Thursday, February 24, 1918. PAGE THREE TUB AUHC V lLLE TIMES - ' Ii'ii ' - I , QQinii; . "rt 1 1'iiii'iumiia.., i , ,.j I 'J S-l II I 23 1 J IB ALCOHOL 3 PKk nl'N-p AgetaWePreparaUonErA! slmtlailng die FoodamlRefliia tmgUicSiomadisaiidBowdsof Promotes Diacsttonhefii- ness andRestontalnsoeittir Opium.Motphine narMiaeraL NOT JNARC OTIC JixJem AcMUUts- jtaotSni ftnerfect Remedy forConsRn Worms JCoitvulsions.rcvtnsa ness andLoss or Sleep. lie Simile Sijnamre of TH CEKTAUR COMPASJi Hill For Infants and Children. : Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signati ire jr. r ( i r In Use For Over Thirty Years OFFERINGS AT THE LOCAL THEATERS Managers of local theaters make the following announcements today: ItKetetKttltieKKItRKItKKItltK t ' COMING ATTRACTIONS, A . At the Auditorium. K H "The Birth of a Nation," a? today, tomorrow and Saturday. I l Matinees tomorrow and Satur- H day. . ft ? The opera "Erminie" by local ? ? talent, at Auditorium, Friday t H evening, March S, and Saturday if. H March 4. matinee. it K "The Birth of a Nation." , 'The Birth of a Nation," will again be seen at the Auditorium today, to morrow and Saturday, with a mati nee performance both tomorrow and Saturday: Many out of town people will be in Ashevllle with the purpose of only seeing "The Birth of a Na tion." The management states that the matinee performances will start promptly at 3 o'clock and the even ing performances at 8:15 o'clock.' "The Birth of a Nation" is the largest and most Important production of a decade, yet not a word Is spoken throughout the two hours and forty' lWa,i V iisijui.iiiiiiii.L .mm ! Exact Copy of Wrapper; THC OKHTAUR 6QMMNV, NCW VORIt CITY. it itl-i possible, and the picture fades. Bar bara Tennant is featured in this five part photoplay which was written by Owen Davis. , they will have another country store at the Majestic tomorrow. V'fik PARISIAN ROflSftCE Featuring H. Cooper Cliff c and Doro thy Greer at Strand Tomorrow. is shown in five reels. The dramatic situations are numerous and power ful in "Rags." The Galax orchestra has arranged a most attractive musi cal program to accompany the pi& tures for today. Tomorrow Robert At the Majestic. The Elsie McGeorge Musical Come dy company will prseent for the last half of this week their newest musi cal farce comedy called, "Bud and i Henry in Mexico." In this musical farce there are two blackface come dians who are really funny. "Sugar- foot" Gaffney, who scored a decidd hit the early part of the week will be seen In the leading comedy role today, tomorrow and Saturday in "Bud and Henry in Mexico." An en tire change of songs and i costumes will be seen in the offering for the last of this week. This popular musi cal comedy company has been play ing to capacity houses at every per formance at the. Majestic. This com pany carries a good chorus and the comedy Is without a doubt a decided departure from the usual run of tab loid musical comedies. There will be a dally matinee and two night per formances of "Bud and Henry in Mexico" today, tomorrow and Satur day. The management : states that ''' . i . .- At the Strand. Willard Mack and Enid Markey of Triangle fame are the stars in "The Conquerer," the chief Triangle play at the Strand theater today. This Is said to be one of the greatest dramas ever produced by the chief director of the Triangle forces, Thomas H. Ince, and is in five acts. The second offering is that in which Mack Swain of the Mack Sennet forces stars, ir. "A Movie Star," in two acts. This Keystone Comedy furnishes more than its share of laughter. The manage ment announces William Fox's latest and best photoplay tomorrow as their attraction. "A Parisian Romance" is the title of this great play picturized from Richard Mansfield's greatest and latest, success of the same name. H. Cooper Cliffe and Dorothy Green share honors in this production and are supported by an excellent cast of William Fox actors and actresses. This hi said to be one of the film play events of the year, : in which William Fox has won many laurels. The Strand orchestra has arranged appropriate music for this produc tion, which will be given at the morn ing, afternoon and evening perform ances. , See the heavy weight lifters, Appolo & Belvidere at the Y. M. C. A. Circus. 2-23-6t. LASSEN'S PERFECTION FLOUR goes farther. Therefore is cheaper to use. Sold In an absolutely Sani tary Sack. 5-t Don't miss the great electric wire act at the Y. M. C. A. Circus Wednes day, .March, 1st, . 2-23-St. 