WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1915 ins ASU&MIIAjH gazettje-NEW3 PAGE THEET3 ES"5 'SET: LET YO UR DOLLARS BE HOME EARNED, HOME SPENT DOLLARS Auction Mr. and Mrs. Asheville and Visitors A You Are Cordially Invited to Attend Our - . . . ........ ' . . QsnH'sy f Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, 0(lM Cut Glass Novelties, Etc. S DAILY 3 10:30 A.M. 3:30 P.M. 8 P.M. PRESENTS FREE-The first 20 Ladies Entering Our Store after 1 1 A. M. Thursday, July 29, will receive Handsome Gifts M. GEL ULA & CO., Jewelers 7 N. PACK SQUARE I ;.:".!-: vH-i Will E COLLEGE STREET White Way to Be Extended From Haywood to Broad way and New Buildings Will Be Erected. IMPROVEMENT WORK TO BEGIN AT ONCE Lexington Avenue Also Looks Good to Business Men Unusual Activity in That Section. The congested traffic on Fatton yvenuc has long been a problem for those who are Interested In the nor mal growth and development of the city. That a solution has been found was the statement made this morning by the proprietor of a large busi ness establishment on West College street. A few days ago a contract was signed by the Asheville Power and Light company and Oay Green, John Lnnge, J. E. ampton and John O'Donnell for the Installation through West College street of the white way lighting system that has already done so much for the appearance and the Industrial development of Asheville The new light fixtures will extend from Broadway to Haywood street of new business houses are being planned to follow the fitting of this street for the convenient use of those bent on business or pleasure. Mr. Green stated this morning that In the near future he would begin the con struction of thoroughly modern and completely equipped furniture store building on the site now occupied by his concern. Mr. Green stated that he moved over to College street as an experiment, and having satisfied himself that the location is In every way satisfactory he will replace his temporary quarters with a new struc ture. Still Other Buildings. It Is also understood that a three story building to be used as a garage with offices in the upper stories will be erected at a cost of $15,000 at some point on West College street. And C. B. Mclntyre states that in the near future he will begin the con struction of a steel building on his lot at the corner of Broadway and College street In connection with the contract for lighting of College street it is said to be probable that the Coxe estate win have the white way system extended through Government street In case this plan should be carried out tho city from Broadway to the end of Government street through Patton avenue, up Haywood street on Pack square and on part of Spruce street and will make a brilliant display at night and will add much to the at tractiveness of the city. . Lexington avenue, not to be left behind in tha developments that ap pear to be going in that direction, Is under consideration by a number of business men who propose the con struction on that street of . several modern buildings. It is understood that options have been taken on real estate In that section with building structures in view and further an nouncements from this district are exp.octed soon. Center of City. Business development in the vicin ity of CoHege, Walnut and Penland streets are Inevitable, said a promi nent business man this morning. He pointed out that the telephone ex change stands at about the center of the city and that there is pracically ASHEVILL TROOPS E RETURNED TODAY Markmanship of First Regi ment This Year Broke All Records of the Guard. WU INVITED ON TRIP TOJOT SPRINGS Management of Hotel Tele graphs Invitation to Wo . men to Go With Party. Companies F and K, infantry and the First Regiment band arrives here this morning about 8 o'clock on a special train from Morehead City where they have been In camp for the annual summer maneuvers. All members of the local compa nies of the North Carolina National guard report the very best of times and state that Camp Glenn was In better condition from all standpoints this year than ever before perhaps. The last work of the First regiment, of which the Asheville companies are members, took place Monday, when, early In the morning the annual In spection in an attack on an imaginary enemy In position.' The record practice course was fq'l- IS Big Trucks Deliver 40 Tons of Crushed Stone Every Day. and the work will begin as soon as the electric company can import the,10 otner direction for the trade ex- necessary supplies. At the offices of the Powtr and Light company today It was stated that the work will prob ably begin about the first of Septem ber. The long poles which carry the Vires have to be ordered, but It was stated by an official of the company that the short poles to which the chandeliers are attached are manu factured In Asheville by the Carolina Machinery company. . To Remove Poll's. . The large telephone ' poles which now occupy so much apace on the sidewalk of .College street will be re moved, according to the plans an nounced, and with 'these improve ments It 1s believed that the street will become one of- the most con etantly used thoroughfares In the bus iness district Large numbers o'f peo . nip, both pedestrians and those In carriages and automobile have al ready learned to take adantag of thin short cut from Broadway to Hay wood street. xtenslvevHopmeMaheay panslon of Asheville. There has been not a little discus sion In recent months in regard to the extension of the street railway lines through College street In or der to relieve the congestion on