Monday, November 1 PAGE SIX THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS The Mammoth The little folks will be more comfortable and sleep much better In a modern sanitary crib. If you have not provided one, lot us show you our improved stylos made with hish sides and close fillers ,ot prevent any possibility of accident,, though the sides can be drop peel for convenience. s In Oxidized, Verne Martin nnl White Enamel. Price $8.50 up. J. L: Smathers and Sons Phone 226 ; - - - - 15 & 17 Broadwa ' i I I'.irtlidiiy Paitv Mrs. S. A. I.vncli entertained ?:it;ir-; Jay afternoon with mic of the prctl'-; ?sl .children's panics ,,f tlv (icasnii in.! 'Junior of thi; sevKiith- birthday of her! , fiiiall son, Stephen' Andrew Lynch, jr., I Mr?: Lynch's attractive home v.a.i dec! "orated in : a color scheme of pin!;,1 Vhite and nreeii, thi.-- ombii.i.on bo- ' insr prettily carried out with cut (!'- rs, ferns and palms. In tin r'ii'rrsh ments the' tolor scheme of pink. while' and green was also curri(d out. I The party iv;i;- a very rieliiHf'il affair lor the many litt'e friTds of tno small Sliest of honor n". ending as the afternoon was divided into tv o parts, the first part heitiK tnl-;en up with Interesting and enjoyable rvalues and the lat'er half containing the en tertaining "eatnre of a trip to the Princess theater where a specially se lected projrrnm of moving pictures was shown. The theater wore a pala Rsperjt sieci."l decorations having been put p for the party and a profusion , of briaht hued autiiiTin leaves appear, inur fn the decorative' plan. Mrs. Lynch's .-mall e.uosts included: Little .Misses Eileen tikeleather. Ttuth l-ane Stikeloat'ter. Km My Westall, Vir ginia Sevier. Alary Emma Xlehols, h ranees Allpor., Martha Buttrlcl;. Ella Wells Ilr.mer, I.ula .Sanders, Car rie Lynch, Irene Krsliine and .lane Lynch, and Masters Jack Nichols, William Uuttrlok. Hilly Hyniim. Jim my Stikeleather, Billy Duncan, Jimmy iMincan, Wexler Malone, Joseph Fe vier, Billy Westall, ltyau Menerey, ffeorKe Lynch, .lames Sanders, Thom as Sanders and Stephen A. Lvnch. Jr. , K Mf Georgia Dennis has returned j from Evansfon, 111,, where she has been the guest of Mr. and .Mrs. w. V. T?ryan, formerly ,,f Ashevi'le. Mi.s' Dennis also visited friends In Colnm- bus, Ohio. t Miss Virginia, Williamson will cn to Richmond to spend Thanksgiving and will be the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Galloway William son, a E. P. Martin has been spending nme time In Greensboro, a guest at :he Hotel IIufTlne. r r I. C. Ferguson of Asheville, has been a guest at the Hotel liufflne in Greens boro on business. Mrs. "A. V. Sanford of ICnoxvMle, who is known to Asheville society as a prominent gue ,t at Grove Park Inn, was a rerent dinner hostess at a pretty function given in the Knoxville home. The Knoxville Sentinel snys: One of the pretty dinner parties of the week whs that given by Mrs. Al fred F. Sanford at her home on West Hill avenue. Chvers were laid for 12 guests Including special friends among the married element of society. Pink roses and lilies of the valley were used !n the table decorations and the same color note was Introduced artistically In the serving of the several course f the dinner menu. Those present were: Mr. and Mr. T'lyde Gothard, Mr. and Mrs. Edwari Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. David C. Chnp-tand man, Mr. amp. Mrs, Kuyle Kimball, Mr. ind Mrs. John Oberne and Mr. D. C. Campbell. This was the second of a series of SatfemiUc Infants and Invalids tiis oniamu. alted'F.ulu The Food-Drink for all Ages Riih milk, malted f rain, (a powder form. For infants, invalids W si swing child -n. Pure nutrition, upbuiklimj to whole body. Invigorates nurmini moW mi the aged. More healthful than tea or coffee. ..