- I ' ; v; mm Iff ! s:r jr." i': . ' j v 1 ' ' ' ! PAGE EIGHT TTTTK Asxxvrrrmm i?ipqviitTrn ' i 1- ...... , " x.r,x,0 Tuesday, February 15 J. E CARPENTER Ir -- lanwiaH- w It . . J i 40- ; mSm iwdig MeM&SiM fl SICK I E STION STOMACH nuixfi ix coal. may not he piensnnt, but it Is de cidedly necessary. Su while you are about it why not put in the very best Jf. & W. Coal instead of Just . ordi nary grade. Jt coats no more and pives much better service. That Is, if you order It here. Order now for promptest possible service. Carolina Coal and Ice Co. Patton Avcnuo ; Dhrnmor Bldg Pape's Diapepsin" ends stomach distress in five ' minutes. all ODD FELLOWS' LODGE START CAMPAIGN na Blue Ridge Launches Move ment to Secure New Mem- I bers Met Last Night. 5(1 WE CAN meet your, wants at the fairest prices. A complete lino of tin enameled ware, china, glass, nickel and silverware. I. X L. DEPT. STORE 11 BROADWAY. Phone) lOf Langron Hide. Studebaker 31050.00 f. o b. Detroit 0. K. AUTO SUPPLY & TRANSIT CO. Time it: Pape's Diapepsin will digest anything you eat and overcome a sour, gassy or out-of -order stomach surely witnin five minutes. If your meals don't fit comfortably, or what you eat lies like a lumo of lead in your stomach, or if you have neanuurn, that U a sign of indeges- jiion. I Get from your pharmacist a fiftv- cent case of Pape's r.lapepsin and take pi; a dose Just as soon as you can. There in ue no sour risings, no belching of ; undigested food mixed with acid, o stomach g-aa or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stonmch, nausea, debilitating headaches, dizziness or in testinal griping. This will ail go, and, besides, there will he no sour food left over .11 the stomach to poison your breath with nauseuos odors. Pnpe's Diawpsln is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it takes hold of your food and dlireeta tt Jiift the same as if voiir stnrnnoh wasn't there. . . Keller In five min lltes from .nil ctAm. ach misery is waiting fnr vnn nt - ., drug store. These large fifty-rent cases contain enough "Pape's Diapepsin" to keep the entire family free from stomach disorders and indigestion for many months. It belongs in your home PRIZES OFFERED. DELEGATES RETURN FROM GREENSBORO At a well attended meeting of Blue Ridge lodge No. 20R inn it- i... night in tho rooms of the lodge in the Dhrumor building, a membership campaign was launched which bids fair to be the biggest and best in the history of the local lodge. The members were divided Into two sections, with Noble Grand P. U. Wil liams as the leader of one section and Vice Grand J. B. Scay as the other leader. The members will wnpir c,- new applicants and for .init. ments from now until April 2fi. It is planned to clve a lare-n hnnmmt i h lodge members Just before the ends, during which plans for the final windup of the campaign will ho gone into ana the arrangements for the close will bo made. The contesrt will he conducted In connections of the state of Xnrth rw- olina.. The grund lodge is offering a prize of 110(1 to the lodge winning the largest number of members and a prize of $10 to the individual momhrr! who brings in the largest number of acceptable members. The local Odd Fellows ctnwt . make a good showing in the contest and to he among the contenders rr the first honors of the state-wide con test, ... 0SGEJ3RDTHER5 WINTER CAR As the thermometer shifts you can change from a cold to warm weather car or baok again. Suppose you Iiavo A very warm week, as In the early days of Spring last year. Take off the side panels. If the temperature drops sharply put them on again. The tiro mileage Is unusually high The price of the Winter Touring Car or Roadster, complete, Including regular mohair top, is $950 (f. o. b. Detroit)- Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church Street Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing a Specialty. ITX Pack gqnarsb The Daintiest riiono 126 ; Asheville delegates to the Laymen's Missionary convention, .which has iust closed at Greensboro, have re turned to the citv. renortinir r...,oi,n ventlon was addressed by some of the best speakers In the country, on the "i toreign missions, which is me basis for the organization of the laymen. The