THE AS HE VILLI GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE SR r Weelf s Social Events In Saturday, January 29, 1916c : -. l BREVARD K I J. C. Sales of Fletcher was in town Tuesday. weeks with Mrs. Jones' parents at Holly Bprlngs. They were accompan ied on the return trip by Mr. Jones, who Joined them after attending the Masonic grand lodge In Raleigh, last week. J. "W. Duckworth was in Ashevllle Tuesday. was in i J. M. Zackary of Calvet town Monday, .1- I C. K; Blythe of Blantyre was In Brevard Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Clement Is visiting rela tives In Jacksonville. j Mrs. W, H. Davis of Fisgah Forest has rescovered from an attack of grip, 1 Miss Jane W. Hume of Ashevllle is Visiting the family of W. E. Breese. I The Wednesday Book club met with Mrs. J. M, Allison Wednesday after noon. i , I The E. O. T. Book club will meet with Mrs. W. H. Haris on Thursday J'ebruary 3. , ; .. I B. W, Pickelsimer of Woodruff, S: C, visited, relatives and friends In Brevard last week. , I ' cu J. R. Wilson and adughter, Miss :Mary Alice, of Hendersonville were Brevard visitors Tuesday. - James I. Watson, formerly of Pis. Bah Forest, but now of Sylva visited In Brevard Sunday. C. M. Doyle returned Friday from Raleigh, where he attended the grand lodgo of Masons. E. L. Gash attended the meeting of the Scottish Rite Masons In Asheville this week. Mrs. O. I Erwin returned .Thurs day from a visit to relatives In Greens boro, Ala., for the past few weeks. Mlssf Jennie Hodges of Tlgersvllle, S. C, returned home Thursday after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. J. K. Cox. Mrs. J. Y. McKlnney returned Mon day from a visit to Spai-tanburg. Dr. McKlnney met his wife at Henderson ville and accompanied her home. The Sunday school at Oak Grove entertained the members of the church recently. Games were played after which refreshments were served, Mrs. M. M. King, Mrs. Welch Gallo way and Mrs. Edgar Loftis left Wed nesday to- attend the annual meeting of the Women's Missionary society of the Western North Carolina confer ence which convened January 27. Mrs. 'O. J. Jones and children re turned Sunday after spending several W. E. Breese, jr., returned Satur day from Russellvllle, Ark. KetiiKtttti:tsivttst t ft MARION tKltKltsiltitltlKittitt(itt F. J. Chapman spent Monday In Ashevllle. t HEJTDERSOWILLE t It KltstltitltlttltltltKatltittltlN Thomas J. Shlpman of Brevard at tended court here one day last week. ' H. Patterson spent Monday in Bre vard on businss. . 0. I Hill of Saluda, was in Hender sonville recently. Miss Minnie Crane left on Saturday for a visit to her sister at Lenoir. Miss Gertie Shipman has returned from a visit to .Greenville. J. P. Ray spent Sunday with his parents at Garden City. W. F. Wod spent Sunday with hli mother in High Point. . T. T. Adams of Rlohmond was In town this week on business. Mrs. J. L. Sullivan and children are visiting relatives at Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Thomas and baby are visiting relatives in Sumter, S. C. . J. Harvey Greenlee of Spartanburg, S. C, spent Sunday with friends in Marion. Mrs. J. E. Jlmeson of Garden City is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. T. Harris. Mrs. W. H. Sullivan of Rock Hill, S. C, spent the week end with her parents here. Mrs. J. W. Pless and Misses Mot fitte Sinclair and Nelle Blanton spent Tuesday In Asheville. Judge Frank Carter of Asheville spent Sunday in Marion with his sis ter, Mrs. D. E. Hudglns. Mrs. Jennie Davis, who has been 111 wijh grip for the past week, is re ported as improving. Grand Chancellor J. G. Baird of Charlotte, a Knight of Pythias of note, gave a splendid lecture at the Methodist church last Sunday after noon. He was heard with great in terest by a large and appreciative audience. Dr. Pr D. Sinclair attended the mid winter reunion of the Scottish Rite Masons in Asheville Tuesday where he conferred the tenth degree on a large class of candidates. Miss Zell Harrison of Morganton and Harry Sullivan nf Phelby were married recently at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Page. After a short stay In Morganton they left for Rock Hill, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan will make their home in Shelby. Their many friends wish them much joy. A. Covington spent several days re cently in Charlotte and Lynchburg, Va. N. Buckner, secretary of the Ashe ville board of trade was a