I PAGE EIGHT THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Saturday, J annary 22, 19ie. j 5 1! o .. . ft Bill PI! tailKM '-See ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. A6 gelable Preparation ErAs similaiing tneRxxfanilRptila ting (lie Siumadis aolBowets of Promotes Digesttonflwtfil-ncssandRest.CQnialnsiKittH' Opiuni.Narpliine narMtaal Not Narcotic. kHUH For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That I Genuine Castoria Always Bears Signati SeyttifoidijtstMzwnniai JbcSma jiiixSttd harm Sen' Unfit J AnerfectRemedv forConsftpir tlon , Sour Storaadi-Dtarrhoei Worms ronvulsHmsJeverisit ness ami Loss of Sleep. PacSiruUe Signature of Xbe Centaur CompaOJ NEW YUKft.. 3 , of W Use For Over Thirty Years ttr m m us wibiii Exact Copy of Wrapper, THK GKNTAUII COMPANY. NEW VORK CITY. ii mini iim i IX.-;, i imm S In Asheville Churches The Churches. NOTE Pastors ana cnurch o'le.. ere requested to send in copy to t'ne my eililor of chances in announce ments by 4 p. m. Friday. First Methodist Episcopal church. Ninth French Broad avenue, Itev. F. W. .Stanton, pastor, residence 23 (irnvo street, Phone 1959. Sunday school will convene at 10 a. ni.. E. H. Randall, superintendent. A full school is desired. , At 11 oYIih k the pastor will preach upon the theme, "Paul's Three Rea opk tor not Being Ashame of the Uospel." ' The Epworth league will meet at ;'!; topic, "Forgiving Enemies," Vliss Florence Stanton, leader, assist -id ly Miss Bessie Melton. At 7:30 the pastor will preach, task ing for his theme, "The Folly of Do ing Nothing." The service will be evanrelitic. (In WednesdHV nlcht th naalnr ! BniP. will hegin a series of prayer meeting I talks on "The Famous Praver Meet-: Inns of the Uil.le." The first talk will le up'ii "A Riverside Prayer .Meeting." All Souls' Episcopal church, Rilt-i more, Rev. D. U. Swope. l. I)., nt tor. Services for the third Sunday after the Epiphany. Holy communion, 8 a. in. ' -Morning service. 11 a. m. i Musico rendered: Venite, Rest, Te ttciirn In E, finrrett. .luliilate, !nrrett. Kyrle, f.urrett. Anthem: "1 heard the Muco of Jesus say." All urn, Sunday school, J p. m. Evensong, 1:30 p. ni. Magniflcant in F, Hummcrville. Nunc lilmlttis. Summerville. Anthem: "t'ome unto Me." Darker. Organ recital, 5:15 p. in. Andante, Cantatille, Widor. Romance. S' hiller March. Meyerbeer, Services on Tuesday und Th irsd.iy it II o'clock, Class In Bible study, Tuesday a'tcrnoon nt 3 o'clock. o'clock. Topic: "Amusements that are Worth While." Mrs. C. W. Bates, leader. All young people are invited to attend this meeting. Evening service at 7:45 The pas tor Will preach the third in a series of sermons on "Lessons from Bible Characters." The subject of this ser mon will be: "Joseph, the Man Whose Dreams Came True.' Prayer meeting on Tuesday evening at 7:30. J. H. Revis, leader. Please note the the change from Wednesday evening to Tuesday. These meetings are becoming increasingly helpful, and they will help you. To all the services of the church a most cordial welcome is extended. A stranger is not a stranger at this church. Wesleyan Methodist church, service In Bright's hall at end of West Ashe ville car line. Sunday services: Sunday school 10 a. m. Pleaching, 11:13 a. m., and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting each Thurs day night, Rev A. E. Itelk, pastor. Notice change of place from Odd Fellows' hall to hall over Bright's store at end of car line. First Baptist church, Rev Calvin B. Waller. U. I l astor. Morning wor- 11 o'clock. Evening worship, 30 o'clock. Sundav school to pets ut 9:35, ('. S. Davis, superintendent. In the absence or the pastor, who is away in a meeting at oxford. N. C, Rev. R. T. Van. former president of Merideth college, and now state sec retary of education, will preach at both hours Sunday. I!. Y. P. l meets at fi : 4 B p. m R. A. Braun. president, M. M. Hayes, lender. All young people invited. Senior circle meets Monday at "'Mi p. m. 