,.June 11, 1915. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE 1TV3 "nnnn F IT MUST 06. ARO0N0 ft' Allowed Lut 10 Hits for Two Games The Patriots Made Only One Score. 1 yJ9 v 1 nil flCJ UUb DOUBLE HEADER featuring 25C Undermuslins SECOND GAME A featuring 25C Undermuslins PITCHER'S BATTLE . " B THrCTTTn'C XTTCTTrTir V t RESULTS YESTERDAY (forth Carolina League. Nortn Won. lost .; Pet. 97 19 .675 pie " ,"24 13 .649 ' " "!'.21 17 .553 '" " " 14 22 .389 Fb0c, " !..15 25 .375 an-Salem 14 25 .359 itte - " jfational League. , Won. Lost. Pet bs- . .28 18 .609 !0 " " ".'.26- 19 -B68 lelphia 23 21 523 '"n " " ".,'.22 22 .500 22 22 .500 urSh 24 24 .500 uls- '" 17 24 .415 natl 17 25 .405 fork 1 lbs. fco ... lington York , land land . buls . fcelphla t H a? n n .tt H K K It K K H s H K V, North Carolina League. "At Greensboro 1-0; Asheville 10-1. At Winston-Salem 3; Raleigh 9. At Charlotte 2-5; Durham 1-4. National League. At St. Louis 13; New York 2. At Cincinnati 2: i Brooklyn 2. (14 innings, darkness.) At Pittsburgh 2; Boston 1. At Chicago-Philadelphia, rain. ' " ' ; American League, ''-.' At New York 4; Chicago 5. At Philadelphia 11; Cleveland 1. At Washington 8; St. Louis 2. At Boston 6; Detroit 5. . Charlotto Won Double Bill From Dur hum and Raleigh Defeated. Win ston in Well Played Game. American League. Won. Lost. .. ....31 17 ..31 ..22 . .21 . .20 . .19 ..19 . .18 . .17 19 18 20 23 25 . 25 28 29 lbs. is City lurgh . irk .. klyn . louis . so inore . Ho... Federal League. Won. Lost. . ..29 19 . ..25 19 ...24 21 . . .25 22 22 21 24 23 . ..17 29 18 31 Southern League. Orleans ingham IvlUe .. this .. kanooga Ita .. Rock Won. Lost. .34 19 .28 ' 23, .30 25' . .28 . .25 ...24 . . .20 . ,19 24 24 29 32 32 Pet .646 .620 .550 .512' .465 .432 .432 .391 .370 Pet. .604 .568 .533 .532 .612 .511 .370 .367 ' Pet. .642 .549 .545 .538 .510 .453 . .385 .373 ' ' ' Fcdcrai League. . At Kansas City 5; Chicago 3. At Brooklyn 7-2; Newark 9-1. 'At Ttriltlmnrn 3-1 ; RiifTaln 6-5. ' Pittsburgh-St. Ixuis,'not scheduled International League. ,At Jersey City 3; Providence 11. At Newark 4; Richmond 3. At Buffalo 1; Rochester 12. At Montreal 3; Toronto 1. Amprlran Association. . At Cleveland 5; Minneapolis 4. (11 innings.) At Columbus 1; Kansas City 6. At Louisville 5; Milwaukee 2. . At Indianapolis 7; St. Paul 4. South Atlantic League. ,h Won. Lost. Pet Unn 31 2Z .B ., 29 29 Inbus 29 Ifonvllle -25 knbia .... binah . . . . bsta IS .23 ' 23' 25 26 .25 28 .23 28 33 Southern Lea cue. At Chattanooga 3; Birglnham 2 (14 innings.) At Little Ttoek 1: New Orleans 1. (Called to allow New Orleans catch train.) At Memphis 1; Atlanta 5ik (11 In nings.) - At Nashville 5; Mobile 4. .558 .55'8 .637 .490 .472 .451 .353 South Atlantic League. At Albany 3; Savannah 6. At Jacksonville 0; Charleston 6. At Columbus 3; Columbia 2. At Macon 0; Augusta 10. Virginia League. At Norfolk 3; Rocky Mount 3. At Portsmouth 4; Petersburg 7. At Newport News 7; Suffoli: 4. . . - Have you joined the Y. M. C. A. Tennis Club? SDecial Summer Rates. (13 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 9 . C. Candler and wife to E. G. (era, property near Leicester; con- fratlon. $500. lina E. Roekly to Mary L. McCall, pert? In Lennox park; considera- 10. 