a- :l;Hii':f I v.-! : 'i ' 5 J '' ' a "j . f " ; Id V : 1 - .1 A t' I t .'.; K. ) I ,f I! :' ! PAGE SIX ''.';-".". lag ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS T.M, - . -! Tuesday, Febrnarv 1.1 m Aoin The Mammoth Furniture Store We have just re ceived a large - ship ment of KITCHEN CABINETS and the modern Housekeeper -..can hardly afford not to have one of them in her Kitchen. It saves time and labor and where the Kitch en, is. small' and space is an object it will be found a great help. - We will be glad to have you come in and look mw our line as we are sure we have the one that will suit j our parucuiar needs. Price $10.00 to $45.00. J. L. Smathers and Sons fnone226 ik . 17 ttr,,i : -c. w. i 11 L Iv .. V il W l. and a fascinating quality. This is the part of "Javotte" In which Miss Mary Jfinsen became world-fa. inu. Th dainty character Is taken by the charming Mrs. May Sullivan formerly of New York, hut now nf i.h.n. and Miss Jansen must be fascinating in need to surpass this new Asheville talent. It is nnt tAft mtir.h n ,, .v.... Javotte will rapture the hearts of every man In the Auditorium tn Erminle" shall1 be jrlven. ABDITIOXAL SOOAJ. OX PAGE 2. HUNDREDS HEAR SEN . T. E. BURT '.w . - ft: . I : ... Ml .-'- M: (Continued From Pace Onel. body which although nrti.la in Hn 1.. ginning was the entering nH- ,. representative institutions; in local councils in India, the ginnins to have a hur.. i ih. ., tro of their domestic affairs; and In far oit China, the seat of conserva tism since the worlrt hnl, . lie was established, not to endure, it is true, but nevertheloeo Ehnt..ii,. , almost universal tendency of the times. Collective action in society and in citizenship was a fonture of h new era; co-operation and organiza tion were assuming ffAutc vieiywnere: indMstrlnl ar,H mercial operations were conducted on i-.Mu.vfni scale; human betterment, ,T!"" J"' t"e fallen and the weak were receiving attention entlrelv un known before. Aided by the triumphs There is a Real Difference Cream of tartar, derived from grapes, is used in Royal Baking Powder because it is the best and most healthful ingredient known for the purpose. Phosphate and alum, which are de rived from mineral sources, are used in some baking powders, instead of cream of tartar, because they are cheaper. If you have been induced to use baking powders made from alum or phosphate, use Royal Baking Powder instead. You will be pleased with the results and the difference in the quality of the food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York V '' v 1 ! t'l" socia! life ot the women of the I . .1. V-' COUntV anil nflnr Ilio .....ml.,.. . j - ..... luiiiiiii DrUBl'll continue the community life by a se ' lies of entertainments, club meeting" i 11,111 s" forth. .Mis. Ilymer also spoke of ' the splendid opportunity .to Ket : under way the moonlight schoolsand way noip sliimp. illiteracy -out of the .state. ; Kive. hundred dollars is tdveii bv ; the government provided five hundred inure is raised for the purpose of e. ' tabllshlntf the canning clubs and to ward this fund the Woman's nlnb , ; yesterday afternoon voted a contribu tion of five dollars. Mrs. Vanderbiit i has aiven one hundred dollars, the .tenants, on the Kiltniore estat" .throuRh lr. 'Wheeler have made a .-contribution of forty-five dollars and ,1b - sun, seems well assured for th.s section, other clubs and organizations of the city have promised donations The Woman's club heartily endorsed , mi moement and promised co-ot,er-, ii tlon. ... ... ; The next matter of importance r.n ,the program was the appointing l.v ;.Mrs. 'ocke, tho president, of a eom- Kiain -urs. 1'iuu gave a talk on am- """rr "raw up resolutions to be bassadors and diplomats she had mt.!"""1 Senators Simmons and Overman 7n hpr pfr-pnt vieit -n..!