AC3 EIGHT THEASIISVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Eatnr&aj, April 17, 19H SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION iSf The Ladies of Asheville are invited to attend' the Formal Opening of the Asheville Power and Light Company's New Sales and Exhibition Room, 1 02 Patton Avenue Today and Tonight p t. r I t 0 ft Exhibit and Demonstration Exhibit and demonstration of Detroit Gas Ranges, Electric Ranges, Hoover Suction Sweepers and other electric heating and cooking appliances and devices, today 3 to 5, tonight 8 8 to 10 o'clock. Practical Talks by Experts The baking demonstrations and other exhibits will be in charge of experts who will give practical talks and general information of inestimable value to the housewives of this city. . Free Refreshments Hot rolls will be served Baked in the ovens of the celebrate I ed Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges and the newest type of electric ranges. With the rolls will also be served freshly electric percolated coffee. I&t It ltlttK(ttK It g" BASEBALL NOTES JJ It at lUt it I. Witt th opening of the) Carolina league less than a week off, It seems from the "dope" of the scribes In this circuit that Asheville is) about 1he rmlv teum tr. torn readv for tjit tn "t. v Bhows what a little early traluing Nrill-doif oc any team. ffhe; Mountaineers are-getting some of th beat practice, of the spring training' here now, working out at Oatas) par It each, afternoon, when ex- rhlbltion. games, .are not staged. Jl. great deal of Interest la being manifested in the game this after noon, between. Corbett's Mountaineers and Hunter's All-Collegians. Hunter, a former player on the old Appalach ian league, but now coach at Ruther ford college, will be in charge today j of the opposition and it goes with out saying that he will have a team worth while, for Bob knows the old J game and knows how to handle ball players to get the best out of them. Tuesday afternoon Weaver goes up against Asheville at Oates park. It will be the first opportunity for the Asheville public to see the Weaver team as a whole in action this year and no doubt a good sized crowd of fans will be on hand to witness the work of the collegians. When the big horn is sounded on next Thursday, Asheville will be there. Sure, be there at Winston preparing to take three sanies from Clancy's underlings. i.) . And the sport writers and Presi dent Lyon attended the same ban quet. Perhaps many of the scribes, those who had never seen him be ' fore, realized after all that L.yon Is only human, like most of us. . At any rate a banquet Is the one thing a sport writer falls for, that is If he can talk annrt and lurflv hA was allowed that privilege lastThurs- i day night at Greensboro. 1 '..: The new faces that will be seen this year in the Carolina league will be many, but names, this league will ; see all kinds of names, some unpro- j nounceable and many hard to spell. ! But then last year we had Schwartje; (we have him again this year, as to ! that) and none of the scorers resigned. i?i?itieititit?nititnnnnw RESULTS YESTERDAY it Natlonnl League. At Chicago 4: St. Ijouis i. At Cincinnati 4; Pittsburgh 2, At New York 3: Brooklyn 5. At Boston-Philadelphia, rain. As the league is about-to start now, we will have a chance to see some of President Lyon's new umpires perform. Asheville's prospects this season look better, all the fans agree on this, than in any previous years. There seems to be no good reason why the team should not Jump' up near the lead and stay there. The hitting of the new men with the Mountaineers this season is very gratifying to the funs here, many o! whom have been arcustomed to see ing the recruits fan through the air unt!'. after the season had advanced somewhat. S Hitters and runners are what a good ball team needs and from all appearances Asheville has its share of both. If Kirk. Wasem, Bradshaw, Fen ton and all the rest for tnat matter, show up as well, or continue to show up as well as they have In the exhibi tion games here, why but what Is thn use of worrying the other mem bers of the circuit? Let them find It out, as they surely will. The Mountaineers leave here Wed nesday for Winston where they open the season with Clancy's men for three games. Lot Ps Know Tonr Want. Phone 202 American loague. At Philadelphia 6; Boston 6. (Nine innings, darkness.) : At St. Louis 4: Chicago 2. At Detroit 6; Cleveland ft. At Washington 3; New York 2. St. J,otiis Krouklyn Boston . . .38.1 '..SS2 ,000 American League. Clubs; Chicago .. . Cleveland .. Washington Linston r. . , Philadelphia N, w York . Detroit . . j , St. Louis i - Won. iost ... 2 1 Federal League.. At Newark 2; Baltimore S. At Buffalo-Brooklyn, rain. At Chicago 4; Pittsburgh Only three games scheduled. . Federal League. Clubs: Won. Lust Brooklyn .... ...... 4 I Chicago . . . . , 3 1 j Kansas City . . 