1 PAGE SIX THE ASHEVILLE TIMES Wednesday, Man i , 19! R The Mammoth Furniture Store Wo now have a com plete stock of Sectional Bookcases to offer in Mahogany,' Golden Oak, Fumed Oak and Early English. Price .$13.00 to l5.00 per Stack. We can also furnish odd Sections. J. L. Smathers and Sons Phono 226 15 & 17 Broadway i Auction ISridce Party. Mrs. Keuben Kobertson entertained ychtci-iliiy with it small and informal auction bridge party at the Country club In lionor of her house guest, Mrs. I.yman Perin of Cincinnati. The affair was most enjoyable and in the name (several very attractive prizes Wero offered. The first prize for highest ncore was won by Mrs. Ely, who is one of the most popular of the eastern vis iting contingent, and is spending tho season in Albermarle park where she has leased a cottage. The second prize was won by Mrs. John A. Campbell of .Asheville. Three tables were made up for the' game and the afternoon was greatly enjoyed in an informal manner. t Edward Hunt has returned from a tay at Toxaway and leaves shortly lor Sunburst, : where he will be con nected .with the lumber ' Industry. while away "Mr. Hunt sustained a slight injury in a fall, but is much better and able to be out again. Mr. Hunt has twice been to the Klondike region of Alaska and has lived many years on the Pacific coast. J. A. Johnson of Asheville spent last week in New York, a guest at the Hotel Albert. H. Patterson of Hendersonvllle spent hint week in New lork, a guest ut the Broadway Central. On Friday, March 17, the First Branch of the Junior auxiliary, of Trinity church will meet in the auxil iary room at 4 o'clock p. m. All mem bers are urged to be present as the ' meeting is important. Mrs. . J. Carter has as her guest Mrs. M.. H. Justice, jr., of Norfolk. Miss Lillian D.Galer, who has been ill ot the Meriwether hospital, has re covered sufficient to be removed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Galcr on Flint street. HI Edwin I Ray has returned after a vacation period of two weeks spent In Florida. ! V .( . Mrs. I'N. McAdams has returned to ))urhum after a two weeks' stay here. ! X Major W. W. Rolling and his daugh ter, Mrs. liurwcll liaxtor Hell, are I he guests of Mr. und Mrs. W. P. Skin ner nt Elizabeth Cltv. X t MIm Hilda War of Waynecvlllr, who who Is state president of the Peace Alumnae association, Is perfecting plans for "Peace Week" to be ob served the latter part of this month, at tt Col. Bailey of Uukorsvllle, one of the very prominent pioneer residents of western North Carolina Is In the city, u guest at the Avon more. P. C. Blatknian of Asheville has boon upending a few days with his , timlly In Rock Hill, S. C where they are visiting relatives. Auxiliary Meeting, The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's uuxillary of Trinity church will be held this afternoon In the aux iliary room. The Hev. Mr. Morgan of the Appalachian Inductrlal school at Penland. N. C, will be present and Udt of his work there. All members of the different branches have been naked to .be present as Mr. Morgan lias conduced his work In a success ful manner and his address will be of - . unusual interest. While in Asheville Mr. Morgan will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hewitt at their home, 511 Montford avenue. ; '. The Society of Bessie Martins will meet at the residence of Mrs. Robert P. Johnston, 44 Grove street, this af ternoon. mm Mr. and Mrs. Perry of Savannah are in the city, guests at Margo Terrace. t Miss Gertrude Himelhock of Detroit, who is a guest at the Battery Park ho tel, entertained last evening in the lounge of the hotel with a birthday party. The party was a successful and beautiful affair. X t Mrs. R. P. Smith of Asheville is the guest of Miss Mary Moore at her home ou Oakland avenue in Rock Hill, S. C. XX Miss Eula Arbogast Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. B. L. Butcher, at her home at Fairmont, W. Va. X X. Mrs. Milton McColloh is the. guest, of friends in Hickory, X X Miss Bertha West has returned from Hendersonvllle where, she has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. G. W. Worley at her ' home on South street. XX The Wednesday tea dance will take place this afternoon as usual at Grove Park inn. X X Mrs. Erwin Sluder is expected shortly from New Orleans where she has been the guest of. Mrs. Hardee. Mrs. Sluder has been guest of hon"r at a large number of delightful so cial functions during her stay in New Orleans. XX vv. j. mius nas returned from a business trip to Chattanooga. X Mrs. T. F. Malloy and son. Fag Malloy, are guests of Mrs. Charles Malcom Piatt at her home in Aston place. X X The meeting of the executive com mittee of the Good Saramltan mis sion will take place on Friday even ing, March 17, having been postponed from Tuesday, evening, March 14, on account of the absence of the presi dent. Rev. Dr. It. F. Campbell, who