fHI "AS HE VILLI GAZETTIf-NEWS Saturday, January 29, 191B.' 'T' prrn.VG rv coaIi. , may not be pleasant, but It Is de cidedly necessary. So while you are about It why not put In the very best M. & V. Coal Instead of Just ordi nary grrade. It costs no more and Rives much better service. That Is, If you order It here. Order now for promptest possible service..'-. Carolina Coal and Ice Co. ,60 Pattern Avenue - Dhrnmor Bldg. WE CAN meet your wants at the fairest prices. A complete line of tin enameled ware, china, glass, nickel and silverware. I. X L DEPT. STORE 11 BROADWAY Phone 107 ' : Langren Bldg. Studebaker $1050.00 f. o. b. Detroit O. K. AUTO SUPPLY & TRANSIT CO. Phone 126 Special Prices on Men's Suits. GEM CLOTHING STORE. 8 PATTON AVE. 1-3 Off on Ranges ASHEVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY. 29 Blltmore Ave. 'Phone 1851 AMD MONUMENTS at B. S. SMITH Marbleworks 55 Broadway "GET MY PRICES" Let the Year 1916 be a year of peace and enjoy ment. To do this you must equip your homo with the proper lighting system. Put in modern electric fixtures. Use National Mazda bulbs in these fixtures, and let electric appli ances do your household work. If you will do this your homo will always have a smile to greet you. "We invite you to call at our show room, and we will take great pleasure in showing you everything ELECTRICAL. 64 Patton Ave. TV. f- O. II Ll FURNACE COAL Southern Phone 760, 10 L IN FIVE MINUTES SICK STOMACH INDIGESTION. GAS 'Pane's Dianensin" i3 the quickest and surest Stom ach relief If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undlgester food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heart - brun, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach headache, you can surely get relief in five minutes. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula, plainly printed on these fifty-cent cases of Pape's Diapepsin; then you will understand why dys peptic troubles of all kinds must go, and Why it relieves, sour, out-of-order stomachs or indigestion in five min utes. "Pape's Diapepsin" is harmless; tastes like candy, though each dose will digest and prepare for assimila tion into the blood all food you eat; besides, it makes you go to the table with a healthy appetite; but what will please you most, is that you will feel that your stomach and intes tines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to laxatives or liver pills for biliousness or constipation. This city will have many "Pape's Diapepsin" cranks, as some people will call them, but you will be enthusiastic about this splondid stomach prepara tion, too, if you ever take it for Indi gestion, gases, heartburn, sourness, dyspepsia, or any stomach misery.: DEMONSTRATORS TO MEEINEXT WEEK County Agents of State Will Hold Sessions at Gwyn Farm In Haywood County. INTERESTING PROGRAM. County farm demonstrators will hold an interesting meeting next week, the opening spssion to begin Tuesday, at the farm of T. L. Gwyn at Spring dale In Haywood county.. E. D. Weaver, farm demonstrator for Buncombe county, together with several of the leading farmers of this county will attend the meetings, which promise to be among the most important yet held by the county agents in the state. The following program will be car ried out during the meeting: "Western North Carolina as a Beef Cattle Country," Don T. Gray, animal Industry division, West Raleigh. "The Importance of Experimental Work to County Demonstration Agents," C It. Hudson, state agent, Raleigh. "How the Demonstration Agent Can nest Gain and Apply His Knowledge in Livestock Products," E. S. Millsaps, district agent, Statesvllle. "Practical Problems in Wintering Beef Cattle in Western North Caro lina." T. I Owyn, Springdale. "Most Economical Methods of Win tering Beef Steer in Beef Making," F. T. Peden. "Is It Practicable to Grain Patten Beef Steers In Western North Caro lina for the Consuming Market?" R. 8. Curtis, West Raleigh. I ItEATj ESTATE TRANSFERS g H. M. I.unsford and wife to Mrs. F. 8, Phillips, property in Ashevllle township; consideration It. n. Pounders to E. J. Auldrldge and others, property on North Turkey creek; consideration $40. A. V. Pounders to E. J. Auldrldge and others, property on North Turkey creek; consideration $60. Lizzie Pahram to O. M. Rogers, property In Leicester township; con sideration 1200. True fortune tellers, of course, tell us only what we want to hear. Forgiving without forgetting is a good deal like giving a receipt for money without signing your nam to It Don't over-work your fireman with poor coal that burns up in a flash. Use CLINCH FIELD Fur nace Coal. It gives a big hot fire that lasts readily holding fire over night. For economy sake burn Clinchfield Coal , Sold Exclusively Br: . Coal Co. N. Pack Square SCHOOLS TO BEGIN THE SECOND TERM rm - - " Promotions Made Yesterday Supt. Howell Issues Fourth Month's Report. GOOD ATTENDANCE. Yesterday grade promotions were made in the city