.v. Jnne i7, 1915, . ' THE ASHEVTLLE OAZETm,..WTi!WS - tnwevmntl ... . . - 4 nuu w u j THE ETTE-NEWS HE HORSE : PAPE READ FOR PROFIT I Our Want Ads USE FOR RESULTS Jc 2Q2U lone. 20 2 f lone 20 2 GAZ R Classified Advertising Sates. ' 1 Insertion lo pr wor 70 " " IOC " -1 " 1 si N0 Tbe reduce!! rate are for consecutive laaeruona, wnna No advertisement" token tor lets than the cost of two line. Bi words make Une. TELEPHONE 0 Classified Advertisers Uy telephone their WaU Afla The Gaxette-Newa -will t te responaible for: more than one Incorrect Insertion ol ,ny advertisement ordered for -ore than one time. The Gazette-News reserve the right to correct! classify II Want Ads. lie Gaiette-Newn wilS not accept phone or verbal orders t0 discontinue or change T. F. ("Till Forbid") advertisements. Advertiser should retain re ceipts given by The Gazette News In acknowledging pay ment for Want Ads, as no mis- takes can ow gvouutra wuuuui them. ' Read for front Use for Results x he ABC column EADY REFERENCE DICTIONARY iwyi rrilAT flAT.T.8 !4 DJIVJ S3V i for work and delivers promptly. Prices reasonable. Who?. Gll- her Bowden, 31 E. College. Phone 94-80t .... . . .... ..r rr7 1TYT T save you money on prescriptions - nd other drug store supplies. I; vears experience.' R. H, ROTH, roDrietor. 12 Broadway. vi-iot L- ALL UP MATHEWS CASH I Grocery for breakfast bacon at 1 20c: sliced ham 25c: toilet paper for 25c Phone 1881. quick ceiiv. 84-S0t Ll ASH PAID FOR SECOND HAND to ooo books for sale. Ye Old look Shop. Phone 674. WANT TO MAKE THAT NEW Soring Suit for you.. J. A. Mar- ouardt. Taylor, 6 A Biltmore Ave. 4-80t TERLY BIOTOR CO., 10 W. COL- lego, have several remodelled cars for sale at the right price. Phone 1661. 63-30t rOODY AND SON. FRESH Meats and Poultry. Best cuts 20 cents per lb. Call and see. Ill West Haywood St. 'phone 2404. 65-30t YCICK SERVICE DRY CLEAN II lng Co. Special attontlon to iV cleaning Palm Beach suits. La- m work done by hand. 6V4 West nek square, ' over Central Cafe. pones 835 and 886. 4-80t -fc- t TNDER WOOD TYPEWRITERS. I J We have several exceptional bargains for cash purchasera yaoee interested must act promptly, jKoom I, Electrical Bldg. Phone 916 I , 79-28t CLEANING AND PRESSING ANTED: THE MANY VISITORS IN Ashevllle as well as our home folks who know quality cleaning to phone wr swift messenger for them, work, because best equipped nd use best and most experienced "ip. i'hone 889, J, C. Wilbar. ,1. ENGENE JONES VALET SEIU I Mm d..u- . - . . :;L i oroer. nepainnK College street Phone 8L 8l-80t FOR RENT TYPEWRITERS CAPITALIZE YOUR 6PARE MO nants bv riUn an TTndarwnnd y make every minute count for xn Bee the records and convince jwirnlt Phone 1100. Underwood iTMwriter Co. 7I-J6t DRTSSMAJUNQ 'UXSMAKINQ AND ALL KINDS alterations. Mrs. Allen, 144 """"way. ' l-llt WTED SEWING,' BOTH PLAIN ( fancy. Children's clothes 'tMttty. phone 171$. ' . . . 19-21 BARBER tttlOrS. II , , tt u r(iR,nRKEn PHONE 1 10. H. H. jy"- u-iot FOR BALE toot little four-room cottage with good alae lot and close to car 'rcJ,r1,, .00.0. l-STtltN CAROLINA RE ALT CO. HELP WANTED MALE, FEMALE WANTED MESSENGERS. GOOD pay. Only good class boys need apply. Western Union.: 101-6t HIGH SALARIES ARE OFFERED stenographers, : bookkeepers, snip ing clerks and general nftlce help in Central and South America. Full particulars free. Call at Shockley's Agency, No. 8 No. Pack Square, 99-14t CLAHvVOYANT FAMOUS ENGLISH CLAIRVOTANT and scientific palmist. . Reads the secrets of your life like an open ; book. She helps you to win in love anairs, business, lawsuits, never fails to reunite the separated, or : most anything pertaining to human interest. Call, on this remarkable lady, she is simply wonderful. Bp cial reading 60 cents. Mme. Louise, located In tents, 68 Haywood Street , ; . 