PAGE SIX THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NEWS V Thursday, AUGUST 12, 19 I Miss .Margaret. Monroe was guest of honor at a large auction briago party given, by her coualn. Miss Opolj iirown on Tuesday afternoon at tne Home ot Mrs. J. R Monroe, mother ot MUa Monroe, on Courtland ave nue. A golden motif vu prettily car ried out with yellow nasturtiums and golden Blow. The first prize was won by Mlsa Susan Barnard, and Miss Helen Taylor cut the consolation sriasw Those present were: Miss Exum i Mearea, Miss Helen Taylor, Miss Alice i Fendar ot Tarboro, Miss Laura J Meareo, Miss Doris Davenport, Miss j Elizabeth. Taylor, Miss Mary Mlllen s dor Mlsa Nora .ievenish. Miss Mar . garet Mlllender, Miss Campbell, who Lis the guest of Miss Devenish, Miss has many relatives and friends in this1 city. Miss Slayden will also probably Spend some time with other relatives. Mrs. de Lotbinlere's husband has gone to the front and is with troops at present In England. At one time Mrs. 'de Lothbintere was planning to go over with her husband , but plans changed and Instead she will spend a short time in Ashevllle, her former home. Mr. de Lotblniere and Mrs. de Lotblniere are very popular and prominent socially in Montreal one of the last important social functions noted at which they were guests being a dinner given by the governor gen eral of Canada and his wife. It It Mlsa E. J Tiddy has returned from a vacation trip of several weeks spent in Suffolk, Va., and in Balti more. Miss Tiddy was the guest of relatives In both cities. t Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Merrill have returned from a visit to relatives in Pocomoke, Md., and Frostburg, Md. It The Misses "Welfley, daughters 0f Miss 'Susan Barnard, Miss Eleanor; " " V0 soum rrencn nroau ttvcuuw, ten on the tenth for a visit to friends and relatives In Virginia, Later on they expect to go to Washington and will return home about the rst of Sep tember. at It Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simmons of Charleston, the latter formerly Miss Margaret Penniman of Ashevllle who have been visiting in this city will shortly go to WeaverviHe for a stay. , t Edward O'Brien of Kansas is visit ing in Ashevllle, Mr. 'O'Brien Is an uncle of the Messrs. Buchanan of this city. at Miss Myrtle Gudger has as her guest Miss Elizabeth Booe of Win ston-Salem. t Miss Susanna Allport is visiting Mrs. Sherman Baggs In Newark, O. Mrs. Baggs was Miss Genevieve Brown of Ashevllle. H at Miss Martha Norburn, Bible secre tary of the Y. W. C. A., of Perorla, is expected this week to spend a brief vacation period with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Norburn. and their family, at their home near Acton. The annual picnic of the choir of Trinity church was held this year at Lake Juanita near Weavervllle. The nlrnle was an affair of this' week, an 'MpnT!lniii1 Mlsa Prances Oates. Miss , Susan Bynum, and guest, Miss Louise , Walker, Miss Genevieve Theobold, Mies Margaret Canady, Miss Kather : lne Grant, Miss Sara Hughes, Miss J Katherine Beadles, Miss Lillian ! Fletcher, MIsb Aline Reynolds; Miss Myrtle Gudger, Miss Hamilton Mc I Do well. Miss Esther Gudger, Miss Florence Barnard, Mrs. William Au I gustus Wright of Wilmington, and Mrs. Burns of Kentucky. ! H - 1 Dr. Frederick L. Hunt and Herbert D. Miles of Ashevllle have returned from the expositions in California and -an extended western trip. Dr. Hunt and Mr. Miles went to Los An geles from there to the exposition at San Diego and then visited the Pan- Lama-Pacific exposition in San Fran cisco. After this Dr. Hunt and Mr. Allies went by steamer up the Pacific coast to Portland, Ore. From Port land they went to Seattle and through Puget Sound to Victoria and Van couver. From Vancouver they took ( the. Canadian Pacific railway over the Canadian rockics by way of Lake .Louise and Banff. Altogether Mr. 