'PROSPERITY PLANS LADIES tT RECEPTION Board of Trade Sends Out In vitations to Banquet on Tuesday Evening. The following invitation is being received in the city today: "The officers and directors of the Ashevllle Board of Trade ' and The Ad-Club Division Invite you-to be present at the Ashevllle 'Prosperity' Dinner Battery Park Hotel Tuesday, February Twenty-ninth' Seven-thirty o'clock Plates One Dollar Business Drss Music No financial pledges will be asked." The arrangement committee Is at wnrlr nn lhA tnftnn for the SUread and on the list of speakers who will tell why Ashevllle should pause on the extra day allowed by the time table of February and the revolution of the solar system to see how mucll prosperity has been granted to It for 16. The occasion promises to oe one of the most successful held tin der the auspices of the board of trade and It is believed that at least 300 persons will sit down to a ban quet that will in itself make the par. lakers feel prosperous. Mrs. Gilmer Brenizer of Char lotte Hostess at Club of Colonial Dames. CANT FIND DANDRUFF j Every bit of dandruff disappears after oiie or two applications of Psn derine rubbed well Into the scalp with the finger tips. Get a 25-cont bottle of Danderlne at any drug store and nave your hair. After a few applica tions you can's find a particle of dan druff or any falling hair, and the scalp will never Itch. E 'STI BECOMES COATED IF CONSTIPATED Washington, Feb. 24 Mrs. Josephus Daniels, wife of the secretary of the navy, and Mrs. William C. Gorgas were the guests Tuesday afternoon at at reception at the club of the Colon ial Dames with Mrs. Gilmer Brenizer, of Charlotte, as hostess. Many of the most prominent North Carolinians In Washington, including Mrs. Lee Slater Overman, Mrs. Edwin C. Gregory, the Misses Overman, Mrs. Yates Webb, Mrs. John H. Small, Mrs. Rob ert N. Page, Mrs. Thad .Page and many other members of the families of senators and congressmen, were in attendance. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Haskell Porcher and Mrs. Robert Dunn, both of Charlotte, Those receiving with Mrs. Brenizer were: Mesdames Josephus Daniels, William C. Gorgas; Edward Gregory, daughter of Senator Overman; Robert N. Page, E. Yates Webb, William Bally Lamar, Robert A- Dunn, Has kell Porcher, Samuel Spencer, presi dent of the Colonial Dames club. In the second parlor: Mrs. Adelaide Worth Bagley, Mrs. Charles Baltimore Calvert. At the punch bowl: Mrs. Arthur Lee and Mrs. James Carroll Frazer. Presiding at the tea table were the ex-president of the club of Colonial Dames: Mrs. Eugene van Rensselaer, Mrs. Edward Gheen and Mra George Porter. Assisting in the tea room were: Mrs. Richard P. Williams, Mrs. Mln nle Bagley, Mrs. Marray Addison, Mrs. Hughes Ollphant, Miss Sophie Casey, Mrs. Harold Rust, Mrs. Henry C. Crocker, Mrs. Edward Kondrup and Mrs. Frank K. Cameron, The dainty debutants assisting were the. daughters of the official families of Northi Carolinians now In Wash lngton! Misses Katheryne and Grace Over man. Misses Maybelle and Katherlne Small, Miss Annie Pou and Miss Eliz abeth Clayson, of Georgia. five minutes' performance. Music supplies the absence of speech, me chanical effects and realism, whilst the wizard of the screen, David W. Griffith, unfolds In 12,000 feet of film the thrilling romance of the w-ir between the states and the recon struction of the southland. Some faint idea of its magnitude may be When cross, feveriBh and sick give "California Syrup of Tigs." Children love this "fruit laxative," and nothing cleanses the tender stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. a hiM aimniv will not stoD playing to empty the bowels, and the result Is they become tightly clogged with waste, liver et sluggish, stomach sours, then your litis one becomes cross, half-slek, feverish, don t eat, sleep or act naturally, breath Is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! He It tongue Is coatd. then give a teaspoonful of "California Sy rup of Figs." and In a few hours all the constipated waste, sour bile and undlgtrted food passes out of the sys tem and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers give "California Byrup of Figs" because It la perfectly harmless: children love It and it never falls to set on the stnn.arh, liver and bowels. Ask your druggist for a I0-cnt1ot-tle of "California Hyrti of Figs." whlrh baa rn directions for babies, rhlldren nf all ages end for grown-up plainly printed on the bottle. Jleware of counterfoils Mild hre. flft Ihe genuine, made by "California Klg Jty rnp company." P.fuae any other BJp4 wilt) contempt, ' YUAN FAMILY OP CHINA MUST MOVE OUTSIDE PALACE GROUNDS Peking. Feb. 24. President Yuan Shl-kal, the Emperor-elect, has Issued an order that the members of the Im portal clan of the Yuan family now living within the Forbidden City are to move outside of the palace grounds This order, of course, does not apply to his Immediate