1 1 3 a ! 1 THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NEWS : 11 Ms I li j Jiy of 1 ib Readers Everywhere Are Realizing the Tremendous Advantages of the Afternoon Paper and Advertisers Have Learned That They Get Best Results From It. 66 Why wait until tomorrow when you can get the News of the World Today? xirt T i J!zl j- - Ix. 2 jA . 1 J T1 : nnen our Evening reunion goes to press u carries uie news ui uie wunu i weive nours in Advance of Any Morning Paper. TTTTT TFT Lis 2JL EVILLIL -I. IS THE HOME, PAPER. Women do most of the buying for the family and the majority have no time to read a morning paper. At night they do read the GAZETTE-NEWS and check over the advertise ments and decide on the things they need for tomorrow. Human beings are the same all over the world and people do read the afternoon paper, reflect on the advertisements it carries, and buy accordingly. Circulation outside the buying zone of Asheville has no value to the local merchant for it is not possible for them to sell goods in Texas, California or Alaska, even if the paper circulates in those places. TljT idi HOME, PAPIL1 Gos Iiato 'ilk Home Ikijags IFlestujlts THE . GAZETTE,MEWS