107-2U BUILDING SUPPLIES NOW IS PAINTING AND PAPERING time; money saved. Contractors for house painting, paper hanging, kalsomlning, , interior decorating. Excelsior Paint and Paper House. 84 Broadway. Phone 187. 82-J0t ' i i i t i i BUILD NOW MATERIALS CHEAP- er than in years. Get "direct from mill to Job prices." ' Estimates cheerfully figured. Williams-Brow-nell Planing Mill, Co., wholesale lumber, sash, doors, mouldings, Biltmore. N. C. 82-S0t LOST AND FOUND LOST SMALL WHITE FOX TER rler dog, ' wearing harness with bells, on Riceville road or Swanna noa drive. Answers to name of "Gyp." Reward for return to Miss E. Handte, 36 Oak St P104-3t LOST WHITE MALE FOX TER- rier, answers to. name. "Gyp." Last seen had on fancy leather harness. Disappeared Wednesday night on Swannanoa drive. Reward, return ed. Miss E. Handte, 36 Oak street Phone 187T. 103-3t Have you joined the Y. M. C. A. Tennis Club? Special Summer Rates. 97-tf NOTICE. To F. D. Miller, S. Llpinsky, J. D. Cole, Sumner, Stevens and An derson. Mrs. Huddle, C. G. Lee and all other persons Interested In the re port of the City Engineer filed in the office of the secretary-treasurer of the City of Asheville, assessing the cost of constructing a certain sewer line against you which sewer line runs from Palmer street to Victoria place In said city. You will take no tice that said report has been filed according to law, and that the mayor and board of commissioners of said city at their meeting, to be held 23rd day of June, 1916, will consider said report and take such action as they may deem proper. Any objection to the above report must be made In writing under oath and filed in the office of the City treasurer at least two days prior to abova date. This June 10th, 1915. F. L. CONDER, Secty-Treas. 102-10t NOTICE. To Mrs. Harrison, J. O. Mrrimon, Mrs. Ida Farmer, B. P. Lambert, II. F. Frady, J. M. Spurlln, C. R. Perry, Bethel Methodist church, Ed. White, E. D. and T. L. Foster, Walter Green, 8. Sternberg. Mrs. Glrdwood, W. A. Hipp, J. T. Borrells, Ella H. Dunham, Demlnah Carver, Frank Brown, Wm, K. Howe, F. T. Mlddleton, J. W. Ja- cocks, R. E. Kents, E. R. Andersan estate. Wm. Clarke and all othor (r- sons interested In the report of the city engineer filed In the office of the secretary-treasurer of the City of Asheville, assessing the cost tit con structing paving against you which paving Is on Phifer street In laid olty. You will take notice that said -eport has been filed according to law, and that the Mayor and Board of Com missioners of said city at their ineot-Ins-, to be held the 23rd day of Juno, 1915, will consider said report and take such action as they may deem nroncr. An objections to the attve report must be made In writing und tr oath and Tied In the office of the tea rotary-treasurer at least two lays prior to above date. This June 10, 1915. F, U CONDER. 'Soc.-Tras. 102-10t NOTICE. I, J. C. Cogglns, of Plymouth. Washington county, N. C, enter and claim twenty acres of land more or less. In Buncombe county. Black Mountain Township, being all that tract of land on the Little Allen Mountain, adjoining the Holman Christian University Lands on the Kast, the ilallne lands on the North, the Reed and Roberts land on the West and the Hardy Stepp lands on the South, This June th, 1115. (Sal) C- COOOIN& J. J. MACKEY. Entry Taker. (102-June 10-17-14 July 1) Have you Joined tne T. M. C. A. T..,r.ia nuhT Rnsclal Summer Rate. .... . ... TU FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT 9-ROOM HOUSE WITH 3 . BATHS, IN completely furnished , modern in every detail. Garage on lot Will rent for the season , or longer. Phone 2543 or Box 327. 98-14t ON SUBURBAN TROLLEY. New cottage; 3 rooms and sleeping porch. Beautiful mountain views. Right in the woods but with all the accessories of a city. Vegetables, milk and butter delivered daily at door. . Ideal for recreation and con valesoence. Delightful environment Rental by season or year, furnished or unfurnished, at moderate rate. HENRY T. SHARP, 66 American Bank Building, Phone 8-1-7. 