Tuesday, February 15, 1910. Bringing Up Father 0 OP AND I - - I; . CLAS- f 1 ( f H0V "00 S ( ISNT "8. 0. S." f" 1 fair ANT THE ABC COLUMN READY REFERENCE DICTIONARY a V UP TO THE 'MINUTE' SHOE f Shop. Prompt delivery. Satis A - faction to all. Facel post paid one way. G. Bowden. Phone 1S17. 31 East College St. Wanted Miscellaneous ' OLD COINS WANTED WILL PAY $10 to 3750 for certain $5 gold with out motto. We want and otter cash premiums for all rare, dollars, halves, quarters, dimes, . nickcld, cents, and paper money. Get our l.n rue Coin Circular now for 4 c. Numismatic , Bank, Dept. ;:2, Ft. Worth, Tex. 312-P-lt. WKK CLARK BAIRD OF THE New American School of Painting, is starting classes in charcoal, oil, and water colors. Instruction indi vidual. Evening Life class. Phone 2E95. 312-P:it MONEY TO tiOAN CAN MAKE A few loans on Asheville real estate. Revell-Long Co., 17 Paraxon Bids. 291-30t WANTED EVENING DRESS FOlt gentlemen and ladies cleaned thor oughly and pressed properly. Care, skill and perfect work characterizes our service. Office phone 389, plant phone 326. J. C. Wilbar, prop. WANTED TWO F C R N I 8 II E 1) rooms with kitchenette er gusplate, close iii. 312-P-H SFND loo FOR ONE YEAR'S trial subscription to The People's Companion Magazine, Detroit, Mich. Everybody should read It 303-7t BOARDERS WANTED MRS. M. A. MILLER 103 MONT ford Ave. Private board. Steam heat and bath on all floors. No sick people taken. Phone 2595. 302-2Gt. MAGNOLIA COTTAGE, 72 COLLEGE rooms and board $5 to 8 per week. Steam heat. Phone 1828. 302-26L THE LISBON. 63 BROADWAY, FOR convalescent tubercular people, Now under new management Nico ly furnished rooms; excellent board. For rates and reservations tele thon 3092, Mrs. Frank Israel. r not Classified Advertising ' Bates. I Thne 1o.. ........ per word 8 Tlmee to. -.per word t Week 4e.. per word I Week To.. per woM Week 1 do. .per word I Month If o......... per word SITUATIONS WANTED. Special Rates for Bltnatlon Wanted in word 1 time frr: additional Insertion! 10 ornU InnrrUo, No advertisements taken for LESS than IB cent Hie reduced ratra are for otkwuUt InarrtloBH, irmi raeh. WJONE "AD MAN" J02 AND PAY LATElt. THE rZRTTE-NEW'B ran guarantee accuracy me responsibility for more than on Incorrect Inacnloo of Of adrettlwrnrnt ordered for ihsn m Km. TTw G.7,FTTF.NRWI re serves the rlaht to correctly claeelfy i Want Ada. ' I.FT r IIKLP TOO WITH TOUR WANTS." ' 1 A f "& 0. .' ANT SPECIAL COAL. COAL! COAL! The kind that burns and glv-- satis faction. Pisgah Fuel & Dray rn,, 175 Roberts street, Phono 1499. 218-90t W HEN YOU WANT YOUR HAIR dressed or face massaged, Phone 1461, Mamie Sartor, Hair Dresser. 302-30t. PlBLlC STENOGRAPHER MISS Eva F. Brown, Room 321 Legal Rullding, dies expert stenographic work. Phone 227U 2Gfi-30t. AVE BUY, SELL, RENT ND Ex change second hand for new furni ture. Asheville Furniture Co., 29 Ptltmoia ave. Phone 1851. 27S-20t POULTRY FEEDS IIEN-O-LAY Scratch Clone Scratch. $2.35 per 100 lbs. Egg Mash Feeds, 2.50 per 100 lbs. Purina Chicken Chowder, $2.60 per 100 lbs.; Bsugh's Beef Scraps, $3.00 per 100 lbs. L. R. Strieker. Seedsman. 