visitor In the city Monday. Mrs. W. Marshall Bridges has re turned from a visit to her former home in Florence, 3, C. J. W. Bailey and C. E. Brooks re turned Sunday from a business trip to Washington, D. C. Noah M. Hollowell of the Brevard News spent Sunday In the city. . day of next week with Mrs. Mlcheal Schenck at her home on Fourth avenue. The Baracas of the First Baptist church spent a most enjoyable eve ning at the residence of T. L. Durham recently. In spite of the Inclement weather quite a number of boys came out. After the singing of several songs the class engaged in a round table discussion for the advancement of the class. When all business was finished refreshments were served, which were enjoyed by all present. The Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist church entertained the members of the church with a silver tea at the home of Mrs. C. E. Brooks, on Tuesday afternoon. The house was decorated with cut flowers and potted plants. . An enjoyable musioal program was rendered, and refresh ments served during the afternoon. Quite a few called and a neat sum was realized. is is m m st m a n n a t HICKORY - t It Mrs. Dr. Marler of Asheville spent Tuesday in the city. freshments were served. The next meeting will be with Mfss Isabella Morton. A. A. Yoder is improving since his recent Illness. Miss Virginia Sellars was hostess to the Entre Nous club Monday after noon, when all the members were pre sent. The guests made merry with witty conversation while their fingers were busy with the needle. Dainty refreshments were served. Connolly Gamble made a business trip to Raleigh this week. Charles Stevenson is in Cherryville this week. H. N. Lord left Wednesday for Spartanburg on business. He will re turn Saturday. Mrs. W. B. W. Howe and children left Saturday for' New Smyrna, Fla., where they will visit for a month. W. C. Robertson of Saluda attend ed to business in Uendersonvllle Tuesday. John Kershaw, jr., and wife leave this week for an extended visit to rel atives in South Carolina, A. Justus of route 2 was In the city on Wednesday. He leaves this week for Travellers Rest, S. C, Rev. and Mrs.-W. F. Womble were at home to the stewards and trustees of the Methodist church recently. An elegant and delicious six course din ner Tas served by Mrs. Womble, as sisted by Mesdames Durfee and Hun ter, who spared no pains to see that eaoh and every one present were bountifully supplied with the many good things prepared for the occosslon and it goes without saying that 21 or more -satisfied and happy men ever arose from any festive board than did those whose happy lot it was to be pesent on the above occasion. Af ter dinner an hour or so was spent in short talks and pleasant conversa tion when all departed for home de daring that such a repast they had not enjoyed for many years and voting Rev. and Mrs. Womble Ideal hosts. St t t MURPHY. R t It M. W. Harris of Guy was here on business Monday. W. H. Justus and daughters, Misses Irma and Margaret, have returned fom New York. B. B. Palmer of Marble, was here Wednesday. Mrs. C. G. Briggs and family have returned to the city after attending funeral services of their husband "and father , at WayneBvilie. Dr. W. B. W. Howe left last week for New Orleans, where he will enter Tulane hospital to take a post-graduate course in surgery. He will be out of the city for a month. is..." Mrs. J. Frank Cranford and daugh ter have returned from Columbia where they' have visited for the past two weeks. Mrs. Cranford was called there on account of the death of her uncle. The U, D. C. will meet on Wednes. ills iwJfift r Vr A Message By By Telephone, Mail or Which ? "Every letter written in a business house costs somewhere between twenty and fifty cents. The stamp is the smallest item. Stationery, stenographer's time-all bring the actual cost of a letter higher than most people imagine." C9"iH: It is more Economical to Telephone Not only does it actually cost less to telephone your message but you reach your man instantly, talk over your business per sonally, and get an immediate reply. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. . ASHEVILLE TEL. & TEL. COMPANY 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Phillips of New. ton epent Sunday with Mrs. Ben Gad-dy. Henry Tuesday. Hill went to Morganton ltKKK!kt!lltlttltltH:t! : if MARSHALL s 'St N. H. Rice of route 3 was in town Tuesday. Misses Frank and Rose Martin have returned to Fasstfern. J. B. Clingman was In White Rock this week. Miss Mary Ragan of Gastonla was the guest of Miss Frances Dixon Sat urday. Cap Cody was here Laurel Monday. Frank Tilson of Grapevine was in town Tuesday on business. Frank Henderson has gone to New York and Baltimore on a business trip. : Miss Allie Craig of Clinton, S. C, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Herbert Miller.':' Rev. R. L. Clinton was called to Woaverville Monday on account of his raster's illness. U S. Clonlnger of Wichita, Kan.. is Blending a few days here with his father, T. P. Clonlnger. Miss Annie Pope, who has been in Asheville. is now at home with her mother, Mrs. L. D. Pope. J. H. Harwood is in his Bryson City office this week. Mrs. W. A. Bryson went to Athens, Tenn., Wednesday to look after some business matters. C. I. Gresham, Jas. M. Barnett and W. A. Elliott of Copperhill spent Sun day here with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Brown have moved into the old Methodist parson, uge on Tenth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Long of New- ten spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Yoder. M;6S Joyce Lenoir has returned to her fcome in Lenoir after a visit to Miss Majorle Whltener. Bunyan Duncan of South Carolina spent the week end . with his slste Mrs. Hardin. Mrs. A. J. Payne and Mrs. A. E, Huffman and children of Ashevllle are visiting relatives here, Mrs. J. M. Candler of Dlllsboro re turned home Wednesday morning af ter a visit at the home of her son, G. W. Candler. Miss Lily Jones has returned to her home in Happy Valley after spending a few days with Mrs. W. A. Hall, Dr. Allard Memmlnger of Charles ton, S. C, has been here anr at Regal icr several days this week. Gary Klrkpatrlck has returned home after spending several weeks in Asheville. . R. D. McCombs who Is with the Champion Fibre company's mills at Sunburst spent the week end here and al Feachtree visiting relatives. The many friends of Miss Charlotte Garth regret to know she Is confined to her home by illness, and will be glad to welcome her out again. Gay Green of Asheville was here Tuesday night attending a meeting of the stockholder of the Bank of Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. D. V, Booher have re turned to thetr home in Zlonville, Ind, after a visit to Mrs. Booher's brother. Rev. J. E. Barbe. A. McD. Harshaw, J. A. Richard, sou and daughters, went to Andrews Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr, nicnardson'a b.-other-ln-law, C. N. Hickerson. Misses Mabel, Lena and Linda Sides of Connelly Springs have esumed their school duties at Claremount col lege afte spending some time at home; L. S. SherrlU of Newton was here Sunday. N. W. Abernathy, one of Marble's lending merchants and business men, was here on business Wednesday. Goe. W. Hall returned Sunday from a business trip to New York. Frank Hill left Monday for Atlanta, vhurr he has accepted a position in the main office of the Western Union Telegraph company. 1 ." 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gribble who have been residents of Murphy for the past year, left this week for Cullo whee. Mr. Gribble has been engaged In Installing the new Index system in the county records. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Griffiths who have been in Atlanta for the former's health, left there Wednesday for Douglass, G a,, where they will spend awhile. Mr. Griffith's condition Is re ported as being somewhat Improved Q. D. Fleming, son of the late G M. Fleming, has been appointed agent of the Southern railway at Murphy, and will asume his duties as such on February 1. He will be assisted by bis brother, E. P. Fleming. Wm. H. Harlson of Hayesvllle was here Wednesday on business. : ''t L! LIRE TO BE1E lUII? What would you give U shake oil the drug habit to be a free man to be your own true self again f. Wouldn't freedom from the drug habit be the most prised thing in life? Well, you can be free. Dr. Power dribble's treatment, the result of nf teen years' experience, brings freedom to drug, liquor and tobacco addicts. It tones up system, removing dimand for drugs. No withdrawal pain, no tor ture, no confinement. Bo sure are we that we can oure any habit that th patient can deposit price of Sanitarium treatment with a bank to be paid over only when patient reports a satlsfae tory cure. The patient la the sole judge. Alse home treatment for those who positively can't com to Sanita rium. Don't delay. Write tede for book let sent In plain wrapper, addressing Cedarcroft Hanltarlum, Hot It, fcUatton I. Nashville, Tenn. Frank Cooper of Statesville kas week end visitor to Hickory. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bollck of Con over are spending Sunday here with relatives. J. D. Elliott and daughter, Miss Kate, are spending some time in Flo rlda. Cecil Bost and Glenn Abernathy left Monday for Detroit. Prof. M. E. Yount of Statesville was a Hickory visitor Saturday and Sun day. ' ' ' M si M w a as It BRYSON CITY t a , . M Kitititititititc:stititKiliit Wiley DeHart was here from Swain Monday. W. B. Cole and J. W. Stovall of Forney were here on business Monday. Col. Joe Hooker of Dillsboro was business visitor here Monday. Luther Baker visited his parents ai Judson recently. Rev. J. W. Campbell went to Whit tier Thursday to see J. U. Ferguson, who is ill. from Upper W. B, Roberts and John Cassada of route 1 were in town Monday. Mrs. J. M. Burgln and children of Runlon were In town Monday Shopp ing." Guy V. Roberts attended the annual Live Stock meeting at Salisbury this week. ' Miss Frankie Smart Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Black well at her homo in Marlon. Miss Elizabeth Rollins was here from Asheville last week with her uncle, George M. Prltchard. R. G. Roberts and B. Stanton were here from Big Laurel last Saturday. H. M. Fagan of route 3 was here Tuesday attending the meeting of the republican executive committee. K. E. Bennett Teac.hed home Mon day from Raleigh where he attended a state meeting of the Masons. Mrs. J. L. Phillips and children, who have been in Knoxvllle since Christmas, are: expected to return home next week. W. A. Gibson and Rev. J. W. Camp bell made a hunting trip to Alarka creek Monday. J. Robt. Long of the Bryson City bank left for Raleigh to attend a meeting of the executive committee of the State Bankers association. Mrs. John Burnett returned last Saturday from Ashevllle, where she has been in the hospital for .several weeks. The many fiends of the family will be glad to know that her health is greatly improved. , ; tU CHICHESTER S PILLS vs. TUB VIAUONU BRAND. T. LaCImi Aab your UpBfsrist for i y ni-oaM.ter lfumond JUrand, 1MIU la Ked and 4lid KcuilicV win, ieiia wita uiu lubOQtt. pa viner. uuy mf yonr nut. AakfbrfJiir.rincM.Ti JND BRAND PILLt, for 5 Aak for CIft- inc.TEB yttts kMwa u Btt. Sfst Ahctvs Reliabl SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 4e A. C. Henderson attended the meet Ing of the grand lodge of Masons lu Raleigh last week. Joe Aiken of Gastonla spent the week end In the city with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Aiken. Miss Katherine Peterson of High Ponlt spent the week end In the city with her parent. Ma and Mrs. I 8. Jones of New ton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Miller Sunday. Mrs. J. S. Jones and children left Tuesday for Statesville to spend a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Wilson. Dan Chatham has returned to Win ston-8alem after ependlng a few dnjg here with Mrs. Chatham, who will return home later. The Hlokory Library association Is planning to have s "storytelling hour" once a month to Interest the children of the city. , The many friends of Rev. T. P. Bon ner are glad to know he la Improving since his recent attack of rheumatism, Mrs. Bonner has returned home from Btatesvdle and is reoovering nicely from an operation. Miss Doris Uuttoo entertained the W. W. D. M. club recently at her home on Fifteenth street. All the members were present except one. Af' ter embroidery and pleasant converse tlon were. Indulges la delicious re- Grandmother's Comforter SINCE we got a Perfec tion Heater, Grand mother keeps cozy all day long. In five minutes the Perfec tion makes chilly rooms comfortable. It is light and easy to carry around. When the furnace breaks down and during cold snaps, it is the most useful thing in the house. The Perfection gives you ten hours of comfort on a gallon of kerosene the most inexpensive form of heat Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jeney) BALTIMORE WuhlnfMa, O. C Chariw Norfolk. V. RKtUXHMi. Vs. Look for tha Triangle Trademark. Sold in many styles and Ues at all . hardware and general stores. Hltkttl mmvi hwH-Mk Ft..iiii .. A I Mom, W. Vs. I U"Ji Uuluum.S.C.1 II r l; ITAV -W .All If ! I.