105-St. OFFICES FOR RENT TWO VERY desirable large offices on second floor for $30.00 per month and entire third floor for $20.00 per month at No. 4 Pack Square. J. T. BLEDSOE , Phone & COMPANY 461 106-2t UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR KENT FOR RENT A 5-BOOM BCNGA low, nearly new, one block from car line, has range, bath, shades, screens, sleeping porch. Many oth ers for rent Also a large list of furnished houses. F. M. MESSLER & SON, 'phone 682. " 104-3t FOR RENT A DANDY 5-ROOM " bungalow, nearly new, one block from Charlotte street; bath, shades, range. screens, beautiful views. Phone 2280. ' , 98-6t PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Pepper, cabbage, beet, cauliflower, potato, egg and lettuce plants. M. A. Creasman, 84 Flint, 'phone 318. PLANTS POTTED SPARKS EAR liana, Ponderosa and Stone 25o per dozen. Chinese Giant Ruby King and Long Cayenne pepper 26c per dozen. Black Beauty Egg Plants ready In ten days. Cab bage plants 25c per hundred. Sweet Potato plans ready in ten days. L, R. Strieker. Phone 1626. 73-80t TOMATO PLANTS, EGG .PLANTS, pepper plants, sweet potato plants later. All kinds of bedding plants for yard. Phone 99. 71-tf PEPPER. CABBAGE, BEET, CAUI iflower. potato, egg and lettuce plants. M. A. Creasman, 34 Flint, Phone 318, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED BOYS OR GIRLS WISH- lng to go to business college, to buy three $60.00 scholarships in first class business college in Asheville at one-half price. We have three to sell this way. Call at Gazette- News office. P91-2U WANTED II EMLOCK TREES. TharTt 8000. Will buy them In the ground. Also spruce and pine trees. 104-1 4t FOR SALE FURNITURE AS11EV1LLE FURNITURE CO. WILL buy, sell, rent, store or exchange new for second-hand furniture. Phone 1861. 29 Biltmore avi nuo. a-sot NOTICE To A. L Garren, W. A. Murry, W. W. Buckner, G. 8. Robtnsou, T. I Hyndman, E. L. Ray, J. Y. Leeper, E. L. Ray and all other persons Inter ested in the repost of the City En gineer filed in thJ office of the City Clerk of the City of Asnevnie, assess In the cost of constructing a certain sewer line against you whirh sewer line nV'?.nb!n.:ri.."'"r;; ha. been fl" 1 ht th. Mavor end Board of Com- .i.ir.n.r. r uid City at their meet- . . w. k.l flh Amv at June. liTs. wm consider aald' report and take such action as they may deem proper. Any objection to nm oovr report must be made In writing un der oath and filed with the Secretary Treasurer at least two daya prior to above data. This June 2nd, 191S. F. L, CONDER, Secretary-Treasurer. 196-IOt NOTICE OF SALE. On June 14. 1U. at II o'clock M., at the West Door or tne reaerai huiMin In the city of Asnevnie, in lha Western District of N. C. the undersigned will sell to the highest fjlM FINE NYAL'S MAYFLOWER and best bidder for cash at the out- Talcum A'owder. 26c. Oram's Phar .mndlna accounts due Cherokee Tan- ' 106-30t ntng Extract company, bankrupt to- gether with every other chose In ac lion in lis lavor. This the 14th of June, 11$. VONNO L. OUDGER, Trustee. Cherokee Tanning Extract Com nuir. bankrupt 108-81 Telephone your wants to 101, WANTED BOARDERS PRIVATE FAMILY, NEAR CAR line; home cooking. Rates reason able. Ill Chestnut St. P9i-14t THE FLORENCE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. First-class commercial and family hotel, one block east of pas senger station. American and Eu ropean plan. Modern' conveniences. Special rates week or month. J. E. Prltchard, Prop. 85-14t A FEW MORE SELECT BOARDERS no tuberculosis, can be accommo dated in suites of rooms with pri vate bath at "The Belvedere," 95 Church st 108-26t WANTED TWENTY DAY BOARD ers at Wllliamscroft. Moderate rates. Phone 1768. 