TOE ASHEVILLE GAZETTS-NEWS PAGE THEES' 3 A DA 'mWMAEF HOLIDAY You Must Wear Colored Shoes To Be in Style vA. June 11, 1915 - ' ' t' "' I lent-m in nr irnrn ' 1 1 z I BEHLiH REJECTS UK OF U. S. HUME Ill Price $4.25 I i Dame Fashion insists thta your shoes match your gown. "Wo have now on display a wide variety of the season's authentic styles in two-tone models. The illustration gives a vague idea of their attractive ness. Included are beautiful designs with patent or gun metal vamps and quarters, in the correct shades of putty, pearl, sand, midnight blue, etc. Other two-color effect designs with which you can match any gown or suit, at $3.50 to $4.50 No Odds and Ends No Old Stock No Bargains No Discounts. A Good Shoe Store nvfrlmo- the courtesy of credit to those entitled. Shoes sent on approval. Shoes sent C. 0. D. bliocs exchanged. Your money back for any shoes bought of us that are not satisfactory to you in every respect. Queen Quality Shoes for Ladies The Stylish Shoes of the Hour. Florsheim Shoes for Men Who Care. Educator Shoes for Children That Permit the Feet to Grow Natural. WE POLISH LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES FREE A5HEXILLCN.C lJ Specials for Today and Tomorrow 174 All Silk Crepe de Chine Waists, positively the $3.50 value at $1.98 Golfine Coats, Brocaded, Silk Lined Value $10.00 at $4.95 Tique and Linen Skirts, the very newest models. Value $3.50 at $1.98 Buy. Your Children's Undergarments at THE .-STORE.' PCPULA1U New German Note Enlarges on Provisions of Treaty Between United States and Prussia. SPEAKS OF EXTREME MILITARY NECESSITY MCooLK Big Saving This Summer These things are all possible if you will have a gas range installed in your kitchen. A gas range makes sum mer cooking bearable; yes, more than that, enjoyable. Gas means less work, worry and trouble. You spend a great compelled to imt in there, and aeai oi your lime in your tuouueu. j.mun., j""'v, v "-"j j r ., think of those warm days last summer. Then ask yourself this question-Can I afford to go through another sumy mer without a gas range y Interned German Taken As Spy, Italian Report Part, June 11. The captain of the German converted crulaer Prlni El tel Frledrlch has been arretted dis guised a a cook on board an IU-Uan tamr. eaye an Algerian dispatch to the Havaa agency. Not Tlilertchctn. Norfolk. Juno 11. Captain Thler Ichnm nf tv. nsmui converted cruiser Prim Eltel Frtedrlch haa re- ..-.. . . .wni.. vrfttlted . .wiiinu xrom loftvv ui wnv m him on June I and la now aboard hie vessel, When he secured leave oi ..... ttd that he Intended to .Lit vw York and waaninnon. a...nfi Rehler of tne H-liei given tine month's leave at the aame time for study at jonna uopmni n nitni in Haltlmore. 1 . . . . I lhlit MiP. t. i. ..n.mnn rmi inn imiu w- ni. Nnln. an officer of the att month ago. ha jciibi wnw . - . .. . mftttitr hn been raiiea io i - . reported to the navy department for Investigation, many moumi be the man captures. Insists That Frye Case Should! Be Considered by the Prize Court If Only to Fix Indemnity. Washington, June 10. Ger manv's latest note to the Unit ed States on the sinking of the American sailing ship William P. .Frve bv the German auxil iiirv cruiser Prinz Eitel Freid- rich makes far reaching claims as to the right to destroy any American vessel carrying con traband, while agreeing to pay damages tor such action, i Two points made by United States are rejected by Ger many. The first was contained in the American note to Germany of Arril 28. which contended that a prize court proceeding meant unnecessary delay in all such matters of this nature susceotable of prompt settle ment through diplomatic chan nels. The other was that the destruction of the Frye was unquestionably a violation of the obligation imposed on tne Trrmerial government under existing treaty stipulations be tween the United btates and Prussia. Under the treaty of 1898. the bindine nature of which was admitted by Ger many in her note April 5, the risrht of citizens of either coun trv to shin arms and ammuni tion, as well as other contra band, in their own vessels was "ranted in time of war, bu each had the right to detain contraband and pay tor it 1 confiscated. The new German note en larges on the treaty provisions bv claim that while the treaty might not specify the visrht to destroy ships of such character, nevertheless if the contraband could not be stop ped in any other way the par ties could in extreme cases et