I Saturday, January 22, 1915. THE ASHEVILLE QAZETTE-NEW3 PAGE TEN ' 1 1 i - ! i : f ' t $ .. I i ' : ft: j' 1 s SSSSgiSWaWSaasa - , . 1 I Inin n-rnmnii nr UlTHHlll CIIDUTDC Is"a I hCOAlI 1 (TM. Ininrn nniinnrnn TO5 Abtb. bUUnntbb PHOXE TS TOVK ORDER for M. & W. coal if more convenient. You don't have to come in persons or be a coal expert to get good service from this office. We always give cor rect weight and our price is always the lowest the market will permit Carolina Coal and Ice Co. 50 Pattnn Avenue Dhrumor Bldg. T 1 '.Tape's Diapepsin" ends all stomach distress in five minutes. WE CAN , meet your wants at the fairest prices. A complete line of tin enameled ware, china, glass, nickel and silverware. I. X. L. DEPT. STORE 14 BROADWAY . Phone 107 Langren Bldg. Studebaker $1050.00 f. o, b. Detroit O. K AUTO SUPPLY & TRANSIT CO. Phone 126 Special Prices on Men's Suits. GEM CLOTHING STORE. 6 I'ATTON AVE. Tou don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or an un certain one or a harmful one--your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't injure it with drastic drugs. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for Its speed in giving relief; Its harmless ness: its certain unfailing action In regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stom ach trouble has made it famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor In ynur home keep it handy get a ilarire fifty-cent case from any druar store and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; if what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dizziness and nau sea; eructations of acid and undlgest ed food remember as soori as Pape's Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes, Its promptness, certainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disor ders is a revelation to those who try It. . . MEET IN BUFFALO Oasis Temple, This State, Will Send Four Delegates 300, 000 Visitors Expected. LARGE DELEGATIONS. HITS BILL IS APPROVED BY STAR 1 13 Wasington Paper Favors Bill For One Cent Rate For Drop Letters. REMOVAL NOTICE. POND AND POND "rto tivo Counsellors, from 31 Am. Xat'l. Hunk, to 12-13-11-1 Dtirumor B!djs. 1-3 Off on Blankets ASHEVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY. 29 lliltmore Ave. 'Phone 1851 TOMBSTONES MflMMFNTS f. IVIIVI w at B. S. SMITH Marbleworks 5& Broadway GET MV PRICKS" 3 Let the Year 1916 be a year of peace and enjoy ment. To do this you must equip your home with the proper lighting system. Put in modern electrie fixtures. Use National Mazda lmTOs in these fixtures, and let electric appli ances tlo your household work. If you will do this your homo will always have a smile to greet you. Wo invite yon to call nt our show room, and we will take great pleasure in Knowing vou everything ELECTRICAL." That the bill introduced in congress by Congressmen James J. Britt in which it is proposed that drop letters carry a one-cent stamp, is attracting attention, is shown by the fullowlng editorial on the subject, which ap peared in the January 16 issue of the Washington Kvennig Star: "The proposition to adopt the flat rate of one cent for "drop letters," or thnKe intended for local delivery, has been frequently advanced and now appears in a bill introduced in the house by Representative F.rltt. What ever may be the state of the postal finances this ( plan has undeniable merits. It stands to reason that a letter that has to be transported only within the city in which it is mailed costs less for handling than one that must be sent by train to distant points. The drop letter represents the minimum postal cost. Every letter hns to be collected and distrib uted and that is all that is done to local letters such as those for which a postal rate of one cent is now pro posed. "As the matter works out in prac tice, the drop letters, at two cents, are bearing the cost of carrying the In tercity mall. This Is an unfair dis tribution of the postal burden. The oretically the letter mail rates should bo on a sliding scale, as are the parcel post rates, but with 2 cents as a max imum of letter postage within the I'nited Stntes and its insular posses sions and certain foreign countries it la obviously Impossible to scale the rate down n accordance wth distances without adopting fractions of a rent. Yet half-cent stamps would not be impracticable, selling two