8900 CAMBRIDGE MEN IN MILITARY SERVICE Cambridge. Eng., June 11. The Cambridge Review's list of past and present members of the university on active service now contains 8,900 names. Of these 250 are dead and oan nmimriori Nearlv 100 have receiv ed honorable mention in official dis patches. , Special to The Gazette-News. rsrenshooro. June 11. "Doc" Fer ris again demonstrated the fact that he is in the one-two-three class of nitrhcrai In thin lea-rue. when yester day afternoon he pitched and won a double header here against Greens boro, the first game being a iv u i affair and the second 1 to 0. "Doc" did-not allow but one matt on the Greensboro team to score during me sivipen innines of nlav and this man was not able to make the ripple but one time. Ferris allowed but ten hits for the two games, seven in the nrst A. Taurine the second performance he allowed but three Patriots to reacn nrst dhso wiu nniv nn nf them ever reached sec ond. In the first game he walked flve men and fanned tnree wnue ne re fused to give up a pass in the second niwl fanned seven. Aside from the brilliant work or Ferris the other members of ' the Ashmrilln team Dlaved excellent ball, this hAlnir osneeiallv true of Olin Terrltt at third, who accepted eight ViorH . nhnnoji without a DODDie anu Bradshaw on short, his work around the keystone being the best ever, xne only error made by an Asheville man wan hv Rradshaw in the second game and it was excusable. Two of the catches made by Fenton in center were the prettiest made on the local -Int thin spflKnn. Whilo Forria was dolns such good inrk"ln the nlteher's box. Schwartie who pitched the first game for the loca's allowed eleven nits, dui unm the seventh inning' he refused to al low the visiting player9 to score, dui In that inning Asheville made one score, added four in the eighth and five In the ninth. McWhorter who opposed Ferris In the second game allowed Asheville ht throo hits the mine hein a pitcher's battle between the two men with the odds in favor of Ferris. The tabulated score of both games follows: ' First Gnme. Asheville AB R H PO A Bradshaw, es . . . 4 1 Corbett, 2b .... 5 1 Wasem, If S 1 Bumb, lb 4 2 Fenton, cf. . . . 3 ".1 Hickman, rf. . . . 4 Perritt, 3b. .... 4 1 Woodall, c 2 0 Ferris, p ..... 4 0 SCHWARTJE COULDN'T LOCATE the locals had on their winning clothes and Durham never had a chance to win at any stage of. either game. in the first game Gossage and Os- termeyer staged a pitcher's battl which resulted in one of the Drettlest cramAH nf tho ssuann. 'PrpHdln n!1nw.jt but five hits, walked three men and fanned two, .while Gossage gave up six hits, one pass and fanned two Tn tha upnnri in, mA lnrlioc anil Sindler started for their respective teams, but alter sinaier naa given up SAVpn htta 1n f nil r tinninsrR hn wnu rA. lieved bv "Slats' Leabetter and b orbes went out after allowing nve hits in six innings, Jack Frey being the rescue nltehAi. Geary knocked a homer in the sixth inninir nf thA RAe.nnd erame. The tabulated score of both games loaows: , First Game. Durham AB R II PO A E Butts. If ........ 4 1 10 0 Hillcr, 3b 3 0 1 0 3 0 W. Kelly, ss ...... 4 0 1 4 2 1 Dayton, lb ...... 4 0 0 11 1 0 Cheek, cf 4 0 3 2 1 0 J. Kelly, rf ..... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Duggan 2b ......2 0 0 3 10 Boyle c 3 0 0 3 3 0 Ostemeyer p .... 