hospital was enjoyed by many. Mrs. Crossland of Marlborough, S, C, Is in town. Her bimgalow on Fifth avenue Is one of the prettiest additions to the street Mrs. Martha Candler has returned :from a visit in Ashevllle. R. H. Staton, who has been sick for several days is now Improving. Mrs, E. H. Davis returned Satur day from Ashevllle. ft ' ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Bonnie Brooks Is at his place of business again, having been, confined to his room for several days with la grippe. Miss Alma Freeman is home again after teaching for the past three months in Polk. The revival service at the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. E. Mv Hoyle, are attracting much interest. Charles R.' Whitaker was in Hickory on business Tuesday and Wednesday. Activities of. Fasslfern, ' Several members of the faculty of I Fes8lfern: entertained informally at I auction bridge Saturday evening. The players holding the highest total were Mrs. R. M. Oates and Dr. Pierre Mal lett. - - i ... . , . , Bird's Christmas carol was present i ed by the junior, class of Fasslfern Saturday evening. Each part - was ! most cleverly acted, while Miss Lucy :' Parham as Mrs. Ruggles was a splen- did success. The cast of characters was as follows: Carol Bird. . -. Mamie Parsley , Uncle Jack Bird . . .Mamie Holt ' Sarah Maude Ruggles Jane Ewers . Petfr ElFie Atkinson' KKty Marlon Hlnes . Cornelius . . . . Mary Dameron Peoria . ............ Jacque Smith Baby Larry ........ .'. Jessie Jenkins After the play refreshments were served by Mrs. McBee and Miss Shlpp and dancing was Indulged In until a late hour. . A party of Fasslfern students left Wednesday for Spartanburg, where they will attend the musical festival. The party consisted of Misses Kato Doty, Mary Ruffln, Lucy Parham I.ucy Murchison, Dolore Holt. I .aura Thompson and Virginia Ticknor, chaperoned by Mrs. C. A. Pixley. J. E. Shlpman Is attending court in Polk county, having left the city Sunday. Born, Saturday, April 10, to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hobbs, a daughter, Dorotliy. Rev. J. M. Shlve, pastor ; of the Presbyterian church, has resigned. His resignation takes effect in May. Miss Elizabeth Merrimon spent the week-end nt her home in Ashevllle. Misses Evelyn Graham. Mary Dam. eron and Charlotte llamby spent Sat' urdny in AaheviUe. Mrs. w. c. Kurrin and two sons, William and Thomas of Mayadon, are in the city visiting Mrs. Ruffin's daughters, Misses Mary and Juna Rut fin. Tuesday afternoon a motoring party consisting of Miss Shlpp with Misses Mary Russ, Alice Persons, Eleanor . McLoud, Jacque Smith, Lucy Murchi son, Lucy Parham ' and Caroline Hough motored to several points of In terest around Hendersonville. ' Judge O. V. F. Blythe was In Co lumbus Monday, attending Polk county Superior court. . The Music Club. The WaynesVille Music club held a most delightful meeting Monday after noon with Miss Lucile Satterthwalt. The following progra m was well ren dered: "Eastertide." Frank : H. Brackett, Miss Miller. "Angel Serenade," Smith, Mrs. How ell. : , Duet. "Tales of Hoffman." Bach mann. Miss Wllsie Smathers and Mrs. Robert Smathers. "Calvary," Paul Rodney, Miss Emily Harrold. , "Obstinatlon," H. de Fontenaiiles, Mrs. Robert Smathers. There were ten members present, Mrs. George Ward, Mrs. John Smath ers, Miss Adora Smathers, Mrs. Ern est- Withers and Miss Alice Quintan were the guests. ' The next meeting wll be held Wan- day, April 26, with Miss Emily Har rold. F.nqual Suffrage Lecture. Mrs. 6. B. Luckle of Philadelphia, lectured on Equal Suffrage, Tuesday evening at the school auditorium for the benefit of the library, to a fair size and intelligent audience, whlvh seemed to appreciate the information regarding this great world-wide move ment. She showed that the best edu cated states are the first to take the movement and the lowest in the illit erate column are the slowest to ac