fect this by the destruction of contraband and the ships car rying it. The effect of the Herman an swer, if its assertions are ac cepted by the United States, would be to throw into a prize nnurt for decision nil cases where the destruction of an American vessel is considered an extreme case of military ne cessity. International law, outside ot ;he treaty stipulations, con lain many moot questions on hia noint. whilo the declara tion of London established that in a final case of military ne nssitv anv shiD whose cargo is more than half contraband mav bo destroyed, after pas aentrprn and crew have been 'w . ' ransferred to places or saiety The declaration was not rat ified by the United States and; express notice or tnia was given again I the American government to Germany in the note of April .' declaring that tho United States did not regard tho declaration as in force. NOT MUCH FUN TO IT. Do you enjoy carrying a pail of coal? Is there any fun in sifting the ashes? Can anyone get any enjoy ment out of cooking a meal in a roasting hot kitch en? In the smothering heat of the summer is there any pleasure in constantly living in coal dust, coal smoke, and rub, rub and scour from morning till night? Does anyone love hard work as well as that? Don't we all like to take life easy and make it as comfortable as possible? There is only one way to do that banish the coal stove and all the drudgery and hard work goes with it. Then bring in the gas range A wHli H smrift eomfort and economy, for not only is gas more convenient than coal but it costs less to operate. NO WASTE NO TROUBLE NO WORRY ' Cookinsr bv coal or wood means a lot of hard work i for either a coal or wood fire must have lots of atten- : TV U ir, v Vin navt tlW Prilci Tift it. OTlftfc' 11UU. A UDI, Jib AO lAJU vv. i T? way or the other, it will cause you trouble. TTro cms in vrvnr kitchen and vou can retrulate the Vmrnpr nf vmir ransre to rive iust the amount of heat needed. There is never any waste nor is there any , It 1 T 1J. nlnwm lS IMtAjlllAll ' ' worry tne oesirea resuii, uau aiviaya uo jjiuviuocvi.' And to cook successfully it is absolutely necessary' that the heat be graduated at times. Use coal or wood on ppTit. nf the heat eoes up the chimney. The 10 nor cent, that is left cooks your food and half cooks j s . the cook Asheville Power and Light . AW JB SALES ROOM 102 PATTON AVE. IltRS SHU HE OFFICERS Prominent Suffragists Seek to Prove Lawyers Are Not El igible for Legisla tive Membership. nut thort. la not a school official in vriii fornUnn who was earnestly In terested In the passage or tne aci bestowing, the right to serve as school onmrnittPa mpmbers UDon women, who docs not fear the constitutionality of thnt act as the court la now ;on There are 150 women now serving. Tf l trntinrnllv ndmittpd In the oom- miinitiRii which have these committee- women that they serve better than - he mm do. A test case would unaouoi edly jeopardize every district with uiiph n rnmmlttee member. The 191'J pose of visit could have afforded the rmmnnriar nf the submarine any jus- fiatrn fnr so much as outtlng the lives of those on board tne snip in Thl nrinclDle the govern ment of the United States understands it. - Avr.ittD inatriiptlnnn Issued on At a 191 hv the imoerial Ger man admiralty to Its commanders at sea, to have recognized ana emooaieu, no Ar. nio nnvnl nodes or ail ouier na tions, and upon It every traveler ana seaman had a right to depend. It Is r, thia nrinciDle of humanity as I well as upon the law founded upon (Cy W. T. Host). RaloiKh. June 11. Secretary I'.ry- general assembly held that thse places are not officers, but positions of tn.Bt and tiroflt. The scnooi act ap pears to have more legal weak points than the other. Another Dnnsor. Ih sueeested. Tne nnr.arol nuucmblv tTlVPS tO V property owners the rlsht of petition in school elections. Many nave e-i- thls principle that the United States must stand. Th ornvernment of the United States is happy to observe that your excellency's note closes with the inti mation that the Imperial German gov- v, i . miner nnw. an before, to women accept the good offllces of the United Raloiuh. June 11. Secrotaiy i-iy- .,, ,hnt nrivileae. There is a feel an's resiRnation temporarily displayed j lnsecurlty here and that special the woman s notary uwusi look on new enersy a few days apo .Tie diii WHY WORBYl TELEPHONE 202 LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS' Not VandcrWlfa. . tojim Jnn 10. Th London rap rcaentatlva of tha Vandcrbllt family haa racelvad word from Queenatown that tho body rcovrd In County Clara laat nlRht la not that of Alfred r. npr.minint mpmner ..!..,. n nnniirmnh or two that may add to the entertainment of Hie peo- P'?