' THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-IIXWB ' . ' Thursday NovernW io n ?AGE SIGHT i i-'i . : -5 J 'f t :V1 r J ,1 Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which has bees in use i or over iu years, nas borne the signature ox ' ' and nas been mode under his per ffl A Z7 sonal supervision since its Infancy Cotc&ttC. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trille with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otber Karcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it : has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, IV ind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTO R I A ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of OFFERINGS AT THE LOCAL THEATERS Manager, of the local amusement houses make tha following announce ments for today: i I vembar 26. There are more than a ( core of song hlta In thla remarkable I masterpiece of Pixley and Luders' and each of them has held an enduring grasp upon public favor. "The Song I of the Cities" is one of the most pop ' ular of the musical numbers. "The Message, of the Violet," "The Tale of the Sea Shell." "The Stein Song" with its chorus of Heidelberg students, and "Pictures in Smoke." are other big song hits that are largely con tributive to the emphatic success of this musical play. si In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THKCI NTAUPt COM ANV, t IW-VORK CITV ww jwpgiiii,j ii iii i iip ji m; wan ijwmmmmmmtmrnrmmm 3E ' K COMING ATTRACTIONS. - AT AUDITORIUM. ( - ' ' ' "High Jinks" matinee and H K night, Monday November 22. st K - : 'The Prince of Pilsen," Friday, H November 26. ? ' K "High Jinks." ' The whiff of a' magic perfume sets the principals and chorus of "High Jinks," the musical Jollity which Ar thur Hammerstein will present at the Auditorium, matinee and night on Monday, November 22, to singing and dancing a song called "Something Seems Tingle-Ingle-Ing." The tune threads its way through the entire performance, and proves, it is said, one of the very jolUest airs in many many seasons of musical comedy. The plot deals with an innocent mixing up of wives and finances. The flight, of a doctor pursued by a dueling French man whose wife the doctor has kissed, changes the locale from Paris to the seaside. Numerous complications arise, making the story a typical French farce, full of life and merri ment, but kept clean from start to 'finish.'.' In addition, the plot forms a thread on which are strung such bright musical gems as, "Something Seems Tingle-Ingie-Ing," "Jim,' "Love's Own Kiss," "I'm Through With Roaming Romeos," "Chi Chi, ' "Not Now, but Later," "Come Hither Eyes," "I Know Your Husband Very Well," and "Doxiana Rise." The advance seat sale opens tomorrow. At the Galas. Elsie Janfe will be seen starring in "Betty In Search of a Thrill," at' the Galax today. Miss Janis wrote and di rected this photoplay and it is said to excell any of her previous works. "Betty in Search of a Thrill" is I shown in five parts and was filmed by ' the Bosworth company. At the Princess. ' At all-star cast will be seen In the three act Essanay drama entitled "His Crucible" which will headline the program at the Princess today. "His Crucible" deals with the son of a wealthy widower, who with a crowd of his wild companions is arrested for smuggling, he afterwards obtains his release and becomes a settlement worker. "Dreamy Dud" on his Uncle Dudley's farm a one reel Essanay car loon comedy picture will complete the program. "SHELLFISH DAY" TO BTOBSERVED Nation Urged to Celebrate Day By Eating Seafood on November 9. possible today to estimate what they are capable of producing in shellfish. "Time, education and legislation will change all this and the shellfish champions believe and they point out that the lobster, crab, clam, shrimp and oyster are food products no long er to be considered as luxuries. It has been proven that oysters are cheaper than beef and their consump tion is increasing year by year." The National Association of Fisher ies commissioners, through its presi dent, M. L. Alexander of Louisiana, has declared that Friday, November 19, should be celebrate! from Maine to California and from to Florida as "Shellfish Day" and asks that .on,, every table in the land either lobsters, oysters, clams, crabs or shrimp be the main dish. , "While the coastal states of the union