107-30t THE OZARK. PASTIES DESIRING meals of quality with or without rooms will be pleased with our ser vice. Mid-day lunches a specialty. Call 'phone 603 for Information. Phil Wright, 76 Broadway. 82-30t ... ; lt HILL CREST NOW OPEN FOR THE summer. Large, airy rooms, new management E minutes' walk from Square. 10 Clayton St Phone 2625. IN PRIVATE FAMILY OF TWO adults, verv select neighborhood, au conveniences; plenty ol miiK anu eggs. Rates reasonable. Mrs. w. 7. Bohannan, 393 Merrimon. Phone 879. 82-et MRS. H. O. TABB HAS OPKSM her co,ttage for guests on the Is.e of Palms. First class accommodations. For rates and further information address Mrs. H. O. Tabb, lsl0 of Palms. Charleston. S. C. 105-2ot INGLENOOK 56 CHESTNUT ST., convenient to town; large, porches; neighborhood and surroundings ex. ceDtionaL Phone 2242. 96-1 tt BON AIR 68 ASHELAND AVE., ON car line from depot and three blocks from square. Thoroughly cleaned and new furniture from top to bottom: all modern conveniences; good table; reasonable rates. 82-80t "THE ELTON" AN IDEAL HOME like Dlace to board. Rooms lth private bath. Hot water heal Special rates for next three months; also for table boarders; flood home cooking. Central location. 45 HDruce St.. Mrs. a N. Watklns. Phone 958. 94-30t THE UTOPIA 22 ORANGE ST. nice. . clean, comfortable rooma With or without board. Phone 2298. - 91-S0t COME LOOK AT THE ROOMS AND. try the meals at Wllliamscroft, Phone 1768. 107-30t THE ROCK LEDGE, 68 HAYWOOD street Nicely furnished rooms; ex cellent board; rates reasonable. Tel ephone 1925. Mrs. Frank Israel. 91-30t WANTED REAL ESTATE. desiring to build home would be Interested in lot Montford section, must be at least 60 feet front give full particulars In first letter. "J. T. B.," care Gaxette-News, 108-17rl9-21-23 SITUATIONS WANTED SDeclal Rates for situations wanted IS words 1 time free; additional in sertions 10 cents each insertion. REGISTERED DRUGGIST WANTS position at once. Best rererences. V. B. Etklns, Slier City, N. C. 104-St WANTED POSITION BY EXPERI- enced lady stenographer, thorougniy familiar with general -ofllce work. Address Stenographer, care Oasette N.w. . 108-P61 YOUNG WIDOW DESIRES POM - "S" r'F M. E. S., New London. N. C, R. P. D. No 2. Box 18 108P3t I WORK RANTED FOR a nousE maids. 24 tialther Bt Phone 868 106-PIt FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE PONY. AFP1-Y 8 Orenira Bt Phone 1627. ri04-!ll NYAL'S FACE CREAM WlTn PER- oxlde clears the akin of blemlnnra I6a Grant's Pharmacy. 105-90t FOR SALE EDISON HOME P1IO- nograph and large assortment or re cord. Apply "W." uaieite-News, 10S-6t. A Dt7S1NK8S cOr.&EGK SCnOlR ship. Ressonable. care Oacette-Nrwa. Address "C." lC0-7t FOR SALE ANY QUANTITY KILN dried building brick. V. H. uugnes, Pron. Emma Brick Tarda. II. A. Brown, agent Phone 841. 14-tf SPECIAL WANTED YOU TO TRY A LOAD of our nice kiln dried kindling or stove wood. Telephone 321, Pisgah Lumber Co., successors to English Lumber Co. 8S-30i FOR SUMMER TERM AT THE ASHE- ville Business College offers spec ial courses in Penmanship, English, Arithmetic, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Banking, etc. Henry S. Shockley, principal. 3rd Floor No. 8 No. Pack Square. 89-14t WANTED EVERY LADY AND gentleman to call and inspect the line of genuine Pan Hats that we have on sale at 23 Haywood street. Miss Cruise' shop. Poole Bros. Co. ' 103-2U. BALDWIN'S HEADACHE 6c. Grant's pharmacy. REMEDY 105-60t COW PEAS NOW IS THE TIME TO sow your peas. We can furnish you with the goold old North Carolina kind in any quantities. Phone 1041 Western Produce Co., 88 N.Lexing ton Ave., Asheville, N. C. 92-14t DON'T PULL THE HAIR OUT OF your face. This means every man who shaves with a dull safety razor. Bring the dull blades to us, we sharpen thorn. A. B. S. Co., 23 Broad way. 108-3t AWNINGS AND TENTS, THE BEST at lowest possible prices. Asheville Awning and Tent company, 30 West College street. Phone 1641. 