PAGE TWELVE MORE HEAT UNITS IN M & W INDIAN COAL. Those who rise it say it lias superior qualities for every purpose. Phones 129 and 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company SO Patton Ave., Druhmor Bldg. CHINA, GLASS, ENAM EL, TIN, ALUMINUM WARES Variety, Quality and Values. I. X. L. DEPT. STORE. 16 BROADWAY Pbone 107. Lanjren Bldg. 2,000,000 Women Use Hot Point Electric Irons Their, Reasons 1. Always cool handle. 2. Point always hot. j. Cool-Grip, removable switch plug. 4. Non-scortching attached stand. 6. Heating element 'guaranteed 10 years. . Price only $3.00. Buy yours at ; PIEDMONT Electric Co. 64 PATTON AVE. . Opp. P. O. GOOD SECOND HAND PIANO for $110.00 at DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE Distributor Pianos. of High Grade n Reliable HOURS 8 to 6 I SUNDAY r j a io ,o i Dentistry (INTtlE SUCTION Come here In the morning and hHve your old teeth extract ed Fl'.KE. and return home at nightwlth a NEW (temporary) set that (Its perfectly. Diseased gums treated. Missing teeth re placed) without i plates 10 years' 'guarantee. Set oPTeeth .$5.00 Gold Crowns $4.00 Bridge Work $4.00 IDEAL PAINLESS DENTISTS f BllUnoreeAve. Over Zagclr's Greatest Efficiency vLeastWaste MONARCH coal gives a quick fire. It produces big volumes of intense beat and bums steadily until consumed right down to the last pinch. Lay in row winter coal now. Southern C02I Ca Those 7C0 10 II. i'ack Z. 1 1rat?OT3?ffi I and keep you in comfort later. Pepsi-Cola gives you the most wholttomt sort of brain refreshment and body vigor. Each benefit which it brings is tvtrlasting benefit, because Pepsi-Cola is purr healthful. Fruit, pepsin and stimulating oils in it, quench thirst, aid digestion, relieve fatigue. Everybody likes its tart, rare flavor. PEPSI-Cola gives you what you want most, on a hot, stifling summer day. It's original. It's different. Keept you happy and clear-headed for any work which you should do. It is safer to drink than water, for it is filtered, purified, tested and proved. Drink Pepsi-Cola when your body nuanU refresh ment. Ask yourself the question "Am I thirsty, NOW?" In bottle At Founts Hli OF -SHIFT BY LOCAL WOODMEN Yesterday members of Balsam camp, No. 1, Woodmen of the World, conducted Impressive services at the unveiling of the monument which marks the grave of the late Barclay L. Orr, killed in an explosion at garage in this city some months ago More than 200 friends and relatives were also present Including members of Pisgah lodge, No. 32, Knights of Pythias, of which the deceased was a member. Standing around the grave of the I decease. Woodman in wedge-shape, emblematic of woodcraft, the ritual of the order was carried out, A i quartet sang a number of selections 1 and Mrs. Neptune Buckner rendered 1 an appropriate poem. The monument Is a handsome gran ite shaft with appropriate design. rHOLI SPECIAL" BUTTER tOO TO ISHEiLE'S FAM Asheville is famous throughout the country for its climate, water, air, pure milk and other attractions to the list of which must now be added butter whose color and quality are at tracting attention. The Carolina Creamery of this city haa placed on the market a brand of butter known as "Carolina Special," and the first shipment made was 10.000 pounds to Savannah. The ofil-l mam. r.9 thA nnIM I hi n if .t.tall t K I . m, inn ing at the hoard of trade rooms that they recently received a letter ad dressed .simply to "The Manufactur er of Carolina Creamery Butter, Western North Carolina." Asheville la so well known In ao many different waya that It hen long been almost Impossible for a letter Intended for delivery here to be dis guised ao that It would go astray. Many Asheville Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby. "Opod newa travela fast," and the many bad back sufferers In Asheville are glad to learn where relief may be found. Many a lame, weak and ach Ing bark la bad no more, thanks to Doan'a Kidney Pllla. Our eltlaena are telling the good newa of their experi ence with this tested remedy. Here la an example worth reading: Miss S. E. Jenkins, 174 BUtmore avenue. Asheville, aaya: '1 find tht the work I do la hard on my bark and the result la frequent backaches. had heard of Doan'a Kidney PlHa. ao t cot eome and one box waa all needed to remove the pains from my back and make me feel better gen erally." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't aim ol ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Klnev Pllla the aame that Miss Jenkins had. Foster-Mllbura Co., Propa, Buffalo. N. Y, ' DOES YQIIR HOOF LEAK? then phons 1 147 for the Roof Doctors II. Broadway, Asheville Roonng Heating Co. The good TINNERS. THE mm ACCIDENTS HEREJfESTERDAY Miss Moore of Mission Hospital Injured and two Auto Ac cidents Occured. As the result of her horse slipping on the wet street. Miss Ada Moore, a member of the Mission hospital staft of nurses, was thrown to the street and sustained several very painful although not pevere wounds about the head, face and shoulders yester- d ay afternoon. It Is stated that Miss Moore was rtdlng with a party of friends along Charlotte street when her horse lost his footing and slipped, the rider fall ing over his neck. She was at jnce taken to the hospital, nearby, and given treatment and it was stated that she was resting easy today. Machine litis Street Oar. In attempting to cut across the street In front of the 8:15 o'clock street car going out Montford avenue i last night, the automobile being driven by J. M. McCanless and filled with several members of his family, struck the street car and was damaged. According to several passengers on the street car. Mr. McCanless was attempting to cross to the wrong side of the street, in order to avoid another auto In front of him and was unable to miss the street car. The accidont happened near Margo Terrace. Although several ladies were In the mac hine, it Is stated that no one was injured. Another Accident. The large automobile belonging to Dr. V. I Dunn and being driven by Dr. C. D. W. Colby, yesterday after noon, while coming into South French Broad avenue from the Sherwood sanitarium collided with a machine belonging to Chambers and Weaver and being driven by Lawrence Hud son. Both machines were damaged and were taken to local garages, al though no one was injured. LEAVES HERE TONIGHT Rev. N. C. Hughes, archdeacon of North' Carolina In the Episcopal church, who for the past week has been engaged here in work In behalf of the prisoners on the state farm, will return to his home In Raleigh this evening. Rev. Mr. Hughes has made many friends and aroused pub He interest and sentiment in behalf of the prisoners to an encouraging de gree while in Asheville. His specific object In coming to this city was to create sentiment and secure financial aid In the work of erecting a house of public worship, to be Interdenominational, for the use of the convicts on the state farm. For many years. Rev. Mr. Hughes, working under Bishop Joseph Blount Cheshire of the diocese of North Car olina, has held services, worked among and assisted in every way the prisoners on the farm, looe.ted In Hal ifax county, and Is thoroughly famil iar with the work and haa been found by those who have held conversation with him on this subject while In Asheville to be most Interesting. Rev. Mr. Hughes received gener ous donations while in this city and haa made many friends here. He hopes to complete the fund of 14,000 during the coming year and has great hopee for the excellent results which will be obtained In rendering aid to the unfortunate whose lot, without such efforts, Is to be forgot ten. The human association, brother ly love, material and spiritual aid given the prisoners through the chan nel of an Interdenominational house of public worship on the state farm has met with recognition In Asheville as a most commendable undertaking. On the first Sunday In September Mr. Hughes haa been invited to aa- dress a union meeting of all congre gations In Reldsvtlle. While in Ashe- ille Mr. Hughee at the Invitation of Father Hall made an address at Bt. Marya chapel. IS HELD BY U. C. TJ Well attended and marked by ex cellent music and timely addresses the banquet held Saturday evening by the members of the Asheville council. United Commercial Travelers, waa an occasion of much enjoyment Con gressman Jamea J. BrKt made the principal speech of the evening, talk ing on 'The Old and New Ways of Trade." The speaker declared that It la today hard to fled a traveling sales, man whose prime ry Ideas profit ra- gardlese of the claaa of goods sold. An effort la made, he said, to sell goods that will make friends. Rev. 1. B. Williams, chaplain to strangers, delivered the invocation and later made a short talk. A. L. Hyrd of Charlotte, president of the Travelers' rPutectiv association In thla stale, and Charles O. Lee, secre tary of post F, made short addresses, A telegram from Secretary Jose- phus Danlele eipreaeed his regret at being unable to attend and stated that travel Ing men have an opportunity to be of great service to their cour.try and to their fellow men. Ilrltlsh Onlsrrs Provision. Lima, Peru, Aug. - The rtrltlh cruisers Kent and Newcastle arrived hare today and began taking on provisions. ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS ljrc MICr1ELIN-POUNDED-832 J 'mi I S Asheville ' ; - v : : I I I . Automobile Co. 1 II 1! - , . Tires Supplies -y j li 11 ' Gasoline Oil ... I i ll I We Solicit Your Patronage j I ; i l i Offering Prompt Service I jjl ll ' Best Quality 11 j S I . For Example I 11. ill , Let Us Tell YouVWhy ' mi Asheville Auto.Co. jj II I ':; 18 and 20 Church St. y ' J I I P' E(ONE QUALITY ONLY-THE BEST) ill Fine Correspondence Cards 35c Why pay 50c elsewhere for same quality? Fine quality perfect writing surface; gold edge. See Window. ROGERS BOOK STORE 59 Patton Avenue Rogers Pre; S Patton Anenue Phone 254. Seasonable Delicacies Cooked to Order CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE Haywood St, Near P. O. Phones 110 and 111. . WE HAVE FOB YOU THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS LET US HAVE YOUR ORDERS HILL'S MARKET TELEPHONE PEAS THEY ARE FINE QUALITY HEAD LETTUCE, CRISP AND FRESH EDWIN C. JARRETT GROCERIES, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS 12 NORTH PACK SQUARE AND CITY MARKET The Best of Everything to Eat STAR MEAT ON THE TABLE Means a Satisfactory Meal STAR MARKET, Phone 1917 "We are suocensful caterers to a variety of appeal tea." SEED RYE New Crop Seed Rye. We have just received a shipment of new crop seed rye and we are In position to fit any size order. A great many of our cuatonvers are sowing Rye and Clover tototh er and get very satisfactory results. In thla way you get a crop ol Rye and the benefit of the Clover to turn under In the spring. Sow one-halt bushel of Rye and en peck ot Clover to the acre. Rye, Country stock $1.15 Per Bushel Rye, recleaned stock ... ... .... ... ,. ... $1.15 Per BomIiq; Less quantity Choice Crimson Clover .. ... 00 Per Bushel Fancy Crimson Clover 0 Per Bushel L. R. STRICKER Whoiewale and Retail Reliable Seed That Grow Corner College and Lexington Telephone 1616 Furniture Moving Our Specialty Sand and Cinders for sale in any qnantity. CITIZENS -TRANSFER CO. 48 Patton Ave. ' Phone25. WEAVER.VILLE, And Lalto Juanita DANCING AT THE) LA KB TUESDAY AND THT7R8DAT NIGHTS, SWIM MI NO AND BOAT! NO EVERT DAT. MUSIC BUND AT AFTE RNOONB. , CARS LEAVF. PACK SQUAR8 EVERT HOUR ON TIIB HOUR A8IIEYIIXE EAST TENXESKKIl RAILROAD COMPANY. Ticket office opposite Langren Hotel, Phone 3 or 4. Made to Measure Suits - Agent f of The Royal Tailoring Co. Let us take your order. Sampled are up to date. . GEO. W. JENKINS If BROADWAY. Nichols Way Washing Always gives perfect sat- isfaction because it is per- j I feet work Asheville Laundry . J. A. Nichols. Mgr. 13 Penland St, Asheville. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Schedule figure published only aa Information and not guaranteed. Effective June 2"th, 1915. No. ARRIVES FROM Hastern Time 5 Lake Toxaway -11:30 a. m. 7 Lake Toxaway ...... .. 6:15 p. m, Savannah ad Jackson- . - . ville . i2:10 p. m. 11 Washington, New York, Norfolk & Richmond. . 2:40 p. m. 12 Chattanooga, Memphis St Louis, Louisville, Cin cinnati ...... ....... 2:05 p. m. 15 New York & East. .. .11:59 a. m. 18 Murphy 6:30 p. m. 20 Murphy 1:47 p. m. 21 From GoWsboro ..... 8:00 p. m. 22 Waynesville 8:40 a. m. 27 Charleston, Columbia.. 8:10 p. m. 28 Cincinnati, Chicago Memphis, Chattanooga Birmingham and New Orleans .10:20 a. m. 35 New York and East.. 2.40 a. m. 4 1 Spartanburg, Atlanta Montgomery and New Orleans .. .. 11:15 a. m. 49 Macon. Atlanta 7:40 a. m. 102 Bristol, Knoxvllle, Chattanooga 10:55 p. m. No. DEPARTS FOR Eastern Time 6 Lake Toxaway ....... 6:45 p. m. 8 Lake Toxaway 9:05 a. 10 Savannah, Jackson ville 4:10 p. m. 11 Knoxvllle, Chattanoo ga, Louisville, Cincinnati St Louis 2:55 p, 12 Richmond, Norfolk, New York, east . . 