Wednesday, March 1 19,. PAGE TEN THE ASHEVILLE TIMES CARLOADS OP COAL fere constantly arriving to enable us to meet the demands of our custom ers. For It Is a fact that once a man purchases our coal and notes Its su periority he becomes a regular cus tomer. The reason lies In the coal Itself. Let us send you a ton or more bo you can learn it for yourself. Carolina Coal & Ice Co. 50 Patton Ave. Dhrumor Bldg. WE CAN meet your wants at the fairest prices. A complete line of tin enameled ware, china, glass, nickel and silverware. I. XL. Dept. Store 14 BROADWAY Phone 107 Langron Bldg. GIRLS!; BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR AND STOP DANDRUFF Hair becomes charming, wavy, lustrous and thick in few moments. Every bit of dandruff disap pears and hair stops coming out. For 25 cents you can save your hair. In less than ten minutes you can dou ble Its beauty. Tour hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and ap pears as soft, lustrous and charming as a young girl's after applying some Danderlne. Also try thismolsten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and in Just a few moments you have doubled the beau- Ity of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neg lected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brit tle or thin. . Besides beautifying the hair, Danderine dissolves every par ticle of dandruff; cleanses, pui.fies and Invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair; but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' usewhen you see new hair fine and downy at first- yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots of it, surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Dander ine from any drug store or toilet counter and Just try It Studebaker $1050.00 f. o. b. Detroit O. K. AUTO SUPPLY & TRANSIT CO. Phone 128 !flT0MB5TGKEs, II I MONUMENTS I at fl CHARITIES' SECY. APPEALSTOR AID Asks For Contributions of Clothing to Relieve Needs of the Poor. LOCALS TO PLAY WINSTON FRIDAY The Game Will Decide High School Champions of West ern North Carolina. FINALS NEXT WEEK. at B. S. SMITH Marbleworks 55 Broadway "GET MY PRICES" DON'T GROPE IN THE DARK Now is your chance to get an electric lantern. Beginning March the 4th, while our present stock lasts, we will sell our regular $2.00 black enamel electric lanterns for $1.35 Our regular! 2.50 brans for $1.73 These prices are complete with batteries. These lanterns use the regular No. 6 dry cell, like are used in automobile and , telephones, and one battery will burn about fifty hours. When you own one of these lanterns the wind can blow and the storm rage, all you have to do is press the button and you will have light. 64 Patton Ave. Op. P.O. The chairman of the publicity com mittee of the Associated charities has received the following letter from the general secretary of the organization. Miss M, Pearl Weaver: "As publicity committee of the ad visory board of the Associated chari ties, I ask that you make an appeal through the daily papers for cloth Ing for our needy people. There may be several weeks of unsettled weath er and there are many women, children and men almost barefoot thinly clad, trying to 'make out' un til spring. "Boys and girls Just outside tha city limit who are not furnished shoes by the city school fund, and yet run errands on our stretes, and come to us for occasional help, children under school age, men who are un able to work, and women who wash or clean house for their rent and food, are in deep need of shoes, and clothes. "We never have boys pants nor men's panto to hnlf way meet the de mand. Every pair is placed by the i time the package Is unwrapped. ! "'With the romlnir of snrlnir every. body will want to empty their attics and closets. Urge them to do It now nnd send shoes of any size, and clothing that will help us finish out jthe winter. j j "T enclose a note from a worthy i old colored man who has helped care I for many cases until this winter ! when he crushed his foot, and has I been unable to work, and has had to ask for help twice. For the past two months we have had many simi lar notes dally. "Thanking vou for bringing this before our citizens who are able to help, ' "Slncerelv vonrs. I "M. PKARL WEAVER. (Signed) "General Secretary." The Ashevllle High school basket ball team, by the victory over the Cherry villa' team at the Y. M. C. A. last night by the score of 41 to 21, will meet the Winston team at Win ston next Friday night for the third game of the series in the contests which are now being fought out for the championship of western North Carolina. Tha winners of the game next Friday night, which will be played at Winston will be eligible to participate In the contest at Chapel Hill for the championship