'iarnering circle meets Tuesday at 3:30. Business young women meet Wed nesday at t:15. Business young men meet Wednes day at 7:15. Teachers Training class nieetH Wed nesday at 7:15. Mid-week prayer and prulse service Wednesday Ht S. Central Methodist church. Rev. J. If. Barnhardt, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m F. M. Weaver, superintendent. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 a. m. The morning theme will be "Providential Guidance." and ! at the evening service, the pastor will Methodist proti slant church, corner ; speak on "The New Ulrth." J. Dale Hlllsi street and Merrimon avenue, j Stent will lead the singing at both , .rniwi n. iim. ii. li., pas- services. Led by the large chorus . . i choir, the congregation will enjoy a .,...j, , .,.,, wmtur k. I special song service proceeding the .,lv,n.iHiui-m, j, r rang ev lung sermon. Mice, assistant. i ..,U;rih i..,,.,,,. .i....i i Morning service at 11 o'clock. The subject of the sermon will "The Work of the Holy Spirit" Christian endeavor service at 7 at :45 p Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. The Woman' Hoard of City Mis SaGier: Read Llv Frea Offer! s. - il 1 T i,.i,.rt, saHih. m f ?' S "'npy bii.ol w rnu I l nlitfur hooMhoklduti, fcwl pi. allr motor ront. wrlu and t.ll m. iu.l how ixlMlitorairiraetaaAwMaloa km ofm-nealtb. urn. or yrm nlfr. t WNwiwuiMi know from noritnem. we oar..,.l!T, .J" M m- ' to UU roa bow to rrrr v "t ' umUi w.k. 'TT1 tcnlir ! Irani tn cue t nwk Nrtu af w.M S iTtlT "," T" r m4ki-i m X -TMTSl telll.iL.i i -.-It '-'fTwllfaihsill i III I i .U ti i r:.n y:i T3 srra t::ay rca ky hie tdi hyv trnr "t "Wm J. (nrt .I.I. , y,i,r "2 ""1 ' mm T .nv i,M,fnmlT H t win .ii. i.in niiw 10 owinni vnwtl m lnw I l,lnrn.,. j ... I. In rm. m,T,,n .ml r... IIMn to plumpn-. mnd hifc ' Jtcmr rt.,,iM.r. -m-W M fmm w , l. mThimi ,!., Jff? " w"7'"1 '"t n,. .,... o.r w... lk, , --,f mt,Zl lw, 'tT. U'trl.l..nJ r"'""" u... m, i b,.r?;'rir.'v;iir4 -": - r.ro-,sv.7wT..,.n 1 ";!:.""'"u"" i . i i. . - - - Hot H, t U1M trD, ?!0. sions will meet Monday afternoon at J:30 In the lecture room of the church. A cordial invitation Is extended to all to attend and participate in the services. Strangers and visitors in the city will receive1 a warm welcome. At the close of the morning service, the business women of the congrega tion are invited to remain for a short conference relative to the organization of a Business Women's association. Trinity Episcopal church, corner of Church and Aston streets. Rev. Willis G. Clark, rector. Services for the third Sunday after Epiphany are as follows: Holy communion, 8 a. m, Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Pro hymn, 3. . Venite... ' Te Deum, Jackson. Benedictus. Hymn 263. , Anthem: "Saw you never. In the twilight" Rec. hymn 67. Evening prayer and sermon at 8 o'clock. The chi ir of Trinity church i is a vested choir of 20 voices. The congregation is urged to take part in the singing. Trinity church is conveniently lo cated, and extends a cordial invita tion to every one to attend its ser vices. There will be a celebration of the holy communion on Tuesday at 10 o'clock the day being the "Con version of St. Paul." Chestnut Street Methodist church, south. At 9:30 a. m., Sunday school song service, conducted by W. T. Davey. At 9:45 a. m., Sunday school eon- ducted by J. H. Weaver, superintendent. At il a. m., preaching by the pas tor.Rev. D. Atkins, subject: "The Essentials of Religion." Anthems by choir, : At 3 p. m., Junior Epworth league, conducted by Mrs. J. F. Bates. At 6:30 p. m. Epworth league, con ducted by Charles Henninger. At 7 p. m.. preaching by the pas-' tor, subject: "The Terrors of the Re- jected thrist." I Duet by Mrs. L. F, Jarret and W. F. Krickham. . . At 7 p. ni., Wednesday, prayer ser vice. I Everyone is cordially invited to at-1 tend all services. ; ! Fir.st Congregational church, Rev. i J. Brainerd Thrall, . pastor Sunday! morning service at 10 O'clock in