Tuesday, January 25, 1916. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Pi.CE rxvi E5 BLACK MOUNTAIN FORESTRY OPENS AT Ion Ms Jhis is Refund Railroad fart 6)$6k BonMardb , THICK, GLOSSY HAS ROAD RALLY UNIVERSITY CLUB ENLARQESQUARTERS Club Rooms Occupy One-Half of Seoond Floor of Candy Kitchen Building. NEW FURNISHINGS. A Owing to the large increase in the membership and the amount pf inter est manifested, the University club has just moved into an addition to the present quarters on tho second floor of the Candy Kitchen building on Haywood street. The ciub now occu pies one-half f the- second floor of the building and the quarters have been flitted up in a mofet attractive manner. . Two large rooms constitute the club's present quarters and theas rooms are .a -Tanged in such a maimer that the ciub has sufficient room f tho 73 members. The first room is given over to a loinglng,. reading, wilting and a, re ception room. It has been furnished with, handsome ull-leather fumed oak furniture, with attractive pictures and pennants on the walls. In this room Is also a handsome Vlclrola and the floor Is covered with beautiful rugs. 1'rlvnTe Dining Konm. The second room contains the pool and billiard table and the private din ins room of the club. Here also Is a dumb waiter from the Candy Kitrlien cafe on the first floor. The private dining room is separated from that part of the room containing the pool table by a lattice work partition. -Jlandsome drop lights have been ar tistically aranged In this room. ' The club also conducts a country club department at the ciub house in Kenilworth park, which was started last summer. Here a two-story log bungalow lias been erected, which contains a reception room, a, bunk room and kitchen on the drat floor and on the second floor are to be found a lounging room and dance pavilion. '.The -second floor is open on the sides and makes u delightful place, for dancintr in tha summer. Country tilth Department. At the country club department the club also maintains the only trap shooting outfit In the city. One of the latest trap? has been Installed and the club has nearly 100 members for that department. Tournaments will le arraniced during the spring and summer and it is possible that a state shoot will bo pulled off here. The club only recently took over the outfit own ed by, the old Asheville Gunelub and another gun club recently organized here, and udding to this equipment, other modern equipment, tho depart ment Is very large and in a flourishing condition. Organised on December 1, 1914, the University club has enjoyed a steady and substantial growth. Starting with less than 20 members the club in a ' litMo more than one year has grown until the membership now numbers 75. James Taylor Is the . president; Hardy Chamber, secretary, and Har ry C. Theobold Is treasurer, with these officers constituting a board of governors., Try Grandmother's Old Favor ite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. , Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Bulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streak ed or gray; also ends dandruff. Itch ing scalp and stops falling hair. Tears ago the only way to get this mixture was to make It at home, which la mussy and troublesome. : Nowadays wo simply ask at ' any drug store for! "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle for about 50 cents. Every body uses this old. famous recipe, be cause no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as It does it so naturally nnd evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger. GERMAN GOVERNOR OF POLAND PUTS IN FORCE GREGORIAN CALENDAR February 8th Set Apart as 'Swannanoa Valley Good Roads Day." Warsaw, Jan. 25. General von Besoler; governor of Poland, has is sued a decree according to which thrft portion of Russia now occupied by the Germans shall henceforth i;hunge from the Julian to the Grego rian calendar, and therefore conform to the standards of a majority of the countries of the world. Heretofore llussla and Poland have gone by the calendar' Introduced by Julius Caesar in the year 47 B. C. which varies by thirteen days from the Gregorian calendar compiled in the sixteenth century, and adopted by most countries in the eighteenth century. The introduction of the Gregorian j calendar Into the government of I Warsaw, means a cessation of count l lees misunderstandings. Heretofore it has been necessary' to "double date' every proclamation and order. Thus a document referring to December 11 had also to hear the date November 28 for the benefit of Poles reckoning according to the Julian calendar. - tn future air dates will be according to Gregorian reckoning. At a meeting last night lh which goon roads enthusiasm was much in evidence, citizens of Black Mountain set aside February S as "Swannanoa Valley Good Roads Pay" for the pro motion of a highway from Ridgecrest to Asheville. A special train will be run on this occasion from Ridgecrest to this city where the boosters from the upper Swannanoa valley will con fer with local