Wav. May 17, 19i5. PAGE NINE; THE ASHE VILLI GAZETTE-NEWS THE.' HOME" PAPERS HE:. GfflETTWW READ FOR PROFIT Our Want Ads I USE FOR RESULTS Phone Phone I Phone Classified Advertising Rates. 1 l insertion lo per word Jo . . r 14 tl A - " 40 - " ' t f 10 m - lis -aduced rates are for consecutive v Insertions, terms cash. ' '"; No advertisements taken for lets than the ooet of two lln. six word make a Una. , . TELEPHONE 101 Classified Advertisers May telephone their Want Ada. The Gasette-News will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion of any advertisement ordered for more than one time. The Gazette-New reserves the right to correctly classify all Want Ada. The Gasette-News will not accept phone or verbal orders to discontinue or change T. F. (Till Forbid") advertisements. Advertiser should retain re ceipts given by The Gaiette News in acknowledging pay ment for Want Ads, as no mis takes can b rectified without them. i Read for Profit 1 Use for Results frhe ABC column liEADY REFERENCE DICTIONARY n ROADWAY rtlAUMLAX wuoL, save you money on prescriptions nth or urui store BUDPlieo. 13 vears exDerience. R. H. ROTH, Proprietor, 12 Broadway. 48-26t AT.T, HP MATHEWS CASH f Grocery for breakfast bacon at 20c: sliced ham 16c: toilet paper l fnr 25c. Phone 1881. Quick aeiiv- IO-26t 'N ASH PAID FOR SECOND HA-i" I . hnnlcn. (No SChOOl DOOKS.) iV in nnn hnnks far sale Ye Old look Shop. Phone 674, ONT FAIL TO CALL GILMER Bowden for expert shoe repair ing. Opposite Gasette-News 'hone 1817. 66-$0t ET MOTOR CYCLE DELIVERY to all parts of city ana coun try. Cheap. Phone 2311. 65-SOt ILL COTTAGE, 16 GROVE l n street. Room ana ooara, spec ial weeVlv rstes. Ideal loca tion. 4 minutes' walk from square. heatly furnished. Phone 1214. 6-.ui WANT TO MAKE. THAT NEW Spring Suit for you. J. A. Mar quardt, Taylor, 6 ft BUtmore Ave. 67-30t T YERLY MOTOR CO., 10 W. COL I lege, have several remodelled cars for sale at the tight price. Phone 1651. 6S-30t yfOODY AND 60N. FRESH I IV I MeaU and Poultry. Best cuU r1'-- ta canta ner lb. Call and see. pi West Haywood 8t, 'phone 1404. .SD-lVl NUICK SERVICE DRY CLEAN I I lng Co. Special attention to V Haan n. Pa m Rufh Mllirn 1 A. flies' work done by hand. 6 hi West Pack square, over Central Cafe. Phones 836 and 888. -. 6t-S0t TTNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS. I We have severs! exceptional vavigojuv ivr email iuivi"i Those interested must act promptly. iom i, Electrical Bldg. Phone . 78-281 CLEANING AND PRESSING WANTED PALM BEACH .SUITS, " sna linen coats, ana ugnt Weight summer wear for men and Women, cleaned and pressed ex actly right Ladles work a spe cialty, phone 889, J. C WUbar. A H. SARTOR, 14 EAGLE STREET, tailored, si tared, cleaned, ana pressed for I yeara suits for Ashe vine's beet families. Give me tflaL Phone 1461. 111-101 A EKGENE JONES VALKT SER. vtos. Salts to order. Rspalrlngi I College street Phone 981. 10f-10t FOR RENT TYPEWRITERt CAPITALIZE YOUR ItPARB MO- They make every minute count for more. g the records and convince yourself. Phone 1100. Underwood Typewriter Co. It-Ill CAPTTAUtB YOUR STARE MO- mini. Kw lUA.rvnnll Thty make every mln Jte oount for more. Kt the records and convince ' yourself. I'hone 1100. Underwood TPwrltT Ce. tet REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. MO ALE & CHILES Heal Estate 23 Patton Ave. Phone 661. as FOB SALE A NEW EIGHT-ROOM nouse, two baths, two Bleeping porches enclosed in glass, hot wa ter heat, laundry in basement, com plete In every detail. Large lot and magnificent views. All streets made. See us In reference to this. Practically new,- modern 8-room house, in the Montford section, steam heat, laundry in basement and all modern improvements and fnnvAn1aneM The wnr la vflrv desirous to sell and this can be bought cheap. - li.rnnm hntiaa- mndartv fiirnnn heat, in Charlotte section. Can be bought for 3500.00. 