-Way, Jone 17, 1915, - . THE ASHEVILLE QAZETTE-NEWB AGT TTTS 015 DEFEATED THE TWINS RGi Yesterday Went for 11 jjmings Before Decid ing Run Was ; . Made ame played on A SOGGY FIELD Ljrlotte Advanced to Fourth Place By ueieatmg rainois and Raleigh Won Over Durham v season and brilliant playing wu the ream re or the game. Fenton in the second inning made a benuttful of a drive by Boggem, by leaning up a sni net me rence. In the ninth Fen ton robbed Boggess of another hit by racing in behind second and tnktnr the ball. In the fifth Corbett made a preuy catch of a line drive by Heck. Running over near tha Horht fiM rni line. Moorefleld caught a high ball knocked bv Waaem find t till nrAvnnt. ed Asheville from winning the game in me renin, as a man was on third. The tabulated score of yesterday's game follows: AB R H PO A. E 6 112 8 1 3 , 8 , 2 Winston. Stuart, ss. . . Heck. If . . . Barber, cf. . , Moorefleld, rf. Parkins, 3b. . Boggess, lb. , Lyle, lb. .. . Koehler, c. . , Howard, 2b . ' Sehwartzje, p. 1 2 3 0 13 0 10 0 0 Viom vesterdav after- t, ana the h U .' "a .tretcked to 11 in- r before the locals could make I winning run necessary to win the Uert the final score being 4 to 3 k Asheville. Gary Fortune pitched r . the best games of the season, L, he allowed the hard hitting Twins 1 1 four nu. "" f . ha nnlv hit for an extra The local-troy was handicapped Ir his team m u i. v- P.. . ui. iint H pan! to this he work- L,hm(j iiiiii " i C th9 tame so well that he was able P . . .11 .h. tlrvia O 1-1-1 VfWl holo tmims umu ...... .i. wirmlnir run. '.. .i.. iot limine- of the affair, sev- I . . . u ivinctnn nlfl.ve crew verv Ire at Boyle's decisions as a result of llilch he finea ivmmw u nu tui vno n n vihe utiiii. ocgesn ii vm ; jm i.ni n-nji xcheduled for yes- uuii.'. ... v.,it rriin which fell throuEhout rruay l .... uji nf tVip dnv tirovented the Be BI1UUU r- Irst game nntl tne cloCK sme waB i. js oa fT m fl. l n uiavei-H iliveu i" - - ' liudhened it around the bases with lnnHe tinnirinir to ineir ieei. ai- .,..Lv. ih flplrt was wet and sokev lUUB'i lie game was ono of the best of the Totals. .... .35 3 431 15 3 Asheville. ' AB R II PO A E Bradshaw, gs, v . 4 0 0 3 4 0 Corbett 2b . . . . 5 0 1 8 8 0 Fenton, cf. . . . 6 0 0 2 0 0 Wasem, If. . ... 6 0 1 2 0 1 Hickman, rf. ... . 4 2 1- 0 0 1 Perrltt, 3b. .... 6 1 1 2 2 0 McCoy, lb. . ... 5 0 8 12 0 1 Woodall, e. . . . 5 0 0 8 0 0 Fortune, p. . .. . . 4 1 1 0 6 1 ti(atititltKtlttiiae(titttt 1 fiT.TIT? STATTTimn K .".. m 1KltnitttKtKHtltl:Kt North Carolina League, ' Cluba Won. Lost. Asheville . . . 80 14 Raleigh ... . . .. .,..26 Durham ... ... . ,....25 Charlotte .-. .....18 Greensboro ......16 Wlnaton-Salem . . ' . . . .16 Totajrr . . . i .40 4 8 83 13 4 One out when, winning run was scored. Score by Innings: R Winston , , . ..... 200 000 000 10 3 Asheville ; . . 020 000 000 11 4 Summary Two-base hits. McCoy, Corbett. Home run, Moorefleld. Sac- rifice hits. Heck (2), Barber, Brad shaw. Sacrifice fly, Moorefleld. Bases on balls, off Schwartje, 1; off For tune 6. Struck out, by Schwartje, 9; by Fortune, 8. Stolen base, Hickman. Double play, Corbett and McCoy. Passed ball, Koehler (2), ,Woodall. Left on bases, Winston, 9; AshevllUe 8. First base on errors, Winston, 3; Asheville, 1. Time, ' 2:40. Umpire, Boyle. Attendance, 650, . : CORBETT COVERIN G SECOND pitched the best game he has worked In since he came to the Carolina league he lost the game, which was due to errors made by his