- . . .... h'uffrak'e henilqu'irterf tn .New urn. with tho McCormlcka. the t ints, ine Shawa and other notaliles. have V.een reading the story which lisis ciut hiie iiinln n 11 nnn tho leelslativo oiporeol- lly of Urpresentativ-ri Al'.red and Vnnn nnd Senator cnariea a. jowir. fhe local story which dun up ihe du- ..iu., ..f ,,:lw a innrarna ! imw (.cntlemen is being maan pr.iimKiin ii and whethi-r Mr. Rrymi gios hmn- dlntely Into ehn-tnlliln4 -it not, thrse North Ciirolin:i eventu will nut De ut terly overshadowed. Not only do the aulTragistH Invest the whole leulHlative buslnes.4 with dark and dreadful mystery, hut they are about to prove by the supremo court thnt n lawyer Is an officer and therefore Ineligible for legislative membership. They would not numiy a grent nnd patriotic nooy nne - general assembly, but they migni in sist htnt being officers n lawyers are nnd nlwnys tell the Juries mat tney are. an Interregnum in mo n'wmi"i remove them from sucn omce nnn dequlres re-examlnatlon. Annu film HIVIn DWVPn aB i.iiinjr ------ fliers". Modest as lawyers are, tney will not hnve their chlefest grace Im peached when they any the notary Is n lesslmportant omce mn mo hi-.. The notary does clerical duties; tho i. "it " The lawyers must lake a prescribed oath of alleglnnee both to the state nna io ino unn there Is no form for notaries. Thi nromlnent attorney referred to knows the Inside story aa to the ad mission of Mlsa Holton to the bar. This set the precedent. The supreme court objected with areat vigor t her receiving license and held that "law yer" was an office. hen cauea to inn court's mind that this would disqual ify always a third and perhaps moro than a half of the general assembly ofent. besides a large number of the state officers. Including many govern- ... manv nf the lawver-Ieglsln- n would have uimeuuy in gem.. back Into line the profession. A njw examination would terrorise mem. Women were then admitted. - no kindness, however, was not to th women, but to the lawyers. Aside from the purely ludicrous dde of It is a more srlous one. Many mrm- i ihi lnta innerai assemoiy i- utir ih. nniurv set upon purely con- ..i nn.i rnunds. They may have had others but didn't brsa abiit IB. l.ov .liKtrlets all over North Carolina may suffer by reason of this decision. And dually, with a general nswnn-ij f.,n f l-nlvorsilv trustees, it Is serl- ouhlv urgued that a triisleeHhii) is an office, one in which lis holder actually legislates in the intercut of tho State of North Carolina. What will become of those leglnlators who hold the nota rial commission, the legal license, '.he legislative commission and tho univer sity truhtoeshlp, four offices in all? NOTE NEED NOT LEAD TO WAR IS THE BELIEF (Continued fom page 1) used by the German naval authorities In sinking tho vessel. "Hut the sinking of passenger ships i....i... ,.ri, ii,ii n nf humanity which throw Into the background any special ..i...n,o nf iietnll that may be thouaht to affect the ca.i'. principles .-t.i..h lift It as the mticriai uermim . ...,.., i will no doubt be quick to recognize and acknowledge, out of the class of ordinary subjects of dlplo ...i,, i.,Mlalnn or of International controversy. Whatever be the other rdln tho I,usltnnla, the tnrt la that a Kreat steamer ....ii mnr than a thousand souls who had no part or lot In the conduct of the war. was lorpeuocu aim without so much as a challenge or a warning, and that men. women an 3 children were sent to their ucain in circumstances unparalleled In modern wnrfnre. The fact that more than ono hundred American citizens were among those who perished made It tho duly of the government of the United States to apeak of thea olhlngs and one more, with solemn emphasis, to -on .,. attention of the Imperial Ger man government to the grave respon sibility wnicn tne " United Btates conceives max u nam in curred In this trnglc occurrence, and to the indisputable principle upon which thHt responsibility rests. The government of tho United States Is contending for something much great er than mere rights of property or . nn.mrea. It is contend- ing for nothing less high and sacred .n..Ai.iinin honors ltHptf tn re spectlng. and which no government Is a