PAGE SEVE2I Englishman, Now German PALAIS ROYAL -r -r XT TTT Gives tlis v lews of war XffEASHZVILLE GAZETTS-NEWB Berlin, NoV 15.Houston Stewart .tihmiffh tViA Hon . iir. wno, wmZL .h admiral, ha become "a 'snr ntrlbute.1 to one of rra.mburg new.PHe a statement U Ha the present and future f h" ue . !.;:,. England and Ger- .lations "v- ufto convinced that the war be Ae two countries will last for ferrnrrexp.a.8;that u present fighting will continue for "'tang a time! but rather that an In "Clonal struggle has commenced rch the world-war Is but a -German word 'krelg.' observes .: Phnmberlaln.' "means mucn more tV be English word 'war' or the Pan Pe rnnllv stbnlfies an WncH"-gUe -, ' .J '.u- H-u..r , nersisience ' bstinato p i' rrnaH T this : J ,.ir between England and any was. ong feared and every trort was made. 10 i a it was wam.w..j "L we must steel ourselves, for the Z will be conducted as bitterly I... nonne nas uuki uui.w- The Germans will easily mend relations wltn Italy ana Kussm. f i cania la Ilka. iecm - . , , . . i,,,, v. in ho a" fllsiuroiiJB -icnipwi., .nnrinred tliat force ano sagacity I; itlinatc!y master that difficulty hillh KnKlana, nuwovei, nc jncmci different Kor me struggle vv- ., Fntflnnd and Germany is , no nil - , lr. fieht for physical ascendency. wh nation wisncs to seuur mc an- ,,,'ili.ncv for its world philosophy, pie essential aim of the English Welt- flexible.' anschauung Is the develQpment of the will ; the German Is devoted to artis tically directed knowledge and ac tion. - . 'The English philosophy produces energetic, able, but ignorant undisci plined individuals, whereas the Ger man method produces great ' mental power In the Individual and the obe dient submission of all to one great purpose. Thus, the average English man Is not nearly so well educated as the German, and Is less given to re flection." . A situation has now arisen, the writer ' contends, which will continue until one nation subjugates the other, for the two cannot possibly live on the same footing near and with one another. Diplomatic agreements and courts" of arbitration cannot in any way affect such a situation, for this is awar between two ideals of life, and it must be fought out, in war with firo arms and in peace with in tellectual weapons. "There is no need for hatred in this war," says Chamberlain, . "and the German may properly perceive and acknowledge all the excellent things accomplished by the English method of life and thought. ; "But it is impossible by any argu ment or proof , to convince the Eng lishman that he and his race are not predestined to rule the t earth. The only wayto teach the Englishman that ho is wrong is to compel him by force to recognize it. Once Germany holds the power in its-hand, it can permit the English and others to fol low .the bent of theM- own minds in their own sphere. Rut in the mean time Germany must be strong and ln- Today and Tuesday Is Yard Goods Days The Holiday Season "will soon be on, so now is, a good time to select what you need in yard goods for the fancy tricks ' - you thought about making into Christmas, gifts. Come here for whatever you need in yards goods at a saving ' in price. Denims, Silkolines, Cretonnes, Burlaps, Bungalow Cloth and other art goods.- Splendid assortment of Royal Society Packages and other Stamped Goods. Tuesday is going to be a Big Day in our Yard Goods Section, Because we are Busy Every Tuesday THE REASON BETTER VALUES - : Don't Believe Everything You Hear-We are Still Selling Pictorial Review Patterns SILK SPECIALS "36-in. Dollar Taffeta, yd . 89c 36-in. Dollar Messaline, yd. 89c 36-in. Dollar Poplins, yd. 89c 36-in. Dollar Faille, yd. . .89c 32-in. Dollar Stripes, yd . . 89c 40-in. Creps de Chine, yd. 98c DRESS GOODS SPECIALS 54-in. Gabardine, yd. . . $1.39 54-in. Dollar Serge, yd. . . 89c 44-in. Fine Serge, yd. . 75c 36-in. Pretty Plaids, yd. . . 49o 42-in. Shepherd Checks, yd. 49c All Cloackings Reduced. Miscellaneous Specials. ,BestHydegrade Galatea yd lflo Amoskeag Drees Ginghams, yd. Qq Good Quality Checks, yd. 5o 36-in. Sea Island, yd. , . . 