team -nates. A total of six errors, each of whl was costly was registered against ibe Patriots, with Smith, a new man :aak ing four of them. Vice-President E.. J. Brandt, of the league umpired the game ysstirlay, Pasateri having resigned and left the city. Umpire Brandt worked a good game and gave satisfaction . to the players on both sides, something that has not been done by an umpire here in a long time. The game was one of the fastest of the local season. Just one hour and a half being 'consumed in the playing. The tabulated score of yesterday s game follows: Charlotte 2; Greensboro 1. ' Greensboro, June 17. By winning the game here yesterday afternoon t.y the score of 2 to 1, Charlotte moved up to fourth place in the league standing and Greensboro tumbled down one notch. Despite the. fact that McWnorter COOK 72V COMFORT THIS SUMMER YOU can make your kitchen as livable as your living room v -if you have a NEW PER FECTION Oil Cookstove. No wood-box, no ash-pan, no coal-hod to bother with. A clean, cool kit chen, and half the drudgery gone. The NEW PERFECTION is quick and handy like a gas stove. It lights instantly, ard gjves you a big volume of heat, easily regulated just by raising or lowering the wick. It is easy to Operate, easy to clean, and easy to re-wick. 2,000,000 women say it's "gas stove comfort with kerosene oil." Ask your dealer to show you. his NEW PERFECTION line stoves with' one, two, three and four burners. Note particularly NEW PERFECTION OVENS, especially made for use on these stoves. Ideal for roasting and baking. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain the best retultt in oil Stovei, Heaters and Lamp. - jt, .HI l'l I III HI ! STANDARD OIL COMPANY CWWUe, n c OarWo W. V Charleston, S. C WwV.do, D. C NotfoJKVe, Richmond, Va. ' (New Jertey) (BALTIMORE) WISHES ENGLAND TO ANNEX ISLE OF MAN 17 19 27 26 28 Clubs. Philadelphia Chicago . . St. Louis Boston .. . Brooklyn Pittsburgh . New York .. Cincinnati . National League. Won. Lost. ..27 ...27 ...28 ...24 ..24 .23 ..20 19 21 21 26 24 ,26 24 24. Pet .682 .605 .568 .400 .381 .364 Pet. .563 .563 .519 .600 .480 .489 .455 .422 American League. Clubs. Won. Lost. Pet Chicago ...... -...32 20 .615 Detroit .. .. ...32 22 .693 Boston .. ,.. K...26 18 .591 New York .. ... ... .-.25 23 .521 Washington .. ....23 22 .511 London, June 17. Dr.. Ambrose Qualtrough. a member of the houae of keys, the governing parliament of the Isle of Man, gave notice at the last session of that body that at the next meeting he would move that the Eng lish government be asked to annex tne island. He complained that the Isle of Man could not get needed reforms, and that the government had relapsed Into a "one-man power.' The Manx peo ple, he affirmed, were worse governed than the Germane, The island, owing to the cutting oft of boarding house and hotel business by the war, is on the border line of starvation. The Me of Man, although part of the British, Isles, still maintains a cer tain Independence. It is governed by a separate legislature called the Tyn wald, consisting of two houses, the Governor and Council and the House of Keys. Bills after having passed both houses must receive the royal as. sent. ' :. - f . Cleveland . . Philadelphia St. Louis . . .20 .19 .19 28 31 32 .373 "I HIGH POINT ELECTS NEW FIRE CHIEF Federal League. Clubs. ' " Won. Lost. Kansas City i.. !...33 Charlotte Boykln, If .. Leonard, 2 b Munch, lb . Geary, rf . . Doak, 3b . . Sweeney, cf Joplin, ss . Wells, c ... Lowe, p . Totals . Greensboro AB R H PO Smith, ss ........ 