80-lt DALE PARK BARGAIN BRAND NEW IUTNGATXVW. STRICT. ly modern. In an oak forest, a few steps from South French Broad av , enue. Southern exposure. Size of lot, about 60x100. price, 2,700. Ready to move in tomorrow. Terms, 8300.00 cash; balance on easy terms at 6 per cent. Can deliver you this house, for your occupancy, or will guarantee you a tenant at $25 per month for one year. The applicant would really like a two years' lease. '"' ' See HENRY T. SHARP. 66 American Bank Bldg. 81-lt AT CHIMNEY ROCK ASHEVILLE-CHARLOTTE HIGH- . way three lots commanding an exquisite view of tne mir acle of nature which has riven this place its name, and made it one of the marvels of the world. 21 miles from Asheville. over the finAt niitnmnhllA rofid lit western North Carolina. Are these densely wooded lots of scenlo grandeur s worth $30007 $20007 Well, they are voura. if boutrht this week, for Qmo rinv thAv mav Via wnrth $6000. This advertisement will not ' appear again. Bee UGNill X. SrlAtvf 66 American Bank Bid. i 80-lt FOR SAT.F. O RRENT S FOR SALE OR RENT BEAUTIFUL Shetland pony, perfect and gentle, weight 876, age 4 years, saddle and hrldle. Will rent for summer. Ad dress "P.," this office. P80-3t FOR SALE 27 ACRES. 8-ROOM house, almost new, 30 minutes waiK from end West Asheville car line good state cultivation; must be sold If inn It In for bariraln see this. J I Martin, ' phone 914, Harkins Bldg. 80-31 FOR SALE NINXr-RoOM HOUSE, hot water heat, servants- coiiage, garage, lot 85x260, large shade trans.' Abstract, terms to Suit. One mull lot on Carter St. D. S. Wat con. Exclusive Agent. . 62-S0t HELP WANTED MALE. FEJIALE WAltfTKD KIGH CLASS MAN. FOR city collector. Must know business J firms In Asheville and have done collecting from them. . Must fur nish satisfactory referenoes. Good future. Address P. O. Box 818, City. 7-t g. 1 1 ' CONTROL SALE OF CAS MIRE Freezers, North Carolina, $500 to t l.ooo -month should be earned, al so agents for cities and town, 6 year contract new, freezes in I ' seconds, contract for freezers en titles connections, demonstration, particulars. Casmlre, 18 So. Pack Square. P79-8t WANTED MEN YOUNG AND OLD from out of city to learn the bar ber trade and accept positions In small towns. Impossible to get city barbers for these positions al though the wages are good. Write for particulars today. Moler Bar ber College, Atlanta, Ga. P74-lt LEARN CIVIL ENGINEERING AND .surveying In a short while, uuiuoor profession, healthful, uooa oppur tunltlaa everywhere In U."S. and for' elgn oountrles. Railroads and many other corporations always nee a men Private instruction, day or night irnm raaannsble. number limited Call at once. I P. Oechsle, B. 8., i n main is American National n'anfc' Asheville. ll-P-IOt LADY OR GENfLKKAN, FAIR ED hii la travel (or old esiaoiisn' mA firm. No canvassing. Salary si eo naa weak. Dursuant to COD tract Kxpensee advanoed. ' Address O. M. Nichols, PhlladslpWa. Pa.. Vennar Hid. Pll-71 HELP WANTED MAN OR WOMAN well aoqualntea with isrruory. j Introduce our goods which sell in hrma. Iieautlful. high-grade ' line. Repeat orders come fast Splendid opportunity to build up permanent business. Exclusive . in rjhers.1 term a Exper ience unnecessary. Reference re quired. Write Gee. O. flows Co., Philadelphia, Pa, Dept T. PlT-19t Gasette-New w ani o Quick Results Try Thsml POULTRX EGGB rixrt.k rrtMR WHi'i'H: l.vn. LET hnrn nana fnr nulrir . aala At 75fi each. Best laying ana exhibition stock in tne soutn. jsggs lor natcn- Ino- 1 Kfl tnr 1 K lrU O W Moody's White ?eghorn Farm, west Asnevuie, w. j. . ,. , FOR SALE SEVEN YEARLING cock biros, B. c. wnite jyegnorns, Cyphers-Toung. Eggs from tens mated tn tliAm tinker e.lnaa confine. ment, ninety per cut fertile since February. 