PAGE TWELVE THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS BEST BY TEST! For years . the test has been applied to our famous M. & W. INDIAN COAL And it has established its claim to leadership on that test. : Phones 129 and 130 Carolina Coal & Ice Company 60 Patton Atc, Druhmor Bldg. CHINA, GLASS, ENAM EL, TIN, ALUMINUM ? WARES Variety, Quality and . Values. I. X. L. DEPT. STORE. 16 BROADWAY Phono 107. fcangren Bids- MANY CONTRIBUTE TO Campaign of Associated Chari Wes To Secure Needed Rev enue Meets Success. . Are You Looking for ' PERFECT TONE if bo try the Cable Piano . at DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE The Home of High Grade Pianos MONEY TO LOAN On Diamonds, Watches Jewel ry and anything of value. Trunks, and leather goods our SPECIALTY. II. L. FINKELSTEIN Pawn and Loan Office 23-25 Riltmore Avenue Phone 887 THE Everett One of the Three Great Pianos of the World WILLIAMS & HUFFMAN The Best In Pianos S3 HAYWOOD STREET IIOVR9 8 to e Reliable Dentistry BUJTDAY 10 to 1 Workers Who are conducting: a cam paign to raise funds for the Associ ated Charities . yesterday , secured $614.60, to be used in relieving the needs of the unfortunate during the hardships of "winter. At noon the so licitors and some of their friends met at the Candy Kitchen to discuss plans and to report on the work accom plished. The campaign will be ended tomorrow afternoon, according to present plana The list of contributors yesterday follows: I Argintar, Asheville Dray, Fuel and Construction company, Asheville and East Tennessee Railroad com pany, Asheville Fish company, Ashe ville Harness company, Asheville Ice company, Asheville Mica company, J. B. Anderson, Asheville Steam Vul canizing company, Aston Rawls com pany, Asheville : Power and Light company, Herbert Agar, I. I. Alexan der, Allison Drug company, Wm. F. Bell, I Blomberg, Mrs. Gertrude S. B. Brown, Bledsoe and Robinson, S. H. Brown, ledsoe and Robinson, Ed B. Brown, Wm. Burckel, Mrs. J. J. Brown, Battery Park bank. Brown Book company, Brown Shoe company. Burton and Holt, Bethel M. E.'church, W. C. Carmlchael, Citizens" Lumber company, Mrs. Frank .Cline, Mrs. Alice T. Connally, Brewster Chapman, Mrs. Chisholm, Wm. Coleman, H. D. Child, Central Bank and Trust company, Carolina Coal company, Dr. C. H. Cocke, Mrs. C. H. Cocke, Mrs. Elsie Dunn, Donald and Donald, Mrs. Da vis (Grove Park), Mrs. A. Davis, Dr. L. W. Ellas, Cam. Featherstohe, H. L Finkelstein, E. I. Frost, First Presby terian church, First Baptist Phila thea, A. M.' Field company, C. Falk D. Fater, Mrs. F. E. Farlnholt, E. L Gaston, Gay Green, Vonno I Gudger, Julia W. Goodrich. E. E. Galer, R. H. Graham, Ottla Green Hardware com pany, Chas. E. Henderson, Dr. F. L Hunt, Mrs. Geo. Haywood, L. L. Hlg gason, Dan W. Hill, Mrs. Mary H. Howland, W. S. Hyams. Miss Rachel Howland, Miss Blanche Hamilton Miss Maud Hamilton, Hodges and Mitchell. H. B. Hood, Mrs. F. A. Hull, The Inland Press, E. C. Jarrett, Jones and AVilllams, D. L Jackson, R. S, Jones, B. M. Jones, L. L. Jenkins, M. H. Kelly, J. P. Kitchln, S. H. Krets and company, S. Liplnsky, Theo. Long, J. H. Law, Mrs. Laxton, Mrs. H. B. Lawrence, Mrs.