PAGE TWELVE THE ASflJTVnTiTiTi GAZETTE -NEWS Dispels cold, makes home comfortable and happy. M. & W. INDIAN COAL Best by Test Phones 129 and 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company 50 Patton Ave., Druhmor Bldg. CHINA, GLASS, ENAM EL, TDN, ALUMINUM WARES Variety, Quality and Values. I. X. L. DEPT. STORE. IS BROADWAY Phone 107. Lantrrcn Bldg. How to Save Your Electric Light Bill A 16 C. F. Carbon Lamp uses 50 watts' of current per hour. A 24 C. P. National Mazda Lamp uses 25 watts of current per hour. By using Mazda Lamps you save one half your electric light bill and have 33 1-3 per cent more light. It pars to put a NATIONAL MAZDA LAMP in every socket. Piedmont Electric Co. 31 PATTON" AVE. OPP. P. O. for Immediate- delivery. I). S. llII,I)F:r.R.XD. tf J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing a Specialty. ITo. 8 Pack Square. HOURS 8 to 6 Reliable Dentistry Over $1 9,000 Collected By Police Court Last Year Annual Report of Chief of Police L. E. Perry Very Interesting Over 4,000 Arrests and Sentences of 183 Years Imposed by the Court Recommendations Made. The annual report of the Ashevllle police department, for the fiscal year ending August 31, has been arranged by Chief of Police L.. E. Perry and submitted to the city commissioners. While Chief Perry has only held of fice since June 1, the report covers all the work of the department from Sep tember 1, 1914, to August 81. 1915. ' The Receipts. The receipts of the department through cases tried In the police de partment may be classified as follows: Trial tax ............. .. 911.25 Fines collected ......... 7,079.76 Costs colleited . . . . 9,679.26 Penalities collected . . .... 1.291.00 Mlscellaneohs ,. 197.65 SUNDAY 10 to 1 JT5 IHTHE SUCTION 1 Come here In th morning and have your old teeth extract ed FREE, ami return home at night with a NEW (temporary) set that fits perfectly. Diseased gums trented. Missing tooth re placed wlthou". plates 10 years' guarantee. Set of Teeth $5.00 Gold Crowns . $4.00 Bridge Work $4.00 IDEAL PAINLESS DENTISTS 8 IJIItniuro Ave. Over Zagclr's I COAL ' MONARCH is the kind you i will want to burn in yonrOieater, range or grate this winter. Let us fill your bin now. Southern Coal Co. Phone 760 10 N.Paclc Sq. li'.E EIME-KEWS 15 11.11 ' .1103 ETC!! Total .... ,. $19,056.92 By law all fines were turned over to the county treasurer for the county board of education. In addition to the above amounts, $3,689.15 of fines, penalities and costs were assested against defendants who were unable to pay and were therefore committed to the county roads In de fault of payment. Furthermore, the costs in cases committed on straight sentences where no appeals were tak en aggreated $1,885.55 which amount was worked out on the county roads. During the year the department se cured straight sentences in police court for 701 defendants to the county roads, county Jail and county home, an increase of 173 over the previous year. These sentences totalled . 182 years, four months and 29 days. There were 4,495 arrests made dur ing the year which1 represents an in crease of 121 over the previous fiscal year and an increase of 1,609 over 1912. Appeals were taken In 329 cases: 68 defendants were bound over to the Superior court; 33 forfeited bonds; nine defendants were released upon promise to leave town; 16 were sen tenced to the reformatory; 35 to the county home; 197 to the county Jail; M") to the county roads; nol prosse was taken in 201 cases; dismissals were made in 704 cases while in the remaining 2,411 cases fines were enter ed, Judgment suspended, cost remitted or parties released upon promise of good behaviour. Tho arrests may be classlfledr as follows: Violating anti-Jug law, 33; drunken, ness S72; drinking in Sou. railway sta tion, 22; keeping whiskey on hand far sale, 40; retailing, 207; giving whis key to minor, 2; selling cocaine, 1 Assault and battery, 334; assault with deadly weapon, 223; assault on women, 127; attempted criminal as sault, 1; street assault, 8; tarrying con cealed ' weapon, 66; resist arrest, 19; murder, 3; interference with officer, 18; malicious injury to property 23. Disorderly conduct, 202; disorderly house, 61; aid in running disorderly house, 141;'secure room for immoral purposes, 46; rent room for immoral purposes, 4; profanity, 252; criminal assualt. 3; vagrancy, 179; fornication and adultry, 29. Gambling, 333; conduct of sambllne house, 4. Burglary, 2; giving worthless checks. 