Saturday, January 22, 1916. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE NINE. ISO- s.o.s r1 ANT J THE ABO COLUMN READY REFERENCE DICTIONARY A SHOE SHOP THAT CALLS for work and delivers promptly. Prices reasonable. Who? Gil mer Bowden, 31 E. College. Phone 1817. We pay parcel post charges one way. 238-26t sa CASH PAID FOR SECOND HAND books. (No school books.) 10.000 books for sale. , Ye Old BookShop. Phone 674. 215-30t HELP WANTED LADIES MAKE SHIELDS AT HOME f 10 for 100. work sent prepaid. No - canvassing. Send :- stamp. Ivanhoe Mfg. Co., fit. Louis, Mo. 281-Plit WANTED AT ONCE EXPERIENO ed young lady stenographer and bookkeeper. State salary expeoted. t Address "E. N. B.," care Gazette News. -".'.'."'.' 281-tf WANTED A WIIITK GIRL TO DO general house work in small fam ily. Address "L. P.," care Gazette News. ' : :- 284-6t OFFICE POSITIONS IN HOTELS Calls for office help' In hotels are beginning to come from out the city. Very good salaries are offer ed. Also have two calls for ladles over twenty years, light steno graphy' and bookkeeping, begin June first. Preference for one who will complete a course. Call at the Asheville Business College. 288-7t WANTED GOOD RELIABLE Wo man as cook and for house work. , Apply with reference at 41, Starnes Ave. 288-3t. h 1- ' WANTED WHITE GIUL. WITH f pood references, for general houae .work in small family. Address L. 'P. care of Gazette-News. 288-6t. WANTED MESSENGER ROYS with bicycles. Good wages and permanent employment. Call at .-Portal Telegraph and Cable Co. :'i Olliee 1 Haywood street. 291-St For Sale Miscelleanous FIGSEN AN IDEAL LAXATIVE , for the treatment of Const'natlon. " Composed of Figs, Senna and ,'as c.ira und Is eaten like candy. 10, 25 : and 50c box. Grant's Pharmacy. 237-90t . MO ALE AND CHILES ., Real Estate 23 Patton Ave. Phone 661 fOR SALE 300 TO 1,000 ACRES i' Mountain land. In one tract, well watered suitable for grazing. : 237-tf GIVE IS YOUR CORD .ORDER rpeIal prices; dry kindling and " coal. Lance's Wood Yard. Phone 2113. 278-7t W;OT! WOOD! WOOD! Rawed any length. $1.00 and 32.00. loads delivered., Phone 2599. . . 26C-30t FOR SALE ENTIRE COLLECTION OF AN f tliiuo furniture, Brlcabrao, . oil paintings and tapestries. Rare ' specimens. Address K, Gazette News. 290-P26t BOARDERS WANTED MltS. M. A. MILLER 10S MONT ford Ave. Private board. Steam heat and bath on all floors. No sick people taken. Phone 2695. 224-26t MAGNOLIA COTTAGE, M COLLEGE rooms and board $6 to 38 per week. Steam heat." Phone 1828. 2T2-26t THE LISBON, M BROADWAY, FOR convalescent tubercular people, Now under new management. Nice ly furnished rooms; excellent board. For rates and reservations tele- phone 3092, Mrs. Frank Israel. f" lot Classified Advertising Rates. t Time to... per I Times So, per word I Weak ... .-.par word 1 Weeks fo . per word I Weeks 10e. per word 1 Month 10.... ....per word nTATIONg WANTED, Special Rate for Situations Wanted 10 words I time freei additional Insertions 10 cents earn InaerUosv, No advert ituwnts taken for LESS than IS cents. - The reduced re tea sre for eoneecvtlv Insertions, terms rash. PHONE "AD MAN 0i AND '. . PAY LATER. THE CAfcKTTE-NEWS can, not guarantee accuracy or swims responsibility for nor than one Incorrect Insertion of any Sderttimnnt ordered for more than nnn timet THE GAZKT1 E-NEW8 re. ,iwtf lbs right to correotl Bl, ,, LET TB 1IKLP TOTT WITH YOUn WANTS. W a o. , ANT SPECIAL COAL- COAL! COAL! The kind that burns and givs satis faction. Pisgah Fuel & Dray Co., 175 Roberta street. Phone 149. 218-90t WHEN YOU WANT YOUR HAIR ; dressed or face massaged, Phone 1461, Mamie Sartor, Hair Dresser. 261-SOt PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MISS Eva F. Brown, Room 821 Legal Building, does expert stenographic work. Phone 2271. 266-P-80t WE BUY, SELL, RENT AND Ex change second hand for new furni ture. Asheville Furniture Co., 29 Blltmore ave. Phone 1851. 278-80t FOR WINTER EGGS FEED sprouted oats. For best results ease. safety and for the sake of your chickens, hatch and brood by elec tricity. Colfax" Oata Sprouters or Electric Incubators and Brooders see Edward S. West, Agent. Ashe ville. 