Tuesday, February 15, 1916. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE TIVJ !S3 Children Cry for Fletcher's &)e specialize in the etter Silks CHARTERS lonlfeehe ED The Kind You Ilave Always Botsght, and which has toces In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature o S-tf i and has been made under his per- t jLtttfttfa, vsonal supervision since its infancy. yarvjr. 6cctX. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment W Cnstoria. is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It is pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jfarcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than tldrty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, 'Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giing healthy and natnrai sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTO R IA ALWAYS fBears the Signatu: Combined Authorized Capital ' la Half Million Asheville Company Chartered. yBears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THt C K NT AO R COMPANY, NHW VOK CITY, SERBIA SCHOOLS ANABASI 5 E Frothingham Institute Has Had Sad Experiences In Finding Resting Place. Raloiiiki, Feb. 15. The Frothing ham Children's Institute has ended its lent! anabasis in Salonlki. The clean white-wnllcd building, so full of light I and flowers, that was planned for erec tion in Belgrade does not exist. The sufficient endowment carefully placed, that should ensure the education and rearinB of a hundred Serbian boys and trlrls, orphans of the three wars that have destroyed their fatherland, scarcely serves to provide three-tenths in the side yard of the Kusslan hos pital at Salonlki, and nourishment for lime, tried in the lire of sacrifice and in the day's work. Old before their thirty-nine Serbian children to whom the wretched miseries of war are all suffering, the thirty-nine set up their common house for the fourth time within a month and hung up the American lings they have brought with them through all their wanderings as cheerfully as If the world had not crumbled under their tiny feet. . For when John W. Frothingham of Tarrytown and Albert White of New York nnd a group of their friends con reived and formed the Frothingham Children's Institute of Serbia, no one ;lrcamed of the ruin and desolatiou that has fallen upon the country since. It is true that, na Serbia was at war sith Austria and Belgrade somewhat loo exposed to attack or bombard ment, the tlrst resting place of the in ititute temporarily, at least was Us kub. Then, when the capital was moved to Nlsh, it was thought best to establish the institute there. The thirty-nine youngsters In their boy icout and gli'l-guido uniforms obedi ently moved the yet meagre belong ings of the Institute of Nish. They remained there Just three days. It Wns evident almost from tho first mo ment that the Serbian army could not hold even this temporary capital Hint It wug a mistake to l'ave brought the children there that It would be far wiser to eend them aa far to tho rear aS possible that they might re main in peace. So the Frothingham Children's institute moved a second time this time to Ghovgheli, almost on the Greek frontier. They, remained in Ghevheli just three weeks. The implacable advance of the Bulgars slowly drew its net around tho eager but Inadequate Kronen force that had been sent to tho help of tho Serbs. The Hritish reinforcements, daily expected, remain tranquility in Kaloniki awaiting orders from London, falling which they could only play the role of critical spectators of Serbia's death i-itrugglc. The King of the Greeks held the leash of his army, while the Serbs and the French withdrew step by step from Belgrade, from Nlsh, from ITskuh, from Velcs and finally from Uhevghell and Ser bian soil. The children of tho Frothingham institute wero dispatched to Salonlki in time. Unlike thousands of their compatriots they were able to trans port the white metal beds of tho youngsters, cases of clothes and pro visions, and tho American sewing ma chines, which purr today in the "work tcJif of tlv Institute under the hands of refugee women fashioning bed tick ing for the straw mattresses of the thousands of destitute women and children, less fortunate than the or phans of the Frothingham institute. Tho head of the Frothingham Chil dren's institute, in Its final tent homo. is a plump little woman of pleasant features Dora Groultch, known to her charges by the affectionate dimin utive of her given name, "Durlnka,'' and her secretary and first aid Is Mar- celle Heed, of