mam. June 11, 1915. THE 3EVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS ?AGE NINE 2: READ FOR- PROFIT ) Our Want Ads USE FOR RESULTS Phone 2 Q2 Phone 2Q2 1 Phone . THE:,' GAZETTE-NEWS" IS THE HOME PAPER" -: Classified Advertising v.- Rates. ' i insertion lo per word t 14 21 10 0 43 70 100 lie -.Anreft rater ere lor consecutive insertions, term CNo advertisements taken for J, than the cost ot two line Ri words make a line. .-, TELEPHONE JO Classified Advertisers May telephone their Want L Tbo Gazette-News will not be responsible r more dun one incorrect Insertion of ,ny advertisement ordered for more than one time. The Gaiotte-News reserve! the right to correctly classify ill Want Ads. ... The Oazette-NeWi wilt not Mcept phone Or wbal orders t discontinue or change T. P. ("Till Forbid") advertisements. Advertiser should retain re tnU Riven by The Gftsette- News In acknowledging pay ment for Want Ads, as no mis takes can b rectified without them. . Read for Profit Use for Results REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 10-ACRE FARM, 3 MtloES Olf THIS city mile railway station. Ideal location for truck farming. Scen ery unsurpassed anywhere. Ad dress "Exclusive Agent," Box 928, Or 'phone 855. 100-7t -ROOM HOUSE WITH 2 BATHS, completely furnished ,. modern in every detail. Garage on lot. Will rent for the season or longer. Phono 2543 or Box 327. 98-1 4t FOR SALE SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, sleeping porch, almost new, lot 51x 115, good barn on lot. If sold this week It can be had for $2250. Let us show you. Ray-Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood, phone 1281. 100-3t CLAIRVOYANT MME. LOUISE, FAMOUS ENGLISH clairvoyant and scientific palmist, reads the secrets of your life like an open book. She helps you to win In love affairs, business, law suits, settles lovers' quarrels, fam ily troubles, never falls to reunite the separated, explains dreams, or j most anything pertaining-to human Interest. Call on this remarkable lady, she Is simply "wonderful, Special reading, 60 cents. 68 Hay wood St. P100-7t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED BOYS OR GIRLS WISH lng to go to business college, to buy three; 160.09 ' scholarships in first class business college in Asheville at one-half price. We have three to sell this way. Call at Gazette News office. P91-21t he ABC column READY REFERENCE DICTIONARY SHOP THAT CALLS I A fnr work and delivers promptly, X. Prices reasonable. Who? GU- Jner Bowden, 31 B. College. 817. Phone 94-30t (2-iet - . ... a r-xr wit 1 K save you money on prescriptions A and other drug store supplies, is warn exuerlence. R. H. ROTH, proprietor, 12 Broadway. at.Tj UP MATHEWS CASH U Grocery for breakfast bacon at JOc; sliced ham 25c; toilet paper 1 fnr s5p. -phono 1881. Quick dellv U 94-S0t r . , r ASH PAID FOR SECOND HAND ( . books. (No achool books.) iV mono hooks for sale Ye uw ook Shop. Phone 674. (ET MOTOR CYCLE DELIVERY r to all parts of city and coun- trv. CheaD. Phone 2311. 86-301 rlLL COTTAGE. 16 GROVE street. Room and board, spec Inl wonlrlv rntAM Ideal lOCA- ftion, 4 minutes' walk from square, kettly furnished. Phone 1264. 6-80t I T WANT TO MAKE THAT NEW A spring suit lor you. w. a. Jar . auardt. Tailor. 614 Blltmore Ave, I 14-tOt I ' 't YERLY MOTOR CO., 10 W. COL I . lego, have several remodelled j- cars for sale at the right price, pone 1661. tl-IOt Jm yfOODY AND SON. FRESH i VI Meats and Poultry. Best cuts r'A 20 cents per lb. Call and see. ill Wost Haywood St., 'phone 1404. 1 (l-IOt FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT WANTED BOARDERS IN PRIVATE FAMILY, NEAR CAR line; home cooking. Rates reason able. Ill Chestnut St. P9o-14t UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT A DANDY 5-ROOM bungalow, nearly new, 'one block from Charlotte street; bath, shades, range, screens, beautiful views. Phone 2280. 