-.;. iodorsini? the k'tinr. ..i.tt.i i..t Human's ( hib. The Woniaa's club held an inter esting and ueligiitful meeting yester day afternoon with Mrs. Charles Mal coin Piatt tit her home in Aston Place. The meeting was well attend ed und was a continuation :i,j point of : subject of the former meeting which was given over to the matter of American diplomacy. .Mrs. Thomas Uunn read an interesting and In structive article on liraiul Whitlock and Mrs. Klla Whedon gave an enjoy able paper oh "American Author . .Diplomats," drawing pleasing sketches of Walter Page, Thomas Nelson Pag... Howell. Hawthorne. Lowell and and others. In .Mrs. Whedon's paper special attention was paid to Dr. Henv ry Van Dyke as a prominent ' llvln? ; example of the author-diplomat of , this period. ! Following these two delightful fei -' tures of the afternoon's literary pro gram Mrs. Plutt gave a talk on am- nicreasing opportunities .o. euucniion. a wider diffusion of knowledge and the -quickening." of moral sentiments, there was brilliant promise that the world was in process of transformation. Progress was the watch-word of the time; those that could not keen pace with t, ou tion of all, and a disposition on the part of each to turn aside from hia selfishness and view every proposition before him fairly and dispassionately. Ao Marrow Version. "In ProfirnnHtlenflnv r,it,iA ,.r our country and the world, we should nui oe satisned with any narrow vision. The social and political as pects of the future ahould awaken our most earnest attention. Humanity has received a shock from the slaugh ter of millions of human beings; blood and iron have for a time taken POISON DISCOVERED IN HOME OF ORPET riRrV.lilinfr . - i i - . ."nui iinMciiiriiiM rititr toii nut f ., . the way. will all these beneficent ad- . of orderly Progress and a vances be stopped and what murtioann f, TT"' l" ' C0-p-the result? . eration. It Is for us in this favored Important question. to assume the leadership In "In the first place, will there he an for betterment or good will. After a this struggle? Reluctant as we mav-lfl . Vr "rr0W ,nen are 9il I'p to contemplate enHn..J . !a.bIf l? r,8e on stepping stones of "lood.hed and suffering, the world s '' 'Zl 1 Jead,.f!ves to hisher things; oi,-iii,nii., ... . i after a gratify ne iieees nr- irinmni, , prone tie a decisive 'mm. M " .... . i v uiirii uuK,'trsKPn t r nicnne nm. issue rather than bv rtrou,, i.a(,i If there are questions of supreme Im portance to be settled such as, the respective power. luiuminrin. spheres i,f influence better that they should he settled at this time rather than iha, should return from the field only to loep.ire ror another combat of ..foot er proportions than the present Al most every precedent afforded bv previous wars would seem to iorfiiC a prognostication ti,, .v.- - - .. i in,- iiiiiions plrations and a more kfmllv dionn.i tion; tho mere sight of suffering an J sorrow often furnishes new impulses " " new spirit of self-sacrifice. If this is the case with men. much more should It be true of nations enjoying as we do now the transcendent bless ings of peace. It is for us in the face of the calamity which rr peoples to be Imbued with a spirit "ouuamy lor tne men a;.d nations sunenng. it should be the occi- Jn her recent visit to WMxiiirnri,,,, Mrs. Piatt was at a luncheon given by fount von Uernstorff. the Her man ambassador and renewed h;r acquaintance at another soit.il run,.. tion with I Iannis Taylor, minister to Indorsing the Keating child labor bill ashing their support in having Hie hill passed. On this committee Mrs. focke appointed Mrs. Ma.y C Pobinson, chairman, Mrs. George T Winston anil Mrs. c. s iinm tti f-pain (turmg President ' iei eland's 1,,cf business meeting Mrs numtnlstration and a former N'orth "'- served refreshments and n . iwi.tr.. i ,i i -o.Ljgu. . reo. in. Discovery ... of a quantity of poison in the basement ol the home of will it n accused of the murder of his former "weeineart, .Marian Frances Imbert and the announcement by Lake coun- i.v oinciais mat other arrests were possible are dovelonmant iM ua quiry into the death of Miss Lambert me poison was found by State's iiiornev liarlv unit fhlof , Dnu - V . A V, 1 1 V .,i Guire, and according to the state's at lunicy u was identical with that which Is bell life of the Lake Forest hlgrh school Word came from uiDAn . in. that a driic clerk had admitted sell' lnr a bottle of medicine to Orpet . ueoony morning before the , young man made his secret trip to meet the girl In the lonelv nnH. v.- .- - - .' -... , c iici vouy was round. Another report which was uHienea to toy the authorities was that the voiinsr man Vio,i ... uu uwuglll an empty two ounce bottle In Madison which might have been the poison container for which a diligent search has been made. The parents of the o-ih h. - o-.. mm mim ed any desire to re!e.a n-n. custody and urged that the law be ... . - '"v iiiiuui n s nil fni o trAn. t.j-.t. . . .... win ne ko pvhnnvt ... i . " -uiriu or natnot rih. n m oe r ii r ed ami rannnn. u. i . v " ,. r ..,, ---'- j luiuttmiy everywhere. True. some commercial advantages are accruing to us, and may accrue to us In great er degree In the future. We shall sure ly be citizens of a greater America. i-ei is also be citizens of a better America, which shall not only be the eader among the nations, but extend Its beneficent Influence to all kind reds and peoples of the earth " Iishtful social hour was spent. t'nrolinian. At the French benefit at the Metropolitan Opera house Mr?. I'lMtf nit,t 1 ni. r i ... . , le .mss M.uise Miller of Marion, Va ......j..oom ,o me i n i wit im tne House guest of Dr and (f. Wutos. Also In New York Martin L. Stevens tL r h,e was among those present at several i West Chestnut street Important society t'unctions attended, S by various well known diplomats and! ,, , ' , ',. , in her talk of vestenlav bad m'.eii ' . ''nhtful littlo alenfine party of un interestin nature to relate 1 K'VPn " Sa,,,nli,v nfternoon by Many clever little stones and detail, I 'IT lolVPr '"'' ' regarding their personal a ppea.an.e ' I, ' , h ' " . for ,;irls the and general bearing were brought out 1 ,. '""'g Woodlln street and liy Mrs. Piatt in a delightful way. ! """way. . I-Villowinir lri 1'l.itfu i.,ii. mi....! " Y... . .. ijiiit-r siiokc most interestingly on the girls' canning clul.s which are being organized throughout th fcoiith. The i,ea Interwoven in Miss Tlynier's talk in connc-tioii vtith the fanning cbil.s, was the suggestion 1 hat nil club women and specifically -lie club women of this city start a move. Ilient to get in better nl closer toucn with the women of th,. run. I eotom.i. Jiitit-s and through the canning clubs j put on foot a movement tn co-onerate ' TO KEEP NEfi Would Have To Catch Hold Of Things. Lost Strength and Flesh, Doctor Recommended Cardui. Results Gratifying. Mrookhave n. Miss- "1 nm In n. health now." writes Mrr.. II. M. tUH. seii, or K K u. Ii, of this place. "And Mis'! Kva Horner and Miss Florence .'li ltbth Miller w ho are visiting friends pind relatives in Miami, 11a.. served 11 !,t a recent important social . ruto tion given lor the Murquis and : Mari hionesK of Aberdeen. In a recent issue of h. Prooklvn. (V V l n..o.. two attractive pictures of Miss Home--and Miss Miller appeared as among I the prominent sunt liern vlitl,. ' tingent. ! The many fi lends of Mrs. M. Fltz ihugh Teague f Asheville will bo In ; teiestcd In the following from a Jack ' sonville dally of recent Issue: "SiipiHT Dunce for Mrs. Tongue. I "A,r- Mrs. II. l). Carstarphen ! entertained, at their handsome home I on park avenue, liilworth, lust even ing at a supper dance In honor of their guest, Mrs. M. Fltzhugh Teague of Asheville. Mrs. Teriin Is en rout-j i home after a live weeks' 'r p to vart. ous norma resorts. 