enthusiasts on the prop osition of better road communication between the two localities. C. A. Dickey of the Dickey-Campbell Lumber company presided at the gathering in Bonita theater. C. C. Boone stated the object of the meet ing, deciding that It is time the citi zens are waking up to the meaning of Governor Craig's promise that the convicts at Hickory Nut Gap will be taken to the Old Fort-Rldsrecrest road as soon as possible. On request Chalrmnii CDlckey ap pointed committees and named their field of operation as follows: It. L. Ferguson, yv, 1.. Dougherty and R. K. Currier, Black Mountain; C. C. Boone, George F. Adams and Dr. B. F. Lnn dreth, Swannanoa township; Dr. Clyde E. Cotton, T. A. Brown, R. U. Wood ward and Mayor G. V. Stepp. of Black Mountain. Asheville; Dr. R. J. Archer and C. C. Lord, Montreat. ; It is thought that at least 2Df good roadn advocates will visit Asheville on February 8. A movement is on foot to have all the Black Mountain stores close on February for the good roads rally so that a large crowd may cone on the special train to Asheville. H. n. Craven and S. C. Moore of Ridgecrest are committeemen to arouse interest in tho movement for improved roads in their community. S. P. Ravenel of Biltmore De livers an Address This Afternoon. STATE ASSOCIATION. I REAL KSTATE TRANSFERS e , F. A. Lunsford to ID. N. Fisher, property on Grassy Branch; consider ation. $75. Matt. Burleson and wife to Minnie Ostcen, property on Maxwell street; $10 nnd other considerations. Cora M. Logan and S. T. Logan to J. F. Means, property at South Bilt more; consiheratlon, $200. A. L. Rollins and wife to S. M. Stevens, property on Seney street; con sideration, $50. Viola J. Scott and husband to W. T. Pegrarn and wife, property on Ridgo street; consideration, $800. SNOW-BALL ARMY' IDEA POPULAR IN AUSTRALIA Sydney, Australia, Jan. 25. The "snow-ball army" idea has taken hold of many communities and there aro now four such "armies march ing from as many towns In New South Wales toward Sydney, accumulating recruits on their way. The "Walla bies" so-called from a species of kangaroo are marching here from Marabla: the "Kangaroos"., from Wagga; the "Wartahs" named after an Australian flower from Nowra and "The Men from Snowy River' have left the town of Delegate. The nickname of the latter party Is tak n from the poem of "The Men from Snowy River" by A. B. Paterson, a popular poet who Is now a major with the Australian forces In Egypt. The military authorities are giving these voluntary "armies" as much encouraement as possible. Staff ser geant majors have been provided for each contingent. The several marches now In progress cover from 100 to 400 miles, and along the way the vol unteers are the center of many pa triotic ovations. The sixth annual convention of the North Carolina. Forestry association opened at Newbern this morning at 10 o'clock In the chamber of com merce rooms, with an invocation by the Rev. Bj F. Huske of Newborn. The visiting delegates will be wel comed on behalf of the chamber of commerce by S. M. Briuson, and by James B. Blades on behalf of the Newbern lumbermen. The morning's program Includes the names of Governor Craig; W. TV. Ashe, of the United States forest ser vice; Capt. Nathan O'Berry of Golds boro, president of the association; C. I. Millard of Norfolk; Congressman Small and others. At the afternoon session the visit Ing ladies -will be welcomed by Mrs. Zebulon B. Vance, of the Newbern Women's club, on behalf of that or ganisation. After an address by It K. Parker, secretary of the North Carolina Audubon society a series of ten minute talks 'on live subjects con nected with forestry will be enjoyed Discussions are invited after each ad dress. The Tuesday night session will be held In the auditorium of the public school building, where an illustrated lecture on "Forest Conservation In North Carolina" will be given by the state geologist. On adjournment at 9:30, an oyster roast is to be provid ed for tho visiting delegates, by the Newbern chamber of commerce, at the Hyman Supply company's place of business. On Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock, a trip is planned from New bern to Camp Perry, over the Nor folk Southern railway and the log ging road of the John L. Roper Lum ber company, delegates to be the guests of the lumber companies In and around Newbern. At 3 o'clocl' Wednesday, the Newbern chamber of commerce will give an automobile trip to the association in and about the city of Newbern and the sur rounding country. This is a moBt attractive program and undoubtedly a large number of people will avail themselves of this opportunity of learning something further about practical forest man agement ami protection. S. P. Ravenel of Biltmore will do liver an address this afternoon at the meeting, on "A National Recrea tion Ground." News From the Home of the Coffee Bean Mr. Frank 0. Carpenter, noted correspondent, writing from Santos, Brazil, said to the chief coffee port of the world in an, article in the Los Angeles Times of Oct, .TOtb, 1915, says: "The people here believe in coffee. They talk nothing else and as they talk they drink. They drink so much of this beverage that they grow sallow, and the muBcles of their faces twitch continuously. When one of them sits in a chair, resting his toes on the floor, his knees bob up and down with nervousness, and the whole system seems af flicted with St. Vitus' Dance." MUSIC BOOKS FREE FOR CITY SCHOOLS Commissioners to Buy Music Series High School to Sell Text Books. Very interesting! ' ' v And what, pray, is there in coffee that makes people eallow and nervous 1 The drug, caffeine about 2V2 grains to the average cup a powerful irritant of the nerves and delicate tissues of the body. . :' ' ' . Of course not everybody is affected severely. But caffeine is a cumulative poison, and sooner or later it gets in its work with many users elowly with some, faster with others. i Is it wise to tamper with such a menace to health! By far the better way is to leave coffee alone, and for a pleasant, delicious table beverage use Instant Postiim the pure food-drink. rotum is made from prime wheat, roasted with a email portion of . wholesome molasses, and contains no drug or harmful substance whatever-only the goodness of the grain. There are two kinds of Postum. The original Postum Cereal, which require boiling; and Instant Postum, the solublo form, which is made in tho cup with hot water instantly! They are equally delicious, cost about the same por cup, and botn are good for the nerves, good for the general health. 'There's a Reason" Send two cent stamp to Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., at Battle Creek, Mich., for 5-cuP sample tin of Instant Postum. , At a recent meeting the city com missioners endorsed the plan for the sale of school books to the city high school students by the high school authorities a cost plus five per cent to cover transportation charges, t'n der this plan books listed at $1 will be purchased, In most cases, dlrec from the publishers and will be son for 84 cents. The Idea was originate by Ralph O. Wells, head of the com merclal department of the high school. As a further step In reducing the coBt of books, the board has now de cided to purchoso a series of music books for the free u.'ie of public school students In the city, thereby saving $1.45 to each family patroniz ing the schools, or a total saving uf $500 a year to Asheville people, It is estimated. The music books for the grades from the second to the seventh will cost the city as follows: Primer. 23 cents; first music render, SO cents; second reader, 40 cents; third read er for the seventh grade, 60 cunts. GERMAN GOV'T GIVES ITS WORKING CLASS MUCH PROTECTION Dress Jrimmings If YOU will give the same consideration to the selection of TRIMMINGS for your DRESS as "WE give to the selection of Trimmings for our STOCK your costurrie will be a splendid repre sentation of Style and beauty. The Bon Marclie lias considered YOU in select ing these Trimmings will you consider the Bon March e in selecting yours t Amongst the new Spring Trimmings and Cos tuming you will find here: levt Radium Silks Chiffon Cloth A beautiful material, with a A pretty fabric this; dainty high sheen, for dresses, or yet of good wearing quality. Trimmings. Shown in More Than Fifty Exquisite Colorings: Pink, Colors. ; Ceil, Mais, White and Black; 40 inches wide, priced at the 42 inch wide, priced at $1.25. old price of $1.00 yard. Crepe Chiffon georgette Crepe . This cloth finds foremost A bit prettier than the plain favor for spring wear, chiffon. ; Extensively used for Cos Light and Dark Colors. turning and Trimming. We Show Evening Shades and 40 inches wide; two qualities, Street Shades $1.00 and $1.25 Priced at $1.50 and $1.75 yard Jilk tfets Panama Ifets " 72 inches wide, for Dresses ' So substantial in Construc- or "Waists. Black, "White and tion; so pretty in the garment. Evening Colorings of dainty 42 inches wide. Priced at tint. Priced at $2.00 yard. ' $1.25 yard, lOhite Cotton tfets Sftl,,, ' Blue, Pink and Gold. 36-inch widths and 72-inch So pretty to bring the best . . . , . results in designing a Party widths m several weaves. Pnc- Gown. etl from 25o to $1.50 yard. 36 inches wide. Priced at $2.00 yard. ZadiumM-Qver Spangled Band aces ' Jrimmings In the new Shanting Color- t ing, also in White and Black. Beautiful irridescent effects 1 yard wide. Priced at $1.50 in high colors and medium to $2.50. ' tones, 35c to $7.50 yard. (fold and Silk ace tfe9 Venice aces Flouncings Gold Embroidered Patterns 0De-half mch to seven inclies and Rich colored Embroidered wide. Such dainty patterns in . patterns or White or Ivory, . Net, 10 inches to 27 inches7 thl8 vn law- Edes wide, $1.00. and insertions in Match Sets, Narrow widths to match 75c to $1.25. 