1.25 to 8.oo eacn. f. N. Robinson, Box 114-A, R. 1. Phone 7604. 69-8t FURX1TTJRE REPACKING. FOR REPAIRING OR UPHOLSTER lng, furniture packing or unpack ing phone 852. Screen work a specialty. , 6 8-2 It ALL KINDS OF . CARPENTER JOB work; screens made and repaired; nAolftl attantlnn in ran&lrlna fiir. nlture. All work guaranteed. W. C. Templeton, 'phone 808 6 Aston street ll-llt nuiPitn Bwnpfl WE REPAIR RANGES, FURNI- ture, sharpen sawa ana tools ox any Aaacrlntlnn. rnnalr ' locks and fit keys. S.-Ti Earley, 373 Southslde avenue. . i-bi arm ATIONtl WANTED StnaHni ilataa for situations wanted 10 words 1 time free; additional in sertions 10 cents each insertion. WANTED A POSITION AS MOTH ar'u helner or comDanlon by a Well . auxated nnrl raflned VOuntT woman. For further Information address : Mrs, I A. Farinholt, St. Genevieve's Colleee. Asheville. N. C. 79-7t HOTEL MAN, WIFE A COMPETENT housekeeper, will manage, smau hntai for summer or permanent, with view of leasing house. On sal ary or .commission . basis. "Hotel," care Gazette-News, . 62-tf. HOUSEKEEPER AND PRACTICAL nurse wishes a position. Address "L. R.." care Gazette-News. 72 -tf SANITARIUMS ROUND HILL INN. BILTMORE. N. C, R. F. V. o. I, m mue irom Ruena Vista station. Rates $8 per Week, one in a room. Plenty of milk and butter and home grown vegetables. New house and new furnishings. Finest water in the mountains of N. C. Onen the 20th of May. Tuberculosis people taken. J. 9. Tow. Manager. P76-10t Tin?. TtORCKESTER SANITARIUM. 15 Dortch Ave., just openea. new hnllillna' newlv furnished. Ample Bleeping porches. 'Food served as desired. Most desirable plaoe for convalescents. Phone 2690. 63-80t SONGS, MU6IO AND DANCING MISS EMMA BROCKWAY AUSTIN furnishes musla in ana out oi town for danoes, receptions, etc Piano only, piano and drums, or orches tra. 101 BUtmore avenue. Phone 1898. 48-30t FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS, sleeping, or ugnt nouenei)in amvnianoea. on car line. 19 Mer rimon Ave. Phone 8li. FOR RENT I FURNISHED BED rooms; board If desired, witn pn ..i. famii. - Near oars. Phone 711. 14 West street ' 47-tf FOR RENT DESIRABLE APART- mant furnished ior nousaePins. rint and second floor. Large .ntttties. I6T Asheland Ave. Tt-u r , - - ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms. Apply at, id Bourn Tencn Rrnad avauUa. 76-P7t WILL RENT A FURNISHED ROOM reasonably. In a small ramny xo a lady who ha no tubercular trou ble. "H. A.," car Gasette. P78-3t BARBER SHOPS. FOR BARBER PHONK 110.. B. Bailey. GUARANTEE BARBER SHOP, BUtmore Ave, manegea cy uermaa specialist s open. Halrcuttlng 160. Guarantee best work is state. Pre fer good class of people only. FOR SALE Nice little four-room ootlage with bath; good else lot and close to car line. Price $l,800.oo. ' WMTERN CAROLINA REALT CO. 10 N. rack Sq. ITione 17. SPECIAL tTS SUPPLY "YOU WITH A court stenographer to report trial cases, hearings before masters or referees report conventions or do high class stenography In any line; we also supply expert accountants and all classes of office help. Shook- ley's Agenoy, No. 8 North Pack Sq. u-t PRINTING WE WANT 100 MORE good patrons Just like the hun dreds we already have those who appreciate good work, prompt ser vice, and "who "smile while they tav." Whiteside Printing Co.. 22 B. Pack Square. Phone 1787: 79-26t FTREI FIRE! FIRE! WATER AND out; the next thing is to get the safe open. Telegraph or telephone tne Asheville Barber Supply Co., 23 Broadwav. Tel. 952. Sate-locK ex pert always at your service. 