309-3t. TO GUARD AGAEVST MISTAKES on the telephone let us send boy for your night letters., Postal Tele graph Co. 308-7t FOR WINTER EGGS FEED sprouted oats. For best results ease, safety and for the sake of your chickens, hatch and brood by clec trlclty. Colfax Oats Sprouters or Electric Incuhators and Brooders Seo Edward S. West. Agent, Ashe ville, 284-P30t GUM-BO-CTIFW A PAL VTA RLE CHEW OF GUM with harmless tonic Ingredients to reliee the desire for tobacco, cigar ettes and snuff. Endorsed by phy sicians and druggists, 5 chews 10, If your dealer cannot supply you . st nd his name and address with 50c frr 25 chews. Ouni-Bo company, Ar.hcvllle, N. C. EXPERT TYPEWRITBH HEPAIR-Ins-, typewriters far rent. New, sec ond hand, and rebuilt typewriters for salo. J. M. Hearn and com pany. 8 Battery Park r'nee. Near postofflce. Phone 448. SUITS PRFSSITD 40c. CLOTHES railed for and delivered promptly. All work guaranteed. Phone 2416. S04-P-7t. SWEET PEAS FINE MIXED AND In separate colors ounce 10 cts, U lb. 30 cents.; lb. $1.00; Superb Spencer Mixed ounce 25 cts., 4 . Ib. 75 cts.; lb. $2.50. L. R. Strieker, Seedsman. S09-3t ATLAS SHOE SHOP Shoe Repairing New Work TRY US For quick service, rood work. Parcel Post Taid Both Ways All work called for and delivered. P. W. LOWE. F. L. BRUNNER, Props. Phone 2885. No. 11 West Collctre St. ' 812-tf EMPLOYMENT FOR EVERYBODY Calls for atenographcrs. book keepers, general office and store help come every day by letter, by phone, by wire and by persons! rails. If any graduates of the Axhe villa Ituslncss College want employ ment, phone or call. Also If you are not a graduate of this college, and deslro to become one, come to ee u, or phone 2798. College oc cupies entire third floor. North Pack atinart). Henry 8. Shocklcy, prin cipal. SI2-7t 42 WLTMORE AVENUE MAXU factrvlng, repairing Jeweler; watchmaker, engraver; dealer In , old violins, coins, postage stamps. Jewelry. $12-Pot LOST AND FOUND LOST FOX TI llltlKR DOG, Will i K with black t not on head and hack. ' Finder will pleano rMurn to William Coleman, 3d Montford avenue and received reward. i 80-i-3t t aim"' ! 1 "Hut little itlrl. love i a subject ou wlilcu everything turn tx"'n wnlit" "Not to tniM klU-Venile Hlattrr.' . J WAN TJI HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT FURNISHED THE MOST ATTRACTIVE LIST OF furnished cottages, bungalows and apartments in Asheville. See me before you decide upon a place. JOHN ACER . 68 Patton Ave. Phone 315 302-tf. UNFURNISHED 5 ROOM COTTAGE and connecting room furnished for housekeeping, IS . Grady. Phone 839. 307-tf. FOR RENT STORE HOUSE ON Charlotte St. Apply 174 Charlotte . St.. or Phone 1615. 31 l-3t ! FOR RENT 5 AND 6 ROOM UN-j furnished apartments. Two blocl-.s from postofflco. A, B. Foy. Phone 829. 2S8-tf! UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT in the old Rumboush house, ill Park avenue. Phone 2121. 299-tf FOlt RENT t ROOM UNFURMSH- ed cottage. Newly kulsomined. Good locality. Morgan Ave. Phone 1022 or 539. 305-P-3t. FOR RENT THREE STORE rooms; basements and room on sec . ond floor. Interested parties aon save money building modern. No. 15-17 Blltmore Avenue, S. P. Mcars, Agent. 308-14t AUTOMOBILES FOu (jLit'K iH).Hi..i.i; si:r vice by the trip or hour. Phone 295 Daily except Sunday. 2&3-301 FOR HIRE AUTOMOBILES BY day, hour or trip. Day and al'jht service. Cadillac, Overland anl JelirlciSedan Hilt", Models. Phone 2736. Asheville Motor Car Co. 302-P-26t. STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN 5, 1010 Zclllco and Return 6:00, 6:15; 6:30 l m. Rlversldo Purk- 6:15 and every lb minutes until 11:00 p. m. Depot via. SoiiIIinIUo Avenue 5:30 m. and every 15 minutes until 1:15, p. m., then every 7 Vt minutes un til 3:45 p. m., then every 15 riin utee until 11:00 p. in. Depot via. J'rciu'.i llrom! Aicmic 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes un til 11:00 p. m. Slunor tt : 00 a. m. ond every 15 min utes until 11:00 p. m. Cliarlotlo Street Terminus 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 11:00 p. in. 11:30 car runs through; return leaves end of line 12:00. Pultou Avenue 6:00 a. in. and every II minute until 11:011 p. m. East Mreon 0:00 a. m. and every IS mlnutea until ll;0v p. m. Gnw-o ilu. Mcrrlmon Avenue 6:00. 