98-6t THE FLORENCE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. First-class, commercial and family hotel, one block east of pas senger station. American and Eu ropean plan. Modern conveniences. Special rates week or month. J. E. Prltchard. Prop. 85-14t HELP WANTED MALE. FKMALi WANTED MESSENGERS. GOOD nav. Only good class boys need apply. Western Union. 101-6t WANTED AT ONCE, COMPETENT saleslady in jewelry department, nreferablv experienced. M. Gelula & Co.. 45 Patton Ave. 102-lt SPECIAL WANTED YOU TO TRY A LOAD of our nice kiln dried kindling or stove wood. Telephone 821, Plsgah Lumber Co., successors to English Lumber Co. 89-30 APARTMENTS COMPLETELY FUR- nlshed, 310.00 a month up. Close in; no sick taken. Phone 2625. 80-3Ut WANTED BOYS newspaper routes. News. . TO CARRY Apply Gazette-100-3t HIGH SALARIES ARE OFFERED . stenographers, bookkeepers, snip ing clerks and general office help in Central and South America, "Full particulars free. Call at Shockley's Agency. No. 8 No. Pack Square. 9-14t THE OZARK. PARTIES DESIRING meals) of quality with or without rooms will be pleased with our ser vice. Mid-day lunches a specialty, Call 'phone 603 for Information. Phil Wright, 76 Broadway. 82-30t . B ' HILL CREST NOW OPEN FOR THE summer. Large, airy room. New management. 6 minutes' walk from Square. 20 Clayton St Phons 2625. 61-tf : - IN PRIVATE FAMILY OF TWO adults, very select neighborhood, all conveniences; plenty of milk and eggs. Rates reasonable. Mrs. W. 1. Bohannan, 893 Merrimon. Phone 879. 82-26t INGLENOOK 56 CHESTNUT ST., convenient to town; large porches; neighborhood and surroundings ex ceptional. Phone 2242. 96-lt SUMMER TERM AT THE ASHE ville Business College offers spec ial courses in Penmanship, English, Arithmetic, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Banking, etc Henry S. Shockley, principal. 3rd Floor No. 8 No. Pack Square. 99-14t FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED rooms with shady porches with or without board. 264 South French Broad Ave. 85-tf AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES CHANCE FOR LIVE BOY IN EV. ery town and community to make money during vacation. Nice work. For particulars address Box 25, Statesvllle. N. C. P95-7t HIGH GRADE ATJTOMOl tlLE AND Carriage Painting. Automobile Tops made and repaired. Out' workmen are factory experts. Tlddy Bros.. 25 N. Lexington avenue. 82-26t FOR SALE OVERLAND TOURING car, 1914 Model, 85 horsepower, Excellent condition. Address "W."( Gazette-News. 103-tit NOTICE OF SALE. BARBER SHOPS. FOR BARKER PHONE 210. 3. H. Bailey. 82-30t WANTED PRIVATE LAWS OF N. C. Vols. 1891-93-95-97. Address Box 62. Asheville. N. C. 100-3t FOR LIMITED TIME, COSMOPOL- itan or Good Housekeeping maga zine to any address, five months for fifty cents. Send me order, also write for latest clubbing catalogue, P. Witcover, Weaverville, N. C. P102-3t ROOMS FOR RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED Special Rates for situations wanted 20 words 1 time free; additional in sertions 10 cents each Insertion. YOUNG MAN WHO HAS OWNED and operated a coal business suc cessfully for the past three years desires a position in Asheville. Am now engaged in the real estate bus iness. Address "R. P. J., P. O. Box 1008. P95-7t ROOMS FOR LIGHT nOUSEKEEP- ig, single or in suite. Private bath if preferred. Phone 2293. 91-14t LARGE FURNISHEr ROOMS ONE or two beds. Board if desired. Clo3e in; quiet. Phone 839. 96-30t CONNECTING ROOMS COMPLETE ly furnished for light housekeeping at 18 Grady st. Phone 839. 96-30t WANTED EMPLOYMENT THAT I may earn an honest living. Reader, if you are interested in this adver- ' tisement write me, it does not mat ter where you are located, or what your vocation or calling in life might be. "Young Man," care Gazette-News. , 101-3t WANTED EVERY LADY AND gentleman to call and inspect the line of genuine Pan Hats that we have on sale at 23 Haywood street. Miss Cruise' shop. Poole Bros. Co. 103-21t. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR sleeping with porch. Also suite for housekeeping. 