81-2t WANTED TO BUY OR RENT A set of North Carolina Reports, An notations preferredWrite Clyde H. Jarrett, Andrews, n. i;. 76-Tt LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED, trunks repaired, umbrellas repaired and re-oceverd. , Keys of all kinds fitted. Scissore, - knives and all edge tools sharpened. J. Will Kes terson, with Asheville Barbers Sup- nlv Co.. Tel. 952. 23 Broadway. 78-1M SPECIAL AUTOMOBLE RATES TO XHacra Vi mAiintatn lrn I7. hv thft nft.V leaving Asheville from 9 to 10. The Lyerly Motor Co., 10 WeBt Coiiese St. Phone 1661. so-aoi WANTED YOUR LAWN MOWERS to sharpen and repair, we nave an expert on this class of worn, ana maoftlnarv tn An th work satisfac torily. Phone 165 and wrwlll send for mower and return. Terms: cash on return ot mower. Ashe ville Supply ft Foundry Company. FIRST NEW SUMMER CLASS BE- gins at the Asheville. Business col lege Monday, May 3rd. New, first class typewriters (any make) go with all full Summer Scholarships tor free private use. ir you are interested, please call' or write. Henry S. Shockley, principal, third floor North Pack square. 64-3L NEW SUMMER SCHOLARSHIPS in snortnana. Typewriting, or doom keeping, Include free Home service t ftral.claaa tvnawrlters. Call or write for particulars. Henry 8. Ehockley, principal, no, I norm Pack square, 3rd floor, 65-7t WANTED YOU TO TRY A LOAD of our nice kiln dried kindling. Telephone 821, Plsgah Lumber Co., successors to English Lumber Co. 61-80t PRINTING WE WANT 100 MORE good patron just uk tne nun a reds we already have those who appreciate good work, prompt ser vice, ana wno -smiie wmie mey n.u" Whltaalda Printing Co.. 12 Sl Pack Square. Phone 1787, 48-2lt DRESSMAKING WANTED SEWING, BOTH PLAIN and fancy. Children's ciotnes a specialty. Phone 1722 78-7t DRESSMAKING AND ALL KINDS of alterations. Mrs. Allen, 14 Broadway, . 65-llt HIGH CLASS DRESSMAKING FOR hlirh class OBODle. 67 East. Mrs Gideon. 1 1-1 It WANTED BOARDER! WANTED A FEW BOARDEnS AT 117 N. Lexington avenue. Close in, on car line. Modern conveniences. Raise reasonable. Phone 1147. 68-30t HILL CREST NOW OPEN FOR THE summer. Large, airy rooms. New management I minutes' walk from Rouen. 10 Clayton St Phone 8626. si-u Ut PRIVATE FAMILY OF TWO adults, very select neighborhood, all conveniences; plenty pt milk and ma Rates reasonaMa. aire. tt. T. Bohannan, 191 Merrlmon. Phone 171. -ioi nw anija ASHELAND AVE.. ON car line from depot ana tnrs block from square, xnorougniy cleaned and new furniture from top to bottom; all modern oonvenlenoes; good table; reasonable rate. 47-IOt THE ELTON" AN IDEAL HOME- like plaoe to ttoaro. oems vim 'privet bath. Hot water hsat Special rate for next three months; ejao for table board ere; Hood bom cooking. Central location. 41 Bpmoe St, Mr. M. Walk Ins. Pboo III. I"401 The Want Ada In The Onette New always get satisfactory re sult. ' i FURNISHED HOVSE&) FOR RENT MOALB & CHILES Real Estate 13 Patton Ave. Phone 661. :' FOR RENT FURNISHED 8. room house in Charlotte section 840.00 7-room house in Montford section ........ 