6:10 a. m.. then every 15 mlnutea until 10 30 p. in.; then every 30 mlnutea until 11:00 p. m. Illliiiiori' 6:00 a. m. and then every II mlnutea until 11.00 p. m., last car. Ik'pot anil West A-licllli via. Somh aide .Teinu 5:30 a. m. and every II minute unlit 11:00 p. m. il .XDAY M til 1. 1 1,1. i. II I I.RS IN THE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS: Car leaves Squnre for Manor :U0 a, in., returning 8:16 a. m. Car Icio. ,,MU!iru ,n. -Ocp ia Bouthside avonu 6:00, 1:15, 6:10, l.ut, I.30. :00, .30 a. in. Can leave Square for Depot via. French Hroad avenue 6:1S, 6:10, 6:45, 7il6, 7:45 and 8:11. Car lor I pot .HiiiHre S 4 .". n m., both Bouthald and French Broad. Klrnt car leaves the Square for Char lotte street at 6:00 a, m. and every 10 mlnutea until 1:30, next 8:46. Firm ir lum-. ,u i.nu iur illv- rld 8:30, next 6:41. First var lenvis tun H ,unre fur West Aahevllle 6:16. 7:00; next l:J0. S ll.i ul'O.i i X. . , I 1,1 i.. criilir aohedulea commence at I,: 00 a. m, nd continue same aa week ilaya un nniiii .... , .. i , , . ii i In proareee at the Auditorium the last trip on all lines will be from enlTtainmrnia, leaving: Hi; jure ul rrguler tltna and holding over mi Audlturtum. nr lsaa th" Hcnare to meet No. th Oi(ht train, 10 mlnutea before , ,,,ihIa ,r wniw, ti, r.trival fHE ASHEVILLE QAZETTE If s 41 "S.O.S." ANT For Sale Miscelleanous FIGSEN AN IDEAL LAXATIVE for the treatment of Constipation. Composed of Figs, Senna and Cas cara and is eaten llko candy. 10," 26 and 60c box. Grant's Pharmacy. 237-90t W O O D ! V O O D ! WOOD ! Sawed any length. $1.00 and $2.00 loads delivered. Phone 2599. 302-30L FOR SALE ENTIRE COLLECTION OF AN tloue furniture, Brlcabrac, oil paintings and tapestries. Rare specimens. Address K, Gazette- News. 290-P26t KILN DRIED KINDLING S1.50 PER load. Pisgah Lumber Co. Tele phone 321.. 291-30t FOR SALE NOW IS THE TIME TO manure your lawns and gardens. $1.00 per load delivered anywhere in city. J. V. Hildebrand Stable 53 and 60 Diltmore Ave. Phone 82 293-30t FOR SALE ONE PEN OF FIXE Bourbon Red- Turkeys; MuFrovy ucks; one x-ray incubator, first cl3s condition. Particulars Box 166, City. Phono 379. 304-"t. SELLING OUT MONUMENTS AXD coping at No. 1 Depot St. Moving shops to Quarries Finest Wlnsbor, S. C. Granite. Phone 2121. 299-tf CIAY PEAS IN SEAMLESS BAGS f. o. b. Asheville or Democrat $2 per bushel. W. R. Maney, Demo crat, N. C. 308-1 tt MO ALE AND CHILES Real Estate 23 Patton Ave. Phono 661. FOR SALE 300 TO 1,000 ACRES Mountain land, in one tract, well watered suitable for grazing. 302-tf. GOOD PAYING WELL ESTABLISH. etl business. Can be bought at very ri asnnuble prices. Out door work Profits good. Phone 2612. 308-P6t FOR KAJiE DO YOU WANT engage in a business with a TO bran new stock of goods consisting of every day sellers. I have It Will trade for real estate In West Ashe ville. Address Quick, Gazette News. 310-3t FOR SALF CABINF.T GAS RANGE fine condition, and mantle clock, S dny, strikes hour and half ho-ir, gnod time keeper. Inquire 65 W. Chestuut St. Phone 2006. 