106 Haywocd St. P97-7t BUILDING SUPPLIES NOW IS PAINTING AND PAPERING time; money saved. Contractors' for house painting, paper hanging, kalsoinlntng. Interior decorating. Excelsior Paint and Paper House. 14 Broadway. Phone 187. 82-S0t BON AIRrl-66 ASHELAND AVE., ON car Una from depot and tnree block f rom square. Thoroughly cleaned and new furniture from top to bottom; all modern conveniences; good table; reasonable rates. 82-30t "THE ELTON" AN IDEAL HOME like place to hoard. Rooms, ith private bath. Hot water heat Snecial rates for next three months; also for table boarders; Rood home cooking. Central location. 45 NnrucA St.. Mrs. a N. Watklns. PhnnA 958. 94-S0t. rrau UTOPIA 22 ORANGE ST., nice, clean, comfortable rooms, With or without board. Phone 2293. 81-30t WILL RENT AND LEASE ONE half store. The best location in city for Ladies Furnisher, Millinery, Corsetiere or kindred line. Address RUSH. Gaeztte-New.i. 103-P-3t THE MOST DESIRABLE ROOMS IN Asheville, furniHhed or unfurnished, light housekeeping apartments if desired. Within walking distance of Square. Reasonable. 60 Cen tral Ave. 102-14t BY AN ACCURATE STENOGRAPH - er, young man who has had several years' experience in the office as stenographer.-bookkeeper and who will give best of reference from last employer. Address "A.," care of this paper. P93-7t BRYAN SAYS PRESIDENT EMPLOYS "OLD SYSTEM" WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOUR dull safety razor blades? Don't throw them away! And don t buy new ones yet! We sharpen the dull blades and make them better than new. A. B. S. Co., 23 Broadway. 102-3t FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED front room for gentleman. Also one suite for light housekeeping. Apply 58 Ashland Ave. 97-7t ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNFUR r.ished. Mrs. T. V. Moore, 102 and 104 Haywood St. P99-7t COW PEAS NOW IS THE TIME TO sow your peas. We can furnish you with the goold old- North 'Carolina kind in any quantities. Phone 1041 Western Produce Co., 88 N.Lexing ton Ave., Asheville, N. C. 92-14t STRTE DELEGREES TO THE L I P. I. 0CICK SERVICE DRY CLEAN lng Co. Special attention to cleaning Palm Beach suits. La dle n ork done by hand. 6 hi West Pick square, over Centre! Cafe. Phones 835 and 836. I4-S0t T TJiDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS. I I We have several exceptional bargains for cash tmrchamrs. jTIiom Interested must act promptly. wom i, ttiecincai mat. rnone .7-iet CLEANING AND PRESSING WANTED SPRING SUITS, FLAN nels, woolens, linens, etc., If soiled can be thoroughly ' cleaned- and made handsome again by our spec- u French Dry Cleaning process, uodern methods. Experts only in our works. Phone 389. J, C. Wll to. ' EKGENE JONE-VALET BKfl rice. Bulu to order. Repairing. 6 College street Phone 8L Il-t0t FOR RENT TYPEWRITERS CAPITALIZE YOUR 6PARE MO Bltnta bv rantln an Underwood. They make every minute count for more. See the records and eonvlnce Jourself. phons 1100. Underwood Typewriter Co. -7t-Jt DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING AND ALL KINnS ?( alterations. Mrs. Allen, 144 Broadway. , 88-llt WANTED 6EWING. BOTH ' PLAIN nd fancy. Children's slothes p.'lmtT, phono ITU, 81-1 By virtus of the power of sale vest ed in me, as mortgagee, In a certain flhattel mortgage or deed of trust, sx- rtutsd by R-. P. Hughes to me, on the 18th day of August, isi. to secure the payment of the sum of 81,206 and Interest, evidenced by a certain note therein described, default naving oeen made in the payment of the principal and interest on said note, according to its tenor and the whole of said and interest being now due, and pay able, I will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at public outcry, at the- court house door, in the city ol Asnevuie, Buncombe county, North Carolina, on the 16th day of June, 1815, at twelve o'clock noon, to satisfy said note ana interest and costs of sale. One Rambler automobile, seven Dassenaer touring car. model .No. 56, car No. 22663. color black; one Stod- dard-Davton. 