of the state. The final games will be played at the university, all of the games being played under the auspices of the ath letic committee of the State Univer sity, and teams from the east and west will play for the state-wide lead ership in high school teams. Although entertainment is provid ed by the Winston team for only seven men, roach Wells will take a full sciuad of ten men, the locals ar ranging to pay for the entertain ment of the other three men. The finals will be played at Chapel Hill next week, and it goes without saying that the locals expect to be there. The victory of Winston last right over Lexington was only after a hard game. It is stated, but despite the fact that the Winston team is consid ered one of the strongest In the state the locals are looking forward to a victory on Friday night. The Ashe ville team is crippled by the absence from the game of E. Smith who suf fered a sprained ankle In the game at Hickory last week, and It is thought that he might not be able to participate in Friday night's game. The game last night was witnessed by a large number of people, and the local school had many loyal support ers. Cherryville was outclassed at all times and had no chance to get on the winning side. REO FIFTH $875 F. 0. B. FACTORY . Also Reo Sixth, $1,250.00. Reo 3-4-Ton Speed Wagon, $1,075.00 and Reo 2-Ton Truck, $1,650.00. : Reos have a world-wide reputation for needing fewer repairs than other cars. ' ; Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church St. Phone 314 GREAT MUSIC FESTIVAL At Black Mountain will bring many, many thou sands more of people into this wonderful mountain section and most of them 8 may have added pleasure i? ii . m wear unens aone me NICHOLS WAY Phone 2000. SPECIAL REPORTS FORJOTARIANS Committees on Training School and Banquet for International President to Report. MEETING TOMORROW. Waterman's Ideal Pen Is the ideal Pen equipment for busy business men everywhere. Best also for office use, saves many a $2.50 and Up. , ROGERS BOOK STORE 39 Patton Avenue. Phone 254 Asheville, N. C. ESQ Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. '.. If Prnland Ft. PHOXE YOCK WANTS TO 202. QUANTITY QUALITY , These two characters,, tics are necessary in fuel you buy 6 FULL WEIGHT BEST FUEL And t.hpRo nVio.i . " omens. tics belong to M. & tr rt i j.i . . " vutti m me penect degree Phone 40 Asheville Coal Company P. M. WEAVER, Manage,. . North Pack Square.' Fresh Home-Made Assorted Cents CHOCOLATES OX) Lb Up. CANDY KITCHEN & CLUB CAFE Haywood St Near P. O. Phonea 110 and ill Do It Right the First Time and you won't have to do it over again in a hurry. Paint for the years to come. Use quality paint. LUCAS PAINT "It Weathers the Weather" stands up against gales, hail, storm, sleet and snows. Insist on LUCAS PAINT and you can think back and congratulate yourself in after years. Send for our booklet, "Save Money on Paint." Tells why gives actual service-tests of different paints. Mail ed on request. Special Prices on Men's Suits. GEM CLOTHING STORE. PATTON AVE. Coal or Heat RUB RHEUMATISM It la expected that the committee to arrange for a special meeting of 1 the civic organization of the. city forj ositlon of securing a teacher's train ing school for Asheville, will make its report at the regular weekly meeting of the Asheville Hotary club, which will be held tomorrow after noon at 1 o'clock at the Langren ho tel. This committee was appointed sev eral weeks ago to investigate the matter and to select a date on which the club could call the special meet ing. The members of the committee! have been at work on the matter and already they report that they are re ceiving co-operation on every side 'n regard to the meeting. The committee to select a date and arrange for the banquet the club will give to International President Al bert, will also make a report tomor row, It Is expected. President Albert will come to Asheville sometime dur ing March, at which time the local club will .entertain htm with an elab orate banquet, the first to be given by the club since its organization here about one year ago. Other matters of Interest are scheduled to come before the club tomorrow. EVERYBODY EATS MEAT and Is going to buy It somewhere. We can convince you that In buying meat here you are getting big value for your money that Is If you take into consideration the essentials of quality. HILL'S MARKET Phone S. "Ask Your Neighbor" Phone 4 Since 1899 WHOLESALE & RETAIL Swannanoa-Berkeley Building Phone 1779 Furniture Moving Our Specialty LARGE, COVERED PADDED VANS CITIZENS TRANSFER CO. 48 Patton Ave. Phone 25 FROM mm joints Rub pain away with small trial bottle of old, penetrating "St. Jacob' oa" A ton of coal that is not what you really want. You want a