the V.' M. ('. A. auditorium, preaching by i the pastor. Everybody welcome. Male iiuartet singing by Messrs. Krickhan, 1 .1 arret l, Plrkmeyer and Mclnlyre. Sunday school at the pastor's resi-; donee, SO) Merrimnn avenue. Lutheran church. Rev. W. D. Pe ters, punter, corner South French Broad avenue and Philip street. Sun day school 10 o'clock, preaching at 11 o'clocli, Everybody Ut cordially in vited to attend the services. i Christian church. Rev. P. H. Mears, 1 pastor Sunday school at 10 o'clock: preaching nt 11 o'clock and prayer1 meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Balm Grove church, West Asheville Rev S. T. Barber, pastor Sunday school, 9:30 o'clock, James Kille, superintendent.' Preaching by the pastor at It o'clock and 7:15 o'clock. Epworth league meeting, Sunday ; evening 0;:J0 o clock, Mrs. Ledwell, president. . i Prayer service every Wednesday I evening, 7:30. i Presbyterian chapel in West Ashe- ! ville, Rev. P. P. Winn . In charge. : Sabbath school every Sunday, at 3 o clock. K. J. Oriset, superintendent. Chapel ut end of car line. French Broad Avenue Baptist church, corner French Broad avenue and Bartlett street: John Bomar, pas tor. Sunday school 9:30 o'clock. G. D. 1 Carter, superintendent. Preaching service 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. ni. B. Y. p. ij, meets at 6 p. m. Rlltmore Baptist church. Rev. C. M. Rouk, pastor. Preaching at 11 o'clock the night service. Come, watch and help make this church grow. Sun day school at 9:45 o'clock, M. W. Unmrlrk and J. P. Kitchen, superin tendents. West End Baptist church. Sunday school :30. II. C. Youn.. superinten dent; W. II. Rice, assistant superin tendent. Morning service 11 o'clock, evening service S o'clock. Rev. J. B. Orice, pastor. Mid-week prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Grace cnurch, end of Merrimon ave nue car line. Rev. Walter R. Cain. Sunday school, 10 o'clock; hoi com munion ana sermon ii o clonk. Thurs day, holy communion, 10 o'clock. The Salvation Army, Adjutant and Mrs. Bouters in charge. Officers' headquarters , 1 Aston park, telephone 1(13; shelter and hall No. 1. Ut4 South Main street, salvation meeting every night at I o'clock except Mon- oay; Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Hall No. t, 04 Spring street salva tion meeting. P. L, meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. and Tuesday and Friday at 7:30 p. m.; Y. Sunday at ( p. m. Hun day meetings :10 a. m., dinner meet ing 11 a. m holiness meeting 1:10 p. m., salvation meeting. Their motto "Holiness unto the Lord." Their war cry: "Sinners there Is Salvation for you." Oakland Heights Presbyterian church, Rev T. A. Cosgrove, pastor. Residence, ill Rlltmore avenue. Hun day school at :4S a. m. Punllo wor ship at 11 a, m. Visitors are cordially received. Services at the Farm school at 7:10 p. m, every Sunday. me uooa namantsn mission Is conducted under the auspices of the cnuronre ana secret societies tf Asnevme. u employs a chaplain. Rev, J. B. Williams, who devotes his . tire time to the comfort of strangers, especially those who are lonely or distressed. Those who desire a visit irom mm are quested to notlfv him Hie resldenee la 111 West Chestnut BDS1 99 Has "Watchful W aiiing Exhausted the Nation's The temper of the American people which has been sorely tried bj the continuous indignities and murders in Mexico has risen to white heat at the latest outrage resulting in the slaughter of nearly a score of peaceful and unarmed American citizens by Mexican bandits at Santa Ysabel on January 10th. In the United States Senate stormy speeches attacking the Presidert's policy in Mexico have been tittered by Senators who have not heretofore been noted for belligerent utterances. ' , Newspapers throughout the country, both Republican and Democratic, have made an emphatic de mand for the safety of Americans in Mexico, even at the price of armed intervention. What Do the People Want? In TTIE LITERARY