106-30t SPECIAL AUTOMOBILE RATES TO Pisgah Mountain lodge, Henderson. ville, Black Mountain, Bat Cave and hour drives. Experienced and care. ful chauffeurs. Lyer.y Motor Co., 10 West College St. Phone 16,51 89-S0t DEATH TO FLIES. 10 SHEETS FOR Ec. Grant's pharmacy. SCISSORS AND KMVES SHARP- ened. Scissors lOo pair, knives 6 and 10c, according to size. J. M. Hearn & Co., 4 Battery Park Place. . 85-tf WANTED YOUR LAWN MOWERS to sharpen and repair. We have an expert on this class of work, and machinery to do the work satisfac torily. Phone 155 and we will send for mower and return. Terms: cash on return of mower. Ashe ville Buj, ply & Foundry Company. 82-S0t AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES III Gil GRADE AUTOMOlllLE AND Carriage Painting. Automobile Tops made and repaired. Our workmen are factory experts. Tlddy Bros.. 25 N. Lexington avenue. 82-26t FOR SALE OVERLAND TOURING car, 1914 Model, 35 horsepower. Excellent condition. Address "W.", Gazette-News. 103-tit Notice. North Carolina, Buncombe county. Having qualified as executor under the last will and testamunt of G. N. Alexander, deceasod, Into of the County of Buncombe, Stato of North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Swannanoa, N. C, on or before June 16th, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment This the 16th day of Juno, 1915. S. W. DAVIDSON. Executor of the last will and testa ment of G. N. Alexander, deceased. 107-16-23-30-July 7-14-21 NOTICE. In the District court of the United States, for the western district of North Carolina, at Asheville. United States, vs. Chester Young, et at To C D. 11 ill and Jane Hill, his wife: Robert Dowell; unknown heirs of ' David Shtflton; unknown heirs 'of James She! ton; Victoria Gold Mining and Milling company; H. G Thompson; Anna W. II. Thompson; Frank Thompson; Urstlla Hill; Henry A. Fulton and wife: And all persons or corporations whomso ever owning or claiming to own, any estate, Hen or Interest of any kind or character whatever, In and to the premises described In this peti tion: You will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the District court of the United States for the western district of North Carolina, at Asheville, for the condemnation of a certain tract of real estate situate in the township of Highlands, county' of J:ickson, North Carolina, and in the county of Macon, North Carolina, containing one thou sand acres, more or less, known as the Chester Young tracts,, and now clnlmod by Chester Toung and wife, the same having been selected by the secretary of narleulture, with the ap proval of the National Forest Reemrva tlon commission, and found necessary for the purpose of carrying out an act of congress of the United Slates approved Mnrch 1, 1911, being Chap, tr 186, page 982, Vol. 86, Stat at Large. , And 1h,e said dpfendanti named, non-rrsldonts as aforwwld, and nil other persons or corporations whom ROOMS FOR RENT. APARTMENTS COMPLETELY FUR- nished, $10.00 a month up. Close In; no sick taken. Phone 2625. 8i-:ot RENT NICELY FURNISHED rooms wlt-h ehady porches with or without board. 264 South French Broad Ave. 65-tf ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOCSEKEEP- Ig, single or in suite. Private bath if preferred. Phone 2298. 91-14t LARGE FURNISHEb ROOMS ONE or two bads. Board 1! desired. Cloie in; quiet. Phone 839. 96-30t COMPLETELY FURNISHED FLATS for rent. Private baths, sleeping porches. Phone 1764. 6104-7t FOR RENT FURNISHED APART ment with all modern conveniences, close In. O. D. Revell, A, B. Foy, 15 Revell Bldg. Phone S2 9. . 26-tf. CONNECTING ROOMS COMPLETE ly furnished for liht housekeeping at 18 Grady St. Phone 839. . 