are more fortunate in having the different species of sea food right at hand, nevertheless modern meth ods of preserving and packing shell fish enable the people of the interior of the country to Join in the "Shell fish Day" movement by partaking of their favorite shellfish on this day as well as those living in the seaboard Mates, says Dr. Jj?tih Hyde Pratt FOR INDEMNITIES. SOON Paris, Nov. 18. The 'law provid- Washington j ing for indemnities to French citizens for war damages, as elaborated by a special committee of the Chamber of Deputies, and as it will probably be enacted, proclaims "the equality 'of all French citizens and the solidarity of the nation in the face of the bur dens of war," and declares that "dam age caused in France to the property, real or personnl, by acts of war gives right to indemnity." The damages specifically named as entitling' a citizen to reparation are those caused by the authorities or the troops of the enemy, including "The Prince of Pilsen." The Prince of Pilsen," the popular musical comedy claimed to be the most successful entertainment of its class shown In recent years, will be seen at the Auditorium Friday, No- WINTER UPON THE TROOPS IN NORTH OP FRANCE NOW Boulogne, France, Nov. Signs are plentiful that winter Is close upon the troops in the north of France. The night are already cold, far too cold for comfort,, and the characteristic winter night-mist from the marshes is in the air. The trees are not yet bare, but the leaves that remain have turned to a sere yellow, while the roadways are covered with fallen leaves which the soldiers here and there heap into' little piles for a, fra grant warming fire. It is evident that there is to be an other winter campaign; robber, how ever, of much of the horror of last year's ordeal in boggy trenches and along Impassable roads. In northern France, at least, winter will find the rival armies well prepared to receive it. The wet mud, the ice-cold water taxes, requisitions, war contributions, member of executive ' committee and j fines imposed upon private individuals ex-president of National Association i or communities, regardless of whether of Fisheries commissioners. I they were in conformity with the con- "The growing scarcity and advanc- i ventions of the HaKue. Inciudod also Ing prices of animal food has called particular attention to the various sea foods of the country, both tin and shell, as never before and, together with the question of conservation and development of our natural resources, are all damuKes raused by the French army or its Allies. The right of foreigners to indemni ties in France, according to this pro ject will depend upon the terms of treaties with the nations of which the problem of increasing the output ! tney are subjects. The damages are to ne estimated by commissions ap pointed for the purpose. of the coastal waters by advanced methods of aquaculture has been Btudled not alone by the government experts by the different state commis kioners whose members compose the National Association of Fisheries Com missioners. "With the high cost of living, the scarcity of beef cattle and the in creasing population to be lombutted It is suggested that many of our nat ural resources are capable of a de velopment which will supply a ehesip yet wholesome food. Among these re sources the fish and shellfish indus tries have yet to reach their maximum production as there is not a state on the Atlantic or Pacific seaboard or Gulf cosot whose resources have been extended to the limit not is it even A C'orrponlenop School Detpt'tivi. His name is Philo Gubb. He took ten lessons from the Rising Sun Cor respondence School in the art of de tecting. Of course he makes a lot of amusing mistakes probably the fan niest you have ever read about, flu has had muny most wonderful exoeil ences, which are beln chroniciod from from week to week in the Illus trated Magazine of The New York Sunday World. This humorous char acter was created by Ellis Parker But ler, author of "Pigs Is Pigs." Don't miss one of his laughable adventures. Order The Sunday World In advance. Afvt. I ',i ' - I m1 M'Jr &4mt ill! ' ' J 'f.'