MONDAY, AUQTTST 9, 1913. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS 'AGE FOUR v 1 i -1 - " ! M Cm- " i M I ,Tli ffllLLE SEEITE-PS PUBLISHED BY Evening News Publishing Co. ASHEVILLE, N. C W. A. HlWebrnd...........-Blltor X. K. DuvaU.,.. eBusiness Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: AshevUle ana BUtmoro -One Week .....-"'., Three Month f Blx Months soo Twelve Months . ......' - "' Br Mafl, In Advance 1 Three Months ,' 4.00 i Wk Month I Twelve Months Any matter offered for , that is not ciawnu , - - notice or appealing or P-W n admittance or otncr ie - - -1 - l ,m ho accented at ; is advertising iiiu " r,i regular rates only. The same applies to cards of thanks, obituary not ces, I political announcements andtheJiKe. Judging from hopeful London ut terances which issue In times of stress most of Russia Is swampy. Carranza probably figures he can flght longer by talking peace. The Russians didn't want Warsiw anyhow.; ; - vz . e ... "- fcs;. KitititsiitititK A DAILY LESSON :' . ; ' . it IN HISTORY 1 Auzust 9. I k n t s W The Gaxette-News Is a me"- : i twsr of The Associated Frees. - Its I N telegraph news is therefore com- w jt piete and reliable. ' at H St It tt It I Entered at the Postofllce In Ashevllle as second-ciass nmiii. . MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1915. It K K K 1815 One hundred years ago (today ah a reeuu 01 a visii irom com modore Decatur's squadron the Dey of Tripoli agreed to free his Christian prisoners and make restitution for American property captured. 1840 Seventy-five years ago today orig 'Florence, uounu from Rotterdam to New York, was wrecked off the coast of , Newfoundland, with the loss of 5ft llVRS 1865 Fifty years ago today. Alex ander ri, Stephens of Georgia, John H. Rner.n nf Texas n.nd other eminent representatives of the late Confederate States Kovernment were still held prisoners in Fort Warren, Bos ton hnrhnr. 1890 Twenty-five years ago today uermany look lormai posses sion of Heligoland in accord ance with the terms of the agreement concluded with Eng lanil. 1914 One year ago today. -Servla made a declaration of war on Germany. and laughed and laughed and laughed till Tommv wax almost offended. "I don't see anything funny!" he said. But the toad only laognea tne nara t Tr. nifnlr vntl. .Tho till two months ago lived down there, should ha trvlntr no hard to explore! . its tnn fnnnv!" mil ha lausrhed again. Do you mean that this cellar door leads to my cellar? ' asked Tommy, "To be sure It does," r.eplled the toad; "this Is merely the other side of the house. You know all about that ceuar witnoui exploring j dear, this does amuse me! wny don't you simply tell' what you know already?" Tommy gulped his surprise and ran hnclr hnm and that evening he told all he knew of the cellar and was hm after all. tomonew Rainy Day Ftm for Boys The following from the Extension Farm News of the State Board of Ag i,rttre elves a good idea of the ex cellence of farm investment In North Carolina, Few people think raiwh -ht "unearned increment" in its re to the farmer, generally con sidering that the farmer earns about -ii ,. "increment" he gets, but it arrears the value of North Carolina , lad Increased 14.25 per cent annually from 1900 to 1910-high 1 According to Mr. J. M. Johnson of 1 the -Norm v.muiuio. Itlon, the improvements on the farms of North Carolina during me yr.w - ,ioo iin wns seven per cent annually of the value of the a ops produced during the yeai. . io- in ihp census OI 19iu Ai-wiu.o . .. Tv,ann " the value