8eve:-Hl roor.m were thrown open for dancing and at 11 o 'clock an elaborate course sup per was served. The table was cov ered with exquisite lace mats and in the renter was a gold vase rilled with jonquils and ferns, surrounded by four smaller ones tilled with iolets. Th attractive j,laoC cards were blus and cllow birds." K will be silent. But of this, no one can To':. c rnnot depend upon prob abilities or precedents, and it nmv be remarked that our own policy should lie one of nrennrorlooon may protect our borders and maintain ... nonor and dignity as a na. tion. , . t "There are certain domestic ques nons In trade nnri fl ance of which will be brought home greater Impressiveness when peace Is deci-.. tj-.j earnest attention should be given to " now' In ,ne "'ation of the public to business the question Itl" w" h ot given too ..... auen.ion to punishment of th Uolation of acts condemned by ac ademic beorles and too little to the suppression anrt r,ni,i, . . . . .. ..-in oi iriiiiti dishonesty and oppressive practices.' There should be no let-up In pursuing those gul tv of ih ."i fenSe, but the day of targe operation, la with iih anfl ha come to rtay. W ITlUHt niPPt thA nnnrlllnn. . the scientific prog:ress of the time and so manage that the public welfare may be subserved while at the same time Individual freedom and honest enterprise may have a fair field. One f the creates obstacles In the wav, or our industrial and social progress .., ,;,. constant friction be- """" employer nnd employe. We nope tor peace abroad. Is not peace desirable at home? This can only he assured by the Intelligent consldera- Order Blltmore Wheathearts. Alt Oro. To guard against mistakes on the telephone, let us send boy for your night letters. Postal Telegraph Co. 1 31 0 7 1. General repair, unru ., J. M. Hearn and comm... m 4 48. -...K-..,. r,.ne AN AND ALE PURITY DAIRY When you want the best to be had In dairy products, phone us. :: :: 100 E. Walnnt St. . - Phone 2141 IL. SHORTAOT! HV TATTS CAUSES INCONVENIENCE TO LONDON PUBLIC lndon, Feb. 15. The taxi shortage In London has caused the public to All the mall bags of the local news- USDCrm With nnmnl.l.t. .1 insolence of drivers and the whistling nulsancA n.Hn u .... 1 1 i unit uuuie, epiJeu- ially during dinner and theater time drivers often r,,.. ..i,. less they chance to be going In the di rection the driver favors. This Is due to the rule that a rii.M .1 . "....10 n ticii nui mi- rylng passengers must pay for their own gasoline. A movement for a law to prevent the use of whistles to call taxis Is suggested: hnt hilo ,tin down a nuisance, it wo.itH tint haln transportation facllUies. The real trouhia ia ir.r.. ... .1,. listment of competent drivers. Be- f - n 1 1 or. r. 9 ... i i.i.a, Bume or tne taxi com panies have temporarily retired (Tom u"""' c'conana vara bus hindered the substitution of new drivers by a refusal to relax on the strict geograph ical examination of former days. Then, every candidate had to show an intimate streets and by-ways. Many women could easily nnnilfv iA i side and show a fair general knowl- ruSe or Jouaon, if the rules were re laxed. Meantime, Londoners who used to look down on plebeln modes of travel are tnlcimr to th i.ndn,n...nj . - - " ...... . . j t. 1 1 v, and the buses, which maintain excel lent services notwithstanding the war. It at It tt K R at r ,Tr n "'in, TO PKEL OFF BLOTcirv 