4 2 j Newark . , 3 3 j lluftalo 2 3 Haltimore. 2 4 Pittsburgh .... ..... 2 4 St. Uitila.'., . , . ...... 1 3 -'.American Association.-" At Cleveland !;, Indianapolis 4. At Columbus 0; Louisville 2. At Kansas City S; St. Paul 4. At Milwaukee 4; Minneapolis 9. Southern League. At Atlanta 7: New Orleans fi. At Birmingham 3: Mobile R. At Chattanooga B; Memphis S. At. Little Hock 1; Nashville 7. South Atlantic Longuo. At Albany 6; Jacksonville 3. At Augusta 3; Savannah 7. At Charleston 0; Columbia 3. At Macon 1S; Columbus 8. s 9, It s 9. W H If. It H ! S 9 CLUB STANDING n t 9. n r, 9. p. v. 9 n it it p 9, s National League. Pet. .67 .67 .fiC7 .500 .BOO .333 .333 .333 Pet. .800 .7j0 .fiti7 .S00 .400 .333 .333 .250 Southern league. Forecasts until 8 p. m. Sunday for Asheville and vicinity: Fair tonight and Sunday. - For North Carolina: Fair tonight and Sunday, moderate northerly winds. ' General Conditions (Last 24 Hours). The pressure continues low over the Plateau section and the Rocky Moun tain region and rains have occurred In Colorado. New Mexico and southern Texas. Rains have also fallen In the Oho valley and at scattered points along the Atlantic coast. High pres sure, attended by cool weather, pre vails over the Lake region and freezing is reported in northern Michigan. The belt of cloudv weather Is overspread ing the weet Gulf states. Koswell re ports 1.10 inches of rain. Fair weather may be expected in this vicinity over Sunday, T. R. TAYL.OR. Observer. It It H H It It H 9.9. It It It H H 9. 9. 9. Clubs: Nashville .. Mem phis . ; . New Orleans Mobile . . Atlanta .. Rirmlngham . Chattanooga. . Little Lock . Won. Lost Pet. HOROSCOPE. 1.000 .750 ' .7.r.0 ,B00 .BOO .333 .260 .000 K ' H 9 H "The stars incline, but do not compel." It Saturday, April 17, 1915. THE WEATHER Clubs: Philadelphia Chicago . . New York . Cincinnati . , Pittsburgh , Won. lost Pet. .. 2 0 1,000 ..2 1 .6117 .. 2 1 .607 ..2 1 .667 ..12 .333 Asheville . . , ! Atlanta. ... ; Atlantic City Augusta if j y O is O 99 J- . , 47 . uS . . 46 B0 Birmingham B4 Boston 42 Brownsville 62 Charleston S4 Charlotte . . . . .-. . . B2 Chicago .... . . . . 42 Denver 46 Oalvcston . . 64 Helena .. .. '. . .. 46 Jacksonville . . . . , . B6 Key West .' 66 Knoxvllle . K2 1 Louisville 4 4 I Mobile 60 j Montgomery .. .. v 56 ! New Orleans New York.. 5 48 Oklahoma 60 Phoenix . . . . . ; . . S2 ortland, Ore R2 Raleigh- 50 St. Lnul B2 Salt Lake City .. .. 46 San Francisco . . . . 62 Kvoiinnh f 4 Tampa 60 wasnington 4 Wilmington. B0 Normals for this date: 4 deg. Precipitation .15 gY telephone, you can make definite ap pointments, prepare a "keepable" pro gram for the day, and thus triple the value of your time and the amount of your profits. . The telephone line leadi you directly and instantly to the man you wish to meet. 1 The important business men in forty thousand cities and towns have Bell telephones. We connect with the long distance lines of the Cell system, thereby giving: our patrons universal service,. Arc you a subscriber? ASHEVILLE TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. 67 7fi 60 76 80 54 ' 80 70 74 48' 62 72 64 70 74 74 74 80 80 82 66 80 72 82 72 82 64 58 72 76 70 68 i: An t u c 0. 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .40 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ' .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Temperature o inch. N It It ? It t n S (Copyright, 1915, by the Mc- H 1 dure Newspaper Syndicate). ? U It HWtltltltltltltfcRltttlltlt ( Astrologers read the stars today as exceedingly promising for many hu man activities. Early in the morning Saturn Is mildly beneflc, and, later, Both Neptune and Mars are in places that bode good. It Is a fortunate time for whatever concerns shipping. There Is a lucky sln for the navy and for merchant men. Neptune Indicates that there will be a steady growth of Socialistic feeling during the summer. Millionaires and famous men and women will ally themselves with the more conserva tive organizations. Radicals will cause trouble and labor problems will mul tiply. The death of a man who has been a leader In labor movement is prog nosticated. Srtange diseases will develop dur ing the summer. It Is foretold, and contagious maladies will multiply. The planets give warning of the need of clean cltlo This should be a lucky day for en gineers, contractors and bridge build ers. There Is a sign Indicative of a great demand for carpenters and lum bermen. The rule Is a jsplclous for those who solicit and canvass. Collectors should I find the day lucky. Medicine, surgery and pharmacy 'continue to be subject to the best rule. The stars, which Indicated an aston ishing Interest In hospitals and all that pertains to relief of suffering, long before the war. are read as fore shadowing the greatest discoveries In chemistry and surgery over recorded In history. One of these will be a method of preserving the teeth. It Is prognosticated.