- Lee, Long Shoe company, W. H. Lord, Chas. A. Malone. J. H. Manly, J. C. Martin, McOraw Pry Goods company, Merrlson, Adams and Adams. P. It. Moale, Miss Moore, H. D. Miles, T. Morrison, M. V. Moore, Moale and Chiles. Chas. Mascarl, Mrs. McFarren, Cora McAfee, Nicho's Shoe 'cpmpany, J. W. Neely, Mrs. Chas. A. Newton. N'eedle Craft shop, B. M. Nolanil, J. R. Oates, Miss Annie Oakley, Pied mont Electric company. Dr. G. W. Purefoy, J. A. Perry, J. E, Rankin, O. D. Revrll, J. R. Rich company. Dr. L. A. Rockwell, Rogers Groce"v com pany, J. E. Rumbough, C. E. Railing. II. Taylor Rogers, E. E. Ray, C. A. Raysor, W. Redwood, Mrs. J. E. Ray, Mrs. Reed, Miss Mary Rogers, Hope T. Robertson, Sluder Brothers, E. Slurter. Dr. J. A. Sinclair, M. M. Sul livan. Smith Drug company, J. W, Studer, St. Genevieve's college, Rev. R. R. Rwope, Mrs. R. R. Swope, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. H. B. Stevens, W. E. Shu- ford, Theobold and Brand, Trinity eh rch, W. R. Valentine. Silvio Von Ruck. Mrs. Karl Von Ruck, Mrs. Van "Winkle, Eugene C. Ward. F. M. AA'eaver, Mrs. M. D. Wright, Julian A. Woodcock. C. A. Webb, Dr. Whitting tnn, W. T. Weaver. J. C. Wilbar. J. H. Wood,' L J. Waddell, Wachovia Rank and Trust company, C. A. Walk er. Mrs. J. Wohlforth. Mrs. O. R Wright, M. Webh company, Wadden Ooxe and company, J. J. Yates and R. R. Zagier. MANY ACTIVITIES ARE BY Lieutenants Named to Aid Chiefs In Financial Cam- paign of City. Thursday, Sentry MS A. C. Goodman has announced til selection of William Farr as his lieu tenant and J. Bayllss Rector named W. R. Patterson for a similar position to aid these generals in the board of trade campaign. The directors of the board have issued a call to representatives of all the churches civic bodies and frater nal organisations to attend a meeting at which a community calendar will be arranged. By this means each or ganization will know in advance be fore any movement is launched in the city and conflicting programs will be avoided." Another plan announced looks to the establishment of a convention and tourist bureau with necessary sub divisions. One division will promote conventions and another win see that they receive adequate advertisement and proper accommodations mil conr- terles while they are guests of Ashe ville. A members' council or round table will be organized, each business or profession naming its own reprosjnta- tlve. Group meetings of this body will be held during the afternoons of next week. In outlining a program of work the referendum system of securing Ideas and suggestions will be employed. Successful Gathering of fscot tish Rite Masons Closes To night at Cathedral. Dodge Bros. Motor Car There is a marked absence of vibration in the car, not withstanding the unusual power of the motor. There ii no "choking" at low speed In high gear, and at fuU speed there is scarcely a tremor from the motor. This exceptional smooth ' ness evidences the fine engineering skill that has been employed in manufacturing and assembling the entire power plant. The wheelbase is lfo inches. The price of the car complete Is $785 (f. o. b. Detroit.) ".". Asheville Automobile Co. 18 & 20 Church St. THE ROYAL BRAND Just received. " a new lot of Boys' Suits In the 'Very Latest Patterns. They are. up-to-date. Better see them before you buy elsewhere. ' Geo. W. Jenkins ' ' , 1 Broadway MOTORISTS! BUNCOMBE CO. ROAD MAP, 25o Gives all the roads and trails of the county. See one in window. Visitors will appreciate our illustrated letter tablets local views, 10 cents each. ROGERS BOOK STORE 89 Patton Avenue. Phone 2521. i Asheville, N. C. Oysters Served to Order CANDY KITCHEN AND, CLUB CAFE Haywood St.. Near , P. P. Phones 1 10 and 111 r The annual reunion of the Scottish Rite Masons of western North Caro lina will rlose this evening with the conferring of the thirty-second degree In the Scottish Rite cathedral. The manner in which the work of the past two days