LEADERSHIP IN FUEL That's the position which M. & W. Indian Coal en joys. Long years of use has proven it best by test. Phones 129 and 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company 60 Patton Ave., Druhmor BIdg. CHINA, GLASS, ENAM EL, TIN, ALUMINUM WARES Variety, Quality and Values. I. X. L. DEPT. STORE. 16 BROADWAY Thone 107. Lanjjren IJlilg. Keep Cool The FAN adds to the enjoy ment of the meal and aids di gestion. - A FAN circulating the air in baby's bedroom is protec tion against the many little hot weather ailments. "When looking for amuse ment, people prefer the com fortable FAN cooled places. Get one of our BOBBINS & MYERS STANDARD FANS, and you will KEEP COOL all summer. PIEDMONT Electric Co. 61 Pattern Ac. Opp. r. O. Why Worry, Phone jour wants to 202, ItHWHIIfffffl Set Teeth $6.00 Crowns $4.00 AH work at reduced prices. 10- year Guarantee. Ideal Painless Dentist3 I 6. Muin St. Over Zagler's THE CALL CO. 17 BILTMORE AVENUE. Sells For Cash and Sells For Les3 Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23-25 South Main Street Phone 887 "TIZ" FOflAGHING, E, TIRED FEEI "TIZ" for Tender, Puffed-up, Burning, Calloused Feet and Corns. : "Ail Bor nz1 i tk. ON FOROT IN JULY N. C. Forestry Association to Hold Three Days Meet ing at Montreat. People who are forct-il. to stand on their eot all clay know what sore, ten der, sweaty, burning feet mean. They use "TIZ," and "TIZ" cures their feet riiiht up. It keeps feet in perfect con dition. "TIZ" is. the only remedy in the world that draws out all the poi sonous exudations which puff up the feet and cause tender, sore, tired, ach ing feet. It instantly stops the pain in corns, callouses and bunions. It's simply glorious. Ah! how comfortable your fec-t feel after using "TIZ'1. You'll neyer limp or draw up your face in pain. Your shoes won't tigh ten and hurt your feet. Get a 2 5 cent box of "TIZ" now from any druggist, department or gen eral store. Just think! a whole year's foot comfort for only 25 cents. RESULTS m OF THE STUFF SPELLING COSIEST 179 High Schools and 6,513 Boys and Girls Participat ed in the Contest. spelling . Walk- schools, .9 high PRESCRIPTIONS TEAGUE & OATES Phones 260-1996 Special to The Gazette-News. t hapel Hill, May 11. The test conducted by i'rof, N, V er, state inspector of high was participated in by 1 schools and ti,513 boys and girls. One hundred and fifty schools rendered reports of the results as of the test in which fifty words in common use were submitted as the efficiency ba tis. The number of trials In the test was :i J u, and of that number there were 98,102 failures. The aver age grade attained by the state was tit) . S7 per cent. The honor roll consisted , of. twenty pupils who made perfect grades. The boys and girls and the schools they represented thus accredited are: Flora Canady, of the Benson school; Xellie Fleming, Hoonville; Lillie Ai ken and Jennie llloom, Durham; Codena Pope, Kllcn Maultsby and Mary (lark, l-'ayetteville; Kowena F.vans, Henderson; Charles Black burn, Kenersville; Mnrjruerlte Sulli van, Sallie Hoover and Floyd Mace, l.incolnton; Fannie Green, Lowe 's ; Jjjxuected dclphus; tiranberry Tucker, Ply mouth; Annabel Spence, Seven Springs; May Planton, Shelby; Lilly Five, St art own; Mamie Deal, AVades boro; Icie Buchanan, Webster. Of the individual schools, KIttrell headed the honor roll with a percentage erado of S9.R8, C'ooleemee high ! rcbool was a close second, j The list of words submitted were: Wednesday, preparation, Connecticut j religious, laboratory, neuter, twelfth, 1 cylinder, yield, separate, lope, relieve, J which, foreign, conceivable, achieve ' ment, benefited, changeable, plente j "Urf, (rrlevod, pitiable, breadth, rec jommeml, descendant, accommodate, occurrence, referred, government, business, precede, embarrass, until, receive, nbsvnce, appreciate, receipt, February, prejudice, license, ridicu lous, prlvlleKe, ' parallel, whether. A forestry' conference is to he held in Montreat, July 6 to 9, under the auspices of the North Carolina Fores try association and the Mountain Rt treat association. The Montreat as sembly has each summer for the past j several years successfully carried out j a Chautauqua program including a I large number of interesting, instructive and entertaining features. This year it has been decided to add a forestry week to the program. Three full days will be devoted to the conference, in addition to a recep tion the first evening which will be tendered the delegates by the manage ment. One day will be devoted to a study of problems relating to the ad ministration and the uses of the: Ap palachian National forests, as well as the proper management