ot the I crops grown in North Carolina durhi,; the previous year amounted to Jis-,-890 192. The increase in value oi farm buildings, equipment and 11 ve stock on the farms was $10-.67i,4i-. . t in nr-r cent tf the lvalue of the one year's crop as given above, and If we distribute this per cent increase- in value ovsr the ton year period, it seems that the 1 armor 'has been aMe to put at least . per cent of the value of his crops into Tetter equipment, more and better ve stock, and Improved farm liuUdlu-sa. "Putting thla money into ihesa im provements is equivalent to nialaB that much profit above his pense. Not only has the farmer bet tered himself by improving his farm, v,. lnnreased In value during the same length of time about 142.5 per cent or $202,209,105 so he has the value ot tnis unw" i ment In addition to the other profit i Th other profit of 7 per cent Is not ' c toir capitalization of his farm 1 either but is on his annual earnings, l . KO TKST FOR SEAWORTHINESS. The EasUand Invest! gaUon has re- i. v, astonishing iaci i"o.v. TQdlVU vmw while there are all sorts or prov.sum made for Insuring the proper equip ment and handling of steamsmps, there seems to be none for the su premely important matter of the ves sel's seaworthiness. Officials of the federal department of commerce have stated that their Inspection does not take construction Into account. There Is no official test nr the stability of vessels. It Is sim ply taken for granted that a boat Is ' riv wit. And if a cran bp- Mks the Eastland, built only 'for speed, practically without a keel. - tfc.t h rolls easily and is nara w '.f..r nd with not enough weight below the water line to guarantee 'Hot he won't turn over. It seems to ;be nobody's business to see that she i. vnt out of the passenger traffic. w ma asmime that It will be rm.hodV business hereafter. What- ... i.i.ii.. ! needed will be ever legioinw"" adopted. Thers will be an extension of the range of Inspection and fnnrouKh enforcement of rules old and new. But the pity of It 1 that It always seems to take a great tragedy to bring about such reforms. The Balkans are maintaining their reputation as expert equilibrists. Boms of them may fall off th fen: but the chances are they wtll o so : flustered the wont light on their I? a; It H I? I? P. H t ? t i; ! H H v K K nTTT? TIATT.V RTPTTT.i DAY PARTY August 9. t.IXKS WORTH REMEMBERING Whanver vou do. do wisely, and think of tho consequences. uesta Komanorum PLAY FESTIVftL HELD IT RIVERSIDE P Right Now Is the Time to Buy The Boy's School Suit Every Norfolk Suit in Fancy Mixtures Reduced; Regular Prices $5 to $15. Now Reduced 25 per cent These 75c Blouses are Great Bargains at 55c Just in time to stock tip for school sizes 7 to 14 years.. $1.50 Indian and Cowboy Suits, Now 75c IF WE PLEASE YOU BUT HfcRE. BUT WHEN YOU BUY. BUY IN ASHEVILLE. " r H H H H It t f. V, . It li It It n n n Hernando De Soto, whose present position as U. S. consul at Warsaw is not an enviable one, born of American parents at Jena, Germany, 49 years ago today. Blair Lee, United States senator from Maryland and now a candidate for the ilomocraUc nomination for governor, born in Montgomery county, Md., 68 years ago today. at Berlin, born in Washinbon, D. C, 43 venrB afro today. Kt. Hev. vvilliam T. Capers, coad jutor bishop of the Episcopal diocese or ban Antonio, born at Greenville, H. C, 4S years afro today. Marvin Huphitt, chairman of the Doara or the Chicago and Northwest ern Kanwny, born In Cayuga county, N, Y., 7S years ago today. Charles