Friday, Novembw . PAGE TWELVE THE ASHE VILLI GAZETTE-NEWS BEST COAL Phones 129 and 130 And ask for BEST COAL or' M. & W. INDIAN. Either -way -will bring to you coal of' highest fuel value. Carolina Goal & Ice Company SO Patton Ave., Druhmor Bids. -ITTTUT IT ACQ THAM. B kauia( uiuuJMi EL, TIN, ALUMINUM WARES Variety, Quality and Values. I. X. L. DEPT. STORE. 16 BROADWAY Phone 107. LangrenBldg. Health and Enjoyment You need not he uncomfort able to be healthy if you have a "HOLD-HEET" Electric Blanket. Sleep right out doors on the coldest night that blows and you -will wake in the morn ing refreshed and reinforced. Sold by the Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Ave. Opp. P. 0. The Best In PIANOS WILLIAMS & HUFFSIAN'S Music House. 83 Haywood Street. KSSESBSBOaSB BEST LIVER AND BOWEL LAXATIVE FOR FAMILY USE 'CascaretsV regulate women, men and children without injury. Take when bilious, headachy, for colds, bad breath, sour stomach. YOU SLEEPfl WORK WHILE Instead of nasty, harsh pills, salts. castor oil or dangerous calomel, why don't you keep Cascarets handy In your home? Cascarets act on the liver and thirty feet of bowels so gently you don't realize you have taken a cathartic, but they act thoroughly and can be depended upon when a good Hver and bowel cleansing is neces sary they move the bile and poison from the bowels without griping and sweeten the stomach. You eat one or two at night like candy and you wake up reeling fine, the headache, bil iousness, bad breath, coated tongue, onr stomach, constipation, or bad cold disappears. Mothers should give cross, sick, feverish or bilious child ren a whole Cascaret any time they are harmless and safe for the little folks. STATE BAPTISTS JUST NEED $3000 Find Another Week in Which to Raise This Amount Great Year Expected. Good Hems" faiil-:- Il's Tiresome Work, out every night to Recep bom, Fox-Trots and Theatres. cuioiHctno W31 keep you Home. Your friend will come to Youi House. DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE Secretary Livingston Johnson of Raleigh, of the Baptist state conven tion has found that there is a week more than was supposed to raise the amount desired for state missions this year. , The books of the convention were supposed to have closed Tuesday night, but it turns out that this was an error and they do not close until next Tuesday night, this giving more time than was supposed, The amount to be raised this year is Sou, 000, which is an advance of Jo, ooo over last year's figures. Last Sunday was a disagreeable day and It was feared that there might be a large debt. But yesterday the reck oning showed that the denomination is within J 3,000 of its goal, according to reports received here. An effort will be made next Sunday to raise this amount. "It Is already assured," snid Sec retary Johnson, "that this is going to be the greatest year In state missions that the denomination In this state has had, The reports are better than ever before, showing among other gratifying facts an Increase of one thousand Tiaptlsts over the number reported to the last convention." THE CALL CO. We Sell "LONG DISTANT SHOES" Union Mado 17 niltmore Avenue, Promptness. Efficiency SANITARY PLUMBERS BUCHANAN AND DEWEY PLUMBING CO. Phone 2839 BS Broadway Service Licensed JUNIORS OBSERVE THANKSGIVING DAY State Officials Have Issued Proclamation 'Calling on All Juniors to Give Thanks. COPIES RECEIVED. EAT LESS UNO TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Use "MONARCH This good coal is won derfully rich in heat and burns with cheery glow ing flames. It leaves lit tle, ash and no clinkers. Try one ton today. Southern Coal Co. Phone 760 10N. Pack Sq. Tnke Class of Salts If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. The American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trou- oie, because we eat too much and all our food Is rich. Our blood Is filled with uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from over work, become sluggish; the elimina tes tissues clog and the result Is kid ney trouble, bladder weakness and general decline In health. When jour kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine la cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; If you suffer wiin sick neaaacne or dlzsy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheu matlsm when the weather Is bad, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table spoonful In a glass of water before Dreaitraat ror a rew days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fam ous salts la made from the aold of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lit h la, and has been used for genera tions to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralise the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of Irrl tatlon, thus ending bladder disorders, Jad Baits la Inexpensive; cannot In jure, makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water beverage, and belongs In very home, because nobody can maks a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. 