Jjcgrande, Oregon, who with her hair and her skirt cut short and her high, mud-covered Serbian boots, her flannel shirt and broad- brimmed cowboy hat, la one of tho busiest persons in this world of dis aster. "If only we could ever get settled somewhere," the latter exclaimed, "we'll begin the work for ,whlch tho institute was founded. Just now It Is about all we can do to keep body and soul together tor tho kiddles. If ever we do get started properly the Idea !s to teach them English and the history of the United States In the mornings, and Serbian and arithmetic and other difficult things in the afternoon. Julia Sabine of New York, und I are to have the morning work, at least as a start er, while the afternoon work will be looked after by competent Serbian teachers. Now, about all we ran do Is to try to see that they are clean and worm nnd dry and to keep them from going hungry." Raleigh, Feb. 15. The secretary of state yesterday Issued, ten hew char ters whose authorized capital will run well above a half million. It is the biggest single run of new business enterprises since tho new year began. Three new drug stores are started and a bank at Varlna, the Junction point of the . Norfolk Southern and the Durham & Southern, adds $10,000 to its capital stock of $10,000 with privilege to go to $50,000. The Lexington Building company is a $10,000 corporation with the stock paid In by J. E. Foy, Dermot Shemwell and Wade H. Philips. The Walter Watson Hardware com pany of Fayettevtllo Is authorized to begin business with $1000 of its $10, 000 paid in by Walter Watson, Paul Watson and Ed. C. Smith. . J. C. Way company is authorized to do a wholesale grocery and general mercantile business at Black Mountain with $1200 of its $12,000 paid in by C, A. Dickey, D. T. Stump and J. C. May of Black Mountain. Powell & Nimocks, Inc., of Asheville, is a drug business with $3,150 of its authorized $10,000 paid in. The sub scribers are George T. Nimocks, D. Karle Powell, Claude Lee Sykes, W.-E. Powell and IX Hlden Ramsey. The Yadkin Drug company of Salis bury, $25,0011 authorized capital, is to begin business when $3000 has boon paid in by J. P. Sanders, Greensboro; P. A. Hayes. Mrs. P. A, Hayes, Greens boro, and ,1. P. Hayes, llandlenian. The Southsido Drug company of Wilmington, a $10,000 corporation, may start business with $3000, which is to be paid in by Jessie G. Harper, M. T. Y. McManlis, and George Zim merman. ' Tl M'silmr Trr.ilncr Fvrhnnirn of Tnhnr. is h R'l'lll hnsinpss tllnl mttv be gin with, $10, paid In by Mesires, Knos C. Watson and others. The Cross Town Transit company of Wilmington is a $."0,000 business that begins with $2,500. Tho subscribers are M. F. If. Gouveneur, A. H. Skeld ing and ('. Van leaver, Wilmington. The Ardmoru company of W nston- Snli.m vfijil n;tiitn Hrnlprs. Iictrin thpil $100,000 busintss with $300 paid in by W, (. .Jerome, V. Kay Johnson an'J .1. S. KiTvkendall. of Wliiston-Silem The Uockllsh Mills, incorporated, of Kooky Mountain, Soo,ooo authorized unH l an nilll n.-ilrt In csmitnl. 1! I, Huftins anil seven associates each will pay in $12,500. The Hank of Variua doubles its $10,000 paid in capital and is author ized to $50,000 in a change of charter. HI DESIRES ROUTE FOR CANAL rl Has Offered Nicaragua More Than U. S. Proposes to Give, It Is Said. Washington, Feb. 13. That Gcr many had ottered Nicaragua a larger sum than tho I'nitcd States for en op tion on the Nlcaraguan canal route was announced in the senate an an argument for early ratification of the pending treaty. Several senators said they had been Informed during the course of tho de boto that Germuny had long sought an option on tho canal route; that ef forts first wero made soon after Franco undertook construction of a canal and had been renewed more re cently. Members of tho foreign relations committee denied reports that there was any documentary evidence In possession of the committee on the sublect. v "fir courso we have heard reports that Germany sought to obtain tho Nicaragua ti canal route," said Senator An Extraordinary Sale of few Spring Silks egins tomorrow Jhis Sale will Continue through Saturday-four gig ays of Seasonable Offerings " From' every;. source of supply comes the cry of "shortage of silks" "advancing of prices" "scarcity of col orings." We found these conditions existing in the extreme form on our visits to the Silk Markets. Early purchases and protection from large Houses of long relationship, safeguard us under these trying cir pumstances. These unusual conditions caused us to use every influence, every resource at our. command ; and the result has been the most complete stock of Silks that this store has ever showm. And the prices are moderate, even in many instances below the normal prices of other seasons. THIS SILK SALE IS YOUR GREATEST OPPORTUNITY TO BUY GOOD SILKS UNDER VALUE. four &ay Sale of Spring Silks $1.50 and $1.75 fancy Silks 98c lard These fancies are this season's silks never shown before. They come in stripes, plaids, checks in the va rious new colorings. 