Nagle, secretary of com merce and labor in the Taft cabinet, born in Colorado county, Texas, 60 years ago today. Louis B Manna, governor of Nortti Dakota, born at New Brighton, - .., 54 years ago today. William N. Quoal, colobratod pro fessional runner, born at Merced, Cat, 27 year ago today. Bed Time Tales. i By Clara Ingram Judson. TiTotiv unortntora attended the play festival and prize races csaiuraay m- iprnnnn s-ivnn at Riverside rarn oy the public school students under the direction of principal W, J. uarton oi thn Ornnsra Street school. Tne evenis wsn verv successful and It Is stated that records will be kept and that a similar program will be repeatea an nually. The judges were Captain James P. Sawyer, John Colvin and Claud Jordan. Mr. Burton was field director and G. Buckner announced the different events. The features Included the hurdling and fancy stepping of Carolina King, owned by Mrs. L. L. Jenkins and rid den by J. J. Pollard; Buster Brown and Dixie Girl. Mr. Burkner rode Buster Brown. All the animals were t-ined hv Mr. Pollard. Thn nriitea were awarded as fol lows: Boat race, open to boys be tween sixteen and twenty Gus Mat thews, first; L. Buckner, secona. po tato race, open to boys between eix and nine Gay Whitmore, nrst; mui flftv-vard dash. open to girls between six and nine- Miss Janice George, first; Miss Mar garet Buchanan, second. Shoe race, open to boys between ten and thir teen J. Roberts, first; James Mc Connell, second. Sixty-yard dash, open to girls between ten and thirteen Mis Ada. -Relin Shvtle. first: Miss Mary Patterson, second. Hoop race, open to girls between six and nine Miss Pauline Church, first; Miss Mar garet Buchnnan, second. Hopping race, open to boys between six ana nine p. Mclntyre, first; J. Bridge water, second. Backward race, open to girls between fourteen and sixteen ' Miss Lucy Jenson, first; Miss Mamie Taylor, seebnd. Human race, open to boys between ten ana tnirteen J . Roberts, first; S. Ships, second-; dou THE SHOP OF QUALITY. 1 11 Patton Ave. Phone 78. gggig as eggs BATTERY ARK BANK ASHEVHiLEt n. a, Capital... $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits ..... . . . .175,000.00 OrriCERS: James P. Sawyer, Chairman of the Board. T. 0. C&xe, Pres. , Erwin Sluder, Y.-Prea C. Rankin, Cashier. No Loans are Made by Thjs Bank to Any of Its Officers or Directors. LEADING HOTELS AN D BOARDING HOUSES ble race, open to girls between ten and thirteen Miss Sarah Brown, first; Miss Margaret Patterson, sec ond. Wheelbarrow race, open to boys between fourteen and sixteen J. Bridgewataer, first; R. Wharton, sec ond: Sixty yard dash, open: to gins between fourteen and sixteen Miss Lucy Jenson, first; Miss M. Faulk ner, secondT'Donkey race, Do Perry, first.- . Ask Your Grocer for 'Carolina Special' Fancy Creamery Butter m lb. Cartons, full weight Carolina Made for Care lina Trade." CAROLINA CREAMERY COMPANY, Phone 327-328 Accept Our Congratula . . tions If You Do Not Need Glasses. If you flo need them, you will congratulate us on our ability to fit glasses correctly to your eye CHARLES H. HONESS Optometrist and Optician 64 Patton Ave. Opp. P. O. D. C. Shaw Motor Co. 52-60 Broadway. 'feet. j There an apparent scarcity of as bombs on the various fronts; but j the world may at any time bs startled by the news of deadly Llmburger garlic duel along the Itonto. 