5; embezzlement, 10; forgery, 10; grave robbery, 1; house-breaking 2S; larceny, 318; receive stolen goods, 19; robbery, 8. VIolat e traffic laws, 818; violate state auto laws, 9; exceed speed limit, 179. Minors, refuse to attend school, 9; mionrs, smoking cigarettes, S; minors, selling cigarettes to, 2; minors, allow ed In pool rooms, 7. Abanoment 1; non-support, 22; big amy, 1; child abuse, 1. Violate building ordinance, 24; vio lat electrical ordinance, 2; violate fire ordinance, 11; violate health ordi nance, 52; violate plumbing ordinance, 6; violate revenue ordinance, 8. Contempt of court, 5; perjury, 11. Boating way on train, 6; beating board bill, 4. Cruelty to animals, 13; glass thrown In street, 12; Jim Crow law violated, 6; keep; store open on Sunday, 5 trespass, 24; arson, 2; others cases, 11. .The following represents extracts from comments of Chief of Police Ferry on the various situations: Vagrancy "The law bearing on vagrant ha been energetically enforced. There have been 179 vagrants arrested dur ing the year. The unwillingness on the part of good citizens to testify In behalf of thin class of offenders seri ously Interferes with the chances of se curing convictions In the Police court. Traffic laws "The police department mads a special effort, to enforce all traffice laws and ordinances and we feel proud of the fact that notwithstanding the fact that Ashevllle was crowded with visitors during ths past summer, we passed through the entire season with out any serious accident In ths busi ness section of ths city. Thar were 511 arrests mads for violators of the stats and city trafflo law. Prohibition. "With ths help of the anti-jus; law recently enacted by the state legisla ture we think that ws havs been able to reduce the Illicit sale of liquor to a minimum. The present method em ployed by Judge J. Krazler Oleen In requiring defendants In ths Police court charged with drunkenness to give ths names of parties from whom they havs purchased Intoxicating liquors Is not only tending to make sober, In dustrious citizens of' men who have heretofore been habitual drunkards but It Is leading to the prosecution and conviction of a great many vio lators of ths prohibition law. Detective . Ths members of the detective du partment under ths command of Chief Detective Chas. N. Lomlnac havs per formed their duties In a most satisfac tory manner and this department, while only lately installed, has more than proven Its value in the appren sion of criminals wanted for the com mission of serious offenses. A Police Signal Service '"Again I wish to call to your at tention our great need of a police sig nal and telephone service. Under the present arrangements It Is neccessary for the sergeants on the receipt of a call for an officer, or some other com plaint over the telephone, to leave the station and deliver the call In person to the officer from whose beat the call Is received and in case the call Is re ceived from the cotton mill or depot section. It is sometimes necessary for the sergeant to call many citizens be fore he will be able to locate the policeman on the beat In many cases this means serious delay and puts ob stacles In the way of apprehending criminals and protecting life and prop erty; "Therefore I respectfully recom mend to your honorable body the In stitution of a police signal and tele- phone service with at least five sta tions located as follows: Intersection of Pack square and Patton avenue; intersection of Biltmore avenue an Sycamore street; Intersection of Pat ton avenue and Haywood street: at the cotton mill; at the passenger depot." F. E. TIPTON IS FID Convicted by Jury of Simple Assault on Mrs. Michael Schenk. "Ireensboro. Rent !4 -a 4... i a., perior court yesterday afternoon re turned a verdict of guilty in the case of F. E. Tipton, in whirh fhn it.f.hH. ant was charged with a simple assault on Mrs. Michael Schenck, of Hender som'ille. The case went to the Jury at noon, and a verdict was returned at 2:20 o'clock In the afternoon. The defendant was flnad' iann k.. t.ucii0 i-V Judge T. J. Bhaw. This case has attracted no little at tention here and in other sections of tn state. On July 4, during the an nual celebration at Guilford battle ground, Michael Schenck was assault ed by Mr. Tipton, and the latter was fined for this nt a hearing before a Justice of the peace a few days later. no. ccnencK was with her husband when the assault was made, ani there was another charge thnt she was struck by the defendant while he was getting to her husband. This case was held to Superior court. Evidence was introduced Wednesday afternoon, and yesterday there wore arguments by a number of attorneys who had been employed In the case, both for the de fense and to assist the solicitor In the prosecution. The verdict of the jury came as no little surprise to a larre number of people here who had fol lowed the hearing closely. Motor Cars Through the White Mountains on High Gear! 360.2 Miles in 12 Hours and 48 Minutes. Not a Miss Not a Skip From Start to Finish. : : : : : : ? ! ' ) To demonstrate the high-gear efficiency, flexibility and get there under any condition" ability of the Dodge Brothers Motor Car, the Henshaw Motor Company, of Boston; undertook, on August 12th, what was probably one of the most strenuous, long-distance, high-gear, endurance runs ever attempted.. The first and second gears were eliminated from the transmission gear boxes, officially Sealed, and a director of the Bay State Automo bile Club accompanied the party certifying that a standard model H was used and that the car completed the trip entirely on high gear. Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church Street. BUSTER BROWN SHOES Here Is the place to get BCSTuJt BIIOWN SHOES for Children. Misses and Girls. Vicl, Gun. Metal, Button and Lace. GEO. W. JENKINS, . 19 Broadway. i THE N I C H 0 L S W AY DENNISON'S SEALING WAX and MONOGRAM DIES Gives individuality to your correspondence. Ecept ionally. fine quality correspondence paper for 35 and 50 cents a box. Glad to have you see these offerings. ROGERS BOOK STORE 89 Patton Avenue. Phone 254. Ashevttle, Iff. O. Oysters Served to Order Any Style CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE Hnywood St- Near P. O. Phones 110 and 111 Phone S CHOICE LAMB AND BEEP For Roasts Very Select Cuts HILL'S MARKET Phone A A Fine Lot of Watermelons EVERYTITIXG IN GROCERIES, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 NORTH PACK SQUARE and City Market DOES YOUR HOOF IM? then phons 1147 for ths Roof Doctors. 11 Broadway, Ashevllle Roofing Heating Co. Ths goo4 TINNER. FUNERAL 5ERTIGE - TODAY fie n justice t- . Funeral services over the body of W. S. Justice, aged 83, who did yea terday at the home of his daughter Mrs. Alice Dudwu:i, near Henderson viile, will be held thin f.m,w. ... the Beaverdam Haptixt church. Hev. i waller w'H officiate at! the services. The doceased was a confederate' veteran and a member of Zebulon i If"?.",,0"!?"-. He wa" born December 15. 1831. He Is survived by two daugh-l ters, Mrs. Alice Dnlann n.i. sonvllle; Mrs. Kate Jones, of Ashe vllle; and two sons. J. Terrell Jus tics and Pam Justice, of Ashevllle. ' LARGE DJSTiLLERY IS SEIZED 8T OFFICERS SSSSSBJ Members of th .local raiding fores of ths internal revenue department last night fcelsed a large distillery plant about one mils from Whits Oak Oap. In Buncombe county. Deputy Marshal J. F. Garner and Revenue Officers Newton, Cabs and Galloway took a part In ths capture. The offi rers poursd out 1,600 gallons of boer and some low wins. Ths outfit Itself is on exhibition In ths government uuiiumg. SIR HORACE BEHIUP IN LIST OF MISSING Information has reached Ashevllle that Fir Horace Ueauchamp, an offi cer In the Ilritlsh expeditionary rorce at ths Dardanelles, Is reported In the Hat of missing. Colonel Ueauchamp was well known In this city. On his last visit here two yesrs ago he w ths guest of Mr. and Mrs. James 8. Colemaa at their country home, Wil ls now. Order Sausage for Breakfast STAR MARKET, Phone 1917 "We are successful caterers to a variety of appetites." North State Fitting School for Boys J. M, KOBEKT8, A.B.,A.M PRINCIPAL Irciures for College. Small Roys Taken. Hoarding and Day Pupils New school building on Austin Avenue. School opens Sept. 15. Pupils being classified this week. Telephone - . . - . . . .. 2S49 For Flowers Carefully Selected send your order to LASHLEY, The Florist Phones 99 and 2408 Now Demonstrating the New - "Pathephones" No Needles to Change The Talking Machine De Luxe Plays Any Record WILLIAMS & HUFFMAN ' Music House means BEST . WASHING Phone 2000 I M.& W Coal I 2kone40 I And attractive by ,int 1 Ruga These rug, ' fast colors, beautiful JT S 1J. A. Nichols, Mgr. ' i " . than th. ZV 13 Penland St. BEArMONT ITRNrrCRp Ashevllle Laundry The White "4-45" This car at 3800 is the last word in exclusive motor oar construction. See this car and realize this fact The Incomparable White. 4-30 Roadster .........$2650 4-30 Towing ...........$2650 4-45 Touring ........... 3800 6-60 Touring 5500 (F. O. B. Cleveland) Asheville Motor Sales Co. PHONE 1066. 67-71 BROADWAY. PERSIAN SILK RUGS Made in all the Oriental Designs and guaranteed more durable in color and service. See Our Window Display BURTON & HOLT A On the Square The Qazette-News by Mail $4.00 Yi FREE FREEFREE ABurham Safety Razor Free Tilth Every Purchase of Soap BILTMORE ICE CREAM TEAGUE & OATES "0N THE SQUARE" Look at Our Stock of Brass and Wrought Iron Andirons. A style and vn for every fireplace and pocketbook. f f y y Ottis GrcenHdweCc. (I) 11 V. Pad: Squaro .

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