" ' I ' .nun ... m in in " ' ""' """ " '" ' --... - n wm ,.WMlm i nil in i-. . . - .11 "' -- -j. AQifeN c '"r V THESHEVIL - Monday, May ! i j iK-s-HMBmil' PALM BEACH SUITS '"iT IB 1H .be: i. Ml II 1 1 Rl I IX 111 - I MIL' 1 1 Ull LI'L I L LI II . . I WAI WIU.1.Y i i I1- s F.I i I uuii i linn iiinJiLiii iLUL ui iiLiii 1 yT-; t J T-T-ffmcTismp -v I I , 1 Prices $6.50 to $7.50 Suit. 1 IN FUEL . - l l'ake Advantage of an Ashe- WORLD AT MflJESTIC -iVV;: ; -y I ville Citizen's Experience. I i s'vThatfs the posftfon -which vM. & W. Indian Coal en i 3ys- Long years of use I 4has proven "it best by test V Phones 129 and 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Compi any BO Patton Ave Druhmor Bide. mi .CHINA, GLASS, ENAM- EL, TIN, ALUMINUM r WARES Variety, Quality and Values. I. X. L DEPT. STORE. 10 BROAD WAT Phone 107. . Langren Bldg. When the back begins to ache. Don't wait until backache becomes chronic; , Till kidney troubles develop: Till urinary troubles destroy night's rest Profit by an Aahevllle citizen's ex perience. Mrs. M. Golay, 20 Elolse St. Ashe ville, says: "The pains in my baok were so bad that I couldn't do any sweeping. It was lmDosslbleu for me to bend my body In any way without sharp pains shooting through my baok and across my shoulders. Be fore I had used half a box of Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Smith's Drug Store, I felt relieved and one box took away all pains. I now use Doan's Kidney Pills whenever my back feels lame and sore and they quickly help me." Price 60c, at all dealess. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Golay had. Foster-MIlburn Co, Props., Buffalo, N. T. AUTOMOBILE COLLIDES WITH TELEPHONE POLE j Keep Cool The FAN adds to the enjoy ment of the meal and aids di gestion. A FAN circulating the air . in baby's bedroom is protec tion against the many little hot weather ailments. - When looking for amuse ment, people prefer the com fortable FAN cooled places. Get one of our BOBBINS & MYERS STANDARD FANS, iand you will KEEP COOL all 'summer. PIEDMONT Electric Co. 61 ration Ae. Opp. P. O, ' Why Worry, Phone your wants to 202. Set Teeth $6.00 Crowns $4.00 All work at reduced prices. 10- year Guarantee. Ideal Painless Dentists S. Main St. Over Zaglers Three Occupants of Car Bad ly Bruised in Accident on Broadway Yesterday. " Cabiria, " in Eight Reels to Be Attraction on Wednes day and Thursday. Three young men were badly bruis ed and Injured, a small telephone pole was cut off close to the ground and a car considerably damaged yesterday afternoon on Broadway when an auto mobile going about 25 miles an hour suddenly "ceased to answer the steer ing gear and collided violently with a. telephone pole opposite Starnes ave nue. J. C. Fitzgerald, the driver of the car, was badly cut on the chin and suffered several small cuts and bruises. Osborne Rump had one arm broken and a knee-cap fractured as well as suffering numerous bruises. Crawford Lauder was cut on the head and badly bruised. The radia tor, the frame and the front axle of the machine were bent and dam aged by the force of the collision which hurled the three men from the car. The breaking of the steering arm is said to have caused the accident. . The wonderful motion picture. "Cabiria," which will be shown at the Majestic, "Wednesday and Thursday, has received more favorable com ment, perhaps, than any picture ever filmed. The New Tork Evening Mail has the following to say about "Cabiria. "Nothing so marvelous in beauty. Doetic sweeD and finished art has been seen oA the screen as this spec tacle drama of the struggle between Rome and Carthage. "The thrill of seeing Mount Eti erupting while thousands fled along its base, the siege of Carthage, Han nibal crossing the Alps, children offered as sacrifices to the fire of Moloch and a Roman fleet burning are the scenes that make "Cabiria," a most remarkable film. " 'Cabiria' is unlike any other great moving picture production in that it is perhaps the first epic work concelv. ed with a moving picture screen as the page on which a poet writes his drama. "Ernesto Paganl as the great slave, Maciste, seems a survival of the days of Roman gladiatorial champions, Italia Manzini, as Sohphonisba, the Carthagian princess, displays not only a physical beauty and grace, but a powerful tragic art Didaco Chel lini as Scipio, the Roman consul, and Edouard Davesnes as Hannibal are such figures as the Imagination dwelling on Roman history would pic ture." Lecture to Students on "The Mouth" Given Tuesday Morning. 