5c 36-in. Bungalow Cloth, yd. 10c Cretonnes at JQc, 15c, 20O, 25c, Up Bath Robes for Ladies' and Men, $3.00 Values for $1.98 Southern Iron Industry Pushed To Capacity Limit Baltimore! . Nov. IS. Reviewing the ' spindles. The. Sylvan Cotton mills, lisiness activities of the south; the Mielbyvllle, Tenn., is having plans lanufaclui'cru Record reports "the i.reparetl fur - a mill of 10,000 spin- tire lion industry of the south is dies us . an addition to its present ing pushed to the limit of present-plant. ; G . 11. Miller, Chattanooga, froduclng capacity, with a further Tcnn., and associates are planning to Uvance reported in prices of pig- hulld a cotton 'mill. The Avondale on. A number of furniicejt, long Idle, Mills, Birmingham, is reported as lo t8 Dcing nmuv rntuy iu lmuw in uoiki a mree aiury nun ai syiucauga, Llckly as possible to take care of Ala., and to equip it for manufactur es heavily increasing consumption ing wutste product from the three plfr-iron. . . j mills owned by the. company at liir- "But as yet the iron and steel In- miimham and Sylacauga. rssU of this section have not ad- u'. U. Bonsai eomuanv has been Vnced in proportion to the arhaxtnft ' incorporated at Hamlet, N. C. with crease 111 orouucing . unuauuy . S200.000 eaDital stock to mine and miKnnm Ilie wesi una me qnsi. The present prndtic'tlon of iron In It United Stntes . Is exceeding 100, Wtons a dny, and tf this the suth making only ntuiut to per ment nue the fact that iron, and steelde lopment in the south has not' yet pt pace by increased ckpacity with le progress in the west. Among the Industrial enterprises ported to the Manufacturers Ttec ii from various parts of the south r the week as the following: Bibb unufacturing company, Columbus, ., Is preparing to build' an addltlon mlll to be equipped- with .18,000 I IY OUT Resident of Asheville Shows the Way. There's one effective way to relieve Mney backache, ' Liniment and plusters iuay rellove But .they seldom reach the caus Backache la cause to suspect the dneys. , DohiTs K'dney Pills are for dls dered kldi..ys. Aihevllle people back them up. Bead n case of It. Mrs. G. B. Turner. 44 Holland St.. shevllle, says. "My back Diilned me p that It was almost impossible for ' 'P get up or down.) I tried differ I"! remedies. Bu nothing neloed me f "til I started unlnir Dom'i Kldnev 'in, procured at Smith's Druir Store. . i"i" nox removed th. na.lni In my nd made me feel batter." rice SOc. at all dealers. Don't "Ply nsk for a kidney remedy get ""I Kirinev Plll4h dutnn that fn. Turner had. Foater-Mllburn Co., wp.. Buffalo. N. T. handle sand, gravel, etc, The South Florida Farms com-' pany, of Miami, Fla has awarded a contract for the construction, of 100 miles of canals and i ' ririn 100,000 acres of land"... I;.. i De Soto counties. . , ' The Fisheries company of Arunsas Pass, Tex., proposes to spend $100, 000 tor enlarge its plant for the man ufacture of oil and fertilizers from llsh. 1 J. J. Kane, Galveston, Tex., who was recently reported as to establish a $00,000 shipbuilding plant, pro poses now, In connection with New York capital, to enlarge the enter prise and construct a planj at a cost of $1,000,000. ' The Standard Sulphur company, of New Orleans has been incorporated with a capital stock of $50,000 to de-' velnp nil and sulphur properties in Calciiwleu parish. .These are a few of the many enter prises reported from 'all parts of the south, covering a very wide range of industries and indicating a general, tendency towards a revival of Indus trial activities., I.unibor and naval stores, as well as Iron, have been advancing rapidly In price, with a much heavier movement and this better condition In Iron, lum ber, naval stores and other Interests Is showing Itself In a rapidly grow ing freight traffic on Southern roads, with many lines ordering, or prepar ing to order, additional rolling stock to meet the heavy traffic, now In sight. Cloaks and Suits The Ready-to-Wear Department is a busy place just now. Coats and Suits are marching