6 passenger touring car, model No. 11A. car No. 210, body dark red, and running gear red; also one Firestone -automobile, 40 horse power truck, with extra touring car body, oior black: also ons Ohio automo bile, 40 horse power, 6 passenger tour ing car. color red, bougnt rrom Mr. Christopher; also one bay horse, named Prince, ten years old, being tne same horse which R. P. Hughes pwv chased from V. H. Hughes; ons bay mare, T years old, named Maud, being the same mare, R. P. Hughes pur chased from John Dngan; one bay horse 9 years old named Bob, being the some horse R. P. Hughes pur chased from John Dugan; one dark hay horse 11 years old named Mack; on eCadlllse 6 passenger automobile, being the same which R. P. Hughes purchased from Charles A. Holtt, one one horse wagon, Demg tne same which R. P. Hughes purchased from .T(hn Dusran: one one horse wagon. helne the same which R. P. Hughes purchased from John Dugan; one one horse wagon, being the same which R. P. Hughes purchased from Ashe vlts Harness company; ons one horse wagon, being the same which R. P. Hughes purchased from T. . Morri sons one one horse wagon, being the Mint which R. P. Hughes purchased from T. B. Morrison: and one one horse wagon which R. P. Hughes mirohflMtd from T. S. Morrison, uaia mortgage la recorded In the office of register of deeds for Buncombe coun tv. N. C. In book of chattel mort gages No. T, puge 280 et seq. This tne loin oay oi may, O. H.MILLER 88-20t BUILD NOW MATERIALS CHEAP er than in years.' Get "direct from mill to Job prices." Estimates cheerfully figured. WUlfatns-Brow-nell Tlanlng Mill Co., wholesale lumber, sash, doors, mouldings, Blltmore, N. C. 82-S0t THE ROCK LEDGE, 68 HAYWOOD street Nicely furnished roomB; ex cellent board; rates reasonable. -Tel ephone, 1925. Mrs. Frank Israel. 91-30t FOR SALE FURNITURE ASHEVILLE FURNITURE CO. WILL buy, sell, rent store or exchange new for second-hand furniture. Phone 1851. 2 Blltmore avenue. 82-80t SPECIAL AUTOMOBILE RATES TO Plsgah Mountain lodge, Henderson vllle, Black Mountain, Bat Cave and hour drives. Experienced and care ful chauffeurs. Lyerly Motor Co., 10 West College St. Phone 1651. ... 89-30t Charles G. Lee of Asheville Will Represent Local Post Meets Monday. FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EDISON HOME mo nograph and large assortment of re cords. Apply "W." Gazette-News. 103-6t. SCISSORS AND KNIVES SHARP- ened. Scissors 10c pair, knives 6 and 10c. according to size. J. M. Hearn & Co.. 4 Battery Park Place, 85-tf A BUSINESS COLLEGE SCHOlAR- shlp. Reasonable. Address C' care Gazette-News. lC0-7t NOTICE. To F. D. Millev, S. Llplnsky, J. D. Cole, Sumner, Stevens and An derson. Mrs. Huddle, C. G. Lee and all other persons Interested in the re nort of the City Engineer filed in the office of the secretary-treasurer of the City of Asheville, assessing the cost of constructing a certain sewer line against you which sewer line runs rrom maimer sireex io n place In said city. You will take no tice that said report has been filed according to law, and that the mayor and board of commissioners of said city at their meeting, to be held 23rd day of June, 1916, will consiaer saia report and take such action as they may deem proper. Any objection to the above report must be made In writing under oath and filed In the office of the City treasurer at least two days prior to above date. This June, 10th, 191B. F. L. CONDER, Secty-Treas. 102-10t . FOR SALE FIRST CLASS OUTFIT for meat market. Everything need eA for the meat business. Good trade already worked up. Reason for selling, bad health, unaDle to conduct the business. Present lo cation can be rented very reason able. Will sell very reasonable. Call on C. Hays, 47 Mountain St. P99-3t WANTED YOUR LAWN MOWERS to shamen and repair. We have an expert on this class ot work, and machinery to do the work satisfac torily. Phone 165 and we will send for mower and return. Terms: rnsh on return of mower. Ashe ville Sutply & Foundry Company, 82-30t OFFICIALS SEEK CLUES FOR ' BECKtlS if i. K. TBI