312-tf OWN YOUR BUSINESS OPERATE vending mnchlnes and wholesale chewing gum; small capital; large profits; part time. Blggcat co-operative plan ever made. Chic Mint Gum company, Wilmington, Dela ware. 812-P-lt HELP WANTED WANTED AT ONCE EXPERIENC ed young lady stenographer and bookkeeper. State salary expectej. Addreaa "E. N. B.," care Gazette News. J8i.tr i WANTED STENOGRAPHERS AM) Ixmk-k'teper. We have roeelvHI more culls for stenographers and book-keepers up to date of lhn present year than we had recorded lust year by May 15. If the present rnto continues, over three hundred calls will come thla year, csidos, anlarles offered this year la vert much better than last year. It means a larger enrollment to meet the demand. It meana thnt business condltiona are far. bolter, and a much larger enrollment of pupil'. Is necewary to meet the IncimmeJ demand. Call, phone or write if you ate thinking of taking a bus iness course. Henry 8. Hhocklrv. principal, Asheville Business Col lege. 112-7' BARBER SHOP WE MARE A SPECIALTY OF children's hair cutting, m. Charloa R'irber shop, T Haywood etreet pw ( im-2it. - NEWS A . V AN 1 J REAL ESTATE FOR SALQ N. A. REYNOLDS, Real Estate, lMs E. Pack Square. A SPLENDID It ROOM BRICK dwelling, with garage, laundry, gas In house, within 5 minutes' walk of High school. Lot 180x200 feet. Several good resjdenco properties on Mcrrimon avenue, Watauga street, Chatnut street, Austin avenue and elsewhere in the city. Furnished and unfurnished houses to rent, A good 4 room cottage, with 3 acres ground on Weaverville road, 4 miles out, st a great bargain. A nice chance for a home for the first coming. . "Si 1 A good 7 room house and 27 acres improved land within 1 ',i miles of Pack square. Large barn and other out buildings, suitable for dairying and poultry. A goud proposition A valuable place. ON THE INTERURBAN! ELEVEN ACRES NEAR G LEND ALE station, Wep.vervllle trolley: 15c faro zone, 30 minutes from the Langren. Half cleared. About $250 worth of cord wood on the place. Well adopted for orchard planting. All land in vicinity held at $100 per acre; this little tract of mountain cove at $60 per acre. HENRY T. SHARP & CO. Sole Agents. American National Bank Bldg. CABIN ON SNOWBALL! Sequestered colony near Black Berry Inn; in the Craggy rang on the way to Mount Mitchell. ThiB is the only cabin of 10 or 12 ottered ror salo in recent years.' An acre of ground goes with it. The cabin, built of logs, is provided with a large front porch and sleeping porch. Huge stone fire place and chimney. Enough wood ulrcady cut to last for years. Water piped from bold mountain spring to house and barn by gravity. Simply furnished. Cost over $600. The "whole worki" with Indescribable scenery thrown In for $300. Photographs here. HKXRY T. SHARP AND CO. Sole Agents. Phono 8-1-7. 309-lt PROPERTY OWNERS WHO DE slre quick results ond active hand ling of their property uliould try listing with me. John Aceo, Phone 315. 68 Patton Ave. 302-30t. FOR SALE A 4 ROOM HOUSE AND a vacant lot adjoining on Madison Ave. for $2,350., Also a vacant lot on Madison Ave. 63x125, for $650. Beautiful views. F. M. Messier anl Son, 26 American Nat. Bank RIdir. 308-lt SITUATIONS WANTED HOURLY NURSING rF IN NEED OF THE SERVICES of a practical nurse a short time each day, call Miss Hern, phone 609. Ratea tOo per hour. Special rates by week for hourly i.urslng. References upon roquest l0-30t WANTED WORK AT THEnOUSES by an experienced dressmaker. Prices reasonable. Thone 2106. 277-tf WANTED WORK HY I'.XPERiENC ed rt-ewi maker by day or nt home Fpeclal rntes January and February, Mrs. Arnold, 9 College street. Phone 1141. 2!0.2f.t I WANTED lOS!TION IN DOCTOR'S office or runnier or waitress In ho tel. Apply "11. W." care Gazette office. 809-P3t DKKSSMAKER, (FIRST CLASS) wanted at room 9, 32 Patton nvenuo 3ll-P-3t. ROOMS FOR RENT housekeeping. Modern eonventenres. Reasonable rates. Dealrabto people nilv. 176 Flint atreet. , :t7-tf FURNISHER II 1.1) KOOM3, ALSO housekeeping rooms furnlrhed r Unfurnished. Reasonable rates. Ap- nltf 16 A.h.land avanua. 