1 The attitude of the Palkan states toward participation in the war ! not admirable, but their treatment by the powers in times past gives them r ta lon to be cautious. i - Why," retorts the pretty girl bather to masculine eensonng. "nhould we not wear ona-ptre bath log ult if ths men doT We pass' it nnmmv flfta A finnwtu Tn nnif,. nf thA fi cf that nM HTnn Owl Vi rnllerl and frlirhtAnftil Trtm myiTlttle-mouse away from the cellar door, he could not give up the Idea ot exploring and seeing 'for himself the wonders that the garden creatures thought it contained. "I should not have tried to explore at night," Tom my said positively. "Of course I should have known better. Old Man Owl will get me yet If I am not more careful." (For Tommy knew as well hi ftnvnnff t li . f Olil Man Owl w. Ifl T- ing for him and woirid never be eon- tent tin ne caugnt mm:; i must stop my night adventures and explore In the afternoon when the garden creatures are napping. In the eve nlng I must stay tight In my nest." thA vorv fmvt nft.rnnAn. wfriAn the sun shone fiercely and the garden craarurea wra mz uv nanDinir. mm- my Tittle-mouse slipped out from his home and ran over to the cellar dnor. I declare," ne said to himself after he had looked at the door carefully "if All thoA rordf n folk had . no! made so much fuss about that cellar door, I would be inclined to say that It was a most ordinary cellar doori and that it doubtless led to an ordi nary cellar. Quite the same kind of a cellar that Mrs. Tommy ami I lived in but of course it unt nice that! Let me see I think X can get in this way." ... Tommy was Just crawling up by the side ot the door ready to slip Into a hole he had spied, wten who should hop 'X-piunK oy nis hu im Mr Garden Toad. ' "Hello, there Tommy, what are you doing so slyly?" he aalced, right out so loud that way. . "Hush!" whlwperea Tommy softly, "please, pluese, Mr, Garden Toad, don't talk so loud. I am trying to explore this cellar while the garden creatures are napping, lton't wake anvhodv . I want to set down In the cellar and back up again while they are still asleep." "Now what in the world do roa want to go down there for, I'd, like to know?" hatted the toad cunousiy. "Bacause it la a wonderful place," replied Tommy. "Haven't yon heard all the talking about itt Pon't yon know 'that all th garden folks art interested in itT I mean to be tha ana who axnloraa it and Can tell all about what It container And Tom mv ivlrttwl hla tall Droudly. Mi. Garden Toad Just leaned hack against ts side of ths cellar -4oor FIREPROOF ASHEVILLE, NV-OY We have just gotten in a shipment of KLAXON HORNS Both hand and motor driven. Ask for prices. Mountain Meadows Inn Way up In the Mountains, over 1,000 ft altitude. Find Mountafct; Road. Perfect Service. Dinner parties a specialty. Phone 7TL MISS TEMPLE HARRIS, Prop. I I Swannanoa-Berkeley Hotel POPULAR PRICE American and European Flans HARRY L. LANGEL, Proprietor. THE BATTERY PARK HOTEL NEW YORK MANAGEMENT Entirely rew interior-attractive, home-like chambers, .single and onsuite with or without private bath. Lovely suites consisting of sitting room, one or more ihanv bers and private baths. Excellent cuisine. High standard of service. Exceptional' m chestra. Daily The Dansant, Dancing every .evening. Sunday vening coooertj musio during meals. Tho Tight mosphere. & t RAIMNG, Prop-, Formerly Hotel Plaaa, New York CttyN.T. s awiiiil.'WJiii'iiJMJiiaiffiS"jmjltl"'lljiJIUJI1 - lit : 1 -1 af!K A ETI I att A af III Reduced Again , . $7M .J- SZ43 . u - A jT a TTTvT -hi i m ii m ii m.i hi I H ir i& II I XI I U MAO ' cteiAO -T. W ' tS III WOS I . TiaJtV'V ii m rai i - w in m- m ggj Arm mi -III l-IIIIII w I III III I VTVf i Ml III I m i iii . - : , I llll