Wednesday, February 16, 1918. ' TOTS! II UTrVXTTT T V flAWTTV Vmarm . mmmmmmmm,mmmmmmmmjjL PAGE xHKEB BEGINNING MARCH the 1st we will commence the manu facture of ice cream. Our plant will be equipped with up to date machinery, will be kept in a sanitary manner,, and will be open at all times to the in spection of the public. Ladies especially invited. Come and see how ice cream is made. Insist on getting Carolina Special Ice Cream. CAROLINA CREAMERY COMPANY Phones 327-328. TO OUR PATRONS We take pleasure "in introducing to our patrons our Miss Porter, Order Clerk, who will in future receive telephone orders for our respective firms. . Clearness and distinctness in giving orders, address, quantities, and time of delivery will be of great assistance to our employee, and will enable us to handle our patrons' orders with our usual prompt and careful service. With best wishes to our trade, we we,;. ' Cordially, The Carolina Creamery The White Pine Creameries SPECIAL PRAYER SERVICE TONIGHT JThe mid-week prayer and praise service at the First Baptist church to night will be In charge of the pastor, Rev. Dr. C. B. Waller, who will con tinue the subject of last Wednesday evening on "Does God Answer Pray er?'' The service on last Wednesday proved to be one of the most Interest ing and helpful meetings held for some time. , All those attending tonight will be expected to relate some personal ex perience with reference to answer to prayer. The meeting will be held in the lecture room, beginning at 8 o'clock. All members of the church and congregation and especially any etrangers or visitors in the city are cordially. Invited to be present. If Tuberculosis Threatens. your chances for defeating this dread ed disease depend largely on your ability to restore or maintain the body's natural functioning. To do this, one requirement la prop er attention to diet and pure food. Also rest and fresh air, day and night. Hygienlo living is the best insurance against tuberculosis. Where the system Is run down and likelihood of serious consequences thus increased, Eckman's Alterative has proved beneficial. This is a lime treatment but unlike any other. For here the lime content is so combined with other ingredients as to be easily assimilated in moat cases. A trial can do no harm, since Eck man's Alterative contains no poison ous or habit-forming drugs. At your druggist's or direct from Evlunan Laboratory, Philadelphia. iS. jS. A.AA AfcJA ,s6fc Afc ? ? ? ? ? Y t y ? ? ? ? ? ? c t r t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t One Price Store At a Big Discount All of our "Winter Suits and Overcoats now bear large redactions. You can make your choice from a large quantity of Suits and Overcoats that originally sold from $15.00 on up to $35.00 and which next season will cost still more. However, it's clearance time with us so you may have the savings. ' H. REDWOOD & CO. ESTABUSHED 181. 7 & 9 Patton Ave N. C. MEET APRIL 15 To Make Plans for 1917 Na tional Convention, Which Meets in Asheville. MANY MEMBERS. The North Carolina Cincinnatis will hold their annual meeting In Char lotte Saturday, April 15, The morn ing session will .be devoted to busi ness features, the afternoon to pleas ure and the eveninz tn nn RinhnratA dinner which will be provided by a Charlotte committee consisting of Brevard McDowell and W. W. Watt. "Wilson Lamb of Wllonn rtf Aut- dent of the North Carolina order; W. v. carstarphen is treasurer; Col. Beneham CFLmprnn lei nnatatant traav- urer and Laoy Heyward, of Raleigh, is secretary. The 1917 national convention of the Cincinnatis comes tn North Corn. Una by virtue of the policy of rotation and the event will be held at Ashe ville. These annual conventions are given to the thirteen original states oy me constitution of the order and North. Carolina is Tirennrlnir nlrenriv to make its 1917 event one of the most elaborate ever held. The com mittee from this state looking after tne convention is composed of Col. Benehan Cameron. Brevard McDow ell and Dr. S. Westray Battle and they will be assisted by W. E, Bush, of Maryland and Mr. Grant, of At lanta. The convention will be notable In its attractive