101-P7t vv PAGE SEVE5 NOTICE OF SPECIAL TERM, OF SUPERIOR COURT BUN COMBE COUNTY. WHEREAS, His Excellency. Locke Craig;, Governor of North Carolina has ordered a Special Term of the Superior Court for Buncombe Coun ty for the trial of Criminal cases to be held at the County Court House at Asheville, to begin on Monday, the 21st day of February, 1916, and has issued a Commission to His Honor, W. F. Harding, Judge, directing him to preside at such term; NOW, THEREFORE, this Is to notify all persons having business be fore the Criminal Courts of Bun combe County, either as defendants, witnesses or otherwise to make their appearance at the Court House in Asheville on Monday, February 21st, 1916, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Only cases that have heretofore been acted upon by the Grand Jury, and cases which have been appealed from Courts of Justices of the Peace, Mayor and Police Court will stand for trial at this Special Term. This the 4 th day of February, 1916. W. E. JOHNSON. Chairman Board County Commission ers of Buncombe County. . S05-12t Gl'S MHiLER A. A. MILLER STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRING. Tin, Slate and Tile Roofing repair ed. Hot Air Furnace repairing. Auto soldering end all kinds metal repairing. All work guaranteed. MILLER BROTHERS, No. 7 South Lexington Ave. Phone 772. 273-SOt WANT TO EXCHANGE HOUSE AND ten acres on Weaverv'lle line for house and lot In Ashoville. Western Carolina Realty Co., by J. W. Yolf, See and Treas. 10 N. Pack Square. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Premier Carrier of the sonth Cv-hedule figures published only as In formation and not guaranteed. EIFECT1VE JAN. 4th. 1016. No. Arrives From Eastern time: 9 Savannah and Jackson ville 2:10 p. m. 11 Washington, New York, Norfolk & Richmond .. 2:40 p m 12 Chattanooga, Memphis St. Louis, Louisville, Cin cinnati ." .. ..2:15 p. m. 15 New York & Eust . . 11:59 a. m. 18 Murphy 6:30 p. m. 20 Murphy 1:47 p. m. 21 from Goldsboro ... . 8:00 p. m. 22 Waynesville 8:40 a. m. 27 Charleston, Columbia . 8:10 p. m. 28 Cincinnati, Chicago, McnipliU, Chattanooga Birmingham and New Orleans 10:20 a. m. 35 New York and Kast . 2:40 a. :n 41 Spartanburg, AC'anta Montgomery and New Orleans 11:15 a ,m 102 Bristol, KnoxvlUe, Chattanooga 10:56 p. m. No. Dcjiuils for Eastern Time: ., 10 Savannah, Jacksonville 4:10 p. m. 11 KnoxvlUe, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati St. Louis J:66 p, m, IZ Richmond, Norfolk New York, east 2:35 p. m. 16 Washington, east 0:45 p. m. 17 Waynesville and Mur phy 6:30 a. m. 19 Murphy, Wayne-Ule 3:20 p. m. 21 Waynesville 8:15 p. m 2 Goldsboro 8:60 a. m. 27 Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Memphis Birmingham, Now Or leans 8:30 p. m. 2$ Churlcston 10:30 a. m. 36 Richmond, Washington, L'ust 6:30 a. -n. 42 Columbia, Atlanta ....7:00 a. m. 101 Bristol, Knoxviile and Chatlano.tgA 7:10 a. :n. No. 28 Comic, ts at Hendersonvllo tvllh train for Lake Toxiuay. No. 27 receives connection ut Hon- dersunvlllo irom Lake Toxawny. No. 10 connects at lienderHonvlllo with train lor Drevurd and 1-ake Toxaway. Trains 12 nnd IS handle Pullman sleeping cars between Asheville Washington nnd New York . No. 41 receives connection hi llendtr sonvlllu from Lake Toxaway an. ttrevard. Pullman pnrlor car service on trnlm 11 and It between Asheville an. Salisbury. No. 22 Parlor car between Aahevlll and Goldaboro. Throuish sleeping car dally from Ne York.. Philadelphia, Baltlmor. Washington, Loulav'"e, Charleston Jacksonville, Savannah Cincinna ti HU Louis, Motnphl Haltlmor and Loulavllle. lJlnlug cars on trains I, 10, 17, 28, 12 uiid ID. 3. II. Wood. Dlv. Passenger Agent. 