-! toia you ay "HOItUGtnr ya:iMay cot m uttntltute Furniture Storp dinner. piven tills month by thif cl'.urmins and popular hostess who always entertains most delightfully, t? t Mrs. C C. Pprajuie wi'l shortly close her home at I'.iack Mountain and wM' spend the winter in Asheville. with her sister, Mrs, W. F. Randolph. S s Mrs. Tin IT Merrick left during the 'f. k end for Texas. Mrs. Alfred S. Hnrnard leaves this week, for New York to visit her sister. Mrs. J. S. Williams. k S I'lks' Memorial. Jar.irs Ik Caine of Asheville will make an address in Salisbury on De cember Ti at the annual Lndse of Sor row of the Pcnvnlent and Protective Order of TJlks. The ceremonies will lake place in the Colonial theater in the afternoon of December " and the memorial addr'-si delivered by .Mr. Caine. V. Miss Kdiih Cn nipbell returns to her home in l.rmisville, Ky., tomorrow after a visit to her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Waddell, at their home in liiltmore. J . Miv-es Adelaide Morelcy and Miss Harriet (rr arrive this week from Charlotte. . r. Mrs. v.. n. Dennis has returned to the citv f'-om a stay of a year cr more with relatives in Kansas. Mrs. Denn!.; is v.-ith her daushter, Miss Georgia lien n is at the Y. W. C. A. f. V. ! Woman's Auxiliary Moothiff. i Op Wednesday afternoon, Novem ber IT. at 4 o'clock the Trinity branch of ihe Woman's Auxiliary will meet at the residonee of the president, Mrs. :' Charles L. Minor, No. 61 North ; French Hroad avenue. i v. ! Mr. and Mrs. W. Vance Prown en- tertained with an Informal supper at ithe Country club on Saturday evening In honor of Mrs. Prown's sister who is their house guest, Miss Ethr! Reeves has returned from a several weeks' to friends in the east, v r 1'ather Hall leaves on Wcdnesdnv f"r n 'i"' t slay in DallaH, Tex., where ne K"es to conduct a mis-sion H P. lit ioplion for Hcv. Mr. anil Sirs. Clark reception to Rev. Mr. Willis C Clark and Mrs, Clark will be given by iiinuy church congregation In the crypt of the church on Thursday even ing, November 18 at 7:30 o'clock. Mipper will he served. Everv nurish loner will be expected to be present ns the reception Is to be given by the wnoie congregation. Miss Margaret Millender will leave shortly for Montgomery t6 visit Ml rotty at her home in that city. Miss l.etty was the guest of the Misses Mil. lender, during a part of the past sea son, ut their home on Pearson drive, I'or Iter. Mr. and Mm Clark Itev. Willis G. Clark and Mrs. Clark were given a warm and cordial recep tlnn on Saturday nfternoon at the res monee of Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Minor on North French P.road avenue by the congregation of Trinity church, itov. Air. Clark and Mrs. Clark ar rived on Saturday morning from Blr minghnm, the former to asume hi new duties of rector of Trinity church In the afternoon almost every member of Trinity congregation called at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Minor to welcome the new minister and h!i wife. , Miss Blackford, Mrs. Theodore Dav Idsiin, Mrs. Herbert Cartwrlght, Mrs. D. C. Wnddell, Mrs. Tench Coxe,. M ,T. A. Perry and Miss Susie Carter formed a committee of ladles who re celved tho guests and presented them to Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Tea was served during the after noon and a delightful and Informal occasion was enjoyed. Mrs. J. K. Kenney, Mrs. J. D. Ken- ney of Balsam, N. C, Miss Hattle filler of Waynesvllle and Miss Lunda Ring ham of Knoxville compose a week end house party entertained by Mrs. W. T. Dnvey at her home,' No. (3 Cherry street. n s Mrs. I P. Wadaworth -of Washing ton entertained at dinner at Orove Tarlc.Inn on Puturday evenlnr In honor of her son. Horace Wadsorth.' W ta. Thntnu W. Faltoa ana Was j Fannie Patton have been delayed in their trip to Florida, which they had expected to make this week, owing to a recent indisposition of Mrs. Patton's. tt K The G. I. A. to the B. L. of E.. will hold the regular meeting Wed- i nesday afternoon at S o'clock, in the ' Dhrumor building. i .-. t ' j Dr. Joseph B. Greene. Dr. Lewis Vi. Ellas and Dr. F. Webb Griffith j returned during the week end from Dallas, Texas where they attended ' the Southern Medical convention. Jther Asheville physicians at Dallas were Dr. Thompson Frazer and Dr. W. L. Dunn, Mrs. F. M. Wood and S, B Wood: of Toledo, O,, arrived during week end and are guests w the the1 Grove Park Inn. . - H t Miss Lucy Minor of Asheville is visiting relatives in Charlottesville, Ya.' . ,. r ' e Mrs. 6.