96-30t THE MOST DESIRABLE ROOMS IN Asheville, furnished or unfurnished, light housekeeping apartments if desired. Within walking distance of Square. Reasonable. 60 Cen tral Ave. 102-14t ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNFUR- mshed. Mrs. T. V. Moore, 102 and 104 Haywood St. P99-7t FOR RENT CLEAN NEWLY CAL somlned rooms furnished for sleeping or housekeeping. 106 1-2 Haywood st. 107-p7t FOR RENT 2 LARGE ROOMS ON Philip st. See W. R. Payne, 89 South Grove St. 108-7t FOR RENT TWO OR THREE partly furnished rooma Gas range, phone. Very reasonable to perma nent people. References exchanged. Address W. C. Care Gazette-News. 107-tf soever, owning or claiming to own any estate, lien or interest of any kind or character whatsoever in and to the premises in said petition described, de fendants named as aforesaid, will fur ther take notice that they are required to appear in the District court of the United States for the western district of North Carolina, at Asheville, on the 30th day of July, 1916, and answer or demur to the petition in said action. or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said peti tion. This notice, Issued by order of court directing that publication be made once a week for six successive weeks, in Asheville Gazette-News. This 16th day of June, 191B. J. M. MILL1KEN. Clerk of the Unitod States District court for .the western district of North Carolina. By W. S. HYAMS, Deputy Clerk. 108 June 17-24 July 1-8-16-22. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale vest. ed in me, as mortgagee. In a certain chattel mortgage or deed of trust ex cuted by R. P. Hughes to me, on the 18th day of August 1914, to secure the payment of the sum of $1,800 and Interest, evidenced by a certain note therein described, default having been made In the payment of the principal and interest on said note, according to Its tenor and the whole of said and interest being now due, and pay able. I will sell to the highest bidder. for cosh, at public outcry, at the court house door, in the ctty of Asheville, Buncombe county, North Carolina, on the 16th day of June, 1(16, at twelve o'clock noon, to satisfy said note and Interest and costs of sale. One Rambler automobile, seven passenger touring car, model No. 66 car No. 22668, color black; on Btod dard-Dayton, 8 passenger touring car, model No. 11 A, car No. 210, body dark red, and running gear red; also on Firestone automobile, 40 horse power truck, with extra touring car body, color black; also one Ohio automo bile, 40 Horse power, 5 passenger tour ing car, color red, bought from Mr. Christopher; also on bay horse, named Prince, ten years old, being the ssm horse which R. P. Hughes pur chased from D. H. Hughes; one bay mare, 7 years old, named Maud, being the same mare, R. P.' Hughes pur chased from John Dugan; one bay horse years old named Bob, being th same horse R. P. Hughes pur, chased from John Dugan; one dark hay horse 11 years old named Mack on eCadlllso 6 passenger automobile. being th same which-R. P. Hughes purchased from Charles A, Holtt on on home wagon, being th same which R. P. Hughes purchased from John Dugan; one on horse wagon, being the same which R. P. Hughe purchased from John Dugan; on one horse wagon, being the sam which R. P. Hughe purchased from Ashe- vile Harness company; on on horse wagon, being the sam which R. P. Hughe purchased from T. B. Morri son; one one horn waron, nemg tne nam which R. P. Hughes purchased from T. B. Morrison; and on on horwi wagon whl-h R. P. Hughe purchased from T. S. Moirleon. Bald mortgage Is recorded In th office of register of deeds for Buncombe coun ty, N. C, In book of chattel morv gave No. T, page 130 t q. This th 16th day of May, 1111. a H.MILLER. il-tOt REAL' ESTATE FOR SALE. ALBEMARLE PARK Most delightful forest garden li- Ashovllle. Just ideal for the sum mer vacation. All but two housoq have been