for a penny, or even quarter-cent stamps, selling four for a penny. There Is, how ever, no demand for letter postage lower than one cent. Thnt demand Is unmistakable, n evidenced In fre quently introduced hills such as that of Representative Britt." r Shrlners in Asheville are particu larly interested in the approaching1 annual imperial Council session of Nobles of Shrine, which will be held in Buffalo, N. T., on July 11-12-13. It is expected that fully 300,000 people will attend the convention, this num ber of course including the delegates and visitors from all parts of the I'nited States. Secretary W. V. Randolph of the Masonic todies of this city, is the Asheville representative of the Oasis temple of this state. The other rep resentatives of this state are VP, S. TJddell and John T.. Dabbs of Char lotte and It. S. Rhinehnrdt of Lin colnton. Oasis temple will take the patrol band of about 7S Phriners from the state and will leave the state on a special train, which will be conducted for them for 11 davs. Either, on the trip going to the convention, or on retnrn'ng special side trips will be taken by the members of the party from North Carolina, The Buffalo Evening News of Jan uary 16. contains the following re garding the meeting: "Headnuarters for the preparations for one of the blagest convention ever brought to BuTalo. the imperial coun cil session of Nobles of the Shrines, which Is to be held in this city on July 11th. 12th and 13th, have been opened In the Buffalo Consistory buildin? on Delaware avenue. For the next six months George K. Staples, general chairman in charge of convention ar rangements, will put in an average of eight hours a day attending to the letails that go with his job. "Not onlv will nil of Buffalo's hotels be taxed to ttie limit by the Shrine j convention, but surrounding cities ni far 38 Hochester will set the overflow, j Niagara Falls, of course, benefits sub-1 stantlally. It Is within easy ride and j has its own attractions which appeal ; ll imiri? w IMi .t;ilie mime utiaiiLc. p. "J. P. JtcCann. caravan director fori j Mecca temple of New York city, called j upon General Chairman staples tnta i week. He came to engage hotel ac commodations for a patrol of 150 uni formed and for 500 other nobles of Mecca temple who desire to stay through the Imperial council session. Arrangements were made to house the New Yorkers at the International hotel' at Niagara Falls. "Mr. McCann stated that, in addi tion to the 'ISO nobles who will stav throughout the convention, a thousand or two might be expected on special trains for the day of the big parade. Bookings for the train have not been i made yet, since there is more time on that than for hotel rooms. 'J,u Lu temple of Philadelphia has engaged rooms for 500, including n mounted patrol of BO men and a foot patrol of 50 men and a band of 100 pieces. Stable room for the horses of the mounted men has been contracted for. Another contract was for garage space for ".0 automobiles. In addi tion, six special trains will be run by jti I.u temple, bearing each 400 to 600 person". They will come on djnerem days of the session. 'Chief Rabhan Harry O. Perry and Robert L. Gill of Bouml temple, Bal timore, Mi, were In Buffalo yesterdny and secured hotel accommodations at the Parkhof for 1 50 persons, who will come In the Bouml caravan. Bouml temple also will bring a patrol of 35 uniformed men, who will be quartered in one of the armories." MOTOR CAR It is literally true as you have probably dis covered in your own locality that the owners of the car are its most enthusiastic salesmen. Dodge Brothers dealers frankly ad mit that their task has been made easy for them by the performance of the car and the things owners have said about It. ; The gasoline consumption. Is , unusually Jow . v The price of the Touring Car or Roadster, complete Is $785 (f. o. b. .Detroit) ; Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church Street J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER. Watches and Bine Jewelry. Watch Repairing a Specialty. Z'a. 9 Pack Sqnar. OFFICE SUPPLIES, FILING DEVICES, LEDGERS and blank books of every kind and description, special rulings to suit every kind of business purpose. Rubber hands, mucilage, inks, pens, fountain pens, file folders, clips, clip boards, bellows files, pads, typewriter papers, carbon paper, etc Glad to have you call and examine them today. ROGERS BOOK STORE 39 Patton Avenue. Phone 254 Asheville, N. C. Order Ice Cream for Sunday Dinner CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE Haywooa St. Near P. O. Phones 110 and 111 To Prevent Disappointment DEMAND Hill's "PEERLESS" Sausage At Loading Grocers "Just Enough Fat to Balance the Lean." BIG CONVENTIONS come to Asheville because big conventions and little conventions all know this is the greatest place on earth for conventions to meet . , , NICHOLS WAY Laundry work is one of the pleasing features al ways encountered here. Phone 2000. Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols. Mgr. IS Praland P. M. & W. COAL The kind that will give perfect satisfaction any time and all times. For range, for ; heater, for grate, it is simply great. Phone 40. i Asheville Coal Co. F. X. .WEAVER. Managsr. Harth Pack Muar. MONEY TO LOAN On Diamonds, Watches Jewel ry and anything of value. Trunks, and leather goods our SPECIALTY. H. L. FINKELISTEIN ' Pawn and Loan Otflc tt-85 BUtmora Arena ; Rune Ml NIGHT CLASS Bookkeeping, Banking, Higher Accountancy and Type writing Now Being Formed ; -Class Commences January 10, 1916. This class Is In charge of an expert accountant, and offers an unusual opportunity to ambitious young men and women to secure expert training in these branches. INVESTIGATE NOW. EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 30 COLLEGE ST. PHOXE 1100 SAVE' II GHILD DO 1 LAUGH PLAY IF CONSTIPATED C Pattnn Ave. -M. V. o. Do you Want Heat Without Smoke? Anthracite (hard conl) in alrnont Kinokeloss: it produces big heat and a lasting fire. We carry all pizos in the frce-buriiing white ash kind. S:ui!:cra Cc:1 Co. ILcao7C0 10 II. Tack Z It peevish, feverish and sick, give "California Syrup of Figs." Mother! Tour child Isn't naturally ctoms and peevish. Bee If tongus Is ooated; this Is a sure sign Its little stomarh, liver and bowels need cnnalng at onca. When liBtleaM, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat. s;eep or art naturally has stom ach-ache, diarrhoea, remember. gentle liver and bowel eleaslng should always be the nrst treatment given Nothing equals "California Byrup of Figs" for children's Ills; give a tea spoonful, and In a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting rood whlcn is clogged In the bowels i passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. I All children love this harmless, dell- . m.us iruu laxative, ' and It never , rails 10 effect a g.Kd "Inside" cleans Ing. Directors for baliles, children of sll sses and grown-ups ars plainly wfi nm notue. nep It handy In vour hnma A tit. tie given today saves a sick child to- morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your artiggurt tor a It-cent bottla of t anrornla flyrup of Figs," then look no act that tt la mads by the "Call. urnia rig pyrur. Company ri.kot i Tonight t :3 o'clock I. M. A. VS. FnattSnhur T M A. Beats ill a. Camembert Cheese In Wood Boxes, fresh by express .40c Florida Strawberries, fresh and fine quality. EDWIN C. JARRETT Pack Square And City Market TIME, LABOR, EXPENSE GAS RANGES SOLD ON EAST DIVIDED PAYMENT PLAN $16.50 TO $30.00 GOOK WITH GAS Asheville Power & Light Co. SALESROOM: 102 PATTON AVE. CHOICEST LAMB OF THE SEASON And Select Milk-Fed Poultry STAR MARKET, Phone 1917 "We are successful caterers to m variety of appetite, TOYS I PRES. OF MEREDITH SPEAKSATY.M.C.A. Dr. A. T. Vann, one of State's Best Known Educators Excellent Music Arranged. Dr. R. T. Vann. president of ilerl- dlth college at Raleigh, will be the speuker at the men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Dr. Van Is ons of ths state's best known educators and will no doubt be heard by a large audience. Ha Is said to be a very attractive and entertaining speaker. The musical program for ths meet ing consists of a solo by Miss Ade laide Porter and the Asheville male quartet wilt render several selections under ths direction of C. H. Rartlett The meeting for boys will be held at I o'clock and as usual an attractive program has been arranged for this meeting and all boys of the city, whether members of ths association or not are Invited to attend. UNIVERSITY CONFERS MEDAL ON SOU. RY. Jl-:t rlson. Washington, Jan. II. In racognl tlon of the efforts of Southern Hall way company to promote Internatlo.v at trad