FOB SALE WALL SODA FOUN- taln. Cheap. Apply 270 Patton Ave. P3-7t NOTICE- : To A. L. Garren, W. A. Murry, W. W. Buckner. O. B. Komnsoii, i. - Hyndman, E. L. Ray. J. Y. Leeper, e.. U Ray and all other persons inter ested In the report of the City En gineer filed in the offlcs of the City nric of the City of Asheville, assess ing ttia coat of constructing a certain ...r iins tralnst yon which Sewer line runs along Center street In said City. You will take notice mat saia repi has been filed according to law, and that the Mayor and Board of Com- mlsloners of said City at tneir me n k. tM 16th day of June, lei's, will consider said report and take such action as they may deem proper. Any objection to the above report must be mads In writing un der oath and filed with the Secretary Treasurer at least two days prior to above date. This June 2nd, IMS. ' F. U CONDER, . , . Secrstary-Trsasufsr. - FOR SALE ANY QUANTITY KILN ' dried building brick. D. H. Hughes, Pron. Emma Brick Yards. H. A. Brown, agent Phons 241. NOTICE. To Mrs. Harrison, J. O. Merrimon, Mrs. Ida Farmer, B. P. Lambert, II. F. Frady, J. M. Spurlin, C. R. Perry, Bethel Methodist church, Ed. White, E. D. and T. L. Foster, W alter Green, 8. Sternberg, Mrs. Girdwood, W. A. Hipp, J. T. Sorrells, Ella H. Dunham, Demlnah Carver, Frank Brown, Win. K. Howe, V. T. Mlddleton, J. W. Ja- cocks. R. E. Kent. E. R. Anderson estate. Wm. Clarks and all other tr sons Interested In the report of tno city engineer filed In the office of the secretary-treasurer of the City of Asheville, assessing the cost tit con structlng paving against you which paving la on Phlfer street in laid city. You will take notice that saia -eport has been filed according to law, and that the Mayor and Board of Com mlssloners of said city at their meet ing, to be held the 28rd day of Juno, 1916, will consider said report and take such action as they may diem proper. Any objections to the attve report must be made In writing und sr oath and filed In the omce of tne tec- retary-treasurer at least two Uys Drior to above date. This June 10, 1915. F. L. CONDER, Sec.-Treas. 108-10t 64-tf PLANTS AND FLOWERS, PeDDer. cabbage, beet cauliflower. Dotato. ease and lettuce plants. M A. Crcasman, 34 Flint, 'phone 318. PT.ANTS POTTED SPARKS EAR iian Fonderosa ana bione zuc per dozen. Chinese Giant Ruby King and Long Cayenne pepper 25c per dozen. Black Beauty Egg Plants ready in ten days. Cab bage plants 25c per hundred. Sweet Potato plans ready in ten days. L. R. Btrldker. Phone 1624. 78-S0t TOMATO PLANTS, EGG PLANTS, pepper plants, sweet potato plants later. All kinds of bedding plants for yard. Phons 99. 71-tf Birmingham. June 10. Special offi cers of the Seaboard Air Line from Atlanta, Birmingham and elsewhere are at work on clues which may lead to tho capture of the perpetrators of the wrecking of the Incoming fast New York train last night which caus ed the death of three men and the injury of a dozen others. Steel equip ment kept clown the casualty list, ine Injured passengers may be ablfc to leave the hospitals this afternoon. Appointment has Just been made of the delegates from the North Caro Una division of the Travelers Protec tive association, to the national con vention, which will be in session in Omoha from June 14 to 19. The delegates and the posts they represent follow: State president, Allen L .Byrd, of Charlotte Post C; state secretary, IX C. Crutchfield, of Winston-Salem Post B; national di rector, Charles F. Tomlinson, of High Point Post D; national chairman, Charles G. Lee, of Asheville Post F; R. N. Carrier and E. W. McNairy, of Greensboro Post A; J. J. Norman and E. C. Clinard, of Winston-Salem Post B; Will Weill, of Charlotte Post C; P. W. Eshelman, of Hign Point Post D; William Farr, or Asne- vllle post F; J. L. Durry, or Wilming ton Post G; George S. Edwards, or Rocky Mount Post H; J. P. Mead ows, of Henderson Post I; George A. Bailev. of Mt. Airy Post J; Henry A. Blair, of North Wilkesboro Post L; W. F. Clayton, of Fayettevllle