attendance nt the meeting at Clreenshoro was very large at all times, every section of the state heinj rep resented. The meeting in this state was one of several that will he held in different cities of the south for purpose of arousing renewed Interest In the subject of foreign missions. See our stock of goggle. Thoy protect your eyes from Aviml.'aiid dust. D. C Shaw Motor Co. 52-60 Broadway. Phone 2266. UJ IVIItMOM, j. AND VAa at B. S. SMITH Marbleworks 55 Itrondwny 'GET MY TURKS IF IT IS ELECTRIC FIXTURES 3'ou want, we liave tlioin. Yon thoulfl see our lcsignj. Our prices are low. FUNERAL FOR HALL THIS AFTERNOON Ptincrnl rervloes for Andrew J. Hnl! i um Asncviiie. who died nf h home yesterday, will be held this af ternoon end the intcrnmnt .m . i i place at the Bell church cemetery at j Leicester. i Jir. Hall wns a SAvitohing conductor ' in the employ of the Southern Hallway companv an. I was at work In the local yards when he was taken III. He U : survived by hlB wife ami four small i children. The deceased was a mem 'her of the Mrotherhood of Railway trainmen and the Junior Order of I'nited American Mechanics; members f these organizations will have t charge of the funeral and Interment MOTORCYCLE WAS STOLEN LAST NIGHT A Karicy-Davldson motorcycle val ued at $:!00, and almost new. belong ing to Emmet Davis, son of Mr and Mrs. Charles S. Davis of Flint street, was stolen from in front of the Swannanoa-Ilerkeiey hotel last night. a inorougn search was made in all sections of the citv last nieht for the machine.- but no trace could be found. Telegrams have been sent to nil towns and cities In this section in which descriptions of the machine are given and a request on the police and county olticials to be on a watch for the machine and the rider is made. Stationery For Polite Correspondence SEE WEST WINDOW 64 Patton Ave. Opp. P. 0. All kinds of keys fitted J. Ilearn and company. Phone 44H. M. If J. HEMPHILL DIED YESTERDAY Mrs. John TIemnhlll. wldnw r th into John Hemphill, died vesterdav morning at 4 o'clock at her home on the old Vance farm on Reems' creek, about four miles from Weaverville. The deceased was R 9 vpam nlii nml had lived at the Vance place for the past BO years. She was one of tho most widely known women of the community. The funeral and inter ment took place today at ReenW creek. ROGERS BOOK STORE 39 Patton Avenue. Phone 254 Asheville, N. C. "THE WAR AND ITS EFFECTS" By Ex-Senator Burton Tonight at Auditorium. The war don't effect washing done the NICHOLS WAY It's always the best. PHONE 2000 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols,, Mf-r. It Praland fi. M& W COAL coal, fewest ashes. " I Asheville Coal Co, W. If. WEAVER, Man., , Ifarth Pa.i, MONEY TO LOAN On Diamonds, Watches Jewel ry and anything of value. Trunks, nnrl lotho our SPECIALTY. H. L. FINKELSTEIN Pwn and Loan OfHce - , -25 niltmore . ?HH91??J?.?ARDINQ HOUSES THE POINT To get right to the point, simple means are best and di rect methods most effective. The discriminating diner has found that to get right to the point of satisfying his appetite, the simple means is to go direct to the phce where the most effective methods of the culinary art 'ir, used, namely THE LANGREN THE BRYSON HOTEL COMMERCIAL HEAnOTT dtoti Well Lighted Sample Room. r. S. E. BRVSON, Proprietor, 19.00 Per Day Andrews, N. C. Fresh, Crisp, Home Made Nut Brittle CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE Haywood SU Near P. O. Phones HO and 111 THERE'S NO EXCUSE ON OUR PART now for Delay In nellTcrles. We Increased Oiir Facilities HILL'S MARKET i-uune d oneinatora of "IVcrlnau" e.... ... 9 . i iiuue k a CENTRAL CAFE. HENOERSONVILLE, Jf. O. Only Restaurant in city with private dining rooms. Under Blue nidge Inn OPEW DAY AND NIGHT TO THE TRAVELING MEN. When in Marion Stop at THE MARIANA Marlon's Leading Hotel. Pun tt..i ped with all Modern Conveniences. HUNTER GIVES OFFICERS A LONG FOOT RACE PIANOS Williams-Huffman Musio Company. NEW SHOW MAKES HIT AT MAJESTIC Claude Hunter, a nu.tirn hn re cently escaped from the state howplial for the insane lit Moratitnn mrnin niado a dash for liberty at the door of the county Jail yesterday afternoon u id was enntured at Hi.w rrr-ic i whore, it is said, he threatenixl hi pursuers witn an tute. Hunter has j escaped from the oincers several times land it is thought that an effort will be made to have him commit tod to the hospital for the criminal insane at KulolRh. Franco American Soups Tn Tint and Quart Cans, all varieties. EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 North Pack Square. And City Market COMPLETE LINE OP BEST VEGETABLES CANTO N, N. C. . THE IMPERIAL HOTEL .. E. M. GEIER. Pmn Steam heated. Free Sample rooms, Electric l!