ton' of heat MONARCII Coal is the best heat producer you can buy. Ijct us supply you. outhcrn Coal Co. KOON GIVEN THREE YEARS ON ROADS Sentenced Late Yesterday Af ternoonAttorneys Plead to Set Verdict Aside. FERNDELL PRODUCTS are the very best that can be produced. Everything, known to the grocery world is packed under this brand. If you are in doubt as to them being the best we will gladly cut them against any brand of goods packed. EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 North Pack Square. And City Market WE HAVE MOVED From , 33 Haywood Street. -to- - - ELKS HOME, CORNER HAYWOOD AND WALXTT STREETS. Larger Quarters Lighter Quarters Cleaner Quarters. Visit the Pret tiest Musio Store In Asheville. WILLIAMS & HUFFMAN. HOME CURED : TJ A "MC IOKORY SMOKED jLJLlml"J.Vj STAR MARKET, Phone 1917 "We are successful caterer to variety of appetites" What's Rheumatism? Pain only. Stop drugging! Not on case In fifty requires Internal treatment. Rub soothing, penertatlng "St. Jacobs OH' directly upon tha "tender spot" and relief comes Instantly. "St Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless rheumatism ana sciatica liniment, which never disappoints and can not burn tha skin, Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a smalt trial bottle from your drug gist, and In Just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. Old. honest "St. Jacobs Oil" has cured millions of rheumatism sufferers In the last half century, and Is Just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbsgo. back ache, sprains and swellings. i Poultry Feeds and Supplies e carry the most complete line of Poultry, Feeds and SuppUel FOR FEEDING LITTLE CT1ICK8 We have Conkey's Starting Food the best to feed for their first feed, then for two weeks Price 23c, 50c and 91.00 pkg. After (hst feed our CHICK GRAIN lo PER LB. FOOD HOPPERS AXD FOUNTS L. R. STRICKER, Seedsman Cor. College and Lexington Phono 1M I lions 7s0 1 If. Pack Sq, C ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Uo For Over 30 Years Always beats ihs t'-t nature sf After attorneys for C, C Koon convicted In Superior conrt last week on charges of violating tha age of consent law with Amy Holsclaw, the young girl ha had taken from the Children's horns to raise, had pleaded with Judga W. P. Harding In Supe rior court yesterday afternoon for the court to set aside the verdict, a sen tence of three years on the county roads was entered against Koon at 4 o'clock. The customary appeals were made and tha defendant was released under an appearance bond of $3,000. When court convened for tha arter noon, at o'clock, J. Scroop Styles and Judge T, A. Jones made elo quent appeals to the court on behalf of their client, bringing out several matters which they claimed were fa vorable to tha defendant and which were not used as evidence In the trial of the case. Solicitor Swain stated that while h would have nothing to say about the punishment of Koon he did ob ject to tha motion asking the court to set aside the verdict. Judge Hard ing stated that It would bs impoaat bla for him to chance tha verdict, as FLORIDA VEGETABLES Green Beans, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Egg Plant, Green Peppers, Green Peas, Tomatoes,. New Beets, New Carrots, Head Lettuce, Celery, Parsley, White Squash. , City Market 0. W. PATTERSON, Phone 897.. ? Prompt IteHvery. MONEY TO LOAN On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and anything of value. Trunks, and leather. goodsonr SPECIALTY. ! IL L. FINTCELSTEIN Pawn and Loan Office ' 23.25 Jilltmnre Ate. Phone MT a Jury of fair minded business men had returned a verdict finding the defendant guilty. The court offered in rhima the sentence to one year on the road If the defendant agreed to ay the girl $1,000 and all the court costs, but Koon stated, through his attorneys that he would rather have the money with his family and serve the sentence. Don't miss Tlmburtoo at the T. M. C. A. Circus tonight at 1:10, l-l-lt We pay Cash for Second ITand Furniture, Stoves and Ranges. W e sell, rent and exchange Furniture. , ASHEVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY 29 Biltmore Ave. Those 1C31 Victrola Recital . MONDAY AND TUESDAY . ' Demonstrating the . - New March. Records YOU ARE INVITED The records'aro all good, Bomo pf the special favorites being-r Annio Laurie by . Mcllcr Cradle Song by...........? . Schumann-lleink My Hula Love' by Ilarruwn, Stop, Look and Listen. ........ . Victor Band lien Old Bill Bailey Plays the Ukal'elo :....' Peerless Quartette Come and hear all of these and others. We will gladly P1"' them for you any time. No obligation to purchase. Drop in n4 hear them. DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE The Home of ITljrh Grade Tianos