DIGEST for January 22d the leading a-' gives a complete survey of the Mexican situation and presents the gist f public opinion from every argle as printed in the newspaer press. At no time since the troubles in Mexico began has the outlook, as it concerns the American peo ple, assumed so grave a character as at the present time. Thoughtful ' mericans, whatever their pol itics, will read this number of "The 1 est" carefully, because from it they will secure an unbiased view of public feeling. . v Other articles of great interest in this number are as follows: : ' The Progressive Prodigal's Return Weary of the Husks, As Some Picture It, the Progressive Prodigal Has Arisen and Announced His Intention to Return to His Father, But There I3 No Humility in His Aotion No, Indeed! American Law for the Submarine A SuiiimliiK-up of tlio Actual Results of the Subma rine Controversy with Germany ; How Best to Utilize the Capabilities of Crippled .. .Soldiers' More and Better Motor Cars The Most "Popular" War Book To Stamp Out Lynching by Education Agnostic View of God in the War Many Fine Photographs, Maps, and Reason's Ray in the Twilight Zone The Tragic Blunder in the Dardanelles The Suffragettes Scent Treason Germany is Still Will Supplied Labor's Views of "Scientific Management" American Dyes for the World Repaying the Art-Debt to France Collegiate Ignorance of the War The New Prison-Journalism. Diagrams, and Humorous Cartoons FACTS-FACTS-FACTS You Americans who know how to weigh the merits of a case and pass intelligent judg ment THE LITERARY DIGEST is for you. Here is a magazine that recognizes your abil ity to decide for yourselfwhose editors offer you no biased opinions of their own a source of all-sided information which will enable you to use your own power of decision. Every week the Press of the world is scoured for all the relating factors and opinions so that The Digest can present every subject from every angle. There is no personal "Pro" sentiments in its pages. The man will be disappointed who looks for partizanship 6lant in its editorial policy. This magazine is for him who asks for the facts and then decides for himself. Buy the igest this week and see. GET IT FROM THE NEWS-DEALERS TODAY 10 CENTS TiejMrxDlgesS: FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary, NEW YORK SB street phone 859, postoffice box 311. The mission Is maintained by vol untary contributions. Those who de sire to contribute toward its main tenance may send checks to the treas urer, A. C. Brandl, 19 Haywood street Asheville, N. C. First Presbyterian church, on Church street. Rev, R. F. Campbell, D. D pastor. Morning service 11 o'clock, evening service at S. Sabbath school 9:35 a. m. Strangers In the city will be welcome to each service; pews free. North Asheville Baptist mission Sunday school at 3 p. m. Devotional services 4 p. m. First Church of Christ. Scientist, North French Broad avenue, near Haywood street, Services every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock; Sun day school at 10 o'clock; testimonial meetings Wednesday evenings at 8:16. The reading room is in the church ed ifice and Is open every day except Sunday, from 10 to 11 and from 1 to 5. All are cordially welcome to the services and to the reading room. Ht. Lawrence Catholic church. Rev. Father Marlon, rector, Masses dally at 7:30; f iday at t a. m. and 11 a.m. West Asheville Methodist church, Rev. J. Frank Armstrong, pastor. Sunday school, 1:10 a. m 8. D. Hall, superintendent Epworth league, 7:10 p. m. Preach ing, 1:18 p.m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at I o'clock. Haywood Street Methodist church. Rev. L. T. Cordell pastor Preaching Sunday, 11 a. m., Sunday school 1:48 a. m.. If. A. Dunham, superintend ent; prayer meeting Wednesday 7:48 p. m Sunday school at Riverside I p. m. Ora Street Presbyterian church, l:ev. A. M. McLaughlin, pastor preaching, Sabbath, 11 a. m., and I p. m. Babhath school at 1:41 a. m J. B. Shops, superintendent. Prayer