-hta. Free baths. Rates It. STOP AT HOTEL BREVARD Bre vard, N. C MRS. J. E. CLAYTON Proprietress. Under new manage ment All conveniences. Special at tention to traveling men. Table ex cellent Rates $2.00 per day. Special rates by week or month. Wq ChalleKf( uou toet petter rcauJb fian wecanW IpuwitoalitUeWantAa ry one lo -morrow Cliff Wntson and his "Pcerleiu Maids" opened yesterdny afternoon at the Majestic theater In "Oh. You Tan ko,u a muMcal farce comedy in one yt. It will he the offering again to. day and tomorrow with th ..j,.. mntlnce and two nlcht performance. i1"' rcerieKs Maids" presf ! of the bent musical mmsHi.. ,mi. at me Majestic In soma l "m"' "B cnorus is one of the best seen on tne local stace recently. It Is a lively miniature musical comedv and there Is something doing all the time. Many new songs were introduced by the different members of the rompany that were well received. Two come dians furnish the comedy for "Oh You Tango." There will he a eonu plete change of bill on Thursday by the company. STAR ALL-PORK SAUSAGE STAR SAUSAGE Is distinctive In flavor, made in links and bulk from selected pork. It s unlformally pleasing in auslitv nd i.t. STAR MARKET, Phone 1917 tA SIM ...A....! A HOTEL ENTELI.A BHVSON C1T" Rates $2 per day., Bath room. Vru ample rooms. Livery In connection. W. W. WHEELER and p. e. FRY PROPRIETORS. Special Prices on Men's Suits. GEM CLOTHING STORE. PATTON AVE. $40,000,000 PROVIDED FOR RIVERS-HARBORS WORK i-1 Washington. Feb. 16. Details cf the annual rlvwr and harbor appro-1 prlatlon bill us completed In commit-' I'l-IIUrilllUlCeS. w .iimiiiimiKiiuii! presented one ' I'roJ'ct to deepen East river channel, ledlcs that has!ln New York harbor, became known) Jestlc In some t0,1av- Tho measure, eggregatlng $40,-i ..... nnii nun m t.....i - MMj--jgT n et y or appotltes" MHaMsBlBBBBBBBSBSBBHMHKI Money Talks But the quality of MON ARCH Coal speaks loud er. There is comfort and cheer in this -..il for everybody. Have MONARCH coal lient your home. Southern Coa! Co. Phon8 7G0 10N. Pack Sq. SPRING MEDICINE Hood's Karsaparllla, the Great niood Purifier, is the Best FLORIDA VEGETABLES Green Beans. Cauliflower. Head Lettuce. White Squash. Celery Cabbage. Tomatoes. Bell Peppers. Egg Plant. Chicory. Beets. Car rots, Cucumbers, Parsley. Celery, New Potatoes. City Market C. W. PATTERSON, Phone 897. Prompt INtUvery. Spring sickness comes In some de gree to every man, woman and child In our climate. It Is that run-down condition of the system that results from Impure Impoverished, devitalised blood. It Is marked by loss of appetite una inn urea fueling, and In many . uj iuuii iorm or eruption. The best way to treat spring sick ness Is to take Hood's Rarsaparllla. This old reliable family medicine purines, enriches and revitalises the blood. It la an all-the-year-ronnd alterative and tonic, and Uj alwoluts ly the best Spring tltdlrlne Oet your blood (n good condition st once now. lay may be danger ous. Ask your rii-iiraix rn n i' , - .... i . uj m . ,. .K, mna ,nsisi on ravng it, T for nothing else can take Its pUom. 000,000, will be brought no at a com- mlttee meeting today for report to the house, with the New Tork project the only pending question. It carries not only cash spproprlatlons for every section, but numerous authorisations for preliminary examinations and surveys at other places. All ol the actual appropriations proposed are for the continuance of work and maintenance of projects tirevtouslv authorized and it tv committee vote tomorrow, as urged by President Wilson and the war and navy departments, to add a I70O.O0O j Item to deepen the channel between upper nw inrK, and the Brooklyn navy yard it will be the only new project reported to the