relations between . South America and tba United H tales and the effective and noteworthy result of those efforts In stimulating the study of the Ppanish language and literature and Latin-American hls tory and economics In ths schools and colleges of ths southern statis, ths ancient University of Cordova Argentina, which was founded In 1(11 has conferred upon ths Southern Hallway company a Urge and hand some silver medal, which hns recent. iy been delivered to President liar' FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS. PARHAM Funeral services for Mrs. Martha lanes Parham, aged 77, who died yes terday afternoon at the home of her koii, W. P. Varhain. at No. 77 Pin Grove avenue, will be held tomorrow at Z o'clock at the Helhel Baptist church. The deceased was a native of the county and had spent her life her. Hhe was twice married, her first hus band, William Ftlsbee, having been killed In the war between the states snd her second husband, John T. Par ham, who was also a Confederate sol dier, iller In 1905. Of the 1. children bom to her. the following ten survive: W. F. Parham and Horace Parham, of Asheville; Monroe Parham, Mark Parham, Mrs. Webb Israel and Mrs. James Worley. of Leicester: Bascom Parham. of Crestmont: Charles Parham and Mrs. Robert Plemmona, of 8partanhurK: and Varlon Ftlsbee, of Oklahoma. DRUE VICTIMS SAVED; Alone yon cannot shake on the bond of a cursed drug habit that en slaves you, because your system has grown to NEED ths drug. With ths sclentiflo Cedarc.roft treatment you can I ietk the bonds because the treatment lonis up ths system and remove ths Crmand for drugs. , Bo sure ar w that w tan cur all drug, liquor and tobacco nablta that ws accept ni fee for flanltartum treat ment unless patient report satisfac tory cure, the patient to be the sole Judge. This treatment Is II f work of l)r. Clrlbhl. Nothing to dread, no wltn Jrawal pstns, no torture, no cont.ne ment. Larn how to fre yoursolf and tart a new life. . Writ for booklet nt In plain wrapper, aitrrlng Ce ilvtrrnft Hanllnrlum, Hos 7S, U'.atlnn t. Nashvllia, Tenn. SPARTANBURG TEAM HERE FOR A GAME The Spartanburg T, M. C. A. bas ketball team arrived her this morn ing for the gam tonight at 8:30 o'clock with the local association team. Ths South Carolina boy look lilc regular basketball player and It Is expected that th local boys will have a nice Job on their hand in dis posing of th visitors, although the word ha gone out from the associa tion that th local team will b vic torious, perhaps. Th South Carolina Y. M. C. A. team hold th association tit! for that state and th local boya hold It for thl state, so th tonight' gam ought to be on well worth seeing. i-i Reserved Seat for Tonight's Itsaket Ball gam. Only 15c. 213-it ,.n .- II T Marlon. Jan. M. A V rt... Nobo township, wa In town this week ... niwmg mi capture of a large black bear on Llnvlll mountain r. cently. Mr. Gray says th bear was captured after strenuous roc of sU days durstlon. H claim to have sum of th beat bear dogs In this part of ths stat and hope during th re mainder of th winter month to cap ture a number of bears, sine h sny they ars unusually plnntirul ja the vicinity of Llnvlll and Shortoff moun-tains. Hultor What make you think, air that 1 will not be able to support your daughter? Her rather Th dlnVulty r had In doing It myself lioston Transcript A girl may b sll to m.m sngel during roiirUhlp, but after mar- MUST BE SOLD BY LAST OF JANUARY One month In which to purchase toys nt jronr own prion, BLOMBERG'S Phone 1916 17 BUtmore Ave. Furniture Moving Our Specialty Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. Give Ug a Trial CITIZENS TRANSFER CO. 48 Patton Ato. ' Phone 25. DO YOU WANT TO KNOWvWIIO print a Job If It can b printed? Rule a sheet If It can b ruled? Make a ledger If It can be mad? Hind a book If It can b bound? Sell loos leaf ledger of every tyl? If you do, wc are th people. HACKNEY & MOALE COMPANY Tr- ' IS Lexington Avenue kjOVPx Tb ,lon, ol UI,h UnM, lnanu- 0Jrx CYPHERS INCUBATORS Brooders and Sapplies Get an incubator and get your hatch started. . Ve have a good supply of them on hand and can start yon off early. The "Columbia" is a cheaper machine made by the Cypher company. j' ( ) Oltb GrccnHdv;cCo. ( ) i ! t 11 W. Pec': Sa i 7 nsgs sue shads her wins. t i

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