87.50 8-room house In Grove Park. 125.00 8-room anartment on Mont ford Ave. ........... . . .. 88.88 fl-room apartment on Panola Treat ......... 10.00 Others from 826.00 UD. We have a number of very de sirable furnished residences ranging tn nrlcea from 8100 to 8250. which have never before been offered for rent, in Merrlmon. Grove Park and Montford sections. 80-lt FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED five-room house with large sleeping porch, close in. WESTERN CAROLINA REALTY COMPANY, 10 North Pack Square Phone 974.". . " 80-3t FOR RtfNT FURNISHED, FIVE- rnom buncralow. sleeping porch, ser vant's room, good shade. Cottage has been newly done over , inside onri out. 837.60 month. Ray- Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood Place. Phone 1281. 80-tf HIGH, AIRY, VERY COMFORTA- ble house, 7, 8 or rooms, sleep ing porch to all bedrooms, very reasonable, no invalids. Kesponsi Me nartv only. 232 Haywood St e-ti AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES FOR SALE 30 HORSE - POWER Overland tourintr car. Tires almost new. Phone 2326. 72-tf SIGHT SEEING CAR sirm "TtKATiTTFCL SUNSET MOUN- tain rsrnva Park. Swannanoa Drive, Montford and, Cumberland avenues for one dollar. Phone 431. P81-7t HIGH GRADE AUTOMOBILE AND Carriage Painting. Automooue xops made ana repaired, uur woritmen are factory experts. Tlddy Bros., 2fi N. Lexington avenue. 7-26t RKPATRTNG Motorcycles. bicycles. typewriters, lock ana gunsmun work. Lawn mowers sharpened; nvthini, atactricsl renalred. All work guaranteed. Asheville Cycle Co., 28 W. College street, -pnone 2311 . t6-26t WANTED SALESMEN AGENTS COME IN AND SEE THE CASMEKE Freezer freeze 'creams, ices, in five seconds, many flavors as desired on the same occasion; samples free. Casmlre. 18 South Pack Square. P79-8t DISTRIBUTORS WANTED TO hlre.several men and women. Dis tribute free pkgs. Soap Powder with aoacs. etc. Experience unneces- nrv. State wasres eXDected. Write Ward Co.. 217 Institute. Chicago. P80-lt GOOD MEN WANTED TO SELL fruit and ornamental trees, ugr.t work. Good pay. Permanent Job. Write us today. Smith Bros., Dept 124. Comcord. Ga. 88-P-80t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS pnn RALE SECOND-HAND NO. 4 Underwood typewriter. First ciass condition. Phone la. u FOR RALE ANY QUANTITY KILN dried building DricK, u. n. nuiim Prop. Emma Brick Yard a H. A. Brown, agent Phone 341. 14-tf OAK STOVE WOOD THAT BURNS. $1 and tl loads. M. R. Btarnea Phone 1871. Tl West Bt ll-llt FOR SALE CHEAP, DROP-HEAD Singer sewing macnine, s snow case, rebuilt ranges, furniture, I phonographs; station for secret or der. & T. Earley, 171 Southslde avenue. ll-llt PLANTS AND FLOWERS. FOR SALE CAULIFLOWER plants, tomato plants, potted ana unpotted, sweet potato plants, cabbage-head lettuce plant and Early Jersey Wakefield cabbage plant. Beets, egg and pepper plants later on. M. A. Creaaman, 14 Flint phone 118. . P71-18t TOMATO PLANTS, EGO PLANTS, pepper plants, sweet potato plants later. All kinds of bedding plant for yard. Phono 19, Tl-tf PLANTS POTTED SPARKS EAR. liana. Ponder osa and stone iso per dozen. Chinese Giant Ruby King and Long Cayenn pepper Ite per dosen. Black Besuty Egg Plants ready In ten days. Cab bage plants iSo per hundred. Sweet Potato plans ready In ten days. I R. Btrlcker. Thone 1411. 7I-I0t BUILDING SUPPLIES NOW 18 PAINTING AND PAPERING time; money saved. Contractors tor house painting, paper I hanging, kalsomining, interior decorating. Excelsior Paint and Paper House. 