Pack hquare. No definite plans for this work have been announced. A num ber of the business men now located on College street state that they con sider this street car extension un necessary with the present assurance Ihnt West College street will deflect a large movement of automobiles and other vehicles as well aa pedestrians Into this thoroughfare. lowed by a regimental parade, tfio former surpassing any previous record made here, the latter reflecting much credit upon the commanding officer. Company A Leads. In the record practice course com pany A was placed at the top of the column with eight men qualifying as experts, the requirement being 210 or better, out of a possible 250, with Corporal W. A. Elrod leading his com pany with a record of 227. Company B, four experts. Private Thompson Jenkins leading with 233. Company C, three experts, Private C. C. Porter leading with 241. This was the best shot ever made on the range here. Company F, four experts, Private L. E. Batson leading with 226. Company H. . Private Carl Miller leading with 212. Company I, three experts, Sergt G. P. Jones leading with 215. Company K, Ave experts, Lieut J. H. Koon leading with 214. Company M, J. G.' Everheart, lead ing with 211. Of the staff officers only two' qualified as experts.. Sergt Major Fred Pruitt leading with 223. From the experts will be selected the men who will represent their regiment in the shoot to be held at Jackson ville. Paymaster General Peterson paid tho officers and men off Tuesday morning, giving them the rogular army pay for the time spent In camp. The men entrained at 8 o'clock and left on two special trains for their home stations. Troop B. cavalry. North Carolina National guard, with Captain Freder ick commanding, will arrive here to night at 10:05 o'clock from Fort Ogle thorpe, near Chattanooga, where the troop has been spending 10 days in the annual encampment MOTHER OF "SPECS'1 MEADOW IS DEAD Durham, July 28. Mrs, J. M. Meadows, mother of Lee Meadows, pitcher for the 8t. Louis National league baseball team, died at her home at Oxford, Sunday evening at 7 o'clock and was buried there yester day afternoon at t o'clock. At a meeting this morning of mem bers of the board of trade It was an nounced that the board received a telegram last night from the manage ment of the Hot Springs hotel invit ing the women of Asheville to be members of the party which will be entertained at dinner by the hotel at that place tomorrow night At 10:30 o'clock this morning a number of women had accepted the invitation and, in all,, about SO men and women have notified the committee on ar rangements that they will be at the Southern Hallway station tomorrow afternoon at 2:65 o'clock ready 'to take part in the social and trade ex pansion visit to the ' mountain resort on the French Broad river. It Is be lieved that more than 100 Asheville residents will make the trip. Chairman Liplnsky, of the commit tee on arrangements, stated that the Southern railway will furnish special cars for the Journey and the Ashe ville street railway - company an nounces that extra cars will meet the pai-ty on its return, at 10:55 o'clock Thursday night. Those who wish to go on this outing are requested to communicate with the secretary of the board of trade, today, or not later than early In the morning. REFEREE JOHNSTON FILE5REP0BT IN CASE In announcing his report . to the Transylvania Superior court Referee A. Hall Johnston In the case of Don ald Campbell against the Gloucester Lumber company and the Gloucester Lumber company against Donald Campbell and Illinois Surety company recommends that Mr. Campbell pay to the lumber company about $83,000 for damages, as the result of alleged abandnoment of a contract The ref eree recommended that the costs of the action, which has been on for a long time be shared equally by the lumber company and surety companies. Forty tons of crushed stone a day aro now being placed on the Hender eonvl'lle road by the two big live-ton trucks which Buncombe county re cently purchased. W. E. Johnson, chairman of the county commission' ers. County Surveyor Charles N. Neal and a representative of the board of trade went over the road yesterday, inspecting the rapid work being dons to improve the rough places on this important highway; The huge trucks made four trips yesterday hauling Ave tons each at a load. The trucks haul the stone dump it where needed and also pack the material with their great 14-lnch, heavy steel packing wheels. Chair man Johnson stated that the cost of hauling this stone with the trucks as compared with teams will be about 25 cents per ton for trucks as against a dollar a ton with teams, which gives a good Idea of the increased road build' ing and repair possibilities of the county road forces due to Improved machinery. The Hendersonville road is one of the most important thoroughfares en tering Asheville, being the northern link of both the Ashevllle-Greenvine highway and the Ashevllle-Spartan burg highway, the two roads coming together near Flat Rock, about two miles south of Hendersonville. Financial CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago, July 28. Hogs, slow: Re celpts 24,000. Bulk of sales 6.50 7.10; pigs 6.757.65. Cattle, weak: Receipts 12.000. Native steers 6.2010.25; calves 7.50 11. Sheep, steady: Receipts 16,000. Sheep 5.856.80; lambs 5.25 8.60. Zack Wheat, the Brooklyn fielder, who is playing a wonderful game In the left garden, and lining out some hot ones when he steps up to the plate. Zack is one of the men who Is doing fine work in helping the Brook lyn's on their upward