1 J ROI GH OK CHAPIEj, slrrj ltHltRRRRK To rAmovA , . . . """Bniiess .v freckles, blotches or anv m ?hl aifncuity. the best thta? toT?k remove the skin it.i V. i to painlessly and inexpensively 1 "ly the application of ordinary wax, procurable at any drug 2,b1 the original one-ounce Sf.0''1' wax Absorbs the defective Tl a little each day. gradually brln. " the second layer of skn to th?""' face. The pores are the face breathes In the Ifft oxygens The new '.L,,?.e ."In, soft and spotless, bear ng ZT glowofyouvh. Just apply u,eVh:' you would, cold, cream only " King it in. In ,he mor'4 wasMrt with warn, water. It's the ,o" tlve comulevinr, t . . M ef- To remove wrinT,en ;r, . plan to bathe the face once S owl awhile In a harmlesS sobtti dy fw by dissolving an oZe 'f n" ? saxolite in a hir ?". 1.' ,pow"d There is nothing that wilT i"4 erase the hateful lines. ,Ure,y . y itiAij msTATK TRANSFERS Dr. C P. Ambler and wife to the Ignited States Of America nran.,l I. Swannanoa and Reems creek town. KKKItltKR!RRRRRRRRaa. It TO MAKE YOVR HAIR R LOOK JfATlTn 4ixv mmr.v , - mmjM. tm ?RRRIRRRRRRRRR;W If mlladv nf thA ntrato-ht innb Will adODt the nlmnlA ailmorlna mAK od, she will have as pretty wavy tresses as she could wish to own. The curllness will look so natural, and the ! hair SO htmiiflfnllv o-.f nj -1 uv uuu Quite different fromj the obviously artificial Curln nnri na,han 1 vutu, ticau appearance of the hair produced by mo uvuieo iron, LfaUld sllmerlnA ruti ... , - " ,j 1 uuim oe Obtained at any drug store and a few ounces will keep the hair in curl for many weeks. Being perfectly harm less and neither tir.u . .,,. IIUI miuiy, no one need have the least hesitancy in "-IB n. 11 is best applied with a clean tooth brush, (Irawlng this through the hAit- - wunu 10 up Just before retiring. The effect next ship; consideration 3 13,074.91 m. . ... " comPany to Ophelia 1 Meriwether, nronertv .... t-..p e"a I W. Chambers and wife to Ci Duncan, property on South B, mont street: Sio nn ,.t,.. J- ations. v' wn. , J Pen,and- trusteed to W n McMahan and wlfo vllle; consideration faF"'Jr in Asl,- Scissors, knives erto- --M. Hearn u A Small Psroentsgs. City Man-How many servants do u keep? Suburbanite- About oni it vt t SiaJ-VA-ituiValu lUureja. REMOVAL NOTICE. POND AND POND ' detective Counsellors, from 3 Am. Natl. Bank, to 12-13-14-15 lib rumor BMg. morning will could desire. be all that any one $15.00 AND $25.00 VALVES COOPER'S S1Q.00 $1 C. W "On tho .Square"! J LICENSED TO WED I Asheville Package Co. 72-74 Broadway. Now Opened with wholesale prices direct to consumers on Groceries. Pullman and Englander Davenports $14.00 to $37.50 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY BURTON & HOLT, "On the Square" J. K. IToIley to Berley Worley A prospective June nnde asks Mother, "How long will a sack of flour last two people?" Start her off right by suggesting Larabee's Best fsts longest, noes farthest, tastes best. PROGRESS RANGES Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 Biltmore Avenue POPULAR PRICED DINNER SET SALE 33-PlECE SETS Jt'ST LARGE ENOUGH KOK A SMALL FA MILT. You PR1CED-J425 "'"I 54.95 IB DrnUnlc." have been for some time. I owe this l"'ra "Krmlnlc," to be given C'od health In Ciriinl 1 .,ti "a .Monart society on KrtiUp evciilUK, .Mar. Ii 5, and Saturday after noon, Jiun h 4, Is the center of much attention In inuslral society circles. The ccb liiuted -Dicky Bird" song uiai mil-mini comlilnatlon of ainu-lio C"0d health to Cardui. I I think I would have been dead before tit's If I bad not luketi ilmt t.ie.lif n... 1 rus do-wu in bed fivs months last summer. I had chronic Inflammation so the doctor said... I suffered untold rr s'dt. but I constantly. Rnt to the place where I culdn't -cu cut without severe pain. I bad ninth headache at.d would often b ntt bun,' ft-,,,,! dlwlness. I would have t.i t-it di hold nt ihin. t.. 1,-... uiicior sam . . . j suffered " ' " 1 .mnMnnuun or singing ry. mostly In my rlKhr""1 nlllng that Is one of the host nth sides hurt m ch!ng nt l"l"'"' n-imtiibercil tunes of "Kr I i-rtt In Ik. .. 