cept the situation that they will ac cept, sooner or later. She reviewed the states that have suffrage laws and showed the Importance of woman ns a factor in politics in order to obtain proper legislation on questions like Child Labor, Minimum. Wage, Di vorce, etc. A neat little sum was added to the library treasury, and the evening was well spent. The speaker was Intro duced neatly by Rev. O. P. Adler. A beautiful vocal duet was sung by Miss Nan KUUan and Mrs. James Kil lian, : accompanied by Mrs. Hugh Love. Miss Emily Harrold also added much to the occasion with a solo. She was at her best In singing 'The Red, Red Rose." The school or chestra was to have helped but some of the meinbers failed to appear. Robert Breece ef Brevard a guest at the Suyeta, left Monday after spending a few days with friends. Among Monday's visitors were R. H. Plott, of Plott, O. O. Sanford of Crabtree, W. E. Justice of Dellwood and Johnathan Ward of Sunburst. Mrs. Waldo McCracken qf Crabtree and Mrs. Ernest Justice from near Sunburst were visitors Monday. C. J. Setzer of Mangle and J. McD. Michael of Woodrow were here Tues day... ..-. " " : " - : - ' .- ;' R. H. Blalock went to Statesville, his old home, Sunday afternoon. Steve Cabe, who has been at the Mission hospital, returned homo Mon day from Ashevllle and is still very sick, with small chances of recovery. ftftftftftftftftftftftfttjftftftftftft It It ' RUTHERFORDTON ft The many friends here of Capt W. S. Pearson will regret to learn that he Is 111 at his home In Polk county, having-suffered a stroke of paralysis on Sunday last, The closing exercises of the Ruther fordton graded school will take place on Wednesday, April 28. Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, will deliver the com mencement address. V ' Mr. and Mrs." York Coleman, ac companied by Misses Annette Revcr ley, Ocie Willlie and Joel M. Byrd. motored up to Chimney Rock Sunday afternoon. They report a most de lightful outing. Mrs. Emma Norwood, who has been living with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Lawrence at Lumberton, is visiting at the home of Hon. J. W. Ferguson. Mrs. Lawrence and the children will arrive In May and spend the summer here. ' The Woman's Missionary society of the Methodist church wil meet Fri day afternoon with Mrs S. C, Liner, with Mrs. C. G. Logan as leader. Mrs. M. A. Poteat and Mrs. E. B. McClure went to Ashevllle Saturday to visit their sisters. Mrs. Poteat will join her husband at Newport, Tenn., the first of May. having rented her home to James Palmer. Sheriff Tipton of Mitchell . county, accompanied his wife to the Ruther fordton hospital last week where she underwent a very serious operation Monday. Mrs. Tipton has been resting well since and hopes are entertaned for ultimate recovery. .N tier, were guests of friends Saturday. Bryson City Mrs. Charles Garland of Tennes see, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rhodes. Mrs. Harry Hastings is spending the week with friends at Murphy. Mrs. Owenby of Proctor, was here Wednesday shopping. J. E. Coburn was in HayesvlUe the first of the week on business. Mrs. W. R. Pulllam and children of Cherokee are here, guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Collins. - Mrs. Fred Woodard of Buncombe county, arrived this week and will re main indefinitely. Mr. Woodard is reading law under Captain Frye. ftftftftftftftftftftetftftftftftftfta ft ft FRANKLIN. ft ftftftftftftftftftftftHftftftftftft Philathea Clam Entertained. The Philathea class was delightfully entertained recently at the home ol Mrs. Thomas W, Porter by Mrs. M, E. Cozad and Mrs. Porter. There were a number present. Rev. Mr. Daugherty had charga of the les son and made It both interesting and profitable. After the lesson and business part of the meeting were over, delightful refreshments were served. Th motion was made and seconded that Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Cozad en tertain the class all summer. Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Ranl:in spent Monday in Charlotte, Mrs. Tumkin re turning on the evening train. Mr. Rankin was on his way to Gastonia to attend the spring meeting of Kino's Mountain Presbytery which convened Tuesday. . Mr. Julius I Yelton of Golden was a visitor in the city Tuesday. . C. R. Fogus, who recently purchased the Wheeler hotel, is In the city from Charleston. H. I. Middleton of Charleston is ex pected to be n Hendersonville soon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E.-Brooks ire ex pected to arrive from Florida on Tues day. r ' E. W. Monday. Ewbanks was in Ashevllle Dr. L. B. Morse Is out again after beina physically indisposed for some time. . , J. N. Russell of Hooper's Creek, in town Wednesday. Mrs. C. S. Fullbright, who has oeei on the sick list, is now able to be ut again H. C. Rainey returned Tuesday from a trip to Cincinnati. . J. L. Carland of Mills River was In town Wednesday. Miss M. D. Peden is at her.offici again after a spqjl of sickness. Mrs. R. M. Oats and daughter, Miss Ann Oates, spent, Friday and Satur day in Ashevllle. f John Falson of Jersey City, N. J., : who la attending Davidson College, -' visited his sister, Mia Elisabeth Fal son. - " . C. F. Toms came up from Ashevllle Monday. . 1 J. A. Rhodes of Crab Creek was In town Monday. Mrs. Tom Rogers was in town Tues day from near Lake Junaluska ' Mrs. Harry Hall entertained some friends at her home last week. J. W. Hamrlck of Hlph Shoals township was In the city Monday, . Married, at the homo of R. R. Hicks last Sunday, Miss Ellen Hatcher of Bryson City, and Mr. Dillard of Sylva, Rev. Mr. Stanley of Wilmot, officiating. .. , Mrs. A. L. Duckett of Ashevllle, was here from Friday until Monday, the guest of Mrs. J. E. Coburn. From here Mrs. Duckett went to Robbins ville to visit her parents. Mrs. G. T. Hogsed of Cornelia, Ga., Mrs. M. A. Henderson of Davidson, N. C, Mrs. W. A. Enloe of Dillsboro. Mrs. George Gray of Otto, N. C, and Mrs. John Evans of Hayervills, spent the past week visiting relatives and friends in and around Franklin. Mrs. J. L. Teague of Route 2, was in town one day the past week shopping. S. B. Grant was down from Uree Tuesday on a short business trip. Miss Adora Smathers has returned from a long stay with her sister at Pensacola, Fla., Tom Davis has returned -from prolonged stay in, Cincinnati. J. Hampton Uyder and Miss Selina Justice of Route 1, were married at the old Blue Ridge postofflce. Sunday, April 4. Rev. R. P. Corn officiated.. Of Interest to some of th faculty and students of Fasslfern was th marriage of Miss Florence Page, graduate of Fasslfern, of Aberdeen, to : Mr. Fred Williamson Bynum, of Ipittsboro, J. C, last week. T. R. DeShlelds, who has been serv ing as vice president of the Hendsr sonvllle Charity Organisation society, was elected president at a meeting held last week. W. F. Humphries, iwho recently moved to Ashevllle, re signed as president The report of Secretary II. F. Stewart showed that the society had done good work dur ing the past winter In the way of In vestigating ths merit of appeals for help and In rendering aid to the needy. . Mrs. M. L. Read was In Ashevllle ' Saturday and Sunday. W.' A. Bmith has returned from Chattanooga, V where he attended a good roads meeting. ft It ft ft It ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft'ftft ft ft ft ft ft OLD FORT. l ft It ft ft ft ft ft It It ft ft , ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Trip to the Falls. The first outing trip of the season from here to the beautiful Catawaba falls took place last Saturday, anl from all aocounts, . was greatly en joyed by those composing the crowd, were:- Misses Cllne, Braarora, many and Cockerham, teachers In our pub lic schools: also Paul Harmon, C. M. Qosorn, Horace Early, Paul Thom- ason. Ralph Gosorn, Clarence Vess, Frank