wether hospital for an operation. Mrs. Bailey has many friends and a number of relatives here. r X X Tea-Dance. The tea-dance at the Battery Park hotel yesterday afternoon was greatly enjoyed by a number of guests. Every alcove In the lounge where tea wa served was filled and a number of hostesses both of the visiting and resi dent contingents entertained. Danc ing lasted from 5 o'clock to 6:30 with no especial exhibition feature. Very shortly, however, Arthur Murray, who is dancing instructor at the hotel, will give a series of exhibition dances at the afternoon tea-dances. Among the many hosts and hos tesses entertaining friends yesterday afternoon were noted: Mrs. William H. Robinson of Grand Rapids, who entertained for a group of eight; Mrs. Mary E. Phinney of Stoughton, Mass.; Mrs. Frazier of Columbia, who is a guest of Mrs. Annie D. Martin's at her home in Aston place, who was hostess to a party of ten; Carter H. Hites, who entertained for four and Robert George in whose party were also in cluded four. X' X The Misses Albright have been railed to their home at Graham, N. C, on account of the illness' of their father. x x Mr. and Mrs. A. Julian Lyman, who are guests at Forest Hill inn, following their return from New York, will open their handsome residence on Merrl mon avenue about the first of April. . ,;V-i K X Mrs. Lyman Perin of Cincinnati is the house guest of Mrs. Reuben Rob ertson at her home in Grove Park. . X X Judge J. D. Murphy of Asheville spent Monday in Charlotte. X X Dr. S. Westray Battle is a guest at the Hotel Selwyn in Charlotte. X X The many friends of Victor'"Welta of Murphy will hear with pleasure that he is out again after art operation re cently undergone at the Mission hos X , X Mrs. L. R. Page of Aberdeen and Miss Willie McCracken of Waynesville were guests in Charlotte for a brief period this week. ADDITIONAL SOCIAL ON PAGE 2. Croup Relieved in Fifteen Minutes Ko need to dose delieate little stomachs with nauseous drugs or alcoholic syrups. Simply rub a little Tick's "Vap-Ojiub" Salve over the throat and chest. The va pors Inhaled loosen the tough, choking phlegm and ease the difficult breathing. One application at bedtime insures a sound night's sleep. 25o, 60c, or $1.00. man losses on Neuve Chapelle front are between 17,000 and 18,000. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X x X DAILY BIRTHDAY PARTY . X x X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Earl of Chesterfield, who holds the lucrative post of master of tho horse in King George's household, born 62 years ago today. RL Rev. John P. Farrelly, Catho lic bishop of Cleveland, born In Memphis, Tenn., 60 years ago today. Lee Shubort, prominent theatrical manager and producer, born at Syra cuse, N. Y., 41 years ago today. Rt Rev. James R. Winchester, Episcopal bishop of Arkansas, born at Annapolis, Md., 64 years ago today.-. Beryl F. Carroll, V former governor of Iowa, born In David County, Iowa, 56 years ago today . Rt Rev. John E. Gunn, Catholic bishop of ' Natchez, Miss., born 5n Tyrone, Ireland, 53 years ago today. Edward P. Weston, famous long distance pedestrian, born at. Port land, Me., 77 years ago today. Order Blltmore Wheathearts. All Grp. Lenten Services at St. Mary's CHARLOTTE STREET , The Rev. Charles Mercer Hull, IL A. Rector. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X wi K DAILY LESSON IX HISTORY X i-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XS1G one Hundred Years Ago Today Rt. Rev. Richard H. Wilmer, second Episcopal bishop of Alabama, born at Alexandria, Va. Died at Spring Hill, Ala., June 14, 1900. ' 1841 Seventy-flve Years Ago Today The "Tracts for the Times," a set of opinions on church mat ters propounded by eminent writers concerned in the move ment known as tracteriantsra, were condemned by the au thorltles at Oxford university. 1866 Fifty Years Ago Today The independence of the Central Americian republics was for . the first time formally ac knowledged by Spain. The Canadian government called out 10,000 volunteers to repel the Fenians. 1891 Twenty-five Years Ago Today Baron Fava, the Italian min ister at Washington, officially protested against the New Or leans lynching. 1915 One Year Ago Today in the War Great Britain refused to agree to American proposal for solution of controversy with Germany over merchant ves ' sels; Great Britain published , . formal order in council cut ting off sea. communication with Germany; Field Marshal Sir John French reported Ger- (All Car Lines) SERVICE LIST. Sundays: 8, 10:30, 11, 4, 5. Mondays: 9. 4:30. Tuesdays: 7:30, 4:80. Wednesdays and Fridays: 7:30, 11 4:30. . Thursdays: 7:30, 4:30. Saturday: 7:30, 4:30. Tho Lady Chapel Is open daily for prayer and meditation. Miss Vanklrk will lecture on "Sac rifices as Types of Sacraments" at I 11.15 Thursday morning, at the res idence of Mrs. Henry Kirby, Law rence Place. A cordial welcome . to everyone. "COME WITH US AND WE WIMj DO - THEE GOOD" ' Lent is a period for Churchmen to meditate upon "the . Glories of . the Episcopal- Church.'