taken for the season. A 1 four-room cottage for 540, Just think of the low rent! Another house with two bed rooms, a deeping porch and a maid's room at $75 a month. Also, In Grove park, a seven-room house, sleeping porch, etc for the same sum. These aro fur nished houses at bargain rates. HENRY T. SHARP. Realty Service, Telephone Connection. , 107-lt VICTORIA DRIVE Great Reduction. Exquisitely furnish ed eight-room house for $75 a month. Always held at $100 a month, but imperative change in plans dictate the price. It3 your opportunity. HENRY T. SHARP Phono 8-1-7 107-lt OAK PARK BUNGALOWS DECLARED BY MANY TO BE THE very classiest for that style of arch- itecture. If you don't want to buy a house, but prefer to build your own home, you cannot ignore these lots as building sites par excellence. On Furman avenue, a lot, 75x150, for $2,000. On Oak Park Road, 66 2-3x125, $1,250. South exposure too. Wonderful oa".t wees. On Sun set Drive, paralleling Furman ave nue, three lots, 60x125 feet each, $630 each. Pipe that? Encore; $630 each! Eastern exposure. And that is going some, don't you think? These are not "asking prices" but selling prices. . HENRY T. SHARP, ' EXCLUSIVE AGENT. 66 American Building. 10-ACRE FARM, 3 MTluES OF THIS , city V mile railway station. Ideal location for truck farming. Scen ery unsurpassed anywhere. Ad dress "Exclusive Agent" Box 928, or 'phone 856. 100-7t FOR SALE IMPROVED PROPERTY Four room cottage, electric lights and bath, well located; price $1400 on easy terms. Four room cottage located on Court land Avenue; electric lights and bath; price, $1800. Five room bungalow, sleeping porch, well located; price, $2,000. ' Five Toom cottage, modern, good grounds; price, $2000; terms, $200 down, balance $20 month. Five room two story, new cottage with sleeping porch, modern; price, $2800 on terms. Seven room house, sleeping porch, , large grounds and garage, splendidly. . located; price, $4000. . Seven room house, near In and Just ofl , the carllne. This property is strictly , modern with a splendid hot watea . heating system. The rooms are all large. Large southern porch. Th. house is well and thoroughly built,, u with the idea of permanency ratheii than a view of speculation. This la decidedly the best proposition w have on our books, and is a thous-, and dollars cheaper than most any' house offered by actual comparison. If you would have a home that you would be proud of from every yitt point come in and let us sell you this one for $4 760 on terms. We have both improved and unim proved property in any location and at any price desired. MARSTELLER & COMPANY , REAL ESTATE & INBTntANCS ' 20 HAYWOOD PTKEET 105-48 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BEV eral small farm within a distance ; of I to 6 miles of city. Some lm proved; other unimproved, Phon 1495. 108-71 e r " " . i notice: To W. A. Enlowe, Bessl Oh Lash. ley, W. E. Bhuford, W. H. Kely, MW F. Hampton, R. A. Carrier, 8. A; Mo Canlesa, 8. C, Waddell, E. E. Rector,' T. S. Rollins and all other persons In terestad in th report of th city en gineer ffled in the office of the Socre tary-Treaaurer of the city of Asheville, assessing th cost of constructing a certain sidewalk against you which sidewalk line runs Loul street In said , city. You will take notice that said report ha been filed accord'.ng to law, and that th Mayor and Board of Commissioners of said - city at their moettng, to be hold 26th day of June, 1915, will consider said report and take such action a they may deem proper. Any objection to th above report must be mad In writing una drr oath and filed In th offlo of the Secretary-Treasurer at least two day$ prior to abov data. This Jun 14, 1(18 F. L. CONDER, Secretary-TrtasureR' 108-104 . ) fpeolal Summer Membership Rato4 at T. M. C A. for men and boys, jms today, 7-tJ X. Pack 6q. l'bono 17