10c to $3.75 yard. had" been specifically warned not to visit saloons which was not the case with the soldier-porter, in addition ha hoi! not been hired on probation and therefore was entitled to full no tice before being dismissed. CAPE GOOD HOPE ROUTE SAYS MILITARY PAPER Berlin, Jan. 25. in many ways at least the Uerman Working man or employs of any kind receives the most perfect protection from his paternal government of any similar person In the world. The following case, us( decided, is- Illustrative of the right of German employes and of the safe guards thrown around them. A soldier, wounded In the war, was Invalided home and discharged. Pres ently he received a position ss a hotel porter. He bad hardly held the Job fortnight, however, when he was sntsaed one day Just as a guest ar rived. A clerk showed the arrival to a room, but ' was astonished as he opened the door to And the trussing porter, fully clothed and with muddy boots, badly under ths Influence of liquor, lying on the guest's bed. Ths hotel proprietor summarily lis missed the porter. - The discharged employe, however, sued under the luw whlch sperllles that notice must he given except In certain well-defined cases. The court upheld the porter's claim and awarded him back pay of U7 marks, on the following grounds: The porter's surrender to the in fluence of lkiuor probably was due In pert to his sarller wounds. His act In lying down on ths guest's bed was caused by his Intoxication. Therefore It was, attributable and excusable, (ins cans of drunkenness wsa not sufficient to warrant summary dismis sal, 'unless the employe In advance Are you sure you thoroughly un derstand that question you attempted to decide?" "No," replied Senator Sorghum, "but 1 fancy I expressed myself In terms sufficiently obscure to prevent MvhoAv else from taking enough In terest to call me down." -Washlng- stoa Star. MMRltl.Ktlllttstilillslft K THE IOVKUEST CURLY ft HAIIt SO EASY TO HATE! H it ltltlBlststslltslilll(Slsl x ... Why make your hair dry, brittle and dead looking with the heated waving tongs, when - the simple sllmertns method will produce a rurllnees far more natural In appearance, and at the same time preserve the lustre and beauty of your tresses? Liquid sll meiine Is so agreeable to use, being neither sticky nor greasy, and ths over-night transformation Is so pleas ing, the first trial will make It your llrm friend. The approved wsy to apply it Is to pour a little Into a saucer at bedtime, dip a clean tooth brush Into this and draw ths brush through the hair from crown to tip, one strand at a time, A few ounces of this harmless liquid from your druggist will last a long time. Tou will like It not only be cause the ourly and wavy effect will be so charming, but because you will also And It an excellent dressing for the hair. London, Jan. 26. The decision of the Dutch East India route to the Cape of Good Hope route has been popu larly accepted here as proof that the Turks and Germans are preparing an offensive against Egypt. But an ex plantation independent of military rea sons Is offered by one of the dally pa pers. Not war, but economy of opera tion caused the change, acoordlng to this explanation. . - ' Austro-German submarine activities have resulted tn Increased insurance premiums In ths Mediterranean traf fic. Ships are delayed at the canal by shortage of coal. Furthermore, the canal toU rates are to be ralssd shortly. These increased costs more than overcome the additional mileage of the Cap rout. In recent years, the Cap rout has bean growing In popularity owing to Its cheapnesa Even befor the war the government of the South African union recommended the Improvement of Its porta to accommodate the grow Ing trade, and It adopted a scheme for extensive wharfagt and harbor changes. English n m pan Irs were the first to favor the Tape ss opposed to ths Suet route. of the number of human and animal corpses destroyed after the expulsion of the enemy In the different govern-' ments," dated December, Itllt GoV't. Humana Anlm.I Kaluga ., l.zso 7.1651 MOSCOW M M , S,m !, Smolensk M ,i7l,g6 Minsk .. M (8,861 Hohllefl M lO.m VUna .. w 11.141 BlalystoK PRESENT CASUALTIES IN RUSSIA EXCEEDED BY THE WAR OF 1812 Berlin, Jan. II. Considering the extent of territory involved, ' the slaughter in the fighting In Russia In 1112 wss greater than In the present war. A local paper publishes ths fnl lowing "report of the police minister 3II.7I : ti.i&ri 17.SS0, 11,771 ! 74 Total w ..430,707 H0.ITI June Bob drives Ms oar vers ear. fully sine Bell accepted him. Ethel Tee: Bob knows If he lose his automobile license he'll los hi Belle, too. Boston Glob. HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH 03 A CCLD : : Bey Cream ApU4 In Xestrllg ' ' Open Air Passages Right Dp. , t4 Instant relief no waiting. Tour clogged nostrils open right up; the all Psssages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, ancMlng, blowing, hesdache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night: your cold or catarrh disappears. . Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream In your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage ot ths head, soothes ths Inflamed or swollen mucous membrsne and relief comes Instantly. it's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-Hp with a cold or nasty catarrh.