Thomason,' Banks. Fred anil Nellie Moore, Mrs. L. B. Moore actini as chaperone. W. C. T. U. Medal Contest, The annual awarding of the Demor- est silvpr -medal by the W. C. T. U, took place at the school auditorium Friday evening. Mrs. Dr. J. H, Way, the president, had charge of the ex ercises and in matchless style told the history of these contests, which have accomplished as much during the years for the great temperance cause. This oocasion was also added tor the purpose of a memorial to the late Mrs. M. J. Branner, who so long and well led the temperance forces of this community. After a graphophone quartet "Still, Still With Thee," a fav orite. of tho deceased, Tlrs. Lydla Al lfn read a fie memorial tribute to Mrs. Branner, which was followed by an other favorite selection, "Face ' to Face." This was followed by six youns girls, dressed in while and red, who contested for the medal. They were all good and the committee had a difficult task to decide on a winner, but Bessie Francis won despite a se vere hoarseness. Mrf. Luckle Mrs. A. V. Joyner and Mrs. J. R. Morgan were the judges. The medal was awarded by Rev. A. 8. Anderson. "By the Old Mill Stream." sung by the School Glee club, and se lections by the orchestra relieved tha program and made it even more enjoy able. The numbers follow: "In tho Kegs," Eula Freeman. "Srtong Drink Is Raging," Grace Albright. "The Sisters on a Strike," Lucy Tate. "The Stray Sunbeam," .Elsie Tate. "The Teetotaller's Story," Bessie Francis. ' "An Old Man's Story," Juliette Edwards. Saturday night, April 24. the Bara ca class baseball team will have a box Rupper at' the school building to raise some expense money. A series of evangelistic meetings. conducted by Rev. J. P. P.odgers of Canton, assisted by Rev. W. M. Rob bins of Brevard, is being held this week at the Institute. . " Mr. and Mrs. C'arence Barnes spent yesterday at Union Mills with rela tives and friends. H. L. Carpenter spent Tuesday and Wednesday In Charlotte on n business trip. Mrs. J. E. Crutchfleld left yester day for Spartanburg to attend the musical festival. C C. Clark of Spartanburg spent Sunday and Monday in the city with friends. , Rev. J. D. Hunt of Cliffslde spent a phrrrt while in the city Monday on his way to Union Mills. Prof. E. W. Davis of the Haywood Institute. Clyde, was here a short time yesterday. , Mr. and Mrs. Will Corzine of Jo nathan spent Sunday here with her nathan spent Sunday here with Mrs. Corzine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. As bury Howell. Mrs. Roy Plott and little daughter expect to join Mr. Plott at Statesville this week. Mrr. Jennie Arrowood returned Tuesday from a visit to relatives and friends in Gaston county. ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft ft ft ft! MARION. V ft ft -ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Missionary Institute. The Missionary institute for the Morganton district held at Marion last Thursday and Friday was a de cided success. There were delegates here from Morganton, CHffside and Rutherfordton college. Morganton was represented by about thirty people. Mrs. T. F. Marr, wife of Rev. T. F. Marr, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, of Charlotte, was present and made a number of interesting and helpful addresses. Miss Leila Tuttle of Lenoir, who has recently returned from a five years' stay In China, delivered sever al Instructive and intensely interest Ing addresses. Mrs. Maude Goodwin of Morgan ton, the district secretary, made an encouraging report of the missionary work of the Morganton district. The societies are all doing excellent work. The following topics were discussd during the Institute: Tithing and Stew ardship, Young Peoples' work, Mis sion Study and Literature and social servlc. Mr nnd Mrs. J. D. ' Porter, after spending several weeks with relatives a.iu u'.eiicis in Cherokee county, re turned home last week. C. R. Malonee of Rout 