- A.-Lynch left Saturday ev ening for Jacksonville to be gone un til the end of the week. In her ab sence Mrs. Lynch's children are in ihe care, of their grandmother, Mrs. Lynch. ' . -.' H . Mr. and Mrs. Otis H. Dana of J.irookline, Mass., are in the city, suests at the Grove Park Inn. ' ? . Miss Susie Penniman of Asheville will spend the winter in Boston. Miss Penniman's success in her work in i)hysice.l culture lias been wonderful ly brilliant, her services this year having been sought in several quar ters and several assistants ) having been gi-en her in .her present respon sible position. .' W. K J'r. and Mrs. Robert S. Kinsey oZ Cincinnati are in the city, guests at Grove Park Inn. r. n Mrs. Connally and Mrs. Richmond Pearson leave : tomorrow for New York, Washington and Richmond. UK Mrs: Edward Rumbough of Ashe ville is the guest of relatives in Phil adelphia. . Charles S. Norburn of Asheville is in Charlottesville, Va., where he is taking a medical course at the Uni versity of Virginia. Last year Mr. Norburn graduated in medicine from the University of North Carolina. m. Dr. Louise Ingersoll who leaves to day for Boston Will take a course in pediatries in the Harvard Post Grad uate school of medicine. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Sletor Morris, the latter formerly Miss Augusta shippen West of Asheville, sail-from England this week for their home In Philadelphia. 5 n. Brotherhood Meeting. On Wednesday evening at 8. o'clock there will be a meeting of the I'.rotherhood of St. Andrew, Junior and Senior chapters, hi the brother-; hood room. Mrs. Carl V. Reynolds and Miss Aline Reynolds have returned from an xtended western trip, including Cali fornia and other places of interest. Miss Mary Hamilton who is a stu- ent at Notre Dame college, Balti more is here and will remain until fter the Thanksgiving holidays. ADDITIONAL SOCIAL OTt PAGE 2. THEIR BELEGATES The Runcombe County Farmers' union met Saturday afternoon at the county court house and named Hall Sales of Gash's creek and W. A. Uice of Riceviile delegates to the state meeting which begins at Dur ham tomorrow, . ii A resolution was adopted asking the locals in the county to raise a fund to purchase prizes for the corn ilub boys. Reports made show that some ot the boys have raised more than 100 bushels of corn to the acre. Hubert U. Patton presided In the ab sence of President R. C. Crowe!!. TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR DISTINCTIVE PERSONAL GREETING CARDS (English Manufacture.) The custom of sending a per sonal greeting card has be come established in the Unit ed States. A few years ago it was almost unknown but the great popularity of these cards In England has brought ' them to the attention of Americans, many of whom were In the habit of ordering direct from London manu facturers.. We are gratified to' say now l that we have a moat beautiful sample Una on display. We Invite you to come and look them over. An order placed with as for Personal Umrtlns; Cards will rrrclve prompt and rarcfnl ' at lent Ion. J. H. LAW, SB Patton Avenue FRESH YARD EGGS , Theie are tho kind to use when you want to boil ejrsrii or eat them raw. , Large Nice White One. 45c Per Dozen. J.J.YATES ' Good Grocerlea and EfActrni firrrlr $7 Haywood M. ...... rhonns 1713 k AN URIC! The Newest Discovery in Chemistry. This Is a recent discovery of Doctor Pierce, who la head of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buf falo, N. T. Experiments at Dr. Pierce's Hospital for several years proved that there Is no other eliminator of uric acid that can be oompared to It.' For those easily recognized symptoms of inflammation as backache, scalding urine and frequent urination, as well as sediment In the urine, or if uric acid In the blood has caused rheuma