schools and on Mon day morning the second term of the scholastic year will begin. Superin tendent Howell announces that all students who desire to enroll for first grade work are requested to present themselves on Monday morning In or der that they may be assigned to the class rooms and begin the term with out missing any lessons. Thi superintendent's statistical re port for the month ending January 7, 191, has Just been compiled and It shows some interesting comparisons with last month and with the corre sponding month of 1915. The records cover enrollment, at tendance, tardies. and pupils gained and lost. AH the schools made high percentages In attendance and the superintendent, principals and in structors are much gratified over the results in this respect as well as In recitation work. Total Enrollment, The total enrollment to date at Or ange. Montford, Murray, Park avenue, Asheland and In the high school was 2.722; for the previous month It was 2,643; for the same month a year ago, 2,412. The total for average attend ance In these schools during the month was 2,343; In last month 2,372; a year ago, 2.1P9. Pupils enrolled for the month ending January 7, 2.R20; last month, 2,567; last year in the corresponding month, 2,421. The figures for Orange, Montford, Park avenue, Asheland and Murray, schools in enrollment to date, average attendance, per cent of attendance, tardies, pupils gained, pupils lost, and enrolled this month are as follows: Orange. 719; 619; 96.06; 78; 8; 21; 651. Montford, 546; 4S9; 95.9; 69: 7: 18; 532. Fark avenue, 448; 376; 98.36; 38; 12; 9; 396; Murray, 242; 207; 95.9; 54; 7; 5; 299. Asheland, 382; 817: 94.8; 17 86; 351. High school, 385; 323; 95.3; 97; 3; 13; 354. Comparisons. It will be noted that although Park avenue school stands third In the list in enrollment and average attendance, has first place In per cent of attend ance, 98.36. Asheland avenue, with somewhat over half the enrollment of Orange street school, has only 17 tar dies compared to 78 at Orange. Mur ray school, with only 229 enrolled this month compared to Montford's 632. made exactly the same percentage of attendance 95.9. The per cent of at tendance at the high school was 95.3. The Negro schools made a fine re cord for attendance during the month. Catholic Hill with 409 enrolled this month, made a percentage of attend ance of 95. Hill street, enrollment ?25. par cent of attendance. 96.4; Southslde, enrollment 110, per cent of attendance, 94.9; Mountain, enroll ment. 78, percent of attendance 96.7. Total enrollment In these four colored schools during the month was 922; last month 936; same month last year. 920. The enrollment for the month In the kindergartens at Orange, Mont ford, Park avenue, Murray, Asheland and Sarah Garrison was 223; last month 224; last year, same month, 274. SCHOOL DISTRICT HAS BEEN NAMED Mass Meeting Selects "West Buncombe" as Title for Consolidated District. The high school to be erected in the consolidated district composed cf Macedonia, Mount Camel and Burn ham Height will be known as West Buncombe High school, according to a decision reached at a, mass meeting held yesterday afternoon near Crag gy. A numb of those who have been active In behalf of the school since the movement began, several months ago, made talks and enthusiasm was evident. The following committee was appointed to act Jointly with the board of education In selecting the site, materials, and determining oth er matters: T. 3. Cook. J. T. Cole, T. M. Knight, J. T. Roberts, James Ulster and Gabriel Mayo, On the school board each district will be rep resented by on committeeman as fol lows: J. T. Cole. Mount Carmel; J. T. Rohets, Macedonia: and James Laster, Burham Helghta WEST ASHEVILLE IS VERY SOLVENT At Inst night's session of the West Ashsvlll board of aldermen th re port of R. J. Btokley, who was em ployed to audit th city books, was resd. Mr. Stokley found th assets of th town to b 176,710; liabilities 1(1,702; net assets to date somewhat ov 110,000. After May 1 hogs cannot ran al larg within th municipal limits ac cording to an ordlnano passtil last night If a man do nothtns; h make a mistake and If h attempt to do thine hi mistake ar many. qdge Brothers MDTDRCAR It is literally true as you have probably dis covered in your own locality that the owners of the car are its most enthusiastic salesmen. Dodge Brothers dealers frankly ad mit that their task has been mad easy for them by the performance of the car and the things owners have said about it. The gasoline consumption Is ; unusually low ... - The price of the Touring Car or Roadster, complete is $785 (f. o. b. Detroit) Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church Street Commercial Stationery Commercial Printing Remember your stationery introduces you good sta tionery makes a good impression; that means good busi ness. ;" We Sell the Best Commercial Stationery and Commer cial Printing. Get Our Prioes. ROGERS BOOK STORE 