84 Broadway. Phone 187. e-iui BUILD NOW MATERIALS CHEAP- er than In years. Get "Oireot irom mill tn lob orloes." Estimates cheerfully figured. Williams-Brow- nell Planing Mill Co., wnoiesaie lumber, sash, doors, mouldings, BUtmore, N. C. 41-80t LOST AND FOUND LOST FINE WHITE ANGORA OAT, about six months old. Kewara ior return to Miss Pansy C. Britt, 46 Charlotte St. - P81-8t HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE NICE PAIR 8-YEAR- old chestnut sorrell horses, weigh ing about twenty-two hundred lbs Lawrence Loughan, 'phone 1493. , B78-3t FOR SALE FARM HORSES. ALSO rnnd aacnnil hand carrlasres. busr- glea and harness both single and double. Phone 60. 82 W. College. Brltt and Webb Livery Co. 69-80t FOR SALE TWO SMALL MULES' nnd harness, $225.00. J. v. tinoe- hranfl faad end sales Stable. 86-17 South Lexington avenue. Phones 2000 and 82. t - J. H. CREASMAN LTVERY. 68-60 BUtmore Ave. First Class livery oi all kinds; experienced drivers. Most reasonable rates in tne city. Phone 1689. 79-tf HAVE YOUR HORSES CLIPPED now. thev look better.and feel bet ter. Horses ' boarded $18.00 per month. 3. V. Hildabrand. board and sa'j stable, 35-87 N. Lexington avenue. Phones 2000 and 82. 7-tr FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED APART- ment with all modern conveniences, close in. O. D. Reveii, A. B. i oy, is Revell Bldg. Phone 829. 26-tf. APARTMENTS COMPLETELY FUR- nlshed, $10.00 a month up. Close In; no sick taken. Phone 2626. 80-80t NOTICE OF SALE. Under and bv virtue of the power and authority vested In me, the un- riarsltrnad trustee, by the terms, condi tions and power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Wil liam R. Hamilton, dated July 14, 1910, and duly registered in book No. 100 at page 878, of the records of mortgages and deeds of trust for Buncombe county, N. C, reference to which is hereby made, and default having been made In the payment of the debt se cured by said deed in trust wnereoy the power of sale became operative, anil demand bavins' been made upon the undersigned trustee, by the holders of the notes secured thereby, that said ale be made, I will, on Saturday, the inth rlnv nf Juno. 1915. at 13 o'clock. noon, at the court house door ot Bun combe county, In the city of Asheville, N. C, expose for sale to the nignesi htrtder for cash, the following describ ed land and premises, lying and bains In the city of Asneviue, uuncomoe county, North Carolina, adjoining the la1a nf Tlhra MrCurrv. J. R. Price and others, and more particularly de scribed as follows: Tinnlnninir at a stake adiolnlng Dr. Hawthorne's line, and the alley and street car right of way, and running thence with J. R. Price's line slxty-slx (66) feet and two (2) Inches to a stake; thence South, up the valley, with Dora McCurry's line, fifty (60) feet to Woody s llnei thence witn Woody' lln seventy-four (74) feet to a stake In the alley; thence North fifty (50) feet to tne Beginning. Thl the 17th day of May, 1111. J. A. WHITE, Trustee. 81 -May IT, 14, 11; June 7. Want Ads 1 Cent A Word Or 3 Times 2 Cents A Word The Quickest Returns at the Smallest Oost READ FOB PROFIT, USE FOR RESULTS. Gazette-News UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT MOALE & CHILES' Real Estate 23 Patton Ave. Phone 661. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED 6- room house in Charlotte section ....... .$22.50 5- room house with sleeping porch, close in .......... 25.00 7- room house with two sleep ing porches ....... ..... 30.00 8- room house with two sleep ing porches, two baths, new 15.00 7-room house in Grove Park, never been occupied .... . 60.00 6- room house on Highland street ......... ...12.60 5-room house on Livingston street, new ....... ...... 