00 Pattern Are Telenhnne it" CALENDAR MADE FOR SPECIAL TERM No New Cases Will Bo Taken- Up Next Week Several Important Cases, A calendar for the special term ofr Superior court for the trial of criminal cases, which will convene here next Monday for one week, hag just been. arranged. On Monday, the first day of the court, appeal cases and Jail cases will be taken up; on Tuesday the case against C. C, Koon, charged with violating the age of consent law will be tried; on Wednesday the Ar den black mailing cases. In which Ed ward Frady, Martin Mlekman and Myrtle Pressley are defendants, will be called and on Thursday the man slaughter cases against Embler and wife, Lewis Ramseur, and C. C. Plem mons will be called anp It is expected that the remainder of the week will be taken up with those cases. The Bates murdei case. In which Andy Bates, John Killian and Bessio Weaver Munsey are the defendants, will not be tried at this special term, it is stated, but will go over until the next regular term for criminal cases. The special term of court for next week, will last just one week, the commissioners of Madison county having notified the Buncombe oflicials that it would be impossible to call off the term of court for criminal case. for one week, which is scheduled to start there Monday, February 28. The men who were summoned to appear in civil court for jury service here for next week, which is really the last week of the present term of court for civil cases, will be used for thu criminal term. They have been noti fied to nppcar in court on Monday, February 21. There will be no grand jury at this term, as no new cases will be tuken up. A Misused Word Partly We have grown accustomed to considering anything In the shape of a small segment of the moon, a ''crescent." Ever atop to think what crescent means? It means "increasing." Yet when we see a little lunar sUver that is shrinking and will he plumb out of business before to morrow night, we boneheadlstically call it crescent Just the same! It Isn't anything of the kind, of. course. It is clearly a dlminuescent So hereafter when you see some- thing shaped like a curved hunk of the moon a sickle or anything of that sort don't go calling It a crescent, and exposing your ignor ance. Simply say it is the shape of ft crescent or a dlminuescent. Then EV-erybody will think yon ore craiy. ' I,. i , . m NOTICE. North Carolina, Buncombe County, In Superior Court. Alonzo Arrwood, Plaintiff, vs. Janlt Arrwood, Defendant: The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior court of Buncombe Count for the purpose of obtaining a dlvorco absolute from the bonds of matrl mo:.y now existing between the plain tiff and defendant; and the said de fendant will further take notice thai he Is required to appear at the next term of the Superior court of Bun combe county, to be held on the Flrit Monday In March, 1916, at the court house In nald county. In Asheville, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint In thin action or tl,i plaintiff will apply to the court f.-r the relief deniuniled In suld enm philnt. This the 5th ilny of February Itllii. J. II. CATilKY. Clerk Superior Cou'-t. l"eb. 8-15-22-29, xtmri: In the matter of M. C. Onlluchnt vs W. I Moore, et a I. Pursuant to n order signed by his Honor, W. K. Harding, Judgo, on the 5th day c f Feb. 1916, In this cniise I will sell at public .lurtlun at the old lllltmore Boiler M.ils Plant at Bllt more, N. C, on Monday, Feb. 28 at 12 o'clock, for rnsh, all of the stock, supplies nnd equipment and effort of the Carolina Paint and I'lnster company. This Dth day of February. 11. C. M. MeCAF.U Receiver.