4 0 0 0 Van Hprn lb .... 4 0 0 Watson, 8b 4 0 0 Neeser, rf 3 11. McBane, cf ...... 8 0 2 Gosnell, If 3 0 2 Emery, 2b 4: 0 0 Rowe, o ..'..40 1 McWhorter, p .... 1 0 1 Totals .. .. -..80 1 7 27 15 6 Score by innings: V Charlotte 002 000 0002 Greensboro ........ 000 100 0001 Summary: Two base hits, McBane (2), Lowe. Sacrifice hits, McBane. McWhorter, Doak. Sacrifice fly, Gos nell. Bases on balls, McWhorter 1; Lowe 2. Struck out McWhorter 6; Lowe 2. Stolen bases, Gosnell, Mc Whorter, Joplin. Double play, Mo. Whorter and Van Horn. Left on bases Charlotte 6; Greensboro 5. First base on errors, Charlotte 4; Greensboro 1 Time 1:30. Umpire Brandt. Attend ance 400. A3 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 .. 3 . 8 . 4 . 4 8 H PO St Louis i Brooklyn -.. Pittsburgh Chicago . , Newark . . Baltimore .. Buffalo .. . ... ..27 29 ,..26 ...28 .-..25 ..19 ...20 21 21 23 23 25 27 31 36 ...S3 2 4 27 14 2 15 0 0 2 1 1 6 .2 2 6 Clubs. NewOrleans Memphis . . Birmingham Nashville . Chattanooga Atlanta . . Mobile .. .. Little Bock . Southern League. Won. Lost ..87 ,.82 ,.81 ..32 ..28 ..20 ..22 ..20 21 25 26 28 25 31 35 46 Pet .611 .563 .658 .581 .528 .481 .380 .357 Pet .638 .561 .644 .533 .628 .456 .386 .357 Summer lingerie presses High Point, June 17. At a Joint business meeting of the various fire departments of the "city last night In the club Tooms of the Southside sta tion new offloers were elected to be passed upon by the city council. E. W. Freeze, E. K. Ingram and S. C. Clark were nominated to succeed the retiring chief, A. B. Homey, as head of the department Mr. Clark receiv ed the largest number of votos and unless the city council will otherwise, will henceforth be chief. J. H. Long and T. M. Teague were nominated as assistant chiefs. Mr. Teague was elect ed. For the position of secretary and treasurer the following were nomlnat ed: H. N. Oakes, W. L. Hepler, C. C. Stuart and J. L. Snider. H. U. Oakes was chosen. ' South Atlantic League. Clubs.- Won. Lost. Macon . . Columbus Augusta . , Charleston Savannah . , Columbia . . Albany Jacksonville Pet, .83! .600 .500 .500 .600 .500 .400 .200 RESULTS YESTERDAY. -H K 5 North Carolina League. At Asheville-Winston, rain (First game.) At Asheville 4; Winston 3. (11 inn, second game. At Durham 2; Raleigh 7. At Greensboro 1; Charlotte 2. We are f eatniing this ,, week a -splendid new line of lingerie, net, lace-and yoile frocks, They axe -made in ' the new summer modes. In the better grades ourshow- i ing is distinctive. ; $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 and on up lo $62.ov are tne prices. PARIS WOMEN LAWYERS BUSY DURING THE'WAR Paris, June 17. The women law yers, of whom there are about 80 reg istered before the Paris bar, have come Into their own since the war. The needs of the army have thinned the ranks of their male rivals, and the women lawyers, who formerly were called in only in cases involving worn en clients, have begun to get a share of the ordinary routine business of the courts. A number of the women "avocates' have made a specialty of pledging be fore courts-martial for soldiers whose minor infraction, and the women have proved very successful pleaders in this class of business. ytfsfn h cfenifear Sale Continues 25c buys the best Undermuslins ever offered at-the price in Asheville. You'll wonder how they can be made for so little. A special purchase of one hundred dozen permits us to