of private and state forests. The federal officers in charge of the National Forests in Xorth Carolina will take a prominent part in these meetings, and popular addresses will he made by them. A full' discussion of forest fire prevention under the new state laws Is planned, while .the sale and conservative cutting of mature timber and the proper use of the forest will be included in the program. This day will be ..known as. "State and National Forestry Day." A second day will be known as "For estry Association day" and subjects in which the North Carolina Forestry as sociation is specially interested will be dealt "with; such timely topics as the proper observance of Arbor day, the purchase of Mount Mitchell for a state park, the teaching of forestry in our public schools and colleges and other phases of educational and propaganda work will be discussed. One or two illustrated lectures will be given and two enjoyable side trips are being planned. One of these will be a conducted fumble through the Montreat Woods to study the native trees and shrubs. The other will be a picnic supper on one of the nearby peaks, at which camp fire discussions will be' guided by an authority of for estry and woodcraft. One whole day is to be devoted to a trip to the top of Mount Mitchell. Th? lumber company which has built a railroad to within one mile of the sum mit of the mountain has now inaugu rated a semi-weekly passage service, so that this famous and most interest ing mountain can be visited with a. minimum of exertion. A picnic dinner will be held on the peak at which sev eral notables will propose appropriate toasts. Montreat, only three miles from niack Mountain and less than twenty miles from Asheville, is an Ideal place for such a meeting. It is the nearest resort to Mount Mitchell and virtually on the i;!ope of this famous mountain, The recent decision of the general as sembly to purchase the summit for a state forest park has been approved by public spirited citizens all over North Carolina. JXit mcnogrnn'on tfo radiator stands firali jpnanatkm.a motorcar CHALMERS IiTTTIiE SIX $1400 F. O. B. -FACTORY HAVE YOU SEEN IT? We have one on exhibition on our salcsnxim lloor and wiU Iks pleased to have ou come In and see it. ASHEVILLE AUTOMOBILE CO. 18 & 20 CHURCH ST. i 1 IN A DAY ' SPRING OXFORDS For Men Rnd Women Men' low cnu $3.60 and $4.00 Ladles' low cuta $2.50 and $3.50 In Latest Styles GEO. W. JENKINS, 10 Broadway. MEASURE THE DISTANCE YOU WALK Wear a Pedometer in your pocket looks like a watch. Then too, wear a good fountain pen in your pocket too a mighty good one for $2.50 and $3.00. ROGERS BOOK STORE 30 Patton Avenue Rogers Press 39 Patton Avenne Phone 254. Try Our Fresh Home Made ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Pure Confections of Real Quality CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE Haywood St., Near P. O.-r-Phones 110 and 111. To Secure the Best THE MARKET AFFORDS IN MEATS GAME POULTRY SEND YOUR ORDERS TO VISITORS WHO WASH "Nichols Way" are never disappointed, because "Nichols Way" means the BEST in laun dry work. Phone 2000 Asheville Laundry i J. A. Nichols, Mgr. 11 Penland St.. Asheville. t WHY WORRY With PAol. . to standard in fuel j ficiencyt . M. & w Coal Til. . . : j rnone u tor aW i . 11 i . . . xuu. ion every time, I Asheville Coal Co. North Pack Bquart' Make Your.Porch Comfortable And attractive by using Walfo On Rugs. These rugs are extra om? fast colors, beautiful designs, and no more than the Inferior mjJJ BEAUMONT FURNITURE CO. ' Home of Furniture Value i 27 Bittmore Avenue, i Product of the Most Modem Factory Lyon & Healy Piano $350 Best Piano Value in America DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE, The Home of High Grade Pianos. EVERYTHING FOE THE FORD CAR. Our lubricating oils are , the best that can be ; bought. , D. 0 Shaw Motor Co. 52-60 Broadway. I WHEN YOU GROW HILL'S MARKET Phone 3 Phone 4 UK PROGRAM FDR IKMTS MEET HERE That Large Num ber of Merchants Will At tend the Convention. STRAWBERRIES Native stock, fresh and good quality, per basket 12y2c. ' Special prices by the crate Everything in Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 NORTH PACK SQUARE AND CITY MARKET. Tired of Long Hours ' Spent Over a Red Hot Stove in An Overheated Kitchen WHEN YOU GROW WEARY OF KITCHEN r DRUDGERY Tw it's TINE FOR SANDWICHES COLD J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Kepairing a Specialty. 