. ; ' W mm ' 'W '( viz; . t SiSi 4" ' , ', 'J ' ' ", , vmi , , ' " ' Wii' ';,.,' ' ,;, ' " r y, ' 4 ' ' ' ',''' , ,',v' f mm '.' -' "i? ' - , , , ' , - A , y " j 'v ' ' ' ?: l CECfXIA IIOFFMAW, PRTMA PONNA, VilTXl ARTHTR HAMMER STEIX'8 "HIGH JINKS" WHICH COMK8 TO THK AUDITO RIUM, MATINEE AND NIGHT, NOVEMBER 33. FRIDAY and SATURDAY BLANCHE BLING is wearing some stunning frocks In the new OLIVER MORROSCO motion picture, i "THE YANKEE GIRL." While Pasadena folk present dur ing the Hotel Hunington scenes seemed so much enthused when she appeared in her smart riding togs, and devotees of the surf at Santa Monica thought her a dream In her tathlng suit, yet It Is the three even ing gowns she uses In the play that deserve the real praise. One worn on the yacht Is all cream " satin and heavy fringes of crystal; another Is of cream Chantllly lace combined with satin of the palest primrose; while a third Is a rare Italian lace with chic touches of sap phire velvet. ' ' ' With these stunning creations Miss Ring wears her famous pearls ' and her equally celebrated Canary dia- mond pendant. She makes "THE YANKEE GIRL" quite a fashion carnival. OLIVER MORROSCO Presents anche THE CELEBRATED COMEDIENNE in E YANKEE 9, A Comedy Drama of a Feud in the Tropics A , Breezy and Spectacular Production SPECIAL MUSIC BY GALAX ORCHESTRA OPEN ENTIRE DAY SATURDAY ' Admission 5c and 10c Auditorium FRIDAY, NOV. 26 I u I 1 I i I ; V 7. a nAK: HSU PRICES: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 75o and 50c. SEATS ON SALE WEDNESDAY knee-deep. In the communication trenches, the ooze and discomfort o. the dugouts, will be the exception rather than the rule this year. The shelters, even In the advance trenches. will generally be fairly livable, thanks to the plentiful -use of concrete and tar, and the ekllfull employment of drainage. Moreover, the armies will be prop erly clad and amply fed. The Brit ish soldiers will again don their sheep skins, supplemented by ample supplies of warm caps, sox and heavy boots of rather better type than las year's. Many of the trenches now have brick floors, and practically all are drained and protected against land slide by timbers. y The great problem of the winter will be the billeting of all the new divi sions which have come out since last year. In the villages well behind the firing lines, every out-building and old barn has been requisitioned, clean ed, repaired and made Into shelter against the wind and cold. But nearer the firing lines most of the building have been smashed into ruins, and although they are usable for housing purposes during the summer, they are MONDAY, NOV. 22 MATINEE AND NIGHT Arthur Hammerstein Offers His Greatest Musical Comedy ... ... -. Success-- The Big Musical Jollity That Is Delighting the Theatre-goers of Three Continent. MATINEE PRICES: Orches tra, $1.60 and $1.00; Dress Circle, $1 and 75c; Balcony, $1, 75o and 50c. NIGHT PRICES:, Orchestra, $2.00; First Four Rows Dress Circle, $1.50; Bal. Dress Circle, $1; Balcony, $1, 75c and 60c; Gal lery, 85c. - ' SEATS ON SALE AT ALLI SON'S FRIDAY PRINCESS TODAY His Crucible ESSANAY DRAMA s REELS "DREAMY DUD ON HIS UNCLE'S FARM" CARTOON COMEDY Admission THAT'S ALL" plainly impossible after mid-November. The problem Is being dealt with to some extent by the building of port able houses and huts, but the armies grow too fast for the carpenters. The work of the -aeroplane observers gets more difficult as winter approach es. The fogs of the late autumn cling to the ground in little patches well Into the day, while the evening mists make observations difficult soon after mid-afternoon, ' There Is a little superior difference In Larabee's Best Flour that you could never explain, but can easily taste, . tS8-tf. ' -a Many a man Is seemingly wise be cause he has no children to ask him questions. MONEY TO LOAN On Diamonds. Watches Jewel ry and anything of value. 'trunks, and leather oar SPECIALTY. H. L. FINKELSTEIN Pawn and Loan Office 23-25 .tiltmore Aicon Phone 887 POND, J0YNER AND POIOJ High class secret service woi to Individuals. Banks. Mercantile FlnM and Corporations. 'Rooms tl. A"1"1' can National Bank Bldg. BU Pbo" I17L. Night Address, Ungren Hot Bringing Up Father 7 ' J 17 VOU r OBJECTIONS IN-lv- WHAT r ' TOUR C AMfNifN OPINION of ME? I'D SVT ARRETTED I'M TOLD (Copyright 1915. International News Service) t ' " By Georae McManus WELL -1 HKSIt 0JK "WlFt't) AD DAUGHTER" CONSENT- I TARE NAT wukY -L Fix rUM- COMFS MOLD Mt CICAJ 1 A.N OOO II KECIUE'TM YOU TOLD ME Y0O MEVER SMOKED- TH MINUTE! M V3 IDEA! in i k r LET 0ONTY0U DARE TALK EACK TO MY VvlFE.!