18.00 80-lt FOR RENT SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, i 182 Haywood St.; garaen, snaae trees. D. S. Watson. 62-80t . FOR RENT UNFURNISHED, 1 rooms on Charlotte street Just been , done over Inside $32.50; 7 rooms on Merrimon in excellent condition $35,000; 7 rooms close in good as new $30.00; 6 rooms near in $20.00; new 7-room house, near in, very atractive $40.00; 7-room brick, bungalow, new, Grove Park, Z0Jiv, others up to $200 a month. " F. M. MESSLER & SON, Phone 682 . 80-3 Financial NEW YORK STOCKS " New York, May 17. Last Satur- l day's price recoveries were resumed on a broaded and more general scale at tho nntaet nf tradintr on the stock market this morning. Standard shares gained three points, while war spe cialties roes three to seven points. Bethlehem Steel made the greatest advance, reflecting confidence in a aatiafactnrv arHustment of interna tional complications. In London, American shares showed nrmness. Dealings were fairly large, but with nnt anarlnl feature. United States Steel was the only stock to show un usual activity, opening witn a diock or 4,600 shares offered at 56 H to 63, against last week's close of 61 T&. PLEADS FOR THE JOBLESS. President of the Itinerant Workers' Union Defines Its Objeots. Jeff Davis, International president of the Itinerant Workers', union, was giv en the privilege of the floor at one of the sessions of the American Federa tion ot Labor convention. In a witty, snappy speech, in "hobo lingo", full of epigrams, switching for moments Into pathos and political science, be offered the services of bis organization to the American Federa tion of Labor, advocated a Universal eight boor day as a solution of the problem of the unemployed and plead. , ed th causa of the "down and outers." . . When the hobo king tried to atop talking, though It was forty-flve min. . utes past adjournment time, he was n urged to go on. Gales ot laughter greeted his humorous statements and a sympathetic silence nis nignis ot emotion. ' "For one thousand years," be de clared, "society has been Investigating the hobo. Now the hobo Is lnvestlgat- -lng society. "A hobo is a man out oi a jod, wno wants work and will work under right conditions. "A tramp Is a man who doesn't work ' and won't work If it Is given him. "A bum Is a man who couldnt work If he would. "Stray cats and stray dogs get soma attention, but strsy men get non. "The authorities arrest us for vs. grancy and give ns bard work with little food and comfort W are lining up all those who will work on our side In an effort to get society to recognla that w exist and to grapple with the problem. "Congressman Frank Buchanan Is a ' member of our organization, and ws t hare bis support for th repeal ot the vagrancy laws. lie was ones a hobo and is a member of the organization," " Davis declared that bis organization was chartered In Indiana and that 400.000 men already bad taken the "hoboes' oath," which, pledged them to help those who help themselves, re turn runaway children to their homes and sever taks another man's Job, Square Deal Needed Tor Humorist. Let us bo fair. It a man didn't hog an Us chang tor bis personal com forts and went flfty-flfty with bis wlf the Joke about her frisking bis pockets at night would soon dls for want ot noarlihmant OnrlnnaU Enquirer, 'Nonrustlna Hooks. If you boll books and eyes In strong soda water before sewing tbem on garments It will prevent their Iron molding In to wist. mi ..a ..-

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