184-P30t GUM-BO-CHEW A PALITABLE Chew of Gum with harmless Tonic Ingredients to relieve desire for To bacco, Cigarettes and Snuff. En dorsed by physicians and druggists. 5 chews 10c. If your dealer cannot supply you send his name and ad dress with lOe for sample package. Gum-Bo Company, Asheville, North Carolina. ii EXPERT TYPEWRITER REP Ant ing, typewriters for rent. New, sec ond hand, and rebuilt typewriters for sale. J . M . Hearn and com pany, 8 Battery Park place. ' Near postoffice. Phone 448. ICE SKATES, HOLLOW GROUND, 2 dc. J. M. Hearn & Co., Battery Park Place. Phone 448, near Post Office 288-3t. AUTOMOBILES FOR QUICK AUTOMOBILE SER- vice by the trip or hour. Phone 293 Dally except Sunday. 2S3-30t FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 PASSEN- ger touring car cheap. Apply 166 Blltmore avenue. Phone 862. 276-7t WANTED BEST VALUE IN FORD Touring Car. State cotidltlon and all other particulars. "Tourist", Gazette-News Office. 286 P-3t BARBER SHOP WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF children's hair cutting. St. Charles Barber shop, 7 Haywood street. Phone 694. 229-26t SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Premier Carrier of the south Schedule figures published only as in formation and not guaranteed. EFFECTIVE JAN. 4th, 1916. No. Arrives From Eastern time: 9 Savannah and Jackson ville 2 .10 p. m, 11 Washington, New York, Norfolk & Richmond .. 2:40 p m 12 Chattanooga, Memphis St. Louis, Louisville, Cin cinnati . . . ..2:16 p. m 16 New York & East . . 11:59 a. m, 18 Murphy 6:30 p. m 20 Murphy .... .... 1:47 p. m, 21 From Goldsboro ... . 8:00 p. m 12 Waynesvllle ... ... 8:40 a. m 27 Charleston, Columbia . 8:10 p. m. 28 Cincinnati, Chicago, Memphis, Chattanooga , Birmingham and New Orleans 10:20 a. 35 New York and East . 2:40 a. 41 Spartanburg, Atlanta Montgomery and New Orleans 11:15 a .m, 103 Bristol, Knoxvillo, Chattanooga ... ... 10:55 p. No. Departs for Eastern Time: . . 10 Savannah, Jacksonville 4:10 p. 11 Knoxvllle, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati m m. St. Louis . . 2:65 p. m, 12 Richmond, Norfolk New York, east 2:35 p. 16 Washington, east 8:45 p, 17 Waynesvllle and Mur phy :30 a. m. II Murphy. Waynssvllle 1:20 p. m. 21 Waynesvllle ... , 8:15 p. m. 22 Goldsboro 8:50 a. m. 27 Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Memphis Birmingham, New Or leans ... 1:30 p. m, 28 Charleston ... .... 10:80 a. m. 36 Richmond, Washington, East ... 1:10 a. m. 41 Columbia, Atlanta ....7:00 a. m. 101 Bristol, Knoxvllls and Chattanooga ... 7:10 a. m. No. 18 Connects at Hendsrsonvllo with train for Laka Toxaway. No. 17 receives connection at Hen dersonvllle from Lake Toxaway. No. It oonnects St Henderaonvills with train for Brevard and Laks Toxaway. Trains 11 and 16 handle Pullman sleeping cars between Ashevllls, Washington and Nsw York; also cafe dining cars. No. 41 receives connection at Hender sonrtlla from Laks Toxaway and Brevard. Pullman parlor car servlcs on trains 11 and 16 between Ashevllls and Salisbury. No. 31 Parlor car between Ashsvllls snd Goldsboro. Through sleeping csr dally from New York,, Philadelphia, Baltimore Washington, Ixiulsvtlle, Charleston, Jacksonville, Savannah, Clndnna tl St. Louis, Memphis, Baltimore and Loulsvllls. Dining Cats on trains, I, 16, IT snd It. J. It. Wood. Div. rangr Armt. 10 ration, Av, . . piViX?PJOJ tSIWantSIW HOUSES TOR RENT FOR RENT FURNISHED THE MOST ATTRACTIVE LIST OF furnished cottages, bungalows and apartments in Asheville. Bee me before you decide upon a place. JOHN ACEE 68 Patton Ave. Phone 315 .. .. 2721tf ONE SMALL SIX ROOM HOT WA- ter heated . cottage. Paved street, twenty-one dollars. Call 1314. " . 290-3t. APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVELY furnished for light huosekeeplng $10.00 a month up. Phone 2625. . ' ' 283-tf. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED SIX room cottage. Near in. D. S. Wat son, Agt. , 261-30t FOR RENT 5 AND ROOM UN. furnished apartments. Two blocl-.s from postoffice, A. B. Foy. Phone 829. 