quote these gowns, drawers, chemise and corset covers at this price. National League. At Pittsburgh 2; Philadelphia 1. At St Louis 4; Breeklyn 8. At Cincinnati 2; New York 5 innings.) . At Chicago 3": Poston 4. (i: WOODEN MONUMENTS ERECTED IN GERMANY Raleigh 1; Durham 2. Special to The Gazette-News. Durham, June 17. With Durham showing the poorest form for a week and the game being slow and uninter, esting, the affair here yesterday af ternoon between Raleigh and Durham was won by Raleigh by the score of to 2. Hiller for Durham was the only man who played up to the usual standard, the other players all going at their work In a listless manner, Parnham, pitching for Raleigh, worked a good game, allowing only seven hits and his team mates gave him errorless support. Cheek, the Mars Hill product, pitching for the Bulls gave 11 hits, three of which were for three bags each and walked six men. ' The tabulated score of yesterday's game follows: Raleigh Dysert, If Mack, lb ... Roberts, cf . Perkins, o Schuyler, rf . McConnell, 3b Cltrano, ss . . McCord, 2b . Parnham p 4 Totals .. . . ..35 Durham Butts, rf .... Hiller, 3b .. W. Kelly, ss Morpeth, lb Dayton, cf . . J. Kelly, If Duggan, 2b . Boyle, o Cheek, p .... ' American Jjeague. At Philadelphia J; Detroit 2. At Washington 5; Chicago 2. 'At Boston 4; Cleveland 3. At New York-St. Louis advanced. Federal League. At Baltimore 6; Kansas City 6. At Brooklyn 3; Pittsburgh 2. At Newark 2; St. Louis 3. At Buffalo 0-1; Chicago 8-3. International Association. At Jersey City 4; Richmond 3. At Providence 3; Newark 1. At Toronto 1; Rochester 3. At Montreal 4; Buffalo 3. American League. At Columbus 3; Minneapolis 8. At Indlanapo!!'j 5; Milwaukee 2. At Louisville 8; St. Paul 3. (10 inn.) Amsterdam, June 17. Potsdam, Heilbron. and other German towns- have joined Berlin in erecting wooden war monuments, the surface of which they are covering with nails hammer ed In bv contributors to war charities. The Potsdam monument is in th shape of a giant cross, Heilbron has an eciuestrlan monument of the Knight of the Iron Hand, while other cities have erected colloasal figures of eages, peasants, and characters from German folk lore or mythology. In the case of the Potsdam monu ment, subscribers of ten cents to tne war charity fund may drive one iron null, subscribers of fifty cents one t!l vor- headed nail, and subscribers of $2.50 a gold-headed nail. WILSON MAN KILLED BY A. C. L. TRAIN AB R H PO A E . 5 3 2 5 1 0 . 5 2 1 14 0 0 . 5 1 2 2 0 0 . 5 0 8 5 1 0 . 3 0 0 0 0 0 .411020 .211160 . 2 0 1 0 3 0 . 4 0 0 0 1 0 .35 7 11 27 14 0 AB R H PO A E .412110 .401180 . 4 0 0 2 1 0 . 4 0 0 7 1 0 . 4 0 0 8 0 0 . 4 0 2 0 0 0 . 8 0 0 1 80 . 8 0 0 7 1 0 .311081 '.83 2 7 27 13 'l Ficore by innings: Ralelnh 000 110 8027 Durham 000 001 010 I Summary: Three base hits, McDon nell, Hiller, Mack, Roberta, eacnnce hits, McConnelJ, Schuyler, wacnrice hlui. McConnelL Schuyler. Sacrifice nv. Cltrano. Base on balls, orr ineeK, Struck out by rarnnam ; oy Chrek 7. Btolrn bases McCord (); Butts (t). Double play W. Kolly, Dug- gan and Morpeth. Left on bases Ha lelith 8; Durham. 4. Time 1:46. Um plfe Blackburn. Attendance v. RADNOR nwm RAD NO J a THR IMF. W Arrow COLLAR Southern League. At Nashville 0; Memphis 6. At Birmlnsham 5; New Orleans 3. At Little Rock 3; Chattar.ocga 4. At Atlanta-Mobile, rain. South Atlantic League. At Columbus 4; Augusta 10. At Jacksonville 12: Savannah 7. At Albany-Columbia, rain. At Macon 3; Charleston 2. Virginia League. At Rocky Mount 6: Norfolk 4. At Portsmouth 2; Newport No'.V3 At Suffolk 2; Petersburg 3. Exercise " .ongvity. If exercise bad anything to do with It every fanner would live to be 2.00C years okl.