features. The North Carolina branch of the Cincinnatis hfl.M n. fiurnluv In ttia trnpnrv wtilrtfo w'll be liberally provided for thlsj entertainment and there will be gen erous private donations to comple ment the appropriation from the or der..' North Carolina boasts the third largest membership In the Cincinna tis of the thirteen original states. THAD DIES AT Former Asheville Man, Broth er of Pat Thrash, Sucumbs to Stroke of Apoplexy. A message was received here this morning by P. H. Thrash, Informing him of the death last night In Tar- boro of his brother Thad. W. Thrash, formerly of this city Death was due iu h neuuuu Biruite ui apupiexy, ac cording to the message. P. H. Thrash and his father, J. M. Thrash of Davidson River, Transylva. nla county, will leave this afternoon for Tarboro. It is not known yet whether the body will be brought here for interment. The deceased left here about 18' years ago and was engaged in bust' ness in Tarboro at the time of his death. He Is survived by the widow, father, J. M. Thrash and one sister, Mrs. Samuel T. Dorsett of Washington, and two brothers, P. H. Thrash of this city and Thomas O. Thrash of Bre vard. An ADj Dog Evidently there are dogs In this Country that are opposed to hyphen ated, but not nydrophoblated Ameri cans. Lately at Ames, Iowa, a Ger man scientific laborer, employed In the state agricultural school work, was bitten In the face by a rabid or unneutral dog and had t? be taken to the pausteurlzlng studio In Dea Moines. Bitten by an American dog and given French treatment, all In side of twenty-four hours, Is going some for a German! Has Bryan heard of this? JA. jSfc SxS.S.AvAk. jS. J. Hight Art Clothes V t ? t ? ? r ? ? V RUB RHEUMATIC JOINTS STOP PAIN Instant relief with small trial bottle of old, penetrating "St. Jacob's OiL" Rheumatism is "pain" only. Not one case In fifty requires Inter nal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right into your sore, stiff, aching joints, and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and can not burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of bid, honest "St. Jacobs Oil", at any drug store, and in Just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you'. "St. Jacobs Oil" is just as good for sci atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains. .. DR, PRATT COMING TO CONVICT CAMPS State Geologist to Visit State Camps in Western North Carolina. GOES TO TENN. Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, state geo. logist, has just left Chapel Hill for western North Carolina where he will visit the three state convict camps, one on the Hickory Nut Gap road, one on the Central highway at Graphltevllle in McDowell county. and the third In Madison county, on the Central highway. At Bat Cave, on the Hickory Nut Gap road, there will be held a meeting of the Hickory Nut Gap Road commission, composed of Dr. M. H. Fletcher of Asheville, rep resenting Buncombe county: C Oates of Bear Wallow, representing Henderson county; and a member to represent Rutherford county. Dr. Pratt will go over this highway with his commission and take with them the question of maintenance of the highway which has been . constructed by the state convicts through a spe cial act of the legislature. It is expected that the Madison county camp will begin work on '.he French Broad river road from Hot Springs to Walnut about April 1. Before returning, Dr. Pratt will de liver two lectures at the road Insti tute at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as follows: One, "The Se lection of Suitable Surfacing Mate rial for Highways," two, "Mainten ance of Highways." MURRAY HILL TO Parents and Teachers Will Co operateOrange Street As sociation Met Yesterday. Parents who are patrons of the Murrny Hill school are Invited to meet at the rchool tomorrow afternoon for the purpose of frmlng a Parent-Teachers' association. This will be tho fourth such organization in the olty. Montford and Orange schools have successfully conducted associations for some time and last week the teach ers and parents of Asheland school organized for co-oporatlon In .school betterment. The Asheland association meets