has been accomplished has received much praise from visitors who are attending the reunion from other states and large numbers of high degree Masons are expected this even ing to witness the ceremonies of tho highest degree that Is conferred In the Scottish Rite. At the morning and afternoon ses sions the thirtieth and thirty-first de- reer will be conferred. The last dinner of 'hn summer gath. erlng will be served at 5:30 oVlock this evening. At this spread a num ber of talks will be made by thoso'who have taken part In the reunl, oxer c4ses and by representatives of the class. Those who are Initiated Into the thirty-second degree will elect their officers and choose a class rame. 1HT8ESUCTI8W Come here in the morning and have your old teeth extract-. ed FREE, and return home at night with a NEW (temporary) set that flU perfectly. Diseased gums treated. Missing teeth re placed wlthou. plates 10 years' 'guarantee. Set of'Teeth .......$5.00 Gold Crowns. . ..... $4.00 Bridge Work ...... $100 IDEAL PAINLESS DENTISTS t Biltmoro Ave, Over Zagelrs IIT CF PaRFftS (WHS TO SECURE YOUNG CI Following the filing of a writ of habeas corpus by BeMe Haney late yesterday afternoon. Judge Ixng Superior court ordered Chief of Police L, E. Perry tn produce Daisy Fore, age 15, before the court on September 27. which Is the day Superior court for criminal cases convener here. It Is alleged the girl was placed In 'he children's home here In 104 at the death of the mother. In 1906 ihe waa apprenticed to Tom and Belle Nash until she was II yearn of age. It Is further claimed that the. Nashes removed to South Carotin and took the girl with (hem and that because of cruel treatment she left and was arrested here on advice of the Nasha. She waa temporarily placed In the custody of the Haneye.' 1 Do You Use Monarch Coal ,' If Jyou want the best in A caL ibny MONAECIL ':, It j SsNJHoo'b best quality. FuUin your winter supply Camping With Is.OOO Spirits. A rentable "sponkland" Is lily Dale, New York State, when Its hun. dred occupied and Innumerable tents are occupied during a sis weeks' en campment by professional spiritually tie mediums, clairvoyants, "peychome trlsta," astrologers and "healers," who assemble etch year and practice their weird arte for believer and unbellev era alike. A two-page Illustrated ar tlcle In next Sunday's New fork World Magaslne Section, will explain what happened on this raost Interest ing occasion. Ordr from your news dealer In advance. , . It CHOICE LAMB AND BEEF For Roasts Very Select Cuts Phone S HILL'S MARKET Phone 4 csX9 Sugar Loaf Pineapples Shipments every week. EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 NORTH PACK SQUARE AND CITY MARKET EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES AND FRUITS VTAR ! " . ' ; YES, WAR; BUT A " BLOODLESS WAR! A War on Dirt. v Nichols Way Laundry work knocks out (the dirt fiend to the pink of perfeo-; tion. Ilome folks and visi tors KNOW it is a winner .' every time. Phone 2000. Asheville Laundiyj J. A. Nichols, Mer. . .' IS Penland St. M. & W, Coal BTIYNOWFoil ' WINTER USE Let us;nll your bh8 Phone 40 For PiiKl Asheville Coal Cc siiutri Make Your Porch CoJoJ And attractive by using Wnue Ruga.