- I'nder this configuration the phychlc powers should be active. It Is a for tunate time for new tho'ught teach ing and for any work that is Inspira tional, ' Under this sway American soldiers and sailors have the augury of sud den service, but they will be protected against serious dangers. Persons whose blrthdate It is should be careful to avoid accidents during the coming year. : Finances are well aspected. , Children born on this day will prob ably succeed In life. These subjects of Aries are on the cusp and partake of Taurus attributes, which tend to self- reliance. . ROUTES FOR WAGONS DURING CLEAN-UP Ifl First Two Days in East End; Next Two Days in the West End. The city sanUary department an nounces that during ' Tuesday and Wednesday, the first two days of "clean-up" week, next week, the wagons will visit east end and the following two days wilt visit west end, leaving Saturday to finish up wherever they are needed. It is thought that the wagons can visit each place where there Is trash dur ing the time specified, but it is stated that it will be impossible to return to the same streets during the week, isnless it is an emergency call. The idea of "clean-up" week always meets ready approval with citizens of Asheville and when the week is over this Is one of the cleanest cities to be found anywhere . While it Is thought, of course, that a great amount of trash, rubbish and garbage will be removed next week, it Is be lieved that the amount will not equal former "clean-up" weeks, owing to the fac't that the sanitary depart ment has been gathering the trash and rubbish in the yards of houses since last fall and where charges ere made before that none are now made. K It It H H It H t H It H It It t R It It H COMING ATTRACmOXS tj . u . K Saturday, May 8, Matinee and H w. mgnt, Howe s Travel pictures, p) ' A sj H H H It It H H H It R K K Tense Moments of Battle Practice, i , Imagine, if you can, what happens;' when our super-dreadnaught the Wy oming, turns loose a "salvo" of all its: 12-inch guns and hurtles 10,000 pounds of steel through the air two or three- times a minute. If yon can not1 imagine it, you may see it at Lymai H. Howe's travel festival at the AudU torlum matinee and night, Satnrdayj May 8. It constitutes a wonderful les son In efficiency and quickens a newt pride In our nav. What Is equally InJ terestlng is to witness the "human"! side during these tense moments tli perfect precision and speed of th working of this super-human machine, , and to watch each one of the thou-j ' and men do exactly the right thing t the right Instant and qulok as a flash.! Even ths paymaster whose ordinary duty Is with accounts, now sits ready to execute the signal to discharge a torpedo at a theoretical foe. The only man you see doing nothing Is the ex ecutive officer, who, as In real battle, has the melancholy duty of standing by waiting for the captain to be kllU ed I Advertisements In the classified columns of The Oasette-News are a paying Investment for the advertiser. NOW OPEN , With Complete New Stock Freedman Suits for Men of Good Taste, $15 to 138. , GEM CLOTHING STORE Patton Avenue. "One paper in the home is worth a thousand on the high way." THE GAZETTE-NEWS goes into the home, 'its readers have confidence In it and In the ad vertising it pYints. which is one rea son why advertising in its columns brings ready results. It's easy to get an ad. on ths Want ' Ad. pegs of The Qaxette Ne we Just phone 101. LNiVHHAL SIRVICC REASONABLE RATES. , U. S. Department of Agriculture, WEATHER BUREAU. Anr41 Shaded area shows prtctpt. latlon ef .11 tndi or mere. , ..,, ,.v. .1 1 1 m Wh rtdlis tlx. Atr pwsme rwlnred Ui !!. Iohr (roatlnuoat IU) put thrrmih points rrf I ill CmmiJ. Iwiswnn leMie I II..M) PM. UitoufH rUs t 4il UprtU,.; -..... , rTrtM Q Mttii eioudr: O cwaiir. O "m; tiBf. mmlirriuith.ind. rT- t yj cirar. t . mm asue, o-..'' . . Havoline Oils and Greases Are the Best D. 0. Shaw Motor Co. 52-60 Broadway. TIRES . That Will Give Too Satisfaction Selected Blemished Tires Mostly Standard Makes. Mall Orders Promptly Filled. We will ship C. O. D., subject to your examination. A remittance of ft is required to Insure express age. Kon Blse. Plain. Skid, tlxl 10x1 ' tit MO ItxS 1.00 0 tOxlH T.l 7 llxlH i.JO 8.0 llxlVi Itt 1.10 tlxttt ttO lit 10x4 10.00 . 1100 11x4 10.11 lilt 11x4 10.10 11. t 13x4 1100 1110 14x4 lilt UtO 14x4 UK 11 (0 IX4 11.00 1110 4x4H 1S.B0 1100 I4X4H lt.7l tx4H 14.10 100 !7x4Vs H. 00 10.10 4xt 10.00 IT. 10 IliS 17.00 11.70 llil 17.10 10.11 17x1 II 04 11.10 When ordering, please- stats whether clincher, quick detach able or straight side Is wanted. We also iarry a line of sIlEhtlj ncd Tires at ItemKniaMe IT'1- cuT-rrJcr: Tinn chop 101-3l)l N. 1Mb. Ht., rhlUdelphla Mention Tli" ;wt!-Nws whs" ( ii .lr!i!(f.

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