1 .. 1 . Illlllie " i H.it.ff 1.0 r t. .. 1 . llllllie," tt sniff bv fir R.I1..1,.. 'with all tie convulsing quality that Kruiu ls ib., ,;ver put Into the rola of that ul iii.diined ruffian, "C'ade,ux." t'liddy." his side luntner In rnn.r If' l.n. I itiat Mil . L. ' III Affllllt IVIm. I.. . I . . , . . . ana fit,,,. 1 ;..cMi,eso poor that I wa.i l""nxld.iit of thH Moiart society, calls )n.( ! ..,-.., covered with skin. him. Itntner. ls the dlgnllleo doctor tne ti.,f i,,., hln vMt to,, never indulvea in roguery, of course ti.e i.. K,t cnrdul and so to taking l" his ldo partner. "Havannea," calls 1 ... 1 t..k eluht l.otiles in month. "1m. 'f "! should meet Vaddy" in ,iii a f..w nv, after -tnrtin, wltbai'r the .rf.rrmir,re. betler no! 'I,, , ,n l,"l"ve ntid kept t.n "'"pUn.ent him 100 Illicitly, or In hi "l. Today f.....lPMr he w,l, tm ". V.. lei you 1: in ine world In the h.ipe (.fipr"e a ballhl." unlKav . mild , , ,,. ,,. ,,. ,,,, , tt(, tllmfii (((Ml h(B'roi(! . s'.lul f.,e.. .. "" '" """ ''"lie, , H.m.ns: the , ail r., .. ... ' rori "mu.ifie ,,,!, r,. r:4l.p,.,, These In iHir Mhow Window SETS COM large family. Tou Can Xcs Tliea In tlnr Hhow Window Do you like a dark blue decor atlon? A conventional design? or a neat border decoration T The ants we are showing are In a bl variety of patterns ami color. J. H. LAW S3 ration Ave. S3 CO $5.95 10- PIECE LMVNKR FLETE Enough for a rnicr.n--SM.50 $11.00 $14.50 $16.50 PLANT KWHET PEAS KARLY renrunry and March are the best month In which to eow Hweet Peas, but plant early. . Dig soil deeply nd make rich with well rotted manure and If possible add a little Hone Meal. Plant In a trench as allowing one ounce of seed to every II feet and cover seed two Inche deep. When well up thin out so plants will stand six Inches apart. Fill In trench plants grow. Remember to pick the blooms dally and In dry weather to keep the soil well stirred and well watered. Mixed Urandiflura 10c per ounce. Jf.c per 1-4 lb. Mixed Spencers. 2 Or per ounce. Solid colore, tie per ounce. Mall orders prompt. If flllod. Grant's Pharmacy 1 ir-riMi Fixin 9 to Move? Asheville Transfer and Storage Co. Will Do It Right and Reasonable Phone 210 or 211 68 Patton Ave. "Penny Wise and Pound Foolish'' It costs more for labor to spread cheap PAINT than high grade paint LUCAS PAINT. Where one gallon of LUCAS PAINT will cover a given surface, you will find that it will require one and one-half to two gallons of cheap paint. We have cus tomers who will prove it to you. Don't bo "IVnhy wise and pound foolish," bv using cheap paint. Since 1899 WHOLESALE & RETAIL Swannanoa-Berkeley Building Phone 1779 1v, FRESH EDUCATOR CRACKERS Kducntor Wafers Educator ToaMeretto, Educator ,,,m Water- kdncaLr Bran Cookie-, and Baby Educa tors. All of These Are 25c Per Can. If You Want To Move just phone ns. We have large vane and experienc ed men. We do all kinds of hauling. , ' Coal, Wood and Kindlintr For Sale. ASHEVILLE DRAY, rrEL & con. co. Ft ttl A (it. LSJ Ranges on Easy Time Payments Modern Oai Ranges fA0 up to 10 A OAS RANGE IN YOUR KITCHEN WILL REDUCE THE WORKING HOURS, LIGHTEN THE WORK AND CUT DOWN THE FUEL BILL. Ga- is piped into your home ready for instant u-e. When you cook with gas j ou are employing the quick est, cleanest, most economical fuel known to dome-tic ncience experts. Asheville Power & Light Co. SALESROOM: 302 PATTON AVE. Mie b all druita. My of u ling a. ting of a hi.li otdsr