'DION AND PYTHIAS" AT MAJESTIC TODAY THE CALL CO. 17 BILTMORE AVEXVE. Sells For Cash and - Sells For Less Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES -H.L, FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23-25 '.South Mais Street Phone 887 At the Majestic today and tonight the attractions is "Damon and Pythias," the feature film, which has attracted great attention in all sec tions of the United States. The story of the picture is founded on the friendship of the two men for each other, this friendship having been been used as an example for ages to denote the love of one man to anoth er. There are many very spectacular scenes in the picture, it is said and the entire five reels shows close study of the old story of "Damon and Pythias." The picture is being shown under the auspices and for the bene fit of the local Pythias lodges and It It expected that large crowds will at tend. The. Mother's club of th? Orange Street school will hold its final meet ing Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock and a large attendance is expected. Election of officers for the coming ear, reports of retiring committees and other important business will be transacted. The club has completed prepara tions for the lecture to the pupils of the fifth and sixth grades Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock on "The Care and T'se of the Human Mouth." Mrs. . R. Mamsey will deliver the lecture,- illustrating it with slides selected by the National Mouth Hygiene associa tion of Boston. JAMES ft. M'DEVITT HAS TO ASHEVILLE SCHOOL WON FROM MARSHALL PRESCRIPTIONS TEAQUE & OATES Phones 260-1996 A team from Marshall wag defeated Saturday afternoon by the Aahevllle school team by the score of 17 to 3, The game was played on the home grounds or the local team and was featured by the hits and runs of the locals and the errors of the visiting team. Wing made a homcrun with two on the bases. The score by Innings follows: R. H. E Marshall ... 110 000 000 2 8 Ashevllle ... 220 503 3Sx 17 20 Batteries: May, Rice and Redman Johnson, Chappeli and Carroll. I J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. "VSfatch Repairing a Specialty. To. Pack ftqaare. Coal Service TL&a means highest qual- ity Ncoal MONARCH v carein preparing your or i der, full weight Twonmt delivery by good drivers whoicareiully unload your , , coal as yon direct them. Try our service. . . , ' C:ul!::ra Cc:l Co. rb:-8 7C3 10; II. Tack Ccj. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS E. T. Henery to S. A. Lynch, prop. erty on Starnes avenue; $10 and other coislderatlona. C. P. Kerlee and wife to T. W. Solo mon, property In Black Mountain township; consideration, tilt. i LICENSED TO WED M. R. Starnes and Maude Moore. Bearing in Mind How hard It la to seU a man something be doesn't want, or la In doubt about, , end how rmmj It ia to anil htm something that be la dead sore he dor want, 70a will appreciate oar dralre to bttrreet yon In oar WABOTT PIANO 175.00 Standard, full else, high value. Ask us to show It to yon. DUNHAM'S MTJ5I0 HOUSE The home of high trade ptanoe. UIOTHER'S GLUB MEETS ON TUESDAY IFTE w Jfii monogram-ton tXi fadhtar stmnds jbr alt CHALMERS LITTLE SIX $1400 F. O. B. FACTORY HAVE YOU SEEN IT? We hare one on exhibition on our salesroom floor and will be pleased to have you come in and see it. ASHETTLLE AUTOMOBILE OO, ! 