36 inches wide, in waist and dress lengths, medium and dark colors, an attractive gathering of $1.50 and $1.75 silks, for, yard . . . . . 98c Variety and Style are featured Underpricing of Desirable Jilks 59c 75c Shantung silk, 36 inches wide, in natural color, service able and suitable for waists and dresses, priced at, yard .... . ... . . $1.25 Taffeta silks, 36 inches wide, in all .popular and styl ish shades, one of the best Spring fabrics for all uses, verv special at, (frl fC vard .... ... ,A.U $1.75 Gros do Londre, in evening and street shades, pink, mais, light blue, flesh,: white, black, navy, battleship grey, Quaker grey, dark green and khaki, special . 63' $1.75 Charmeuse, 40 inches wide, in pink, light blue, white, ivory black, navy, (it 1 'T.Q raisin and green, priced at yard ......... ID S ' $2.00 lirocadcd Crepes; 40 inches wide, self-colored brocaded muWivI, in evening and dinner shades, bought special to be sold the same way $ 1 29 IT Special Sxhlbit of Spring Silks Reasonab y Priced "Crepe Berber," made by Cheney Bros., a new wash silk for underwear, 'in light blue, pink and ivory, 40 inches wide, for, vard . . . . . . . Striped Crepe do Chine for evening wear, in light blue, $1.00 do Chine for l light blue, $1.50 maize and pink for, vard ,'.'.. Dresden and Pompadour . silks, in small and large pat terns, also new detached patterns, priced at, yard . . . . . . . .... .... . . .............. $1.50 and $1.75 New Fancy Silks pin striped taffetas, figured Pussy willow, checked and dotted satins, awning striped taf fetas and plaid crepe de chines, priced at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50 yard. Faille Silk, 40 inches wide, in new Rose, Copenhagen, Xavy and Putty, priced at yard ..... . . . . ....... $1.50 Crepe de Chine silk, .40 inches wide, in all qualities, widest assortment of colorings, priced at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and. $2.00 yard "Vanity" Chiffon Taffeta, a new and striking 3B-inch taffeta, new colorings and staple shades, can be purchased only at the Hon Ifurche in Asheville. EVERY YARD GUARANTEED, priced at, yard, $1.75 Stone, chairman of the committee. "Whether she offered $0,000,1100 or $12,000,000 or $20,000,000, I do not know. We have no means of knowing. That Germany was actuated by the wimo motives In seeking this canal route that France had in the original Panama enterprise is apparent to every one. Personally, I thipk it would bo tho great political disadvantage of the Cnlted States for any European government to have control of a canal route acrobs tho Pan-American isthmus." Champions of the pending raguan treaty are said to have cited ,-...,, m.v'., ,i..Hii'fs In urelmr Its ratifi cation, Nicaragua having agreed to accept tho If;!, 000,000 orrerca oy in-.-United States for the canal option and naval base in Fonseca Day. U. 5. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU. 1 X7o7 nrtQ 0 February 15. 1916. Hhadcd area tiow prerlpU IAUOH or Ml in n or nuro nXPUANATOHY NOTKB. OhMmllnn tiV-n at I m.. IMh Brldln Mm. Air prewmo mdncxl mm !!. tobrf (contlnuoM lines) pus thrown point ef i!Illlr "Jlu" liun.rm. Wolud Hu.l put inrouiU .lni. f aiul Uip.iiif: O clw. Q ptnlf ciowlr; O clowl; rulni mow: ftportriMlog. Arrowtdf Uh the wind. , THE WEATHER Asliovllla Atlanta . . Atlantic City Augusta . . . Ulimliighum Cincinnati , . Charleston S 51 ...14 . 4 .84 .22 . 