'Miles and Dr. Hunt were gone five iweeks. Mr. Miles arrived in Ashevllle a day later than Dr. Hunt, having 'made a stop over in Chicago. It t ' Rev. Dr. W. B. Duttera and fam ily left today for a trip to Ashevllle, Henderscowille and other points in i western North Carolina, going up In an automobile. Mr. L. D. Peeler has returned from Hendersonville, where he spent some' days. His family will remain there for several weeks. Mrs. L. A. Smith and sister, Mrs. L. L. Dugan, spent Sunday in Ashe vllle, returning home last evening. Salisbury Post. It II. E. Rufty and J. H. Mason with their families who have been motor ing In this section have returned by motor to Salisbury. Miss Catherine Beadles entertained yesterday afternoon with a beautiful ly appointed luncheon of fourteen i ( for her charming house guest, Mrs. C. A. Byrn of Mayfleld, Ky., remem bered here as Miss Pauline Pitman I who frequently visited Miss Beadles . and at whose wedding Mlsa Beadles J was an attendant. The luncheon was a delightful affair very attractive In ; detail. Blue cut flowers with a touch of golden glow were used on . the i luncheon table forming a centerpiece 'and on the place cards blue flowers I I further carried out this color motif. Many delicious courses were served. Those attending the luncheon were: The guest of honor, Mrs. Byrn, Miss Sadie Rollins, Miss Myrtle Gudger, Miss Myrtle Rollins, Mrs. H. B. Hood of South port, formerly Miss Mabel Stone of Ashevllle, Mra W. W. j Bnrke of Jacksonville, Miss - Doris ' Davenport, Mrs. Frank Gudger, MUw ! Rlddick, Mrs. W. W. Bragg of ' Knorxvllle, Miss Opal Brown, Mra I Lee Ellis, and Mrs. N. N. Beadles. t , Mrs. J. B. Sloan has returned to the city from California, where she 1 formerly resided and where she has j been attending the Panama-Pacific 'exposition. Mrs. Sloan joined Mr. and Mra S. Liplnsky in Los Angeles and j went with them from there to San ! Francisco. The late Mr. Sloan and Mrs. Sloan resided at on time In i Santa Anns, Cal. Mra Sloan visited many points of interest en route horns. l Miss Rena Slayden Is expected from the east In about ten days to be with j her niece Mra Alain Jolle de Lot- blnlere.of Canada, formerly Miss Mary i Agnes Slayden of Ashevllle. Miss i Slayden was formerly of Ashevllle and'' . - S. C, are guests of Mr. and Mra R R. Rawls at their home on Liberty street. at Mrs. Thomas Settle entertained to day with a luncheon for "Mine Louise Wise who is a guest at Gritve Park Inn and her own houBe guest Ml: BealU Covers were laid for 18. t It Miss Myrtle Rollins is to be guest of honor at a garden party to be given shortly by Mrs. Wallace Davis at her home on Hillside street. The party is one of the first pre-nuptlal affairs which will be given for Miss Rollins whose engagement has been announc ed and whose wedding to Mr. Bell of Eastern Carolina, occurs in the fall, t It Mr. and Mrs. C. G. King and their two children of Ashevllle who have been visiting at Ocean View have re turned home and will leave on Mon day for Wrightsville Beach, . It K Mr. and Mra W. W. Bean and their small son, W. W. Bean, Jr., of Knox vllle arejn the city, the guests of Mrs. Bean's mother, Mrs. N. J. Reynolds at Her home, 22 Orchard street. Mr. Bean was a former city editor of The Ashevflle Citlen and is at present city editor of The Knoxvllle Sentinel. It t Judge Frank Carter has returned to the city. It Mrs. L. A. Tharin of Jacksonville has arrived and is a guest at the Lan gren hotel. Mrs. Tharin spends much time In this city as does also her daughter. Miss Bessie Tharin and they both have many friends here. ' Mia Tharin will Join her mother horn shortly from Saluda where she Is now spending some time. It K George B. Davis of Wilmington Is a Kuest at Highland Lake and was In the city for a brief period thus week with a near relative, Mrs. Annie Davis Martin. n n The many friends of Miss Katherlne Rollins will hear with pleasure that' Par!, Aug. 12. The "RooMe de So. she is much better and was able yes-1 coits mix Blesses MHituitvs", th-:- must terday to resume her duties at the ; n.i i rtant of the threo societies tint poctofllce. Miss Rollins has been re-; compose- the French Red Cross, lias cently Indisposed at her home on Upent about $430,000 per month dm 4:1-4 Chestnut street. )ti,o tirst year of the war up to Julv 1. mm f Children Cry for Fletcher's i .... - 1 -.. , The Kind Ton Dave Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 Tears, has borne tie sitrnatore oC 1 ana lias Decn made under ms per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to acceive you minis. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment Whatis CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fevcrishncss. Tor more than thirty years it ' lias been in constant use for th relief of Constipation, f latulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, ' assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ciENUENE CASTORIA Always fBears the Signature of We Guarantee Our Ice Cream To be the Highest Standard of Purity and Excellence. A trial order usually means a regular customer. Oar business is growing, there are a dozen reasons. "We men tion only one in this advertisement. Asheville Ice Cream Company " M. H. GRACE, Mgr. Founded 1838 V Chartered in issa TRINITY COLLEGE x DCRHAM, N. O. ' A Southern College of liberal arts with an established national reputa tion for high standards, noble traditions, and progressiva policies. Its large endowment fund makes possible Its first class equipment and large faculty of well trained and carefully chosen teachers. Student fees low Comfortable, inexpensive rooms in carefully supervised hygienic dormitories! : Classical and scientific courses leading to the bachelor's degree. Gradu. ate courses in all departments. Schools of Engineering, Education an4 Law. For catalogue and illustrated booklet address ... R. U FIOWERS ; ' - Secretary to thejCorporatkm. Is Use For Over 30 Years Tho Kind You Have Always Bought W VORK CITV. " ' ''Ifffisi'ih'i! S3 WE AV ER. VILLE, And Lake Juanita dancing at the lake tuesday and thursday nights, swimming and boating every day. music sunday afternoons, cars Leave pack squars every hour on the hour, asheville & east tennessee railroad company. Ticket office opposite Langren Hotel. THB CINTAUfl COMPANV. NEW VONK ClTV, LARGE SUMS HAVE BEEN SPENT BY THE RED CROSS SOCIETIES 000 trained nurses and 15,000 auxili ary tiursps have been' employed. Of ; these 5 were killed In the bombard j mom of Rheims and 11 have Succemb ed to contagious diseaBes contracted while caring for soldiers in hospitals. ! One nurse has been decorated with ; the legion of honor, 30 fiave been cit eil In the orders of the day and 23 have been accorded the epidemic medal. ADDITIONAL SOCIAL ON PAGE 2, Cleanliness, low prices, vice. Grand Meat Market ford, Phone 66. I r Sterling Silvei Thimbles ml anxlirtmrnt 3 ItaJn, Ornamental floowttr. A nice of aligns and star rsngln In prkw (all soll'V silver) from IS cnita to 9d nu. T h TliImM r-s rolnK fmtn thirty to tfij emta arn of siinMtantiai yWglit and, are well mile. I Ar(!:urMlFicldCo. enjoyable event found those attending. Mrs. D. Martin was in Ashe vllle on Tuesday from Highland Lake j to meet Judge William Martin, Mrs. j Martin and members of their family from Norfolk who have come on for a visit to the mountains. . n k Mrs. William Way of Charleston who is visiting in Ashevllle entertain ed friends at luncheon yesterday at the Grove Park Inn. Mrs. Way and her small son have been spending a month near Fletchers and have been joined In Asheville this week by Rev. Mr. Way, rector of Urace cnurcn, fharleston and formerly of Ashevllle. Rev. Mr. Way Is a son of Mrs. Charier? Furr Way of this city. Rev. Mr. Way. Mrs. Way and their small son will go shortly to Wnynesvlfie for a visit, Rev. Mr. Way returning to his church In Charleston about the first of October. X Mr. and Mrs. R. IJplnsky who with their daughter. Miss Clara Liplnsky. have been visiting the Panama-Pacitle exposition and touring the west have gone on to New York for a stay before returning home. Miss IJplnsky and other members of the party who have already arrived left Mr. and Mrs. Liplnsky at Chicago and the latter went east from that point. K R Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Delaney of Aber deen are In the city and are guests of Mrs. Ennls at her home, 6 Flint street. H H Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Cordesvins-, S. C.,. are expected today to spend some Urns with the former's sister, Miss Charlotte A. Walker. Miss Clara-' Liplnsky has .relumed trnm Ron Wanclsco where shs attend ed the Panama-Pacific ex!osltlon and from an extended western trip inciua ing many places of Interest Miss Liplnsky went from California up the Pacific coast to Portland, Ore., and stopped en route home and also on the way out at msny places oi raw The party of which Miss liplnsky was a member spent some time In Yellow stone park. ' v ' Mra. Alain Jolle de - Lotbtnlere of Montreal, formerly Miss Mary A" Blayden of Ashevllle, baa arrived with her two children to spend some time. Mrs. de Lotblniere has leased the home of Mr. and Mra. Charleston Mil lard In Edgemopt park. Julius Lowenueln has returned from jVaw Tork. Mr. Lowenbeln went east on business Interests but combined also a vacation period. n Rer. Armand de Rossett Meares. Mrs. Meares and their daughter Miss Emily Meares formerly of this city and Biltmore are In California yieitlng the expositions. Mrs. Henry King of