'The spelling book's all wrong, mammal" "Why so, Ethel T" "Because It don't look right for little thing like a kitten to have six letters and a big cat to only have three." Yonkers Statesman. Officials of Ashevllle Council No. ; French Broad Council No. 97, and Emma Council No. 258, Junior Order United American Mechanics, as well as councils throughout the state, have received copies of a Thanksgiving proclamation, issued by State Coun cilor W. A. Cooper and State Secretary Sam F. Vance. V These officials call on all Juniors to observe Thanksgiving. The Proclamation. ; The proclamation reads as follows: Constant thankgivlng and gratitude are due from the Junior Order of United American Mechanics to Al mighty God for His goodness and mercy, which have followed them since the organization of this order. I With loving kindness. He has iea us in the way of prosperity ana grem ness. He has vouchsafed to us a great privilege and a great part In the mar velous progress In the cause of public education and civic uplift. Favorably situated In a goodly state located between the extremes of heat and cold, far removed from tornadoes, floods, pestilence and drought, our people have enjoyed In peace and comfort the blessings of an all-wise providence. Storms have not invaded us nor have we been overrun or dis turbed bv Incoming hordes of foreign immigrants. Through all the years the boisterous Hatteras and the wings of sand out from our shores have pro tected us from the landing on our shores of the great hordes of undesir ables from other countries, compelling them to land In distant cities, very few of whom have entered our gates, keeping the people of our state a pure American citizenship, standing by the traditions of a God-fearing and a Bible-loving ancestry, preserving us for a special purpose. May we seek to know and to do His will concerning us. In grateful acknowledgement of all that God has done for us as an order and as a people and to the end that we may with one accord testify our gratitude for all these blessings, I, Wm. A. Cooper, State Councilor or tne Junior Order United American Me chanics of North Carolina, by virtue of authority In me, designate Thurs day, November 26, 1915, (or, if more convenient, Sunday, November 28, 1915) a special day for Thanksgiving, urging all councils to properly ob serve one of these days named by at tending Divine worship In a bodjr, to hold Thanksgiving Service and In this way publicly acknowledge our gratl tude for His manifold blessings, for countless benefits which have show ered upon us during the past twelve months which calls for our fervent gratitude and make It fitting that we should rejoice with thanksgiving that the Lord has signally favored our or der and our people; for peace and prosperity; for abundant privilege of freedom left us by our lathers in their wisdom and still our Increased herl tage; for wise and gent.. ..s provision to affect the Intellectual and moral education of our youth; for the InflU' ence upon the conscience of a re straining, and transforming religion and for the joys of home; for the growth of fraternal feeling, the spread of Intelligence and learning, continued enjoyment of civil and religious lib erty; for His watchful providence over our order that it has been strength' ened and the membership so largely Increased; that the principles of the order are being better undrstood by the people and are taking greater hold on the mind and hearts of the people; that our members are so active in every work of uplift never lacking in civic virtue; for harmony in our order throughout the state. Let us pray earnestly that all may work vigorously for the accomplish ment of the objects of our order. knowing that our principles will make for the peace, prosperity and the hap piness of all our people, and let us by no means forget while we give thanks and enjoy the comforts which have crowned our lives, that truly grateful hearts are Inclined to deeds of charity and thu a kind and thoughtful remembrance of the sick, the widow, the orphan and the needy, will double the pleasures of our con dltion and make our praise and thanksgiving more acceptable in the sight of the Lord. In witness whereof, I have set my hand and caused the seal of the State Council Junior Order United Amerl can Mechanics to be affixed this the 12th day of November, 1915. WILLIAM A. COOPER. 1 State Councilor, Attest : ! SAM F. VANCE, 1 State Secretary, Don't Let Your Radiator or Cylinders Freeze But put Denatured Alcohol in the radiator at once we have it and will put in the proper proportion. do it now yy:-: Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church Street. WE SELL HUDSON, BEO AND DODGE BROTHERS : ;--CARS -. 1 J A LITTLE "SWEET TALK" Take some of our pure home-made sweets home to the children' onoe in a while, It's natural for a healthy youngster to have a "sweet tooth" even If you've lost yours. . . CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE Haywood St.. Near P. O. Phones 110 and 111 , Cold Weather Ooods, Hot Blast Stoves, Wool Blankets. Casta or Pay. 25 AND 35 CENTS A POUND ; FOR FINE CORRESPONDENCE PAPER Roger's ETAMIXE, 25 cents; Roger's French Dimity for 35 cents; envelopes to match, two packages for 25 cents. Extra good quality. THE kind YOU want to use in writing to your friends. See West Window. ROGERS BOOK STORE 89 PATTON AVE. PHONE 264 ASHEVILLE, N. C The Ideal Shortening HILL'S PEERLESS LARD Order It Today. J. E. CARPENTER f JEWELER i Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing a Specialty. STob Pack Sonar. NEW COLLARS made out of your old ones. About a thousand dollars spent for installing new machines. Inside and out side of collars and the edges too, ironed perfectly smooth. The best collar work ever turned out in Asheville. - NICHOLS WAY Phone 2000. Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols. Mgr. ; 11 PenJand St. UBtB&BSBSfiBSBsTsSSsDK! w wwwm J! IKST IN QUALTry ' I 7 C0AL tha,. ashes and most tau'81 v PHONE 40 And ask for ton0ff , W. COAL. The standard of nieas. urement for coal I Asheville Coal Ca North P.-v J'n. Bquars, Make Your Porch ComjJ And attractive by using Walt, Sun. Thau n, . These mn .. fa colon, beautiful designs. ml " nip man me lnfJ. . . inferior BEAUMONT FCRNTTCRe CO, oi furniture Valuer 7 Biltmore Avenue. STUDEBAKER Carefully Selected Large Meaty Walnuts No. 1 Soft Shells, per lb., 30c; Budded, 35c; three pounds for $1.00. FerndeU's Coffees, 30c, 35c and 40o per lb. EDWIN C. JARRETT Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. 12 North Pack Square And City Market ITS TIME TO TALK TURKEY Think turkey, dream turkey and eat turkey. ' Don't wait till Thanksgiving, you can get a good turkey here most any time. Order NOW. STAR MARKET, Phone 1917 "We are successful caterers to a variety of appetite. " $1050.00 t o. b. Detroit O. K. Auto Supply & Transit Co. Phone 126 "S. 0. S."Want Ads Bring Results W ANTED-Trained Young People for Good Positions In times of financial depressions i Are you a TRAINED WORKER T when mills are closing and laborers Ar, your ,ryUs ,lwayM ,n walk the street the trained men and w.Mr- . . women work on. In dull times Vual- "AND? Are you In one of the BET ness is too vital to depend upon the TER POSITIONS T Do. you get a untrained. Big concerns must have ex- HIGH SALARY? perts the TRAINED WORKERS to pluck from the barren fields " if ot ou should fc.rin ti.. sufficient business to keep open their : . , . aoori " prepare for greater opportunities. 'Tour education and ability should In season, of prosperity again it to'"0 b WMted throuh Iack ot the trained worker who Is demanded. 1 ' Tou nould equip yourself for a Business men are too busy their successful career. Tou can. time is too valuable to spend teach-! ing young people HOW to-work. They! And it will take but a short time, must have young men and women ' A few months spent with us will n. ability to think isauni responribU lty iDftk decision. Smith-Bruns Clothing Go. Surprising Suit and Overcoat Values For Men and Young Men AT $12.50, $15.00, $1800, $20 AND $25,00. We show you a line at these prices, that we believe will surprise you both as to styles and values. ( YOU HAD BETTER SEE THEM BEFORE BUYING We've also a splendid line of Hats, Caps, Gloves, Shirts, Sweaters, Fancy Vests, Neckwear, Underwear, etc., etc., at prices that 'will please. 4We Sell Cooper's Spring Needle Underwear Smith-Bruns Giothing Co. Langren Building Phone 214 r REV. A.S. ANDERSON GRANTED RELEASE The Asheville presbytery at its ses sion yesterday afternoon granted a release to Rev. A. A. Anderson of Waynetvllle from his church at that place and he will accept a call to church in Hopklnsvllle, Ky. Those present at the meeting were Rev, E. L. Slier, slated clerk, Montreal: Rev. W. P. Chedeater, Andrews; Rev. R. J. Hunter, Canton; Rev. T. P. Winn, West Asheville; Rev. Dr, R. F, Campbell, Ashevllle; Rev. R P. Smith, Ashevllle; Rev. T. J. MoCon- nell, moderator, Bryson City; Willis Collins, Ashevllle and Mr. Linssly, Waynesvllle. Following the meeting the minis, ters and laymen attended the taber nacle service. The next regular session of the presbyUry will be held here Big salaries are paid to those who able you to enter business trained as a preferred worker. It will enable you to enter the better positions- draw the higher salaries. It will open women to prepare to meet the requirements. ( up to you the same opportunities that return are directing thousands of, PUnllJ "uccess. other people because THE! ARE TRAtNF.n TO ntrow Tk.. snd women had no special advsJJ-j 7"ur vmn now w help you tagee no privileges. Increase your earning capacity thou sands of dollars how we can make COLD WEATHER SPECIALS 25 pairs light-weight, wool-mixed blankets, retail price $3.50. Our price .............................. $2.00 25 pairs heavy-weight, wool-mixed blankets, retail price $5.00. Our price $2.90 COLONIAL RANGE Guaranteed by the manufacturer. Retail price $25.00. Our price (1-3 off) I $16.75 COOKSTOVES No. 8, the regular retail price, $16.50. Our price (13, off). Dresser. Wash Stands, Dining Tallica, Iron Bed Springs and Mt treasea IS-1-1 Pmr Cent Off. Kngs and Art Kquares at Same Reduced Price. These Prices Are For Cash Only." Asheville Furniture Company 29 'Biltmore Avenue ... . - . Phone 1851 Let us tell you without obligation 1 TRAINING IS THE SECRET THEIR SUCCESS. OP .life easier how you can satisfy your U.W.WVH. CALL AT OCR SCHOOL TODAY A YD LEARX MORE ABOUT OUR COURSES. SEE WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU. IT YOU CANT CALL, PTIONE OR WRITE TO US. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HAVE CVn REPRESENTATIVE SEE YOU Emanuel Business College " 0 COLLEGE STREET). GLOBE TONIC the successful remedy for the liver and kldneya 1.00 Slie Now ftOcs S For $1.35 I For Rule TEAOuE OATE3 TEN DOLLARS IN GOLD will be given on December 10th to any lady In Buncombe Co""1' for the best letter of endorsement, of not over fifty words, setlinj forth her reasons why she uses Larauee's Best Flour. J. D. EARLE FEED CO. Whole!) Dlettrlbuters. A