Post M; W. J. Arey, of Shelby Post O; F. W. Smith, of Monroe Post Q: Kirby Woodward, of Wilson Post T. BRISTOL, VA., TO VOTE ON COMMISSION FORM Bristol, June 10. The city of Bristol, Va., will vote Tuesday on the commission form of government. There Is anld to be some doubt about the commission plan carrying, owln to the fact that tho Virginia law un der which the election is being held, does not provide for recall of the commissioners. A strong light Is be ing made for and against the new plan and the result is considered In doubt Financial New Special Summer Membership Rates at Y. M. C. A. for men and boys. Join today. T-tf Gazette-News Want Ads. ars carefully read, not only in the homes, but by every business man, because they contain val uable Information of Interest to everyone. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. FOR SALE Nice little four-room cottage with bath; good slss lot and close to car line. Price 31.800.00. WESTERN CAROLINA REALT CO. 10 K. Pack Sq. Fbone 674. Read The Gazette-News Want Ads. Each oss baa message of Its own. Having qualified as administrator cum testamento annexo of the estate of E. C. Cartzendafner, deceased, lata of Buncombe County, N. C, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Asheville, N. C, on or btfore the 14 th day of May, 1916, or this notice will be oleaded In bar ot their recovery. Alt persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 13th day of May, A. D. 1916. MARK W. BROWN, Administrator C. T, A. of B. C. Cart- sendafner, ' 71-May 14, 21, 21, June 11. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, County of Buncombe. In Superior Court. Jenslo Wlx vs. Fred Wlx. Order. The defendant above named will lake notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Buncombe County, for divorce and the said defendant will further take notice that he Is re quired to appear' at the term of the Superior Court of said county to ie held on the second Monday in Juiy, being July 12th, 1915, at the court house of said county. In Asheville, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or tho plnlntlff will apply to the court for relief demanded In said complaint This the 11th day of June, 1915. JOHN H. CATHEY, Clerk Superior Court J. SCROOP STYLES, Attorney for Plaintiff. 101-June 11, 18, 26, July 2. NEW YORK STOCKS. Yrit June 11. Wall street seems to be viewing the Intel-nation al situation with increasing optim ism. ludKlng from the course of the stock market early today. War spe cialties were again conspicuous. Bethlehem Steel rose five points 10 169 "4 a new high record, and there was' an equal gain In General Elec tric. ' Elsewhere, especially In Indus trials there were advances of one to two points. fnitort Riat Steel in an initial transaction Involving 5,000 shares ad vanced one point American Can op ened with a sale of 4,000 shares and Anaconda Copper with 2,000, making substantial fractional advances. GERMANY DOESN'T WANT SCHOOLS INTERRUPTED The Want Ads. In Tho Qasetts News always get satisfactory results. rtoriin. June 11. The Prussian mln Istry of education has Issued an ad ministrative order to tne lovui authorities enjoining them to spare no efforts to maintain the continuity of school work, notwithstanding the difficulties caused by the departure of large numbers of teachers for the front. Anart from the ordinary features of Instruction, tho local authorities .r. Ainu-ted to make sure that patriot ic feeling among the coys ana Is carefully cultivated and encouraged. "The boys," said the minister ct edu cation, "must be trained to regard themselves as the future soldiers of the fatherland, while the girls must learn the necessity for self-sacrifice on the part of all wives and mother All of them should be Influenced so that they will be eager 10 suffer any hardships on behalf of the father- lnd The local authorities are ordered to send reports on their efforts in mis direction to ths ministry ot saucauou, (Continued from Page 1.) pends upon negotiation. Force