283-tf FOR RENT AN EIGHT ROOM house with eight acres of land. Suitable for gardening. Write Mrs, W. H. Faulkner, Brevard, N. C. 290-P-St. FOR RENT 35 GROVE STREET. modern unfurnished house 11 rooms, Including 2 attic and 2 basement rooms; quiet neighbor hood, very near the business dis trict. No tuberculosis. H. B. Hood, 6 Haywood St. Phone 735. 279-14t Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED A LOAN OF $850.00. FOR information call "C. A." Gazette News ' 288-at. MONEY TO LOAN CAN MAKE A few loans on Asheville real estate. Revell-Long Co., 17 Paragon Bldg. .. 291-30t KILN DRIED KINDLING $1.50 PER load. Pisgah Lumber Co. Tele phone 321. 291-30t WANTED MEN TO KNOW THAT the crease In your trousers is al ways In the right place when your garments come to us for cleaning and pressing; and the cleaning s well done too. Ladles work a spe cialty; delicate fabrics . carefully handled. Satisfaction always. J. C. Wilbar; phones 389 office, 326 plant. WANTED FURNISHED HOU8E- keeplng rooms; East street prefer red. H, M. B., care Gazette-News. - 292-P-3t WANTED GOOD ROOM AND board for three young ladies who are coming to take a course at the Asheville Business College. Willing to help with housework to pay for same. Phone 2796, for informa tion. Henry S. Shocklcy. Also if you have taken some bookkeeping and some typewriting, we can place you at $5.00 per week with time enough oft to finish your course at this college. Also, we desire 2 first class stenographers with bookkeep ing. Out of town places, $85.00 and $100.00. Position permanent. Any experienced graduate idle? Please call, write or phone. 291-7t STREET CAR SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JAN 5, 1910 Zelllco and Return 6:00, 6:15; 6:30 m. Rlvorsldo Park 6:15 and every la minutes until 11:00 p. m. Depot via, Soullisldo Avenue 5:30 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 1:15. p. m., then every T minutes un til 3:45 p. m., then every 15 min utes until 11:00 p. m. Depot via. French Broad Avenue 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes un til 11:00 p. m. Manor 6:00 a. m. and every 15 min utes until 11:00 p. m. Charlotte Street Terminus 8:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. 11:80 car runs through; return leaves end of line 12:00. Patton Avenue 6:00 a. m. and every 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m. East Ktreci 6:00 a. m. and every :5 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Grace via. Merrlmon Avenue 6:00. 6:10 a. m.. then every 16 minutes until 10:30 p. m.; then every 30 minutes until 11:00 p. m. Blltmore ?: 00 a. m. and thon every 15 minutes until 11.00 p. m., last car. Depot and West Asheville via. South side Avenue 5:10 s m. and every 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE DIFFERS IN THE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS: Car leaves Square for Manor 6:00 a. m., returning 6:15 a. nv Cars leave Squars for Dep.'. via. Southsids avenue 6:00, 6:15, 1:30, 7:0(, 7:30, 8:00, 6:30 a. m. Cars leave Squars for Depot, via. French Broad avenue 6:16, 6:30, 1:46, 7:1!, 7:46 snd 1:16. Car for Depot leaves Square 8:46 a. m., both Southsids and Frsnch Broad. First car leaves the Squars for Char lotte street at 6:00 a. m. and every 10 minutes until 1:10, next 1:45. First car leaves ths Hquare for RIv- srtlds 1:10, nsxt 1:46. First car leaves ths Squars for West Ashsvllls 6.15. 7:00; next 1:10. With ths above sxceptlona, Sunday schedules commence at 1:00 a, m. and continue sams as week days. On evenings when entertainments are hi progrsss st ths Auditorium ths last trlj) on all lines wilt bs from entertainments, leaving Square at regular tlms snd holding over at Auditorium. Car leaves the Square to meet No. 36, 1 Bight train, 89 minutes before S.rtJ' 1W -WIS-V.u.n.r d t Ival, A N T J) SITUATIONS WANTED HOURLY NURSING IF IN NEED OF THE SERVICES of a practical nurse a short time each day, call Miss Hern, phone 509. Rates 60c per hour. Special rates by week for hourly cursing. References upon request 290-30t WANTED WORK AT THE HOUSES by an experienced dressmaker. ,i Prices reasonable. Phone 2106. 