6 ..22 v u ffi 2 36 16 40 38 18 38 32 28 44 32 22 46 42 CO 12 28 30 68 18 o o I Ml , Li IT. THANKS DIRECTORS The board of trade is in receipt of a letter from Adjutant General I.aw renco W. Young expressing thanks to the directors for the resolutions re cently adopted by them endorsing the military plans advocated by the Na tional Guard association. General Young says that the militia men feel greatly encouraged over tho fact tho North Carolina delegation In congress Is solidly In support of the bill for increasing the efficiency of the militia organiatlons. The withdrawal of Secretary Garrison from the cabinet in also a matter of congratulation amoni; the ofllcers and men of tho va rious companies in the state, as they feel that one of their strongest oppo nents is now out of tho way. SOCIALIST WILL GIVE TALK HERE George II. Goebel, a member of the national lecturing committee of the socialist party will deliver a lecture ala tho county court house next Thursday nlr?ht at 8 o'clock. This will at the county court house next to be delivered here by socialists of the national headquarters. Mr. Uoebel will lecture on "New Devils for Old." He is said to be a speaker of considerable force and has been making a tour over the country delivering his lecture to large audiences. Rush key work a specialty J. II. Ileum and company. Phone 448. '.f A prospective June Bride aska Mother, "How long will a sack ot flour last two people?" Start her of! right by suggesting Larabee'B Best. I.iiKts longest, goes farthest, taatei best. a" .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 DIRECTORY OF: Nationally Advertised Goods The Gazette-News Guarantees the Quality of the Goods Adveritsed in This Directory It Pays to Buy Advertised Goods BUY THEM NOW. Charlotte 14 Chicago ' Jacksonville . .. ..28 Knoxvllle Louisville . . 12 Mobile Montgomery 2 New Orleana New York Raleigh 10 St. Loul 2 Tampa JB ,1 HBIIIIIKU'll - Normal for this aate: Tempera! 38 degree; precipitation .18 Inch: river atage at 8 a. m. 0. foot. Forecast until P. m. Wednesday for Asheville and vicinity: Fair weather and slowly rising- temperature tonight and Wednesday. For North Carolina: Fair weather und slowly rising temperature M nlKht nnd Wednesday, strong north erly winds diminishing. incrnl 'oiMlltln (1h( 24 lloiim). A IIkM disturbance off the North Carolina coast in tho only sierm f riilireiueiii I this morning's weath er chart. Fair weather prevail over almost the entire country Ihix morn Inc. the only precipitation reported bel'iKoii the north Pacific const and i,n the coast of North Carolina and vi..iii,. 'rh wenther rnnllnuea cold In it'c rafteri! s'.ntes with killing frost, t.n fur south as Jacksonville and 51'r-, 1 Ho and llsht frost at Tampa. Fair I nthrr with slowly rising lempera-, tni Is Indicated for this vicinity to-; night and Wednesday. ; T. It. TAYU1R. Observer, j Typewriters second hand, rebuilt j and new. J , M. llearn and coniparv.l AUTOMOBILES Hudson, lieo, Dodge Asheville Automobilo Co. Phone $14. 18 & 20 Church Street. AlTTOMOniLR FIRE EXTINGVISIIEKS Pyrene Asheville Automobile Co. Phone $14. IS & 20 Church Street. AVTOMODIIiK TTHFS Goodrich, Goodyear, Ml hclln, Ajax - Asheville Automobile Co. Phone 814. 18 ft 20 Church St. a.i AUTOMOnit.E STARTING AM) LIGHTING nATTKIUES Wlllarrt Asheville Automobile Co. Phone 114. 18 ft 20 Church Street. APPAItKL. Woolu-i lion Marche. Phone No. 2S00, It. It Patton Ave. I1ATH ROUE DLAN'KETg liwon. IL Redwood ft Co. COFFER Chan ft Sanborn's Tern and Cof fc Htradley's Grocery. Phone No. H02-190I. I E. Pack Square. CANDIES Johnaon'i Chocolate Teafue ft Oatea. Phone No. ItO-lttt. Pack Square and Market street. CLOTHING High Art H. Redwood ft Phone 12S. 7 Patton Avenue. Co. CLOTHING Hlcli Art for Men; Vcrit for Women and Misses. II. Redwood ft Co. CORSETS Wnrncr'a Nemo, Ferris' H. Redwood & Co. Phone 225. 7 Patton Avenue. ELECTRICAL KCPPL1ES So-Ka Motor Edwin McKay Electric Co. Phone 7519. 23 Hilt more Ave. GLOVES Pruts. Fowncs, I'pilografts, Kay. era. II. Redwood & Co. HARDWARB AtVin Saws Winchester Ammu nition lli t LanU'rns Yalo Night LutiiMH Japalno Favorite Range Perfection Oil Stoves Win Shear and Scissors Out Green Hardware Co. Phone tt 11 Pack Square. HATS Stotaon, Howecr, Redwood ft Co. Serwor-H, HOSIERY Holeproof and Duster Rrown II. Redwood ft Co. Phone 226. 7 Patton Avenue, Knapp Felt Phone TI7. HATS It Ti m N . Clark S. Pack Square KITCHEN CAHINETS Hooslur Kitchen Cabinets Bur ton & Holt. Phone No. 080. Bilt more Ave. and Pack Square. MATTRESSES Ostermoor a reen Bros. No. 76. W. College Bt. Phone PAINT Davla 100 Per Cent Pure Paint Carolina Paint and Varnish Co. I'hone No. 239. 21 Biltmore Ave. RUBBER HEELS All Advertised Brands Cham pion Shoe Repair Hospital. Phone No. 600 ft 601. 8 Government St Rl'RBF.B GOODS "Wearover" Teague ft Oatea Phone 260 ft 1996. Pack Square and Market Street. snoEs Itetal, llcvwood, E. P. Reed, E. C. Burt. II. Redwood ft Co. m i .ii SHIRTS ft COLLARS tluett, Peabody ft Co-, Buffalo. IL Redwood ft Co. ' " gj -TIKES B1CTCLH Goodyear P. S. Nevercel. Phoae No. 1660. 47 W. Collet Street TYPEWRITERS "Royal" OfOc Supply Ce. Phone No. 2011. 71 P.Uton Ave. Phone 441. tfi