18 & 20 CHURCH ST. j WE MAKE PICTURE FRAMES A bigr variety of latest style mouldings. Pictures FREE with frames bought here for them. ROGERS BOOK STORE 39 Patton Avenue - - Rogers Press - - SO Patton Avenue Phone 254. FRESH FROG LEGS SERVED TO ORDER CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE Haywood St., Near P. O. Phones 1IO and til. Following treatment during the past week at the Highland hospital, James McDevitt who on Sunday, May 9, swallowed two bichloride of mercury tablets, was sufficiently improved to be removed to his home at No. 33 Living ston street, Victoria, yesterday after noon. It is stated that McDevitt has passed the stage where he will suffer effects from the polBon and It ts believed that within a few days he will be his nor' mal self again. J.M. INGLE SUFFERS BROKEN ARM IN FALL Fairing over a IB-foot embank ment Saturday night In the west end section, J. M. Ingle, a carpenter, suf fered a broken arm and several cuts and bruises about the head and body. It Is stated that the injured man was following a path when he lost his way In the darkness and fell down the the embankment Passeraby heard his calls for aid and he waa taken to the Mission hospital where Dr. O. D. Gardner treated his Injuries and he waa then taken home. No serious In juries are reported. Color and Mentality. Color, specially flowers, has an el Inordinary effect on the mental oondl tion. The eight of crimson, pink and ametbys( rhododendrons fro wing In the open air has a curiously uplifting and JJoyeoa effect New York Bun. They Get What You Want at the Smallest Cost Gazette -News "Want Ads" To Secure the Best THE MARKET AFFORDS, IN ' MEATS GAME POULTRY SEND YOUR ORDERS TO HILL'S MARKET Phone 3 Phone 4 I GEO. W. JENKINS, 19 Broadway, NICHOLS WAY WASHING Gives better satisfaction because better work. ' Phone Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. 11 Penland SU, Aaheville, With coal that in not m ; to standard 'in fuej j ficiencyt , Coal , Phone 40 for 1 iuu ion every time. Asheville Coal Co, jr. ju. wjsavhr. Manuw North larV e Kl J Gazette News "Want Ads" START THINGS They Start Sales and Profits Make Your Porch Comfortabli 1 And attractive by using Walts n,. -Blv UU QUllK fast colors, beautiful designs. aaaZ no more than the Inferior BEAUMONT FTJHNTTCRE CO, Home of Furniture Valuta,' l "27 Btltmore Avenue, ! KLAXON HORNS ' Both . Hand and Electric. . Guaranteed. 4D. 0. Shaw Motor Co, 52-60 Broadway. STRAWBERRIES Native stock, fresh and good quality, per basket 12y2c. Special prices by the crate i Everything in Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 NORTH PACK SQUARE AND CITY MAKKET. ' WHEN YOU GROW Tired of Long Hours i FOR DINNER TOMORROW TRY A Hamburger Loaf BAKED STAR MARKET, Phone 1917 We Are Successful Caterers to a Variety of Appetites. Spent Over a Red Hot Stove in V An Overheated Kitchen WHEN YOU GROW WEARY OF KITCHEN DRUDGERY , Carrying CoaL Splitting Kindling, Building Fires, Handling 'Ashes, Etc. " Have a Gas Range In stalled in Your Home and Enjoy Life. Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges $16.50 to $30. Laundry Phones 70 and 2096 A trial la all we ask. We treat your laundry white. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF None but high-class factory mechanics employed. Our supplies are cheaper and all work is Guaranteed. V ENTERPRISE GARAGE , J. B. Rnrabough, Gen. Mgr. Asheville Power & Light Co. SAND AND CINDERS For Sale in Any Quantity. CITIZENS TRANSFER CO. 48 Patton Ave. Phone 25. Read Gazette-News Want Ads. LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS I WnYWORRYt ' TELEPHONE 202 Farmogerm " niGn-imED ottrogex-gatiierixg bacteria. Insure your crop of Cow Peas, Soy Beans, and Crimson Clover by Inoculating- with FARMOQERM, and supply the plants with that valuable disease and drought rsslater, Nitrogen, In its most natural form. COW TEAT CIUMSOX CLOVER SOY I1EAN8 1 Acre ,-. . ..... M f 1.00 6 Acre ; , , $1.00 L. R. STRICKER - Reliable Garden and FVld Seeda. Wholesale and Retail Corner Oo!lrge and Leilntrlon. Telephone l2. The White "4-45" Car This car at $3800 is the last word in exclusive motor 4car construction. See this car and realize this fact. L ..." rc The Incomparable White, 4-30 Roadster $2030 4-30 Touring $2650 4-45 Touring 3800 6-60 Touring 6500 F. O. B. Cleveland) Asheville Motor Sshs Co. PHONE 10C0. 67-71 LH0ADWAY. VOL Con Iwi: lEes o rei to aci ste C01 su ta: on th Hi th ni !tt a a' 6: d t: a i i t l i

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