3, was In town on business Saturday. Charles Teague of Prentiss was In the city Saturday..: Mrs. Henry West and children loft recently for their home at Parish, N. O, to spend the summer. S. H. Lyle, jr., left for Washington, Philadelphia and New York, to be ab sent about three weeks. Mrs. Mary Munday of Shelby spent Sunday and Monday here vls'.ting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beam. Joe Gibbs, who underwent an opera tion at the Rutherfordton , hospital Saturday last, is rapidly recovering. Miss Ethel Marlowe, of Ashsrllll, is In town visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Davis. , W, city. R. Gruber, of Marlon, is In th ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft ft ft MURPIIV. ' ft ft 'ft ft ft i ft ft r. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Odd Follows A( Vnaka. 21. The Peaverdam lodge No? 305, I. O. O. F., will hold Its unnlversary celebration on Saturday, April 24, con sisting of a polk dinner and speeches. The proceeds from the sale of the din ners to go to the I. O. O. F. home at Goldsboro. The lodgp will meet at :0 a. m open by prayer and singing. Welcome address by J. W. Shackel ford, response by Rev. Fine 8:30, the Sunday school will ren.ler a inlslonary program.. Speeches by Prof. W. R. M i-tln n 'The Growth and Prosperity of, Odd Fellowship." L, M. Welch returned Monday from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Andrew Moor at Gnstonla and his son, Cleve land at Mayworth, near there, Sunday evening they went In an automobile to Charlotte to attend th big Chap man Alexander revival, which Mr. Welch greatly enjoyed. Captain Alden Howell returned Fri day from California looking extremely well. He says the big Panama-Faclfl exposition at San Francisco Is certain iy worth seeing, probably the best the country has ever had. Col. 8. V. Pickens has returned from Apopka. Fla., wher h spent th winter. Colonel Plrkn ha told his orchard In Florida but holds som other property thr. W. C. Rector returned Saturday from a trip to Ashevlll, Marshall and other point, on professional bAil- Th friend of Mis Glady Carter will regret to lrn that sh Is crlt Ily 111 and that littl hop of re covery Is entertain!. ( Mr. A. M. Trnholm and daugh- All-day service will be held at Zlon Hill church, this county, nexSunday, April U. Sunday school at 1:30 a. m. Se rmon by Rev. W. F. McMahan, pas tor, at 11 o'clock, after which dinner will b served on the grounds, In th afternoon th Sunday school will rend er a Missionary program. A choir from Old Fort, ld by Professor Vess, . to furnUh muslo for th occasion. f- I Bill Dalton. Athol Bawyer. Bill Cur tis, and Alvls Alluron composed a tiniiplng-out party that spent Mon day morning till today at noon In the mountains beyond th headwater of Curtis creek. Mr. Oeorg B. Clark and daughter, of Bristol arrived In town last even ing, having stopped over to spend th night with Mrs. Ella B. Clark, while tn rout for Danville, Va. Clyd Patton of Morganton, wa In town yrsUrday on' business, Mesdam J. H. Payn and Roby Clin leav today for several day vlstt With friend ,at fltstesvlll. Mrs. Carl Bean of Charlotte, her brother. R. H. Bhelton ot Weavervlll. and Miss Lilian Green and Mr. Ril- lard of Cullowhee were guests of Mr. 8. J. Shelton Saturday and Sunday. Miss Annie and Mazle Barnes of Union Mills spent a few days here this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Barnes. Rev. G. A. Martin of Thomasvllle will preach at the Bautist church next Sunday morning and evening at tho usual hours. F. M. Burgess of Polk county spent Tuesday night in the city the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess. The many friends of Mrs. R. .T. Burg'.n, who has ben seriously 111 at her home near town for sometimes, will regret to learn that her condi tion is not Improved. William N. Ramsey and Miss Fan nie L. Gibson of this place were mar ried at the residence of J. P. Ray on Sunday night. April 4, Rev. J. C. Story offilciatlng. Mrs. ,T. W. WInborne and Miss An nie Iurle Blanton spent Tuesday In Ashevllle. Prof. S. F. E. Gruber Is attending the music festival in Spartanbrug this week. Harley Morrison of West Mills was In the city a couple of days the past week on business. Miss Annie Waldroop, who has l-een vlsltlni; relatives and trends at Clay ton, Ga., returned homo .