tism, it is simply wonderful how sure ly "Anuric" acts. The best of results are always obtained in cases of acute rheumatism In the joints, in gravel and gout, and Invariably the pains and stiffness which so frequently and per sistently accompany the disease rap idly disappear, ' Go to-your nearest drug store and REV. CI BATES TO BE RETURNED HERE Delegates to' State Conference of M. P. Church Leave For Greensboro Tomorrow. MR. BATES RE-ELECTED. P.ev. C. W.' Bates, pastor of the Methodist Protestant church of this city; Rev.: T, E. Martin of Democrat and Delegate J. E. Swain of the local church, will leave here tomorrow morning for Greensboro, where they will attend the ninetieth session of the North Carolina conference of the Methodist Protestant church, which will convene tomorrow. There is no time limit to the pastors serving their congregations, it being the rule of the church that when a congregation votes to elect its pasor again the conference passes formal approval on the action. The congre gation of the local church has elected Rev. Mr. Bates for another year and Delegate Swain has been instructed to ask for his. return. The many friends of the minister here will learn with pleasure that he is to be returned again. A number of important matters will come before the conference. Rev. C. A. Cecil of High Point, president, has stated that he will not be a candidate for another term, although he has only served three years and is, under the constitution of the church, eligible for two more. A number of the mem bers of the conference are being spoken sof '-as successors to, Mr. Cecil, among' them Revi A. G. Dixon, High Point: Rev. JR; M. Andrews, pastor of 4rie church at which the conference will be held; Rev. G. W. Holmes, Gra ham; Rev. C. I Whltaker, Asheboro. This Is the session immediately pre ceding the meeting of the general con ference of the denomination which will be held in May, 1916, at Zanes ville, O. Each conference of the de Dr. Kind's New Discovery is a Doctor's Prescription used foe over 45 years. It is pleas ant and children like it. You cannot use anything better for your child's cough and cold tnan ur. King's New Discovery. It is prepared from Pine Tar mixed with healing and soothing balsams. It does not contain anything harmful and is slightly laxa tive, just enough to expel the poisons from the system. Dr. King's New Dis Try an "SOS" Want Ad. Phone 202 FRENCH-ROMAN HYACINTH BULBS These are easily forced and for the best effect should be planted thickly so that the bulbs 'almost touch. The flow ers are pure white, sweet-scented and fins for cutting. Fine bulbs SOo per dot. By mail f'5o. 'Vt can supply bulb pots ai d TYepared Fibre. Grant's Pharmacy Ilellable Drugs and Seeds, 1716 simply ask for a BO-cent. package of "Anuric" manufactured by Dr. Pierce, or even write Dr. Pierce, for a large trial package 18 cents). If you sus pect kidney or bladder trouble, send him a sample of your water and de scribe symptoms.' Dr. Pierce's chemist will examine it, then Dr. Pierce will report Jto you without fee or charge. Note: "Anuric" is thirty-seven j times more active than lithla in elim-1 inating' uric acid, and Is a harmless! but reliable chemical compound that j may be safely given to children, buti should be used to restore their kidneys ! to 'perfect health, by conscientiously i using one box or more In extreme cases as "Anuric" (thanks to Doctor Pierce's achievement) is by far the most perfeti kidney and bladder cor rector. Dr. Pierce's reputation is back of this medicine. nomination Is entitled to a ministerial and a lay delegate for each 2,000 members, These representatives will be elected at this session. It is quite likely that at this session steps will be taken to put in the field a church extension evangelist and field agent. The conference has long real ized the need of entering cities and towns in which there are many home, less members of . the denomination. The plan now under consideration provides for the erection of a Metho dist Protectant church In every im portant city and town in the state within the next ten years. It is expected that a great many changes will be made In the appoint ments this year, due to the change of presidents. The conference has no time limit, but there will be consider able shifting about among the preach ers. . The conference has 70 charges and 25,009 members. 