? . ; , , mm mm, RHEUMATISM POWDERS me made-for a single purpose, Rheu matiHin in its various forms. If i molded 'With rheumatism, try them on our ftttnrnntce. Sold only by us. .(. ana m.ihi. Walker" lm Klorc, Cornr College " iuiwoou sweets. hus gone to Nashville. XX Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Fltton of In dianapolis arrive today to visit Mrs. George C. Pattlsnn at her home on Cumberland circle. Mrs. Pattlson will give a number of'delljrhtful so cial affairs for Mr. and Mrs. Fitton X X Mrs. George W. Sandlln has rt- turned from a trip to Bryson City. X X .. Thomas H. Shlpman has) returned from a several weeks stay at Hot Springs. It K Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Jenkins and their daughter Mrs. Jack Harper and small granddaughter, little - Ml Katherlne Harper, are spending; ten days in New York. X X Mrs. W. L. Talley of Penrose 1s spending some time In Asheville, X X Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Rotoertson of Lansing, Mich., who have been guests In Ashevlila are in Hendersonvllle the guests of Mrs. F. E. Durfee. X X Dr. J. Howell Way of Waynesville spent Sunday In the city, at C II. Mnore, who has spent 'the winter in Florida, Is expected , at his home In Weavervllle today. XX Mr. and Mrs. P. Wltcover spent Monday In Weavervllle aa guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. P. West. X X Mlsa Ileulah Corcoran will enter tain a jew of her friends at her home on 3tarnes avenue Monday with birthday dinner. Charles Durham, who ha spent soma time In the elty, Is now located In Greensboro, where he has gone into business, ' XX Mrs. H. Dura has returned from a visit to Detroit. XX Mrs. Tlnlley, wife of Col. Ballsy or Bakersvllla, Is In the cltr nt the Meri. March Sale of Enameled Ware (See Window) NOT CHEAP BARGAINS BUT FULL WORTH. : QUALITY ilRST LAST ' , ALWAYS . Hera art a few prloea that ' deserve special attention: 2-quart Imported, Beam less, White Enameled Saucepans, with enameled covers. Price ....... 58c 4-quart Saucepans, v same aa the above. Price . .7Bo 4-quart Baucepota, same as the above, but with small handles on each aide..' Price 70c Good size Slop Jara ' (slightly damaged) . .650 J-quart White Enameled Buckets, with . ball han dles, price 68a Cut Flpwers and POTTED PLANTS (Grown in Asheville.) Allegrettl Candles Mullana Candles Walker's Drug Store Phones . 183 and 133 H. Cherry & Co. Woman's Exchange Building Haywood Street Exclusive Styles For Asheville Women The Beauty of the designs in Women's dresses and suits by Mr. Cherry are unde niable. . Each model emphasizes youth and orig- tnaltty. The proper interpretation of the accept ed modes in dresses for daytime affairs theatre and style-critical function wear is the work of our master tailors under the per sonal supervision of Mr.K Cherry. Gentlemen:-- ' , will find here many models in all the latest weaves which qre tailored to the individual taste combining harmony of physique with the spirit of the times. Eventually: You will have us make your clothes. . Last Season's Garments Remodeled : ' We Specialize on Ladies' Riding Habits M. F. CONNELL.. ' (Violinist) LELAND HOWE (Pianist) TEACHING STUDIO: Auditorium Building. ASHEVILLE CONCRETE CO. Building Blocks, Lawn Furniture, Sewer Pipe, Porch columns, Etc. 24 American National Bank Building Phone 280 Aqandale Purity Dairy When you want the best to be had In dairy products, phone us 100 K. Walnut St. 'Phone 2141 Hood's Millinery Opening J. H. LAW, 35 Patton Ave. "Where All Good Housekeepers Shop" liANDRETTTS LAWN . GRASS SEED A well-balanced mixture of grassea suited to a wide range of soils and the different sea sons. For best results it should be sown early in the Bpring - and at the rate of one pound to 400 square feet 100 pounds to the acre. These quantities make for a thick sod that with ' care will present, an evergreen appearance the year round. ' We have' sold ' thousand of pounds of this mixture with entire satisfaction. Pound boxes lOo. In bulk So per pound. Ey Post I0c Grant's Pharmacy Landreth's Garden Seeds. Saturday, March 18th 5 Haywood St. HAVE YOU EVER EATEN Californift Itipe Olives! Those who have tasted them usually like the flavor. You cun get a nice size can for 25c? LET US SEND YOU A' CAN. : 37 Haywood - T T V A 'iTI? C Efficient Service Phone 1715 l J X XV A ILO Good Grooeries All KINDS OF RUGS J i; t!:;! 'I'll, V- Ara getting Mgher every day. We have protected you as far as wa were able by buying heavily before price advanced. The early ahoppers will be able- tj make a belter selec tion and also get 'advantage In price. We Invlt you to take aa- 1 vantage of our eompWe stock and reasonably prices. Burton & Holt On tho tiqnare. d