-eceac.y. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waldroop of Clayton, Ga., are visiting Mr. Wald- roop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Waldroop, on Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. S. Henry of Rout -I, were in Franklin Thursday of last week. A. G. Dillard of Dillard, Ga,, waa In Franklin the past -week on business. D. P. Cabe was In town 8aturfly on business. T. M. Green of Rout 1, wa In tha city the past week. Mrs. J. A. Deal and son, W. E. Deal, of Gainesville, Ga,, visited friends and relative In Franklin last week. B, A. Byrd of Telllco, N. C.,.was tn town Thursday of th past week. George Thomas rf Rout 2, was in Franklin the past week. J. B. Docklns of Rabun county spent the week-end in th city. Rev. ' and Mrs. B. S. iASslter will attend the convocation of this district which ' convenes at Grace church In Morganton Thursday and Friday. T. B. Hlgdon, jr.. came up from ' Atlanta Saturday to see hi sister, who I In the hospital. A number of Rutherfordton people attended the play, "A Daughter cf the South," which was presented at Forest City Tuesday night Waller Haynes of Ferry was a vis itor in the city yesterday. He reprts Mr. Havnes as steadily improving nt ithe Rutherfordton hospital, KftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftK ft ' it imvsox CITY. ft Mrs. E. C. Guy and littl daughter, of Newland, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Landls. Charles A Lowry of Rout 1 wa In town on day th past weak. 3. M. Dalton of Oowe was In th city last week. ' C. M. McCall of Blltmore, former postmaster here, wa a visitor here during the week. Supt. M. S. Giles attended the high school debate at Chapel Hill last Fri day night. 11 a. m. Si-rmon by Reverend Fine, ft on UuJ fellowship. " Adjournment for dinner. , Reassemble at 1 p. m. by singing. Speeches by R. L. Hampton on "The Duties Of Odd Fellows." "How Should We Care for tho Or phans." by J. W, Shackelford and 8. W. Evans. "The Need of the I. O. O. F. Home," by Reverend Fin. The Unaka singing class will furn ish music. Friends of the Cherokee nca:l inv will be glad to know that those sick with typhoid fever are urartunlly re covering. The fact that two pupils were taken 111 the same day Indicate that the trouble was due to uimn lm-al cause, though none can be discovered. Man Mr. and Mr. Jack Porter left yes terday for their home at Needles, Ca!. James McLean and hi on Robert left Tuesday for a visit to Mr. Mc Lean's niece. Mr. ,Dr. Hassell at Tuscaloosa, Ala. Miss Lillian Tucker of Greenville. Tenn.. who ha been !n St. Petersburg. Fla.. is visiting her sister, Mr. W. J. Hannah. T. I Green. I Bramlett, O. 11 Shelton. Jno. N. Shoolbred and Gen. R. R. Gilmer went by !lomobll Bat urdJ" nlrht to Canton to "slt the K. of P. lodge at that pine In doing some special work In the second rank. Colonel and Mrs. J. 11. Dillard ar rived her Saturday from Cathav, Cal , where they have been iprndlnir the winter. The Murphy graded school -vMI clos Friday, April 80. Tho school has had a most successful term tinier the able mananement of Sup. 3. Ti. Strickland and his erriulrnt asiVta its. Dr. and Mrs. N. 11. Adams were called to Marysv'.lle. Tenn., Ins: Fri day by tho death of th In! mi's f;tther, R. U Wrt'.rter. who died nt his h nnn Friday morning nt t o'clock. ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft The following program was given at the graduation exercises of the High school: Thursday. April 15. P. M. Claw play. .Pack to the Country Store Friday. 