277-tf WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG man with experience in fancy gro ceries. Will start at small salary. Phone 1818. 278-Pt3t WANTED BY REFINED YOUNG lady position as office girl and also to do copy work. Have had some experience. Address "Copy" care Gazette-News. " 278-P3t WANTED BY REFINED LADY Position as cashier in any line of business. Address "M. J. W.," care Gazette-News. 284-P6t WANTED WORK BY YOUNG MAR. rled man, can do most anything. Willing worker, good reference. If, Care this paper. 288-3L WANTED POSITION AS NIGHT or day clerk in hotel? Will start for small salary. Address "Clerk" care The Gazette-News. . : 285-P5t WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG lady stenographer who has had four years' experience. Addross "Stenographer" care The Gazette News. 285-P5t : h - WANTED WORK BY EXPEHIENC- ed dress maker by day or at home. ' Spoclal rates January and February. Mrs. Arnold, 93 College street. Phone ill41. 290-26t. ; 1 WANTED BY SOBER, EX PER t enccd young man, position as book keeper or office man, can furnish best references. Address P. O. Box. 203, Tryon, K. C. 287-tf WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG man in Drug store. Five years ex perience. Can Give good reference. X. Y. Z. -;. 290-P-3t. , , ! u Trn pnsrrinv AsrrntK iv wholesale or retail Business. Three years experience. "A. B. C", care Gazette-News office. 90-P-3t ROOMS FOR RENT FUCOflSI-lfio ROOSIS FOH LIGHT housekeeping. Modern conveniences. Reasonable rates. Desirable people only. 176 F'llnt street. .r27-tf FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, Chas. Allen, 23 Livingston street. 277-30t FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Splendid section of city. Hot water heat and all modern conveniences. Reasonable rates. Phone 210'J or 838. 27-P3t FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED rooms suitable for light housekeep ing or Bleeping apartments. No tu bercular people tu-cn, 2 4 Woodttn street. 278-3t FOR RENT FOUR NICE ROOMS on Philip Street. W. R. Payne, S9 Grove St. . 285-7t MR. BURTON WILL .The board of trade received a let ter today from Ex-Henator Theodore E. Burton stating that he is pleased that the date for this lecture in this city has been changed to the evening of the fourteenth and that ha will arrive on Monday morning to remain In the city until Tuesduy afternoon. ' The Ohio traveler and statesman Inclosed some abstracts of several of his lectures In order that the enter tainment committees In charge of the details for his appearance may de cide which topic will be most desir able for ths speaker's Asheville au dience. ARSENAL MACHINISTS THREATEN TO STRIKE Watertown, Mass., Jan. 11. A strike by ths machinists employed In ths government arsenal hers was said by representatives of ths men to be probable unless an sdvancs n wapres Is granted. NOTICE, To ths public In gensrat: I will not bs responsible for any bills or contracts mads by W. A. Trcxler. (Signed) D. TREXI.ER. ISS-et Sheet Metal Works. CI S MILLER A. A. MILLER STOVE AND RANGE! REPAIRING. Tin, Flats and Tils Roofing repair ed. Hot Air Furnace repairing. Auto soldering and all kinds mstal repairing. All work guaranteed. MILLER ItltOTIIKRN, No. 1 South Lexington Ave. Phone 771. I7l-I0t WANT TO KX CHANGE HOUSE AND ten acres on Weaverville line for house and lot In Asheville. Western Carolina Realty Co., by J. W. V.'olf, BccJTi-rIr'-vitNwra;k.B'iuu-e hi "aos- .a ANT J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE N. A. REYNOLDS. Real Estate 1 '4 E. Pack Square, over Stradley ' and Luther. Some special bargains in Houses and Lots: ; .' 