3 0 0 0 4 0 June Sale of Ouesday, June 15th Bon Marclie's SEMI-ANNUAL Sales of Muslin Underwear are well and favor ThU pvfint will ho, a barerain feast out of the ordinary. uuxj nuu"iu Ainu v . v... j Look into our west win dow and see the dainty undergarments priced at 25o. !We this lot. a remarkable value. You'll agree with us when you see them. Other Undermuslins are priced at 10c to $3.98. There will be eight big lots. Sale begins 9 a. m., Tuesday morning Don't forget. Totals .. ...' . .31 1 6 24 15 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 2 17 Totals. .... .33 10 11 27 18 0 AB n H PO A E MIL III sices HHI! ! IT'S T STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED Juarantee "Dodson's Liver Tone" Will Give You the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever uaa. Greensboro McBane. cf-rf. . . 4 Brouthers, 2b ... 4 Nesser, rf-lb. ... 4 Van Horn, lb. . .2 B. Rowe, cf. . . . 2 Emery, ss 3 Gosnell, If 3 Hewell, 3b 3 R. Rowe, c 3 Schwartzje, p. . . 4 jalomel makes you sick; you lose a a wotk. calomel la quicKsiiver it salivates; calomel injures your you are bilious; feel lazy, sluggish all knocked out, if your bowels CanftthmtAil an:l viuf hand neh.CS itomach Is sour, Just take a spoon of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone cad of uslne. sickenlns. salivating prael. Dodson's Liver Tone Is real ir mmli.ilMA V..ll l.nni If navt fnlng, because you will wake up ""t nne, your liver will be worn- . I'OUr hpnr1at.hA atirl r1lTlnAa arnne. iritomarh will ba sweet and bowels hlll V... mill 1 1 1 1. n unrblnff I awu vtit icdi lino " j i ....n ill bo cheerful; full of vigor und hitlon. 'our druggist or dealer sells you a rn ..nt hnitin nf Dodson's Liver Tone utider my personal guarantee that It will clean your siuggisn nver uchbi than nasty calomel; it won't make you sirk iul vnu can eat anything you want without being salivate. Your druggist guarantees that eacn spoon ful win start vour liver, clean your bowels and -straighten you up by morning or you get your money oarn. Children glauly take Dodson's Llvor Tone because it Is pleasunt and doesn't rrrlrvA n. frnmn nf 111 It 6 them RiCk. 1 am ! ni millions o( Diuues Ol Dodson's Liver Tone to people who have found that this pleasant, vegeta. ble, liver medicine takes the place of dangerous calomel. Buy one bottlo tin my sound, reliable guarantee. Aalt your druggist about me. Totals 32 , CnrA hv inntnerft! R. A.hAillIn . . . . . 000 000 145 10 Greensboro 010 000 000 I K.immnrv- Sacrifice hits Gosnell. Pnwn wnnilnll. Sacrifice fly Wood. all. Bases on balls-rOft Ferris 5; off Schwartzjfe 1 0. Struck out f.y v erns I hv Rrhwnrtle 6. W Id pltcnes Schwartzje (2). Stolen bases Nesser. Brouthers. Hickman. Passed nan Rowo (2). Left on bases Asheville s nronnshnro 11. First base on errors Asheville 1. Time 2:15. Umpire Boylo. ' Attendance l.ooo. . Second Game. Asheville. AB R H PO A E Bradshaw, ss. . . . 3 1 0 0 2 1 nnrhAtt. 2h....S 0 1 1 2 0 Wasem, If. . . . Bumb. lb. . 8 " -j , ., ;;. -rT- . ' , ! ! "1 x) H I ' r ' WE FROSI AUS JIMMY VALFNT1NP" AT MAJESTIC TTIEATTtK V - . . .,.rBkr-l' f Vftf t 1 V T . T -T I a III. i "r wi:ek i eatuiixu sob h.vm. -.-.-. 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 ABR-HPOA B ,31 1 3 0 0 .3 0 11 5 0 .1,0 0 11 2 0 . 3 0 0 1 0 0 . 3 1 2 2 0 1 . 2 0 0 3 2 C . 3 0 0 2 0 ( . 2 0 0 1 3 1 . 3 0 1 3 3 ( Charlotte Boykln, If . Leonard, 2b Munch, lb . Geary, rf . . Doak, 3b . . . Dudley, c . . Sweeney, cf Joplin, ss . . Gossage, p . Totals .. .. ..23 2 6 27 15 2 Knnria hv fnnines: R. Durham 001 000 0001 Charlotte . 000 110 OOx 2 t2iir.in.arvl Twn hase hitS. t.UttS, 1 Cheek, Boykin, Doak. Three base hit, Hlller. Sacrifice hits, Leonard, jjuh- ley. .Sacrifice flies, HUler, lioyKin. n. nn hnlla. off Ostermeyer 3; off Gossage 1. Struck out by Ostermeyer 2; by Gossage 2. Stolen base, Cheek. Left on bases, Raleigji 5; Charlotte trir-ot r,o nn errors. Raleigh 1; Charlotte 1. Time 1:40. Umpire Blackburn. Attendance uu. Second t.amc. Durham AB R II PO A E Butts, If ........ 