i in. j hjisii ir n 1 n ir mi ur i io a v those under lis care mm u. JuKUIICtl. "Only her actual resistance to cap . i A atnn when ordered lure or rnuwi v " to do o for the purpose of visit could hdve afforded to a ' !.... l o,i ptlemnt to come 10 ttii njn.innillne with the governmeni 01 Great Urituin, by which the character and conditions of the war upon mo sea may be chanKed. The government .t, st:ite would consider it a privilege thus to serve Us friends and the world. It stands ready at any time to convoy to either governine." any intimation or suggestion the other may be willing to have it convey -1 i cordially invites the imperial German goveinninent to moke use of its ser vices In this way at us co.iv. -The whole world is concerned in an- i,.it m;iv bring about uen .t partial accommodation oi iii".""" ' in any way mitigate the terrors of the. present distressing conflict. "In the meantime, whatever ar- rangement may happily be made be-1 tween the parlies to the war nnd what- i ., i .hi nnlnlon of the impe- rial German government have been the nrovocation or the circuuiM.n jutilicu.tion for the past acts ot us commanders at sea tne guve. .. ... ... united States coniulenuy i" co tho justice and humanity oi i government oi Uermany uiiU.v.- all cases where Americans have been wronged or their rights as n.-ui... a"The government of the United States therefore very earnestly and very solemnly renews the representa tions of Us note transmuicu i - oorlal Germnn government on tm 15th of May and relies In these repre sentations upon the principles of hu- manity. me u.i.t' '""" . JL....iin- nf international law and the ancient friendship ot the German na.V""l t of the United States cannot admit that the procla mation of a war rone rrom w n.v.. ... -. . . Knon warned to keep trai snipe i n.a4. to ouerate as in sway -- , UimiG MILL P1K5 BIG PRICE FOB BIE German Dyes Cost $1,750 Per Barrel A Live Trade Board at Marion. (, , W. "W. Neal, manager of tho Ma- lion Knitting mills, was a visitor to ( Asheville yesterday. In conversation. at the. board of trade rooms ho stated that the board of trad recently or-' ganized In Marion with J. W. Grif fith as secretary Is doing efficient! and effective work in the way ot bringing the advantages of Marion to the attention of the people of other) .places. The business and professional! men of Marion are taklne a live ln itercst in the work of the organization !he said. Director 11. W. Redwood land the secretary of the Asheville) board of trade participated In the. reorganization. , V.pgarding the effect of the Euro pean war on tho knitting industry, Mr. Neal states that they now hava only about a month's supply of Ger man dyes on hand, and that the dy ho formerly 'bought for 18 centa a, pound has now been advanced to J3.!"Ci a pound, or from 0 a Darrei to Jl,"!i0 a barrel. OF FRINGE USE PRAISED Boulonge, France, June 11. A trib ute to tho soldler-pi tests of Franc Is paid In a pamphlet Just issued oy the Countess do courson. The number of priests In the French nrmv exceeds 20,000, drawn from .u, different orders. Carthusian, snv degree an abbreviation oi t,m ,,-,. Baleslans. Nor- right, either of American ilPn" ! t;rt Ine's and Bendlctlnes. M or of American citizens uou.m ful errands as passengers on merchant ships of belligerent nau....... a. . understand the Imperial Ger man government to question those rights. It understands u. - cept as established neyonu the principle that the Uvea of non- combatants cannot inwrui y ri.b.- fully be put in jeoparoy uy -ture or destruction of an unresisting merchantman, and to reOB... ... obligation to take sumciem " to ascertain whether a auspected mer chantman is in fiwt belligerent na- ttonollty or la 'n tact nrn ui "..""L-n nf the United Btafs therefore oeems n bertlnes and Bendlctlnes. Men who hold high office in the church ara frequently privates In tna army ana .hoi- inferiors In the priesthood are their superiors under military dis cipline. The youngvr men ser the first line, the older men are em ployed as stretcher-bearers and hos pital orderlies. The actual military chaplains are always men ever 41 vesrs old. and their work to entirely ecclesiastical. The moral influence oi mo .... nrlests at the front among the men la Immense, and Madame de Courson tells many awedotea or tneir cour age good humor and splendid flghtln spirit. There are descriptions ot mass being relebratea 07 .- - - meat will ufiwi tne muiiB ; rv v.mirbllt. 1