this afternoon. The Orange street association held a closed meeting yesterday afternoon at which a number of Important mat ters wore considered for the welfare of the school. The president, Mrs. Ron ben Robertson, read a paper on "The Naughty Boy and t Making of a Citizen" and goner' iscussion of the subject followed. The sum of $20 raised at a recent cake sale will be used In providing lunches for some of the children. These students will do certain work In payment for lunches. A social pro gram Is being prepared for the next meeting. All kinds of keys fitted J. M Hearn and company. Phone 448. tf MARSHALL MERCHANT PETITIONS U. S. COURT Fortune and Roberts yesterday af ternoon filed a voluntary petition In bankruptcy with United States Court Clerk W. fl. Ilyams for J. 11. Guthrie, a merchant of Marshall. Liabilities are stated as amounting to $771.17; assets, (478. The petitioner claims 1500 as his legal exemption. er of Pat Thrash, Succumbs TOMORROW NIGHT The men's Bible class at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow night will be taught by Rev. W. 11. Wocdnll. Supper will be served and following this the Bun day school lesson for next Sunday will be given by Rev. Mr. Woodall, When biscuits are bum hubby is glum; Biscuits right, hubby bright. Therefore use Larabee's Best and make every meal a feast. ACHING OFFERINGS AT THE LOCAL THEATERS Managers of local theaters make the following announcements today: at K ft St ft ft st st st ft st ft ft ft st ft st ;ft st t ..COMING ATTRACTIONS. 5 ' At the Auditorium. st . K ft Paul Swan and company, mat- ft ft lnee and night. Saturday. Feb- St ft ruary 19. ft -.- v ft "The, Birth of a Nation," ft ft Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ft 5 February 24. 25 anil 2fi. Matt- S ft nees Friday and Saturday. -ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftit Paul Swan Company. " Paul Swan has the following to say on the subject of the art of In terpretative dancing for men, which he believes, is as well fitted to the male as to trtfe female dancer, and very much more difficult. "Grace for a man is the result of strength and poise no scarves of chiffon, no fem inine allure. Perhaps someone will ask: 'What else is there to do?' Here Is the difference, the difficulty, and the reason there are so few three or four really great men dancers. The public will not permit a man to do these serpentine things that makeup such a large part of the woman danc er's art, and to do anything else re quired a mentality that one does not find outside of a creative artist mind. So the rarety of men in this profes sion Is not to be wondered at, and while their absence makes competi tion less, there is much more to over come of general prejudice." The ad vance seat sale for both perform ances opens tomorrow morning. "Tho Birth of a Nation." D. W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Nation" Is decidedly the most re markable historical spectacle ever presented in America. It will be seen at the Auditorium, for three days, February 24-25-2(5, with matinees Friday and Saturday. Petersburg and Atlanta, Appomattox and Ford's the ater, the foothills of South Carolina and the wild rides of the Ku Klux Klan live again In Mr. Griffth's 12, 000 feet of superb motion picture, which took .eight months to produce, cost $500,000, employed 18,000 peo ple and 3,000 horses. The great spec tacle is an epitome of scenes, inci dents, characters, passions and emo tions of the whole period from 18G1 to 1870, the period occupied by the war between the states, and recon struction. Suggested by Thomas Dix on's "The Clansmen" and "The Leop ard's Spots," It has a grandly epical quality of its own which stamps It as a masterpiece of genius. The enorm ous popularity achieved by it in New York, Boston, Chicago,- San Francis co and Los Angeles has been repeat ed in all towns of the route, and the prospects tire that It will crowd the local theater at exery performance. The advance seat sale will open Tues day morning February 22. At The Princess. Laura Sawyer will be seen in the principal role of the five part Dyreda feature, "One of Million" which will be shown at the