'It maintains a pub lishing house at Greensboro, and a Childrens' Home near High Point, be sides two schools. The body is com posed of a minister and layman from each of the charges, all delegates being on equal Arms in the transac tion of business. "'..-.'.'.' HAVE YOU TRIED BREAKFAST JOY Pork Sausage? Seldom Equalled,. Never Excelled. Grand Market & Ownbey & Son. -. , 231-26t WILL CELEBRATE B' NAI B' RITH BAY Asheville lodge, B'nai B'rlth, will give an entertainment this evening In tho hall in the Sondley building In celebration of B'nal B'rlth day, be ginning at 8:30 o'clock. H. L. Finkelstein, president of the lodge, will preside. Rev. Dr. Zeisler of Newburg, N. Y., will speak and others will deliver addresses and an attractive . musical program will bo rendered. The day is observed throughout the United States for the purpose ot em phasizing ways in which the condi tions of life among Jews In various parts of the world may be bettered. Give your Child Dr. King's New Discovery for Coughs and Colds. covery is antiseptic kills the cold germs raises the phlegm loosens the. cough and soothes the irritation. "I have used Dr. Kine's New Discovery for the past three years and use it con tinually in my family. My children arc very fond ot it for it keeps them free irom cold. I can't say too much for it, and take pleasure in recommending it to my friends." Mrs. A .S.Hnina, I'rancvnia, JT.1I. Don't put oil treatment. Couchs am colds often lead to a chronic cough, pneu monia and other serious lung troubles It is also Rood for adults and the aged 1 Get a bottle to-day. All druggists. ' AN AND A LB .' PUHITY DAIRY When you want the best to be had In dairy products, phone us. ::' 100 E. Walnut St, IlioneJHl THE. BEST COAL For general use ia our celebrated . " JELLICO AND ; BLUE GEM, . We also handle wood and kindling and do all kinds of hauling, moving household goods a spec ialty. ASHEVILLE DRAY, . FUEL & CON. CO. rbonca tit 0 ilO. Losssrd fhqyLcrcQ In Front - t . - . ;- The Oossard Picture Event of last Friday was a most gratlfyin . cess. Hundreds of ladies viewed the picture and we have h warmly congratolated on the wonderful -results shown by correct m ting. ; ' ' .-,' . " nt Not a few ladies will say: "Yes, the figure Improvement shown i remarkable, but none of the models shown had Just my type of fl and I am afraid I could not be so successfully fitted." ..." . ,-. .''..". -x . .v :. m- U .mtnuJtaHnDlv no , "ThnK I. '. . ao iii Buuii wo uiHiwoiwu-uiBij you, one that is especially adapted irnrthnr. nur Corset DeDartment - , . . VlieQCM setlere, one who was trained In Gossard School in Chicae-n . KNOWS what kind of corset Is required by each particular tVDe , figure, and she Is not satisfied until you are. v ot New Gossard Corsets, including all those shown In Friday's Bi ture, and"1 a complete line, of accessories always In stock. " IP WE PLEASE YOU BUY. HERE, BUT WHENEVER YOU r . :.:..'' BUY IN ASHEVILLE ....... L' THE SHOP 11 Patton Ave. BASKETS BASKETS BASKETS For AH Purposes at Special Prices. SEE WINDOW. BURTON 6c HOLT, u0n the Sq ,? Furniture Moving Our Specialty Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. Give Us a Trial CITIZENS TRANSFER CO. 43 Patton Ave. Ten dozen of Ladies' Silk and Wool Union Suits AT 1-2 Price Style Without Extravagance Other Models at $10.00, "t. j a.iiv us it vrossarQ model t to your particular figure." Is In chars-e of fin riui. - OP QUALTry. Phone 7b. Phone 25. On Our Third Floor Some more of those new snappy Fur Trimmed Suits have arrived In Broadcloths' and Wool Poplins, all shades: black, navy, Gait-brown and Bowling Green. Special at $15.00 $12.50, $17X0 and $19.50. Received it-