-Tniu-kii i nmi'u. Take a shower bath and swim at Y. M. C. A. dally. Special Summer Rate Join today. 17-tf Wilson, June 17. John Paschal was struck by a southbound passenger train on the Atlantic Coast Line yes terday morning and instantly killed. The accident was at Contentnea Junc tion where Mr. Paschal is in cnarge of the pumping station. It seems that Mr. Paschal stepped from the north bound track to avoid a train and In doing bo failed to get entirely away from the train going in the other di rection. He was struck by the cylin der head of the engine. Mr. Taschal was one of the well known citizens with a large family connection and leaves a wife and children. GOV. WHITMAN TO . RETURN SATURDAY Albany, June 17. Governor Chcu. S. Whltmun and the party of over 30 which accompanied him on his trans continental trip, are due In Albany Saturday evening. H. Redwood & Co. HIGH ART FINE CLOTHES HIGH ART FINE CLOTHES HIGH ART FINE CLOTHES Of these are shown a great assortment in "tailors styles" of cloth, superbly made. About six or eight good shapes including three "English" successes As you perhaps know the High Art people fit you as only very few makers can. At about $20.00 The pick is excellent, though the line ranges between $15. and $35. GREAT VALUES IN PALM BEACH SUITS Low prices on Straw Hats and Panamas; on Fine' Shoes; on Stylish Summer Shirts, Scarfs, Underwear, Half Hose, etc" A Me of Children's Summer Jhoes 20 Per Cent off on all Children's Shoes for the remaind er of the week. Bring the kiddies here and let us fit them properly. A dandy lirfe of Pumps and Oxfords for Jun-" iors and Misses are included in the offering. $1.00 to $3.50 Children's Shoes are to sell a? a pair ..80c to $2.80 $5.00 Colored Quartered Pumps for Ladies, very spe cial at a pair $3.95 All fancy shoes are marked special for a quick clear . ance. II! T ' r i. . f rt ,.r w , .... 1 . ' :' ' gl'CNK 1 HOM "ALIAS JIMMY VALEMLNli" AT JLVJEST10. AFTERNOON CIRCULATION SELLS GOODS The kind of newspaper circulation which goes home and sticks after it gets there forms the brand of circulation which produces when hitched to advertising tne largest pos sible percentage of results. If there bo any one feature which characterizes the circulation or J.ne uazeue-ews more than another, it is the fact that its circulation is toa very largo extent strictly of the home-going brand ciroula- UOn WlllCll goes into llie xioiuea tu uio aiiciuwu iui cvciuug reading. Advertisers have learned through investigation of the matter that The Gazette-flews is an ever-popuiarTisitor into thousands of homes in and about Asheville; that" in .the every-day life of tho great army of people buying The Oa- zette JNews, it wieias an wiunuous muucuw, iiu vm m hp gard to its news and editorial services, but as regards the publicity it prints as well. Going further, discerning adversers also realize that The Gazette-News occupies a distinctive field absolutely its own, and that it reaches evenings a tremendous army i readers who read no other newspapers. And when tho ad vertiser locates this kind of a newspaper propositionrigat there he finda placed at his disposal an advertising service of great pulling power. TILE EVENING PAPER IS TILE HOME PAPER. Phone Your Wants to 202, ii m lift -