Princess today. To morrow "The Burns Five Million Dol lar Plot" will be the offerlrig. This drama is said to be thrilling and sen sational as was taken from one of De tective Burns' real experiences. At The Galax. . Edith Storey and Antonio Moreno will be seen at the Galax today In tho five part Vltagraph Blue Ribbon feat ure, "A Price For Folly." This pho todrama was written by George P. Dlllenback. An all star cast Is seen in this nroductlon in sunDort of the stars. including Harrey Morey and Charles I Kent. Tomorrow Marguerite Clark I will be seen In the Paramount picture, I "Seven Sisters." This photoplay was j produced by the Famous Playercom- j pany and Is shown In five parts.' The latest Paramount and Puthe News pic- ! turcs will also he shown tomorrow in! connection with "Seven Sisters." At Uio Strand. : Today at the Strand theater the' Equitable five part feature, "The 1 Master of the House," Is being shown in which Is featured Julius Btegcr, originator of the star part In the le gitimate production. Tomorrow, the management announces that tha Thomas 11. Ince feature on tho Tri angle program "The Golden Claw," featuring the powerful emollonat ac tress Bessie Barrlscale and the dra matic star Frank Mills will be re turned for its final showing owing to the fact that many were unable to gain admission to Its first showing at the Strand sometime ago. This power ful Kay-Be drama, producod in five acta, tells a powerful story. Aa an ex tra added attraction the management also announces that they have se cured one of the famous Weber and Fields comedies entitled "The Best of Enemies." This two act Keystone comedy produced by Mack Sennet Is ons of his best and affords this fa- L t-1 PRINCESS T 0 D A Y Laura Sawyer "One of Millions" 5-PAHT l-'EATXRE 5o ADMISSION 5c mous vaudeville team many opportu nities in which to display their many stunts. The Strand orchestra will ren der special Triangle music for the dramatic production "The Golden Claw." and will play at the morning, afternoon and evening performancea At the Majestic The "Peerless Maids" will present for the last today and tonight the musical a comedy, "Oh, You Tango." This musical comedy has been the at traction for the first three days of this week. Commencing with a mat inee performance tomorrow the com pany will offer another musical farce comedy in one act called "Broadway Bound." The manage ment states that they will give a chorus girls' contest between the first ana second performances tonight. OR.Atl COL.D TROUQL.El: Umbrellas recovered J. M. Hearn and company. Phone 448. tf A prospective June Bride asks Mother, "How long will a sack of flour last two people?" Start her off right by suggesting Larabee's Best. Lasts longest, goes farthest, taste3 best. PRINCESS . TOMORROW "The Burns $5,000,000 Plot" Thrilling: and Sensational A Story From Real Life ADMISSION ........ So .UN iim HIV'I rAWMi 'J 1 SATURDAY, FEB. 19th FREDERICK YOUNG Presents PAUL SWAN in- Classic Dances PRICES: $1.50, $1, 75c and 50c SEATS ON SALE THURSDAY TODAY at "The Master of the House" Featuring The Great Draraaticator JULIUS STEGER Why Not Come Early? ADMISSION ....... 10c TOMORROW AT THE Strand (TRIANGLE FLAYS "THE GOLDEN CLAW" FEATVRIXO Bessie BarrisivUe AND Franls Mill AND Weber and Fields IN THE RENT OP ENEMIES" SPECIAL MlSIO I rum xrr3is-!! I- -MX , PRETTY LOVE 8CENE FROM "THE GOLDEN CLAW," SHOWING BES SIE BARRISCALE AND FRANK MILLS AS THE AFFIANCED SWEET HEARTS. AT THE ST RAXD TOMORROW. A Vitagraph Blue GAIL AX I TODAY EDITH STOREY .:.--.;:- And v. ANTONIO MORENO "A Price For Folly" A Powerful Five-Part Dramatic Photoplay ADMISSION . . "WHERE THOUSANDS wmm lomorrow FAMOUS PLAYERS PRESENT : ' ; : : r ; ' Marguerite Clark in "SEVEN SISTERS" Aiso Paramount News & Pathe Newspictures ADMISSION 5 and 10c MAJ E STIC Thursday, Friday and Saturday CLIFF WATSON AND m.S PEERIjESS maids PRESENT BROADWAY BOUND Another Musical Farce Comedy "OH! YOU TANGO'' DON'T MISS THE Chorus Girls' Contest Tonight Matinee Daily 3:15., Prices 10 and 20c Night Performances 7:15 and ..9:30 PRICES, NIGHT 20 and 30c "S. 0. S-Want Ribbon Feature m ...5 and lOo MEET THOUSANDS'' Ads Bring Results I