4 0 2 2 0 0 Hiller, 3b 0 1 1 3 0 W. Kelly, ss 4 0 1 3 3 -0 Dnyton, lb 0 0 6 0 0 Cheek, cf 3 1 1 1 0 1 I 1f.llv rf 311 0 0 0 Duggan, '2b 3 1 1 1 1 0 t....,i, 3 1 2 4 11 tt'u L -. a o l 0 10 Frey. p 0 0 0 0 0 $1.50 French inen Presses . for H.05 These dresses come in white and all colors. They are this summer's gar ments and are being sold at this reduc tion, because so many thin lace and lin gerie frocks are demanding room in our cabinets. All sizes are included. And other French linen dresses are reduced in like proportion 75c to $J.25 ot of Silks for 40c yard One large table of silks reduced aa above, have been separated from the reg ular stock. In this lot are figured taffe tas, messalines, fancy silks, coin dotted foulards, etc. They range in width from 25 to 36 inches. - There are several other good values in this June Sale of Silks. You will appre ciate them more when you see them. 1 7 27 13 Barber, cf ...... 4 0 0 2 0 1 Mnnrefipld. rf . . . 4 1 0 1 0 0 Parkins, 3b 4 0 1 0 1 1 Howard, 2b 3 0 0 6 1 1 Meador, lb 3 0 0 3 1 1 KoehW. c 3 0 0 6 2 0 Baumgardner, p . . 3 0 0 1 1 Totals 31 3 3 27 8 6 s.nra hv innings: Raleigh 040 004 0109 Winston uiu uui uuu o snmmarv! Two base hit. biuan, Three base hit, Heck. Home run nhorta Rmsps on balls oft liaumgaro- ,,-. p.- 'nff Mvers 2. Struck out by o,,m!rrrinir 4: bv Myers 6. Hit by pitched ball Dysert. Stolen bases, Dy sert, Roberts, Mack (2), McCorU, Heck. Double plays, Heck and Koch- i,r Passed ha'll. Koenier. ien on bases, " Raleigh 8; Winston 3. First .- ..--.o -poieiirh S: Winston 2. Time 1:52. Umpire Pasateri. Attend ance 500. FEWER EMIGRANTS COME FROM IRELAND Dublin, Ireland, June 11. There were fewer emigrants from Irleand last year than in any twelve months since the returns were first collected in 1851. The total for 1914 was 20,- 314, of whom 10,660 were males. Tha larirest number of emigrants during one year was in 1852, when 190,000 persons left the country. Take a shower bath and swim at Y. M. C. A. daily. Special Summer Rates. Join today. 97-11 Let 18 Know Your Wants Phone 202 Totals .31 4 10 18 0 2 Charlotte Boykln, If Leonard, 2b Munch, lb . Geary, rf-p . Doak. 3b Sweeney, cf Joplin, ss . . Wells, c Sindler, p . . , Ledbetter, rf Fenton, cf. . . . S Hickman, rf. . . .3 Perritt, 3b. ... 2 Woodall, c. . . 3 Ferris, p ' 2 0 2 0 & 2 1 0 Totals. .24 1 3 21 7 1 Greensboro AB R H PO A J3 McBane, cf. ... 3 0 0 200 Brouthers, 2b ... 3 o o t Nesser. rf 3 0 0 2 0 1 Van Horn, lb. . . S 0 1 10 0 0 Kmerv. ss 3 0 0 1 3 " Gosnell. If 0 0 10 0 Hewell, 8b 3 0 1 1 2 0 t. it 2 0 o l l v McWhorter, p . . 3 0 1 0 8 0 1 Tntnla 25 0 S 21 Seven lnnlnga by agreement. Score by lnnlnga: P- AshcvlUc . , . 100 00 0 1 Greensboro 000 0Q0 u o Summary: Two-baie hits van Horn. Sacrifice hlt Wasem, Perritt. Struck out By Ferris 7; by Mcwnor ter 1. Stolen bases Emery, Corbett, Hewell. Passed balls Rowe. Left on v.-... AahKvillM 4. Greensboro 4. First base on errors Asheville 1, Greensboro 1. Time 1:10.- Umpire Boyle. Attendance (60. Charlotte S-Bi Durham 1-4. Special to The Oaaette-Newa. Charlotte went rter Bmiiing Jim Kelly'a bunch of playera here yester day afternoon and, by playing better and faator ball grabbed both enda of a double bill, the first gam by t to 1 and tha aeoond by S to 4. Both af fairs wara faat and well played, but AB R K PO A E ... 