out to beat the band. Some brand new raodels, will be here Today and Tuesday for you to se lect from -and as you know our prices are al ways lower. Special discount on every Ladies' and Chil dren's Coats. ' $20.00 Suits, Today and Tuesday .... $13.90 $25.00 Suits, Today and Tuesday . . . . $18.00 See the Sample Suits no two alike range in prices from $14.00 to $18.00, special IN THE MILLINERY SECTION Much More Style for Less Money, Come Today and ,Tuesday and look over the pretty Trimmed Hats, Shapes and Trimmings. Kemember, we trim all Hats Free of Charge. Some very low specials will be here for you Today and Tuesday. Come and see these big reductions. $12.00 Headquarters for Holiday Goods of All Kinds -SALE OF BLANKETS For Today and Tuesday. $5.98 Blankets . ..... $4.98 $5.00 Blankets ...... $3.98 $3.50 Blankets . . . .. . .$2.75 One lot of Cotton Blankets, $1.50 values, ... ... ... . 98c SALE OF COMFORTS Every Comfort in the house re duced for Todav and Tuesday. Good Values In Ladies', Misses and Children's Underwear. Ladies' and Misses' Bleached Union Suits, at 50c Laides' "Wool Union Suits, at ... ... ... $1.98 Children's Bleached Vests and Pants ... ... 25c Ladies' Heavy Bleached Vests and Pants, at 50c Gowns and Sleepers for Chil dren 25 and 50c. Laides' Gowns at 50c, 75c and 98c. LARGE VARIETY OF SWEATERS For Laides', Misses', Chil dren and Infants' Knit Caps of all kinds. Teddy Bear Sets. Scarf Sets. Everything in Knit Goods. Come look through this big department. rife I The Largest Variety of Pretty Dolls In Asheville What's Professor Dlggs doing lhfe days?" "He's trying to decipher a Babylon Inn tablet" "Any results so far?' "Mrs. Plggs. h nervous prostra tion rnd the children have been sent NEW YORKERS GIVE ASHEVILLE PRAISE Dr. Rodger P. O'Neill and W. F. Meehan of New York are visitors In Asheville who say that .the full story advertising literature, no matter how1 skilfully the words aro chosen. Hav ing read Asheville booklets, these gen tlemen, both of whom are great trav elers, decided to spend a brief vaca tion here. They are guests at the But tery Park hotel. At the board, of trade offices this morning they gave the chief recrea tion region of the mountains some of the most enthusiastic praise it has re ceived from tourists. Dr. O'Neill de- oZot th. beauty and attractiveness - S ham Ae-Herald this section cannot be expressed In I with many famous resorts in - the United States and Europe he found this the "most come backable" place he has seen. The New Yorkers said that they expected to send many of their friends to the Land of the Sky. v , Some men perform a duty as if they were paid for doing it and were doubtful about the pay. First Suffragist Why have you "Does your suburban neighboij broken your friendship with Mrs. raise his own vegetables?' Jinks? I "No; he comes in the night and, lift Second Suit ragiBt The horrid crea- mine." Baltimore American. ture told some one that I was effemi nate. Richmond Times-Dispatch. A taste for an extra good biscuit is fully satisfied If you make It with Lar abee's Best Flour. ' iH-tf. Wisdom Is the art of being out when people call who wanf to borrow. "And when shall I take th sleep Ing draught, doctor?" "Well, about fifteen minutes before) you' go to sleep." Boston Transcript Ambition never has time to take day off. Soph Does your car smoke? Senior Only when I try to back'ar, The Record. BrinqinQ Up Father tfl (Copyright 1915. "International News Service) 43 By Georae McManus r p 1 r I tOPPO L. MAAlt I1 WAIT IN1 UP TO HAVE TELL HER. THE HICKE.Y VE0OIN3! NELL-TELL ME A BOOT THE.WEDDIN5" HOW VER THE LADlt, THET WEREN'T DSe?tEO MUCH TO tPEAK OP- nvt A WONDER THEX DIDN'T CATCH COLD! rlOW WAJ THE DRlDE DRESSED 7 bHEVOZ COVfRED WTTH ftf r rno-rviKicJ AND A DRESV THAT WUZ. TOO LON.4 FER HER IT VA)Z. DRA44 IN" ON THE. GROUND Y I FVF. MACOlcnO II I y I ' fc to- jr a I HOW DID MR. HICIEX - THE CR.00M-L00K? s - A IS THAT. WHAT TOO CALl THE JNK THAT'S TO BE. MAREQ? i HE DlONT SHOW UP! !'. 1 i I. H

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