climb In th National league pennant fight. Another Life-Sapping Monster Captured If You Don't Believe It, Call and See For Yourself, Come and See the Proof. Now her la another case tq go on record, for after this woman has suf fered from stomach trouble for the st five years after taking one bottle ef Globe Tonio Kemedles expels a life-sapping tap worm, head and all eomplst measured It feet In length, and we have It In a glass Jar, so come and the monster, Hera la her own Itatement: I Annie Vatnrhn, who resides at 138 agle St. This woman commenced o hav bad health about ( yeara ago, lufferlng from stomach trouble. Bhe subject to bloating, bekhlng and lour stomach, Sometlmos a fluttering f tha heart. hVti.,. of breath, lightness In chest The strangest thing r it ail was, though this womsn romplaJnt was tare worm she had no fcDttfttlte. Phm mi vrv nnrmta and p-eeJc aal thought bar oomplalnt was Indigestion. Hearing of tha Oloba Tonic Kemedles that are being dem onstrated at corner Pack square and Colic street, she called, as hundreds are doing dally, and started to take the free samples, and after taking Globe Tcjnlo for about a week, passed several Joints of a tape worm which she brought to tha Demonstrators to show. Right then tha mystery of her trouble was solved. She then got a bottle of the Glob Tonio Tspe Worm Remedy, which aha took last Sunday afternoon and that ' same evening aha passed this monster tap worm, head and all complete. , Nov? wa will testify by oath, If nec essary, thst tha abova la tha truth, and have tha worm on display at tha vtore, corner Pack square and Collect street and ask you to oall and FONFRAL SERVICES OVER HENRY SOLOMONS TODAY Funeral services over the body of Henry Solomons, who died at his home In this city Monday afternoon will be held this afternoon at tha Noland-Brown chapel on Church street. Following tho service by Rev. Aaron Saltsman of tha Orthodox syn agogue, the Interment will be in Riv erside cemetery. Tha following wilt act aa pallbear ers: S. Sternberg, M. Swartsberg, M. Myers, 8. Flnesteln, I. Michaloveand L. Londow, NEW YORK STOCKS. New York, July 28. The spirited buying movement continued at the opening of the stock market Hlgh'y favorable quarterly reports of the United States Steel corporation wera reflected In heavy demands for tho stock, which opened ylth the sale of a block of 1.2,000 shares at 65 to 66, as compared with yesterday's close of 6 5 Mi. Later tho stock advanced to 66 U. the highest price since the sus pension of dividends. Railway shares retained their newly developed strength, with his eastern roads par ticularly favored. New Haven gained m, and Pennsylvania, Reading and Canadian Pacific one each. Among the war specialties there were further gains, Bethlehem rising 15 points to 263. and Crucible Steel 1 to 52 4, both new high records. see It We want every sufferer of ca tarrh In any form, Indigestion, stom ach trouble, constipation, rheuma tism, liver and kidney complaints to call and try tha Globe Tonic. Wa will give you free samples and prove to you It Is tha greatest medicine on earth. Call and hear your friends p raise It for hundreds are calling dally. So come and, meat people you know and hear true words of prats from their own lips of a wonderful medicine. If you want the remedy at home wa sell while advertising tha regular 11.00 bottl for 60c, I for tl 25. And guarantee It to b aa rep resented or refund tha money you paid. nemembM- these are the gen uine Globe Tonio Remedies and not Globa Mediclnea and are not sold on the street or peddled from door to NEW YORK COTTON. New York, July 28. Cotton futures opened steady: October (.15; Decem ber 9.43; January 1.64; March 1.78; May 8.98 bid. ! City News j door, to take warning. A falsa alarm was turned In at t o'clock last night from the corner of Broadway and East street. The fire men made the run but were unable to find any clue as to who turned In tha alarm. mile Riddle's Sunshine Maids will present an entire change of bill today at the Majestln theater opening at the matinee In "The Trouble of a Bell Boy" with new acta, song and cos tume. The company won favor In Its opening play at tho Majeatlo and the comedians promise a new line of Joke and merry chatter that will Berlin, July 18 (By way of Say vllle) -The French submarine Marl otte was destroyed by a German sub marine on July 26 at the Dardanelles, according to a dispatch from Con stantinople to the Mlttag Zeltung. Thirty-one members of the crew of the French submarine were captured. Tanlh Slmmor Hunk. Copenhagen, July 28. The Danish steamer Nugin from Gothenburg, Swe den, for ths River Tyne, laden with railway ties ha been sunk In ' the North sea by a German submarine. The crew were landed at Wllhelmaha. ven, near Bremen.. drt-U doubt) eea pleas the audience. t. '".J.. . ' ' Jl mm Then thy CAPSUUt in Hiatrior to ttum tf Coptlta, Cuaabt er HllMtinH.Mi" HEUEVU Is (MIDY) 24 HOURS tha aiiM Whims nV eut lacanvMltaot, Maraflanwy Barring the unf oreseen every retail buyer of a new Ford car between August 1914 and August 1915, will receive from $40 to $G0 as a share of the Ford Motor Company's profits. The Ford car is everybody's utility, because it is easily adaptable to everybody's work or play. It is reliable; serves every one and brings pleasure to all. An economy because it saves money an average cost of two cents a mile to operate and maintain. Runabout 3440; Touring Car 1490; Town Car 16(0; Coupelrt 750; Redan $975; f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment On P fnplay and sal at D. C. SHAW MOTOR CO. 52-CO Broadway. Phono 22C0.