- These rug. ntr J fast colors, beautiful onim no more than th. lnf.r, J beacmontftonItK Home of Fnrnitnre ViloT 1 Blltmore Avenna a. m. WHET YOUR APPETITE FOR SOMETHING GOOD Order a Star Quality Sirloin Steak and your expectationa will be fully realized. ' ' ' "" STAR MARKET, Phone 1917 W are successful caterers to a variety of appetites." A SPENDID BILL AT THEvMBJESTIC THEATER A crowded house greeted "The Awakening of Mr. Phlpps" at the Ma jestic theater last night and the No- rene St. Clair Stock company scored another hit. The play la a three-act farce comedy and the funny situations are numerous, the players being com pelled to respond to several encores during the lime of the performance. Several vaudeville pieces between acts last night aauea to me attractiveness of the show. The same show win be given at matinee and evening per formances today and tonight and to morrow night "Mary Jane's Pa" will 1! given. SEEDS- -AT STRICKER'S SEEDS Will Bo Found Headquarters For ' ' ' The Dixie Evergreen Mixed Lawn Grass Seed v i Which contains the correct grasses In the right proportions to pro duce a soft green velvety sward, particularly adapted to our, section. 1 lb. bows aepace 800 sq. foet. Price 26c per lb. 10 lbs. and over at 20c per lb. Fertilize'. Vour Lawn With Our Prepared Sheep Manure or Bone Meal FOR WINTER FORAGE ,1 FIRST BAPTIST CHiF.CH ' ' Tn order that he could accept ' position with the home mission board of the Southern Baptist church, Altha Ira Ruby, who came here from the Central Baptist church at Memphis to tales charge of the Sunday school ami music of the First Baptist, church, has filed with the board of deacons of the local church his resignation to take effect October 1. A successor to Mr. Ruby has not been selected aa yet Mr. Ruby has made mffhy friends here during his stay and they will regret very much to see him leave. Ills new duties will consist of singing at city wide revivals the home mission board will conduct. r , "Xou've t--n Waiting For Tnla" ' . tn the Fo.l"arei itrf-rr-rt fTT T T ""TIT HATRED. ; Hatred n a ponooovM plant, and wherever it it allowed to tike root it overruns and kill the benefiixait growth around it Whatever the injiay received, howevet we may condemn the act and' tlnme the, dper, we cannot aSord to hate luin, lltat it aukidal Sow Essex Rape, Seed Rye and Crimson Clover, for the high quality of seeds that we sell. Our prices are low L. R. STRICKER, Seedsman SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Schedule figure published only aa Information and not. guaranteed. Effective June .2701, 191S. No. ARRIVES FROM Eastern Tine 5 Lake Toxaway .......11:80 a. m. 7 Lake Toxaway , 6:16 p. m. 9 Savannah ad Jackson- ; viUe . . ........... ,2:10 ,; p. , m. 11 Wasliftigton, New York, Norfolk & Richmond'., 2:40 p. m. 12 Chattanooga, Memphis clnnaU ...... 2:0S p. "m. 15 New Tork & East. . .11:59 a, m. 18 Murphy ............ 6:l p. m. 20 Murphy .......11:47 p. 21 From Goldsboro ... S:00 p. 22 Waynesvllle i...... .. 48:40 a. 27 CharlestonpCoiumbla. , 8:10 p. 28 Cincinnati, ' Chlcagov t , Memphis, Chattanooga Birmingham and New Orleans ..,.10:20 a. m. 35 New York and East.. 2:40 41 Spartanburg, Atlanta Montgomery aqd New Orleans ....11:15 a. m. 49 Macon. Atlanta ..... . 7:40 a. m. 102 Hrtstol, Knoxville, Chattanooga .....10:85 p. .m. No. DEPARTS ' FOR Eastern Time Lake Toxaway ....... 6:48 p.m. 8 Lake Toxaway ....... 9:05 a. m. 10 Savannah, , Jackson vine 4:10 p. m. ll.Knoxvllle, Chattanoo-- ga, Tulsrllle, Cincinnati . ' ' St. Louis ........ 2:55 p. m. 12 Richmond, " Norfolk, New York, east .. 2:215 p. m. 1 Washington, East .... 6:45 p. m. IT Waynesvllle and Mur- : Phy 8:80 a. tn. 1t Murphy. Wayneeville. . 8:20 p. m. 21 WaynesviHe. 85 p. m. 22 doldsboro 8:50 a. m. 27 Chattanooga, Cincinnati. Memphts Birmingham, New Or leans 8:80 p. m. 38 Charleston ......... .10:S0 a. m. 88 Richmond. Washlng- ton. East 8:20 a. m. 42 Columbia, Atlanta .... 