39 Patton Avenue. Phone 254 Asheville, N. C. Order ice Cream for Sunday Delivery CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE Haywood St. Near P. O. Phones 110 and 111 Less Grease Richer, Redder Gravy, a fragrant aroma while cooking delicately seasoned and balanced these are the characteristics of HILL'S "PEERLESS" SAUSAGE Phone 3 Sold by GROCERIES VEGETABLES AND FRUITS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GET OUR PRICES IN ANY QUANTITIES BEFORE BUYING ,: ,: : ;: : : : . : EDWIN C. JARRETT North Pack Square. " And City Market STEAKS AND ROASTS Choice cuts of Native and Western Meat STAR MARKET, Phone 1917 "We are successful caterers . DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WIIO prints a Job If It can be printed? Rules a sheet if it pan be ruled? Makes a ledger If It can be made? Binds a book if it can be bound? Sells loose leaf ledirars of every style? If you do, we are th people. HACKNEY & MOALE COMPANY Tel. IRt 12 Lrilngton Avrano Buy Electrical Devices DURING ASHEVILLE TRADE WEEK ENDING JAN 29th. FROM Asheville Power & Light Co. GET. A $1.75 Patented Springer Folding IRONING BOARD FREE With the Purchase of an Electric Heating or Cooking Device Amounting to $5 or More We carry a fall lino of electrical household appliances, including 'chafing dishes, coffee percolators, electric coffee and teapots, diso stoves, heaters, cereal cookers, water, heaters, curling irons, boudoir sets, shaving mugs, uni-8cts and others. 4 Visit Our Salesrooms . 102 Patton Avenue All Grocers Phone 4 to a variety of appetites.' 2 J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER i Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing a Specialty. BTa Pack Sonar. NATIONAL CHILD LABOR COMMITTEE meets here February 3-6. Lots o' big folks coming. Be ready for 'em with NICHOLS WAY Laundered Shirts and Col lars like new. Phone 2000 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols. Mgr. IS Femland St. LEADDfG HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES FIRUPROUf THE BRYSON HOTEL COMMERCIAL HEADQUARTERS Well Lighted Sample Rooms, Free S. E. BRYSON, Proprietor, $2.00 Per Day Andrews, N. O. CENTRAL CAFE. HEXDERSOXVILLE, N. O. Only Restaurant In city with private dining rooms. Under Blue nidge Inn. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT TO THE TRAVELING MEN. When in Marion Stop at THE MARIANA Marlon's Leading. Hotel. Full Equip ped with all Modern Conveniences. CANTON, N. 0. -.. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL .. E. M. GEIElt, Prop. Steam heated. Free Sample rooms. Electric lights. Free baths. Rates $3. HOTEL REGAL MURPHY, N. C, Only Modern Hotel in Western North Carolina. FREE BUS MEETS ALL TRAINS. Hot and CoM Water and Telephone T- Every lioom. Private Baths Steam Heat. Large Sample Room. SPECIAL ATTENTION. WHEN IN WAYNESVILLE STOP AT THE EENMORE HOTEL The Lending Commercial Hotel A. R, SPEARS, Prop. Free Samplo Room. OPEN THROUGHOUT TUB YEAR NIGHT CLASS IN Bookkeeping, Banking, Iligher Accountancy and Type writing Now Being Formed Class Commences January 10, 1916. This class Is In charge of an expert accountant, and offer an unusual opportunity to ambitious young; men and women to secure xpert training; In these branches. INVESTIGATE NOW. EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 30 COLLEGE ST. Furniture Moving Our Specialty Prompt Baggage Transfer Ser vice. Give Us a TriaL CITIZENS TRANSFER CO. 48 Patton Ave, X! 0PJX Th" Homo of High Cirado llano. VVQtPjr CYPHERS INCUBATORS Brooders and Supplies . Get an incubator and get your hatch started. We have a good supply of them on hand and can start you off early. ... The " Columbia" is a cheaper machino made by the Cypher company. Hi 7 YSy L JOttis GreenHdwcCo. f ) 11 Va Pec!: Squaro QUALITY FIRST M & W Coal Leads in Fuel Phone 40. I Asheville Coal Co. r. K. WEAVER. aZanactr. Worth Pack Buuar. . V I NHNNNMHMNNh MONEY TO LOAN On Diamonds, Watches Jewel, ry and anything of value. Trunks, and leather good, our SPECIALTY. H. L. FLNKELSTEIN Pawn and loan Office 4 SS-25 ailtmore Avenos . Phone s7: ASHEVILLE, N. C. H O T E L E NT E L L A BRYSON CITY Rates 2 per day. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Livery in connection. W. W. WHEELER and P. E. FRY PROPRIETORS. EJ STOP AT HOTEL BREVARD Bre vard, N. C. MRS. J. E. CLAYTON, Proprletoress. Under new manage ment. All conveniences. Special at tention to traveling men. Table ex cellent Rates $2.00 per day. Special rates by week or month. a i . Bet. 5th Aire. & Broadway 300 Rooms, Each with Bath, 52,00 to $3.50 Per Dai. Fires roof--M odera -Cea trl Ktalsi TabU d'Hota aaJ ft la Carta W pir taitcab mttIm from Grand Central or Penn. Station!. TIwm tiny CAPSULES are auparlor to Balsam . of Copaiba, Cubtbi or I Inlactlona.am' I HtUEVEs Is IMIDYI m 1 24 HOURS thV ami dlaaatai with out Inconvanlanoa. Bald tysRaVwvbft. PHOXE 1100 Phone 25. i ir L

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