s l RaTTorol Vmn1ril nnira nf thfi . ' v.v. III Ta U BB iT I I ti n ti nn ti n t.T nn I I III II HI H If li E2 I I V"' - k. M m. Ill ii'i vii III jallR mliB I I ana W-W umps ana tjxiorun i i -my 111 mi ii vain, we Bmanem. bljio auu I llll III ll ll. in llll II best of taste at eurroundinfl: II III i wii I l I I a Bsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnssaaa ,,..,..,.,, - . . . Ill III I I III III I I III III a rgsam- 1 aie f fl r 1 a a fa III i fci menn s inoeLo. w fan llll k 1 H II II M I a w all I II 11 M III III I UtlU autguiii iiuuwa III r I Asharville. ft. 0. I ' I 1 , . . 1 :-- III MXT UQ VkaT I LTLJ UA- I iS i J W aT W llll III T " . I I ' llll III I " I III I 111' ' ' HOTEL REGAL MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA, Hct and cold water. Telephone in ev ery room, rrivaie oaina. ounun heat Large sample rooms. Rates: 2 and fa. 50 per day. C. I. Gresbam. Lessee and Manager. 2 II L Bet. 5th Ave. & Broadwai 300 Rooms, Each with Bath, $2.00 to $3.50 Per Daf. Mwlii Table a'Hots as a lauana OrnA Central or Pnii. fltntloni. 1 Wbem in WayneavlIIe StoD at THE KENMO&E HOTEL it XOs) Jjeauing unmnerciai joom A. R. ri FEARS, Prop; " Uamnlsi Raaim OPEN THROBOHOCT THUYEMtJ .. ; . STOP AT ' . --j THE BRYBON UUXU Commercial Headquarters T Well Llghtd Sample Rooms, iffpm a E. BRYBON, Proprtetot, . $2.00 PER DAY Andrews, iMX r4 . HOTEL ENTELLA , BRYSON CITY Rates l perrtlay.;!iVtMM sample rooms. Livery in connaeaioaH W. W. WDEELEfc A F. JK. BTRX, Proprletocs. - A BEAUTIFUL HOME RUINED by not having Means and Ingle Dec orating Co., to do the painting. 18 South Pack Square. Phone 216. HOTEL BREVARD Brevard, lb O. Under newt management. All conaj enlenoea. .Special attention to trer ellng men. Table excellent. Raiesi 11.00 per day. Special xatea-byweem or month. MRS. . J. V CLATTOM. rroprtetreasvi ON SEPTEMBER 1st every course in our College is to bo advanced nearly 50per cent. A more thoroueh curncnlum, aa ditional well-trained teachers and extra equipment necessi tate this advance. By enrolling Wore that date, however, yon can secure our present rates oi tuition any time up to January 1,1916. ' If interested, bring-or-mail C8 the coupon below: EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE, AshevUle, N. C Oentlemenl n4 mi nartlmilajra aa. to eoat ot your various scholarships od metPOu oy wmcn a can wuivu mf time prior to January 1. llll, 'end save 10 per cent oi your prsaent nu. ot tuinon. Name Address - r Emanuel Business College Phone 1100. CANTON, IT. 0, j-. THE IMPERIAL HUTETe HL M. fieAt Proa. Bteam heated. Freev sejnpleroomsj Kieotno i ignis, r ram opvuis. xv THE SAINT JOHN HsnderennvlUs's Largest And BesBol tal Commercial, Tourls ""J The only steam heated hotel. XwfWj town. Hot and -cold water. '.a?rlmt hatha. Large Sample Room. GREEN RAMSAY. CENTRAL CAFE TTMiAAVMnvlllA- N. L. OnlyWRestaurant in city with -iprtvatd dlnlnr- rooms, under mue, Kiage xm, Open, day ana nlgut. n Toxaway Inn BASS FISHING IN , LAKE TOXAWAT" Toxaway Inn, modern resort hotel acoesstble from AshevQto f by rail or automobile. B-'atlnay bathing, fishing, tennis, bioud .tain ollmblng, flmt llvory, firsts Class orchestra, fine cuisine. For Inn. rates apply to. Toxaway Lake Tcaawaj, N, O, North State Fitting School J. M. ROBERTS,-A. B., A. M. JWacipal, j-" 70R BOYS. . a., . , Newly and Permanently Located on Austin -Avsnue. Ne School Building. Opens September 15. i Boarding and Day PnpOa. For Catalog and IntotmaUon address the Prlnolpat TELEI'HOSB 14. " 'ii. i ii .. . i, . - ,i ! .