house.. THOUSANDS OF PEARLS FOUND IN GERMANY Berlin. Feb. 15. It Is not generally known, but Oermany has a not Incon siderable pearl industry, and In tho last 100 years many thousands of the gems have been fished up out of the wsters of the various German rivers. Bavaria has been the most produc live portion of the empire. A total of 15MS0 pearls, it Is estimated, were found there between 114 an nr.? and the annual agirrerata has miw decreased as the waters of Bavarian rivers have been aiwili l.v ..,. durtrlal projects.' The most productive river has al ways been the Klater In .rkl.k lor centuries has been rented to one ATTEND THE Emanuel Business College Day or evening classes in' all commercial brnnrlios. Our curriculum includes Shorthand, Stenography, liouk kceping, Accounting, Touch Typewriting, etc. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS WITHIN THE REACH OK ALL Call or 'Phone College, 30 College Street. family by the state. The yesr-ln, year-out average has shown that from three to four pearls can be obtained from every 100 mussels fished up, and that one out of every It pearls la of special value. About kOO pearls of value have boen taken from the Elmer by tho family In question In the last decade, the Summer of 191 S belnr the moat nm. ductlve, with 47 good examples. SEARCHING WIDELY FOR ALLEGED POISONER Chicago. Feb. HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLO X 8ayi Cream Applied In Nostril upeu Air raasace Right Up. H. -Country-wide list search for Jean Cronaa Inrm.. ant chief In tl i;nivri .i.,u --.. the suspected poisoner of more than a hundred guests last Thursday at a dinner to Arch blah r n ..,.., r v m conducted today. The activity of the police centered chiefly In iocs lit lea irnnwn k fo mented by persons of anarchistic ten articles. Tho authorities In K'. rw iron, ni, Lot,!,, nt Paul and nfh.. cues were ashed to eo-operate In the efforts to find the suspected man. Letters foil n 4 In tt. K . . . . , - iwwiin vi nn AiissTini, a friend of Ceonaa were carefully scrutinised by the po. Furniture Moving Our Specialty Prompt Baggage Transfer Ser vice. G5ve Us a Trial CITIZENS TRANSFRR CO. 48 Patton Av. Phone 25. VOAP The Home of High tJra.lo llamm. fQ)yy 1..1..1 ..it.. , scrap or paper, accordlna tn 'ir-iasui. iQiirinn willing thus il. . - clogged no.r.1. .pen right up' .h.-alr'h. XZ? ! WTZZZ Passages of your head rlaar mnA can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowlr.g, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Uet a small bottle ef Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream In your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of tha head, sonthea flha Infla m.l .... swollen mucous m mbrane and relief comes instantly. It's lust fins. iMn't atav at With a told er nasty catarrh. rooming place the day of the ban. quel. In the Allegrlnl tetters the oo Hce found reference to Mrs. Rophle Dread, widow of Oaetano Ilreacl, who In 1000 assassinated King Humbert of Italy, and died In an Italian pris on. Mrs. Breed, the police said, stov. d to Nt. Paul about a year ago. rt. tectlvea sent to the houee where she lived In Chlcsgo. were unable to ob tain anything which had a bearing On the ease. Exnert Ivnaapli.. ... ii- Alearn and company, phone iit. "THE PROFIT IN POULTRY KEEPING" A valuable help to Poultry Raisers, Issued by the Cyphers Incu bator Co. If you are Interested rail and we will give you one free. Full stock of Incubators, Brooder and supplies on hand. CALL ON US. - - : i (J Ottis GrcenHdvcCo. Q L. 1 ' 1 11 W. Pad: Squro WHEN JN W A Y Jt ES VI LLE STOP AT THE KENMORE HOTEL The' leading Commercial Hotel A. R. SPEAKS, Prop. Free Samplo Room. OPEX THROUGHOUT THE YEAR HOTEL R E G A L MURPHY, X. C Only Modern Hotel In Western North Carolina. FREE BUS MEETS ALL TRAIN'S, Hot and Cold Water and Telephom In Every Room. Private Bathi Steam Heat. Large Sample Room. SPECIAL ATTENTION. 1-3 Off on Ranges ASHEVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY. 29 Blltmore Ave. 'Phone 1SS1 r1 - PRINTING ORDERS Bhould he kent at HOME. AVe are at Home to all the readers of the Gazette-News. CALL 181 and then we CALL. HACKNEY & MOALE CO. 'iv

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