3 ..' One house and lot, on the most desir able part of Merrlmon ave. Beauti ful view, S rooms, 4 bed rooms and Bleeping porch. Attractive home, modern, 36,300. " One House and Lot on Park avenue, near its junction with Jefferson drive. A great bargain. Come and let me show you; 7 rooms, largo lot, $1,200. new Houses on Connestee street, near Merrlmon avenue; two 6 rooms and one 8 rooms, are with large, shady lots. Low prices, easy terms. Good 8 room house, near in, Orchard street, a great bargain, 82,000. : Come now. Houses for rent, furnished and un furnished. Ollices to rent. Desir ably located. Lots for sale in all parts of the city. Special, attention given to sale 'of property on Austin, Coleman and .Merrlmon avenues. . 277-tf PROPERTY OWNERS WHO DE. sire quick results and active hand ling of their property should try listing with me. John Acee, Phone 315. 68 Patton-Ave. 230-30t FOR SALE 18 TO 20 ACRES OF land Joining the mountain !ome al Hilgert, N. C. For cash J1.800 or would sell on half cash. Write Jo seph Dunlapp, Hilgert, N, C. 276-P3t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR city property, 5-room hou:e and 20 acres of land. One third bottom land; two miles from car line on macadam road; near school and church. J. D. Penland & Son, 11 Temple Court. 278-7t FOR SALE ELEVEN ACRES' OF land four miles from Asheville, halt mile from Weaverville car line. Excellent for orchard and general farming purposes. See S. G. Cham bers, No. 70 Conlstee Street, Ashe ville, N. p. 285-P3t FOR SALE CLOSE-IN RESIDENCE lots at Hendersonvllle, or will trade for automobile. 174 Elford Ter race, Spartanburg, S, C. ' 291-P-7t WANTED TO BUY 5-ROOM BUN galow, sha. "G. O. P.," care The 'Gazette-News. 291-3t ; : BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY. A LOT 112x279 WITH TWO HOUSES 5 and 6 rooms each, renting for $20 a month, located in West Asheville, can be bought for $2,100 if taken quick, owner leaving. F. M. MESSLER AND SON 26 American Nat. Bank Bldg. 291-4t !7 ACRE FARM, ALL FINE TTM- ber, 8 miles from Asheville; one mile from R. R. station. Will take automobile on exchange. Roadster or touring car. On macadam road Very cheap. Furman Strickland Davidson River, N. C. 292-71 1. 1. RUBY SUFFERS PARALYTIC STROKE Singer For Baptist Home Mis sion Board Is In Serious Condition Here. Just as he was preparing to leave his home at No. 3 Holrd street, Thurs day afternoon, to Uiho a train for Aberdeen, Texas, where he was to as sist In an evangelistic campaign, Al tha Ira Ruby suffered a stroks of paralysis on ths left side and Is today reported to bs In a very sorluua con dltlon. Mr, Ruby vas completely paralyzed on the left sldo and has been rational only at times since then. He is at tended by Dr. Reeves, who stated to day that Mr. Ruby's condition is very serious. Mr. Ruby cams to Ashsvllls several years ago and was for soms tlms di rector of ths muslo at ths First Bap tist church. Hs resigned this work about one year ago and slnos than has been connected with ths Baptist horns mission board as an e van sell tie singer. He has helped In many revivals In different parts of ths south slnos tak Ing his nsw position and Is widely known among baptists of ths country, Us returned to his horns ths early part of this wsek from s campaign In Savannah and was apparently In the beat of health. Hs was preparing to leave yesterday for Texas wbsn bs suffered ths attack. MISS WRIGHT SUFFERS STROKE OF PARALYSIS Mlas Frances M. Wright wss strlck en with paralysis on ths right sids T'l, rsdsy si her homo m Vlctori Road and Is today reported to bs In a serious condition. Ths stroks cams without any previous Illness, It wild. Miss Wright having been In good health. .00, ;Uptdy, jnorfllflfc W BRINGING UP FATHER THAT BARON 6POOPJu!T WATCH HIM AND DO A HE wANDYOUl-k LIVE TO THE ROLE 5 "F society; I'LL DO AV rWI4 SAS ILL VATCH HIM ' HAVE VftH EEN MY HOSQAND sVsm. TV YUM 1-k. . a 4 mm - ff I X. V I WITHIN THE LAtiT HOUR? V I 1 If II II I A I r Y VI I 1 Y ii n ii n. 'Mil fesjr r 1 jiLasi I T I i r li j;' i XT .r V . . ; i i i y. -v im i' i -v iv ' s. BY GEORGE McMANUS. (Copyright 1015. International News Service). Ut JKtCiS-1 HAVE NOT ! I 111 1 i , a MR "WHAT DO fOU MEAN. BY CONINC HOME AMD UEAVN ME THERE - DID WHAT THE BARON HE WENJ IN TH DIMIM. rww.-, ri ,yOK HALF OF THE fclLVEf WARE AND WENT HOMErTHEJII WENT INTlTAAu. Vim ,wwrx mc NEST ' AN' CAME HOME - J ----SBBBBBBB m