Augusta and Ashevllle entertained today with a luncheon party at her handsome sum- j ! mer home on Merrlmon avenue. . . " 1 ThoPPIfgah party chaperoned by! Mrs. Wheeler nd composed of mem-; , bers of the youngsr ret has returned to the city. i Mrs. Connshj- rnlerthlns this even- j Ing with a dinner ot her home rerni hurwt, for lint " M- rll'- Danclne classes formlnr dallv. Ar delightful by thur Murray, Battery Park Hotel. I'he (ither two societies have Miert lo- cillnr about $300,000 per month, 'whli'h at the ned of the first year will quality, ser-'mr,,. a total of about $9.000, Ono to which at the end of the lirn year will million dollars in Kifls of supplies from the different countries. brinKinn the total expenditures by the French Hoi Crops for the care of wounded more than $8,"i0,000 per 27 Mont-; 14 6-tf. i For Dead SoMlors. Advt-tf soldiers month. With this money the Red ftross haH established over a thousand hospital" I containing more than a' hundred thousand beds, a hundred infirmaries, 'sixty canteens in railroad stations and one hundred and thirty Tcllcf posta near the front; in thl.s work about 18,- ; . Read The G.azetts-Ne;rs Want Ads. Each one has a message of its, own. Furniture Moving Our Specialty Sand and Cinders for sale in an y quantity. CITIZENS TRANSFER CO. 48 Patton Ave. N Phone 25. 12th ANNUAL 12. . Berne.. Switzerland, Aug. j inrnuKn me meonauon ol me r tps ; government. Germnr.y and France 1 have agreed to allow the exhumation of bodies of French and German sol- ,TJf DELIVER MEDICINES dlers who died In concentration camps. The coffins are to be conveyed through !J$Y A RUSH SERVICE THAT Switzerland. I IIS MAINTAINED AT. ALL SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK O Look them over. Imported Tile m Not very many Bottom Trays, w ln all but wnat In Silver Rims, we have are Beautifully de- j ciean, fresh, signed. good-looking ,. -The Thing B TIMES. WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHING IN A HURRY, PHONE 718. 600DE & HAGE, Inc. DRUGS Phone 718. Opposite Postofflcc Official Nurses Registry. M. Gelula & Co. JEWELRY and SOUVENIRS Now at 45 Patton Ave. In Trays" ' REDUCED VERY IOW. rOR.TUIS - 8ALBL ' C4 of everybody. "see WINDOW CO . 'Ji The Best Butter iii the world is made in Denmark llaiy .Broby, n.; native of Denmark and with 10 years', practical, experi once in this conntrv, is making ' CAROLINA SPECIAL '. 'Phone AUCTION SALE KliikU- ' 'F UNREDEEMED PLEDGES Now Going On Three sales daily 10:30 A. M. 3:30 and 8 P. M. H. L. FINKELSTEIN S oicE 23-25 Biltmore Avenue WHY IS HOLSTEIN MILK Tho Bost MilkJProduccd? Phone or write us and we will send you 'The Story of Holsteln Milk." Anandale Dairy, Phone 2141. "Carolina Trade." your grocer. .... Made, for Carolina LASHLEY, The Florist Grower of cut flowers and plants. Fall cabWge and cel ery plants. Prices" on application. Phones 99 and 2408. CAROLINA CREAMERY COMPANY, Phone 327-328 J. H. LAW. IS Patton Are. - ' ' - ' . J. L. SMATHERS AND SONS Leads in Fine Furniture. WE ARE BUSY but WE HAVE TIME to attend to YOUR ORDERS, and ANYILLNG in PRINT ING IS OUR LINE. The HAdKNEY Si M0ALE COMPANY, Inc. PHONE 181. 13 Lexington Ave. BIRDS EYE MAPLE A New Shipment Just In Chiffoniers and Dressers BURTON & HOLT, On the Sq. Jacob's Candy Grant's Pharmacy Drugt and lAQdretb'a Garden ffedda . ftiCAsBUKaejflBUBMBMBfasi To the Woman Who Has Been Cooking in an Overheated Kitchen On a red hot coal range this summer there is real pleasure in making the change to As a Fuel for Cooking Purposes. A gas range in the kitchen means comfort, lighter work and shorter hours and more time for recreation and pleasure. .' 1 . Asheville Power and Light Co. v pnoxE e. OYSTER SHELLS For chickens we keep clean shells just the richt size for the hens and you know how much depends on having shells where they can get them at all times - One pound 2c, 100 pounds $1.00 ' . Yats &t McGuire CITY MARKET PHONE 334 THE BEST COAL For general use ia our.' celebrated . ' JELLICOAND .. BLUE OEM We also handle wood', ' and kindling and do all ': kinds of hauling, moving household goods a spec ialty.. ASHEVILLE DRAY, FUEL St CON. CO. .. V I'bonee I2S no. Enjoy a Car Ride Tonight-Visit Park See the PICTURES de HVOfSI .1 Keep Cool. FREE MOTION i Beginning at 8:15 , , Class and private lessons in Horsemanship at River side Riding Acadomy. Rijing lessons tanfeht at night Phon,758. A J. J.' POLLARD, Instructor. .--- n i Mr, and lira C. 11. f'esk of Union,