27a. Pack Square. pursue, mennt, courageous, necessary, convenient, precious, consensus. The word "consensus" was mis spelled a srreator number of times than any other submitted. "Wortnes- dny." and "which," were spelled cor rectly a (jre-iter number of times than spy nthrr In the test llwt, the lntter belnir spelled correctly 6,174 times out of 6, BIS chances. The results proved In a snTistnnttnl way that girls are better jrpellers than boys. Thu number of cases In which plrls madft the hltfhert frrades was 93, whila only 39 times did the boys score In this particular. The num ber of cases In which boys made the lowest grade was 90: the girls made the lowest grade In 42 cases. Cheer Up MONARCH coal will do the work. Use it in your kitchen range, grate or. t anywhere, perfect aatis-, faction is assured. Southern Coal Co. Thone 7C0 10, N. Pack Bq. VThf Worry, Phone yonr wants to 202, Spot Cash Specials A NEW ONE.EACII WEEK 6 Cup Universal Percolator $2.10., : Brown Hardware Co. II Broadway. Phono 87. STAR MARKET, Phone 1917 We Are Successful Caterers to a Variety of Appetites. Special to The Gazette-News. IXirhnm, May 14. President I B. Mnrkham and Secretary M. E. Newson of the North Carolina Merchants' as sociation, are arranging a program and plans for the annual meeting of the association which is scheduled for June 15, 16 and 17, in Aaheville. The officers of the association believe that they will have a splendid program and are expecting possibly the largest at tendance In the history of the organi zation Although It Is up to the next meet- Ins of the association, It is very prob able that Durham will again be se lected for the state headquarters and that all of the officers will be re-elected. This is the usual rule carried out at the annual meetings. Up until a few weeks ago Miss I Mae Stephenson, who is now secretnry of the AHheville association, was as sistant and active secretary of the state association. However since her resig nation Mr. Newsom has been artlvely engaged in the work. During the past year the work of the organization has gone along splen didly. Several local branches of the state association have been reported and the membership of the state or ganization Is much larger than ever before. President Markham has be come thoroughly famallar with the state work and has been enthusiastic over the association's success. All of the merchants in North Caro lina will be invited to attend the meet ing and it Is expected that many will go from Durham. The meeting was held here last year and it was a pleas ant gathering of North . Carolina's merchants. Planting Calendar for May FOR THE GARDEN AH varieties of seeds can now be planted: Hush Beans, Pole Beans, Lima Beans, Sugar Corn, Beets, Radish, Salisfy, Parsnips, Squash, Cucumber, Okra, Cantaloupes, Watermel ons, Pumpkins, Egg Plants, Peppers, Cress, Carrots, Lettuce and Endive. Set out Tomato, Egg Plant and Peppers, Cabbage and Cauliflower plants. FOR THE FARM Plant Sugar Beets and Mangel Wurtzel for win tf.i fading. All the Sorghums, Millet and Ensilage Corn. Like wise Cow Peas, Soy or Soja Beans. Plant Corn. L. R STRICKER REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS B. C. Bryson to Mildred E. Sher wood, property on Mills creek; $ 10 and other considerations. C. C. Hire and others to M. II. Lance, property on Polt creek; con sideration, 150. Garland A. Thomasson and wife to Frederick I Hunt, property on Hill side street: $10 and other considera tions. Frederick L. Hunt to Garland A. Thomasson, property on Hlllsldt street; I IS and othw consideration. Reliable Garden and Held Seeds. Wholesale and Retail Corner College and Lexington. , Telephone 1026. Carrying "Coal, Splitting Kindling, Building Fires, Handling 'Ashes, Etc. Have a Gas Range In. stalled in Yonr Home and Enjoy Life. Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges $16.50 to $30. Asheville Power & Light Co. Laundry Phones 70 .and 2096 A trial la all we ask. We treat your laundry white. IF IT'S MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS YOU WANT We can please you as to style, quality and price. Tb genuine goodness of our Suits gains for this rfiop the continued grateful patronage of the sensible saving man. Suits $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 to $25.00. Genuine Palm Beach Suits in both light and dark colors, Plain and Norfolk style. .$7,50 up Separate Pants of Serge, Flannel and Palm Beach $3 up . Smith-Bruns Clothing Co. "The Broadway Style Shop." LANGREN flLDG, $2650 The "WHITE" 30 Roadster A comfortable 30-horsepower roadster, a gentle man's motor, in a class by itself. The Incomparable White. 4-30 Roadster $2C50 4-30 Touring $2G50 4-45 Touring 3800 6-60 Touring 5500 (F. O. B. Cleveland) Asheville Motor Sales Co. 67-71 BE 0 AD WAY. PHONE 10C0. LET US KNOW YOUR WANTSl WHY WOERY! ' TELErilONE

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