3 0 0 2 0 0 8 1 1 2 2 0 . . . . 3 2 2 9 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 ... 2 0 2 05 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 ...300840 3 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 fc Totals 24 6 8 21 12 1 Seven innlnrts by Agreement o---.-. ht, Innintrs: - . R r... . 000 081 0 4 Will MM 111 ".. m Charlotte 0 20 rR Summary: Two base nit, uuiis. Ti,.,.. t. nit ' Munch. Home run, Geary. Sacrifice fly, Geary.. (Base on i.-ll .f ITnrl.oa 1. ritrilCK OUl IMlli- i"i 1..,... - Forbes 2: Sindler 1; Geary z. uouoie .i..- mil.,., nnil Davton. Ieft on bases', Charlotte 3: Durham 6. Hits off Sindler 7 in 4 1-3 innings; t.o -I..--, o in 2 2-3 innings; off Forbes 5 in 6 1-3 innings; off Frey 1 In 2-3 Inning. Time J:Z5. umpire. Blackburn. Attendance i.iov, . ltnlnlrrli 0! Winston .1. win.t,.-.aiiiiin. June 11. "Big Chief Myers, pitching for Raleigh here yesterday afternoon allowed but three hits, the t'rsi 01 wmvn ...o in h iitxth. fanned six and walked two. winning his game by the score of to 3. lie was opposed uy Baumgardner, who, while pitching a good game waa landed on hard by the visitors during tne. ecqna unu b.i frames. 1 !-! fnrmer Mountaineer w one of the stars of the game, hla most brilliant work being two perierx thrnw. from deep left to home llate, ihmiwinn nut both men. tn the sixth Inning Knnerta aecurea . t.o hrmi-fht In four acorea. a ii.'imi ,... ...-..-. . , The tabulated acore oi yrsieraay a h It 'V h . . a? y I: ! m I' Today and Tomorrow AT THE PRINCESS Bosworth, Inc., Presents the Charming and'Gifted v Comedienne , I ELSIE JANIS In F.LKIK JAMS AT PRIXCFSS TODAY Betty in Search of a Thrill" And with a cast including Owen Moore, Juanita Han son, Herbert Standing, Vera Lewis, Harry Ham, Rober ta Hickman. 5 AND 10 CENTS am utiSrii-.V--l-B-BS game follow! Raleigh IV'sert, If Manic, lb ...i McConnell, 8b Roberta, rf . . Perkins. C ... ?ehuyler, cf . MeTord. 2b Myers, p . . Winston fitiiart, a AB R H PO A E . 8 2 1 0 0 1! , ll 111 o o .411 1 J 1 .311800 . 4 0 0 610 .501100 .1118 3 1 .511161 .411100 .88" "7 10 87 18 4 AH P. II PO A E .3,1 14 0 0 .411411 Local Evidence. Evidence that can be verified. Fact Is what, we want. Opinion Is not enough. Opinions differ. Here's an Asheville fact. You can test it . ur. w. A. Mnrlev. 68 Penland Ave., Asheville, says: "Kidney dls atrength until I was aa helpless aa a child. I was powerless to get out ot Dea ana my body was racked with pain from ! morning until night. 1 was treated by good doctors, but got no timer, ii- i.ii f heirnn imlnB Doan'a Kidney Pllla, procured at Smlth'a Drug Store, and after the first few aays, i coui" aee-some benefit. I kept on laaing mv henlth and atrength re turned very rapidly. I waa soon able to do all my houaeworK ana leu Bet ter In every way." (Statement given February , 1911) OVER TWO YEARS LATER Mra. Marley eald: "For the past Oiree yeara I have had no kidney trouble at all and I give tne oenem oi my cure to Doan'a Kidney Pills." Price 50o, at all dealera. Don't simply ak for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Fllla the aama that Mra. Murley had. Fostjr-Mllburn Co., Props.. Buffalo, N. X. MAJESTIC Every Night, 8:15, 1 Matinee ' Saturday 3:15 Norman tlackett-Billy Long And Company of Foremost Artists In The Spendthrift' IS n . NIGHT 10. 20, 30 and 50c I iUrely No rriCCOi MATINBES 10, JO and S0fjraEE US1V NEXT WEEK "ALIAS JIMMY VALENTINE," , Adapted From O. lUnrj'a Rtortea. 1.4 lira-