repre- , sents the old system tho system that . must pass away; persuasion repre sents the new system the system that has been growing, all too slow ly, it is true, but growing for nine teen hundred years. In the old sys- tem war is the chief cornerstonem I war which at its best is little better than war at its worst; the new sys tem contemplates a universal broth erhood established through the up lifting power of example. His Interpretation. "If I correctly interpret the note to Germany, it conforms to the stand ards of the old system rather than , to the rules of the new, and I cheer- fully admit that it is abundantly sup- ported by precedents precedents written in characters ol uiooa upon almost every page of human history, Austria furnishes the most "recent pre cedent; it was Austria's firmness that dictated the ultimatum against Ser bia,, which set the world at war. Ev ery ruler now participating in this ,, unparalleled conflict has proclaimed ' , his desire for peace, but they sought it, according to the rules of tne oia system. They believed that firmness would give the best assurance ot peace and faithfully following prece- ' dent, they went so near the fire that they were, one, after another, sucked Into the contest, isever Deiore navo the frightful follies of this fatal sys tem been so clearly revealed as now. , The most civilized and enlightened aye, the most Christian of the na tions of Europe are grappling with each other as if in a death struggle. They are sacrificing the best ana bravest of their sons on the battle field; they are converting their gar dens Into cemeteries and their homes into houses of mourning; they are taxing the wealth of today and lay ing a burden of debt on the toll of the future; they nave iiueo me mr with thunderbolt more deadly than those of Jove and they nave multi plied the horrors of the deep. Adding fresh fuel to the flame of hate, they have dally devised new horrors, un til one side is endeavoring to drown non-combatant men, women and children at sea. while the other side leeks to starve non-comoaiam men. women and children on lana. Ana they are so absorbed In alternate re taliations and In comparative cruel ties that they seem, for the time be ing, blind to the rights of neutrals and deaf to the appeals of humanity. tree i known by its fruit. The wrr in Europe is tne ripens old system. "This Is what firmness, supported by force, has dono In the Old World; shall wo Invito It lo cross the Atlan tic" Already the jingoes of our own rountrv have oought th erables from the dogs of war; shall the opponents of onranlzert slaughter be rilent while , Via rilarMine spreads? "As nn humble roliower oi m., Frlnre of Peace; as a devoted be liever In the prophecy that 'they that take with the sword shall perish with the sword.' I beg to be counted among thofe who earnestly urged the adop tion of course In this matter which will lave no doub1 of our govern ment's willingness to continue nego tiations with Germany until an ami cable understanding Is reached or at i-n.t until th stress of war Is over. we can apP-l from rnmp n.... with csrnag- to Thllln sobered bv the memories of n historic friendship and by a recollection of h Innum erable ties of kinship that bind tho Fatherland to the I'nlted States. . "Pome nation must lead the world nut of th Mark night of war Into the nt thnt dsv when 'swords Shan r be hcatefl Into plowrtisres.' Why not now? the nations will lesrn tnai en during pear cannot b built upon fear lhat rood wilt does not grow upon the stalk of violence. Some Any , the nations will place their trust in ov. th weapon for wrhlch there Is no shield: In love, thst sufforetn long and Is kind: In love that Is not easily provoked, that beareth all things, be- lleveth all things, honeth an tninww, Miduroth all things: In love which.' thourh despised as weakness by th worshippers of Mars, abldeth when tit else falls. figned) "W. 3. BRTAtf." Ut Kww Yor Was. Pi

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