7:00 a. m. 48 A tinny, Macon, Montgomery, New urnang .... , s;v p. m. 101 Bristol. Knoxville, Chattanooga T:10 a. m. No. 22 Parlor car between Ashe ville and GoUsboro. Through Bleeping ears dally ' from N-jw York. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Louisville, Norfolk. Charleston, Jacksonville. Savannah, Cincinnati. St. Louts, Memphis, Birm ingham, New - Orleans, Montgomery, Atlanta, Macon. Dining cats on trains 9, 10,, 27 and 28. . J. H.- WOOD, Dlv. Passenger Agent Telephone 817. Street Car Schedule, In Effect Not. it, Uli t Zellloo and Return ii ., 8:80 a.,m. RlTeratde Park 6:H minutes unUl 11.00 a Depot; via, Southslde . a, m. and every it mlnutsnBm,; p. m then every J miBBtr. 8:45 p. nt., then every II mi...... til 11:00 p. m. . Depot via. French Broad W 6:00 a. m. and every U miwtiT, 11:00 p. m. Manor 6:00 a. m. ana minutes until 11:00 p. u. - Charlotte Street Termlmi:n m. and every IS minute mtn'u p. m. 11:80 car rum throijii; , leaves end of line 12:00. Patton Avenue 6:00 a m. uit ery 16 minutes until 11:01 p, a East Street 6:00 a, m. ant et 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m, Grace via. Uenimoa Atoh) ' 6:80 a, m.; then every u mitotan til 10:20 p. m.; thea ersr? it t utea until 11:00 p. m. BUtmore 6:15 a m. and thwei 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m.lutci Depot-, and West AiherUa it boutnstae Avenue j; so a a. tadn ery 16 mlnutea until 11:06 p. n. Sunday St bedule DIBeri la tb) ft - lowing Parttcolant Car leavea Square for Uuor l:M m., returning 6:16 a. m." Cars leave Square tor Depot- fcouthslde avenue 6:0t. 1:11,, I 7:v 7:10. 8:00 ani t:lt a m. a leave' Square for Depot via Ft Broad venue 6:18, 6.10, :, !:: 7:45 ana 8:15. Car for repot leaves Square 1:11 1 m, both Sohslde and French Bra First car vves th Basin ft Charlotte street t 6:00 a m. eoJn ery 80 minutes umH 1:10, iextl:l First car leaves the Soun It Riverside 8:80, tuoA 1:41. First car leaves th Square fort. Asheville 6:15, 7:00; next 1:1. With the above excepUoM, fcife schedules commeno at (:0t.Bv continue same as week dara On' avenlnra when ntrtilsa are in progress et the auditorium last trip on all Knes wiu M nes tertalnaaent. 8quar at nr lar time and hoi ling ovr ti torlum. , . Car leaves Square to meet " night-train, SO mlnutea befw J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER i Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing a Specialty. Vo. S Pack Square, THE GALL CO. 17 BTLTMORE A VEST! Sells For Cash sad Sells For Less Cj"CHESTER,Si! biAlioNB a sans riu ,tmnl,l'" SOUBYDRUOGISm Wholesale and Retail Seeds and Corner Oollege and Lexington. ' Poultry 8uppllea Pne 1625 Furniture Moving Our Specialty Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. Give Us k TriaL '. CITIZENS TRANSFER - CO. 48 Patton Ave. Phone 25 Try an "SOS" Want Ad. Phone 202 . $1.00 Aluminum Sale $1.00 , Soe the high grade alufr.inum ware we are going to put on sale next Saturday morning at $1.00 each. ' Sale will continue 10 days. The ware is guaranteed for 20 years. Every article is worth more tlmn $1.00 and some as much as $3.0f. c:es o r.::r.if.!c?- then phone 217 for the Roof Doctors. 11 liroftdway, Anhevllle Roofing A Jlea'.lng Co. The gxoi Tl.NNSi'.l P)0tu us ureenndve 11 Ve Pac!: Squ-ro . $2650 The "WHITE" 30 Roadster A comfortable 30-horsepower roadster, man' motor, in a class by itself." X t Ths Incomparable Wbita. 4-30 noa4itcr ........J2S50 i-30 Touring 'JSJJ 4-45 Touring: 6 CO Touring- ...... 630 U. Cleveland) gee (PvO.