8 1'. M. 1. Essay "Th Value of Life's Little Things" Delia Bradley. 2. Oration The Making of Through Failure" Alnnzn Delta. Oration "Concentrated Attention The fioul of Genius" Herschell Smiley. Oration "Power of Influence and Habit" Buell Lyon. Oration "No Victory Without Laber" Bryan Smiley. Oration "I'av Your Price and Take Your Choice" Berlin Thomasson. Essay "Ideal Essential tn th El'sabeth Kneed. Presentation of Diploma. ftftftftftftft ftftftftftftftftftftftft ft ft ACTON AND CAN DLER NEWS ft It t Hftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Mis Louise Weaver Is the guest of the Misses I.uther of Candler during the Sand Hill commencement exercises. MfttoMMMttfctt1l!lMtl ft ft WHTrnEB, it It ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftftft Dr. Reeve made a professional trip to Ocona Lufty Tuesday. 3. 4. 5. . Mrs. John Csmpbell was Tueaiiay from Maggie. In town Col. Wcolsey left Sunday for New York. Captain J. H. Payne ha been III for a few dn days, but is better ' His daughter, Mr. Will Ray of Ashevlll Dr. A. K. Brown of Ashvlll- super intendent of I'aptlst Mountain school. spent part of Monday her. s Col. J. N, Moody has returned f: om WBshlnrlon, D. ('., whr h wa call ed lant week to pear hefor Cimml slonrr of Indian Affairs Halls, In re gard to contested Chsrok lalmant. Mrs. Annl Klrkman and Ittl eon of Ashvlll. are th guest of the former' partntf, Mr. and Mrs. V J. Cooper. Real' Prof, and Mr. E. E. Connor, hav returned to their summer home near Acton. Mrs. T. W, Jones entertained the Ladles' Aid society of the Presbyterian church, at her horn. A very enjoy able evening wa spent. Miss Maria Gudger 1 (pending the summer with her father, Dr. D. M Gudger. Mr. Strain ha returned to hi home in Johnson City, after spending severe weeks with his sister, Mr. J. Gudger. Rev. Matney of Canton, visited at th home of hi daughter, Mrs, J. U. Glbbs, at Whlttler Monday and Tuesday. Bill Thoma. who la working at Ashevllle In the depot, made a flying trip to Whlttler Monday, Wilbur Chllder went to Fontaaa Tuesday, where he will work on th section for Bob Chamber. J. R. Kermey of Balsam, stopped Off In our town Tuesday to do som work In th Interest of the Woodman lodge. C. T. Dunlap 1 (pending a few wek at Andrew with hi daughter, Mrs. Stella Tatham, who ha been very sick. J. 3. Enlo of Ocona Lufty, visit relative In Whlttler Tuesday, Th play, given by the ladles' Bet terment society of Sand Hill school, ntltler the "Deestreak Bkule," was well attended and greatly enjoyed. Frank Cordell of Ocona Lufty, wa a business visitor tn Whlttler Tuesday. T. W. Lewi mad a business trip t Bryson City Tusd.y. Mr. R. C. Crowell ha been visiting Mrs. McGulre of Ashevllle. . Mia Ella Bu Hawkins spent Wad- Rev. W. R. Beach will deliver the nesday In Ashevlll with friends, commencement sermon at Cullowhee i Sunday morning and for that reason Ml Carrie Eawarda of Wert Ashe will not fill his regular appointment villa Is visiting Miss Olalr Hawkln here. II will preach at th Baptist church her Bunday night Thad Hyatt V. 8. army. Is hr for a month's visit to relative Mies Edna Hayes of Whlttler, wa hr Wednesday shopping, Mr. Anion and Mr. Lsdford of Forney, wr her Monday. Mr. and Mr. R. J. Roan cf Whit- of Aeton. Mies Thlrea Ray la spending a few day with kr latr, Mrs. Wllaon of Aahsvllle. T. T: Reeve la out at hi country horn near Acton. Th Traveling library has arrived at the Rand irtU ohool building, Miss riorenoe dodger the efflolent librarian find a (Teat demand for the bo. ok. 8. C. Allison of Barker's Creek was business visitor In Whlttler Mon day. Mr. arid Mr. J. B. WhIUenhunt went to Kentucky last week, where they will epend a few weeka Odell Hall made a trip to Whlttler Sunday. Rev. O. P. William preached el the Baptist church Sunday morn! 114 and Rev. W. R. Beach prtrhd tn th afternoon. Oaserto-Newe Want Ada Bring Quick ReeBlta Try Theml