meeting, every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The publlo la cordially in vited to attend all these services. Calvary Baptist church, West Ashe ville. Sunday school at 8:10 a. m.; H. A. Brown, superintendent; prayer and praise ser1ce every Wednesday evening at 7:10 o'clock; preaching service every Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. You are cordially Invited to worship with us. Bethel M. E. church. Rev. J. II. Harmon, pastor. Preaching at 11' o'clock and at 7:45 o'clock and Sun-: nay scnooi. including all organized classes at 9:45 o'clock. Prayer meet ing Wednesday eveninir at 7 . 1ft ami teachers' meeting at 8 o'clock. The Good Samaritan Mission tu organized four years ago to employ a i chapllan to give his entire time to the ! comfort of strangers. It has been maintained by the churches and secret "i""" u uciievuiem inaiviaualtf Slore than 60 ladles of the city are members of the auxiliary to the mis sion and are working hard to provide for its maintenance, and tn iM In ... rylng on the work of Its different de partments. Strangers In the cltv whn wi.h visit from the chaplain are requested to notiry him by telephone or letter. Colored Churches Hopkins chapel, A. M. E. Zlon church Rev. M. D. Smith, pastor. Preaching each Sunday at 11 a. m and 8 p. m.; first and third Sundays preaching at 1 p. m.; Sunday school at 1 p. m., each Sabbath. W. T. Con ley, superintendent; class meeting on each Wednesday night The publlo Is cordially Invited. Calvary Presbyterian church. Rev. C. B. Dusenbury, pastor Preaching every Punday at 11 a. m and at 8 p. m.; Sunday school at 11:10 p. m. All are cordially Invited. Ht Mathlaa church, corner Valley and Beaumont streets. Services Hun days, 11 l in., and 4 p. m. Bunday school at 1 p. m. LEADING HOTELS AN D BOARDING HOUSES FIRlSPROOJ ASHEVILLE, N. C. THE BRYSON HOTEL COMMERCIAL HEADQUARTERS Well Lighted Sample Rooms, Free B. E. BRYSON. Proprietor, 82.00 Per nay Andrews, N. C. CENTRAL CAFE. HEXDERSONVILLK, Jf. 0. Only Restaurant In city with private dining rooma Under Blue nidge Inn. OrFN DA AND MG1IT HOTEL REGAL MURPHY, N. C. Only Modern Hotel In Western North Carolina. FREE BUB MEETS ALL TRAINS. Hot and Co'.d Water' and Telephone In Every Room. Private Baths 8team Heat Large Sample Room. SPECIAL ATTENTION. Basket Ball Tonight at S:J0 o'clock T. M. C, A. vs. Spartanburg Y, M. C A. Beats 1 5c. 191-tt "I see you are presenting Hamlet to the public this week." "Presenting Is the right word." as sented the manager. "Nothing but deadheads In th. h,... .... -- ---- ---- .... u-., UIUIIVIIIB Courier-Journal. The muse sometimes keeps the poet swake, but It la the mews of the cat that disturb the si urn bars of other People. TO THE TRAVELING MEN. When in Marion Stop at THE MARIANA Marion's Leading Hotel. Full Equip ped with all Modern Conveniences. CANTON, N. C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL .. E. M. fJKIF.lt, lTop, Steam heated. Free Ham pie rooms, Electrlo lights. Free baths. Rates fl HOTELENTELLA niiYsoN err" Rates 1 per day. Bath room. Free sample rooms. IJvery in connection. W. W. WlIiriUR and r. E. TRY PROPRIETORS. STOP AT HOTEL BREVARD Bre vard, N. C MRS. J. E. CLAYTON, Proprietress. Under new manage ment. AH conveniences. Special at tention to traveling men. Table ex cellent - Rates f 1.00 per day. Special rates by week or month. . - WHEN IN WAYNES VTLXE STOP AT THE EENMORE HOTEL The Leading Commercial Hotel A. It 8 PEA US, Prop. Free Sample Room. OPEN THROUGHOUT TUB YEB Ml A ilMiliiUi'Mj VI 'Mil' m. t:a Art. k e:c::ut W.mV 1 1 f IT V I II V 3D3 ftosxs, li:. i!!. Ealb, J2.C3 la S3. 53 Per Caf. 1rsrt Mo4rr Ceatral KU t Tssle s Hoi. .s a la Carte We ear tilrb wrTir from firing CVa t r I or FVnn. station' 31 . I. X TK4 tfr CAWW.E1 I , tn tudar tt 8jIu" J , , I et tMM, t - I lnrtlnnt.iftl v; Lit vi S la li H(JUI!S tt ut iKioiiviMe, et Hr mil At forty a mn knows about half I much as he thuuiht he knew 1 twenty.