family. The Yuan clan Is a Urge one, and has been well looked after by the president However, it would be quite In violation of sH precedents for him to permit 'relatives other than his Im mediate famllyto live wllhln the Im pertal grounds, s With his accesnlon to the throne, the emperor must draw a aharo distinction between hlmaclf and his clansmen, as now they become his sublects. In china there h.s been much crlt Idem of the Influence which relative have had on the emperors. Even now appeals are directed to Yuan Phl-kal that ha shall Influence the drawing u of the new constitution In such a way s to make It Impossible for th women of Imoerlal families to hsvo undue Influence upon Ihe emperor, LASSEN'S PERFECTION Is the only Flour sold at Ashevllle Id an ab aolulely Sanitary Back. 1-61 T?'-m3r "Krrr. 1 a '4 if'WSiSSiiP PRINCESS TOD AY BARBARA TENNANT in i "The Marked Woman" In Five Acts By Owen Davis 5c ADMISSION 5c LEF. & GRANT AT APPOMATTOX IN "THE P.IRTH OF A NAION," AUD ITORIUM THURSDAY, MAT INEES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Warwick will be seen In his latest characterization, In "The Sins of SO' clety." "WHERE THOUSANDS MEET THOUSANDS" TODAY '"' f Steffi? 1 FAMOUS PLAYERS MARY PICKFORD "RAG ALSO TODAY PARAMOUNT PICTOGRAPHS and PATHE NEWS GALAX SUPERB ORCHESTRA ADMISSION -5 and 10c At the Princess. "The Marked Woman," which will be the attraction t the Princess to day Is said to be an Interesting story of the Boxer uprising in 1900. In a ''"vKW'A-Vi IV J it " f had from the facts that 18,000 actors and 3,000 horses took part and that the stuging of this great "outdoor drama" cost half a million dollars. This city will be favored with the original production from one of the large cities, New York. Boston, ana Chicago, where It was first simulta neously shown. The advance scat sale is now open for all performances. At tho Galax. Mary Pickford In "Rags," will be the chief attraction at the Galax to day. The first release of the Para mount pictographa and the latest Paihe news will also be shown today In connection with the five part com edy drama, "Rags." When this Para mount picture was shown here some time ingo, hundreds were unable tc gain admission to see the screen's supreme favorite In one of her great est characterizations. "Rags" was written by Edith Barnard Delano and TONIGHT ! AT THE Strand YOU SLY SEE T K I A,N G li E K , t K r L A Y 8 X t The Conqueror With WILLARD MACK ml ENID MARKEY ' MACK BWAIN Will Make You I ugh In I "A Movie Star" SMC BOTH ILAYrf injniminiiuiul" MAJESTIC THEATRE TODAY, TOMORROW AND SATURDAY The Elsie McGeorge Musical Comedy Co. Presents "SUGARFOOT" GAFFNEY in .1 "Bud and Henry in Mexico'' M IRTHFUL USICAL ELANGE PLENTY OF LAUGHS RETTY GIRLS OPULAR SONGS Matinee Daily 3:15 Children 10c Adults 20c TWO NIGHT PERFORMANCES 7:15 AND 9:30 NIGHT PRICES: 300 Seats 30o 300 Seats 20c Henry B. Walthall In "The Birth of Nation, at the Auditorium To day, Tomorrow and Saturday. t peaceful Russian hamlet the sister of Olga Pettos is killed by Count Bobrl koff and his Cossacks. She joins the Nihilists'. Her brother is sent to China to deliver an Important message and she accompanies him. Four years elapse. In' the meantime Dare nas been hunting for her. He finds out where she is snd leads a rescue party. In the fight the prince accidentally shoots his own son. Dare wishes to take Olga with him. 8he says it la im- ' e i' TOMORROW- vh-liam vox I'rcscnts RICHARlk MANSFIELD'S UrratCHt Hiuxtwa "A Parisian Romance" With H. COOPER CLIFFE and DOROTHY GREEN YOU KNOW THK FOX I'IIOTOILAYH HO IHVT MISH THIS JUu Hi Nights Beginning Thursday, Feb. MATINEES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 24 KEATS ON SALE TUESDAY AT ALLISON'S DRUG STORE ASHEVILLE RETURN ENGAGEMENT T NIGHTS ROc, 11, $1.50, $2.00. NIGHTS : 8:15 JL riCeS MATINEES 2.V, 50c, 75c, $1 MATINEES 3 P. M. D. 17. Griffith's 8th Wonder of the World rho Most Stupendous Dramatic Spectacle the Brain of Man m as a m mm a M 1 Has Yet visionea ana ueveaieu. 18,000 Pooplo 3,000 Horses t3 Prc-a:a Cost 500,000 ToOmt-aibrwTwtroo RstnittassM sy asvejHM sheofc es ansMnsy sv4ev and stamens! anas' see will have hnmaafufta attsntanw ) irs7f fof k u Highly Important "The Birth of a Na Hon" will aever be pro seated la any bat tho tklgbeot class thee era and at prices charred tor the best theatrical attractions. D. W. Griffith. SEE DecislTS battles of th ClrU Wart Bbermaa's March to tho Beat cities built op, oaly to be de stroyed before yoor eyc i Great and Leo at Appomattox; tho trag edy of th death nf Abraham Laaeolai Pe tersburg at th crest of th mighty invasion; bow bravely th moth ers aad sister did their part; history la - th making. 30-SYIY1PHONY OnCHESTRA OF-E 1