2:25 p. m. 16 "Washington, East .... 6:45 p. m. IT Waynesville and Mur phy 8:30 a. m. 19 Murphy, Wayneevlllo. . 1:20 p. m. 21 Waynesville 8:16 p. m. 22 OoldRboro . 8:50 a. m. 27 Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Memphis Birmingham, New Or leans 8:80 p. m. 28 Charleston ..10:80 a, m. 36 Richmond, Washing ton, East 6:20 a. m. it Columbia, Atlanta .... 7:00 a. m, IS Atlanta, Macon, Montgomery, New Orleans 8:80 p. m. 101 Bristol, ' Knoxvllle, Chattanooga f:10 a. m. No. 22 Parlor car between Ashe ville and Goldsboro. Through sleeping eara dally from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Louisville, Norfolk, Charleston, Jacksonville, Savannah, Cincinnati, St Louie, Memphis, Btrm Ingham, New Orleans, Montgomery, Atlanta, Macon. Dining caia on trains I, 10, 27 and n. J, H. WOOD, Dlv. Passenger Ajrent. Telephone 817, J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and - Sine Jewelry. Watch Repairing a Specialty. STOb Pack Square. The White "30" Touring Car 'A comfortable motor car for fire passengers ast) the incomparable White four-cylinder, SO horse-power motor. The exclusive family car. . Demonstrations on request, - The Incomparable White, 4-30 Roadster ,-,. I2G50 4-30 Touring .....wv.,.. $2650 4-45 Tourlnfir,, ......... 3800 . 6-60 Touring ,E 5500 ,F. O. B, Cleveland) . Asheville : Motor Sales Co. PHONE 10C0. i 67-71 EROADWAf, MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1915 SUMMER S COOKING , j Is made more comfortable and done better when you j use the best coal 1M r XM I AA. . s T . Coal PHONE 40 I Asheville Coal Co. F. M. WEAVER. Manager. North Pack 8quare. Make Your Porch Comfortable And attractive by using Walte Gra Rugs. These ruga are extra quality, fast colon, beautiful designs, and cos) no more than the Inferior grad, BEAUMONT FURNITURE CO. Home - of Furnltnre Values. S7 BUtmore Avenue. 1 Street Car Schedule. , In EJIert Nov. 94. W14. Kelllco and Return 6:00, M' 6:10 a. m. Riverside Park 6:16 and every minutes until ll:oo p. in. . Depot via. eontnaiae Avenue 5;j a. m. and every 16 minutes until l:ij p. mH then every -4 H minutes ustll 8:46 p. m, then every 16 minute u. til 11:00 p. m. Depot via. French Broad Avenue-. 6:00 a. ra. and every 15 minutes until li:uo p. m. Manor 6:00 a. ao. and every 11 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Charlotte Street Terminus 6:00 i m. and every 15 minutes until 11:M p. m. 11:20 car runs through; return leaves end of line 11:00. v Patton Avenue 6:00 a. m. and r. I ery 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m. East -Street 6:00 a. m. and tvm 10 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Grace via. Merrlxnon Avenue 0:01. A am. han awawv lit mlnt I v.av w. .... . ... u " w. J unuu I. til 10:30 d. m.; then averv 20 mln. V, utea until 11:00 p. m. Bill more 6:15 a, m. and then even ! 16 minutea until 11:00 p. last ear, Depot and West Asheville ikv I South aide Avenue 6:80 a. m. and nil ery 16 minutea until 11:00 p. m. Sunday Schedule Differs In the ti, lowing Particulars: Car leaves Square for Manor 6:00 1, m., returning 6:16 a. m. Cars leave Square for Depot n bouthalde avenue 6:00. 6:15. 0:11, 7:k, 7:0, 8:00 and t):10 a. m. Cm leave Square for Depot via, Fructi Broad venue 6:18, 6.80. :48, 1:11, 7:46 ana 8:16. Car for rtepot leaves Square 8:41 fc mH both Bohslde and French Brow. First car vvea the Bguart lof Charlotte street t 6i00 a. m. ant tw ry 80 minutea unCM 8:80. next 1:41 First car leaves the Squara lot Riverside 8:10. neiv 1:45. First ear leaves the Square for AshevUla 6:16, 7:00; next 1:80.. with the above except! ona, Bnnaaf schedules commence at 9:00 a. m. iM continue same aa week days. On evenings when entertalntamtl are In progTeaa at the Auditorium Uw laat trip on all lines will be from e tertalnment, leaving Square at rra lar time and holding over at Audli tortunt. . Car leaves Square to meet No. Vi night train. 10 minutea before acksii . i . - THE CALL CO. IT BTLTMORE AVENUB. v Sells For Cash and , Sells For Less v" HHICHESTER SPILLS , THE BUMOITD BKA1fD.f tr lIIU lm IU4 ul V.14 iikV b, mud Mlh Blw RiDteb-V I VrvnIM. AaktbrCin-OlfVlkTHrl IMAMONS) BBAXU PU.U,ktH iwtimiilMUMllmiMII SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERVWXW i

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